HomeMy WebLinkAbout1960-05-03; City Council; Minutese l I' I .' 8 *' : CITY OF CARLSBAD i Minutes of CITY COUNCIL I '.8 8, '* *, * ' I Date of Meeting: May 3, 1960 i Name '\*,y$,, '\ '., 'x$$, '3, : Time of Meeting: 7:OO P. M. : Of 8p&%.$\,#q i l""""~""r""""---""""""~"~"""""""----------"----.--~-----------""---"---~-- Place of Meeting: Council Chambers : Member x%'@&?~~ . ,.. I 1 I '\ '*,'*,, '* *\\'\\ I ", 't, '8, 8\8 'k,',, 5'11 I I)! I I :;it !r*! i ROLL CALL was answered by Councilmen Guevara, i Bierce, Sonneman, McPherson and La Roche. Also : present were City Manager Slater and City Attorney Haye$. 1 I I I I I I I ;;i; 1 tI :;:: ;::: I::# :!!: I I INVOCATION was offered by City Manager John Slater. : ;:'I i'bl 18 l!!l I I t APPBOVAL OF MINUTES: I I I I I I I I I 1 l a. The minutes of the regular meeting of April 19, i i 1960 were approved as submitted. * * 1 I I I ! Presentation of Certificate of Election. The City Clerk { : presented Cmn, McPherson with a Certificate of Election,! i after which the Oath of Allegiance was administered by ; I the City Clerk. I I : Selection of Vice Mayor. Mayor Sonneman announced : i that nominations were open for the position of Vice Mayor! i Cmn. Bierce placed the name of Cmn, La Roche for Vice i : Mayor, Cmn. Cuevara placed the name of Earl McPhersdn i for Vice Mayor. By motion of the Council the nomination4 : were declared closed. I I I I I I I ii:' :;I: :;:: :::I j::: :;I1 1: 1: ;I;; 1::: :::; :::: ::I; i::: i:ii l ;!'I :1 ;::; 1::: 1;ft 1111 l:it 11:; ,!I! I* 1 I I I The City Attorney announced that the voting for the Vice : Guevara ; :xi%: i Mayor could either be handled by an oral vote or by : Bierce : 1 :x: : vallot. By motion of the Council it was agreed that the : Sonneman ; : ;x: 1: I .i vote be handled by ballot. i McPherson ; ; ;x: I a :!I: i::: I I I i La Roche h $:x i I I 4 I t I I 1 * I I t I a I : The City Clerk canvassed the ballots and by a vote of i three "ayes" for Cmn. La Roche and two "ayes" for : Cmn. McPherson, Mayor Sonneman announced Cmn. ! La Roche as the new Vice Mayor. -1 :::i i::: ;:*I :;I: :::: $1 ,:I !ll! i SORiiESPONDENCE: * I * ;*I; # !*I! I:;# $ I 1 I t I l a. San Diego Regional Water Pollution Control I I Board. Letter dated Apr- rom the San Uiego i : -al Water Pollution ~~r~g~~a'rd, in which they : i enclosed a copy of their Resolution 60 -E 13, ordering the i : City of Carlsbad to cease and desist from discharging : i wastes in violation of waste discharge requirements. The i : order made a requirement of the City to submit progress ; : reports to the Regional Board from time to time. The i : letter further stated that the issuance of the order at this ; i time was necessitated.by the procedures for processing i i applications for Federal sewerage construction grants in t : 1960-61; and an important consideration in the establish- i : ment of the time schedule of Resolution 60-E 13 was the : 1 Regional Board's desire to allow the City sufficient time i 'to receive and consider recommendations stemming from i ! the current North Coastal San Diego County Sewerage I I i Survey. By common consent of the Council the letter was :r : ordered filed. ig.pes. Letter dated April 25, 1960 from the City of i i their City urgently requesting the producers, distributors i :and exhibitors of motion pictures in their area to cease : !forthwith the presentation of films to the public which are I :salacious in nature or which portray themes involving I !narcotics addiction, sexual deviation or promiscuity, as ; i constituting a menace