HomeMy WebLinkAbout1960-07-05; City Council; Minutes. . 4 .t I '8"'" , '\ '\8 ' ' ' i CITY OF CARLSBAD : Minutes of: City Council : Time of Meeting: 7:OO ha. M. I *f '<$\O'\ 8 '?+, : Place of Meeting: Council Chambers : Member \$$@,F\p;$ I""""""""""~"""""""""-~""""""""""-""""""~;"----"-------------"- ;tl;\ i ROLL CALL was answered by Councilmen Guevara, i Bierce, Sonneman, McPherson and La Roche. Also I I!'II ; present were City Manager Slater and City Attorney Hayeb. I (((1 i INVQCATIQN was offered by Mayor Sonneman. @;'I; i APPROVAL OF MINUTES \ \' 1 6 8, '\ '. I L '88,"\8'88, *., '-,, '. ,,, 83 o1 ! ' Date of Meeting: JUZy 5, 1960 ', '\ '\ 8, i N a me ', '8%. ',:a<8 +?i-%. 4\' + & 4:;; I !:::I I I I ::I,$ 84:; I 1 @l:;l I 1 ::e$' 1 I ii:i I I I ::I; 4 a. Minutes of the Adjourned meeting of June 16, i Guevara : i x! $ I i Someman i i i 4 1 I 1 McPhersoni i : g 1 ; La Roche : : i 4 I I I I:;; I b. Minutes of the regular meeting of June 21, I Guevara ! !xi xi 1 : Sonneman i : i x: I I I McPhersoni i I X i 1 : La Roche I I ; $ : 4 I I :r;:i I I ii' :;: l a. Letter of resignation - Pearce Davis. Letter t Guevara ; I' I 1 i4 I t 1 1 I I I I I I! 1 I .;#It f 1960 were approved as corrected. : Bierce :x: ;x I I 8 I I 1 I 1960 were approved as submitted. 1 Bierce :xi If I I I 1 I I *I1 : COSRESPQNDENCE: I L I I I :111; ! of resignation dated June 18, 1960 from Pearce C, Davis i Bierce ;x: ;.x: j i from the Planning Commission was presented, effective t Sonneman ; : ; 4 I ; June 23, 1960. By motion of the Council the resignation I McPherson! i : : I I was declined. i La Roche : jx:x: I I 'I! i Cmn. McPherson stated he wished to abstain from all ! :::;I ; votin g in regards to the resignations of the Planning f :4111 1:'l; i Cornmission, due to the fact that he was not present at i ;;+ : the meeting when the resignations were requested. I I ):::i 1 By proper motion the City Manager was directed to send i Guevara I ixi x: I i a letter to Mr.. Davis advising him of the Councilrs action,: Bierce :x: :x: 1 ; and requesting him to remain on the Planning Commissioq. Sonnernan I it ; ;x: i I 1 I !:!;; I I I iii;; I I i McPherson: : I / I I I f La LtEoche ! i !xi i I 1 :::e 1 :;I:( 8 :::I: I I I b. Letter of resignation - Garth Miller. Letter : I@' fI' i of resignation dated June 22, 1960 from Garth Miller, i from the Planning Commission, effective as of June 23, i Guevara i ; :xi : 1960, was presented. By motion of the Council Mr. I Bierce p: :xi i Miller's resignation was accepted with regret, due to : Sonneman I f :x: ~ : the fact that it was their understanding that Mr. Miller I McPherson: ; : : i anticipated leaving this area. i La Roche i i x:xi i I I I $1' i Also by motion of the Council the City Manager was in- i Guevara ; !x: x; i ;:::I I structed to send a letter of appreciation to Mr. Miller ; Bierce F I :x: : i for his services as Commissioner. i Sonneman ; i !x: i I I ; McPherson: : ; i : I i La Roche I i :x: : I c, Letter of resignation - M. W. Jarvie. Letter I Guevara ; !x ix: i ;:::: I i La ECoche : : :x: : )(I I I I I I I I I I 0) I of resignation dated June 23, 1960 from M. W. Tarvie, ; Bierce $ : :xi i : from the Planning Commission was presented. By i Someman i i !x: i i motion of the Council the resignation was not accepted. : McPherson ; ; : : : i Also by motion of the Council the City Manager was in- i Guevara ; i xjx: i :'I:* i structed to send a letter to Mr. Jarvie, informing him : Bierce r;p: : ; of the Council's action, and requesting him tu remain on i; Soaheman 1: I the Planning Commission. : McPherson J : :; ; : : R. P. Shea. Lett&' ciated'drine , - I .28,.'1 :: W@'&orn it, P, She% Bierce I appealing tihe &e&& af,.th& PIamWg Commisr.sto&~~ deny; Somema- " L I in the @OM C!