HomeMy WebLinkAbout1960-06-08; City Council; MinutesI b * I CITY OF ~ARLSBAD ' + i i Minutes of: City Coimka : Date of Meeting: June 8,- 1WO i Time of Meeting 1:OO P. M. * Place of Meeting Council Chambers I".""""""""" """ *"""""""" """ "."*"""" """". i Bierce, Sonneman, McPherson and La aoche, Also I present were '1, :&_alpii Scholm and- &iy%.;ttoMey L-Iayee, B ' i ROLL CALL was answered by Councilmen Guevara, I : INVOCATION was offered by Mayor SonnemM. ; APPilOVAL OF MINUTES: t ! 1960 were approved as submitted. I I I l a. The Minutes of the regular meeting of May 17, I I I I I I I I I i bo Minutes of the adjourned regular meeting of May 11 i 1960, were approved as submitted. ' I I * * I I 4 i COBRESPONDEXCE : i A memorandum dated June 6, 1960 from the City Manag- I er, requesting the Council to approve his appointment of ; Ralph Scholink as Manager Pro Tempore, in accordance i with Ordinance No. 1040, Section 4, was read. By motio : of the Council the appointment of iEalph Scholink a8 i Manager Pro Tempore was approved. i appealing the decision of the Planning Commission for i reclassification of certain properties. The Council was : informed by the City Attorney this matter had been set i for hearing June 23, 1960. i b. Letter dated June 2, 1960 from Paul S, Swirsky, : of Smith and Swirsky, Attorneys for D. R. DUUS0 i appealing the decision of the Planning Commission : denying the application of Mr. Dinius for reclassification i of certain properties from Zone R-1 to Zone M. No : action was taken by the Council as this appeaf was the i same as the previous item. I c. Letter dated May 21, 1960 from Mr. Howard t I 4 a. Letter dated June 2, 1960 from D. R. Dinius, I I 4 I : Demler, in which he stated he felt a more thorough study i should be made of Chestnut Avenue0 before any improve- ! ment of the street is made, as he felt it was a serious : mistake to have the property owners saddled with such i a large expense for sidewalks that would be used for suck : a short period of the day, by the High School students. i He further stated that a drainage system is much more : needed by the High School. Mr. Demler requested the i Council to give this matter further consideration because : of its importance to the property owner#. The City i Manager Pro Tempore recommended the letter be filed : until the hearing on the Resolution af Intention for the i improvement of Chestnut Ave. , at which time the letter : would be read again. Cmn. La Roche requested a i letter be sent to Mr. Demler acknowledging his letter, : and advising him of the hearing. By consent of the i Council the City Manager was instructed to 8cknoWledge ; Mr. Dernlerte letter. i from Nora H. Calhoun, dated May 28, 1960, was read. . : The Council requested the letter referred to the Police I Department. B I do Letter of commendation for the Poltice Department I I I I I i I I I 1 I ! I I 1 I I * * I 1 I I I t 7 I I 1 1 I I 1 \ i I 1 t + I I I I I I t I 1 I I I I I 1 I I I I I 4 I I I I I I 4 * I 1 I I I i 1 I I 4 1 I I t I i 4 I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I # I I I I 1 I : I I I I 4 I 4 I I I I I 8 I : I I I 1 I I I I 1 I I 4 d l I I 4 I I 4 I I t I I I I i I I I q I e. Memorandum from the Chairman of the Parks I # and &creation Commi@m der date of May 23, 1980, I , regarding the curbing I>@ &Ish;ul mvd. in front of the : Ortega property. As th&S is existing curbing to the i I I I 1 I L *,8* 8% '3, =,'*8, 8'8 8\ 'b8 8 '* 888 ",,"8,'8.,8*.,8*, 6 5 ., 8 N ~ me '8, '*& '88 '.