to the morals of the citizens of the i :City of El' Centro and the people as a whole. By common ; I consent of the Council the letter was ordered filed, $ t I 8 I * I I b. City of El Centro Resolution concerning motion : I entro, in which they enclosed a resolution adopted by ; 0 I I I I I ! ;'li ::x: I::! :::: ;::I ;::; :::; :;ii i::: 4:: ::;; :::I ::;: :;:: ::;: i::: 1::1 :::i ii;: :::: :;I: ;:Il * I: ::i: ::;: ;:Ii ;:;: 18;: ;:,a ::I: :::; :;:: ii:: i::: 1'1; 1:' VI': :::: ;: ;:/ 1::: !I,! I t c. Limited parking on Elm Ave. and Lincoln St. - I I John H. Grant. Letter dated ApriI 20, 1960 from John H I :Grant, requesfing that the present ordinance be amended i !to include limited parking of two hours on Elm Avenue f .$ I e I # I I I 8 I 1 I ;'I' ;::: ;:;: 1;;: ;::: ;;;: : t I* ,I@: I!!# t I I' 8, \, a, '\ ', '8 I -2 - I I * I I I \\ '+ ', '+\ I t 6 I '\ '\ ", '%.8 \\\'\, 52 '*.s\~%, ' ,/, ::::: ii::: ::ii: ;:iii ::;:; ;:::I I :I;:! i :x:x; ~ 4 I 48 ' ' ', '8 '\ \\,> t BI i N a me '8 %S **, \$I 1 Member 8% 6"p\,& ,.s ~""""""~"""""""~~"""""""""""""""""~~"""""~"------""-----"----~--~ I between the railroad tracks and Carlsbad Blvd. , and on : i 'C'arlsiad Elvd'south to indude the Pottery Shop of Mr. [ I $1: : Ortega, as business is very strong in this area now, and: i a great many cars must be accommodated; there is a i i problem whereby people will park all day, board the : iiiij : Greyhound bus in the morning and return at night for i i their cars. The business people in this area have been ; :I*li : contacted and request this action. b I 4;:; I I :; ! After consideration by the Council, by motion of the I :i::; i Council the City Attorney was instructed to prepare an i Guevara : : !x: ~ I amendment to the present ordinance, extending two hour i Bierce i parking on Elm Avenue between the railroad tracks and : Someman i i !x: I i Carlsbad Blvd. , and on ea~lsGq&ELv& south to include : McPherson : I :xi ~ i the pottery shop. i I La Roche :xi !x: i Mayor Sonneman stated she would like to see sidewalks I ; installed on the north side of Elm Avenue from Carlsbad : I Blvd. to State Street, as there is no provision made for i t people to walk along that side of the street. $ I :::: I Also discussion was given as to a curb being extended i ::i; i along Carlsbad Blvd. from the Pottery Shop to Lincoln i ! Street. The City Manager stated he would discuss the : i matter with the property owners in that area. t I ' Of '?b\@\.P\'$* I I '(I:) II I I I I t I :::i :;;: i::: :;:: 1:;; I I I :::; :;/ ;I;: 11;: 18;: :I#: I I I i::; I d. Letter of resignation. Letter dated May 2, 19601 ;:i: : from W illlam Netka, -manning Commissioner, in which ; 1::: i he submitted his resignation to become effective as of i :i:: I June 1, 1960. The resignation was accepted by the Councq :Iii i and the City Manager instructed to write a letter of I I i:ll i appreciation to Mr. Netka for his services on the Planning :; ; Commission. I ih: I I I ::I: I PUBLIC HEARINGS: I :::: I I I I!:: I ;I,: l a. Reclassification of certain pro$ erty between i ;I:; i Monroe Street and the intersection of Hillside and Park i :ii: : Drive, from R-1-15 to R-1-10 - Donald A. Briggs. The : i::: jzity Clerk reviewed the application for reclassification i *'ii :I I : that had been filed with the Planning Commission. Res. : ;:I' I # 152 of the Planning Commission, recommending the $:;I ; approval of the reclassification. The Clerk advised the : !I:: I::: I Council there were no written protests. A map of the t I i area was presented for the Council to