HomeMy WebLinkAbout1960-10-04; City Council; MinutesD l < I t I I 4 f 4 I I I P t I ! CITY OF CAItLSBAD ; Minutes of: city Council : Date of Meeting: October 4, 19Cr) ; Time of Meeting: 7:OO P. M. i ROLL CALL was answered by Councilmen Guevara, : Someman, McPheraon and La itoche, Also present were: i City Manager Slater and City Attorney Hayes. 1 INVOCATSON was offered by City Manager Slater. $ I,,~~~~~"-sf,nn~~~~~"C~~~~~"~~~~~~~~." "- " -" - "-" """" i- 1 I t I t 4 1 I I I I I I t I I .**., <. . 8, 't \, , 8 ' 8 8' . \' '%8 \-. y, '*, ";q 4 3, 8, '8 *, '\ '\ ~1 a me 8% 8*~& '8, '*$% of ',+@, '. '-, Member &*8+tg& +* -8 +,+ ly .""-""""-:.A"" "" ;;I** ;;::: ::;I: 11::: ::::: ::;:: ::::: 'I,;, ::!!: I * I 4 i Presentation of the American Flag, Deputy Mayor i &-win Sklar of Oceanside was present to make a presentai : tion of the American Flag to the City of Carlsbad. Also I i present was Councilman Turnbull of Oceanside, A letter : : addressed to Deputy Mayor Sklar from Congressman Vtt { { was presented asking Mr. Slar to-preseat this flag to i : the City of Carlsbad. Also a letter was read addressed ; i to Congressman Utt from the Architect of the Capitol, : ! certifying that this flag was flown over the Capitol on { i 3Ury 4, 1960, Deputy Mayor Sklar presented the Flag to I : Mayor Sonneman and requested the City to adopt a resolu.: i tion thanking Congressman Utt for the Flag. Mayor : Sonneman accepted the Flag and thanked Mr. Sklar, i stating this was indeed an honor. Mr. Sklar stated the : i City of Oceanside was flying their flag over the City Hall I ; and hoped the City of Carlsbad would do the same, I I t 8 t 1 1 t I a I :::I: ::; :: I:: '; ::'I: **::v 'I :::I: ;":: 1:::: ;::a1 ,If:& :::a: I:;$ :;I;; ;;I:* 44;; ::::; ;::;: ;:::I .I *l,;l IS( iiiii *I:'* i:::B $"I; I:!*: i 3y motion of the Council Besolution No. 692 was adopted i Guevara ; i i $ i i by title only, thanking Congressman Utt for the Flag. : Someman : ; ; 4 ; :;':I i Also by motion of the Council the City Manager was in- i Guevara i i i 4 : ; structed to direct a letter to the Architect of the Capitol i Someman ; t : X i i &anking him for his interest and certification. : McPhersoni !xi 4 : i APPROVAL OF MINUTES I I :::'I ,I:, i 20, 1960, were approved as submitted, : %meman * : : $ i I : La Roche : :x! 4 : 1. I I I i Mcfherson: i $ .rs : I I : La Roche !x: ; 4 ; 4 I I @e I I I I i ~aaoche :xi :y i * i::;; 1 1 p::: * . a. The minutes of the regular meeting of Septembet Guevara !xi i X ; I I * I * I I r I i McPtaersoni i i X : 4 I i CORRESPONDENCE: & 4 I I I I i * t I a. Letter dated September 20, 1960 from John A. i i McKaig, Chairman of the Parks and Recreation Corn- ; i mission, requesting the Council to consider the appoint- i : ment of Mrs. David Dunne and Mr. Elmer 30hson to : i fill the vacancies on the Parks and Recreation Cornmis- i : sioa. Also the Commission recommended that the City ; i plant, water, stake and care for any trees donated to I : the City. The Ciw Manager infarmed the Council the : i first part of the letter has been taken care of, and as to : i the trees, he would like to suggest that perhaps some- : : thing could be worked uut with the Perks and Becreation F i Commission as to shrubs being planted instead of trees, : ; No action was taken by the Council at this the, V k Y U I1 8 I t I I b. Letter dated September 25, 1960, signed by i i 12 property owners, stating their vote of confidence to :: ; "Gup" Allen, who is working for a Carlana Harbor DistriGt. i The Council requested the letter filed, % I fi u $ b e Bi e. Letter dated September 23, 1960 from A, W, i ' {Tad) PaM, statig he would like to go on record as t 8 ; favoring the Council's endorsement of the formation of I : the Carlana Harbor District, and setting forth his reas04 i for favoring the district. He urged the Councif4s backing 1: : on the fornation of the Carlana Harbor District. Mayor ; i Sonneman stated it was not the policy of the Council to I : endorse any political issue. The letter was ordered I i filed. I I I & I 1 I I I * ! I I I s e I a I i I t 1 8 I 11;;; ::::I :::I: ,;;:' ;;I:: ; :.I : i ;:I:' /::: ;::;: ;:::i :ii:; ;:::i ::::: ::::i ;;::; ;#:'I 1:;:: :;I:: i;:;; *:;I: ::::: ::::; i:;:: 1:;:: :;;:; ::::: ;::;: ;:::: ;::4 I:;:; i:;:: ::::* $1:: ;:::: :::*I $4: I;!:; :I;:: ;:::I 1:::; I;;(: ;**;I 'C;; :: ;I*:# ::;:i * 184 !(It1 I < *, ..*, \ - * 4 I \. ', \8 '*8 '-,I. I ', '8, ', ' ' '8 I 1 I I ', '\, 8.. '\ ',8*., ; of '4Q* 8 ,&, :::it 1 '%' \ '1 \\ 143 I -2- i N a me 't8 -% 8*\:q$ f : Member '?&%\<',$$8 @$&*e@! ~""""""~""""""~""""""~~"""*""""""..""--~---------~-----~--"-"---~-"--"~-"- 111; I L I :::I: ~1';I !:::I i urging the Council to gfve their full support of the Carlad lal:: ;::I: I a I ;::'I I;':: i:::: 4; s I ; The City Manager requested permission to read two lettexts ' . ;:'I: ; Harbor District. Permission was granted. 4 :::!I i Letter dated October 3, 1960, from Roy Phillips, Carlsbdd i;::: ; Harbor Commissioner, addressed to the City Council, : *1;11 : Harbor District. i Letter dated October 3, 1960 from Char1.e~ B. Ledgerwoo$, ; addressed to the Council, stating that Carlsbad by itself i :I!:: i cannot develop the Agua Hedionda to its ultimate potential,! : one purpose, to develop three harbors and planned I 11:;: i recreation around these harbors, He urged the Council i ::::I :::x, I to join in support of this worthwhile endeavor, ? 