HomeMy WebLinkAbout1960-10-18; City Council; MinutesI I . i CITY OF CARLSsAD : Minutes of City Cowrciz ! Date of Meeticg: Qctober 18, 1960 c Na t.. - :--.;! *I,.', ::+& : Time of Meeting: 7:OO P. Me ; of ' C\O', ,-$? I Place of Meeting: Council Chambers '.?!@,&?*,: ~""~""""~"~""""~"""""""~"""""""""""""~""-"-~~~"~~~~~~~~~~~"- i Member %%d"g.&?%b ""7"" I :;: I ! ROLL CALL was answered by Cowcilmen Guevara, L \ I I .: ,: i Bierce, Sonnernan, McPherson and La'Roche. Also ; : ; ;'I ; present were City Manager Pro Tempore Scholink and : .) ; ; I .: GIl* 1:s i City Attorney Hayes, *-;: p:: I I 1::3, :; i mVOCAT1C.N was offered by Councilman Guevara. I i :': ; ; I l:'st i APPROVAL OF MINUTES: I ;! 1.;; I :I:;; I I ;::;t I I a, The minutes of the regular meeting of October 41 GUevar?a 1 i !X: i : 1960, were approved as corrected, : Bierce ! ; ;x! ; 1 ,i Sonneman i i :x: i I :. RlcPherson 1 :x ;x; I1 i I i La Roche p i i ; ; !::I: 81;;; I 1::;; l a, Eleven requests for sewer connections were I c?WWra I : !X: ; I f ; McPherson 1 : :x; : I I i Lti PEoche ; !x !x; I ; s, '8 ' -, -s ' I X,, '\ I I ', '88"\, '\, ","\88 2 5 3 I *, '.,"\, '8, ',, ', B 1 1 . 1. I 1 I 8 I )*I1 .I I I t I I I ; 1,111 I I b I I I I I D I a 1 I i COIErlESPQNDENCE: I ! approved, in accordance with the Engineering Department! Bierce p i :X! i ; recommendation. ; Sonnemap ; i :XI ; I I 11 I 11.. 0 nil; 19 1111 It: 1::: I1 *a :I:; qi ;' I 1;;t ;'I: ;i;: {::i ::;: ::;: tlIl 'I 1: i i :;I1 :::, :It: ::; 1:;; '8 1:: i::: ,.I ,I .I 1 {.i : * *,e I : r,;: iii; iiii i::: 'I,: ; ; ;;:' 4i ;I ,it! at l*q: ii', 'I '11 81 I !c *!94 1 .. 1.. I : , 1. i .,. .. , .. I I I I I ! ;;:I :f\i I'll il\[ I;:* 1 I!jl :I :::; 1: :Ii ;:I 'I, 1: ;I l1 ;*a It: :I1 11; :,I ti' :I: ;:: 'I.: :;: :I; 101 I' $81 !I1 ;'I 1:; ::; :!' I 1 I I 6' 4 t '\' I '8, '\.'', I I I I I .' I I *' \ ', I -2 - I I Ram? \\ I : of ' ,. I I I Di ~""""""""""""""""""~""~~""""""""""~""""-"~"---~-----. : Member I based on more water than we are eztitled to. 3 hen Los i ; Angeles will require its full entitlemeht of Colorado Zivet i water we will be unable to purchase their sarplus entitle-! : ment and an economic chaos will result. Therefore, the ; i City Council of Carlsbad should merely file this telegram: ; from the MWD and no action is required since the City : i Council reaffirmed its unanimous support of the Californib : w 5.ter bond issue within the last few weeks. I t I 1- 1 1 I I I I I d. Carlsbad Woman's Club - re: Letter of opposi-! I tion to billboards along the Freeway. Letter dated I i 'actober 4, 1960 from the President of the Woman's Club ; i of Carlsbad, stating she had been directed to advise the i : Council that at their meeting of September 14, 1960, the : i matter of billboards along the Freeway within the city i : limits of Carlsbad had been voted on, and that they were : i unanimous in their opposition to any such action. a i Mayor Sonneman stated the Womanls Club had always gonk : on record as opposing any advertising along the Freeway i : in the City, and she had also received a similar letter. : ! The Mayor requested the letter filed until a future date I I when this matter would be discussed further. I I I I * I I 1 I I I I I I I I t I I l e. Henry Christiansen - re: Carlana Harbor I I : District. Letter dated October 13, 1960 addressed to : i the-Council from Henry Christiansen, pointing out certai4 : factors ih connection with the recent Carlana Harbor I i election: The Council requested the letter filed. i PUBLIC HEARINGS: ' (See Page 10 and 11 of these min4tes) i MR. CHESTER JANIK, 286 Chinquapin, stated he wished: i to speak in regards to the proposed drainage ditch on i ; Chinquapin. The petition, previously presented to the : i Council represents about 90% of the property owners who I ; are opposed to this ditch being constructed. They do not : i feel this drainage ditch or a pipe is necessary. & I i Mayor Sonneman asked Mr. Janik if he thought the : property owners would be willing to participate in the i i cost of having proper drainage installed in this area? I I i Mr. Janik stated they would have to prove to the property i : owners that it was a necessity. If the city could prove to : i him this was necessary he would certainly pay his share. i : However, he felt the property owners who have the I I I problem were the ones who should pay the cost of this i : drainage. I I ! After considerable discussion by the Council the Mayor i i requested that a petition be prepared for the property ; : owners to see if they would be willing to participate in : I the cost for proper drainage. I 1 i MR. CANNON, Cannon Ttoad, stated that he had come i I before the Council to see what they are doing about the ; I sewers 1 We have property to the south where we can join i : with Leucadia. 8 I : Mayor Sonnernan informed Mr. Camon that the North : ; County group have been working on this matter. There i : have been several meetings held; however, we cannot : ; give any answer at this time. Also we hzve been working i i on a plan with Vista. If some of the communities lag in : i their decision they are planning to go ahead without them, i : however, it will have to be along the lines of the County : i Master Plan. I 1 I Mr. Cannon asked if this Council would give their bl3ssinds I I I I I I PONS: t I I I 1 I I I I I I * 1 I I I 8 t 4 I I I I I I I 1 I I I Dl I a I 1 I t I I I I I I I I I 1 I I 1 I I I t ... . 