HomeMy WebLinkAbout1960-09-12; City Council; MinutesI 1. .e @ i CITY OF CARESBAD ; DQte of Meeting: September 12, 1960 i Minutes of City Council (Adjourned meeting) ; Time of Meeting: 7: 30 P. M. ' Place of Meeting: Council Chambers :-"""- "" "" - "" """""""--"-""_ * """" - ""_" - """_ D i ROLL CALL was answered by Councilmen Bierce, i Sonneman and McPherson. Also present were City i Manager Sfater and City Attorney Hayes. I I *,\.a*. I I \\ \\ '\ ', ', '. 4 , .., '\ 8 8 ' i Name '8, '& '\,'d '&yh4&+qp I I i:::: I I ;:::: I I 4;;;: 88 I I :::;: I I '\\ '\,", ' '\ '\ ",'J 3 2 : of '\$%', \\ *$ I , \' \\ \\ Ob+\ ' '~28 "-,---"""""-""""~~~~", i Member 8% @,RSO d, I I *ll11 I :!*I! i The Mayor presented the Affidavit of Posting by the Clerd : certifying that proper notice had been given of the ad- i i journed meeting, I i deport on the Municipal Water District water rates. i The Council was informed that the City Manager, City i : Attorney, Director of Finance met with Mr. Swirsky i i and Mr. Tucker from the Municipal Water District to : : discuss the feasibility of installing five regulabry meter;. i The Municipal Water District asked that the Council go I i on record in favor of making the installation of five 1 ; regulatory meters. They feel the city will save money i i if they are installed as there will be a more accurate ; ; count of the water used. I i Cmn, Guevara was present at ?:40 P, M. ! The District has Changed the tax rate, as it is their in- I i tention to raise more money from the taxes to retire I I : their bonds. They are trying to work out a system where: i by the bonds can be retired from funds received by 50% : ; taxation and 50% assessment. I i The Council asked where they had suggested these meter4 i placed and they were informed at the Ellery Zteservoir, : ; Chestnut and Monroe, Valley and Basswood, #2 reservoi$ i and Buena Vista and Arnold. 1 I Discussion was given as to whether the installation of : i these meters at a cost of $2500.00 would benefit the City i i or whether it would benefit the LViunicipal Water District. : i Et was further pointed out the Municipal has asked that : i the city use more Colorado aiver water rather than the i : San Luis Rey water, The Finance Director advised the : i Council the cost of using the San Luis itey River water i : is about half of what the Colorado River water costs. 1 I I I I 1 8 I 1 1 I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I * t 4 I I 8 I I t I I I I I I I I I I I 4 1 I I I I I t I I I I t I 4 I t I I b I t I I I I I I I I I I I I Dl 4 Z I I t I * 1 I 4 t I s I * 1 I I No action was taken on the matter at this time, however, I the City Manager suggested that he contact Don Short, : Engineer for the PllIunicipdl Water District, as to the i feasibility of these meters. I I I 8::;i i::;; :::i: ::pi I' ::;:I ::I:; Ill 4;:: ::I;: :a;:; ::l4l :!I:: i:::: ,I::: 4::: ::::: ::::I ;It:: ;::t: pi: 1:;;: ::;:; :::i; :lall e::;, ii:;: i!i;: P;rl ::I:; ;: *I ::#:I :,I ::::i ;::;I :il;i i:::; :ii;; :*::I :I:;: 18 :'lI: :;::; ::;:: :i::: :;I 1:: * I:: ::;:; ::;:; ;: SI ;:;;: 11; l!@l! 1;;1; ::,:I :;::; ::::;; :;:::~ ;;:;I' :!::;: Engineering: I -1 I I :::;I~ I I :::::; !I!!:' I The City Manager stated he received a letter from the : engineer €or Bali Hai Terrace Subdivision, requesting i v4;; an extention of time in which to file their final map. 4 : #;;I The one year period ends September 15, 1960. By motio4 Guevara i ixix! I I/ ; of the Council the request for a one year extention of timd Bierce : x: :x! ; i in which to file the final map for the Bali Hai Terrace i Sonneman i i !x: 't ; I Subdivision was granted. : McPherso4 I :xi : I 1 11'; 1 :!!