-bez-# $0 .&o@der&he appeal. * I .; I I I :l@I; I I :'..I ! f I 8 I f I1 I I e ':#'8 I 8 r : Iia'Roche ; i :xi ; I ': * ." i :c: ; I I d. Letter ~,-appe~~~'~~~p~icaeion fog varf&hc,e .-, i .Guevara ; : ' :x: : ,. I e, 9: : jxIxi ; <I , I >, ..' I ' .I 1 <. .., ,. 1 his resu&$,f&&&x.f&~&&& #. &&.jn &.&j&,.%o&&& ;-MCP~~SOII i ;, i I :x; ;:xi ; ; i pUbfi@ as&@d&e, w&'w.far as 'f$, fgm,: a, $5&), po M, La aack :X: IxI I I # I 4 I I I ::::* I I I I I I l \ , , ... I I 't, ",' 8, '\, 'x,", I I I .+ ' ', '\\'%\'*\, 8 4 i I "> \ ,, , '\,'.\'\ \\'\ . : of .t3L'*.q.,$$p : I I:;::: I 1 \" I I Bj -2 - i N a me '*, +&, '\,'?$>, \ %,+ 0, ', \*, l ~~"""""""""""""""""""""~""~""""""~.-"--"""-~""-----"----"------"--- i Member $'@\~~$'\,\O\\j I :la;;; ! Executive Session, ! By motion of the Council an executive session was called i Guevara Ix ! ; xi : : P;lll : for the purpose of discussing items of personnel, and : Bierce : :x:x: i i i the Council adjourned to'the office of the City Manager. \ Someman : : i x\ ; : I I 4 I ii:i;i 11 I I I I I I i McPherson! : : x: : : I i LaKoche : i !xi ! ; I :::;:: I* L I :'*I;: i The Council adjourned to the executive session at 7: 25 P. $3- d:;11 i The regular meeting reconvened at 8: 11 P. M. I ::: 111 ::;::: I Mayor Sonneman announced that it was the decision of i ~lt;ll : the Council members that the City Attorney remain with : ;::, ::I 4:;:: \ the Council on a part-time basis, the salary schedule : :::;:I : has been set at $600.00 per month on a contractural basis! ll:;:~ i plus court appearances, and that as of July 1, 1960, all i ::'I; 'I:;: i subsequent 191 1 Act proceedings the 1% Attorney's fees ; I:::, ;;:I: i would revert to the City's General Fund. 1:s ::: I ;: 1 The Mayor further stated that an additional patrolman i :;I:# i had been authorized for the Police Department, the 41; i working hours of the Police Department will be cut from i lit$ : 48 hours to 40 hours, and an adjustment of salaries for i :I,,, I the desk force in the Police Department has been author- i I 1:: : ized, i By motion of the Council it was agreed that if conditions : ; in the City improve, consideration would be given to i salary increases for other employees as of January 1, : ! 1961. : Cmn. La Roche asked if consideration had been given to i i the Fire Department. Cmn. La aoche was informed by i : the City Manager that an additional man was proposed in : i the budget, ' and that one of the Fireman had been promote4 i to Captain. : OAAL COMMUNICATIONS: : There were no oral communications, i ENGINEERING: / was presented for the Council's review. . It was pointed i Guevara ; i !x; ; $18,; i out the Subdivider has completed all of the improvements : Bierce p: ;xi : : required prior to presenting the final map. By motion i Someman ; I !x; i i of the Council the final map of Avafoma Heights was : McPherson: : x~x; : : approved as presented. i I La itoche I : ;x: i I::': \ map was presented for the Council's review. The Counc~ lItiI I was informed the Subdivider has not as yet decided on i O(1 1~~:; i what method he will follow as to the improvements. The : ;:'I: I final map was approved as submitted, subject to the City i Guevara l :x :xi ; ; Clerk not signing the final map until such time as the i Bierce i : :x: : i Subdivider has entered into & agreement with the City : Sonneman : ; !xi I ; as to the improvements, or until such time as the im- i McPherson I ! :x: : i provements are installed and accepted by the City. : La Roche k i !xi I C. 191 1 Act - Improvement of Chestnut Avenue. i : The City Attorney presented the following resolutions for i i the Council's review: : Res. #659. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF ! CARLSBAD APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS; Guevara : : !x; ; i FOR CERTAIN STREET IMPSGVEMENTS, AND : Bierce :xi ;x: : : RPP3OVING ASSESSMENT DISTRICT MAP for Assess- i Sonneman ; ; ix; i I ment District No. 1-1960, was adopted by title only and : McPherson: 1 ;xi ; ; further reading was waived. : La Roche ::II; I : : : , I ::II: \l:'l I ::::: I I I 1) I I Ij I I1 $1 I I I 11 I I 4 I ::;I# :;;:I I i;:$ I :I\;; ::I;; ::i:: I !ill: 1 ::;:; I I I 1:;;: ;: :;:a: I:: ;:,:I I1 :;I:: ::iii I I :+; I I :I::: I* I t ;:::: I I 8;:: 1 :L:I I I ::::i I $4: 1::: l :I::: ::I8 I :::I: ;; I I I I 1 4:: 1 I t 811 11 I I I 1 I I :::,I I I::;, I I I I I I t I I a, Final Map of Avaloma Heights. The final map i I I I :L:l ;:::: ;:::: b. Final Map of Greenwood Park. The final I 0; I I ;:;I: ::;:I :i::: 1;1 1 I :::q I ::VI I I 1:::: ii:i: I I I I' I I I I I I I I I I . I I I I 8, -\ *, -\ 8 * I I I I , ‘ \ ’, ’\\”\ \\ ‘.. ’, \ 85 : I ; . Na me ’8, ’9$, ‘t,, ,q$, ; -I -3- ‘ ‘.&, I I 1. Member ‘?d@’,q\,/pP\ & 6,*\0@,’ I i “”~”_”””~“”””“~”””“””””“”~””“”””””- ””-“”--~-””””“-“-~~-~“*”~-~-- !l,.II: , ’ ‘ ‘\ ‘8,”. \\ ‘\ ’, ’ I I I i of ‘9‘’’ \ 8- 1 I I ! Res. #660. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL i ;1;;11 l;:*ll It ll$:lt I ;!ltba 18p:: : IMPROVEMENTS AND APPURTENANCES AND APPUR-: ::::;: i TENANT WORK IN SAID CITY; DECLARING THE WORI : TO BE OF MORE THAN LOCAL OR OEtDINARY PUB- : !;::I! B : OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, DE- i CLARING ITS INTENTION TO ORDER CERTAIN STRE~T :::,I: ;Is ;!:;It @I 1 ;*I ,I : LIC BENEFIT; DESCRIBING THE DISTRICT TO BE I ! BENEFITED BY SAID WORK AND TO BE ASSESSED ; ‘I -1 p 11:;;; :::bl :!I:!! i TO PAY THE COST AND EXPENSE THEREOF; DETER:- i::;lt 4::i:: ::;;:: :::::: :::I:: ::I I. i MINING THAT BONDS SHALL BE ISSUED TO REPiZE- i : SENT ASSESSMENTS TO BE LEVIED; AND FIXING ; i THE TIME AND PLACE FOB, HEARING PJWTESTS : : AND OBJECTIONS TO SAID WORK OB THE EXTENT I Guevara i ixix: 1 : : OF THE DISTr2ICT TO BE ASSESSED, OR BOTH, ANq Bierce i i !XI I 4 : GIVING NOTICE THEZEOF, for Assessment District : Sonneman : : :XI ; : I No. 1-1960 was adopted by title only and further reading i McPhersonixi :xi : : : waived. ; La Roche : r : : ;x: i &es. #661. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL ! Guevara :x: ;xi i : i mHl3 CITY OF CARLSBAD DETEIZMINING THE i I Bierce ; ixix: ; : ‘I i GENERAL PREVAILING &ATE OF PER DIEM WAGES, ; Sonneman ; : ;xi 1 : : for Assessment District No. 1-1960, was adopted by title : McPhersoni i i x: i i 1 only and further reading waived. I La Roche i i : 1 ’ I #I :x; : for Chestnut Ave, The Assistant Xngineer requested the i i Council to authorize a person to sign on behalf of the City : Guevara ; :x: x: I ; I for the cash contract on Chestnut Ave. By motion of the i Bierce :x: :xi : i i Council the City Manager was authorized to sign the cash i Sonneman I : ;x; i ; : contract for the improvement of Chestnut Ave, on behalf ; McPherson! i :xi ; i i of the City. I La itoche ! i : ; ;x: 1 I I+:: : d. Report on Highlands Drainage District. At the pre- I ;: 4: i vious meeting ot the CouncLL, the Gouncil requested the : ;;i;;; ;#I 11 I Engineering Department to report on the cost of the trunk I 1:: i line from the intersection of Hillside Drive and Park Dr. : 4:11; :y;;l : to the Agua Hedionda. The Assistant Engineer reported ! 4111; i that the estimated construction cost would be $88,820.00, i ::I::: !:::I; : plus 13% incidentals under a 1911 Act proceedings, mak- ; ;:I:!: i ing a total of $100, 366.00. He pointed out that this part : :::::: : of the line is the most expensive part of the trunk line. i 1::::: i He asked if it was the intention of the Council to spread : #I; : this part of the cost over the entire district. Discussion i I, $1:: ItV i was given as to having the City participate 50% in the I I I:::;: : cost of this po$on of the project. The City Manager in- i :::::: 1 formed the Council that if the City participated it would : :::;:; i:: 81: ! have to come from the General Fund of the City, and in i :iii;; i doing so, all the taxpayers would be contributing to a : ::::;! i project that benefits only a small portion of the City. t 1.; I 1; 0 : Cmn. Bierce requested that the Engineering Department i 11:::: i::::; i report back on the cost as prorated over the entire dis- : I I 4 /;#:: I b ;: i::: ::i:;: I I 1::;;: I I I ::ll:; :ti:;; ::::;, 11( 81 4::::; 1::l;I I ::;::I 1 I ::;::i I :;:;:: :;4:i~ I I ::::,~ 81 I It I* I L I :::a 4::ls I’ I I I I I 11:;: I I 4. Authorization for signature on cash contract f :I:;;; :!;:*I I::::! I tlI ii;i:l I : trict. I I :!-: iii: I :I I ; e. 1911 Act petition for sewage system - Valley Street : ;I i from Basswood to Chestnut. A petition was presented fori ; sewers under the 191 1 Act proceedings, coritaining 31 % I :I Ill i of the property owners signatures. / MR. JACK DUCY, 3134 Valley Street, one of the properip ::1;1; ; owners, stated the reason for the small percentage of ; i signatures was due to the owners of property on one side : ! of the street are in hopes of having their property pur- i :al:l; i chased by the school district. ; The Council requested that a letter be sent to the County : : Health Department requesting a statement from them as i i to the necessity of sewers in this area. 11*::: I O! )*I :;I:I~ I I I I !!I;: !I! i A short recess was declared by the Mayor at 3:55 P. M, : ; The meeting reconvened at 9: 14 P. M. I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I 1 I I I I I t 1;’l; :;:;4 ::::: ::::i ;:::; ;:::; :ii:; ‘11 i:;:: :!I:: 8 II B B I I I I I I I \,.'\ \" \\ '\ '\ '\ '\ '\ I I \ 8\86 i I \ \' -1 I ',, '8, '\, ', ', '\ 4 I I I .' -4- , \'\ \ ", 6 : N a me ',, '*$\ '\, "3, I : of \$q&, \$L\&&yP\ '\ +&, I : 1 i Member ~~@,~\$?