8 *' \ *' \ 8' ', '\ 'x\'\, 1 5 4 " \\ \\ \\ '\ \x '\$' '\, '.&, '.$$+, '\ '@;, '?$@y&,.$+ ,u '@ \,P'$\.d.O\. :rill l1 l:dl ;!:I: ;:: ::::: @I i::;; iii'. :; $;:: !:I:; 1::;: iip; ::; ;' 1:::: I":; a;:;: ;I ::;I' ::I:: :I:': $8:: I:!:: I;::: :;i:; ;;I:# ;;:a: I:: :;I:# 11::: 01 :;::; :;::; i:!;: 1:;:; :+i :; ;: 1 :ii ;:::: /iI: ;:Is; ;:::: :il:: i;;:: I;':; :;::: :::i: ;I1 """"""i"" "'1; :::I: :it:: 11*:: ::::I ;:::I ;:::: ::::i :x:: ;; 1::: ::;+; :;::: :It:; :i;:: ;I:#* :;4; 1:;:: i:::: Il:i; p::: #::I1 ::;:: i$:: i:: I:# 1: ::;:* :::I: 11;: ::::: j:::: 1": 1;' ::,I; ;:I ::e:; 1:::I 1:::: 1:::; ::i:: ::::; i:::: *I ;::I, ;I::; :I;:: ;:e:; *I::; ::::: :; 1:::; :: I:: :I::: ;:::I !!:I: 1::; l11l1 #~I:4 !l,!I 4 I I 'i i ',8\ I I ', '\ ' t I \ " I I .' I '. " I I I I t I I ,~""""""""""""""""""~""".."..-~"'^""~-"~""""""""""-"' -5- t U , I i Name \, ; os i Member Di I 1 : if they formed their own district? We cannot develop I ; our properties unless we have sewers. i The Mayor stated she would like to ha-Je Mr, Cannon i attend the sewer meetings held by the North County group: ; Mr. Cannon stated he had attended one of the meetings in : I Eminitas, however, h r: had not been asked to Bny of the : i meetings and did not feel free to attend without being ask&. : Mr. Cannon suggested that a district be formed to build i t the main trunk lines and disposal plant, aild then each i ; community pay for the usage. He worked with one distri4 i in Orange County, The County formed the district that : ; constructed the tr& fine and disposal plant. Then each i I City formed their own separate district, and when they i i tied into the main trunk line they were metered and I I i charged accordingly. i Mayor Sonneman informed Mr. Cannon there were certai3 : restrictions which made it difficult to form the separate : i districts. This would have to be checked. Also the : Mayor pointed out that the County Engineers have been : i working with the North County group on this matter. ,: Crnri. La Roche stated he felt Mr. Cannon had hit on an i I important subject. He would like to have a progress : report made on the steps that have been taken or the : progress being made. Also he felt it would be helpful to ; ! the citizens if they knew what is being done. 1 + :. i 'NIR., GRAHAM KELLY, stated he was an attorney living i ; in $an Diego, and was representing the Kelly properties. i : Orange County was given special legislation to form their: i separate districts. He would like to propose a route for I ! the tPu& lines. Vista has the State's whip on their backs;; 1 they are going to have to lay out between $400,000 to i ! $450,000 for their sewer system. He has talked to the : i County Cfficials and they have provided $GO, 000 for sewe<s : at $he airport. The two total approximately 112 million : ! dollars. The route he would like to propose is that the i ; Vista sewage be brought over the Calaveras gap, then : i across El Camino Real at approximately the location of i i i€i& bridge in the vicinity of the Allen Kelly property; then: ! Carried west to the railroad right-of-way, 2nd then south E : to the Las Encinas Canyon. This route would take care : : of a great many problems. Mr. Allen Kelly has talked p i with some of the property owners along the route he just ! : proposed. Mr, Allen Kelly has indicated his willingness I i to go along with this proposal, We sold a large parcel of ; : land some time ago, and this owner is willing to contri- \ i bute his share, as his land is valueless unless he can get : : sewers. Max Len, one of the owners of Carlsbad Proper; i ties, is planning an 80 acre industrial development, If ; : sewers are not available to him when he starts his I I i development he plans to pump through the Bressi land \ : and into the Leucadia plant. If Max Len puts in a pump- : i ing plant the Kelly properties will be forced to go into i : 'the Leucadia district also. : I i MF:~;; Sonneman asked Mr. Kelly if he knew of any i propkrty owner who would be willing to donate their : property for the plant? : Mr. Kelly stated Irwin Kelly has some land, however, it i ; would not be satisfactory due to the high content of clay i : in the soil, and if a plant were located on it at best it ; i would only be of a temporary nature. He felt that the i : Las Encinas Canyon was the best location for aZ1 concerned. ! I I 1 I I I I t L I I I I I I I I b I I I I I t * I I 1 I I I I : I t I + I 4 I I I I I I I * t 1 I 0: I I I Mayor Sonneman informed Mr. Kelly the Council appre- i i ciated his interest and proposal, but tine location was 1 1 1 I : I f 1 I L 6 6 I I I I I I I ,. . \' I , ',, 'X\'\, \, '\$$\ ',, '33' i .,+'\$+\ ' 'P&\ ; '?