1 i The Council requested the above letters filed. * I ::I:! ' t that were not listed on the agenda, regarding the Carlana i 8: ::; $1, t I VI;; ::::1 : and that the Carlana Harbor District is being formed for i ;;:e; 1 1:: ;: I $ I I *I*:: p:/ 1 i t I 4 ' I d, Letter dated September 19, 1960, signed by t : three citizens of Carlsbad, favoring the city's purchase i i of beach property between Elm Avenue and Grand Avenue, : : and urging the Council to consider this purchase, not €or i i the benefit of the people now, but for a .more beautiful : : Carlsbad in the future. The City Manager stated he would! i make a report on this matter under the City Manager's : : Report, I I I I :;;;; a;'*; 'I:;; ::::: ::;I, :I::: :$; :u:s ;: 1: ::;;: ::;a: !;;:I I:', It:, 'I I I $ :ti' e, Letter dated September 16, 1960 from M. A. i ::::I 111: i Arrasrnith requesting permission to connect to the sewer i Guevara ix i I x: a ! facilities on Lot 42, Meadowlark Lane, Carlsbad, By ; Someman : ; ; x: : i motion of the Council the request for a sewer connection i McPherson i :xi 4 i i was granted, : La 2Coche ; : ;xi ; I I I iii:i 1 f, An open letter addressed to the Council signed : :I;:; i by Henry J. Betzmer, for a Taxpayers Group, protesting i 1:11 ; the formation of the Carlana Harbor District, and request; :;a:: ;;:;: i ing the members of the City Council to promptly and * I I::;: (I1 : carefully review the safe of property, now known as t a a::I: I Pirates Cove, by the Carlsbad Mutual Water Company, ! ::;:: i consisting of approximately 18 acres, to a syndicate for i ;;a:# ;/I: : $13,800. Set forth in the letter were their reasons for : 1;::; i believing this sale was invalid. Also attached was a copy i ::::; ::I:: : of the Minutes of the Mutual Water Company concerning : :'I:; i this sale of property, 4 * sf:;l ;:::; I ! :!'I! 1 I : i Mr. Betzmer was present and asked permission to speak, 6 ; The Mayor informed the members of the audience that : i all persons wanting to be heard would be heard under e ; "Oral Communications". D b E 0 I ? 1-4 ;:di ;:;:: ;;:$ ::i:: :;;:' !!I!: V a I g, Letter dated September 20, 1960 from Harry A. i ;;;I: ;::;I ;;;i; I McMillan, in which he submitted his resignation from the ; ; Parks and Recreation Commission effective immediately, i :!::: i due to the fact that the recommendations of the Parks and ! ::p: : aecreation Conamission were not passed along to the I :l;o i Council as soon as possible followinzthe meeting of t :;#I: i August 22, 1960, and the misundersianding arising there- i :;::i : from. Cmn, .McPherson stated he had talked with Mr. : i McUan and believes that Mr. McMillan is wung to iGuevara i ; i X: : i remain on the Parks and i3ecreation Commission, By : Sonneman 1 : : 1 : i motion of the Council Mr. McMillanfs resignation was i McPherson ;xi i X: i : denied. :La Roche I :xi$ : : The City Manager was instructed tu inform Mr. McMiilan : 'I 1: i of the Council*s decision. m :;I:l ::::: :;::: B, I I :e::; ;::,I I * a ;:;:: I : *!!:! I I I h. Letter dated September 29, 1960 from Norman i : E. Reynolds of Percy EL Goodwin Company, stating the : i company was acting as agent for a client who is interested I :in purchasing the property owned by the City, namely, ; i the corner of Elm Avenue and Madison Street, Their 8 * t I I * * I 8 f s 4 I I I I ii:ii 'I:;; :::q :::;I I;;I; ::::: ;;4: ;:;I; :;I ::::I -1 !II!l I i ', \ ., I t I I * I t I I I 8 I 8 I I 1 8 '\_ '< %' '. 8' "' .n '. I . \ I i Name ' B : of : Member ;"""""~"""""""~"""""""""""""""--"-""-----""~---"-""- i client is prepared to offer $16,000 for the property, with i I a down payment of $8,000 and the balance to be paid in i ; equal monthly installments Over a period of five years : i including 6% interest, They asked that the matter be i brought to the attention of the proper authorities, in orde$ I that they could submit a firm prQposd, Cmn, La Roche : ; stated he did not feel the Council was interested in selling! i this property. Mayor Sonneman stated that previously : : the Council set this property aside for the Library. Also i i she believes the Library Board is also in favor of this i i property for a Library. The Council requested that a : i letter be directed to the writer informing him of the : Council's decision. 1 I 1 I I I I I I I * I I ; ORAL COMWIUXfCATIONS: I I I 1 I k I t : HENRY J. BETZMER, 3810 Highland Drive, informed : i the Council he had a confidential report made by a t b : private law firm in connection with his letter that was i i submitted this evening, He did not wish to make this i report public at this time as it was ''loaded with dynamite ti Io ; He wodd like to have the Council c&l a special session i I in order to present this report. 8 $ i The City Attorney stated that a special session could not : : be called for this purpose, as a special session can only 1 i be called for the purpose of personnel matters. I Mr, Betzmer stated he felt the City Attorney was in error; : however, he would like the Council to review this report. ; i The Council requested the letter be tumed over to the i i City Attorney €or investigation, Mr, Betzmer stated I : he did not wish to turn this letter over to the City Attornei i until the Council had reviewed it first. * i The Mayor asked that a reservation be made that if at a i : later date the Council needed this information that the : i Council be allowed to review this fetter. * I I Mi%,, MAX EWALD, 3301 Bell Lane, stated he was one i i of the principals involved, and they have nothing to fear; : : also he realizes the Council has many problems such as i i this, If Mr. Betzmer has anything to present he would : ; like th:'zCouncil to present it at this time in public. I i MR. PERRY LAMB, 5171 Shore Drive, stated that at i i the last meeting he submitted a fetter requesting the I t : Council to hold a joint meeting with the Harbor Commfs- i i sion, due to the fact that the boundaries of the proposed i : harbor