review, showing ; I+ :;,I ;the zoning of the adjacent properties. I I ::I! I I I1 ; The Mayor asked if there were any persons who wished i 1;;: :#I; i to speak in favor of this reclassification. There was no i ::I! : one present who wished to speak. The Mayor then asked : ;: 0:: i if there were any persons who wish to speak in opposition i $1: i to this reclassification. There was no one present who : :ii: i wished to speak in opposition. I I I::: I I I::: I I 1;;1 i The Mayor declared the Public Hearing closed at 7:42 P. N4. ::;i I 1 :*)I I b 1::: i After consideration by the Council it was the general con- I l1tl i census of the Council this 10,000 square foot requirement f 4;: ::;; ;would be a good buffer between the 15,000 square foot and i I;:: : the 7500 square foot areas, and that the findings of the I I::: i Planning Cornmission were the findings of the Council. I i;;: PI;: :The Clerk presented the following resolution for the 081: : Council's review: :;;; I I i!:; i Res. #639. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL : '1:: :"CITY OF CARLSBAD ANNOUNCING FINDINGS i !:I: :AND DECISION REGARDING CHANGE OF ZONE :Guevara ; : :xi ;::I : CLASSIFICATION OF CERTAIN DESIGNATED PROPER-! Bierce ;x: ;xi jTY l[N THE CITY OF CARLSBAD FROM ZONE R-1-15 : Sonneman 1 1 ;x; : TO ZONE R- 1-10, was adopted by title only and further i McPherson ! :: ;xi i reading waived. ; La Roche i jx:~; I b I:!1 1 '8 I I I I I 11 I I * I 6 fit I I I I I a* I 8 I I I I I I I I I I I I $1: :I!: 1 i I 4 I t 1 6 8, 8, '8 8 ' ' \ \' t I I '\ 8'. t" \ " t 8, '\, \\ 8 \ ' I I I I '*\ \,\'\\ '*,,'\\:.8,5 3 I I I I B -3- \' i Na me '. '8$$;,'~,,'8?& I : of :""""-"""""""""""-"""""""""""""""""""""-l"""""""""""- "- I :;*I: i The following ordinance was presented for a first reading i :;:;; i by the Council: E ;;@I: i Ordinance No, 9 102. AM ORDINANCE OF THE CITY i Guevara l ; :xi ; ! OFENDING ORDINANCE NO, 9060, : Bierce :x; :x: I : RECLASSIFYING CERTAIN DESIGNATED AZEAS IN i Someman : : ;X! ; i THE CITY OF CARLSBAD FROM ZONE R-1-15 TO I McPherson i :x:x: i i ZONE R-1-10, was given a first reading by the Council. ; La Roche I i !xi : I I I(($' I be Amendment to Ordinance #9060 - Required Lot ! '::#I ::::: Ill;; f width, The City Clerk advised the Council this request 1 f was initiated by the Planning Commission in order to re- ; ;:::I 1 vise the minimum required frontages in certain 8-1 zones; ;::It ;::i: i therefore, Ltesolution of Intention No. 14 was adopted by : ;::I: : the Planning Commission. Thereafter a duly advertised i ::I:: i public hearing was held and Res. #153 of the Planning f ::ii: i amendment to Ordinance No, 9060, Article 5, Section 5073 :I;:: i paragraphs (2) and (3). I 1::I; I I I ::;:: I I ::::: I There were no oral or written protests. The Mayor I I :fJ:I : declared the hearing closed at 7:50 P. Me I :;::: ; After discussion by the Council it was agreed that the I 1::r: i findings of the Council concurred with the findings of the ; !:l*l ::;:: : Planning Commission, and that paragraphs (2) and (3) i ;: ;:: 'I i should read as follows: Paragraph (2) - Lots required to ; 1;;;; : have a minimum lot area between 10,000 square feet to, i I;*:: i but not including 15,000 square feet, 75 feet; Paragraph : i:i:: I (3) - Lots required to have 15,000 square feet or more, i ;: ';:: I 90 feet. I ;I::: i The following resolution was presented to the Council for i I:::: i their review: I I 8:::: I I I :t1:: :i::; i Res. #643. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL I Guevara j ; ;x: i ; -CITY OF CARLSBAD ANNOUNCING FINDINGS: Bierce !x; :xi f I AND DECISION REGARDING AMENDMENT TO ZONING: Sonneman : i :X; f i ORDINANCE NO. 9060, was adopted by title only and I McPhersoni : ; x: : i further reading waived. ; La Roche f ixix: ; b 1 f1':: i The following ordinance was presented for a first reading: ;:It* I 1 t f:; 1 I ::::; i Ordinance No, 9103. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY i Guevara f ; i xJ i 1:~11 I -ENDING ORDINANCE NO. 9060, i Bierce :xi ; I MODIFYING CERTAIN MINIMUM LOT WIDTHS rn AN ; Someman : ; ;q i I ,R-l ZONE, was given a first reading by the Council. i McPhersoni i i 3 i I : La Roche : !x; * ; I I 8 I:;:: I c. Reclassification of certain property between i 1:::: I I i:::; :I::: 1:::; I I I iiri: '.+ \o', 8 '?+, I t Member "?&\ ~$'Q.~~~ $. ',*' I 'I I 4 !:if; ::I!: I I I i Commission was adopted, wherein they recommended an i :;I:; :I: O*l 1 I I I I ' ;::;I ::i I I :&I I I I I I 1:;:; ::;I; I 8 t I I i Grand Avenue and Elm Avenue, on the east side of I Harding Street, being Lots 5 and 6, Block 67, Carlsbad : i Townsite, from Zone R-P to Zone C-2 - William A. I I :;::; f Stringer. I I I:::: II:I: i The City Manager informed the Council that Mr. Stringer! ::i:i : had called today and requested this hearing continued for ; ::I:; : two weeks, as he was called out of town and would not be : Guevara : :;a l : xi : i able to attend. By motion of the Council it was agreed i Bierce :xi i x: i : that Mr. Stringer's request be granted and that the i Someman 1 : :xi ; i hearing be continued until May 17, 1960 at 7: 30 P. M. in : McPhersonI /XI x: i 0 i the Council Chambers. i La Roche I : :x! : i ORAL COMMUNICATIONS: I Ii'I; 1 :&::I I I I ri::; i MRS. BANFIELD, a resident of Carlsbad-by-the-Sea, I :::;, '1;: i stated that she was a member of the Board of the Cali- : :;I*: : fornia Branch of the National Humane Society, and she i !::;I 1:; i had received reports that kittens and puppies were being : 11::; I taken to the dump and burned. Mrs. Banfield requested i ::::I : that something be done concerning this matter, I I 1;'l; I:::: I I :,::I I $ I ;: 1;: I I ::4 ! l!1!: I I I 11 11 * I I I I I I I I ",, '\,*'\, ', '\ 8 \ 8 ', I I \\ '\ \ '\ '\,'\, I I I I I '\ 8.,'.\ '', *',888 54 i Name ".,,;"c;;., '\\ -$P+ : of *$@$,;J,.+* : Me rn ber \% ',o -.pP \d ~"~"""""""""""-""""~"-"~"""""""""""-"-""""'*---------"-----*------,-- 'I ' ::; *; 1 I Also she would like the Council to thoroughly consider i 2::; j the proposed requirement for rabies vaccinations before : i::;! : taking any action. There is a great deal of money in- I::(, ;I I' i wlved in these shots. She personally checked out I I :::! : numerous cases in Los Angeles where there was a I ; 4 :; i rabies quarantine, and €ound that in nearly every case I 4:: ::;I I the dogs had some condition other than rabies. I I :::i I I I I !:I1 i The City Attorney informed Mrs. Banfield that the dump ; 1;:; I is not owned by the City and that she would have to take i ;:ll si: i the matter up with the Board of Supervisors in San Diego.: pI: I I 1;:; I I ::;: i BID OPENING: I I ::I: I I I I i::: I I :::: I 1 ::;: I -4 - 8, *' 8 , I I I Di X\&, '8 'x%, I 11 I I I 1 I I I 1 I a. Sale of City property consisting of 29 feet on : 1::: :::: iii; ! Mesa Drive, Oceanside. i The City Clerk informed the Council that certain properti !I:: i belonging to the City, which consisted of 29 feet on Mesa i ;:i: i Drive in Oceanside, had been duly advertised for sale in ; ,(AI \ the Oceanside Blade Tribune and the Carlsbad Journal. i : One bid had been received