& \,o \ +\.t'*, I ;Il;:( ;;;;I; 4;: ;1 i:::;~ 1:: I: i::I: i;p: :::I: j:::: 41:: !;!;; :;;:: 1:::; ;;!;I 1;::: ::;I: :;::: :;::a ::'I: h::: ::::; ;:#I 1::s; @*I!; :;'I, ::ii: :I:': 11 I::!: ::p: :;I ::i 4;:; :;;I: i:::: ;:::: ;:::: 1'8:; 1*(11 1:: :I::; 1:::; II,;l !I:;: ~1:~: ;llll ;iiii i:::: 4::: *I::; ::;a, l;iii i::;: la ;:;:: :;I:; *;:: :I;;# :@;I1 dl;; I:::; :;::; ;;1;1 ::iii i;::: ;;:4 lI;:l 111;: :'::I ::;,I $1:: ::;: 18' ;::: t'l; :::: :::I I;*: :;:I :Ll :: (Ill i::: 1*11 :!:I 1,: 11:: ii:; :::; 1: i::' *;: !it! ;,!i '%, 8,' \\\'\\ "55 f '. ', ., .\ -, I '2 @\*X$? ',o b,: """"""""" I' ())It )11,1 *I1 !:I ::; ::liI i:: :L illll 1:; :: 1 1*I i %:; ::; :::8 l* I@ *!;: I I I I .' ; , -,x , .' I I '. ', '\, 8, '\,", I - 4- ', '\$' '\\ '.%. j I b?d+?'9 ',#$ \\ I I * t -:--I"- I :::I: I 1 ::::I I ::;:: I reconvened at 8: 52 P. M. Ill; I I . ", .' '8 '\- '\,, '\,'\, 156 1 I I : : Narne of '.$'$+, '"+&', 1 I I 8, '\ ', \ \ ', I I I I BI : Member .$@\$-p%', f""""""""""~~"~~"""~"""~"""""""""-"-"----------~"~-----------"-~--"-- : going to be a big problem. I 1 11:; : A short recess was called at 8: 30 P. M. The meeting : ::;:: :,,,I ::!!I I I , I I 1 I Mayor Sonneman suggested that the City Attorney be in- ! : structed to investigate the procedure for the formation : \ of a district. The City Attorney asked if the Council I : would like her to meet with the Attorney for the Vista ! i Sanitary District and with the owners of the properties i : to the south? : Cmn. La 3oche suggested that we obtain some technical i. i help on this matter, as to our needs, I I i After considerable discussion the City Attorney was in- i i strueted to investigate the different types of .districts : : that could be formed, and that she meet with the Attomes i for the Vista Sanitary District and the property owners I : to the south. I I I I I I I 1 1 t I t I I I 4 : ENGINEERING: I I I I I I 1 I 1 4 a. Vacation of a portion of Garfield Ave. between i i Cedar and Beech Street. Tmrequest of Menry Mayers j i : mciates was again reviewed. The matter was : i referred to the staff at the last meeting and the recom- i : mendation of the staff was that the street hot be vacated ; I due to the following reasons: (1) The,,potential develop- i i rnent for this property would warrant the need for a : circulatory traffic pattern in the area; (2) Eecause of the: : narrow right-of -way existing oh Oceai.1 St. it was felt : that with the potential developmerit & crowded traffic i condition would arise on Ocean St. ; and (3) Also with the i : improvement of Garfield, problems such as drainage, : i and grading would not necessarily occur. i Cmn. Bierce stated he could not go along with the staff : : recommendation as he usually does. He did not feel that i i the City would be in a position to improve this street for i : a long time, as there are too many other streets that : i need work first. i Mayor Sonneman stated she would certainly go along' with i i the staff recommendation. She did not feel that the : closing of any of our streets was feasible, Also she i could not see how this street would handicap any of the I : property owners. t I : Cmn. La Roche stated he felt this matter was a planning i i matter and should be referred to the Planning Commis- : : sion. This Council should not be asked to act as an I I i arbitrator, There is too much time spent on matters i .:': such as this when there are more important matters the ; .,.-i Council should be concerned with. We asked who the i i Staff consisted of? t a ! I I I I I I 1 b I I 0 I O a I I I I I 1 s L I I I 4 I I :*iiI ::::: 8":; I::l: ::::: t:; :; i:: IL ,4,:, ;.: 1 4: (.:; I :::;: ::;I: ::I:: /::: ;:::+ 1';:: e:?t; :;:I, !;e:# @:::I i:::: 4::; :::?I 11; a : Mayor Sonnernan stated this letter and request was ad- i i dressed to the Council, Perhaps before any action is 1 : taken by the Council it should be referred to the Planning: ! Commission; however, she did not feel that any matter I : was too small for the Council to consider. : Cmn. McPherson stated he agreed that this matter had I : been presented to the Gomcil and has received a recorn- i i mendation from the staff. :: Cmn. Bierce stated he went over this area with the Chief i : of Police and he did not feel tke re would be any traffic i i problem if this street were closed, I I I I I 0: I I I I I I I I I I t I 1 I I 1 I I I 1 I I 1 I I I I I 3 \ 2 :*;;a 1:::: :::;: ::: I: :;:i: ::::I :::i: ;;::: i:i:: ;:;:: I:::; I" ::,;I :::I: :::I: i;i:I ;fil;t +:: !::!I *I 111 fit#:* ::'I; ;;;:: ::;I' !:I:: ,;::: '$:I: ;;I:& ::;:: !I::! ;x:: 1'::) r:::: :;,:: ::it: ::::; :: ::::I i::;r !::;I ::::; ,;::I i::: ::at ::I :: It (I1 '11; (IIl' 11; IIl: l!!l ).'I :::: :::; ;;It ;:i: lid I::: ::!: :i:; pi; ::;: ;*I1 1::: st 'i;; ::;; :::: ii:: 11;; :' 1::: :::: :;:: :;;: ::!: st;: :!t, i I I I I I I' \\ 8, .\ '\ '. .\ t I I \, ',,'x, ', 'x '', \ \", \' I I '\ ', '\\ " , 8. \\ 151 I 1 t of 'y?ggj& \ ' $A, ,*, I I I ,\\\" -" + .- La i N a me' \, \.st \\, '\+ a \,A@\ + &+ I \ Member \$ @~~\~*,-~ ~"~"""""""~"~""""""""""~"""""""~-."