HomeMy WebLinkAbout1960-04-05; City Council; Minutesb i 8 >, \- \ b' I , b, '\ ' ' '. , X ', '* i CITY OF CAaLSBAD I Minutes of: CXT-y cQ~r-<c~L : Date of Meeting: April 5, 13f;C i N a me '- ',%, s\~% i Time of Meeting: 7: 00 P, Ne I of "+;@,,> X+ * Place of Meeting: Council Chambers : 80LL CALL was answered by Councilmen Grober, I :I:: i Sonneman# Ledgerwood, McPherson and La itoche. Also i l;lk ;;:: : present were City Manager Slater and City Attorney Hayea, ::*I I * i::: i INVOCATION was offered by Councilman Grober. 1 I ;::; I I :::: i APPMNAL OF MINUTES: f 1:;; 1 :I 1;:; ::I: : : :xi I 1960, were approved 88 submitted, i Sonneman :xi :x: I : Ledgertwo4 : :xi I I i McPherson: $:x: I I : La &&e i i :xi 1 ', \ ', 'X,'\, ',, I '\ '- '\ 8, y., t I \'* \8 31 ,' :""""-"""""" """""""""""-"""""-"""""~""""";"""""""" ! Member W:f:.yf: +6,>.+Q I I I I I +I I t f I I I t I a, The minutes of the regular meeting of March 15, I Grober I I I I 11 ! !#I! I I ;::; i COitBESPONDENCE: I I 1;;1 I , l a. iiequeat for Notice of Special Meeti I dated March 29, 1960, from Pete Uden, j;p :i:: Or!! I Weporter fop the ~an I)iego union, requesting notices I I::: i of special meethgs of the counca as per Government i It 1;:: : Code 54956, and copies of agendas and minutes of I I *I;; :::: I regular and adjourned meetings would be appreciated, I iii: : Also appreciation was extended for the outstanding cooper) :'ti I ation of a33, city employees in the development of news : ::I: I and feature stories, By common consent the letter was i I:*# iiii i ordered filed. I I i::; I -1 I I I 1 I I I?!* I I I b, Invitation to attend Governor's Conference on I ; Pubkic Library Service, A letter addressed to the ! I I 1 I I i Library Cornrkssion from the Governor's Office was i ; presented, wherein they stated a conferenoe would be : i held on Public Libraries, and extended an invitation to I : a member of the 3tibrax-y Commission to represent the : i City Library. The City Manager stated tha% the Library i i Commission requested that Mr, Lowell %chardson be ; I t ; permitted to attend, and that funds were available in the : b i Library Budget for expenses, which they estimated to be i Grober ! ; approximately $75.00, By motion of the Council Mr. i Someman : i LaweU Richardson was authorized to attend this confer- : Ledgerwood : ence and the Library allowed to expend $75.00 for such I McPheraon! i conference. : La Iioche : f t I I 8 * I 4 % I I I I ! . I I I I I I I I t I I 1 i I I I I I I I I I I Xi I I I I I I I ! *I ;; :I ;: 1: :: ;; ;; 1: ;a :; :; :: i2d i xi ;+ i x; , Is: xi I: I I c, Request for sewer connection. liequest for ! Grober i ixixi I i P&cPherson: xi : x: 1 : La Eoche f ; !x! ! sewer connection for a single residence by Scotch Con- i Sonneman : ; :x: : stmrction Co. was granted, : Ledgerwood : :xi *I I I I ! PRAL CQMMUNICATIONS; ! I 1 I ;*I' It:: :;:: I 8 ::I: I MR. HUSTON TUCKER, was present ad informed the I I Council he was Chief of the Voluntary Fire Department : : when the contrihtions were being made to purchase a I i fire truck. The people in North Carlsbad contributed to- : ; wards this fund in 'order to have fire protection. Last 1 i week the paper stated that North Carlsbad will receive 1 : no further protection, He feels the City is obligated to I I give these people protection as there was a contract I I : entered into between the Voluntary Fire Department and i i the people of North Carlsbad, This truck is still being : i used by the City, am? if there is a fire in North Carlsbad I : they should be obliged to roll this truck, i The City Manager informed the Council he was only I carrying out the wishes of the Council by enforcing : Ordinance #2023, repealing Ordinance #ZOOS, which I ordinance set up the rules and regulations of the Volun- i ; tary Fire Department. I I I I a t I I I I I * I I ! :i! ::I :;; i:: :I, ::: I:: ;I1 I;' :I: ';: :#I t:: ;:; ;@I ;:: ::: ;:: ::: 1:: /;I: ::' ::; I:: I1 11( It1 4'1 11 I b t t 4 t 4 4 , 8 I I I 4 f I 8 4 e I I I I 4 1 I I 1 I I I 1 + b I 1 4 I I I i Mr. Tucker further stated that if the City did not wish : : to further service North Carlsbad they should reimburse I il:; ;:,I ;;;: I 1 I I ;::: I 1;:: 1 I I , :;I: I!:: I I :!f: 1 I i i Mr. Tucker further stated that if the City did not wish : : to further service North Carlsbad they should reimburse I il:; ;:,I ;;;: I 1 I I ;::: I 1;:: 1 I I , :;I: I!:: I I :!f: 1 I i I I 1 !;;I 1 . # I I I I' ,'. 