HomeMy WebLinkAbout1960-05-17; City Council; Minutes* I I i CITY OF CAKLSBAD i Minutes of: city CC?ZrJCi-i : Date of Xleeting May 17, 1966 : Time of Meeting: 7:OO P. Pk ! Place of Meeting: Cotmcil Chambers i ROLL CALL was answered by Councilmen Guevara, i Bierce, Sonneman, McPherson and La Roche. Also : present were City Manager Slater and City Attorney I""""""""""- """""""""""""""""-""""-" a 1 4 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I """". I I I I 1 Haye&. \, sa8 \ 8' \\\'\\'\,8. \\ 8' ', \\\'\\ '?*$&?-..;p2,*'+ l::l: :;it; "1:; ::!!I ', 'I ', 8, \ ' \ 8 '8,'*. 5 8 8, '\ '\ x, N a me '%, '8%' '\\ +$$8 Member ,0'@\.@'$'8< ..a of *$'$?&, '8 '%' .""""""."""";"I '(1 :::it t: t I I * I I INVOCATION was offered by Councilman La iioche. :;I;! I I I 1 ::;:I 1::11 ll.!l ! APPlZOVAL OF MINUTES: I I I :ti: 1 I I i;:! l a. The minutes of the regular meeting of May 17, i Guevara : l , ; ; :3 4 I : Sonneman ; ; : X: I ' i McPhersoni i x 4 I : La Boche :x: ; 4 111 I I 1960, were approved as corrected. I Bierce ; i : 4 I I I I I 1 ::!* I I I 4 1 I 1 I I I I I I I , I I , I : CORRESPONDENCE. I I' I I;;; 1 ;:I: I I 1 * I p: I a. Request for "No Parking signs on Harrison St. i tl 1::: :::I !:I: :I:' :::: i Letter dated May 9, 1960 from Mrs. Katherine E. Cappe,! ::;: i requesting "No Parking" signs be placed along Harrison : ; Street. The City Manager informed the Council the Chief! i of Police has investigated this matter and recommends i : that ''No Parking" signs be placed on both sides of I :: 1;: i Harrison Street, from Chinquapin Ave. , to Adams. By ! Guevara ; I :d : motion of the Council the City Attorney was instructed I Bierce : IXI 2 I to prepare an amendment to the ordinance to provide : SOnneman : : : 3 ; "No Parking" on both sides of Harrison Street from : McPhersoni i I x: i Chinquapin Ave. to Adams Street. i La &oche !X; I. ; xi ((1 I i f i I b. Resolution of the City of San Diego concerning i i motion pictures. Letter dated April 28, 1960 from the ; I city of San Diego enclosing a resolution, requesting the : : City of San Diego to cease the presentation of films to the i i public which are salacious in nature, or which portray I : themes involving narcotics addiction, sexual devjation, ; i or sexual promiscuity. By common consent of the CountSj I the letter was ordered filed. 8 I * I I I 4 I c. City participation for pumping plant on Carlsbad ! i Blvd. Letter dated'May 11, 1960 from Orville C. Jeffersi : requesting time at the meeting of May 17, 1960, to review: i the matter of City participation for the pumping plant on i : Carlsbad Blvd. Mr. 3effers was present and presented t i a map of the area, and set forth the reasons for the 1 I : property owners requesting this participation. It was I J again pointed out that the City has only participated in I i such projects when the area was such that the City would : ; eventually get their money back. Mr. Jeffers was in- : formed that when the budget was being considered this : I i matter would be brought up. I - t I 1 I I I L I d. Request for fire protection in the North Carlsbad i i area. Letter dated May 3,1960 from Mac Carnohan, : -g, that a group of residents known as North Carlsbad i i asked that he inquire as to the feasibility and probable I : cost of the City of Carlsbad serving the residents of 4 8 i North Carlsbad with fire protection. They were willing I : to have such cost added to their water bill each month. ; i The City Manager informed the Council that he and the i : Director of Finance had tried to work out a reasonable : i charge according to the percentage of water- meters in i : that area, and felt that a charge of $1.50 would be reason4 i able. Mr. Carnohan was present and thanked the Council i t for their consideration, and that the property owners I I : would certainly be willing to enter into an