HomeMy WebLinkAbout1960-02-02; City Council; Minutes, ! CITY OF CARLSBAD I I I *, -, -, * - -, I '. '\, '., '*,,".,**, 14 i i Minutes of: City Council I '., '5 '8 8 < '. : Date of Meeting February 2, 1060 i Time of Meeting: 7:OO P. M. I .?b**+ +* ' * Place of Meem Council Chambers :"" """"_ * """" ""., * """ * """" * """"""""""""""" 1 """.. """"""""~"" I I :;*I;! ! ROLL CALL was answered by Councilmen Someman, i :;!:a* B I Ledgerwood, McPherson and La Roche. Also present i ;I,;;: ;:;*I* i were City Manager Slater and City Attorney Hayes. l;l:t* I* I ::::I: I #I1, l INVOCATION was offered by Mayor Ledgerwood. * I :::;:: 8 ::;;:I 4 t i::;!; : APPROVAL OF MINUTES: I I 4:::;: I I ::;:,I ::; I a. Minutes of regular meeting of January 19, 1960 i Someman :x ; ;xi ; i 1:: i were approved as presented, i Ledgerwoocf ; :x: ; ; I : McPherson I :x; xi ; ; I I I -Roche i : ;x! ; ; I CORRESPONDENCE + t 1::::: t I ::::;: ::;::: Letter dated January 13, 1960 from Lawrence C, : a. I I!;::: i Loekley, regarding the adoption of the Green River Ordi- I 'l:iiI 'I : nance in one form or another, As a resident of Carlsbad,; :;::;; i and as a marketing economist, he pointed out that it has : ::I::: : a stultifying effect on retail trade, and it tends to reduce i i the efficiency and adequacy of merchants. The City ;I1 : Attorney informed the Council that the sole and only I 4:;;; ! purpose by which the Council could pass such an ordinam4 ::::;: :'**,I ; is to protect the homeowner in their home, The Council : ;::;;; i was informed that a rough draft of a Green River Or&- : Sonneman g I i xi i ; a:-,: : nance would be discussed later in the meeting. By motion! Ledgerwood ; !xi ; ; i of the Council the letter was ordered filed for future : McPhersoni : :x: *: I re€erence, 1 La n2oche : ixix; ; n :; L ;I$ I' : b. Letter dated January 25, 1960 addressed to the 4 4 1';::: ;: at; i Harbor Commission from the Escondido Boat and Ski Clug# l;:i;l I requesting permission to stage an outboard marathon at ! {;I*:; s;;!:! : Carlsbad Lagoon on Sunday, March 13, 1960. A copy of : :::;:; : the minutes of the Harbor Commission was read, wherein: ;l:'l; i a motion was passed unanimously that the Escondido Boat i (:;::I i and Ski Club be allowed to hold this event. By motion of : Someman : : qxi ; i ::;::: : the Council the Escondido Boat and Ski Club were allowed I Ledgerwoocf : :x: I : i this event on March 13# 1960, subject to all requireme-: McPherrsan p ! i xi : i ; by the City for holding such event. I LaRoche ; : :x: i : t I *;;I;* I !$I!*! I i Nye ",,&$& '4' '. '.,*$)+, '8.9 i i Member %'@.$$&.; I I I 4 I 4 I I I I I * I I It 11 ,*I * * t I I i!ili; 8::; I * b ** I I I I i cI Letter dated January 19, 1960 from Mrs. Sadie ; Sackwitz, protesting the present sewer eerdce charge. I : The City Manager informed the Council there will be a i i new ordinance presented later in the meeting changing : : the present sewer charges, The Council requested the 1 i City Manager to acknowledge this letter. i d, Letter dated January 22, 1060, from Mr, Elmer : Heath, protesting the present sewer service charge. The! ! Council requested the City Manager to acknowledge this i i letter, regarding the new proposed ordinance, I I I I L 8 I b t I 1 4 I ;*I;;i :::;I, : I:@: ; : : :.; ; ::::;, :x::: ::1:4; #';I;* ::I:;: ;:::I; ;:;I:* ::::;: 114:; !::!:! ~!;*:i ;:::;i I)O a i e. Letter dated February 4, 1980, from T, 0, HmOd ::at;: ; regarding a petition received by the Council for the I ;l:tl* u:;; i opening of a street between Highland Drive and Valley, i i:: 'I* ! from Oak Avenue to Basswood Avenue, and urging the i i';::: ;:I* i Council .to review the plan submitted by WhiW and I I l;l::] ; associates, as it refers to this