district have changed since the Council first en- ; i domed the district, At that time it was announced that a i ; public meeting would be held by the Harbor Commission ; i to discuss the district. The Small Craft Harbor Act as : : it now stands designates the word "Harbor", which means i i that only one harbor could be developed in a district. It i i is his understanding that there is going, to be a request ; : made to have the act amended to read Harbors". If I : there is only one harbor designated at this time for i development, how could the Apa Hcdionda ever be devel- i i The City Attorney Wormed the Council she had a copy i : of the resolution of the Board of Supervisors, which state4 i the name of the Harbor District, and designates the name i :sm ElliJo 1ajpOn as the harbor to be developed. The I I jfegislation pertaining to small Craft H~M~S was redew- I id by the Attorney, The City A.ttorney further stated that i :as *e Act XIOW stands it uses the word "harbor" ad before: :the APa Hedionda could be developed there would have to ; :be a change in the Act, e I 9 I t 1 1 4 I I i 4 I I I I 1 I I a I a 1 8 I 1 l a I * I I k I I 8 I I 8 B I Oped? .I I I I I t I I I I I i I I I & I I I ! f I 8" 8 x8 '*' '8, '.,:\, 1 4 4 ''x888\ '8.' '8,& ', '8$ 8- 8- '. '.;".b&:'., .$$, '& '9 -9 ',&$p '"""""","- 4) @***e'b :::;1 ii;;: 'I:;; :::;; It ~1:;l :::;: ::'I: ::p: ::::I lbl; ::;*, i:;:; ,*lid *::I: ii:;: ::'ti ;;{:: ;:'I: :;::: *:;i; :::;: 11 i;::: :iiii 11 ::: ::i;: ::,:: ::;I, ::::: iiii' ::I:: ::::: ::;:: {:I:: /p: ::I 8:;;: ::'I: ;:pi *:::I ii::: ::::: i:' :;: tI!i iii:; 81 i:::: ::::I ::::: I@::' ;:+ ;;:;I 1' ::I:; 11 i;::; ;;!.I :; 1 1:; :;:; ;;:; ;:ii 4:; ;:4* ;:i{ :::: ; I :' 1:;; .,i; :: I::; :::; ':ii :;'I i::; :ir: i;:i 4::; ::;I :;I: i::: 11:: 1::: :::: i::: ;::: 1:;1 et;; :: 1 :: ;: 1;: ;;:* "t,: 11 *t*;1 ': I '8; :: ;:;I1 ;:; 8 II 19 ;i 1;'l :'#I *! B B I : '"* 8\ 8\,8\,, 8'- 't8 ',,", f 8 8 ' 't, ' 88 '8, ',,',,-*, 1 4 F * I i of '\?&*,+,;%$ I I I I I I I -4- :-c"-""""""-""""""t"""""~""""""""""""""""~~"~".""""""""."~"- I Member $'@,$bo 4 ! I ;!!+! S8 ', % ', ', b* I i Na me *%,:$&,, ,, % bk, 'q)' I i Mr. Lamb further stated that there is a very good chance i ; the law will be changed, but if the people vote on this 1 : matter as the act now stands, how would this affect the : i development of the other two lagoons. I i The City Attorney informed the Council that if the law i i were changed she felt it would be possible for a district i ; to develop .more than one harbor. I i Mr. Lamb asked if the people voted on bonds under the i i present act, how would this effect the development of I : the other two harbors? I : The City Attorney stated that any bonds to be voted upon I i would have to specifically state what development they i : were going to be used for. P s : MR. Mi, G, ALLEN 2688 Jefferson Street, stated by ! i a unanimous vote the Carlsbad Harbor Commission en- i ; dorsed this district. With reference to a change in the ; i Small Craft Harbors Act, a letter has been received from i i Senator Hollister wherein he is going to request the Act- : i amended to read 'tharborsf' instead of "harbor", and this i i will be made rectroactive. t 0 i Ma. ALLEN KELLY, El Camino Real, irtquired abut i i a statement previously made that all of the property L! m : owned by the Gas Co. on the lagoon had been excluded i i from the district. He owns property at the upper end of z : the lagoon and his property is included in the district. 0 D : MR. H. G, STEVENS, 2500 Dunston Road, stated that i : perhaps he could clarify this question, All of the lagoon i i area, except the lands owned by the San Diego Gas & a I Electric Co,, are included in the district. i Mito BETZMEW, 3870 fighiand Drive, stated that approxi : imately five years ago the City leased a portion of the ; i lagoon from the San Diego Gas & Electric Co: It is his 1 . i understanding the property under the water belongs to the ; : San Diego Gas & Electric Co. : i Mr. Stevens advised the Council the waters of the lagoon i i are not the property of the San Diego Gas & Electric Co., Y ; but the land under the water is their property. I t t I I 4 1 I I r I I I I I 6 @ 1 t i 9 $ I a R . .. I I n 0 1 0 % I 1 I a I v 4 I I I $ : MR. M. Mr. JARVIE, asked Mr. Stevens why the Board i I Of Supervisors aflowed the San E2lijo lagoon to be develop+ : first 2 8 I ! I L i : Mr. Stevens advised the Council that at the time of the i i hearing the Board of Supervisors asked which one of the i : harbors should be developed first? The. owners of the ; ! San Ellijo came before the Board and stated they were I : ready to start their development immediately. No one ; i from tbe other lagoons appeared. I I I Mayor SOnnemln asked.&&. Stevens who he was ernpbyed i J by? 1 I t I I 1 I I I 1;;:; ::p: ::;:; :' 1:;:: ;*I8* Ii'I; !18!* ;;I-* ;ti:: I:':: it!:: 1:;:: !*I!# i:;;! 1:;:: ;* ;'I:; ;::SI I;':: 11f!I iiiii ::::: :::e: ::::: *I.!& 'I 'I :: :I ': :: :: :I ;: ;: 4: !