agreement with i : the City. He also requested to have this service start : I immediately, and he would personally be responsible for i : the cost. The matter of fire hydrants was discussed, and : : Mr. Carnohan informed the Council the people in the area: i would be willing to pay for any additional hydrants that : i were needed. By motion of the Council it was agreed that i I I @I I 4 I I t I 1 I I t 4 L 4 L I 1 I ;i;: ;::; ;:at ;:I: ;::I ;;#I 1:: ::I1 ;I:: ::;: :I ;::: i:ii e:!! :ii: :ii: ::I: ::ii ::;: ::;t ::;: :;I: ;*I: ;::: It;* ::I: ;It: 1:;1 1:;l ::I: ::I: :::: :I:; ;::; 1::; ;*I 1:;: i::: 188: l;'l @,:I :::: :::1 ::I: it:1 1: ;::; 1;11 i::: 1 :I ::;: I:;: 1:;: ::;: i:;: 1::: ::I: :::: ;::: 1':; ::;I 1::: ;;:: :;:i :::: I 8 I I I I I I I I I 2 S, \' 8 ** I I t I \\ '\ '& \ "\" ' "~~'8 '\ 5 f3 I I ', ',,"\, ", '\,'\, . I -2 I. I '\\\' \ I ~a me t8 8\~, '\,"a\ : of '04. D \.&,, '\ y9. I ! Member ,o~,o\.pp,t :"""""""."""""""""""""""""""~""""-~""""""~""-"""""""""~". I i:::: i the North Carlsbad area be given temporary fire protec- i Guevara ; !xi # i i tion until such time as an agreement can be executed, at : Bierce :x: I $ ; ; the rate of $1.50 per month per resident. i Sonneman ; i f 3 i '\& ,@\p, \d, 4' ,&.rt'% +' I I I I I : McPhersoni : i 4 I I i La Roche I i I I$ f 1 ::I;: * e. Woman's Club property. Letter dated April 25, i ::;;I ii:;: I I I 4 I i 1960, from Mrs. F. A. Johnson, Chairman of the Build- I 1 '1: i ing Committee for the Carlsbad Woman's Club, stating i :I* 1:;:; I i that in June of 1959 a letter was received from the City I ;I::: ; Manager desiring to purchase the Woman's Club's fioldingb lll;l 1:t:: i in Holiday Park for $4,000. Since that time they have i :::I: t investigated several parcels of property, and those that : :'I i were for sale the price was much greater than the City i ei I4l:; : had offered for their property. Therefore, they felt they I :I::; i could not accept the City's offer of $4, OOQ but would be i ::::I I glad to consider any further proposition the City Council : &I: : might make, I I a:::: ::;:: I ''1;; i Letter dated May 14, 1960 from Mrs. Alice E. Greenwood, ;:'I* 1::: i in which she stated that it was her desire that the City ; :::I, : retain all rights and usage of the property they are pur- i :I::; ::I:; i chasing from her, due to the rapid growth of the City, i ::::: 181 : which makes this land more valuable now than at the time ; 1:;:: i it was purchased. I :::I1 1 I I I :it:; I It::: i Mrs. Johnson was present and was asked if the Woman's i :*I : Club had set any price on their property. Mrs. Johnson ; ;:;:I i informed the Council they had not. Mrs. Johnson asked i :I::; ,:::a : if some of the members of the Council could meet with ; 11*;: i Mr. Clint Pedley, a member of the Parks and Recreation i I::!: ll*l; : Commission, stated that he felt the Cornmission should f ::i:: 1 be considered in this discussion. I :;,:I I b I I ;;::I ::{;; I It was agreed that the Parks and Recreation Commission i 1:;1i I should be present at such a meeting. The City Manager : :I,:; : stated that he would contact the parties and arrange a i ::I:! :I,:; i time for the meeting. Mrs. Granger, Mrs. Johnson and : ti::; ; Mrs. Vance would represent the Woman's Club; Mr. I :I::; i McKaig and Mr. Pedley would represent the Parks and i :iii: : Recreation Commission, and Mayor Sonneman, City I I:::; i Attorney and the City Manager would represent the City. ! ;ii:: I :;I:; I f. Request for sewer connections. The following i l;,:: : I .: I requests for Sewer connections were approved by the 4: ; Guevara f !xi xi : ,: Council, as recommended by the City Engineer: i Bierce 8 ; ! :x: : I I : Sonneman : i !xi i I 1. Guaranteed Homes. i McPherson ;xi i x; : I 2. Relton Construction Co. : La Roche : ; :xi i I I ::;:I ;: 4:; I11 I I I 81 I i their building committee. I