@, 1 :~""""~"~""""""""~""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""~~~ ;;l:8@ i CITY ATTORNEY'S REPORT: 1 I ::;;;: I1 I :::;:: i The City Attorney stated she had nothing to repo'rt on ! ;::;I4 11 ; this week. ::st:: I 1 I 1;;::: ;:;tt1 i CITY MANAGER'S REPORT: I :;:;:: I I ::i::: I The City Manager reported there were two accounts I ::'::: I I; ;.I ::: ::: I:: I :;p,1 :;I;#' ;;:lla I( I :;::;; ; boulevards and streets are the same, therefore, this : ;I: Io : fund could be built up, or did it have to be used the same i l;l:l~ :;:::; I1 ::i:;: 1 + I ;;:;;; i is being considered for the street opening between State i ;;I;:# : Street and Roosevelt, but as yet no answer has been I :::::: I I I :;;:;: I ::;::: ::;;:: ;:;$I: I I 1 I '11 *If I I I I I I I I1 I I I@ i where the Council could legally increase the tax rate. i : (1) Storm drains, with a limit of 20C; and (2) under i Article #5304, Parks, Blvd., and Acquisitions, there is i i no limit set. The City Attorney has determined that l;l;ca i fund could be used for streets. The Council asked if this i ;I;1;: i year as it is received from taxes. The City Attorney ; ! stated she felt it should be spent the year it is taxed, ;l::l* : A letter has been sent to the owner of the property that i l:;lI: i received, ! Letter of resignation from Clyde L, Jenken, City En- i / gineer, effective as of July 31, 1960, He bas offered : :81t8a 1 his services subsequent on a consulting basis. Mayor : Guevara : :X :X! ' I : Mr. Jenken. By motion of the Council the City Attorney ! Someman : ; :Xi : ' ; for Mr. Jenken. : La 8oche $ I :xi I : I I I ::'I:: : It was the concensus of the Council that Mr. Jenken I 1::::: :;I::: i would be considered on a consulting basis. I :;I::; I I 1::::: i Planning Commission: I I 1:::;: I I::::: i The City Manager stated he had received a letter of s t i;;:;: ! resignation from Mr. Ward, Planning Commissioner, i :I:::: II(II ; however, it was received too late for the Agenda. The i ::;::: :::;;: : Council requested the letter be read at the next regular i :::::: I meeting of the Council. I I 1;;;:: I I ;ii;i: I By motion of the Council the terms of Planning Commis- i Guevara i !x:x i : : i sioners .Thomas, Stringer and Zahler were terminated ; Bierce :x: :x ; I: 8 ; as of this date. : Sonneman i i :XI ; i I I i NIcPherson: ; i ; !x; I I ; La Roche i ; :xi : i I I %:;I:* i Mayor stated that with the consent of the Council she :#I:;; : would like to appoint the following persons to fill the :::Jll I I ::;:;: I vacancies on the Planning Commission: I 1::::: I I I I;;:;: I :::::: i E. J, Lawson t iIiiii : J. A. Kistler I Jack Hughes I I I::::: I 1:;::: i John H. Grant I I :;;::: 1 :::;:: i By motion of the Council the above appointments were i Guevara i i i xi i ; 111,1: : approved by the Council. i Bierce !xi !x; i I I : Sonneman ; : :xi ; ; I I : McPhersoni : :x; 11' l:.; I i La fEoche : ix;x: I ; i The terms of office ofr the new commissioners were set : :::::: I I I :::::: : E, J. Lawson, term expiring April, 196 3 I I I::::, I1 t ;lll:l ;I1* I I I i:;::: ;llll' i Mayor Sonneman stated she would certainly favor M. VG . i II::;: ;: /i;;i I I 1 ::;:;: I I I i:::,: I I I :;;:;: I* 1 I I '1 8 I* I k ::I:;: I t It i Sonneman requested a Resolution of Appreciation for ! Bierce ; ; 11 :x: I* I 1 i was instructed to prepare a Resolution of Appreciation i McPherson i i :X: ; IS : 11 I 1 I I I I I1 I I I I :ltll@ I * 1 I I I I t I I I I t I I I I I I I : as follows: I I ::;:;: lll:l; i J. A, Kistler, term expiring April, 1962 I I' ,:::I; : Jack Hughes, term expiring April, 1961 I I i;:::; i John H. Grant, term expiring April, 1962 I I I I I I I ; Jarvie as the new Chairman of the Planning Commission. I 1 I 1 I 811 I I 1 i!!:!: t I I 1 -- ,, ' \\ " .. ', '\ '. I I , \'\ \ 8' " I I -5- + I '\ '\ "\ 8,' \., '*,\,:.8 , \' $ '7 i I I ! Name "b,88&'*.:'?!$,+ , .A i : 1 I ; of '-+g+&,;,,;%,, i I I I ~""~~"~""""""""~,,,,,,,_,_,_,~""""""~~""""""~""""~"""~"~""~"~~~~~~~~~~- I. .. 8 Member $'@.$$?w, I I :;G:! I p:*; It ; the Public Korks Commission for the next meeting. I ;::::: i Also there are two vacancies on the Harbor Commission, t ; :::ti; 011 i and the Mayor requested narnes of persons to fill these : 1::: i vacancies. :;I::: :a::;; 11 i PAYMENT OF BILLS AND RATIFICATION OF PAYRO& ;:I::: 1st 1 L * :::I:i It( 1:;:;: 'I :*I ::: I and for the Water Department in the amount of $5,036.01, i Bierce 4 :xjx: It ; ; i Director of Finance and approved by the Auditing Com- I NIcPherson i I !x: ; 11 ; i June, 1960, in the.amount of $12,695.78, as certified i Bierce : : !xi I I* i I ;;:;I1 D 1 Public Works: The Mayor requested the Council to I submit names of persons to fill the vacancies created on i ,I:':# 1';s I I I I I I ;1*:b ; Harbor Commission: I I 1 ;::I:: 1':::: ;;1*11 :; I I I 1 I I I i I I j Authorization was given for the payment of bills for the i : general expenses of the City in the amount of $5,421.58, : Guevara $ I :xi ; I : from June 21, 1960 to July 5, 1960, as certified by the ; Someman I i ;xi ; : : mittee. : La Roche i i :xi : : ! itatification of the payroll was given for tk last half of I Guevara : ; !xi : : : by the Director of Finance and approved by the Auditing : Sonneman : : ;x; ; ; i Committee. i McPherson :xi {xi ; : : La Roche ; :x;x: ; i I ;-I:, i ADJOURNMENT: I I ::::;; I I ;:::;: i The Mayor stated she would like to have this meeting I ; i::::: 1::::: : adjourned to Tuesday, July 12, 2960, for the purpose of i ::I:;: i having a joint meeting with the Planning Commission. I i::::: 1:;::: I I ::;::: I I Isomernan : i :x; i i I : McPherson 1 ; ;xi ; : 1 1 ;La Roche I jxix; : 11 : i The meeting was declared adjourned at 9: 41 P. M. ;1;;1; I ;I;:;: I I t ;:;;'; : itespectfully submitted, I I :;1 1::; I 1 I :::;,I :;ll': :;':i: :4:;: I I I ;::*I@ 4;;::: I I i::::: I 1 :::I:( 1:;:;: ::;:;: I :;'::: f :;::I; I ::I::; I I;:::; *11;:: I i!;;;; I ;+I;:: ;::I:, 1:;:;: I 1 ::;I:: I I I I ::::;; I 1 I ::: l;l::; I :::::; I ;;:::: 1::::; ::;::: :::::: :;::;: ::;:;: ::I::: I :;::;; I ;;::I; ;;I' I I ::'::; I I I :;::;: I' I I t # * I I 1 '(8 f I I i By proper motion the meeting was adjourned to Tuesday, i Guevara i : ;xi I i : July 12, 1960, at 7:UO P. M. in the Council Chambers. ; Bierce $: :xi : : 1 1 I I I 1 I t 1 I 4 ::'I:: I I I 81 I I 1 f I I I I I I I I I 1 1 I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I 1 I I I I I I k I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I b * 1 I I I I I 1 I I ,;#I1 ;*I 1 I ;:;:I: *::;i; 81 *1:1 1 I I I I 1 I I I 1 I I I I ;I1# Bj I I :;!:!! I I I ::I:!: 1::; I I I 581 :;,I:: ::;;:I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I 1 1 I I I 1) 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I * I I I I I I I I 1 I I I. l!l!