in the amount of $55.00 from : 'I Is i Glen C. Merrill. The notice stated that no bid would be I i accepted by the City for less than $50.00. By motion : Guevara ; : xix! : of the Council the bid of Glen C. Merrill in the amount i Bierce :xi ; x i of $55.00 be accepted, and that the Mayor be authorized : Somanan : I : 4 ; to execute a deed on behalf of the City of Carlsbad to i McPherson! i i g I Glen C. Merrill and Pearl M. Merrill, as joint tenants. i La Roche : : I 4 I I :;I1 I PLANNING: I I ::ii I 1 I ;;:: I a. Appointment to Planning Commission. The i ;I:; iii: i Council was informed there was a vacancy on the I I i Planning Commission due to the expired term of Mr. : M. W. Jarvie. Mr. Jarvie was present and was asked i ;:I# i if he would consent to serving another four year term. i 1':: : Mr. Jarvie stated he would accept the appointment. The : :a i Mayor stated that with the consent of the Council she i Guevara i I I : ;x: : ; would like to appoint Mr. M. W. Jarvie to the Planning : Bierce :x: !X: i Commission for a four year term. By motion of the I Sonneman I i !x: : Council the appointment of Mr. M. W. Jarvie was : McPherson i ix ;xi I approved for a four year term, ending April, 1964. i La Roche ; ; {x: I I ;'I' i HARBOR: 1:;: I I :;*I I I I :::I I a. Appointments to Harbor Commission. The I :I, I Council was informed there were two vacancies on the i I;: :;;; : Harbor Commission. Mayor Sonneman stated she had : :I#: i received four names as suggested members. ' I :::; 1;;t I I ;Ill I Cmn. La Roche asked what the functions of the Harbor : ii:: 11: I Commission were? Cmn. La Roche was informed that at i :e:: i the present time they make recommendations as to events I 1;'l I on the lagoon. Cmn, Bierce stated the Commission was : !:I: i very active at the time when a harbor district in the City I llii ::It : was contemplated. t I I !!:I I I *I1 i By consent of the Council it was agreed that the members : :::: ; of the Harbor Commission be present at the next regular \ ::!I I:;: 1 meeting of the Council to report on their activities. I I 1:;: I :&I: I 1:;1 I I i::; I I. $11 l a. Request for realignment of Birch Avenue. The ! ::I I: $1: I :::: :;;; l4 I :::: i::: 1 1 I 1::: I I I i::: I I;:; I 'I :;I& 8 I I I I 8 I ,:I; ::;; :;ii I I I I I I 1: I I I ::;: I I I i ENGINEERING: I I I I : Council was informed a request had been made by Donald : :I i Briggs, Jr. , for the realignment of the existing stub I I* 11: : street, which is a westerly extension of Birch Ave., in i i the Carlsbad Highlands. A map was presented of the area; p1 : It was pointed out that if this request were granted it i would be necessary for the City to vacate certain property: 11:; ; on the southwest corner and Briggs would be willing to i I I!:: 11 I I -5- i : : I i : I : ,.r--r------r-rr-,--,---*-----------^-~.~-~----~-------~-~---~~~~-“------~,~ dedicate certain property to accomplish the realignment. 1 A memorandum from the City Engineer was read wherein1 he recommended this realignment. By motion of the Council the request for the realignment of Birch Street was granted, and the City Attorney instructed to take i : the necessary steps for the vacation of the Cityts proper-! tY* t 4 b. Request for easement for high pressure gas i transmission line - San Diego Gas & Electric Co., stating the.’ j were proposing to install a 3O”high pressure gas : transmission line from the City of San Diego to Rainbow i near Riverside, San Diego County line. A portion of the : gas line right of way is over lands owned in fee by the I