HomeMy WebLinkAbout1960-07-28; City Council; Minutes'. 1 a I I I Q 1 CITY OF CARLSBAD : Minutes of: City Council (Adjourned Meeting) ! i Date of Meeting: July 28, 1960 $ i Time of Meeting: 7: 30 P. Me i ftOLL CALL was answered by Councilmen Guevara, : Bierce, Someman and McPherson, Also present was i i City Manager Slater, D * Place of Meeting: council Chambers : """""""""1" L"""""""""""""""" * """" "" """" i- 4 I 1 I I 8 I I I I I $ ',\, ",,'\, '\ 'x,'*, . ,.' ', *' ' ', '+, '** '\ ''"8. 8, '. g 8 pJ a me"' 'd' '\, '$% ".&p@' *, ' ~?&%.,+'$$$& : ;'; I 1: ::::; 8: i:::: I* I:;!: of Member ->'J"s..pp ICY :;:I1 """""""""""t-" 1 i The Mayor presented a certification by the City Clerk 1 : that proper notice had been given of the adjourned I i meeting, i The City Manager stated that he, Mayor Sonneman and i I Mr. Thornton, Assistant Engineer, attended the meeting : ; of the San Dieguito Area Planning Group on July 27, 1060, i i in Enchitas. Carlsbad is not a member of this group, ; ; however, they invited Carlsbad and Vista to attend. Mr. I i Jean Vincenz, San Diego County Public Works Director : : was present and gave a brief report on the purpose of i i this sewerage report for the North County area. Mr. I I i Vincenz did not go into detail, due to the fact this report i i will be presented to the Board of Supervisors on August 8,: : 1960, and at that time Mr. Mwn, Chairman of the Board ; i of Engineers, who prepared the report, would be present i : to discuss the report in detail, The City Manager urged : I all the members of the Council to be present at this meet< : ing if it were at all pomible, and in the event they would : i be unable to attend, to give him a list of questions they i 1 would like answered. I I 1 Cmn, La Roche and the City Attorney were present at i : 7:SO P, M, 8 P 1 I I t 1 1 t I I I * 1 *,;'I i;::: 1:::: 8'::; :!I:; ::i:: :;::: iii:: I:::: *a; /I:; ;::;; '::;I ::;I, :;:ti :ii:i i:;:: ::I:; e::: ;::*I ;;:!: ::I:: ::;:I ;I::: :;ria 11 ::::: 11::; 11 lip ::!!: ai :; ;I 1: I I I A resolution was presented from the San Dieguito Area I Sewerage Planning Group, commending the Boards intere : in the sewerage problem and asking the various groups in i the area to support this resolution. It was pointed out thi : plan is only a master plan, and may not be the ultimate i plan, By motion of the Council the City Attorney was ; instructed to prepare a resolution endorsing the activitiee i of the San Dieguito Area Sewerage Pfanning Group, and ; urging cooperation of all interested persons, groups, i organizations and agencies, I 6 a 0 a 4 4 1 I 4 I t ti I 4 4 f I 4 4 1 i: ;: I: ;: ;: I: :; Guevara : t Bierce !x! Sonneman : : McPherson i : La Roche ; :x I* c: It I* I i The Council was informed there would be another meet- i : ing of the San Dieguito Area Group on August 24, 1960, ; I 1 ! at 2:OO P. M. at the Seacoast Savings and Loan auditorium4 ! for the purpose of organization. The City Manager stated: I that he hoped that as many members as possible would be i i present. I I I I I : i Cmn. Bierce stated Mr. Vincenz, at a previous meeting, ! I : pointed out the City of San Diego had had a plan ays.ilable i i to them some 0 years ago, and that the cost now is three ; : times what it would have cost at that time. I I t I I I I $ f I I I I I I b I I 4 I ! ! I I I I I I I I I I I l * I I 1 1 I l a I I I I I I I I:; 4; ::; i:: ;:; ;:; ;:: t:; :#I I:I ;:; :xi ; :x! i ix: ; +: i :x: ; I1 !I! ':I ::; ::; ::: ::; ::: ::: ::; ::; ::; :;I :*: 1:t ~::i l!!I ((1 . I i Cmn, La aoche asked if there is not something that could i i be done to remedy the odor from the Buena Vista Lagoon. i : The City Manager informed the Council he had contacted ; i Dr. Askew, County Health Officer, and this matter was : i discussed. Dr. Askew informed him there are chemicdisi : that can be used, however, they would have to lower the i I water level in order to use these chemicals successfully, : : and the various groups who are interested in keeping the i ; lagoon a bird sanctuary, objected to this method, The : : City Manager stated he would contact Dr, Askew again i i concerning this matter, 1 I i Mayor Sonneman stated that if all the Council members 3 I agree, it was her feeling we should join with the other : i ageas in regards to the master sewerage plan. This does! : not mean that we would be bound by this plan, I I The City Manager pointed out that the Council should : decide whether they wish to go along with this master i ! plan, or the former plan to rehabilitate the present plant. i .I I I * I l I e I I I I I * I I 1 :I" 1;:;: :;::I :is:; ' :'a :I::; :I:;, :::a: b:::; i::$ :;::; ::I;: ;::*: ;:;:; 1:;:; :;':: :!::I I ;I ;VI;; :::,I ::::I :I;:; i;::: ,:I :!I:# ;;;i; ;:;:: ::;:: 1:::; ::;:: !@I!# t ! I I I I I i I 6 8 t -2- I I I I I B; t I t :~""",""""""~""""","","~*"""~",,,"~."""""""""