I :,;I: Ijiii I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I :*if; ;::ir i ;I:': :@I:; t :I;;: 1';:: :I,:, I a. Continued hearing of reclassj-fication of certain : ::I:: ::::I (I::: t I ::I:; I I I I ;,::: I I 1:::; I 1 I i:::: I 1 I I ;:;:' I I 14: I I I I :;I:; I I 1 I :I::; If t I I I 1:::; :!:;I i ORAL COMMUNICATIONS: ! MR. MAC CARNOHAN stated he would like to thank the i 81 1 Council on behalf of the residents of North Carlsbad for i : their action in regards to fire protection in that area. I I 4:::: 'i PUBLIC HEABINGS: I I :I,1, i property between Grand Av~nue and Elm Avenue, on t I :ii:i : the east side of Harding Street, being Lots 5 and 6, 8 I !:I:; i Block 67, Carlsbad Townsite, from Zone €3-P to %one i ; C-2 - William A. Stringer. I I ::I:; I Certification was given as to tbe propr pab?.iea'iion of i $1 11;: i the hearing. I I :i::: i The Mayor declared the hearing bpen at 7: 35 P. 81. I 4 I I f ::::I :;I:; * I I I I I I I I 1 I 0 I 1 1 4 .,>'\%' I I * I t8 '"'8, *\, '8 8s I $ I I 'a\ ",, ' bb ","8 6 0 ; of ' ,?g+,;.;%$*, . t -3- I :"""""""""""""""""""""""~"""""""""""-*""~"""""""""""-~.~~- 1 Member $'@.P&!A : Resolution #l56 of the Planning Commission was read, I ! wherein they recommended the zone change. I ! 8888\, '88 '8 '8 8 I 6 i Name 8, '8s&,*88',\ DI ,$',Ob, '8 Y?.% I :::I1 -1 ;:;:: ::;:: ;;::: 1 I ,!It! 1 4 .,>'\%' I I * I t8 '"'8, *\, '8 8s I $ I I 'a\ ",, ' bb ","8 6 0 ; of ' ,?g+,;.;%$*, . t -3- I :"""""""""""""""""""""""~"""""""""""-*""~"""""""""""-~.~~- 1 Member $'@.P&!A : Resolution #l56 of the Planning Commission was read, I ! wherein they recommended the zone change. I ! 8888\, '88 '8 '8 8 I 6 i Name 8, '8s&,*88',\ DI ,$',Ob, '8 Y?.% I :::I1 -1 ;:;:: ::;:: ;;::: 1 I ,!It! I The application was presented to the Council, The appli- i ; cant was asked by the Mayor if he wished to add anything I i to the application, and he stated that he had nothing to add: : except that this request is a continuation of the zone and : i meets with all the requirements of a C-2 zone, and did i i not feel that it would deprive anyone in that area of any I : wes they have at the present time, I I ! I I i;;;: ::;I, #I*:; if;:/ :::;I ::;;I ::::; ::;:: :::i: It( :!al! ; There were no oral or written protests, : The Mayor declared the hearing closed at 7:40 I?. M. * 1 :i:*; t /::; I ;:#;I ;:::I > I I 1 I :r::i I I *!!I! f After discussion by the Council, the City Attorney pre- i i sented the following resolution for the Council's review, I 1 as it was the feeling of the Council their findings con- 4 I J 4 curred with the findings of the Planning Commission: I I I 1 *;;;i i;::; p:;; 111 ::::; ::::e I!!*! 1 Res. #646. A HESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIli, i : HE CITY OF CAitLSBAD ANNOUNCING FIND- I ;; i %$AND DECISION REGAI-EDING CHAJXG.E OF ZONE i Guevara 1 '8 :x : CLASSIFICATION OF CERTAIN DESIGNATED Pi30PE13t Bierce hi i TY IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAR FROM ZONE R-P i Someman i [ J. TO ZONE C-2, was adopted by title only and further : McPherson! : I reading waived, i La Roche ; i :i ;: I I !I I I i The following ordinance was presented for the Council's i ; review: I t I 4 I I I I I I I .I .I I I I I I I 4 I I I ;; 1. ; :: x! : x; : x: i x:; ; x: : I1 !: -8 i:::: 4;;:: ::::: f I :ii i Ordinance No, 9104. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY i Guevara t 181 :x:x ENDING ORDINANCE NO, 9060 ; Bierce Li I% i E E"bFA61CAilLSBA* 3Y CwGmG CEnTAq *meman : : :x ; DESIGNATED PROPERTY FSOM ZONE R-P to ZONE ; McPherson j I iz i C-2, was given a first reading by the Council. i La Mche ; i ;x * I I I The Mayor declared a short recess at 8:20 Po M. The i i meeting reconvened at 8:35 P, M, I I I I 1 PLANNING: * * I I I I I I I" ;:: ;:: ti; 'I; !I! ::; ::4 I I * a. Appointment to 'Planni%Commission. The Mayo& ;si : advised the Council she would e to appoint Mr. Pearce i ;:: i Davis, 2246 Spruce Street, Carlsbad, to the Pfanning : ::: ; Commission to fill the unexpired term of Mr, William I ::; i Netka Cm. Bierce submitted the name of Mr, John : Guevara :x ; i x ::a : Grant. By motion of the Council Mr. Pearce Davis i Bierce ;#I i was appointed to the Planning Commission to fill the : Someman t : :x ;I' I Unexpired term of Mr. William Netka, which term ex- i McPherson i : :x :. pires in April of 1963. i La Boche ; 18' jx:x ! ! !I: 0' $1 t i HARBOR: ! I I I :e I I I :; :; I I 1 1 I I t I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I 1 I I I .I .I $ * I :a I 6 * :; ! ,I I 1 I t I 1: I I I I I I I 9 I I I I I t I I I I I I & I f I f I I e l Xi I I I I t I I I I * I I i::;; I 1;;:t ! :!I!: I iIIil I a, Two appointments to Harbor Commission. The : ::::i i Mayor skated that she would like to reappoint Mr. Jack i Guevara : !xi XI : : Hughes to the Harbor Commission as his term had ex- : Bierce !x( :x; : i pired. By motion of the Council the appointment of Mr, I Sonneman : : I x; I : Jack Hughes to the Harbor Commission was approved, fo? McPherson j ; :x; ; i a four year term, ending January, 1964, ; La Roche : i !xi : I *b. ? 1 Two of the members of the Harbor Commission were : present, Mr. Jack Hughes and Mr, John Dennis. Mr. i i Hughes stated that they were not informed they were to : : make a report on the activities of the Commission, and i i Mr. Allen, the Chairman, was unable to attend, Cmzr, : : La Roche asked that the Commission be prepared to re- i i port on their past activities, the purpose cf ihe Commis- : : sion and their future activities, at the next regulzr I I i meeting of the Council. I * I I I I ? I I f I I I I I I 1 1 I I I I I t ! 4 * I I I I I t * 1 I I * I I I I I I I I I I 4 t I I * t 4 I * I I I ' I I I l a I I I I * t I I # I 4 a I I I I I . ;;; I:: :I: ;:: ;;: ,:I i:i ;:; ::: l;l ::i :#I *;I :;: ::I ::I ::I !I! I * I 8,'' 8%. I I I I I I ,8 \\ 8 ' '\ '\ * 8, '\8'\, '8\ '8,'*, 1 Na me \,, 8,s x% ''a, i:II I '\\ '+. ", "J8 fj : 4 I -4- 8 1 8 8' : of : Member $$@,$&< \ 4)81& "\ 'e.-$ 0: '8$$$8 $\ 'd$ 1""-""""""-"""""-"-"""-" """""""_ ~ """"""""" I """~"""""_"___ ;-, : The Mayor stated that she would like to appoint Mr. John i Guevara : ;x :xi I Grant to fill the other vacancy on the Harbor Commission; Bierce T; !x: ; By motion of the Council the appointment of Mr. John : Sonneman l ; :XI i Grant was approved for a four year term, ending i McPherson i i :x: ; January, 1964. : La Roche i t !xi i The City Manager informed the Council that he and Cmn. i ; Bierce had attended the hearing on the proposed North i I County Harbor District, and due tu the change of bound- : ;::; : aries the hearing was continued. i ENGJNEERING: I I I :ii: I::: ::I: I ;::I I 8 i :::i 8 :{:I + I,,: I I * I ::I: 4 a. Petition for Chestnut Avenue. The Council was i :::: '*:; i informed that a petition was received with 62% of the I :**I I ::;: : property owners on Chestnut Avenue, from Pi0 Pic0 Dr. i ': :: i to Monroe Street, giving their consent to pay for the * ::,; : cost of curb, gutter and sidewalks on Chestnut Ave. , if i ::;i I::! i the street is paved by gas tax funds. Also they agreed ; 88'1 : that a district be formed under the 1911 Act proceedings. i ;::: ;::: I I I I ;::; ; A map was presented of the area to be included in the ! ;::; i district. Cmn. La Boche stated that in looking at the mai ;::; ; there were some properties that have 200 to 300 foot I ;::: i frontages, which would mean a $1200 to $1500 assessmend ;i!:; i against their property; he felt the Council should get down: ;I,*, i to basic facts; what are we improving this street for '? I I :ii:; : For the general public to get to El Camfno Real, and the i :*4; i people on Chestnut Avenue are to pay for it. He asked ; i!::; : if