8%. I \, \,,'\, '\\ '\ '8 I I ' .. , '\ '\ I I '\ '. ' 1 y,, \\ '\\+ .$$Q?\+.p * I I t '\ \\\'\,\ '\ 3' I -a - 4 1 i ~a me "h, '\%, '8\ \+$, 4 I t t .. of . '$&j\,>,,J3 - :""""-"""""""-"""-"""""-""""""~""""""""""~"""""~"""~~*"~"~~ I Memoer I I I :'I1 : the people who had contributed towards this protYction, I :::: 1!!1 1 I I 4 : The Co.uncil was advised that in ths ordlmncs it refezred i i to contributions having been made, and if at such time ; : service was discontinued the contributors would be I I i reimbursed any monies less depreciation, i MR. CARNOHAN, one of the property owners in North i I Carlsbad, asked when the ordinance was repealed? In : i his opinion the people of North Carlsbaci should have been: : given notice prior to the ordinance being repealed, leavink I them without protection. 1 1 I I I I I I I I I 1 I ii:; ::I: ;:;I :;I: i::: 1::: :!:: :;:: ,:;I I::: 1::: :;;: ::I: :::I :!!: i After considerable discussion by the Council as to any i Gmber t ; !X: i reimbursement, by motion of the Council it was agreed : fhmxmn :X: :Xi : that this mtter be turned over to the City Manager and i Ledgerwood I :X: i City Attorney, and they be instructed to xalce a study : McPherson i : :Xi : aad report back to the Council:, i La Roche : : xjx: : PIrBLIC HrnRrnGS: ::I: I ;l:l li'l I I I I I I I 1;;: I. i I I a a. Reclasstfication CB certain property Selxeen I 1 i Monroe Street and intersection of Hillside and Park Dr., i : from R-1-1.5 to 8-1-10 - Donald A. Briggs, I i The City Actorney advised the Council this matter should i : be continued to another date due to the fact their decision i i would involve an ordiaance, which would take two readingg, : and there wiil be a new Council before that time, there- i i fore, the matter would have to be reheard. 1 I I I 1 I I ;;'I :::: :I:: ::#I 1::: !!:: 1:*1 :I:: ;;:: :I:: :::I I:+: ;::: :::: I I I I ;::I I Ry motion of the Council the hearing on the reclassifica- I Grober ;!:! i in the Council Chambers of the City Hall, : Ledgerwood : :xi : tion was continued to Tuesday, May 3, 1960, at 7: 30 B, M; Sonneman :I :xi ; ;x: x; I I I I i McPherson: :xi x; I : La itoche i i :xi I 1 1 ,!I* I I I I b, Spreading Assessment for Skyline-Clearview I I i sewer digtrict - 1911 Act Proceedings - Assess, Dzt, i : No, 3n-e Mayor announced this was the tirae b 1 i and plac6-Tixed €or the hearing of protests, objections or i : appeals in respect of the assessment proceedings, and I i work under the and pursuant to Resolution of Intention, i : Resolution No:, 603, and the Improvement Act of 191 1 , I ;'I. 11: ::I; ::I: ::I: ::I; :I:: :;I: :I:* I:;; It: 11 1. I I 1.1 $4 1 ; McPberson: i i X: I i La Roche !x: : $ i The Clerk presented the affidavits of publication, mailing i Grober ; : ! xi i and posting notice of hearing on the assessment. The i Sonnernan : ;xi 3 f affidavits were approved and ordered filed. i Ledgerwood ; :x; I I I I I I I 6 I I I I 5 t 9 I I I I 1 I I I I r + .I I I I I I I I 1 L I t I I I I I I I 1 1 I I I The assessment diagram was presented €or the Councilfs ! review. The Clerk advised the Council the following I I wrktten protests had been filed with his office: 8 I Letter dated April 4, 1960, from Claude G, Browning., I 43.55 Skyline itoad, stating he owns a corner lot, and zt ! is his understanding that his share of the cost will be : approximately 50% more than most of his neighboring i property owners, He requested the Council to charge : the assessment basis so that each property owner is I treated equally. I I Letter dated April 5, 1960 from Gerald C, McClellan, i stated that it is his understanding that it is possible to t divide the cost of improvements amcng property owners i in three ways - front foot basis, benefit basis or assess- ; ed value basis. It was his contention that in this improve: ment district each property owner benefits' precisely : equally, as only one home can be built on each lot, I regardless of frontage, area or depth. I& asked that i I I I I 4 I I I I I I < I i.'i :::; :::a 1:;: :I;: 1::: I1 :::I iI:i I::: :I:: ::I: :::: :::: 4:; :::; ::;; :ti; :::; :a:: :I:; ::i: ::ti ::;; ::;; $11~ ;:I: 1::: :::: 111: *I ;I to* '11: ;:?I I I I I I I I '\ ' '\ I .. \\ '\ b \\ '\ '8, I \\ '\,", '\,'x, '\ I I .. 3- I '\, ', '\, '\,'\,'\\ 4 ' I I i N a me ",:8$$, ",:&\ I i of '%$, '\ yp. 8* I D ; lots. I I I:;: I::: I f Member ',&IQ\.p'+'d *&Q,$d$ :"""~""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""~""""""""""-."