\> '8 '$,$ of '%& >,&& Member *$&8$8%@4 """""**I""- ' ~";""' :;;:! ;::i{ 1::;; I)*') ;.e, - ** I i:::: ::'I; ;:::: /::; ;: 'I ,I::; ;:a :I: il, I Guevara : : 15 ; Bierce :x: ; q i Someman : i ;+ i McPhersoni I {q : La IEoche : :x; X: : :I::; I: #I , Guevara : :xi xi ; Bierce :xi ;x: i Sonneman i : ;xi : McPherson; i i x i La Roche : : : 4 ; ::i;i ::;:: ;:::I :I I::!! : : 1; i Guevara : ; I Bierce ;xi ; $ i 1 Sonneman 3 ; !x: ; McPherson; ; : f i La Roche : !x! X: : i ;,;:: ;;;:: :.: i ; ; :;I;; i:::; :;:;; ii:;: !!:': ::: it;!: ;:I ;'; ;:,;I ::::i ;::(I ;:':: 1:::: ::: ' ;ll:; ;::;: ;::;: :!::I 8 I :f 4 ::;;: !I::: :*;:I ;: ,I::: ;:::; 41 *:;" "I! :;: ::;!I fa'# ;::;: P :::;: I1@l; :a:; 1::11 :I 'I t;:;:: ;:::; ,;:I* ;:#'I L ;:; ;:::: ;::;: ;:;i: ::pi ;;;:: 18 :I::; 1: :si:; I::@* i:;:: ;@:;I $;e* , 1;: I;;.; i:::: ;;;:; I!?:! 0'1 *'l;t * If D B 3* I * ,I I 1' l 8, '\,e'.8 'x8 '\ e'8 I I x, \' 8's' , \\ 'x 8 ' ' !I I -2- I '8 '8 '8 '*, '\ ' '\ '*, '1' 66 1 I I I i : N a of me' '8, '$ '?&+ .38, ''8;'& ' '3;. I :"""""--".--."""-"""-"""""~""""""""""""""""~~"""""""""""~"~ I :. Member %O\+ $'@&hB &+\\ I I :::I1 ;I#:: i north and the south of this property they were in hopes i ;::I: : this curbing could be linked together. Also the condition 1 1:::: ; ; ;. 8' : walk area in front of the Ortega property close to the I i fence causing pedestrians to stop out in the street, The I ::I*, 1:;:: ; Council was informed that Mr. Ortega had been contacted i i regarding the curbing, -and he stated he was not in a v':; : for the Council's review later on the agenda. 1 f. Letter of resignation from the Public Works Com- i Cuevara ; !xi x: I : mission by Pearce C. Davis was presented, due to his I Bierce !xi ; 4 4 : recent appointment to the Planning Commission. By : Sonneman : ; !x: ; c ! motion of the Council Mr. Davis' resignation was accept-! McPhersoni I : 4 : I ed, I La Roche : : :X: i ;::;I i ORAL COMMUNICATIONS: I I ;::;: ;s::, :::;: /::; ;::;I I ;.; 1; 1 still exists whereby autos are frequently parked on the : ::f:: :+: I ::I;; :! parking, the City Attorney has prepared an ordinance : 1: t :::i; I I ;4111 ::i;: i position at this time to have them installed. As to the i ;: ,I:;: I I I 81 I I I I I 8 a I I 1 I 1 ,i There were no oral communications. ::: I 4 I ::ti; l a. Tentative map of Laguna Terrace. A map of the i ;y;i i proposed subdivision was presented for the Council's i I;:;: l 1;::. 1 f,, ::: : I the tentative map subject to certain conditions. The ; i/1;,: 1 L : presented a map of a proposed drainage district of I I : i i i.! :;'I; : for the trunk lines, and individual districts would pay i 11;:: : section of Hillside Drive and Park Drive to the Agua { ::::; at : met with the Public Works Commission and they were I ;:::: i in favor of this plan. ::@:I, I I :;:::: ;;:$ i A memorandum from the Engineering Department stating i :I:;:' : that a water easement runs diagonally across the parcel i ;::a'; i which is to become Laguna Terrace Subdivision, and : ;;I1:' 1:::; : they recommend that this easement be abandoned. By ; *I ii;:;: i motion of the Council it was agreed that the City Attorney: Guevara : ; : * ; i : take the necessary steps to have this easement abandon- i Bierce :xi ; 4 : ; i ed. ; Sonneman : ; I s i ; 8 I McPhersoni : i 4 i I * * : b.Mche : :x;? ; i ;:I;!: ;*I : recommendations of the Planning Commission as to the i :;1:1; :I:::; i tentative map of Laguna Terrace. The following resolu- ; i tion was presented for their review: ;;;:;; :*;:,: I ::I;:: i Res. #654. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL i Guevara i i 14 i i I OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD APPMIVING TENTA- : Bierce ;xi iq ; I i TIVE NIAP OF LAGUNA TERRACE, was adopted by { Sonneman ; ; ;x: ; ; ; title only, and further reading waived. I 1 I I I $ ! PLANNING: I I I I i review, Resolution No, 159 of the Planning Commission : ': was read, wherein they recommended the approval of i i matter of drainage was discussed, The City Engineer i # I ,I ..j .I i the Highland's water shed area, The map included all I ::::; : trunk lines and major laterals, It was pointed out that ; i:!:: i if a district were formed the entire district would pay ; ;I::: i for the individual laterals that were installed, Cmn. I :iii; : Bierce asked the City Engineer to report back to the I i:i:i i Council as to the cost of the trunk line from the inter- : I:;:: i Hedionda. The Council was advised that the City Engineer ;::;I c :]$!* I I I ll', '8 :a*;; 1 I II I I I I I f .f- After considerable discussion the Council agreed with the: 1:;1;: 1 1 1 I i McPhersod : id I i I I ; La tzoche I !x;+ ; : i A short recess was declared at 7: 55 P, M. The meeting : I ;;::;: 6 t :::*:: I I ;:::;: ;::;:: 18 t 8 1 ;!i;;; 1;;:;: i Harding Strqet to the Freeway, from.80' right of way to : ::*:;: :::it; ::;t*g ::*::: I t I;::!; '. R , * I a:!::: I i reconvened at 8: 17 P, M, i ENGINEERING: I A. Petition for street vacation on Oak Avenue, from, i %Or right of way, A petitmn waspresented showmg SOTO i ;*4;vg t t :*#'I@ e l * 1: I 1 t I 8 ._ .. . 'li, ,, I ,. . I !!&!I! I I I I I a I b ' 47% 1 \\\' \ \. \\ ', '\, ', " 8' * I 8,'\' 8 % '* \ ' \, ', '\' ', 8. '* 8 -3- l *, '\ ', \ ' ' i N a me ', '-$ '', ''$3. I ; of '&&\, ' " 'F.! '.L'\o '+ @' :~""""""-"""","""---"-----"".-""""""-"""*~"""~."_~""""~I """"""_ i _", I-:: ::i:; i 80' street was necessary; also curbing has been installed : 1:;t: Bi i Member '9 @&@ I ;*I : of the property owners in favor of this vacation. The i ; Council was informed this is not a through street due to ; ;!!:; i the freeway, and the property owners did not feel that an i ;:::I 'I f on the south side of the street, which was designed for a i :ii:i i 60' right of, way, it was also pointed out that a shopping : i:::: i center is being considered in this area on the property i ~11;; : located between Oak and Elm Avenue, which would call I : for ingress and egress on Oak Avenue in this block. It ; i was the feeling of the majority of the Council this would i i have no unne.cessary traffic as off-street parking would : Guevara l ; I xi ; : be required it a shopping center were constructed in this i Bierce ix i : x: : i area. By motion of the Council the City Attorney was : Sonneman : : i xi i I instructed to start the proceedings for the vacation of i McPhersoni : ; 3 i I Oak Avenue, between Harding Street and the Freeway, : La Roche : !xi + : I b. Petition for storm drainage on Juniper Street, I : between Garfield Street and the railroad. The Councxl i ::;:: i was informed that a petition had been received €or the : ::I:: :a::; I installation of a storm drain on Juniper street, between i ;:-I 1::: i Garfield Street hd the railroad, signed by all the I I f: ;I:#; i property owners except one. The petitioners are willing i 1: I i,; ; to pay for all materials, and are requesting the City to 1 *I ii;:: i furnish the labor. Also due to the fact that