*!I ;li'i1 1;;:;; ::::;; As there was no further regular business, the Mayor i asked that the Council review the ordinances as to any : changes they felt were necessary. I Ordinance No. 9060. The Mayor stated she felt consideration should be given i to Section 1814, which now requires four affirmative : votes to overrule any decision of the Planning Commis- i sion as to variances and conditional use permits. Sec. : 1912 has been amended to require three affirmative vote4 to overrule the decision of the Planning Commission as ; I 1 I I I I I I I t 1. ;;i:i; ::::I; ;l::!f I $1' #(It1' l!!l!! ;;:~;i ;::;:I ;::;:I ;;:/I ::8l;8 1::: ;::::: $81 1::::: ;;:lll ::'::I ;,:::I ;;;!;I #*l;l! I I I I I I ;;!I:i I I :::::: I I I:;:&: I I 1 t I I :;I::' It,: ! I :!!I!* D l PI I i 1 ', 8, *\ \ ' ' I I , \\" I I 8, ', , '8 '\,'\, I I I ', '\,''\ '8, '+\ 233 I -2- I '8, \\\'\, '\ 8, '\ I I i N a me '\, \!$$, '*., '%* :"--"""""""--"--""""""""""""""""""~"""""""~"""""""""""~~"" I I Member .@@,Fp\o, I t I ; of '.$$X$\ \\L 86'' 4\\ ' 't+,, &+, I ;::I: :;I:@ ::I:@ i to rechssification of properties or as to any amendments i i to Ordinance No, 9060, and felt the ordinance should be : : consistent, The following resolution was presented: I I :;::: I ! !I:!: ::pi I :lilt i Res. #6S5, RESOLUTION OF INTENTION TO AMEND i l,ll; :;::: ; SECTION 1814 OF ORDINANCE NO. 9060,SAu) SEC- : :*I:; i TION RELATING TO THE VOTE OF THE CITY I ::I:: ill f COUNCiL BEQUIktED TO REVERSE THE DECISIQN i i OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION REGARDING VAS- i ; UNCES AND CONDITIONAL USE PERMITS, REFEIE- ; Guevara I :xi $ : ! RING THE SAME TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION i Bierce :xi i X i i FOR HEARING AS REQUIRED BY LAW, was adopted f Sonneman : : : 4 : : by title only, and further reading waived, I McPherson! : : X i I 1::'l : Cmn, Bierce asked the City Attorney if the ordinance i ::;:; ''1:: I could be amended to allow for certain setbacks in areas : ; where they automatically are granted setbacks because i if::: :r::; i of a precedent having been set. I ;::;I + :::;i i Mayor Sonneman stated she was not in favor of this as ! ;:4:1 ':;*I : she felt each one should be considered separately, :;;:: 11,:: I ::;;: i Cmn. Bierce pointed out it would certainly save time and i :::;: i money if this could be accomplished, I ;:::: I I *I *I::: i The City Attorney stated she would check with the ::I:: : Engineering Department to see if there are any specific I ::::i i areas where this condition exists. I :I::: ::::: ::;:: ;:I:: 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I:# I I I ! !::!I I # i Requirement of City employees to reside in the City. I : Cmn, Guevara stated he felt that all city employees t + i should reside within the City of Carlsbad. The City : : : Manager informed the Council many cities have such an i i ordinance; however, in small cities it sometimes works I : a hardship because you do not have the personnel to draw ; i from, Also key positions are 'sometimes difficult to fill i i if this is required, It was suggested that they be given ; ; a limited time after employment to move into the City. i I The City Manager and the City Attorney were instructed : : to make a study of this matter and report back to the i i It was also suggested that a study be made of the admini- I 1 stration ordinance, due to the fact there were certain i i discrepancies in the ordinance. I + i council. t 8 1 I I I I I I I 1 I I Absence of Commission members. The City Manager : I : informed the Council he had received a complaint as to i i the continued absence of some of the commission memberk. : It was the feeling of the Council that if a member of any i i of the commissions were absent for more than three : I times that the Mayor be notified, and that she contact i i the member, Also that the ordinances setting forth the : I duties of the commissioners should be amended to reflect! ; this requirement. I I I I ;It;# 1::;: iii:; i:::: 1:::: i:::; ;:!I: 1:;:: :'$: ::I:; :;::; :1:;1 4::; iii:: i:;:: 1::;; !' . 