~- i consideration be given this matter in regards to c- *mer : 1 i:;: i The attorney for the project pointed out that an assess- : 1:;; ::I1 : ment can be spread either by front footage or area basis i $1:: i under the 1911 Act. On all interior lots the property : :I:; ;::I ; owners were assessed on a front foot basis, and all I I Ill: i corner lots they were assessed on a frost fwt basis on ! :::: : the street they fronted on plus approximately 33% of their I ::I1 :::: i side lot frontage. The reason for this metbod is tha.t a i ;:ii : corner lot receives more benefit than an interior kt;, I I 1;s i There are 10 corner lots in this district, and only two i 11:: '11, i have protested. It was the feeling of the Council this was i I::: ; a fair and equitable assessment, l 4:: I There were no oral protests. The hearing was declared i * 11 :;:: i closed, (:I1 :::; ;I:' I The following resolution was presented for the Council's i 1::: : review: :::i 8 ::I: I ::;: i Res, #640, A RESOLUTKIN OF THE CITY COUNCIL i ;:i: i OF-THE CITY OF CARLSBAD OVE&RULWG ALL f Grober : i x: 4 : PWTESTS ON THE ASSESSMENT, CONFISM.iNG THE i Sonneman : : I x: i ASSESSMENT AND CONFIRMING THE FtEGULABTTY : Ledgerwood i i 4 : OF PROCEEDINGS, was adopted by title only, and i McPhersoni i i x: i further reading waived. : La Roche :x: bsd i district - 1911 Act Proceedings - Assess. Uist. #2-1959,: ::I: : The Mayor announced this was the time and place fixer i ii :: i for the hearing of protests, objections or appeals in I I !:SI : respect of the assessment proceedings, and work under I 1:: i and pursuant to Resolution of Intention No, 574, and the ; I!:: : Improvement Act o€ 191 1 . I I :ii: i The Clerk presented the affidavits of publication, mailing: Grober ' : :x; i and posting notice of hearing on assessment. The Affi- : Sonneman :* r~ : ; x: : davits were approved and ordered filed. i Ledgerwood i i XI I I '61; I 1 I I & (0 I 11 I I 1 :@I: ,:I1 I I I I I I @I I I (11 I I I I I I I I :a:: i C+ ecading Assessment for Wilson Street sewer i :iii i:;; I I I !:I: I t 1 I : McPherson i :X: X: I I :I1 : The assessment diagram was presented for the Council's i 11;; I review. :;I: I :I;: I I 1;tl l 1 :: i The CLerk advised the Council there were no written I I :i;i : protests. I I;:: : The Mayor asked if there were any oral protests. There i ,I:! ! were no oral protests. The hearing was declared closed. i 1::; $1: 4 I IIII I I I ;::; : The attorney for the project presented the following 1 ;::; i resolution for the Council's review: # 1::t I ::;: : Res, K64L A PZESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL i i QF' YHE CITY OF CARLSBAD OVERSULING ALL i Grober ; $;x; : i PEtOTESTS .ON THE ASSESSMENT, CONFZRMING THE : Sonneman i ; ;x: I : &EXEW"NT AND CONFIRMING THE REGULARITY ; Ledgerwood i :x; 1; 1 i OF PROCEEDINGS, was adopted by title only, and furthek McPherson I XI ;x: ; ; reading waived. i La Roche : : !x: i d. Report of Bid Opening - Carlsbad Blvd, - 191 1 ; ::::I ::I:: : Act Proceedings. Assess. Dist. #5-1959. The Mayor : ii::: : announced that the City Clerk invited bids for the con- I I 11;:; i struction of sanitary sewers & appurtenances, and appurti ::I:: :11;1 I enant work in Carlsbad Blvd. from Chinquapin Ave. to i ;::" :;#I: i Hemlock Ave. Alsa Chinquapin Ave., Sequoia Ave. , I ::; ; Tamarack Ave., Redwood Ave. and Hemlock Ave. from 1 :I;:: i Carlsbad Blvd, to Garfield Street, arad was ordered to : ltl:l ;I::: : report to the Council at tke next regular meeting the I I It 11:: i results of such bids. I I :::,I I I i:::; I I :;;I; I I :::q I , 1;;:; I. I I La ~oche : : :x; I I I I I I I I 11 I I I ;!I: t I I I I ;:;;l ::::: I I I I i I 0' r I I I I I I I I I:?:! * I' I , * " ', ', ,\ 4 t t '\,'\\'. '\ 8,'' I '\, '\ ', 8, i : Member $b'@.*$? $ I :::i I \ 8' b t I '\ '\,',\, '\ ', '\ I , \, '\ 6: # I ! N a me '%, '.