* 4 I I I I I 1 I 1 8 I I I I I 8 I I I :; :: :; :; :; :f ;: ;: :: :* p;;: ;;;:: 4:;:: ::e:; :;:;: I:::: 1:::; !4:!l : I I I I I I I I I I I 8 I I I I I I I I I 4 I t 6 I I I I I * I 4 b 1 * I I * * * I 5 I 4 I * I I # I 4 I I I I I 1 ! I I I I I * t 1 I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I 1 I I f I i I I f I I I I t I 8 i f I I 1 1 9 I I I I : I I I I i Mr. Stevens informed the Mayor he was a consultant for i i::;: : the Northern San Diego Harbor Association, which con- ; ;::;: ;:::: i sists of a group of individuals, Also he had other clients, : ;::I: : one of which was Berman Schwartz, one of the developers i ;{I:: :I:;* 4:;: : Mayor asked about Mr. Stevens. The Northern San Diego i !;: 1'; i Harbor Association are the ones who hired Mr. Stevens I I:;:; : with private money. ;:':I d:! # I I ::;:; I I 4 I :;;:; I I I I ;;;:: * b I 1 ;;::: $ 8 :!::I -8- i of the San EXlijo lagoon. I I *,::; I MR. MAX E%% ALD stated he appreciated the fact that the ; :::;; I I I t I I I I '4 1 1 I 'I ! ! !I:!: D l * I I I I 1 -5 - I I t :~""""""""""""~""""""""""""""""-"""-~-""" i MRS. DAVID DUNNE, stated that in connection with the i CarLsbad Beach we are all interested in this beach. She ; felt that we should do everything we can to improve the i State Beach in Carlsbad. t I I I I I I I t t I t 1 I I 3 I I I "_ I I i * 1 6 I I I 1 I 8, \*, % * . ., ', b 's ' ' , \, '\ '8 y*. N a me '8 '*s8 '8,8 '&+, ,PA Member *e@ f 80.s ".. """"" '," -:?-+- ;::;1 :i::: j:::: ,I::: 4::; ::::; ', , . t8, ' s * , 8'8 8 14' of "'%))$8;,,;+ x, 8, 88 's8's 8 ::!!I 1 I The City Attorney informed the Council she appeared i : before the State Beaches and Parks some time ago, and : i there are no funds appropriated for the Carlsbad Beach i : at the present time. There are four beaches in Southern : i California that have received priority for appropriations. i i The Mayor suggested that the WI oman's Club send a letter i : to the State Beaches and Parks, requesting further im- : J provement of the State Beach. 1 s t I I I Q & i Mr. Stevens suggested that a request be made to the : Department of Beach Erosion. This is the department thak i makes all the decisions and they do have funds. I i MR. KEITH SMALL, 2680 Davis Street, Carlsbad, askec$ i what the requirements would be for him to operate a t 1 : catering service in Carlsbad; he has a permit to operate I I in the City of Oceanside. I I I The City Clerk informed the Council that Mr. Davis 'was i ; issued a license by the City, but the County Health Officer: i requested this license revollred, I I I The City Manager advised the Council that Mr. Sdl has { i a license to operate in Oceanside, due to the fact they have : an ordinance that permits this type of business. He talked i with Mr. Clark of the County Health Department regardin4 ; this matter, and they feel that the preparation o€ the food ; i should be done some place besides the home. I s i Mr. Small informed the Council he has his sandwiches g : prepared at the Corner Cafe, and he receives his bakery : i goods from San Diego. 0 a i The City Manager stated that before Mr. Small could : operate in Carlsbad, or any other catering service, we I i would have to have an ordinance allowing this service. i I Mayor Someman stated she felt there were a great many i : workers who would appreciate having this service. 0 0 : Cmn. La Roche stated that the issue at hand is whether { i we want to have anyone operate a catering service in the ! : City of Carlsbad. D E i Mayor Soaneman requested an ordinance prepared to : &low catering service in the city for the Council's con- E i sideration. 0 I I MR. YOUNG, stated he was a, shoe counselor, and he ! ! has been trying to get a permit to sei1 shoes in this area. i i He was informed that the matter was turned over to the t : City Attorney, however, this was some time ago and he 1 i has received no answer. I I i The City Attorney informed the Council she wrote to the i i company that Mr. Young represeats, and she has just ; : recently received a letter from the companyrs attorney i : stating the company has an interstate license. I I I I * I 4 1 I I I I I t I 4 3 * J 0 I 0 l 0 3 B a I I D * a I n I 8 I (I 0 (I (I I (I I E I 8 I 1 B: I ; Mr. Young was informed that he could now apply for his i i licenssfrorn the city, s s I I 4 * i PUBLIC HEARINGS $ I I 4 1 * I 4 I I t - t a. Request for reclassification of property located : ;:i:: 1:;:: I:::: ;;::: :I::: *::;I :;;I1 fit;; ::::; 9::;; :::!I ;:I :e::; I: iii'~ 1:::; :;;i: :I!:; ::;I; '1i:1 :::;I iiili ;:;:; ;?I* ,*::: :t,;t I::,: #::*I ::;:: ::::I :::*I I:-:: 1;::: ::::I ::::: ;:!it ;::e: ::;:: 1:;:: !:;I: :;::: ::;:: ::;i: :a:; :;I:) 1;::: :;I:: :I:1: ;: 11 1'::; ;:::: t$: ::;4: ::I:* ::':I i:::; Ill :i;:: ;;l:I ::::: 1:;:: ::I:: ;:;:: I* I*( 4: 1:::; ;: :'::; ,I::: 1:::: :::' ,SI:: ::::: :pi * 4; ::::: ::::: 4,;:; ::;:; i:;:: ;::i: '*a yil :: 11; B:::: a* I :I I*' iiii: *I 1: :I4 ll,( :#I:: 181 4;' (!!I! I I i , I I I 1 :i:*: $4 1 :!4:1 I I ;:;:: I I I l a:::; ::;*, I I I I I I I ', \', \ 8. 8' ' I I , \, '\ ' '\''\\ I I I \.\ ..,'.; 14 I i Name I ; of "&b '' %, I """"""" --------- "" "- """""""""_"". ~ """""". _.."";"""""""""":.(":,,.. U :::;; I '\ \\ ',, '. s ' I _. 6 - I ' '*\ .' ' , ' I I I \x\, '.&, "8'8$. D: ! Member 'O ''&@A P\.+,+* b0 4 i between Park Drive, Hillside Drive aGd Adams Street, i :::;I ;from Zone 3-1-15, 000 to Zone It-l-lO,OOO - Arthur H. : ::p: : Glissman. ::;ti I 1 1;*1; : The City Attorney reviewed the application. The Affi- 9 a 1:::: ;t:;1 i davit of Publication was presented, certifying as to :::I, 'I : proper notification. Res. #I77 of the Planning Comrnis- 5 ;1*11 i sion was read wherein they recommended the recfassifi- : ;i::: : cation of this property as requested, There were no 1:: 1 ::::; I written protests. 1 I :::;I l 1 4 a !::I: 0 a :*1:1 I 0 A a 1 ::;I: * .l.!l I The Mayor declared the hearing open and informed the 3 ! public the Council would hear from all persons interested I ; in or opposed to this request for reclassification. 