one property ; ,!I" t owner did not sign the petition, would the City be willing i ;I;!! ;::I: I to contribute his share, which would amount to approxi- ,: ;:::: : mately $63,00, The City Manager recommended the I 1 ::::: i City participate in this project, as this area creates 1 $ ;;;:: I $1I1I ; quite a problem when it rains, and considerable man- i ;:I:: i hours are expended in pumping the area after each rain. ; ;:::: s;.llo : It was the feeling of the Council that the property ow9ers : ::::I I 4; i should make up the difference of the $63.00, because of ! Guevara : i I q i : setting a precedent, By motion of the Council it was i Bierce , :x; : Yq I i agreed that the City participate in this project by furnish-: Someman : ; i 3 ; i in$ the labor, and that the cost of the materials be pro- i McPhersoni ;x: 3 : i rated among the signers of the petition. ; La Roche t : i q i i predings, The City Attorney stated that resolutions ; ; ad een prepared to start y'he Proceedings for the I :I::! : Chestnut Avenue improvement. The following resolution4 i were presented for the Council's approval: * 8 ::;:: 1;;:; ::;I; ::::I i:::: /;:: ;: 'I I I I I I i:::: I:;,; + I I I I I C, Improvement of Chestnut Avenue - 1911 Act ii:;: 04;; :; ::i:, ;:/: I I I I ;:;:' ,;I8: i Res, 8650, RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF i 1:: : mY OF CARLSBAD DECLARING FINDING THAT :;I:: I OWNERS OF MOBE THAN 60% IN A&.EA OF THE :;::; 8 :I:;* : PROPERTY SUBJECT TO ASSESSMENT IN PROPOSED! IIIli I ASSESSMENT DISTMCT NO, 1-1960 HAVE SIGNED ' l';:: : PETITION FOR IMPROVEMENTS; FINDING THAT THd I;;:; i PETITION FOR PROPOSED ASSESSMENT DISTRICT : !!I:; * I:: i NO, 1-1960 HAS BEEN FILED WITH THE CLEftK OF : :I; I : THE CITY OF CARLSBAD; AND FINDING THAT SAID i ;I,:: ; PETITION CONTAINS A WAIVER OF ZNVESTIGATION i Guevara : ; !x; : ii;:: : PROCEEDINGS REQUIRED BY DIVISION 4 OF THE : Bierce ;xi :xi ; i STREETS AND HIGHWAY CODE OF THE STATE OF i Sonneman : ; :x: i : CALIFORNIA, was adopted by title only and further : McPherson j : i x: ; i reading waived. i La Roche ; Ixix: : i Cmn, La Roche requested that an ordinance be adopted ! +:; ;:; : limiting the load limit on Chestnut Avenue to 3,000 lbs. i :I;:; i The City Attorney informed the Council this would have : ,I::: ;: : to be a separate matter, and could not be made a part i 1:;:: B I of the 191 I Act proceedings, I I i::;, 1::;: i Res, #651. ftESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF I Guevara ; :xi x; ; i w OF CAPELSBAD, APPOINTING -3NGINEER : Bierce :x! :x; i ~ i AND FIXING COMPENSATION for proposed assessment i Sonneman : ; i xi ; ~ ! District No, 1 - 1960, was read in full and adopted. i McPhersoni : : x; : I I I * I I ::I 9: SI I I i:::; I I : La Roche : ; : 1 :x/ I I 1:::' I I : :;I::; I 8 :':::; I I I :;;::; I I I ;*I;:; I I I I :::;;; I I 'I I 11 I I ! I :!!:!; I * -... ~ " .. . I' > \\ '\, ' ' * I *8 ', 8. ,. .. I i b .. I 't8 '\ ', , s, '\ I t '\, '8*,**,,'*., 'b8'** 6 8 I -4- t8 \ \ 8 '* i N a me 88, '+, 8*\:?$A 8 .?d*. 9.,&$4? : Member *@@*\pr :""""""""""" """" """""" T""""""""""""""""; """"""" "" * """". I i::i: I ;::;; I' 1iii: I 4 D : of '8+ '6\ '\ \q> I : Before the; above resolution received the final vote to I adopt the same, Cmn. La Roche moved that the matter -; : be deferred until the next regular meeting. The City I I :':I: 119 i Attorney stated tkre was some question as to whether or i ;Ltt : not he should make any motion due to the fact that he is : 4,;: i a property owner; the law allows a man to vote himself i i:::: ::::I I in debt. Due to a lack of a second the motion failed. 