%, '.:&, I i G f '$$$$, Q\,,&: > \f+ I -4 - I I I"""~"""""""""~"""""""""-"""""""""""""""-"~"""--~"""""" ! The Clerk presented affidavits of posting and publication I Grober : : :xi I of notice inviting bids, By motion of the Council th.2 i Soaneman ; xi :xi : affidavits were approved and ordered filed. : Ledgerwoo9 : :x: I I I McPherson J i !xi I : La Roche l f x;x: I :ill : The Clerk presented the results of the bids as follows: I 1::: 1';: I i:;: i Don Hubbard Contracting Coo, Ehcinitas $23,241.01 : It ; Barkley Pipeline Const. Inc., Costa Mesa 28,593.00 i :I:; i R, E, Melbourne Co., kc,, Sa Luis Rey 26,01,6.86 : i::: : 8, L. Thibodo Contracting Co., Vista 26,510,95 i :::i I iii; i The City mgineer stated that he had examined the t 4;: I proposals and computed the amount of the bids and that 1 ::;I t the lowest responsible bidder was Don Hubbard Contract- ; ;;:: 11;: i ing Co., Encinitas. The City Attorney advised the Councq lbl; t she had examined the form of the Iowest responsible I iii: i bidder and the security deposits and found they were sat- ! ;:i: : isfactory as to form. I I :::: I I:!; i The following resolution was presented for the Councilts i ::;* i review: I I I 1:: i Res, X642, &ESOLUTION QF THE CITY COUNCiL OF i Grober k i :x: i CONTWCT FOB WORK OR IMPitOVEMENT OBDERED 1 Ledgerwood: i :xi i BY RESOLUTION NO, 630 OF SAID CITY COUNCIL* : McPherson i ; :x : : was adopted by title only, and further reading waived, I La Roche ; i !xi I :;;I ! width. The City Attorney advised the Council this matted : -be continued to another date due to the fact their i :I:: :::: i decision would involve an ordinance, which would take I :!I: : two readings, and there will be a new Council before the ; l#:; i second reading, therefore, the matter would have to be i :; : reheard, I 1:;; : By motion of the Council the hearing on the redassifica- i Grober I:#, : ; ;x; i tion was continued to Tuesday, May 3, 1960, at 7: 30 P, M.: Sonneman :x: :x i ; in the Council Chambers of the City Hall. i Ledgerwood! i :X! t i McPherson i ; :x; I i La Roche : ixix I I :::: I ; ;.i; I ;I;: :at I I I I I I I 1: I 1111 I(* I 1 I I I ;: ;I;: ;: :::: I I I I I I : THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, AWARDING i Sonnemm I i %X: I I 1 I e, Amendment to Ordinance #SO60 - Required lot : 't;: ;it: !!'I 1'1 I 114 t I I I I I I I 1 I i CITY CLEBK. ; The City Clerk informed the Council it would be necessars, I;#: :I:# : to appoint a canvassing board to canvass the absentee I I::; I ballots, and that he would Iike to suggest the following i $:; : names: t ):;I I :;I: t I 11:; t Margaret E. Adams, Inspector t i:;1 1 Wilda Simpson, Judge I :;:: I Virginia Dwyer, Clerk I;;! I Elsie Davenport, Clerk I :::I I 1 i::: ;::: :L 1 :x: l : McPherson 1 : :x; I - I ;I I t I I I I I I I I I. I I 1 I I 1 4 11 I . : By motion of the Council the above named persons were i GmGer i appointed to canvass and count the absentee ballots at : Bmncman !x; ;x i i 200 P, M, on April 19, 1960 in the office of the City Cler&Ledgerwood: ; !x i / La Roche : jxix: ! ENGINEERING: I :;I: I "I - - +".rc e.. . . I $1;; 1 4 :"I i allocated for gas tax, The City Manager informed the i :::: ; Council the State has requested a resolution be adopted by i +; i the Council allocating $2,000 from the Gas Tax Funds for ; ::;t 1:: : Engineering this year, and authorizing the Mayor or i City Clerk to sign said agreement in behalf of the City of i ::I: : Carlsbad, The following resolution was presented for the : :::; ! Council's review: I :::; I ::I: l 1.:: I I I D I 4 b I a, Adopting 'budget proposal for expenditure of funds i ;::i t I '11' ::i: 1 I :::; I I i::; I ;;:; I I I 1 I I I I I i I 1 I' , b\ ', \ 8 ' I I ' '\ I I ', \, '. '\ " '. 1 I- I I - ,:? ..- I '\, ',\'\,, ' \ \ I r I t '. '. '. '\\ . '\\"\ \ '. 4 2 B I \- I I N a me 8, \\$k '\ "& I 1 \,,$\$?+ \X\ \$X I I : of \?$@, 4, \*a 1 i Member $L\@,,&\p\ +\ A\+\$ ~""""--""""""""""""----""""--"""-"-"""""""""~..~"""""""""""~ I 1 I :!!; : Res. #638. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY C0TJ%CIL ! I OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD ADOPTING BUDGET i Grober I ; ;x; ; PBOPOSAL FOR EXPENDITURE OF FUNDS ALLOCAT? Sonneman :x: :xi I ED UNDEH, SECTION. 2107.5 OF THE STitEETS AND ; Ledgerwoo4 i ;x: f HIGHWAYS CODE was adopted by title only and further : McPherson : :x;xi i reading waived, i La Soche : 11 : ;x: ;i:: ,'VI ;;I# 1 I I I I b. Street Opening Policy, At the prior meeting of : i the Council the City Attorwwas instructed to investigate: : the legality of requiring the petitioners to pay to the City i ; the cost of surveying and engineering prior to improve- : i rnent proceedings. The City Attorney informed the : i Council it is customary for many cities to require the : : petitioners to pay €or their own engineering. However, i i it would be legal to work out an ordinance whereby the i I City would do the engineering and the petitioners would : i reimburse the City for such services, I t I I * I b I One of the property