0 I I The Mayor asked the applicant if he wished to state any- i i thing further in behalf of his application, D I i MR. GLISSW stated he felt his application was self- i ; explanatory, and he had nothing further to add. 1 I i The Mayor stated the Council would hear from all persona; i who wished to speak in opposition to this request. There ; : were no oral protests. : The Council agreed that their findings were the findings i I of the Planning Commission. D 1 i The City Attorney presented the following resolution and : i ordinance for the Counciz's review: 1 I I i I U 1 I 9 I 1 1 I 1 3 I 4 I 1 I 1 1 A I @ 1 ;';;' ;:::: ::::: ;::I: 1:::: ::'I; :'; : : ; :;i:; ::::: i*;1; :it:: 1I;:l 1::1: :a ,I::: :I;:; ,::I: :I::: 11 1:;:: ,I,;, ::!s! :;i:i ;:it; 1:*:1 I ;I: ::#:I -11;: ::::I I)( I:!:! I i I I I t : Res. #688. A 3ESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL i ! -CITY OF CARLSBAD ANNOUMCBIG FINDINGS: i AND DECISION RM3ATtDING CHANGE OF ZONE CLASS; ; IFICATIBN OF CERTAIN DESIGNATED PROPERTY IN : Guevara i i THE CITY OF CARLSBAD FROM ZONE R-1-15,OOU 1 Someman : : TO ZONE R- 1 - 10,000, was adopted by title only and fur- ! McPherson I r ther reading waived. 3 La ftoche 3 i Ordinance No. 9107, AN OBDIMANCE OF THE CITY 06 ! -ING ORDINANCE NO. 9060, : Guevara i I CHANGING CERTAIN DESIGNATED PROPERTY IN T€%@ Sonneman : ; CITY OF CARLSBAD FROM ZONE R-1-15,000 TQ : McPherson i : ZONE Et-1-lo, 000, was given a first reading. i La Roche % ! f I 1 I I I I 8 I b I t 4 4 t i The Mayor declared a short recess at 8: 35 P. M, The 3 : meeting reconvened at 851 P, M, 1 i ! ENGINEERING: i i * 4 I I I I I I * I I I I t ? 4 I I 1 b I a. 19 1.1 Act Proceedings - Assess. Dist. 2 -1960 - : i Valley Street Sewers. i The Attorney for the project informed the Council an : opinion from the Health Officer had been received as to i i the necessity of sewers in this area* which is as follows: ; i I t % I b I 1 i i I i) I 1 I I I + * .I I 8 4 I 4 I 1 ! 8 I 1 I I I t I 1 I I I 4 I I I 4 4 I ;:; ::: ::; ::I ::: :x; : ;x: i x;xi : ;x: i ~"i :::; 4:: !":xi i ; !x: ; : ;x; : I ;x: i :I:: 1:;: :::I ::*: ;;:; :;:I ;;:: ,,:a ::*: 11;; ::': 8l:l ::e1 11;: r.1: 84 ::;; liii 11 i July 12, 1960 I The Honorable City Council of Carlsbad i P, 0. Box 265 1 1 ; Carlsbad, California D [ Attention: ~r. Clyde L. Jenken 1 1 I I I I I 1 U 4 I * u 4 il 0 a a 0 * P I l City Engineer I a * 0 6 b. I D i Gentlemen: i I, the undersigned Health Officer of the City of Carlsbad, i : California, am familiar with the plans designated for : : sewers in the Sewer Assessment District on Valley St. i i between Basswood Street and Chestnut Avenue, Carlsbad.; 1 I a l e I a t a I 5 4 E I 5 1 I 1 * :I ;: ;: :I 1: ;: ;: ': :: ;; !* ;: ;: ;: :: :: :: :; ;: ;: :: I* *a I* I' a' 1: I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I 1 I I I I l a I 8 4 I D * I I I I I # I I I I 1 I I * I I ! 1" :: ~:: :: ,;: !;: ;: :: ;: :I :: :: :: ;: ;: :; ;: ;: :: :: :: 11 1) I* 11 a! I I l * I I b ', \., 8 '' I I 1 I ,\ 8" a \,, '+, '., '* '* .' 8, '?, H 4 I "7 - 1 ', 88,'83, ', '\ '\8 I i N a me ",, 'h$&,8"~,~$+ I 1 88b 0 4 84, q>,&& B ; of ',+.OS t i:p: i I understand that proceedings under the Improvement Act! I;':; : of 1911, Division 7 of the Streets and Highways Code of i ;:;:: ;;::I 11 : the State of California, are contemplated for the construct.. I tion of sanitary sewers, as shown in said plans. I am i :I::; [::@I : familiar with the territory served by the proposed sewer : ii:ii i system shown on said plans and specifications, Said i :;'I; : territory is in dire need of sanitary sewers, and the I I i;::: i public health requires that sanitary sewers be constructed 1:::: : to serve it, This letter is submitted pursuant to Section t :;;:: ::::; I 2808 of said Code. I ::I:; I I I ;;::i i I find and recommend as follows: I ::;;: I i::;: I 1, That the construction of sanitary sewers, as shown i +;*Il ::!I: i on said plans and in accordance with said specifications, i i:::i : is necessary as a health measure. I 111*1 I 1 :::;; i 2. That proceedings for the construction of said sanitary: ::; :: ' ;:::I ! sewers are necessary as a health measure. 1 I { 3, That proceedings for the construction of said sanitary ;:p: : sewers under the Improvement Act of 1911 are necessary: :I::: i as a health measure. I ;,:;I t ;::a: I I 1:::: I 4. That 1, 2 and 3 above are necessary as health measu4e. i:;:: I I I 1:;:: I ::;i: i Very truly yoursI I I :1 I I 1 I ;:::I I 1'::; i /si J. €3, ASKEW, M.D. I ,a::: :: i J. B. Aa$KEW, M.D. I I I(::; :::'I i Health Officer of the City of Carlsbad I ::::; 1 I :'I1: I:;:, I JBApc I ::;:: I I ::;i: i The following resolutions were presented for the Councillb ;::I: : approval: ::;:; I I :;*:; !I!!: :""""""""""~""~~"""-""""""""~""""""""-""""~~~""-"---"""-----"-~--- t Member .%@.& 4 I 'I t I 1 I,::: 1 4 I I I 1 1 I I I ;i;:: ;I-: 1 I I I * f 4 I I & l;ll; I I I 1 I 8 : I * I t i Res, #689, A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL I & mTY OF CARLSBAI), APPROVING OPINION I : AND FfMDING OF HEALTH OFFICER, AND ORDER- : Guevara ; i ZNG OPINION OF HEALTH OFFICE^ SPREAD UPON i Someman i i THE MINUTES, Assess. Dist, No, 2 -1960, was adopted : McPhersonj ; by title only and further reading waived. i La Roche ; ! The City Engineer presented the glans and specifications,i i together with the assessment diagram for the Council : I I : to review, * I I I I I t I I I I I I I I 3 I I I * I ! B 1 I I I I I I I 1 l a ; Res. #680, A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL i i "i2ITY OF CARLSBAD APPROVING PLAT OF : : ASSESSMEST DISTRICT, D;ETEIZl\dIINING THE NATURb, I LOCATION AND EXTENT OF THE PROPOSED IM- t i Guevara i I PROVEMENT, AND APPROVING PLANS AND SPECI- : Sonneman : : FICATIONS for Assess. Dist, No. 2-1960, was adopted I McPhersoni i by title only and further reading waived. : La Roche : * I I I : Res. #691. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY CQUNCXL 3 8 , ,, .... CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, DE- * I TION OF CERTAIN SANITARY SENERS AND APPUR- : : TENANCES AND APPURTENANT WORK IN SAID CITY! ! DECLAMNG THE WORK To BE OF MORE THAN I : LOCAL OR ORDINARY PUBLIC BENEFIT; DESCRIB- i ! ING THE DISTRICT TO BE BEMEFITED BY SAID 1 : WORK AND TO BE ASSESSED TC PAY THE COST ' ! AND EXPENSE THEREOF; DETEHMINING THAT BUN& : SHALL BE ISSUED TO REPRESENT ASSESSMEWT TO : I BE LEVIED and FIXING THE TIME AND PLACE 4 i :E2EEG ms mTmmoN TO ORDER THE CONSTitUd- I I 4 I I I 1 I 1 e I I I I I * I I I * * I l f 1 I I I I I I 1 I * a I l a I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 4 I * I I I I I I I 9 I I I I I I I I I I I I ;I: 11: ::; x: :xi ::I I ;x: : XX! i :x: ;;: ;I: :;: 11: ;#I I@ :!? i I * 1 I I I I I I I I I I 4 I I I I I I I 1 I 1 I iiil *I:( ii:,i ::*: ixxi : : {xi i : :x; : x: :xi 3 :I:: ;*I 4;; :;:: i::: :iii ::I: :;:: ;;:; +I;: 1 I* 01 11;: :::I :a:: ;::I 'I:;; i::; ;;::: !t:;l ~::': 1:::: ;;::I !:!:! 'I 61 !!;; 1: I I I 8, b. \ 8' t I . \\\\ '8 '\ '\ , I \\ \\ " t I 8 I I I t \'\ '%,"8, '\ '\ '\, 1 4 9 I i Name '.,'f& \8 $$I$, : of y@$\, " I '\& rO 8 93.4% :""""""""""""-"""""""""""""""".*".."""""""-4"""""""""""""" 1 Member $j'@.,p.p ..& t -8- I '\, ', 8, '\ '8 X '\ '+ ;*~i' D 1 FOR HEARING PROTESTS AND OBJECTIONS TO SAID/ Guevara ; ixIxi I ;;*I; : WORK OR THE EXTENT OF THE DisTRICT TO BE i Some= : ; !Xi 1 i ASSESSED, OR BOTH, AND GIVING NOTICE THERE- i McPherson i ; :X; : : OF, was adopted by title only and further reading waived,: La Roche ; :xixi I I ::!I! I 4 I I I b. Report on Lull property in regards to a sewer ; : connection. I I 1 The Council was informed the Engineering staff has made I i a study of the Lull property and found that a connection to I : the Garfield sewers is not feasible. The only way the ; i property could connect to the Garfield sewers is by a i pump. Also other properties located on the corner in the i : area were checked, and if and when they build other units ; i they will have the same problem. The Assistant Engineer! : informed the Council there are many cases where a resi- I i dent has paid into a district, and has had to install a I I : pump in order to have sewer service. ; Cmn. La Roche stated he did not feel the City was re- ! sponsible, however, he did feel the City was morally ; obligated to help Mr. Lull. : Mr. Lull stated that at the time the sewers were being i I installed the city was not incorporated; however, shortly ; : thereafter the city was incorporated and assumed the I i liabilities of the district. He protested at the time of i : the hearing and his protest was overruled. After the I I i city took over he appeared before the Council; thereafter, i i he received a letter from the Council granting them per - ; : mission to connect to the Chinquapin sewers at such time i I as they were installed. L 8 I Mayor Sonneman stated that legally one Council cannot : : bind another Council; however, after the City was in- U * i corporated the city assumed the liabilities of the district, : : and it was her personal opinion that botb Councils were i i working for the same city. P I i Discussion was given as to a p ecedent being set for i other properties with a similar situation. Cmn. La RochG ; stated he felt they would have to take care of these if and I t when they come before the Council. Also he felt Mr, 1 ; Lull was entitled to considation due to the fact this man i I did receive a letter from the former Council. Cmn. I I : La itoche moved that Mr. Lull be allowed to connect to : i the Chinquapin Avenue sewers without fine costs. The i : motion died for lack of a second. i Further discussion was given the matter. Cmn. McPher+n i stated he felt the City was morally obligated, however, : : he had talked with other property owners in the Chinquapi+ i district and they are not in favor of this connection with- ; i out payment of line costs. i After considerable deliberation, it was agreed by the i Council that the City would assume the line costs for : Mr. Lull to connect to the Chinquapin sewer line, and i i that he would pay the lateral charges, capital contribu- : : tion charges for the pumping station inclusion fees, which! i would be $100.00 per living unit, The City Attorney was : I instructed to work out a plan as to how the funds would i : be transferred. t b I I I I I I I 4 I I I I I I I I 1 I I 1 I I 1 I I t I 9 I 1 1 I I I 9 1 t I I I * 1 I ' I t * I I I I B, I I I 4 * I r I * I I I I I I I * 8 I I I I I I I I I I I ! c. Location of water meter - A. H, Glissman. Mr. Glissman requests water service to his property. I He has paid his inclusion fee for the entire parcel, and : in the future as soon as sewers are available for the areal he intends to subdivide the property. At the present time: he is building his home on one lot. He has requested the i city to install the water meter at the top of the hill, which: I I # b I I I I I I I ;;;;; ;I:;: ;::;i :I::: :;::: :;::a ii::: ::I ;:;Il I* '1::; :; i.1 I '1';: ::i;: ii:;; :;;a: fillt :;;:: I{*( 81 1:;:: :;'*; ::!:; :::;I SI:, (11 !;I1' 1:; 1;;;; ::::: i:::: ::::; ;:I;; ;;i:; ::a:: /::; ::;;; ;::i: I:::; ;;I:; ::,I* ltl;a :I: ;:,;I :::;: i:::: ::i:; ii;:: ;:!:; ::::I iii'l i::;; 8:::' 181 ::::; 8: ::I;: !!:;I ;I:;: ::::I ;:::I ::::: 1::11 :a:: :::: ;::; :I:: ;;:: :a:: :::I ;:;: ;::i :::; i::t 1:;; :::I '11; I::: p:: 1;11 ';!; ::I: i::: ;:;: 1;e; i;:: :; :It, I' I::': ,;I** ,I;:! ;;" I+ 'i a,:, :: I;:; ;: It 011 I*, B D l , \* \\ .\ \ * . I \ 8' 1 7 8\ \ , ' \, ', '\ " I I I I I 'I ' ' ' '\.\\., Ish I i Name '* '%,'"@\ ' ' '\ '\\&, I I ; *f '$i.J$J+, '' '?