City of Carlsbad. The north 400 feet of the proposed i right of way is valued at $3,000 to $3,500 per acre, and 1 the southerly 2,750 feet, because of its rough terrain is i valued at $1,000 to $1,150 per acre. The total length of i the proposed right of way is 2.17 acres. They further : stated that it has been the standard practice of their : Company and others to pay 50% of the fee value for rights: of way of this nature, which would make a total of : $1,580.00 for said right of way. : : The City Attorney pointed out that she felt the Council i should consider the City’s severence rights and the price: At the meeting she attended in Dallas, Texas, concerning! condemnation of properties, one of the issues presented was gas line rights of way; there are restrictions as to i ; how close you can build to a gas line. : The City Manager stated that he certainly did not feel the i City could get any more for this property. He had in- formed Mr. De Vore, of the San Diego Gas & Electric i Co. of Mrs. Hayes’s opinion and he had informed him , : this was their usual practice. Also he did not feel that : the City Attorney was an appraiser; he had asked her for i a figure and has never received an answer. : : The City Engineer stated that he felt this was a fair price; and the City is going to have to negotiate with the S. D. 2 & f% co. at a future date. By common consent it was agreed that the matter be referred back to the City Manaf ger and City Engineer to see what could be worked out. { : c. Proposed drainage district - Highland, Skyline, ; Agua Hedionda Lagoon and Basswood Avenue. A map was presented showing the above described area, and the: City-Engineer inform<d the Council that some type of drainage plan would have to be worked out in the very [ near future; this area has been a problem as far as : drainage for several years. It was pointed out that no : ; doubt some form of district would have to be formed, : Cmn. McPherson stated he was in favor of this drainage i but was not in favor of taking City money for the purpose: It was recommended this matter be brought to the atten- i tion of the Public Works Commission. Cmn. Guevara : pointed out there were two vacancies on the Public Work4 Commission. It was agreed that the members of the i Public works Commission be present at the next regular : meeting of the Council to discuss this problem. * : NEW BUSINESS: : : 1 a. Amendments to dog ordinance. 1, Rabies. The Council was informed that I an emergency or-e had been prepared by the City : Attorney, requiring rabies vaccinations as a prerequisitd to the licensing of dogs, due to the fact that the San Diegy area had been declared to be a public health hazard because of the existence of rabies. The following ordi- ! f , .1 t I & ',\. 8". I s I 8 4 I I ', '8,"8 '8\'<, ', t I L I 1 1 ',8 =,'x., ', . 8 y*, ' 5E I i Name '\8 '+&,, ',, '49 ; of '*o$$p8 ' 8@+ i Member '$$@8+$< I :::; 1 I :::: I t 1;;t :::i I :;'I I I:ll :: s \' -6 - '8, '8 '\ ', B: 'bb.6 8$ ;"~"""""""""""""""""""""""""~""""""""""""""""""",""~"~" : nance was presented and read in fun. ! Ordinance No, 3039, AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY I i -NDING BRDINPIPJCE NO, 3015 i OF THE CITY OF CALBLSBAD, PWVIDING FOR THE I :I:: i CONTBOL OF DOGS AND FOR THE LICENSING OF i Guevara : : i 4 : DOGS, REQUIRING VACCINATION AS A PREREQUI- : Bierce i :x+i I SITE TO LICENSING BY ADDING THERETO SECTIONS; Sonneman i i i i i 11.1 AND 11.2, AND ADDING SECTIONS 31.1, 31.2, : McPhersonj : : 4 : St. 3 AND 31.4, was adopted as an emergency ordinancei La Roche :x! i 5 t ;:I* 2, Leash law. An ordinance was also pre- : ::i; i pared for the CouncWs consideration, rrmking it unlawful i 18'1 1;14 : for any owner of a dog to let the dog run at large. The i ;:;: i dog must be led or restrained by substantial leash, chabi ;I8 1:;: ; strap or cord, or rnade fast to some stationary object, ; @I 4 t :;:; i The following ordinance was presented for a first readingi :::I 1 by the Council, and the Council requested the word I "competent" inserted on Page 1, line 19, before the word! 4 881 : "person": :;I: i Ordinance No, 3040. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY I ::;; ENDING ORDINANCE NO, 3015 i Guevara i i :xi ! % ~~%!$?&~.ARLSBA.D, WHICH ADOPTED I Bierce pL: ;x; ; ORDINANCE NO, 1031 (New Series) OF THE COUNTY i Someman i i :x{ i OF SAN DIEGO, AND HERBBY ENACTING A LEASH i McPherson; : :x: i LAW, was given a first reading by the Council. : La Eoche : !xixi i for Federal sewerage grant application, The County has i i::: i requested that a resolution be adopted authorizing the City: I :::: 1) I Manager's signature for the Federal Sewerage grant i application. The following resolution was presented for ! ::;: : the Council's review: ! Res, #647, A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL : Guevara , ;x :x! i OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, AUTHORIZING THE ; Bierce : : ;x; pTY MANAGER TO SIGN APPLICATION FOR FZDEE&Sonneman i i !x: ; SEWERAGE GRANT, was adopted by title only# and : McBherson : : ;xi : further reading waived, i La Boche !xi ;x: I I ,I*: 1 C, Resolutions of appreciation, At the previous : ;::' i meeting the Council requested the City Attorney to pre- i ::;: 1's: i pare resolutions of appreciation for former Councilmen i ;::: : Ledgerwoad and Crober, The following resolutions were i :I:: i presented for the Council's approval: 1 :;!I !;:; i Res. #648. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL i I:;; : -CITY OF CARLSBAD EXTENDING APPRE- i Guevara : !xixi i CIATION TO CHAitLES B, LEDGERWOOD FOB SER- : Bierce fx i :x; I VICES ~ENDERED AS CITY COUNCILMAN AND MA YO^ Someman : ; !xi ; OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, was adopted by title only! McPherson i : :x: i and further reading waived. : La i3oche ; I !xi ::I1 i Res. #649. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL \ :;:: : BF THE CITY OF CARLSBAR, EXTENDING APFELE- i Guevara ; ixix: ;I:; i CIATION TO GEORGE A. GROBER FOR SEdVICES : Bierce i : ;xi : REWERED AS CXTY COUNCUIWjN OF' THE CITY I Someman : i ixr i OF CAIRLSBAD, was adopted by title only and further : McPherson i x: :xi : reading waived, I I La Roche : i :x: i CITY ATTOBNEY'S REPORT: i The City Attorney stated she had nothing to report at I this time. f CITY MANAGER'S REPORT: I 4 I I I I l is! I I I:;; i 1 1 1 I I I :;:; t b. Resolution authorizing signature of City Manage; :It* 4:; B ::ii I t :::a # 1:;: i:n: I )(I I 9 I 1*11 I I I t I I ;::; I I j!!: I ::;: I :Ill I I::: I t1 ;: I a I $1: II t I :i:: I :::; !It! t I I I I I 1 I I i League of California Cities Mayor and Councilmen's ; hstitute. The City Manager stated that an institute for i : be Mayors and Councilmen would be held at the Clare- : i mont Hotel in Berkeley on May 26th and 27th. Registra- i I b !;: 1 I I i:;i ;::I ;::I ;::I $41 t I,:1 s *I; O'L I I* I \\ ', -\ '' '\ .', I I I I \, '\,b', '\,'%, ', I ', - '\ ', 8, '\ 5 7 I 1 8" I # * ,, ', ', '\ b' '* -7 - i N a me \,, '8~~ 'k, 8x$d Bi i of "%&'';\\~8 " '& 4 iiiii I I 4 I :i:ii !::it ::ill *I ::;:; ::::I 4 Member ~%@.