HomeMy WebLinkAbout1960-07-12; City Council; Minutes- I : CITY OF CARLSBAD i Minutes of: City Counc i 1 (Adjourned Meeting)
IDate of Meeting: July 12, 1960 ; Time of Meeting: 3:OO P.M.
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f ;*I;; ; ROLL .CALL was answered by Counc i lmeQ Bierce, Sonneman; t ;::ii :McPherson and LaRoche, Also presedt was City Manager I sat:; I" I Slater. I * * :;;:: * t I;:::
:Mayor Sonneman announced that the purpose of this meeting i :;I:: 114
:was to meet the new Planning Commission members. At the t :' i :.:
jcouncil meeting on July 5th, the resignations of Com-
:missioners Peace Davis and Mathew Jarvie were not accepted: :::;:
{The resignation of Commissioner Garth Miller was accepted i i:: :wfth regret, as he is awaiting a transfer. There was one : :::
iothet resignation received, that of Commissioner Chester i ::p:
:Ward, which they were unable to act upm, since it had I $1 +::
i been received after the agenda was drawn up.
!City Manager Slater stated that the Council could either i :;I::
:take action on ~omPnissioner Ward's letter of resignation : :;;::
!at this meeting or the next regular meeting. I I ;:I:*
I f I I :;;;: ::::; !Mayor Sonneman stated that she had tuet with the City Attor-! :':I:
jney regarding the'termination of the terms of Commissioners: $1:;
;Stringer, Thomas and Zahler, and that the Attorney's ruling! 4::;
:was that it is not necessary to mail written notices of i I;:::
:termination to the Commissioners. Mayor Sonneman stated ; ;:I::
:further that the City Manager had mailed letters of appre- i i:::: I l';
iciation to these Commissioners. $;'I
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!Mayor Sonneman stated she had attended the ?Jlayors' meeting i i:ii:
ion July 11, and that a great deal of discussion was given t ,I::;
:to the number of members on Planning Commissions in the i ;:a *I::!
!County. Many of the cities reported that S-man commissions i :::*I fit!;
:are very successful, This is something she felt the I I :!:I;
:Council would be interested in considering. She, personal12 ;1:;1 ifeels that a 5-man commission would be very successful for : ;::;;
icarlsbad, however she does believe that the matter should ; ijii:
;be given sme study by the Council before any action is I I
;::@I !taken. Perhaps if it is decided to form a 5-mn commission,: ;::::
:the change could be made in 1961 when there are terms ex- ; #:;'I
ipiring. The Ordinance of the Planning Commission would i :;;:;
:have to be revised to provide for a 5-man connnission. t ::I:;
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I I i:;:; Discussion was given the question of whether a decision a * ;: 81
9hould be made now or at the expiration of terms in I961 i 1::: i:: 11
:on forming a S-man cmission. It was pointed out that t i i:: 1:
$he Ordinance would have to be amended, fwo hearings held, i 11:;
and then a period of 30 days would have to elapse before ; Iiii:
!it would become .effective, f :;::i 11
I I :!;I1 $ motion was made not to accept the resignation of Com- i Bierce ; I : ii
jmissioner Chester Ward, The motion failed to pass, due to : S0nn-n : : I( 4 :
;lack of majority. Therefore, there was no action taken on i McPherson i 4 ; X ; :the resignation. City Manager Slater suggested that the : Ldoche ::; :i
iresignation be held in abeyance until the next meeting, I # ::;:I
Souncil could hear the legal aspects of forming a ii-man ?omission. * i ;I::; ;::;I
:MR. WILLIAM A. STRINGER asked to be recognized by the Chair; olal ;r,'l
:He stated that he had 3 questions to bring before the
!Council; (1) Mr. Ward's resignation was not acted on at i ::I:;: 0'
ithe July S meeting, as it was not on the agenda. Why was : 1s
;it then, that the remaining 3 Commissioners were fired at i
Ithis meeting, when there was nothing on the agenda to this :
:effect? (2) Why were they fired after 2 of the 3 had alread?
:left the meeting because nothing had been brought up about : ;::;i;
;them? They were fired under the heading of City Manager's i :I1'1;
:Report on the agendae
yayor Sonneman stated that Mr. Stringer was out of order, ; :::;Il ))I;
:and asked him to be seated. * I 1;;I;l
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I t I I !Mr. Stringer continued, saying that perhaps the reason the :
:Council is considering forming a 5-man Cammission is that i
J5 men would be easier to control than 7.
!Mayor Sonneman again declared Mr. Stringer out of order. i
!By proper moticjn the meeting was adjoukned at 7:25 P.M.
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