particular petition, 811ci I ;;;!:? :";; i apprise the signers of the petition of the alternatives I I :::;II : offered in this engineering survey. The City M-ger i ;::I:@ i advised the Council that the City Attorney would inform t Someman @ ; :xi : i 1:;::: : the Council as to the procedure for street openings later i Ledgerwood i :xi ; l i in the meeting, By motion of the Council the letter was : McPherson i : :x; : i I ordered filed and acknowledged. i La Roche : :xixi ; 1 i f, Requests for sewer connections ware made by the : fouowing persons and approved by the Cuuncil upon recorn; i mendation of the City Engineer: *tj;*' I1 tI I * I I I **$t*; :::#:I :::::; ;::::; i sonnernan : xi :xi i : I I : Led erwoo4 i :x; : i * R. L. Watson - K. R, Woodward i La Roche I ;x;x; ; 1 i I I R. L. Watson : Mc A erson ; : ;x: i ; I i ND d.%?g& Gr8 0 I I I i;;j;i t I :::::' t 1.:; 1;: I I ;::::: I I ::::;; I I I # I I l!~l!l 'I t i I i -2 .. Dl .. . . OAAL COMM'UNICATICNS: f JACK KUBOTA inquired of the Council as to the loca- ' tion of properties lying along the new City limits boundary line of Carlsbad and Oceanside, such new line being the result of the recent annexation. No action was taken. I M.&, GLENN FEkT, one of .the Board members of the Carlsbad Union School Districti stated that the City Manager had received a letter late today, ar&d %ondere if the matter would be considered this evening. The City Manager informed the Council that he intended to bring the matter up under his report, PLANNING: a, Tentative Map of Avaluma Heights. The teata- tive map was presented for the Councin review. Eesolution No. 147 of the Flanning Commission was read, wherein they recommended the approval of the tentative map, subject to certain conditiGns being per- formed. It was pointed out that the map shows a cul de szic, but the Planning Commission recommended a street being constructed instead of the cul de sac, with a 1' by 50' barrier strip at the southerly end, to be kmwn as Lot "A", them access to their property and allow them to devel present time the only a to their property is an easement. It was explained to Mr proposed would not landlock any property; there were many ways in which the adjoining property owners could develop their property when they were ready to develop, The only plan under consideration at this ti was the map before them, JACK XUBOTA, engineer for the subdivider, was present and pointed out that at the time Harbor Park subdivision was ation now wits s Park helped these adj hinder them, as the quired t9 install 150 opment would be required to install 600 feet of sewer line. that the reason for the P1 a street with a 1 t barrier strip at the southerly end , .of Baldwin Lane was to enable the property owner to t south to extend this street if and when he wished to develop his property, IW4THE$;i/ JARVIE, one stated that the Planning son this matter and felt the Council should have conf in the Planning Commission's recommendations, a 3 I. ,;i.: i I I \, -, ' -, .. ' I I %' I i Na me \\ '\$& \,,'+ :""-,""""""""-"""""""-"----""~I" """"""""""" "1 ~~"~~"~.~~_"~~~_ k-2";- I 1 I \, \\,'\\ '\, '.",, I -3- I '\, ', 't,, \\,'.,yJ ( I I ; of '\$;?!,, \,L\O\+ 8 f$ 4" I i Member \$$Q,&f! I. ''11 @I i $7 ILLLAM BALDXiIN, developer of ,the proposed subdivi- i : sion, was present and stated he had no idea that this I ; development would create any problem. He had burchase4 i the property for developmenti I I ! I 1 "1; ::;: :;;I :::; #It: :;I1 1::; I,!' i The Mayor declzired the public hearhg closed. I I 1 I ai;: ::;; f it:: I 1 i Mayor Ledgerwood stated that he felt it would be to the i ; benefit of the adjoining property owners to have this I I property developed. I After considerable discussion by the Council Cmn, i McFherson stated that after hearing all the fact8 in this I I matter he would like to see this subdivision approved. i I The following resolution was presented for the Council*s ; : approval, which resolution concurred with the recommend- i ations of the Plannipg Commission: 4 I ! 