+. I v#q&8$* :""""""""*",,"_,""""""-""-~""""-""""~"""--"""-"""-""~ i Member ,o-p..p$~d I ..9- I -\ '8,,**, '\, 8 , I I I e** *I I !ll!l I i which would be on his property, rather than at the bottom! : of the hill which would be on city property, due to the : i fact that when he subdivides he will be required to izu.2 in i : 4" line. At the present ti-me he is only required to put in : I a 1" line. If this request were allowed it would save Mr. i : Glissman from having to remove approximately 200' of ; i 1" pipe at such time as he subdivides. According to the i : rules and regulations of the water company, a meter can-: I not be installed on private property. Also it was pointed ! : out that at such time as Mr. Glissman subdivides he will t i be required 'to dedicate a 50' right-of-way. Mr. Glissm4 : would like to pave this right-of -way now in order to have : ! access to his property, and if this request is not allowed i : it will necessitate tearing up the pavement to install the f i line when he developes the remaining portion of his 1 : property. After considerable discussion by the Council f i, Cmn. Guevara requested that Mr. Thornton go with him i I to make an inspection of the property before the Council t ; makes any decision. I I I I I I i OLD BUSINESS I I t I L t l e I l a, Second reading of Ordinance No, 9 106 - reclass: i ifying certain property - Archie KoyL. t I i The following ordinance was presented for a second read-: ; ing by the Council: I I I I 1 I I ! I I i:i;; ;;/;: :::I: 1:::: ::::: ;:4f ,I:': ;:;:: ::::I 1:: :I :;I:: ::I:: /:;: :::I+ :I, fl;: ::;I: i:::: 1;;:: ::::: ::;:: I:;:: "1:: ::!!I I('il it: ;: $ IIl(1 ::it: 1J;IJ I:;:: ::::; ;:::: 1:;:: :;I:$ #I;': !l4!l ;;l;l I:II, I.!*! ;4:i ::;:I t Ordinance No, 9106, AN OaDIN.j+NCE OF THE CITY I 1. /;:; ; -WING OBDINANCE NO. 9060, 1 Guevara ; !xi q : : CEWNGING CERTAIN DESIGNATED PI~OPERTY IN TH& Sonneman : : : X: : I CITY OF CARLSBAD FROM ZONE R-l TO ZONE it-3> i McPhersonjxi i 4 i i was adopted by title only and further reading waived. : La Roche : : : $ : I L ::!!: ::::I I I i CITY ATTORNEY'S REPORT: I 1 Il;'I !l,!l I I I ::;I: I L 1 1 ; Amendments to Ordinance No. 9060. The City Attorney E i informed the Council she has been working on the amend- i i ments to this ordinance, however, at the City Attorney's ; : Conference zoning ordinances will be discussed, and she ! i would like to defer this matter until after the conference. I t 8 :;;;: ::::: :I::; ::i:: :;I1# :; I* ;:a :I::: l;;ll !I,!: I 4 I,-# :I::: i Taxation of interest on Municipal Bonds. At the present f ;::;: ;:I:: 1;:;; ::; I ,:I ;: i:: : time interest on municipal bonds is exempt from taxation.: ;:'I: i There is a treasury regulation passed by the Treasury : ; Department to have this exemption removed. California 1 :'dl: i pays a high rate of interest. If this regulation is passed 11 4:::: : the citieo in California would be hard hit as it would be I i difficult to sell these bonds. The City Attorney recom- ; ;: ; mended that the Council go on record as opposing this i Guevara ; :XIXI 81 : I regulation. By motion of the Council the Council went on : Sonneman : : : x: ; : record as opposing the taxation of interest on municipal : McPherson! i., :xi I I i bonds. : La Roche !xi :x; l i Res. #693 - Proclaiming U. N. Day. A letter was read i : Ziddressed to the Mayor requesting the City to Proclaim ; Guevara : : : XI ; i October 24, 1960 as U. N. Day. By motion of the Council i Sonneman ; IO : : x; i I Resolution No. 693 was adopted, proclaiming October 24, : McPherson :x i i XI : : 1960 as U.N. Day. 1 La Roche i ixix; i 9 ::::: I U. S. 0. Pal W eek. A letter from the U. S, 0. Director : i:: :: : 'in Oceanside, requesting the City of Carlsbad to participate 1:::: i in this yearly event. The Council was informed the City i :'::: ;I i of Carlsbad has participated in this event each year. By : Guevara !x; :xi ; 1::: : motion of the Council it was agreed that the City of I Sonnernan : i !x: i : the 19th as U. S. 0. Pal Week. i La Roche ; I ; x; : I I t u :::;I I I l!!I! I 0 (1' I I:::: ::I:: I l 0 I : Carlsbad recognize the week of November 13th through : McPherson i :x: x: : I t e f I I I ;i;;; 4 8 m I ;a::: I I :::*: I I I I ;:::: I I!#:! t I I ! iiv; ;:I I 1 ~:o~: ! I !ll!f I I I I i I I I I' \\ ',, ', \ '* -* .\ \ s' I I "\ '.,"\, '\, '8.:8\8 1 5 3, '.$'% '\\ '?$, I i Member ";$&',+* ',68$3\$$?'&* .................................................................... '11 4 I i;:ii (I:# !;I1! 8 I It1 I Policy for charge of weed abatement by the City. The i ::I;: i mty Manager informed the Council the staff had been :::I' t I :::I: ! trying to arrive at a fair cost to the property owners for : :; 1:;:: i this abatement. According to the figures received so far I ; for labor and equipment, it will run approximately $14.601 ;;;i; '(1 i per hour. By motion.of the Council it was agreed that the:. ::I;; :::;I i cost of $15.00 per hour be charged the property owner i i::;i i for this service. * * 4;:; I I I:: I1 i Reimbursement for car expenses for San Diego State I 1 i:;:: I ::::: : College Interne.. The Council was informed the City has I I:1*: : a San Diego State College interne working three days a ; '8;:: ii: I i week, 5 1 /2 hours per day without charge to the city, I ' :i; : He receives credit from the college for this work. The i ::'SI I::II i City Manager requested that this student be allowed : $20.00 per month car allowance for this service to the I Guevara I :x: xi : \ city. By motion of the Council authorization was given i Sonneman i i Jx: I I for $20.00 per month allowance for car expense to this : McPherson i ; :XI : i student. 