--"""-------,"----------------~----~--,-~ I.. B I I I I I 1 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I !I '1 I I I I I I 4 4 I I I t I ; 9 I I I I I I I I I I I i I t I I I I I I I I I I ! I I I I i j j t I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I f t I t I I I I I I I I I 4 I I I I I b 4 I I I 1 I I :;ip After considerable discussion, by motion of the Council i Guevara % I :x: i this matter was referred to the Planning Commission : Bierce : : :x: : for further study and report. ; Sonneman ; ; !x: : i McPherson ; ; :xi i I La Roche i ixix: i b. Final Map of Las Flores Place Subdivision. I I ::;;I The Assistant Engineer presented the finar the i a,,,: ;;,:I Council's review, and informed the Council the map met i 4 I :I; with all the requirements of the city. 3y motion of the : ::::: Council the final map of Las Flores Place subdivision i Guevara : ix !x: : ;#I:; was approved subject to the subdivider entering into an : Bierce h: :xi : improvement agreement, and the City Clerk instructed I Sonneman ; ; :x: i to sign the final map at such time as the improvement : McPherson : : :xi ; 11 t )1(11 I )I(II 11 Z;T$S~-;:. ~d is zx'cuted. i La Roche ; ; :xi i (11'1 118 11 I 11 I The Assistant Engineer advised the Council the subdivid6r is dedicating 20' for Spruce Street and the property ownets on the east side of Spruce are dedicating 30' of right of i way with complete improvements except €or sidewalks. i ;;I:: ;;::: ::::I $I*:: :;:I' I ;::;: 111 I*!l! C. Tentative map of Village Homes #3 subdivision. i The tentative map was presented for the Council's revie+. Res. #182 of the Planning Commission was read, where21 they recommended the approval of the map subject to i certain conditions and requirements being performed. t I Discussion was given as to sidewalks being required i within a cul-de-sac. Cmn. Bierce stated he had just : returned from Phoenix, kizona, which has been beauti-i fully laid out. He took time to look over the new section$ of town as well as the old. They have rolling curbs and I no sidewalks. I I MR. ROBERT WATSCN, one of the partners of the subdivision, stated he has always felt that on all thoro- i fare streets sidewalks should be required; however, he ; did not feel that it was necessary to have sidewalks in a I cul-de-sac street. I I I I I t t Cmn. La Roche stated that San Fernando also has rolled i curbs and no sidewalks. I I JACK KUBOTA, engineer for the subdivider, stated he i would formally like to make a request to have the side- : walks deleted in the cul-de-sac. Also he would like the i Council to consider participation by other property ownegs in the area as to the fire hydrant. One fire hydrant cost4 $800.00 and will serve 50 property owners. This sub- I , division consists of 8 lots. I u After discussion by the Council it was their decision that: sidewalks would not be required within the cul-de-sac, : but that the subdivider should pay for the cost of the fire i hydrant. 4 P I I L I I 0 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Oi I I I 4 I 'I I I ,' I I I <I I I 1 I I i I I t The following r.esolution was presented for the Council's i review: 0 a J Res. #697. A i3ESCLUTION QF THE CITY COUNCILi OF TI% CITY CF CARLSBAD APPBOWG TEMTA- 1 TIVE MAP OF VILLAGE HOMES UNIT NO. 3, I I SUBDIVISION, was adopted, with the exception of Item i #12, which. required sidewalks being installed within the : cul-de-sac. Mr. Watson asked that the Council consider a solution i to the matter of fire hydrants, whereby each lot would : be required to pay a fixed amount towards a fire hydrant I in the area. I I 4 I 'I I I I I I I I ; t 1 1 :i::: 11;:; 111 1,1:* !p;: 1 (1) ::::I a::*: "::: ::,:I :llI; :i::: ::::: I (1, ;:::: ;:::, 1;*1; i:;:: :I::: ::I:* hi;! ::;I, I:: f: /I;: I(* ;;;I: 1::;: ::;ti :*I:; :!:;I :!!I! *at I~I) It1 l"1; ::i:; ::;:I 4,;: !:;I; ;;::: *"; ;:i:; ::;i: l1 4:;: ::'I: :I::; :I::; ;:Ill ;:::: ,e::; 1:::: /;::: ::i:: :::I; :;a:; ::: :::a, :I;:: :# 1: ::i:: ;:I:; :::;: 1:;l 41 ::;:: p:;: :i::: ::!:I i::;: "1;; 1;;1 I 11: ::$: :I,,, 1:::: ::::; iiiii I* !lI!l 1' I I ' ':\ ' . ' \' . e I I 8,. ', '\\ '8 '\\'*\ I I ! 1 '. " '\ '\. '. -, 158 1 I I I I I I I I -6 I t -. ' , -\ ' I \ ', '\\ ' , \ 8 i N a me "t, '+&,, '\, , ''* ,$$, : of 'i-+g+, 8, +', ! Member 6&&?.db '\L \$l x 4 ',+'$e BI ,-,,,,,,,,-,-,,,,,-,-,-",-"-,,,"--------------------~,-,~----------------------'----------------~--~~--.--j----' I :::#I d. Final map of Village Homes #3 subdivision. I I i:::: Il 11 : The final map of Village Homes #3 subdivision was pre- { 1:;;: ; sented for the Council's review. The Assistant Engineel". :::I: i informed the Council the reason for the final map being i ! presented at the same time as the tentative map was due; 41: i to the improvement of Chestnut Avenue, and the subdi- : :;11: i vider was desirous of installing his improveme'nts at : a":: : the same time as Chestnut was being improved. .. il I I 1::Il i By motion of the Council the Final Map of Village KomeG 1:::: i Unit #3 subdivision was approved, subject to the sub- : Guevara ; ix :x: l : divider entering into an improvement agreement with the: Bierce F: ;xi i i city, and the City Clerk was instructed to sign the final i Sonneman ; i :x: : : map at such time as the subdivider had executed the ; McPherson: : !xi I i improvement agreement. i La Roche i i !x: t I I ::!:j 1 !I::: :::;I ::i:; I ::;I: I I I :I::; ;#I:; I