1 I I I I I s I 1 I I :I:: :::; :::: 1::: I.. ii11 ;;:I Ip; 11:; :::: ;:'I :;:: i:;: :::: :I:: !:!! i &es. #629, A fiESOLUTfClN OF THE CITY COUNCIL i Someman i i i i : DF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD APPBZQVING THE ! Ledgerno4 i : i i TENTATIVE MAP OF AVOLOMA HEIGHTS, was : McPhersoni $ i % : adopted by title only, and further reading waived. i La Roche 8 :x; 5 I I :; ! !ti! I : NEW BUSINESS: ! I F I I I 1 a. Proclamation - Heart Fund Drive. The Mayor I i proclaimed the month of February, 1960, as Heart Month; I ! I I I b, Ordinance No. 7026 - Repealing Ordinance No, i I 7022 - Sewer Service Charges. The City Manager ad- : I vised the Council that he and the Director of Finance i i had studied the present sewer charges, and a new ordi- : : name had been drafted with recommended changes in i i the charges. If the Council approved the new charges ; ; it would be necessary to repeal the present ordinance, i i The draft of the new ordinance, No. 7027, was discussed i i by the Council, Section 11 of the ordinance was reviewed; : which set forth certain penalties for violation of the or- 1 i dinasace, and it was felt that this section should be deletea i as Section 8 would cover the penalty for violations of the i ; ordinance, I After discussion by the Council the following ordinance I I was given a first reading: I I I $ I I I I t s ! * I "1; :;#I :I:: ::I: ;::; !l:! ::;: ;:1i I ;I' I:*;; ::;I' :::;: ::::/ ;i:il 'dii ';all :;I:) I' !l:!l '*i;f iii:' lll;: ;yl; ::I:; I:::; i:::: ::I:: ::::: ;;::! ;x:; :::;; ;:::I l!!l! j Ordinance No. 7026. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY i Sonneman ; XI i $ i : OF CARLSBAD, BEPEALING OSDINANCE NO, 7022, ; Ledgerwoq : :xi : I FIXING CEBTAIN SEWEH SERVICE CHAZGES, was i McPherson: !x!? i ; given a first reading. : La iloche i : ; x; I ! !II!I 1. I @I i I c, Ordinance No, 7027 - fixing and establishing ; I I I I i certain sewer service charges. * I ! : As the terms set forth in the ordinance had been dis- i cussed, the Council took action on the following ordinancei I I I I ;#l-l :i::: ::i;l ::; l::l! #. 1:;:; :;::I ;;::I !l!!l j pr~nance NO. ~oz?. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY sii. ;;;'I I CALUSBAD FI=SrNG AND ESTABLISHING CHAA~GB FO& ;:::: ;I::! i SEWICES AND FACILITIES FUSNISHED BY THE CITY Someman :XI i + : i SEWErZAGE SYSTEM; AND PROVIDING FOB THE : Ledgerwoo! : ;xi i : COLLECTION CF SAID CIiAihGES, was given a first i McPherson: :xi x: i i reading. : La tZoche I I : x! i 1 I 1;ti; : No. 3005, providing for stop signs at entrance of alleys. i i At the previous meeting the City Attorney had been in- I :I:': i structed to prepare an ordinance, requiring stop signs ; i at alleys where they intersect certain main thoroughfares; : The Chief of Folice had made recommendations as to i ;:i:! I these locations, which included stop signs being placed : ;;::: I1 1111 B I I I I I 1 d. Ordinance No. 3038. Amending Ordinance I ::::: ::;:I ::I:: ::;:; ;:I:: I;::I I I I I 1:::; I I I I i:::: I 1 1 I 1:::; 1 I I I ::;:: I I 1 1 :;::I I :!I:: I I I 8 I I I I ', .\ .\ 8, ', .\ \' 8, '.:\., '+\\\\ p 7 I : of '?$$>&%$ I -4 - '\ > ' '\ I I ! Name '\,'$$,, .*,o, ',>?