&?~~ ;"~"""""""""""~"""~"-"""""""""""""""""""-~"""--"""-"- """i I tion will be on May 25th. He would be happy to send in i a:!; i their hotel reservations for those who wish to attend. I I i:: i Weed Abatement program. In the past considerable time &d :II:I I:'#; : and effort has been spent in obtaining legal descriptions oft ;I:;' i the properties needing abatement of weeds and trash, and I :;I" 1;:11 ! with the Council's consent they would like to try another i I/:; ; method whereby signs would be posted asking the proper- : i ty owners to clear their property. All those properties i : that have not been cleared within 30 days, then the City : i would go through the regular legal channels. By common i ;:,:I : consent it was agreed that the program outlined by the ; !ijj; :i i City Manager be followed. * #'11; I I I' * I 1;::: i Lease of City property - Mr. Felt. In the Northern part I ;;::I ! of the County there is no E" radio station and Mr. I I i:Il; '4:~ ! Lawrence Felt has applied for an FM station. He would i :::; : like to lease a space 25 x 25 on our reservoir site in I *@(I I ;;I* i North Carlsbad; he is willing to pay $240.00 per year for i :;i; i a 10 year lease, with an option of 10 years at $260.00 per : :* ; year. Mr. Felt has filed an application with the County i ,I:; : for a Conditional Use Permit. Cmn. La Ptoche asked if : ::;; i this lease could not be based on a percentage basi.s, with ; ::;I ;::; i a minimum of $240.00 per year. The City Manager stated : he would contact Mr. Felt to see what could be worked out; I::( I I I !:;I i Water Bond funds. A memorandum from the Director i 1::; i of Finance requesting permission to invest the surplus I iii: : Water Bond Funds in U. S, Treasury Notes for eighteen ; :::i i months in order that the funds could be earning interest. I ii:: I;:: : By motion of the Council the Director of Finance was 4 I ;;:: i authorized to invest the surplus Water Bond Funds in I I:;; I U. S. Treasury notes for a period of I8 months. ; County Wide Civil Defense Keport. The City Manager i ;::: i requested the Council members to review the County Wide: t Civil Defense Report. t I 11 I 4t + 11' 11 ;yi 1111 *I** I I I 81 I 41 I I 4 I 1;;i ;::; ;::; i PAYMENT OF BILLS AND RATIFICATION OF PAYROLL I:;: ::;; * e ::;I l I a I :;:: i Authorization was given for the payment of bills for the { :;i; It i general expenses of the City from April 19, 1960 to :Guevara :xi s: ; May 3, 1960, in the amount of $9,152.69, and the Water i Bieree ; :x$: I Department in the amount of $1,159.76, as certified by : Sonneman : : pc i ; the Director of Finance and approved by the Auditing i McPherson i i !xi i Committee. t La Roche ; I 7: I I :a:: 1 Ratification of the payroll was given for the second half i Guevara : : $ i ; of April, 1960, in the amount of $12,801.28, as certified i Bierce i by the Director of Finance and approved by the Auditing : Sonneman : : 3 ; ; Committee. i McPherson !xi {x 1 ! Cmn. Guevara stated he felt the City Council members i ;6:l ! should express their gratitude and appreciation to the 4 I ; Director of Finance for his past services. All the mern- i i bers of the Council agreed. i ADJOURNMENT: i By proper motion the meeting was adjourned at 9: 50 P. M. ! I Respectfully submitted, ;t I : :xi I :La Roche i ix3; I I ;;:: I::! :;:: I I ;;:: I I :;:: I I :::: I t I ::I: 1 :2: I I It:: I I I*: ;::; ;::; hi: :; * I :::I I 11:; 4 I :::; I l:;l I I :;I: I I :#I: I I ;::; I ;::; 1 ;::a I 4 I a: I I I 1 I 1: i :*e: i I I * I I I 1 1 I I 4 I I I +; '; I ! l!!l