I I I I e. Weed Abatement Program. The Council was i : informed that a new list had been prepared of properties: i needing the abatement of weeds and trash, that were not i t listed on the first inspection of the city. 4 I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I 4 8 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I 1 I * I I 1 I I I I * I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I 1 I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I Bi I Cmn. Bierce stated that on the work that had been done I on the first list of properties, he felt the timing had bee4 very poor. He presented a bill that the property owner ; had received for $15.00, and he knew the property had i been cleared by the property owner himself and a build- : ing had been constructed on the property since the propet- ty was first posted. Cmn. Bierce further stated he knevrf of another case wherein the property owner had been : billed $60.00 for work that had been done in approxirnady 20 minutes. I t The Assistant Engineer advised the Council there would i probably be errors made, as the city does not have suf- i ficient help to allow one person to devote full time on the: project. I I I I The City Attorney id ormed the Council a hearing would i be held on November 1, 1960, and the property owners : could protest at that time. 1 I 1 The following resolution was presented for the second liit of properties, declaring weeds and trash a nuisance: I I I I;;#; ::;I, II ::I:* ::::i ::I;: :::a: 11 !$I!$ i::;: ;:4; 1:::: i::;; ;t:11 :::$ I:I :;a 4: :;:i; ::I:: ::;I: :x:: ;:::; :it:: 11::; I:::: 1;;:t ;II:: ;:::I ::I:: 1:;:: ::!I! 11 1'11 1;ll; 11:11 11' 111 l"li *1 1:::: 1;::; :I*:: ;:::I .! I! Res. #694. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF I I::,: mD DECLARING WEEDS AND TRASH UPON i I:::: CERTAIN PROPERTIES TO BE A PUBLIC NUISANCE; :::a, AND DESCRIBING SUCH PROPEBTY; ORDERING THl$ PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR TO ABATE SUCH : Guevara NUISANCES, SETTING TIME AND PLACE FOR HEARLBierce ; ;xix: i ING OF OBJECTIONS TO THE PROPOSED ORDER QT Sonneman : I :x; : ABATEMENT, was adopted by title only and further : McPherson i xi :x: i reading waived. ! La Roche ; : :XI : I i~ll~ Is $1:; 1:::; :xi I #I 11 I ::,:I ,!I! f. Request for extension of time on tentative map I of Linda Estates Unit #2 subdivision. Letter from Donald K~lly,Tngineer for the subdivider, dated I I I ! ijii :i:: !I:! October 14,- 1960; requesting a one year extension of i time for the filing of the final map of Linda Estates Unit i #2 was presented. By motion of the Council an extensiod of timefy one ear from October 20, 1960 wa ra ed i for the i ing of The final map of Linda Estates b&t & : subdivision. 1 I I I Guevara Bie rce Sonneman McPherso La Roche ii:: I : !x: 8: :x; : : :x: i ; :x: sn; jx:x: !::! I* 11 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I 4 I I I OLD BUSINESS: I I I ;::'I I( :; # !l:!l I I I 1 a. Second reading of Ordinance No. 9107 - reclassf i fying certain property - A. H. Glissman. The following: : ordinance was given a second reading: I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I ! i:':: 'I ::I:: :I:;, :i::i ~l:~l ;:l:l ;I:1; ::::: ::;:: :::I, II 1:::: 1:: la;:: !ll!l I s I I I 1 . I I t I I I i DL I" I I 1 I I I I I I I I I 1 1 I 1 I b 1 I 1 I t I I I I I I I , I I I t I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I 4 I I f I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I b I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I 9 ; I 1 I I I I I I 1 t I I B I I I I I I I I I * I I I I L I I I I I I I i I I I I I I I I 1- \\ ', ' '\ -x ' I , ' 'X, '\ ', '\ I x '. '* '. \ 8 I I I I '\ '* . '\ '\\'.\ 159 i .' -3 - I I 7, \ \ .- '\\ '$& '+& i : *a me +/&, '\ \&!>' : '?$$&,;$';?++ I :;;!!: CHANGING CERTAIN DESIGNATED PROPERTY IN i Sonneman :+I I : :X: ; I t of ! Member ,o ~o~..p0~,6\~ 1 ~~""""""~""""""""""""""~"""""""~""""""--~----"----------"~----~"--~ Ordinance No, 9 107. AN OiZDINAMCE OF THE CITY i Guevara : :x; xi : i -INDING ORDINANCE NO. 9060, ! Bierce : ; :x; I I THE CITY OF CARLSBAD FROM ZONE R-I-15,000 : McPhersoni : :xi i 8~ 1 TO ZONE X-1 -10,000 was adopted. i La Roche : 2 :xi : ~ I I :::I( I *I. I b.. Cxos@ing guard at Tamarack and Jefferson Stre& This matter had been referred to the Chief of Police for : an investigation. A memorandum from the Chief of Police dated September 27, 1960 was read and discussed; wherein he stated an investigation had been made regard+ ing providing better protection for the school children at i both the Magnolia Street School and the Jefferson Street : School. The Police Department has maintained a police i unit with a uniformed officer in the area of Highland Dr. : from Magnolia, Basswood, Chestnut and in the vicinity i of the High School since the beginning of the school due : to the increased amount of traffic on Magnolia and Bass-: wood as result of the improvement of Chestnut for the : reason there are a large number of youngsters operating: motor vehicles to and from the high school area. Also : every effort will be made to give the intersection of I I Jefferson St, and