%\ ' '$% : Member '0 'p ,.P& '4 ~""""""""~""-"""-"""""""~""~""~~~"""-~"-""--"""~""---~----"--" ""7'" . I :!!ti B I I i at the alley between State Street and Roosevelt where it i ; intersects Grand Ave, and Elm Ave., and the alley I I i between the railroad track dad State Street where it inter-: ; sects Grand Ave. and klm Ave. The following ordinance : i was presented for the C6uncil's review: 4 I I I 1;;;: :::I: I::#* It 1:;:: 11 ::I!: ill II,1: 1::;: I I 1 Ordinance No. 3038, AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY I i E3; %$??%!kC&ON 83.2 TO PROVIDE FOA CER- i Ledgerwood i :x: [ : TAIN TRAFFIC TO STOP AT DESXGNATED INTER- ! McPherson : : x:xi l i SECTIONS, was given a first reading, i La itoche :xi !xi i ::ir: I:::: :D : Sonriemm ; : :x\ ; MENDING ORDINANCE NO. 3005, I I !+I.# I 1 I I a I I : OLD BUSINESS: i Ordinance No, 7025. The following ordinance was pre- i i sented to the Council for a second reading: i Ordinance No. 7025. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OR ! ~~?~$?t'I~! OF RIGHT OF WAY LYING WITHIN ! I I I t I I I I 4 NSENTING AND PROVIDING THAT * Sli'l ::; I; :::t: ::I:I :::!I :::;I ;:fI: ll;@l :!I:$ #;a:: :I::; ::i:; i THE CITY OF CARLSBAD WHICX FOi3MS A FART OF i i COUNTY ROAD SURVEY NO, 1534, SHALL BECOME i :;::I :;:; : A COUNTY HIGHWAY WITH HESPECT TO ITS CON- ; Sonneman i X; :X; i STRUC'TION, MAINTENANCE, IMPRUVEMENT AND i Ledgerwood: : :X: i BEPAIR, was adopted by title only, and further reading : McPherson i ix:x! : waived, i La Roche 1 6 :x: f I :::1 i;11: f I 5 A short recess was declared at 8:45 P, M. The meeting i i reconvened ,at 9:00 P. M. I I k I I 6 i CITY ATTORNEY'S EtEPORT: I t I 9 1 I I i a. Street Opening Procedure. As to the best procedure 1 : to follow for the street opening from Basswood to Oak : i Avenues, between Highland Drive and Valley, she felt i : it should be done under the 1911 Act. Deeds would have : i to be executed by the property owners to the City for this ! i right of way, She felt that it would be most important : : to meet with the property owners and explain to them the i i procedure and approximate cost involved before the City : ; proceeds with the request. i Cwn. Sonneman asked if it would not be more satisfactory i : to get more petitions out for the entire length of the street; ! i, e. Oak to Park Drive, as it would be less costly for all i I of the property owners under one package. i The drainage system in the area was discussed and the i ; Engineering Department explained that if the entire street ! i were improved the drainage would entail quite a problem, I : due to the fact that at the intersection of Monroe, conduits: i would have to be installed. The City Manager stated he : f felt some type of drainage should be adopted for the City. i i The Engineering Department pointed out that if just the i : one block were improved the drainage would not be any : i problem. i The Council was advised that one of the property owners i : is willing to circulate a petition for the improvement of ; i the street from Park Drive to Basswood. The Mayor : asked if a drainage district could be forced. The City i i Attorney stated she would have to research this matter I ; and would report back at the next meeting, I I : The Engineering Department asked if it was the intent of i i the Council to have the City forces do the surveying and i i engineering for streets such as this, It was pointed out ; ; that the City of San Diego require the property owners to i I have all the engineering completed before submitting the ; i project to the Council. The City Manager stated he felt ! ; some policy should be set up for the engineering on such i I I t I 4 1 1 I I I I I I I & I I I I I mi I I . I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I !;i: 1::: :;:: :::I 11 :ii1 1: ::;I :;:; :lii 1::: *d;l ::I: ::;I :;:I ;;:: ;I:: ;::I 1:;: )1*# ::i: :I III: !