~~" ! I Cmn, La Roche stated that the whole thing hinges on how 1 ; long it will take to get this master plan going, Cmn. I I Bierce stated he would not be in favor of spending one ! ; more penny on the present plant, and felt we should make i i every effort to cooperate with our neighbors to get this i : plan started, I I ; Mr. Thornton, Assistant Engineer, suggested that if we I i find this plan is going to take several year4 or that Vista! ; is not interested at this time, it might be well for CarlsbaJd i to consider an interim plan, consisting of a pumping I station in the upper Agua Hedionda Lagoon, and a small i i treatment plant in the Las ~nchs Canyon area. i It was the concensus of the Council that many of these i i questions would probably be answered at the meeting of : ; August 8, 1960 at the Board of Supervisors. I 1 i Mayor Sonneman asked if any further steps had been i taken in regards to the annexation of the area south of i : the City limits. Mr. Cannon of Terramar was present i i and he was asked by the Mayor if he would be willing to ; I circulate a petition. I I i Mr. Cannon informed the Council he felt the people in i i that area might be willing to annex, but they want to know i I what the City has to offer thew they are well aware of : { the problems he has had over the past few years in re- i ! gards to Terramar. He further pointed out to the Council: i that this area covers approximately 3000 acres of choice i : land. Also if the Council is considering purchasing 1 { acreage for a treatment plant in the La8 Encinas Canyon i : he felt they should consider acquisition of at least 20 acre&, i He was Chairman of the Sanitation Board in Orange Count$ : for several years, and every Spring they had trouble with ; i the outfali, due to the tides, and he would certainly be in i : favor of a plan whereby an outfall would not be needed. : i The initial cost of an outfall is great, and the maintenan+ i can be a considerable cost each year. i Mayor Someman asked Mr. Cannon if he would be willing I : to contact the property owners concerned, as to the ac- i i quisition of the necessary property for the construction : : of a sewer disposal system in the Las Encinas Canyon. I i Mr. Cannon said he would try and report back at the next i i regular meeting of the Council. I I : Cmn. Bierce stated he would certainly be in favor of an i i interim plan, in the event we find this master plan is i going to be a long range plan. a I t .I 1 t I I * 1 I I I I I I I * I I I I I I I I I I I I I b * i Palomar Road. t i The City Attorney stated that she had received a call : from Mr. Finch of the County Road Department in San i Diego, regarding the Palomar Road. At the time the I County purchased property for the Airport, a road ease- : ment was given to Carlsbad Lands, Xnc, , however, when : the City of Carlsbad requested this road to be located ! within the City limits of Carlsbad this necessitated movin i the location of this easement, Mr. Max Len, one of the : owners of Carlsbad Lands, Inc. , is requesting the City i to pay for his attorney's fees in connection with this re- : location in the amount of $200.00, before he will give his i consent to this relocation. The City Attorney felt this e I I I I 1 f I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 t I. I I I I 1 * t * 1 I ,i : f I I I 1 I 6 1 I I I 1 I 8 I t I I I I I I I 1 I 8 I t I \,,* \.e \, ', '88 '\ '\ '' 8' '\ '\ '%, g 9 '\ ?', '+,',, N a rn e 't, '8~~ 'b,,$$+,, Of *?*,o,,+,&+ Member ,d '0 .,P@%s :;:I; ;: iiiil :;::I 'I ;#::I :;'I; tm'f; ::'*I ;:I:; :'I :i::; ::!;: I:; :; ' !!::I :I ,I:': iiii: p::; 1;::; :::;: iIi:i ;::'I :;:;; ': i;::' 1,:: I:;;; :;::I ::,I; I:: #I (*I:( ::I It;;; ;:/ 1::; ;!;: ;::: ;: 1:; I ::;I iiii i:;: '<8 *\ '. , , ',+ .$!!,, """"""""""".~-" '11 :',I, I::'& ::I:: t : ,; I I:':: 11 :*@;a #I :;al' :'(I 1;:l ::I: ;::: ;::: 4:; :;I+ :;:: :;:: i::: :I:: a:; ii;; 4:; 81 ::i: :;I: ::;i ::;; ::;: :;:I ilii ;as; ;::: ;:;: ;::' I:;: :::e :I;: :::i :i:: i;:: ::;; 1:: {i;: :a:: ;::I $81 ;::: *;;: 4;:: ;::; iil: :I:; :; i::; OII III: #I'l ;&I1 ill: l!!l 'I . B 0 I I I I I -3- 1 t t I I ("~""""""""""""""""""""""-""""""""-"""-"~ t I : fee was justified. By proper motion of the Council it was I agreed that the legal expenses in the amount of $200.00 : be allowed €or the attorney's fees to Mr. Max Len. I I I I I * i ADJOURNMENT: I By proper motion the meeting was adjourned at 8:58 P, M. i Respectfully submitted, I 1 1 I I I I 1 1 I I t ; 7;y,,,+, tf &Q,& f ts/*,Fy;>p i i MARGA RET E. ADAMS ,- : Deputy City Clerk I I I I I I I I I I I + I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I t I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I 1 I I I 1 I I 1 1 I I I I I I I # I I t I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I f.. 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