Tamarack Ave. as much attention as i possible, however, it will be impossible to maintain an : officer at this location constantly due to the limited man-: power. The Chief of Police recommended that a school i Cr@sshg Guard be employed to work this intersection, i Which would give this intersection maximum protection. ; I t I 1 ::ii; ;:I" ::,:I ;:: i:::: *I:*: ;11:1 ;pl: I 1:: ::::I (:;I: 1*1) &I t:;;: ::::I pi:; :::;: :::I: 4:;:: ;;I:' 1*;1: ;::;I :i::: ~1:~: :;I:& :;::: ;t::: *I:&: ::!if !!iii *I I :II:f i:;;; i :i"i Considera4l:e discussion was given this matter, and by ; GueGra ; :Xi Xi I as th6 person to obtain a Crossing Guard for the crossinq hmeman i : IXi I located at the intersection of Tamarack Ave. and Jeffersgn McPhersoP i !X: i Street. ; La Roche \x: :xi : motiori of the Council the Chief of Police was designated i Bierce : i :x: I I l..l I c. Request for stop signs. At the previous meeting i a memorandum was read wherein the Chief of Police i requested certain stop signs installed at the following : locations: (1) NE corner of Grand and Harding; (2) SU; i corner of Grand and Hope; (3) SW corner of Elm Ave. 1 and Alley way (near Hope); and (4) NE corner of Alley i way and Grand Ave. (near Hope).. At that time the I I Council requested the matter deferred until the next meeting in order that the Council members could check : the locations. I I 4 t I I Cmn. La Roche stated he had made an investigation and i he did not believe the traffic warranted these stop signs; : however, the flow of traffic may be greater at certain : times, and if the Police Department felt they were needed he had no objection. I 1 Cmn. McPherson stated the City has an ordinance, Ordinance No. 3005, which requires all vehicles emergik from an alley shall stop, therefore, he could see no reas#n for having these stop signs. I I Cmn. Guevara stated he was with the Chief of Police today, and in the opinion of the Chief there should also i be a stop sign installed at the NW corner of Madison and I Magnolia Ave. I I I I I I I I I I I I #i;l; ::I:( ::p: 4 1) !::I: ::: 9: 1;''' ::i:i !:#;I ;::;: :::t: 47:: It I;':; ;1::1 ;:'I: 1:;:: I:* :;;:; ;:1:1 ::!:/ ::I:: I:::: ;:::: *Id; ::::I I::l: llI;l :I::; i:::: 1;;:: I:1l !ll!l :;:;I ::::: ::'I: 1:::: :if:: i:::; 8; 1*1I After discussion by the Council, by motion of the Council! :ti;: it was agreed that the City Attorney be instructed to I Guevara ; :xixi : :::I, prepare an ordinance, amending Ordinance No. 3005 to i Bierce :xi ;xi ; allow the stop signs as recommended by the Chief of : Sonneman I / :x: : Police in his memorandum, with the additional sign to i McPherson ; ; !x; : be located at the NW corner of Madison and Magnolia Avei La itoche i i !x; i I l?4l! MR. JACK KUBQTA requested the Council to adopt a I resolution changing the plans and specifications on I 1 Chestnut Avenue at the location of Village Homes Unit #3,f 8 I 1 :;::; ::I:: I;*;1 :si:: 11 i:;:: ,,!,! I I :isti I I 1:;:: !11!* Or B B I I 1 I I I I I I I 1 .d 1 I ..J. . ! I I I I ! I I 1 I I I :"""""""--"""""""""""""~""""""""""""""""~" f 1 in order that the improvements for the subdivision could i I be done simultaniously with Chestnut Avenue. The City : : Attorney was instructed to prepare a resolution for the i i next Council meeting. 1 I 1 1 1 I i CITY A.TTO&NEY'S REPORT: 1 I I I I I i I I 1 I Lull property. Mrs. Lull requested this matter ; : deferred until the next meeting as Mr. Lull is out of 5 i town at the present time. I I I I I I I & I I Catering Service Ordinance, : The City Aktarney i : informed the Council she had been unable to drraft a satis-: ! factory ordinance as of this date for Catering Service. I i Street.Atitle search of this property has been requested : from the title company, and as soon as this info'rlnation i4 i received she will proceed with condemnatiah pkaceedings.: I I I I 1 I Condemnation of property for cross street on State : I I 1 I I I I I 1 I I I $ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I .. Hesidence requirement, <or City Employeeki. In i checking with other cities in the County, Oceahs~dk, is i the only city that still has this requirement, Oc$ahside ; is under civil service, and if ybu have civil ser'vide you ! could justify this requirement since the empio$xies would : have job security. I I Cmn. La itoche stated he would like to knotjy why these i cities had done away with this rkqtiireinent. I I i 1 I I i Mayor Sonneman stated she felt there wbre many qualified : persons living within the city who would be capable of i i working for the city. I I i After discussion by the Council it was agreed that the i i City Attorney prepare a Policy Statement regarding I I ; residence requirement for city employees. It was felt i i the employee should have six months in which to estab- : : lish residence. I I i Attorney informed the Council she had registered Sunday : : for this event. The City Attorneys of the County enter- i i tained the officials on Monday evening. 