8 I ;::I; i Res. #652. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL i Guevara l :xixi ; ::'I: i -CITY OF CARLSBAD APPOINTING PEitSON i Bierce k; !x: ; i TO PBEPARE ALL PROCEEDINGS FOR Assessment : Someman : : ;xi : ; District No. 1-1960, was adopted by title only and further! McPherson i ; ;xi i i reading waived. : La Roche : : ; 4 l: 1 Res. #653. RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF ! : mY OF CARLSBAD DIRECTING PREPARATION i Guevara i OF PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND DESIGNATING : Bierce b i :xi ; : ENGINEER TO PREPABX PLANS for proposed Assess- i Sonneman ; ; !x; ; i ment District No. 1-1960, was adopted by title only and I McPherson ; ;x ;x; i I further reading waived. I La Roche : * 1 I *. : NEW BUSINESS: : At the previous meeting the City Attorney was instructed i i to prepare an ordinance to provide no parking on both i ;!$; I:# ' i sides of Harrison Street between Chinquapin and Adams; : : requiring two hour parking on Carlsbad Blvd. and Elm i i Avenue east to the railroad tracks; and parallel parking : :#I:; ; on Carlsbad Blvd. The following ordinance was pre- 1 I ::;:; i;g i sented for a first reading by the Council: i Ordinance No, 3041. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY J Guevara i ;xixi : i "LING OBDINANCE NO. 3028, i Bierce $: :x: i i AMENDING AND ADDING TO ORDINANCE NO. 3005 : Sonneman 8 : ;xi : : OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, was given a first read- i McPherson i i !x: : i ing by the Council, : La Roche ! 1 ;x: : : b. Recommending railroad station be maintained a8 1 ;:I;: i a frei ht de' ot. At the previous meeting of the Councn I *I;*: i t e zty ttorney was instructed to prepare a resolution i ;::;: ; recommending the railroad station be maintained as a : i freight depot. The following resolution was presented fori : the Councilts review: I Res. #655, A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF i Guevara : !x !x; I i -D URGING PRESERVATION OF CARLSBAD : Bierce i ; :xi ; : STATION AS A FREIGHT FACILITY, was adopted by i Sonneman ; i !x: : i title only and further reading waived. : McPherson I : ;x! i I + I a :::;I 1 ::,:I :i::i ' ::; : i ;x: ; I I I * I I:::; I I :i;:: I I:;:: ::;:: ;:: i:,:: :;::: I :II I :i: I I :;:ii *. I I I Ill I I 1 I ::::: f ::t:; I' 0::; ;: 1::: I :'$: I ::I;: T7?" * I I ::;;; a 8 I t i La Roche $i !x: : I I I ,'I;: I 4:;: I ;:4: ,;:Is I;:': & 4 :;:;I I:::: I : OLD BUSINESS: I 'I1 I : A. Second reading of Ordinance No. 9104 - reclassi- i i fying certain property from Zone i%-P to Zone C-2. The t ;fI'l 1::: : followbg ordinance was presented €or a seoond reading: : I;':; : Ordinance No. 9104. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY i Guevara : ; !xi ; i -ENDING ORDINANCE NO. 9060, I Bierce jLI :x; : I CHANGING 'CERTAIN DESIGNATED PXOPERTY m : Sonneman : ; '!x! i : THE CITY OF CARLSBAD FEtOM ZONE R-P TO ZQNp McPhersonI : :x; ! i C-2, was given a second reading and adopted. : La Roche : ixix: i i The Mayor requested that a letter of commendation be , ! 8 ;::;I; 1:' li : sent to Mr. Leo Williams and his committee for their i :;;;i: i efforts in the Pony League Parade. I 4 ;;l;I; I $ I,:I;I i The Maya-z-aIso.,inquired as to the feasibility of having ! ;!;I;' , /a! : warning signs posied q&nd the disposal plant, or per- i I:;::I ;aI;l; i haps a notice in the papeqt The City Attorney stated that : :Ii:; : she did not feel that a &&e in the paper would readh the : i persons violating. By m&on of the Council it was agreed ,II:l; I I I L 8 D 1 I I !I;:; ;:;I:# ,'i -7 6 :I:::] :I:::; I * I I IIii:: 1 I 9;' e I I I .