1 La Roche ~x I :x: i i Report on request for Dance Permit, This request was i \ referred to the Chief of Police at the last meeting. The i 1:;:: : Chief of Police has made an investigation and it is his i i:::: i opinion that if this permit were granted that it would en- 1 il::: If1 : courage minors to attend this establishment which would ; ::'I: i mean more policing, and he has recommended against the i :;;:; ; granting of this permit. By motion of the Council it was ; Guevara ! ix :xi i i agreed that the Council concur with the findings of the : Sonneman i i !x; : : Chief of Police and that the request be denied for the i McPherson I : :x: i i establishment known as Ralph and Millies, H La Roche :x: ;xi i I 1 liii i Request for stop signs. Memorandum from the Police i !:$;I ; bepartment requesting that stop signs be installed at the ; ;r;:: ! following locations. I I ;:,;: 1';:: I NE corner of Grand and Harding I *:I:: $1 I SW corner of Grand and Hope ::I:; I :#I I I SW corner of Elm Ave. and Alley way (near Hope) i ::i:: 1 NE corner of Alley way and Grand Ave. (near Hope) i $1:; ;:ii: i::;; 'I:;; $Ill ;:::; t :::;; ;pi; I I :4:; ::::; ~;:~l :::ir :;'I' :::; :::; i::: :I;: ;I I ! 3 - 10- I : of 'I . ' 8, '\ '\\ ', '\ ; Mame ', -\ti ' ,'.A I I I D 1 CITY MANAGER'S REPORT: 1 I I'I I I I 4 I h':; ;:r11 I f :::i: ;::I: II#) I I ;: I I I I I I I I I 8 t I I I I I I t1 #I1( I After discussion by the Council it was agreed that this ! ; request be deferred until the next meeting in order that I i the Council members could make an investigation of the i : locations. i Cross street between State Street arrf Roosevelt Street. i : 'The Council was informed that an appraisal has been ; made of the property proposed for a cross street, said i i property being located at 2716 State Street. The owner I ; was sent a letter in which the City made an offer of I i $16 , 000 for the property. A letter was received October i , : 1960 from the owner and he is now in favor of selling the ; ; property at the present time. The City Manager asked i : the Council if they wished to proceed to acquire this proper- :::: i ty by condemnation proceedings. By motion of the Counci; Cuevara : a :xi : the City Attorney was instructed to proceed with candern- ; Sonneman :xi ;x! i nation proceedings to acquire this property for a cros6 i McPherson ; I : :x i street, said property being located at 2716 State Street. : La i2oche : ixIxi I ! ::!I I(**( I I I I I ::':I :::'I +I 1. @I 1 B : Beach property. A letter was received from Oliver M. i i Morris, owner of the property located on Ocean Street, ; i stating he was not interested in selling the property at thii : time. 1 I i Application for Card Room License. An application has i i been received for a Card doom License from Ralph : Burnett and Jack Button. The City Manager recommended 1 this matter referred to the Chief of Police for investiga- I ; tion and report. I I I I 8 I I 1 + I i I I I I I ! i I I I I I 1 I ! :i;; :a:: ;::: :I!: :;I: :::: :;:: p:: I:!! ::;I ::;I :t:: ;::: :::: $1: :::; :;:: '01: t* '.v B B I I 1 I I I' 8 \', \ 8' I I \' X, '8 ', '\ 8, ', I \\ '\ ', ', . ' , \\\ \ ' I I I -, '., '. '..'"''..,J 5 2 1 I 1 of 'QL\q$,g\,+yv, I Member '%@8+'p:9 :""""""""""""~"~~~"-"""""*."~""""~"""--""----""-;"-"--"-------"-"--~ I * ;:#I' I ;I1 i Request for leave of absence from city - City Manager. 1 :It:: :TTe t 1 ;ti :I,:: i I, C. M, A. meeting to be held in San Francisco during the I ::;i: : period of October 16, 1960 through October 19, 1960. By: Guevara i ; :x: : i motion of the Council the City Manager was authorized to : Sonneman : I !x: : 1: : attend the I. C, M, A, meeting in San Francisco during the ! McPherson !x: !xi : i period of October 16, 1960 through October 19, 1960, i La Roche ; IxIx: i i Plans for Grand Avenue improvement west of Ocean St. i :;I:: l The Assistant lmgineer presented the improvement plans : I for Grand Avenue west of Ocean Street for the Councills i l:;8$ ; presented. i RATIFICATION OF BILLS AND PAYiiOLL: i Ratification of the bills was given for the general expense4 ::::: I of the City in the amount of $11, 567.89 and for the Water : Guevara )c I :x! : f Department in the amount of $998.30 from September 20, i Sonneman I 8 :xi i i 1960 to OcOober 4, 1960, as certified by the Director of i McPherson i ! :x; I : Finance and approved by the Auditing Committee. ; La PZoche : :x :xi ; 4 I ::@I1 ! Ratification of the payroll was given for the second half of I Guevara i i ixi ! I '1: i September, 1960, in the amount of $13,584,23, as certi- I Sonneman I t :x: { : fied by the Director of Finance and approved by the Audit-; McPherson j x! jxr ; i ing Committee. 1 La Roche ; ix:x\ : I I I ;I:*: I ADJOUEtNMENT: I 4 1:;:: ; : ::':; I I :;::; I By proper motion the meeting was adjourned at l0:45 I?. Mi ::::: 1 I a P ii::: I D l #I; I I I :;:;I I 1 :;::; i ECespectfully submitted, I I 1 1 i:':: t I I I;;: I I" 4 t :::I: I I ;:;i; 1 I :ii:; ,I,;, I I ::;I; I ;&I:* 1 I I::#: :sf11 I I ll:8 4 i:::: I 4:;1 I I ::p: * 4 ii::: h:;; !::@I I I::':: I I I ::4; I I :::q I 1 e:;:; I 1 !;I:; ;;!!; I ;;I/ I t 1:::; I ;:::I I I 18 I I 1:::; I I :e 1 I I ;:::I :I, I 1 ;: 1; I ;::; 1 I :I!: I 5 ;;I: n I ,a:: 4 :::: I I I i::: I I 1;;: t I !:I1 I I I ::;I :i I I :::: I I I :::I I i::: I ;::I # I I :I:: I&.;; I 1 I I;:: I -1 1- I I I I : Name' *.,;;&:;;,$&, Ill I I I I ::I:: ;e::: ::::I I review, By cornnnon consent the plans were approved as : ::::: 1: 1 i::,: I I I#;:# I 1 I:: :I 1 I I ;i::: I I :I:;: I. I I:' t I I1 4 i I $ 84 I P d I a 4 ;:::; I I I I I 4 I 1 I I I I * i 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I + I I I I * 8 I b I I I I I l:;l; 1l;:l :I1 I # I I b 4 I I 6 I I * !;::' :::I; :I I I I 1 I I 1 I I I I I I I 1 I I I 1 I 1 I I # 1 I I I I I 8 I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I 4 I t 11 t :!::