these people were told they would have bonds against i ;:::; i their property, which they would have to be paying on at : ;::;; i the same time their property taxes were due. Crnn. :p:; I ::::; : La itoche was advised that this petition was circulated i :;:I; i by the City, and the people were fully informed. Cmn. i :;::I ; La Roche further stated that it would be making a 60' e ;I:#: t ll;ii : highway through the center of Carlsbad, and Elm Avenue i ::il: t: i is the street that should be the through street. t : ;::;: : After considerable discussion, by motion of the Council i Guevara : !XI x; ; OII: i it was agreed that the City Attorney be instructed to : Bierce /xi : xi ; ; prepare the necessary papers to proceed with the improv4-Sonneman ; ; i X i ; ment of Chestnut Avenue in accordance with the petition. I Mcfhersonj : : 4 : ! Cmn. La doche stated that in light of the fact that 62% of I ;;11; i the people signed the petition, he voted to go along with ; I;!;; : the proceedings, but that he was doing so under protest : ;::I: ;t+,t i because he did not feel the people were properly informed ;:::: I about the assessment on their property. I I :::;; I I ;I::, I 1;;t; i PUBLIC WORKS: I I i:;:: I I 1 ;ii:: I a. Two appointments to l?ublk I% orks Commission. i :.I I :: I The Mayor informed the-j-wxe two vacan- i 0;:: :L:; : cies on the Public Works Commission, due to the terms : ;: /::: i having expired, and she would like to reappoint Mr, I Guevara :xi ;q I ; Edward Lawson to a four year term, expiring January, : Bierce : I :x;$ : i 1964. By motion of the Council the appointment of Mr. i Sonnernan : i : x i ; Edward Lawson was approved for a four year term, : McPhersoni : i 4 : i ending January, 1964. i La Roche ; i : x: i i Cmn. Bierce submitted the name of Milan Pakaski to i stated she would like to defer this appointment until a ; I I I i I OI+I :::ii 1 4 I1@l( I ; La Roche I i !% i 81 I I I I I I 1 I ::':: ;;:;I ' fill the other vacancy on the Commission. The Mayor i :#I 4:; 1;::; ;:::I I* I ;::;: 4 I I ;::;; i b. Proposed Drainage District - Highland, Skyline, : ::;:: i$;; I I I iii'l Di : later date. * I I i Agua Hedionda Lagoon and Basswood Ave, At the 1 ::;:: : lprevious meeting of the. Council the Council had request- I ::;:: : ed that this matter be referred to the Public bcorks Corn-: i mission. Three of the members of the Commission were: , ::I ;::e: i present and the Mayor introduced the members to the : :4:; ip:; I I I I I I ::;:' /I:; I t I .I,!: 1 I I' , \\\ ',,.\,, '\ 'x '\ D l , \\ , '\\'*,'\. I I I '\\ ', '\ 't, =,:; 6 2 t -5- \\ ', '\, \ I I ; of '3 \o' '*,':+ ',by9 0 4, * 9''"' i Member '%+8+'$! ~""~~."~""""~""-~""""""""""""""""""~"""--"*"~~.""~"""-----"--~--- I I i::i ; Council. The members present were Mr. Doyce Hedrick,: :::* i Mr. Gene Holzenberg and Mr. Lawson. The Council was : I::! 4:: : advised that the Ekgineering Department was unable to i ;Ill I complete the map of the proposed district showing the i 4;; :::; : laterals, and the City Ehgineer would like to meet with ; :::e i the members of the Commission. I I J::! i OLD BUSINESS: 4 !:;I I I # :::; I The following ordinances were submitted for a second i 11 I> ;;*a : reading by the Council: t I 1;:: I I I ::;i ; Ordinance No. 9102, AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY i :::; I-ENDING ORDINANCE NO. 9060, ;:#I i Guevara : i ;I :x: t RECLASSIFYING CERTAIN DESIGNATED AREAS IN : Bierce $ ; ;xi i THE CITY OF CARLSBAD FROM ZONE R-1-15 TO i Sonneman ; i i x: I : ZONE R-1-10, was adopted by title only, and further : McPherson i : x;xi ~ i reading waived, i Laitoche k i :x: 1 i Ordinance No. 9103. AN CRDFNANCE OF THE CITY i 6uevara 1 kjx: ~ :'#I 1, : OF CARLSBAD AJhfENDING OBDINANCE NO. 9060, ; Bierce :; i MODIFYING CERTAIN MINIMUM LOT'::.l[rDTKS IN ; ; :x: ~ : Sonneman ; ; !xi i AN R-1 ZONE, was adopted by title only and further i McPherson i : :x; : reading waived. I La Roche x i :xi ; ; 1 '$1 i Ordinance No. 3040. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY la$ :::I: ; CARLSBAD AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 3015 OF THE ;ii:i i CITY OF CAHLSBAD, PROVIDING FOR THE CONTROJ~ ::$: i OF DOGS AND FG8 THE LICENSING OF DOCS, 1 $1:; /::; I ~~EQUIRING VACCINATION AS A PREREQUISITE TO i Guevara : ; pq : ;::,I i LICENSING BY ADDING THERETO SECTIONS 11. I, , t Bierce : ;xi%: i : AND 11.2, AND ADDING SECTIONS 31.1, 31.2, 31.3, ; Sonneman : : ;xi : I AND 31.4, was adopted by title only and further reading I McPheraon I i !x: i : waived. : La Roche 5r I ;xi ; I I ;*t I ! CITY ATTORNEY'S REPOitT: * ,:f:: i Carlsbad Railroad Station. The City Attorney stated she ! :::i; : had read where the Chamber of Commerce wished to have! ;::I! ; She talked with the Assistant General Freight Agent in i :::ii i San Diego, and he was quite concerned about this matter. : ::i;: : She received a letter from him in which he stated he i desired to preserve the station for future use as a freight i I' 1;4; : facility, as he felt that if Carlsbad is to grow industrially,: 1 ::#'I :*I i this facility should be allowed to remain in the industrial : ;I::: i category. The City Attorney further stated she felt the i 1'41: i Chamber of Commerce should be sent a letter explaining i the contents of the Order issued by the Public Utilities i I Commission in which they state as one of the conditions i ::;I: : that the station shall continue to be maintained as a non- ; Guevara t ; :xi i I agency station at w bich freight in any quantity, carload i Bierce ; ixix: I ! or less, will be handled. By motion of the Council the : Sonneman ! ; ;x! ; i City Attorney was instructed to prepaFme6esolution re- : McPherson !xi !x: : i commending that the station be main.:; as a freight depot.! La Roche : * :x: I i The City Attorney was also directed to direct a letter to i : the Chamber of Commerce regarding the Order issued i i by the Public Utilities Commission. i Water Issue. The Los Angeles Department of Water and ! I 'Power has submitted a plan to the Metropolitan Water i : District of Southern California, proposing revisions based: ;l;ll : upon the contention that a constituent area of the Metro- i ,;,It I ;:; i politan Water District in meeting a share of the cost of i ;I;:: 1 an imported water supply should be required to pay only : ;;I:; 1::;; : for the actual water for which it contracts in advance of i !I:;: i possible usage or need without regard to the assessed ; 11 ,Ill: i valuation of its lands or properties benefited by the I 1 ::;:: t water supply made available for use as and when required: 1:::: i The City Attorney recommended that the Coumll take a ; ::;:; :;::I 1 I l :#I:: ;:::: I I ;!::I I 1 I * D 8' i Na me '., '$&, ',''%x mi t * I I I 1 i:,; 4;; I 1 I 4 I I :::: I I I I I I 0::; I 6 ;:/I i the Railroad station reserved as a landmark or museum. : t" ;:: I 1 1: lb ::::; ;;:I1 If;;; *I ::::; 1;;:; ;I1 I ;: ll::! ;::{I ;:ti: I 8 ;:::: I I t 1;;:; i:::: ;: ,;;!; I 1)' D* t D I I I * I I I I I I I I I I' ' \\ '\ '\\ '\ '. 'S I 1 \\ '\ \ ', '\ '\ , \, '\\ " '\ '\ I -6 - I I I '\ ' \-\ 63 )"""""~"""""""--"""""""~""""""""""""""""~"""""""","""""~ : Member ,O'\,O..P-$?'s \\ ', '\\ '\ ', '\ Bi 1 Name 'b, 'd' .p,, '\, '8% I ; of .,+.O' \?$$&+,+Y+ " \+\, 'I ! stand that we are not in favor of this plan. By motion i : of the Council it was agreed that letters be directed to ; 1'1:: I the Metropolitan Water District and the Department of : i Water and Power of Los Angeles endorsing the Metropoli; Guevara : ; i xi ; : tan Water District's opposition to these revisions, becausb Bierce :x; I x: I i the proposals would be detrimental to the California ; Sonneman I i ;x: ; : Water Bond issue, and Los Angeles would not be paying i McPhersoni :xi x; 1: i i its actual cost of water development. t La Boche : 1 ;x! : I #:,.I ]::;I ::;I1 ::I;: ;:I:; I : CITY MANAGER'S REPORT: I I I + t I I I :;i'~ i:,;; ::: I!!!