*I! :;I; 111; ::i: :::: :::; p:: I!!I ;;@I 1::: ::;I i;;: ;::I ;:;: :!:i :I;: : ;;: :I,: :ii: ::;: ::I: ::i: :::: :;;: 111( :I;: I I #I :;;: :*I: 4:; i::; 1:;1 011: ::;I :;I; ;I;; :I:: ;::: ::i: ;: ,::! i::: 11 :' 1:;: 11:: ;::: I!#* I 1 s.r B e l i I I I I 1 I -5- I I I I t I I ! I I ; ""_" ""." "" """"""""""""""".."" * "" r-* """"" * "" i" I I i projects. It was agreed by the Council this matter would i i be discussed at the meeting with the property owners. I \ After considerable discussion by the Council the City i ; Attorney suggested that a date be set in the future for a I i meeting with the property owners, so as to allow sufficiex/t t time for the other petition to be circulated before holding i i the informative meeting. By common consent of the : Council it was agreed that the City Manager, City Engine4r i and City Attorney set the date for the meeting of the i property owners, i b, Public Utility Nearing, The Council was aIvis4 that i : a public hearing would be held by the Public Utility Corn- : I mission, regarding a proposed gas line from 3ainbow to i : San Diego, She asked the Council if they wished to have : i a representative present at this hearing, She did not feelj : it was necessary for anyone to be present at this hearing,: / for the reason that if this request were granted a hearing i : would be held in the future regarding rate changes. It wag i agreed by the Council that it would not be necessary for : : representation at this hearing. # I I I I I 1 I 3 I i I I I I I 1 I t * I 0 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I k I t I I I I I I I I I 8 I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I 1 I C, Green Hiver Ordinance. The City Attorney stated a i roua draft had been prepared €or the Council's perusal, : and she would be glad to discuss any of the phases of the i ordinance, It was pointed out that the purpose of this : ordinance is to protect the homeowner, not to keep outsid! business from coming into the City, It was the feeling ; of the Council that the following clause should be deleted i from Section 1: "Any or aU types of real or persondl : property, or any interest therein, or for the sale of any i type of services, whether to be performed within the City: or elsewhere". St was agreed that further discussion i would be given this ordinance. The City Clerk pointed : out to the Council that if someone came into his office i to apply for a business license and complied with the : business license ordinance and paid the fee, he was re- i quired to issue a license; however, many of the citizens ; have the opinion that just because the City issues a I I business license that the City is endorsing the product, I 4. Lawsuit - Carlsbad Mutual Water Co, vs, Adams, et al. i i This was a suit filed by the Carlsbad Mutual %ater Co. ! i tvto or three years back, and she has received a request i for a dismissal; as she hss not had a chance to review ; the case, with the consent of the Council she would like i to ask for a continuance, By common consent of the I Council the City Attorney was given permission to have i the matter continued, I ( CITY MANAGEi3'X BEPO&T I I I I I I I I I I I i 0 I I I t I 1 8 I + I I I I I 1 I I I I I r I # I I I I I 4 1 1 I I I * Citizens committee for school needs. Letter dated I I February 2, 1960 from J. S. Jacobs, District Superin- i tendent of the Carlsbad Union School District, inviting : a representative of the Carlsbad City Government, pre- i ferably a councilman, to attend a meeting at 7: 30 P. M., i Wednesday, February loth, at the district office, 801 : Pine Ave, .r to study the school housing needs and ways i and means o€ meeting these needs. It was agreed that : the Mayor would attend this meeting, 1 1 t I i Proposed Carlsbad Municipal Qater District #3. A : map of the proposed district was presented for tpie i Council's review, The Council was informed that the Ciiy : would not be liable for any pipe lines faid by the Munici- ; I pal witm the City limits. NO action was taken in this : ; matter. t I I t I 0 0 f I I I I I I 1 I I I 4 I I I * 8 I 1 I * 1 I I t t I I I I I 1 I \\ .