owners involved was present and i stated that if the property owners had to pay in advance i i for engineering services there would be very few who : i could participate; however, if they could pay for this I I engineering over a period of 10 years there would be mor4 : property owners willing to participate, The Mayor stated i i the object is not ot make the property owners pay in ad- ; : vance, b;ut to make the engineering costs binding upon the i i property owners in the event the project failed. Cmn. I I : La aoche stated he felt something should be worked out so: i that in the event the project failed, all of the pcqmxigz taqayers : -would not have to foot the bill as they did for the ; i Jefferson Street project. 1 t 1 I I I I ;;;: i:!: 1:;: 1::; i::; 1::; :;I1 :::I ::I: :::: i:;: ::'; ;::; 1: It l!!l l;;l I;:; I::: ::;; :::I :::: :tll :::: ('I: :::: ,;I1 :I:: $81 ;:I: :::i :::I i::: I:# )(II I!!: t 1 ::I: I* : After considerable discussion by the Council the City i Grober I ; !xi I Attorney was instructed to prepare an ordinance, whereby: Sonneman I xi !x: : the engineering fees could be recovered by the City from ; Ledgerwood I ;x: i the property owners. i McPherson i ! :xi I I 11;; : City Manager informed the Council a street, road and i ::it i bridge deficiency report has been prepared by the City's ; ::i: :; I Engineering Department as requested by the State. This i :vi: I report was presented to Mr. Datel, City and County 1 I ::;: : Projects Ehgineer, and he stated this report was one of i ;:I' i the finest he has seen, Mr. Date1 has requested this I I ::;: : report to be acknowledged and approved by the Council, I Grober ; ; !x: l;b: i which can be done by motion of the Councit The Report : Sonneman i x; :xi i was presented to the Council for their review, and by I Ledgerwood ; !x; : motion of the Council the report was approved and acknow + McPherson i i :x: i ledged. : La Roche : !xixi :!#I 1 I I : La Roche i ix;x; I 1 I c. Street, Road and Bridge deficiency report, The ! ti:: ::;; I I I 1 G, Chestnut Avenue proceedings, A summary sheet i ! was presented to the Council for the complete improve- i i ment of Chestnut Avenue from Monroe Street to Fio Pic0 : : Drive, giving an estimated cost of $117,777, which in- i i cludes incidental costs. This figure includes $65,560 : t roadway improvement costs and prorated incidentals, I I i which the Council has stated their intention of using gas i : tax funds for this cost, The balance would be berg by i I the property owners, which includes construction of curb : 1 and gutter, PCC sidewalks and appurtenances thereto. i i 1 I Cmn, La Roche stated that he has had a great deal of i i reaction on this matter. There are large parcels of land : : in this area, He felt that this should go to petition as far i i as sidewalks, curbs and gutters and appurtenances, The : I City Engineer pointed out that $14,388 additional would be I i borne by the Water Department to improve the water I t i system. I I I t I I I : Mayor Ledgerwood stated this project was started two i I years ago. Mr. Nelson, former City Manager, attempted: I I I I t I I I I I 9 I ! :::a :::: :ii: :;I: :::: 11;; i::: :::; ;I:; #I:; ;:I1 ::I; ;::: ::ll II:' I;#; :I:: ;::; :::I 11: :;:: :I:: i;i; i;:: l!!l 1;;;; It::; :(I #;lll !;::I !I:: ::;:~ 1:; l,!l' B B I I I I I I I I I -c. !"""""""""""""""""""""""""~"""""""~"""~ t I i to get the property owners to participate and he failed, i At that time the gas tax funds had been marked for : Tamarack, but this Council decided to Convert the gas I tax funds to this street. The Mayor further stated that : if the property owners are not willing to Share in this i project he would certainly not be in favor of expending : gas tax funds for this street. I I Discussion was given as to installing sidewalks on one : side of the street onlya but it was not given favorable i response. 1 I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I "" I I I I 1 1 I 1 1 I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I t I I ",, '8, '\, ', ', '% . ,\' ,\,." \,\'.\ '\ '.\'+\ , '\'.\ ',','. 4: Name ''\ '$3' "."$J, Member \<h.p, ,o\,o.~po' A\+'.? .