'I 11 i1l.I ;:::: :i:i:; ;l;a:l 1:::;; :;;;;; :;;#;I :::::I :;;::I ;!::I: :;::I: ::;:;: i::::: ;::*:I 1:::;: :a;:;: ;:l;l; l!!l!l I ;::::' : Prohibiting vehicular traffic on Elm Ave, west of Ocean i ;::I:: : beenrequested to prepare a resolution prohibiting I I ::;:e: :I,::; i vehicular traffic on Elm Ave. west of Ocean Street. The i ; following resolution was presented for the Council's l;;tfl t i:;::: i review: I I I:::': 8 :II::; ;!:::I ) i Res, #686, A RESOLUTIQN OF ?HE CITY COUNCU, i Guevara ! i i 1 i i : -CITY OF CAl'iELSBAD CLOSING ELM AVBNUq Bierce :x: i x: I ; i WEST OF OCEAN STREET TO VEHICULAR TSAFFIC,: Sonneman : : : 4 : I : was adopted by title only and further reading waived. i 1UcPhersoni k : x : ; :I:;:; t.'*'i i street. The City Attorney i&ormed the Council she had ; 1:;::: I I l I I : Proposal to purchase ocean front property. The City { ::I::; I Manager asked the Council what their reaction would be : ::::;e 11 86 : as to the purchase of approximately 300 feet of ocean i i::::; I 1 I 1:::;: :#I!?! I I I I I I I I I 1 I :::::; I :::::: I I ::::I; I 1 ;::I;, I & >.I I I I ', \.., \ 8' I I %, '\, ', ' \ " 8 ' I I I t I '., %,,'\, ",,'+, p 3 4 1 I i N a me '\, '?&, '\, "?&, .?$*>,+'J$&, i- """"- "------"""-"-""--"- "" - "-""""" ~ """"""__"_"_______________ ,e:p..c.'e'\o- '\ I 1 I -3- I \\ ', \' '\ '\ '%, I B; i Of 8$\0., '\ '6' 1 Member ; ;"I"""- ; front property. I I 1:;:; I 11: , !!*:I I I I i Mayor Sonneman stated she did not feel the city should i I purchase any beach front property as we have a mile of : i beach front property owned and maintained by the State I i for the use of the people in Carlsbad. I t ;;;i: :;;:: i:::: ;I#:: 1:: :t l!#I! I I i;: I I :;I:! i Cmn, Bierce stated that all of the professional planners i ;;::: : recommend that the Cities acquire as much beach front i ::::; 1;: i property as possible, The City of Oceanside had the 1 I I:::, : foresight to purchase some as they went along. Also he i ::::: i felt the city should try and acquire land around the lagoon ; ;;:I: : when possible. 1,::: I ::::: I I i:;:: ,:::E I enhance the value of the city as we have one mile of State : ;:'I; I:::: : beach which the State is improving, This particular I 1 ::::, i parcel would only benefit the Ocean Manor which faces : ll-: I:::: : this parcel. I ;;::: I i;::; i Cmn. ;-izrce .;r%ated he wanted to go on record as having i 1;::; ::::: i recommended the purchase of this property, as he felt i :+I:; i in five years this land would be invaluable. I ;:::; I # :;::: i By motion of the Council the City Manager was instructed I Guevara f ; i xi ; i:::: ; to investigate this parcel and inquire as to the purchase i Bierce ; !x: x: l i price of this land, and report back to the Council. : someman t I I ;xi * 1 i McPherson !xi :x: ; I I 1:;:; : City Attorney's Report: I I ::::; : The City Attorney stated she has been informed that four i i members of the Council met with one of the newspaper : ;:::I ;::I: I I i Mayor Sonneman stated she could not see how it would i 11 I I I I I I 1 I 1 I' I I I I I :::i; ::::: : men last T?.u rsday evening. Sections of the Government i 1:;;: I Code pertaining to the Brown Act, which prohibits three : :I::! i or more members of the Council meeting at any one time,; ;r::1 I 1 I ::::I I :;::; I :; 1:1 : without due notice to the public, was reviewed. I ;;;;; i Cmn, McPherson stated they met for the purpose of I I I';:: : having their pictures taken. The City Attorney stated it i :: :I::: i was her understanding they were asked to answer certain ; ';:: : questions regarding the proposed harbor district, which i 1;;1; i is a matter of concern to the people of Carlsbad. I 8 !!I11 ::;:; I I B I I i Mayor Sonneman asked that it be made a part of the i minutes that she did not attend this meeting, I I The City Attorney advised the Council she would have i ; copies of these sections made for them, and also Mr. I i Shearer has requested a copy. I I 1 f I I I I I I I I 0 i ADJOURNMENT: I I I t I ! i By proper motion the meeting was adjourned at 9: 17 P, M.! i Respectfully submitted, I I I I I I I 1 I I I I 1 I I . j 'm), ,,,, (. ?? fi. ;,$ p fi[,&.?& I i Z~~~i~~t~rtb ! 1 I I I 1 I * I I I I I 4 I . ! 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