* I Mayor's and Councilmenrs Institute - Berkeley. The I ::I(: : City Manager requested a policy statement by the Council 1 I ;1: ::I:: i be established in regards to the .payment of expenses 1 I ::::I : incurred by City Cfficials and employees while attending i (11'1 'I:;; i official functions on behalf of the City. By motion of I it::; i the Council it was agreed that actual expenses be allowed i j;r:& 881; i for all councilmen and employees while attending official : !;:b : functions for the City, and that if privately owned 11:; i Guevara i i i X: ; i vehicles are used in lieu of City owned equipment, that : Bierce I :xi :x; : i the individual be reimbursed at the rate of lOC per mile i Sonneman : ; I X: ! : traveled to and from the place where the function is to i McPhersoni I ! x:' i i be held. ; La Roche : :xi x! ; i It was also agreed by motion of the Council that i Guevara : ixi5 i : Councilmen Sonnernan, Bierce, McPherson and La Roche I Bierce :x: ;x: i i be allowed to attend the ,institute in Berkeley on May 25, I Sonneman ; ! : x: ; ; 26, and 27, 1960. i McPhersoni i :q i I I el;# I I I I I I:;:: ¶ t I ; La tEoche I : :x: ; I I I I:pl !*,!I I I Aqueduct ceremony. Mr. Jenken, Mr. Greek and the : : cty Manager attended the aqueduct ceremony in Hemet. i 1 A statement from the Metropolitan t-, ater Oistrict was t : read and ordered filed, concerning the Water Masters i i decision on the Colorado River Water suit, I I 1 I I I i I ; Letter from State Water Pollution Board re Federal Aid. : i A letter was received from the staff of the State Water ! ;;;:; ::;I: :::I I& ::;I! :':i: 11 :ii;i 'I !l'!l ;I;;: ::/: 1;;:: !,I!@ i Pollution Board, indicating that their interpretation of I .lRi: :;::I I the State law in. regards to the use of assessed valuation i iii:i : of the City of Carlsbad. It is their contention under this I I:;:; i law that all of the assessed valuation of the City must be i ::::; : used in determining the financial need, and by this deter- i ::;I; i mination they indicated that Carlsbad's application would : ::'I; :I'll : not receive sufficient priority points for a grant under i ::I:; i Public Law S60. It was the Manager's contention that ; $9 I:; : under the definitions as prescribed in Public Law 660 : ;: 1;41 i that a "Municipality" can be a City, Town, Torcq3, 1 :I;:: 1 I;':: ; Paribn, . District, and that in this case it is Considered: :;I:; i that the project concerns a district, and therefore, the ; I #I( ;:::I : assessed values within that district should be the amount! :;::: I of money that the financial need should be based upon, ; ;I:;: ll*l; t The Manager was informed that if this were the case then: @::I, i the priority listing should be considered in a favorable ; I,,,: ;;;:' I position to receive Federal funds under Public Law 660. I :::I: : The City Manager requested authorization to appear I ;:e:: I :;: i before the State Water Pollution Board hearing in Sacra- i Guevara ; Ix i x: ; $h1 : mento on June 8, 1960. By motion of the Council the I Bierce : I I$ ; i City Manager was authorized to attend the hearing of the i Sonneman : I ! $ : ; State Water Pollution Board in Sacramento on June 8, ; McPhersoni ! i d ; i 1960. i La Roche !xi i { i : 1960 Audit Report. Memorandum from the Director of i : Finance requesting the employment of the firm of Everts ; Guevara : i xi & i t & Esenoff to make the annual audit for the City, By I Bierce i I i i I i motion of the Council authorization was given for the : Sonneman : ; ; ;X: : . i employment of the firm of Everts & Esenoff for the i McPhersoni i i 4 i : annual audit of the City. : La Roche !x; ; 4 : I( D: 1 :I1 ."