- .- I ! !::I:I I I ~\ tI w I ; ,yb8>+) -\. I I I I 1- t 8 \ 8 \ y\, t I I '\, ", 8*88'88, '\,8*, 6 9 -5- 1 b ! Name 5' 'b,yh>:$% I i Sonnernan iiiX:i 8 b ;x! I f I i McPhersonix i I x: i I : La Roche i : i xi i 11 I;#:; i:::: 1;::; i Delinquent water bills. The Council was informed that i I ::::a i Letters had been sent to Mr. Graham Kelly, Attorney ; ::;;; I: ! conference with him before filing suit, 1 I i:::: I ;:;:: i served in the Terramar area, and he has been notified i ;:r:; 8 : of ' 048 8\ '$ /L\ i:;;: I that the City Manager be instructed to have warning signs ! Guevara ; IX; xi ; I posted on the fence around the disposal plant. i Bierce f Dl :""-""""-"-""-""-."-"-""-"-"""-"""""""""""""~~"""""~""~""~."~", ! Member ''6%8?!$&* I I I t I I I J I I I I i CITY ATTORNEY'S REPORT: 4 ::I:, ; for Mr. R. E. Hicks and Mr. Irwin Kelly, regarding i :;;:: : their delinquent water bills, and she has requested a ; 1411; ;::;I I Water inclusion fees, Also Mr. Prewitt feels:that' hg i ::;;; i should not have to pay the $1.00 inclusion fee for wpter ; ;*I,* i by letter as to the Councifrs policy, and if any exception : :a::, : were to be made it would have to come from the Council. I l;;tl :;::: ; be out of town until the 19th of June, but that Mr. Hayes ; ;:lla i would be available in the event there were any questions. i :;::: i CITY MANAGER'S REPORT I I :i::; I I 6 i The City Attorney also informed the Council she would i I :::el :!; :: :I I I I ;:::I ;I::: ! The City Manager requested that an adjourned meeting i ::I@l :; t ii; I I I I I I ; t b I I #I :ii:i I:;:; 11;; i be held prior to the next regular meeting in order to ; ::I:: ; discuss and approve the proposed 1960-61 budget. ;L*I Ip:; ;1::1 :;;:; ::::; I 6 I i PAYMENT OF BILLS AND RATIFICATION OF PAYRo~L: ;::;: : Authorization was given for the payment of bills from 4 i 44 11 i the Director of Finance and approved by the Auditing i McPhersoni i i ''1 x : : Committee, : La Roche i : : 4 ; i Committee, i someman i ; :* i I I La Roche ; : i$ ; I I " I 41 t i May 18, 1960 to June 8, 1960 for the general expenses ; Guevara :x; i 4 ; : of the City in the amount of $7,292,36, and the Water i 3ierce i i% 4 i i Department in the amount of $2,989,6?, as certified by : Someanan ; ; 1 x! ; 3 4 ::::I I Ratification, of the payroll was given for the second half ! Guevara : !xi 4 ; f of May, 1960, in the amount of $12,690.50, as certified i Bierce i i i X i i by the Director of Finance and approved by the Auditing ! McPhersonjx: ; $ : i ADJOURNMENT I ;:::: ;::;: 4 :;::: 1;*t; 1 By motion of the Council the meeting was adjourned to i Guevara ; ;xixi t : Thursday, June 16, 1960 at 7: 00 P. M, i Bierce !xi i q i I : Sonnenran ; ; '2d ; t i McPhersoni : i 4 : I : La Boche I i i q i :I::: i The meeting was declared adjourned at 9: 40 P, M. 8 I( :;::: I f;:;; li:::; ;1:1:< i Respectfully submitted, 1 d*:;; 1 I I :!::;; 4 I # I i::i:i 1::;;; 0 I ::;!!! :I#* 8 '**'I; :::!:I pal:: **::I: ::;:;: I ;::;:; ;#I:*; * I ;::::; ;::;:; I,;:': I b I I t I I 4 I $ I b 1 a 1 I I I I I I I I J I It1 6 I I I BI 4 I I :;;;;; la i egc2rtDAMS a I ;:::;; 1 4 B I I I I I J I I I * a I I I I I 4 I I I I 8 I I I * 1 I I I I I I t io ;;:::: a;:*;' ! !I.!!*