-""""""""""~-, of " +$* '\ ',O&, 4' '9 :::: 'I :I:: :::; :i:: :::: @I 11 :I:: ;::I :::: 1:;: :y: ;:/ I::: It $!I1 IItl ::;; 11; I I 1.11 :::: i By motion of the Council it was agreed that the Chestnut i Grober ; :x :x: : Avenue project proceed in its entirety in accordance with i Sonneman :xi :xi i the engineer's improvement plan, ; Ledgerwood : :x: 1 I t I i McPherson i I :xi I : La Roche i ; ; : I e. Water easement - fiobertsen. The Council was : I I I I I 1:;:~ ;11:1 ;::a; i informed that a grant of easement for pipeline purposes i $3:' ; had been received from EkaIyn vli, Robestsen and Albert : ;:::i /::; f D. Zlobertsen. They have requested water service to i :::;I i their property and this would require an 8' easement for : :::I: ;;,a: 1 paid the cost of the pipeline. It will be necessary for the ; Grober : l :xi ; 1 Council to accept this easement, By motion of th.e Councq Sonneman ; jxix: ; 4 the Grant of Easement was accepted and the City Clerk : Ledgerwood! ! :xi : : was instructed to execute a Certificate of Acceptance and i McPherson :xi !x: i / record the same. : La Etoche i 1 :xi : $::i ; CIVIL DEFENSE: I I ;:::I ;::I: :pi: 1 maintenance of the pipeline to their property. They have i ,:::I I i I I I 1 t 1 1 I I I a, Authorizing representatives to sign warehouse i ::::; I( : sentatives to sign warehouse receipts for surplus proper- : !::;: i ties, which included the City Manager and U. Max I;::: ; Palkowski, The following resolution was presented for i 1:;: : receipts for Surplus Property, The Council was advised ; 1:;:; i a resolution had been prepared authorizing certain repre- i :::I: 1 I 11 ;lit: I the Council's review: ;:::: ;:;:: 4':: i I Res. #644, A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL : i;::; / REPRESENTATIVES CITY OF CARLSBAD TO SIGN WALZEHQUSE AUTHORIZUVG RECEIPTS CERTAIN! ; Grober Sonneman :x: : i xix; :xi I : : (SEASP Form 111) OF THE CALIFOIZNLA STATE : Ledgerwood: : :xi ; i EDUCATIONAL AGENCY FOR SU&PLUS PdOPERTY, I McPherson : ; :x: i i was adopted by title onlya and further reading waived. i La aoche : : :xi ' ; I OLD BUSINESS: 8 I 1 I 1 I I OF THE I I I I 1 I I I # I $1 1:::; ::::: :';:I ;: 11 1;;i: I I I l ab Green River Ordinance, This ordinance was i this matter deferred until such time as the Chamber of i l(1I :I:*: : Commerce had sent communication on the matter, The : 1:;:: i City Manager presented the following correspondence: i !::I: I ;:::: 1;11; i Letter dated March 30, 1960 from the Carlsbad Realty i :I::: I(( ;:;:: ; Board, stated they had reviewed the prjoposed ordinance f ;:I:; i and suggested that the wording be revised to term no i 1;::; i restriction against any regularly licensed business, The : :*I:: ::::e i CltY Attorney pointed out this would be unconstitutional, i :;I:: 11 ::4:: i Letter dated April 5, 1960 from the Carlsbad Chamber : ::;:; : of Commerce stating there were 145 ballots mailed out i :;::: i and sixty seven were returned, with results as follows: i ::::; i:::: 10 ; 1;::: I4 ;I:;: I Yes 29 i ::::: I:::, ::::: ::;:: :;I:: ::::: i given a first reading at the meeting of March 1, 1960, and! ::::: ?at the meeting of March 15, 1960, the Coum il requested : :;::i I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I # I I Homeowner Yes 18 i I y:: ::I I NO I Business Concerns 01 No 10 :a* 1: I I I I I I I I I :I:!: I s I 1' I '\ " *' '8 '\ " I I , ', '\\ ', \\\'\\ I "7 2 J I I ", \\ '\ '\ \ ' I a I I 1 1 I ;* 8, '\ '\ '\, '\,"\ .", 4 4 I I .&$\, '\ \?% i of 'yb\&&$%j ;"""""~""""""""""""""""""""""""""-"-------""""--"-"-"--"----~-~ ' Member \$$@.*.e! I 1 ;;I I 1 it,: ,: (%ne Someman stated she would like to have this matter I ;: i deferred until the next meeting, Cmn. La Roche stated i 1::: : he did not feel this was necessary as this Council had I i::: 1 ::; ,i given the matter considerable discussion. I I I:;# : N a me \,, '-st \\ "3, I 1 I I I :: :I;: 1: i Mr. Joe Cockrill, Manager of the Eternal Elills Cemetery; :si : was present and stated they had had considerable exper- ; 'I i ience with this ordinance in Oceanside, and they feel it i 4:: i it is not a fair ordinance; it would certainly put a curb on ; :it; i::: : their business, as they perform a public service by I I :;:: i soliciting from door to door. In order to operate their i ::!: ; business they have to buy large parcels of land in advance: :::I 11 I and make certain improvements. I I :::: 1 I I ::I; I 1 ::;; i Several representatives from the Fuller Brush Company i :;I: : and the Watkins Products were present protesting the ; :::: i ordinance, and felt that instead of adopting such an I r i::: I ordinance that it could be controlled by the Police Depart-: ;I:: :::: I ment. I I 1 I I 1::: I $::: I The matter was given further discussion by the Council, i p::: : Cwn. Someman stated that she has signs posted on her I 4;:: i property and that it still did not keep salesman from : Grober :; ; l i :x; : entering upon her property. Cmn. La Roche moved that 1 Someman ; ;x:x; f i this constitute the second reading of Ordinance No. 6032. i Ledgerwood ; i i x; i Seconded by Cwn. Sonneman. The motion failed for lack i McPherson i i : i xi : of a majority, :LaRoche !x: !xi : I b. itequest for Special Event - Carlsbad Boat and i :;::I I Ski Club."