." -. " :::i: I I I i Felt Lease.. Mr. Felt was contacted regarding the lease I I of Clty.property, and he was reluctant to agree to a : percentage basis as to the lease fee, 6;ue to the fact that i 1 I I 4 t I 1 I 1 I I I I i:::; ::I:; :::;I I::': 1;;:; ; 11.; I :::a: I,!:! c I I ; '\, '\ '%, '\ '\ .%, I I ., '\ \ '\ ', \ 1 \\ 8, '\, '\ '\\'\, I \ ' ' '.@ \\ \\\'\, '.,'\ I : of *,& O'.@\ \o, a\ ' '%"I '..$ @ ' -9% 4 I :::I :ii: :::I ::;; I 1 I I I 1 4 -7 - I :: N a me I. \$v *, '*QN I): ~""""""""""-"""""~""""""""""""-"""-"""-""~~~""""""""""--~-. : Member .@@,&iq I the first year or two there will be no profit; however, he i :::I : did agree to a lease price of $240.00 per year for the ; i first five years, and 112 of 1 % of the gross profits per : ; month, plus $240.00 per year for the next five years. I !*a1 i By motion of the Council the City Attorney was instructed Guevara t :x:X: ; to prepare a lease to include a lease price of $240.00 per! Bierce :XI !X! i year for the first five years, and 1 / 2 of 1 % of the gross : 2kmneman : : :Xi : profits per month, plus $240.00 per baa:. for the next ! lUCfherSOn i : :x: i five years. i La Roche : : :x: : Mayor Sonneman requested that a letter of commendation i 4'0 1::: :::: i be sent to the Spring Holiday Committee for their work : : in making the Spring Holiday event a success. By commoh :#*I ;;IT 11 I consent of the Council the City Manager was instructed to i ;;st I$ ! write a letter of commendation. I :::: : The Mayor further requested that a letter be directed to ! 4:: i the State Beaches and Parks, requesting that cement I I l1 i benches and tables be installed at the State Beach. The ; $88 II ; City Manager was instructed to write a letter to the State i ;::; ((I1 i Beaches and Parks requesting the installation of cement : t;'a : benches and tables. I I :::: I :*I, i Mayor Sonneman inquired as to when the property owners I ;:at $1 i on Wilson Street and Adams Street can expect their street? 4:;; : to be put in satisfactory condition? The City Engineer ; I advised the Council that Wilson Street is now completed i : and Adams Street is being worked on at the present time. ; a': :: PAYMENT OF BILLS AND RATIFICATION OF PAYROL&: ::;: :::I : Authorization was given for the payment of bills for the i i general expenses of the City from May 3, 1960 to May 17, I Guevara *x: :xi : 1960, in the amount of $2,830.75, and the Water Depart- ; Bierce b :* :x:xi i ment in the amount of $9, 193.96, as certified by the jfhmernan : '14 : :x; i Director of Finance and approved by the Auditing Corn- : McPherson I : ;xi I mittee. !La Roche ; i :xi I :::I i Ratification of the payroll was given for the first half of i Guevara ; :x !x i i May, 1960, in the amount of $12,662.30, as certified by : Bierce : : :x; ; the Auditing Committee. isomeman : i !x: l t IO I I I ;::: I + t I ;::: $41 iiii I I ::i; # I 1111 ;::;; $1 :;:il I I ::;;~ I ::I; I::! :*I )I1 I I 1 I I I I I ; McPherson :x i :xi I I I i La iZoche i ; :xi i I ::a:; I ::; It:lI I : Sonneman : : ;xi ; I i McPherson i ix!x : ~ I : La Roche I ; :xi i f I :'I: I I :i;i I i:*t I 1:; I 1 ii:: v I ::I:; 8 I ;11;t I ;::I: 2$ i i5 /& L.q .prr.4, ! V/A..t~&f - , 1. I I :;a:; ::#I: ::::I I I L 1 I : ADJOURNMENT: I 1;;l; : By motion of the Council the meeting was adjourned to i Guevara l ; ;xi ; I Wednesday, May 18, 1960 at 7: 30 P. M, I Bierce :x; ;x: i I I I I 4 * I + I I t I I I I I 81 1 ;*f:l 1;;1; : The meeting was declared adjouhed at 10: 00 P. M. t Respectfully submitted, I I I I I I I I I ,/j I I I I :It I *, 0; i Ep:::2:;cL:DAMs I I I I ::::: ::::I I I I ;::;I ::;:i I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 11 I ::::: I :::,: I I I 4;:: :L;1 I I ;I,', I I I;':; I I :I::: I t ,*:'I I I I I I ::::: '::'I t 1 I * I 1 I I I I I I I I ;;1;1 J;::: I*I I ! I!:::