1 4 i The Mayor stated she certainly wanted to attend this i Congress, but due to extenuating circumstances she had I : been unable to attend so far. Mayor Sonneman asked if I I the Council wished to approve any registrations at this ; : time, 2nd it was the feeling of the members this would : i not be necessary as they would be approved when pre- ! : sented for payment. I I I 1 I I I 1 I I I I I I Inter-American Municipal Congress. The City I I 1 I I I f 1 1 I I I I 4 4 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I 1 I i 4 & $ I I Cmn, La Roche asked what the purpose of this Congress : was, and he was informed that the purpose of the organ- i ization was for better understanding of the different types: of municipal governments among the countries of the 1 , Western Hemisphere. Ah.0 it is a city to city organiza- i tion to establish and improve good will between our I I neighbors. I I Sale of Pirates Cove property. The Council was i informed the investigation onide had not been corn-: pleted. I I I 1 I I I I : CITY MANAGER'S REPUdT: I I I I I t I I I Water Bond bids. The City Manager Pro Tern i i advised the Council that a tentative date has been set for : i December 6, 1960, to open the bids on the $300,000 watek : bond issue. I , I I I 1 I 1 I I I 1 I ! I I 1 I ; ',, ', .', '\ ', -* 8, ', ' 'x 'b,'', ', '.,'.\ '.\ \\ '\ '.\ '\\", \ \ '' ' ' 160 ~ \%. ", "&. Name "'.cc& '\ '& of ',Q~$+' .p" '*" i:;:: It I I' i.! ; ::;I: : :.I : 1 4 1.; 1 t :I,:: llts; l:ll I 11: $?;; ;:I:! :::I: ll;ll :!I:* :I:;: 4::: ; 1 :.: : 1:;:: :::I: :::;: ::I:: :I::; 4::, ::I:; ::::: ::::I ::I;1 1:;: i::;; :i::; :I::; 11::; :p;; :I::; ::::I :I::: 4:;: "1,; :(*I ::::; I::': 1:::: ii"' 8 'I:: ::ii: ;::;I ;,::: ::$: I:':; ;::'I ;I::: :I::: ::::I ;l;ll 1';:: ;!I;; ::;;; "I#: I I: It i:; ;:I:: 11:11 1:::: i:;:: 1:::: :*I;: ::I:; ::::; 1:;It :;a:; ::i:; i;:!: ;:'t: ::i:: '::: ::;;: l;::: J::!: ;::;: ::::: 8t::l ::::i ::::: ii::: :;::I :;i;: ;lstl 1:: :: :I,:: ;::I: ;:a:: ::: 1::: ::I:: ;:::; Member @@,$@%\, """""""""""~""~ I11I* 81 l:a*: ;l:'l 1:111 1: I1 I:, ::::; 1:: *':: I :;/; :st*l ,!::a I I I *# I' , .I .. \\ *, -. I I 8\' I I 1 I =.:=:.., 8' '\,, ' \,, \' ,,, 161 I I N a me '8,8'?$, b,, ,p-, I t \'\ I I '\ '\ 8, " \ I : of 8 '@, ~"~"~"""""~"~"""-""""""*""""~"""""".~"-"""~"-,-~""""""-""----~----~ i Member .o\+po\,o. League of California Cities Conference. The Counck i was reminded the League Conference would tje next week i : in Los Angeles. t -3 - ',\ "\*, # .?**,+,&$&, i:::: ::::: 11 I : I i:::: I I I ::p: I Employment of Consulting Engineer. The Council i ::;;: i was iniforwed that applications for the position of Consul- i : tirig Engineer for the City had been received, and the City : :::il :::I: i Manager has recommended that the firm of Associated i ::I:' : Engineers be employed. I I I !!lI: 11::: I. I ':I:: : Cmn., Bierce stated we have two local engineering firms i iI::; i that ,are certainly qualified for consulting engineering worl/, I:::: i and he did not feel we should have to go to National City i ii;;: i to employ a Consulting Engineer. I 1 ;: It;:: I I I I 1,;:: ::I:# 1 By common consent of the Council the matter was deferred l*i:i i until the next meeting. I : : I ;'I i :lll; I I I:: i I'CATIFICATION OF BILLS AND PAYROLL: I I J::': I :#I:& I I I;'!: i Ratification of the bills was given for the general expenses: Guevara i xi !x ; : 'I::: ! of the city in the amount of $5,654,43, and the LP ater ; Bierce : $;xi : i Department in the amount of $5,894.91, from October 4, \ Sonneman : ; !x: i : 1960 to October 18, 1960, as certified by the Director of : McPherson i : :x i : i Finance and approved by the Auditing Committee. i La Roche I ' :x: I I Ratification of the payroll was given for the first half of i Guevara i ; 9 j ; 141: : October, 1960, in the amount of $13,559.50, as certified i Bierce : : :x! ; i by the Director of Finance and approved by the Auditing I Sonneman i i !x i I : Committee. ; McPherson !x: $ ; i i ADJOURNMENT: i By proper motion the meeting was adjourned at 10: 57 P, M( D i, I ;;@I; 1:;' I II :I:, I 111 841 #. I 11 I I + It I I 11 I I 1 :L;1 I I I : La Roche I :x!x i ; I I I ::I I I ::;:! I I I ::::: ;!:;I I I ;::I, 8 I I$;; I I I I iiiii I I I I ;::I I I ;:I:: I I *L;l Ill I I I I i:::: I I 1 I ::i:i 1:;:: i pi? /a/@ .C%Z <?. (,,,/;<;[&;*</J t I :;b:@ 1:;: I ;;I I I I I 1 1:::: I I I I ;;:;I i:;;: I I I I ::::: I 1 I :;::: I I I I i::': I I I I p:;; I I I I ::::; 4::: I I I I I::;I 1 I I ::;Il I L I :;;:: I 1 I I ;;;:; I 1 I 1 I-:: 1 1 :::,I I I 1 ;:'I: ::I:: :pi; I I P ::;SI I I I I :;I:: 111 I I II 8 i:p: l I a e :::ii I I 0 I:::, I I 4 4 I:::: l I e I i::;: L $ 1 :;I:: I I I :;,:I I I 1 I i:::; I I I ,a::; I I I ::;:: I I ;: 4 I I 1: :I: I I ::i:i 8 *(I I I 1 I ! Respectfully submitted, 1 I I* ' . .)-/'" , ...A ,,-- I i MARGPRE i Deputy .it~cY~rkADAnrs I I I I :1{ii l4:i ;: I ,, i I I I I I I I I I I t I I I 11'11 I I 1 4 I b8l; I I (I,+l I I I I:Il I I 1 I I I I t 9 D B I h 14 Q 0 1 1 I:'I: I I 1 I I I I ! t !*l!l * .' . I I I t 8 * 4 I' , , .\ ' '\ .\ I .' \\ '\ '\ ', \ ' i N a me '., '8$&,'\,y$, , , : of \,+ \o \ i Member ,o\ov.p+:,&, ;"""""""""""~"~""""""""""~"~"""""~""""""--;""-"-----------:"'~-.~~" ' I 1. 41 I PUELIC HEARINGS: I 1::11 I 1I)II I I !lI!l I I I '\ '\,'\ '%, '\'\\ I I ', '\\ ', "J, ', 4162 ..