\ ' -, -% 8, *\,'8,, '\, ',,", 10 ,\ b8', Name\ \. '\$A '\\ '94 \,+\$\, '* $3, of "c&, .p', ;-\ Member .SQ+Q$ 1:;:: iI;ii ::I:: :;It ::;I: ::;:: :::i: :'I *;;;; ;*I I /t:; ::::; ~::~l !;I:; ,:::I :';;: :;I , 1:: I::;: :;::; i:::: p::; :I::; ::;i: !:::I :::;I :iJ: :::i ;it: :::I 4:; ::* ::I :;*: I;;: :I;: I;;: :I:: :i':: ::;: ::I: 11:: :x: $11 1:;: ::;: :I:: ::i: ;: 1:: :::I ;::I It 1;:: I::: til1 $1;: 3::: 1::; I!:: :a:: :::: 1:*1 :I:: ;::; ;::: ;:;; ;::: :::; 1::; ;::; ;::: ;::: ;::I ;I:; ::ii ;::; 4:; :::: ::;; ::;; i::: $81 4:; i;;: ::;i ji:: 11:; 4:; ;i:: ;::; :it: """""""""""9"' ;'I I ltII '1: 111 ;* I;:;! IIII) ::i; 1: 'I;* 11 ' :'SI I:#* :l*l t at I I I I6 i \\ .\ '\ .\ . ' I I t k I Na me '\, 'x?~, '\, I I -6 - 1 '\ '\\ '\, '\, 's,:'., p 9 ,@.@\ k .t** '* ' ' '\ ',&, t I ; of .$\O'\ ,$..&,;,'% I r Member ,o\,~..$,p\c I""-L""""""""""""""~""""""~""""""~""""""""""""""""""""" I.. *I I Dl I I : City Manager's Spring Meeting. The City Manager in- t : formed the Council there would be a meeting of the City i ; Managers in San Diego on the 17th, 18th and 19th of i February, and with the Council's permission he would i i like to attend. By common consent of the Council the : ! City Manager was granted permission to attend this t I i meeting, I I I I 1 I I .I :;;:i :,,I1 #:4a *I:@: "1:; ::; ;; :":: 1:::1 :;.?I :I::: :1::; ::pi 181 a I i Grant of leave extended Cmn. Grober. By motion of the: Sonneman !xi : x: : 11;;; : council a grant of leave was extended f: r 60 days from ; Ledgerwood : i xi ; i February 13, 1960, to Councilman Grober. i McPhersoni i i x: i I I ! La doche 1 :X: X: s I ,1.!I I I I I I I I I I I PAYMENT OF %ILLS AND RATIFICATION OF I PAYROLL: I ;;x; :'I :tl:o 1::;: ::!I: I I i Authorization was given for the payment of bills from i : January 19, 1960 to February 2, 1960, for the general ; ,'a:: i expenses of the City in the amount of $3,790.60, and i Sonneman :x : :x: ; i €or the Water Department in the amount of $2,195.49, as : Ledgerwoo4 ; :x! j : certified by the Director of Finance and approved by the i McPherson : i xixi ; i Auditing Committee. : La Roche i i :x; I : Watification of the payroll was given for the second half i Sonneman 1 ; x: x; ~ ::*I; i of January, 1960, in the amount of $12,620.80, as certi- : Ledgerwood ; !xi ~ i fied by the Director of Finance and approved by the i McPherson !xi :x: ' : Auditing Committee. : La ltoche : I :xi I I 1:. 1I;;l ;::I: :I::; I I I I IlII I i ADJOURNMENT: * I I I I I I By proper motion the meeting was adjourned at 10: 00 P, Mi ;l'l 11;: ::!I la:: ::;: It I:I: I I 1 I I I I I I :I;: I I I ::i; ::i: I::: I I : Respecthlly submitted, I 1 ::I: I ::!I I 1 ; .-p7u&&/ bC :.A< y ,';'~'/;/-d/dJ .I, ? ! MASGA~ET E. ADAMS : Deputy City Clerk I I i I I t 4 + I I I 1 1 I :ii8 ::I: I I :::; 1 I ::;; I 1 :::I I I :::: I I I:il ::;; I I * I ;::I 14; :!!I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I;;# I I :,I: I ;::' 4 I :::i I I l;;l I 1 :;:: I I t::: 1 I 1*1: I ii:: I :;:: I I I :;:I 1: I I I::; 1::; 1 I ::;I t :;ii I I ::;: I I I ::I: I $I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I!!I 0 I I I I I I I I I I I 4 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I t I 1 I :;!I I I 'I I ;:I; I I ::;: I I iiii I I ;!I: I I I::: I I i::: I I ;I:; I I ;::: I I ::;: 1 t i::: I I :::: * I :::I I I ;:4 I I 1:: I I t::I I I I 1::: ::i: I I :ID: ! :!!I I a I I I I L I ,I I I;;: t :!I: