HomeMy WebLinkAbout1960-06-16; City Council; Minutes.3 1 I I I' , \, '\ '* ', .. : CITY OF CAIILSBAD 1 I ',/,'\ ','\*. i Date of Meeting: June 16, 1960 : Minutes of: City Council (Adjourned Meeting). I .Name- .'\. \q\ ; of Y+'\V. x\, *f$. i Time of Meeting: ROO P, M, \?&&+ '?& : I""""""""""- Place of Meeting: """~""""""""--""""--""-""-""-""";"""---""-""~--"-~-~- Council Chambers : Member ,p\&.&xP ,o.o+pc t :;;tl ! ROLL CALL was answered by Councilmen Guevara, I :;I:: f ; I 4 1.: i Bierce, Someman and La Boche. Also present was I :;::I I City Manager Slater. 1::;: I 4 I ::::i i The Mayor presented a certification by the City Clerk ! ::; 81 :'I:; i that notice of this adjourned meeting had been properly i :c:; : given, I I !!p3 1;: I ::pi ! Mayor Sonneman announced that the first item of business: I:::: i would be the discussian of the budget, 1 1::;: * I ::;:: I :::I: i The following departmental budgets were discussed I * ::;:: I ;;::: i CITY ATTORNEY: (Page 5) I #'I: f ::::I I :::It ! Cmn. Bierce stated he felt we are paying too much for i i;!;; i part-time legal advige; he would like to recommend that : ::: 81 : a full-time City Attorney be employed at the rate of I :;+ \ $800.00 per month. Cmn. La izoche stated he agreed i ::::: ; with Cmn, Bierce that the City needs full-time legal I i:::; 'I advise. Mayor Sonneman asked if the Council should not : :ii:; : offer Mrs, Hayes this position, as Mrs. Hayes' work had ! !!I:; I(::: i certainly been satisfactory. It was agreed that $9,600.00i ;;!'I If i be allowed in the City Attorney's budget for a full-time : ::: i Mrs, Hayes. I I I:':: i 1911 Act: (Page 12) I t I:::; i It was the opinion of the Council, that due to a full-time { ::::: : City Attorney being employed, the amount appropriated : i:;:: I in the 191 1 Act budget for Professional Services should I 1:;:; ::;:: I be transferred to Capital Improvement, as this service ; I:::: i would be part of the duties of the City Attorney. It was . I 1;::; i agreed by the Council this amount be transferred to I I i:::: ; Capital Improvement, t I ;;I*# 1:;:: i GENWAL GOVERNMENT BLDGS,: (Page 4) I I 1:; I :::*I I I 1;::: ::::: :;::: :::" ::I:; 1 I I \, ', ', ', .'."', 7 8 *, \.,'x, '\ \ '' 8 .,& '.x; '.,a I I): I I I I 2 I I 1 I I ItIl I I I ; City Attorney, and that the position be made available to ,I i:: ;:::: ;i 4 I I :;:'I t I ;:: I I I $ I:;:: I f t I :;::: & I I ,a i Discussion was given as to the feasibility of employing : i a mechanic to take care of the City equipment, $5,00O,OOi ; had been proposed in the budget for an Auto Shop, It was i :I::: :; i the feeling of the majority of the Council that an Auto I I ;;::; : Shop was premature, according to the amount of monies I Ie:;l i spent in the past year for labor on equipment, After con-; I' ll : siderable discussion by the Council it was agreed that i i the amount of $5,000 for Auto Shop purposes be transfer- : ;; ;I::: ; red to Capital Improvement. I I 1:::: : It was also pointed out there would be approximately ;I* 1- i $15,000 remaining in this year's budget under aoad I I ::::i; #*I:*; : Materials that could be transferred to Capital Improveme$, Guevara : , jxixi : 1 i By motion of the Council it was agreed that the amount of i Bierce p : :x; i ! : $15,000 remaining in the 1959-60 budget under 3oad ;Someman : ; !xi ; ; i Materials be transferred to Capital Improvement, i La Roche ; : :xi i ; I WATER DEPARTMENT: I I I;;$:: I ::::;: I I :tl:l; i The City Engineer informed the Council he did not feel ! '::;:; : the Water Department could continue on under the present i i:;::; ;:;I:( i conditions. The people voted for a $300,000 bond issue. : 1::::: I:;::: : When these funds are available we are going to have to i :;:::: : repair the reservoirs, which will leave approximately : i:;::: ; $68,000 for other repairs, In his opinion this would not i i be sufficient for other necessary repairs, He further I I :::I:: t stated that he had not had an opportunity to see the pro- i 1:;:;: i posed budget as submitted, and felt the Council should be : {:;Il$ ; made aware of the needed repairs; also he felt .an in- ; ' I 1:;::: i crease in the water rates ,should be considered. By corn-: I;::;: : mon consent of the Council it was agreed that the matter i #8l;l; i of the water rates would .be discussed at some future date.; ,. l'lt11 1;;I;t I I :14111 :::'I I::: 1 I 8 I ::::: I :*I1* I *.: I I I I , I 11) I * I L 1 11' ;::if: **I;:; :::::; I I I I ::::;: I I * I ;:I:,: ,!l!l I I I I D b 1 I I' I I I ' ', "' \, 8? I I I I k I I I -2- 4 1 \. I .' I \ '. I 8 I Name ' : of I :"""-""""""""""""""-""""""""""""""~"""""-~"""~"" : Member I , I : PUBLIC WORKS: (Page 11) ! i : It was the decision of the Council that the item for Tune i Up equipment in the amount of $400.00 should be deleted : from the Public Works budget, due to the fact that the i employment of a mechanic was not anticipated for this : fiscal year. By common consent of the Council it was i agreed that the amount of $400.00 be transferred €rom ! the Public W-orks budget to the Capital Improvement i budget. I I I FIRE DEPARTMENT: ! I I I I r I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I L b I t I s I I i Cmn. La Roche stated he would like to see an additional i I man employed in the Fire Department, other than the one : : proposed in the budget, due to the fact we are now servicj i ing North Carlsbad. The City Manager advised the 1 1 : Council the Fire Chief asked for three additional men, buq I that only one man was proposed in the budget, It was the : : decision of the Council that one additional man, as re- i i fleeted in the budget, was sufficient for the coming year. ; I 1 I j BUILDING INSPECTION: (Page 18) I I I 1 I I i Discussion was given to the amount of $1,500.00 proposed : for a half time Building Inspector. It was the feeling of ; i the Council that $500.00 would be sufficient for the budgeti : which woulcftake care of the vacation time for the build- : I ing inspector, and the remaining $1000.00 be transferred i ; to the Capital Improvement budget. I I i CAPITAL IMPROVEMEDTTS: (Page 24) r The matter of priority of Capital Improvements was dis - i i cussed, and it was the concensus of the Council that the ; i need €or a street from State Street to Roosevelt, between i I Grand Avenue and Laguna Drive, should be given priority; : ~n making the preaous transfers to Capital Improvement i I it would increase the Capital Improvement budget by $ i $22,700.00. Cmn. Bierce suggested that a committee i ; be appointed by the Mayor to investigate this project. By! : common consent of the Council the Mayor appointed the : i City Attorney, City Manager, Cmn. Bierce and Cmn. I I Guevara to a committee. 1 I i Cmn. Bierce stated that the Mayor-Councilman's meeting! : in Berkeley, discussion was given as to additional recreai I tional areas. The taxpayers pay €or the school lands, and : due to the fact that the schools are required to purchase i I large parcels of land for schools, some of the cities are : : entering into an agreement with the schools to use the I i playground portion for recreational purposes. In some ; : instances the cities have purchased the equipment. Per- i i haps in the near future this City can work out an agree- : : ment with the schools. I I I I I I 1 1 I I I 1 I I I I I I I 8 1 1 * I I I * i CARLSBAD BLVD, SE#ER DISTRICT NO. 5-1969. i The City Manager pointed out that at the time of the : hearing on the Carlsbad Blvd. the property owners re- : i quested the City to participate in the cost of the pumping I ; station, and the Council indicated at that time this item : i would be discussed at the time of the budget. Cmn. I I : Bierce stated he felt a hardship had been worked on these: i property owners by contributing $25.00 per lot at the i ; time Sanitary District #2 was formed, and they should be : i credited $25.00 per lot on this present assessment. The i ; City Engineer stated that at the time the assessment is : i spread the City could contribute at that ti.me. Also it I : was pointed out they could be given a $25.00 credit at : i the time they paid their $50.00 inclusion fee. I I I I 1 4 I I I * I I I I ! . .. ', '8 '. 'x, '\ '\,'\, ', '\ " '\\'\\ 8' 71. \\'\\ '\ '*%,,'\\, '% \$io \ 83 '4 \,o "924 +@ 0 40, " ',P, 8% $*.e.$? \to'* ;;I;; :I I*:!; ;I;:: I:;:: :::;; 1:::: i:;:: 4:;; ;I;:: :I;:: 'I,:, :I1 I l,:l I:::: ::;:; ,:;I: ;:I:l :;:;: :::;: 11; ;;pl ,:;I: (~':t ::I:( :I::: ;::I: ,@*:I 1:::; ::;I: 4::: ;::;I 't :::;: llll; ;;!:; :**:I :::;I ;::;:. ::;I:: i:'::: 1:;;;; !:::#a 10 :::I:: I:;!:: :::I:: :::;:I )I( I:::,: ;::;:I :::::I ;;;:;: ;'I:%; ;:a ;li: ,+I;;' :::: I"#;: #I :I :::i:, ;::;:; 4;::; e;;::: :pi:: :;;:I: :::;:* I* !:;I:: 1:;:;: ::;;;; ;q:1; i' ::I$; $;*It #*l:l; I:::;I :::;:: 1::::: :a :41;t; :::::; 18) ;:;:i: :i{jii ;;;:i! )*I ;:4::: :::;I; :::118 1:::;: :y:: ::;;l; ::;;;: :tl i::;:: ::I -1:::: """"""""., (*I 1 :I '1, I 11 81 ::I ;:;::i :I1 ::I ': ltl:l; 1:;::: I;;':: I:;I:: ;~l:l; :a*:* I> - I I I I I I I I I' , \\ '\ \ % ' I I I ', , '\ '\ \' '\ \, '., ', '\ '. '\ \\ ,, '\ \. '.,'\\ 7 2 I I I Name '\, '+$$, '\, '\&, ; of '+@\ , \PA\ .*' ~\**,9>,#4& :""""""""""""~""""""-""""""~""""""--""""""-"--""""""-"""" : Member 8do~\,pp ,d ;::*' : The Council discussed the possibility of a tax rate in- i ;:::t :: ;:@I; I crease. It was the general concensus of the Council the ! ::ii: ! only way the City is going to be able to make any capital i ::a:: i improvements is to increase the present tax rate. The ! 1I:;l I Council was informed by the City Manager there are I ii:;; i only specific funds that are allowed for tax funds. The i ::::: : City Manager was instructed to present to the Council at i :::i: !::I: i the next meeting a list of the funds that are allowed for : ,;I:: : a tax increase. :I:;: t I ;L:; 1 for the purpose of discussing the salary budget. 't I I i Sonneman ; : i5 I I I : La Roche ;x; :q ; I ;:i:i :;::: i The regular meeting of the Council convened at 10: 55 P. %. I :ti:; I I ::4; ;f' 11:11 i By motion of the.Council the proposed budget was approveti Guevara ; i xixi i i in accordance with the changes previously listed in these : Bierce : : :xi : : Minutes. i Sonneman i I :x: i i * INSERT - See below : La iZoche :x : :xi ; 1 1 :::I: (II:I i By common consent of the Council the City Manager was : : instructed to contact each department head and request i ::i:i ::::; i them to submit a list of all employees whom they feel I ;: : are entitled to an increase in salary, and at the discre- i ;:iii 1:::: i tion of the City Manager any salary increases were to be : :'if; ; incorporated in the budget. ::::: ;: 11 ;:i:: i Planning Commission: t I 1;;:; :e::: I :it:: i By motion of the Council it was agreed that the Council i Guevara : i xjx: : ; ask for the individual resignations of the Planning Com- : Bierce !x: : x: : i missioners effective as of June 23, 1960, and at that i Sonneman : i i X i ; time a new planning Commission will be established. : 1 La Roche i i : 4 : 11::: ::;I: I The City Manager was instructed to write letters to the ! ::;:: i individual members immediately, informing them of the ; ::;:: i Council's decision. I : ADJOUZtNMENT: I I I .. 3- I I '\ . '\ ", ' I I DI t 11 8 I I I I I I I I : Executive Session. ill11 ;:::: 11 I I /4: : By motion of the Council an executive session was called i Guevara : :xixi ; : Bierce ; : :xi i I 8 I i The executive session of the Council was called at 9: 10 P.iM. 1:4: I I I 1 I I I I I I I * I I I I I I I iIl:l ::;:i 1 I I :;;:I :::;: i By proper motion the meeting was adjourned at 11:08 P, h$ I 1:::: *;I:: :I:;: ;:::; 1::;: i Respectfully submitted, ::!!; ::;!: ::pi ::;:;; :!:;;; i D""~~C2~CZrYAMs 1 I i:;::; : IWSERT: Mayor Sonneman requested the fallowing i I :I:::; :::::I i decisions of the Council made in the executive session : 0,;1;: :::::1 :;;::: i::i:: ; City Manager - 26E to 28D. 1 :i:::i :;i::; :::::: : Library Aide to Library Assistant - 6D to- 9D ::;::: ::;::: I:;;:: :!:::I I;!::: :;I::: :;i:;: t I I i::i:: t I I +I) I 1 4'1 I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I 1 I I ;: 1 m-4 y [7& I I I I s I I I I :1'1,, I I 8' * I I I tll;l; i added to the Minutes: The following step increases i ::;::: : were approved by the Council: I I I 1 I I I I f Di ll'liI : Direct0.r of Finance - 22E to 24D i Engineer - 19E to 22D i Library Assistant - 7E to 9E : Reclassification of Engineer Assistant to Assistant : ::;:;I I1 I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I l!!l!!