@Q#$&g$& 04\ I :ti1; :. ~4. I I I -10- \' .\ Bj I I I I I (a) Resolution of Intention by the Planning Commis- i $ion regarding an amendment to Ordinance No, 9060, I I kticle 7, Section 706, as to the minimum lot area per : awelling unit in the d- 3 Zone. I I I I 1 I I :The Clerk certified as to proper publication of notice. Ais+ !hat there were no written protests received up to the time : Bet for hearing, I !Resolution No. 179 of the Planning Commission was read, r :wherein they recommended that lot area per dwelling unit : :be reduced, for the reason that by reducing the number of I !square feet per dwelling unit from 1200 sq. ft. to 850 sq. 1 3%. would merely increase the economic use of d-3 proper-; :e, and thereby make the land's use more comensurate wit! %he increased land values, :The Mayor declared the public hearing open, and asked if i $.here were any persons desiring to speak in favor of this i amendment, There were no persons desiring to speak in ; 9avor of the amendment. !The Mayor then asked if there were any persons desiring i to speak in opposition to the amendment, As there were : bo persons desiring to speak in opposition the Mayor de- i :dared the hearing closed at 7:40 P. M. I I I I I 1 4 I I I I I I I t I I I I I i:;;: ;*I /I;: ::::: Ill 111:: e:: ;: l:;8: !l*!l I !After considerable discussion by the Council the following i !resolution was presented for the Council's review: I 8 I f ;+;*I ll:l ;I ll::; :pi; 1::t: ll,!l .'I ;::;I :!;;! !I;:: ::I,: 1;o d::: ;:;It 1":: !:::I tllI; !;:!I :::i: :;;I; ::,:I ;I::! :;;:a 111;: !ll.* ;#I* #;a:: i:;:: ;:':I 1::: ;::I: ::;I: l.!I :;p: ::;;: l1 1:::: !C,!I I hesolution No. 695. A aESOLUTION OF THE CITY i Guevara !x: !+ i L OF THE CITY OF CPGtLSBAD ANNOUNCING ; Bierce : ; :A ; s AND DECISION REGARDING LZEDUC'TION IN i Sonneman : : i i : :LOT AittEA PER DWELLING UNIT IN R-3 ZONE, was : McPhersoni i ; 4 i :adopted by title only and further reading waived, i La Roche ; !xi* : !I!!: 1t;'t I I I #I I 1 :The City Attorney presented the following ordinance for : $he Council's first reading: I I t *l;'l !l!!l !:I:: :;::; I 1 dinance No, 9108, AN OiXtDINANCE OF THE CITY OF! Guevara ; :x: 4 i AD A~ING ORDINANCE NO, 9060, SEClXO$ Bierce :xi i X: : i706, REDUCING THE LOT AREA PER DWELLING UNY Sonneman : : ; 4 ; :IN AN It-3 ZONE, was given a first reading by title only. ; McPhersonI : I X: i i;;:; I ! La Roche ! ! : sd : B I I I s I I (b) Resolution of Intention by the City Council re- : igarding an amendment to Ordinance No. 9060, Section 1814 !requiring any action by the City Council reversing the I :decision of the Planning Commission shall be by three :affirmative votes of the Council members. :The Clerk certified as to proper notice having been given. i !Also that no written protests had been received up to the : :time set for the hearing. Xtesolution #180 of t.he Planning Commission was read bherein they recommended approval of the amendment, i :The Mayor declared the hearing open and asked if any per-: :sons wished to speak in favor of this amendment, There : were no persons desiring to speak. The Mayor then asked i :if there were any persons wishing to speak in opposition to i :the amendment. There were no oral protests. The Mayor! :Declared the hearing closed at 7:50 P. M. !After di scussion by the Council, the following resolution i :was presented for the Council's review: I I I I I I I I t I I I I # 4 I I I I I I I t I t I I I I.. 8 t' *. t I, t: :- 6. I -: I I I I 1 t I I ! i:iq ::::; I::;l i::;: I**;: ;:: :;'I: 11;: ::I:: :;::: :'I:; 4::; ::::; ::::I i:::; iii;, 11 ;:::i ;.::; ~ :il: ;::: 1::: !;I: 11 :::e ;:;: a**: t;$# 5- 1: t' 8, 8. :: : t ;: ;, ; : : r", $. l$l I i;;: e:;: $ f I .; ;#I; Ill i 't .r l , ! I'I # D D l I I I I I I. I I I I I -11 - :"""""""""""""""""""-"""""""""""""-"""" i Hesolution No, 696. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY ; COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD ANNOUNCING j FINDINGS AND DECISION REGARDING ANY ACTION i BY THE CITY COUNCIL IN REVERSING DECISION OF i THE PLANNING COMMISSION was adopted by title only : and further reading waived, i The City Attorney presented the following ordinance to ! i the Council for a first reading: : Ordinance No. 9109. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY i -ENDING SECTION 1814 OF ORDI- i NANCE NO, 8060, BY DELETING FitOM SAID ORDI- i NANCE THE REQUIREMENT OF FOUR COUNCIL i VOTES TO OVERRULE THE ACTION OF THE PLAN- : NING COMMISSION was given a first reading by the i Council. I I I I I I I I t I 1 I I I I i I 1 ; I I I I I I t I I 1 I I I. 1 I 1 I I 1 I I I 1 I I I I I I I I t I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I s I I I 4 t 8 * I I 1 I I I I I I I I I * I t I I 6 I I I I I I 1 t I L I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I t I I 8 I I I I * I I I I a * * I I I I 1 I I I I I : I 1 I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I t 1 I I I I I I m I I 8 t I 8 : I I I I I I I 1 I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 6 @ 0 1 I 6 0 O 0 U I P c I 8 I 1 + 4 I I I I I I I t # I * * I 4 I I I I 9 I * I 8 I 1 t t 4 * t