-This matter had been continued from the prior i ;l:ll :i:ii f meeting awaiting a letter from the Carlsbad Boat and Ski ; ::;II Ill i Club as to their plans for parking facilities at this event, i I:;:: f The City Manager informed the Council a letter had been f /;;I 1 received indicating their plans for the parking facilities , i I:::; 41;; I and they appeared to be satisfactory. I I +;; I I I I 11;;; I Mr. Smith, Manager of Fhitey's Landing, appeared and : 1:;:: i stated that the event sponsored by the Escondido Boat i !::;; i and Ski Club and the Western Outboard Association the i ::;I: $11 ; parking was poorly handled, and it was their own fault ; ;pi: / they received parking tickets. I I :;iii I I I ::!:I i After consideration by the Council, it was agreed that t Grober ::;I; : : :x1 ; ; the Carlsbad Boat and Ski Club be granted permission to i Sonneman : ; x;xi ; i hold a Special Event on October 1st and 2nd of this year, i Ledgerwood! i :x : i i i McPherson :x: !x i t I 1 I I I Ill I I 1 :La Roche i i !x: i I 4;:; I c, Second reading of Ordinance #9101 - Reclassifi- t 1: /::: I I I:$: ;:::: I I I i cation of a portion of East Carlsbad An nexatlon B 2.1. i The following ordinance was presented for the Council's i ti:;: 1 second reading: I I It 11::: t ;; 1; i Ordinance No. 9101. AN OEtDINANCE OF THE CITY Cd Grober ; : !x I I :'ING ORDINANCE NO. 9090, isonneman : {x!x: i I CHANGING CEaTAIN DESIGNATED PL~OPEBTY IN THE Ledgerwood: I 3 i : ; CITY OF CARLSBAD FROM ZONE R-1 TO ZONE H-A, i McPherson : i !xi i i was given a second reading and adopted. : La aoche ;xi :x 8 : i CITY ATTOaNEY'S REPOaT: I I :I/# ::: I I :::i: i Several months ago the City advertised for sale a triangul4r ::::i i piece of property adjoining the City's reservoir in Ocean- ; ;:':; ;I1 : side. The Merrills, who purchased the property, thought I 1;;:; !::;I ! they were purchasing in this parcel a 29' frontage on Mesa' ::::; : Drive, however, they did not, and they now wish to pur- f ;:I : chase a small parcel in order to obtain this frontage, which I;ii; : is now owned by the City. ::,'I 1 ;I::: I I I 1:;:; :';:: i Mr. Merrill was present and stated they did not get the I I:':; : property they intended to purchase. They paid $200.00 : ::::I i for engineering fee to establish a line. They want 29' I I :I:;: 1:11; 1 IOII II 1 I I I I I I B 111 I I I I I I I I I 4 :$(; f ::I:; !SI!# 4 1' ,,. '.. I I 1 1 I I I I I I I \\ '.,'.,, '\\ 'X\'*\ \\ ', ', ', '+\ ft E 1 6 i Na me '\, ',$&, ',, 'at, '.+c&, ' '$$> : of ipG\@&,.$4 L I ::I; I 9 :I:: 1 I (I1 :;:: I :i$ I ', \ , \" I -8- :"""""""""~"""~""""""""~""""""~""-~-""""-"-;"""-"---"----~"---" 1 Member %\o..P@- I :'I; ; on Mesa Drive, : The City Attorney informed the Council the Merrills I I $1 i purchased the property as advertised, and the only I problem before the Council now is does the Council wish ! Grober i xi :xi i to advertise this small parcel owned by the City, which i Sonneman ; ; x!x ; : would give a 29' frontage to the buyer on Mesa Drive, By ; Ledgerwood: : :x ! i motion of the Council it was agreed to advertise this smal$ McPherson : i :x: : parcel for sale. I La Roche i ; :xi I I IIII I Codification of ordinances. Several weeks ago Michie : 1:;l i Publications requested additional monies for the codifi- :t i cation of the ordinances, due to the fact that since they : iL, t entered into the contract with the City in 1956 there have I ::;I i additional ordinances added, which were not included in I ::i; : the contract and the fact that printing costs have gone up, ; ::I: ::#I i According to their letter they request an additional I 11:; : $1, 830.00. The City Attorney stated she felt this was a i Grober :::I : :x;x: i reasonable amount to request. By motion of the Council i Sonneman i xi :x I t it was agreed to authorize the payment of funds in the : Ledgerwood: 1 :xi i mount of $la 830.00 for additional editorial on the codi- i McPherson i i !x : : fication of the ordinances. : La Roche : i :xi I :;I; i Annexed properties on Assessment 8011, The Council i i:::~ : :properties "East I ::::; I Carlsbad Annexation #2.1" will be included in the 1960-61 ! $1: : assessment roll, I 4:; 1 I :::; 1 1 I :;I1 ; City Attorneys' Conference. Mrs. Hayes notified the i ::I: i Council she intends to attend the City Attorneys' Confer- i :#I: ::I: : ence this Spring. Monies have been budgeted for this I ;::a i conference. I I ::;: I :::: i CITY MANAGER'S REPORT I I :il: :#I:; :::;I i Water Pollution Board. A letter was received today from i ;:::I i the Water Pollution Board, enclosing a resolution adopted ; $:I1 11:: : by the Board, setting forth the requirements for the I I I:: 11 i o peration of the proposed enlargement of the sewer plant : :iii; : and the ocean outfall. Also enclosed was a copy of a I ::: I: I ::;:: i proposed resolution, if adopted by the Board, would in- : :;I:; : from the City to cease and desist from discharging efffuenj :;;:; I into the ocean, The City Manager stated this was nothing : :;#I: :I*:: *I:* ; to get alarmed over, This is being done in order to give i i us points as far as our application for Federal aid, By 1 :::ti ;:::I i common consent of the Council the letter was ordered I I ::;:; i filed. I I :':;: I ;: :I1 i Street report. The Engineering Department has prepared i :;I:: ::::: : a report of dl the streets in the City of Carlsbad, showing! i their condition and the estimated cost to repair, This I ;::ir I I:::! : report digrides the City into four districts. A recommend-! l;~ll i ed priority has been established for each district in order : ::::; : to determine which streets should have first priority. An i li::: 'I::, i amount of $24,000 for street materials is presently in : ;II:1 ; the budget and the cost materials for these streets will J ::;:i { come from this fund. This amount will approximate ; $6,000 per district for the present fiscal year. 8 I I::': )Ill1 \, '\ '\ '8, ', '\ k I I I D 1 I f I I I #It I I :I:! iIi; I I I I I I I I 1 I # I I 11 I I ::;:I I $1:: I 4 8 1:;:; i PAYMENT OF BILLS AND RATIFICATION OF PAYROLL: :::;i I I I :lpl ::I:: I i:: i; :::+ ::I&; #::I I I ;:::: I:' 1:;; 1 i:::: 1 I I I :::I: 1 I 1:;:; t I :;;:: I ::::: I I I i!::t I I 1 1,: I $4; I I I:::: I B i Authorization was given for the payment of bus for the \ ::::; ; general expenses of the City in the amount of $6,679.33 i -1;; i and the Water Department in the amount of $5,803-55, : from March 15, 1960 to April 5, 1960, as certified by i i the Director of Finance and approved by the Auditing * I t Committee, I I I I 1 I I 1 1 I 1 I I 1 I I 1 I I .l#!l B t I I I I I I I I -9 - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1""""""""""""""""""""""""""~"""~""""""""~~~ I I I i Ratification of the payroll was given for the second half i I : of March, 1960, in the amount of $13,156.08, as certi- : / fied by the Director of Finance and approved by the i Auditing Committee. I I I i 1 I I 2 ADJOURNMENT I ; 1 I I I I I I i By proper motion the meeting was adjourned at 11: 20 P. Iv$ I I I I I i I I I , i Respectfully submitted, I I I I ifliL.p?Gfi'b7&& i MARGARET E, ADAMS : Deputy City Clerk I I I I I I * I I I 1 1 I I 1 I + I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I t I I I I I i I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 , 1 I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I 1 t I 1 I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I 5 I I 1 I I 1 I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I L I 1 I 1 I I I I t I I 1 1 I I 8 I 1 I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ! '\\ *\ .\\ ', '' .\ \\ ', \ ', '. " \\ \, '8, ''\ \\\\'\ N a me \\, '*$, '\\ '\a* '' \\ '\ "\ '\ '\ '\\ 46 of '*@, \' '?*, '& q&$>,.;4 ."" "" """ '-@&:-. \,@\o? Member Grober : t :X: ;I:' Sonneman : i :xi Ledgelwoocf t :X; McPherson t x: ; X; La &oche i ;x: X/ :;:I ;it: :::; 1::; :::; ::;I :::; ::I: :I:: ,;:I :;:; :I:; ;;'I :;*I; ll!:; ii'ii :I;;; ::I;: -;;I ::;I: :+; I: l:l ;I ;:iii ::I 1;;; :: 4::; ::I:; 1;: :;SIl :*::I ;ii:; ::l:l :::ti 1;::; ;; 'I;:: :I::: 1;::; :':I; ::,:I I::*: i;::; ::I:: :ii:: :I::; ::::: :/l:l ::I,: I t;: ::I:: i::;; ;;I:: I:::; 1:::; :::;; I;;:: 1:;:; ::;:I ;:;:: :;:I: :li:i ;;;:I i;;:! ::::; 184; :ii:: ;;;!; i::;I 11:: :::a; :I;:: 1:;:: :II;; :I!;; ::::: ;I,:: ::;:: 1:;:: I:::; ::::: 11 :;: ;I::: :;I:: 11 , ::; I!:i1 ;I #I I ;: 1;;; 1;; #::II ;'l;t *I I i:::: !la!: