HomeMy WebLinkAbout1960-12-06; City Council; MinutesI I . .I I 8, ,., \'. I CITY OF CARLSEAD : Minutes of: city C0lrnC.C I ', 888888, ''8 '8,'88 I Date of Meeting: Z)zcerol~e~ Cj3 lS60 I Na me ', '*%, '88 "38 : Time of Meeting: 7: GO Bo Me '8$ %o', '8 '%i : place of Meeting: ~ouncfi ~~zmhel-n :~"""~""""""-"*""""-"""""""""""""""""""-"-~"""""""""~""~~ I Member 8$'@.$d? I I i:@i : BOLL CALL was answered by Couec.ij,men Gncvx-a, I @;It i Bierce, Sonneman, McPherson am2 La 2..zche, Also 1 '. i::; : present were City Manager Slat5r and City Attorney Haye:. it:: I 1:;) I ALLEGIANCE to the flag was m2.de by the Cou_rlcil. ; APPROVAL OF N6IN'UTES: I I 8,. '8, 8,8 '\, '\ " I , \ t ","\ 1 I I '888' 8 0: i Of \9%,48,44 I$ I I+ I I 1 :::; I I :pi I I :I:: I '1:; I b I :;*I ;a:: I a. The rnicutes of the regular meetdng of Novembes Guevara tx i :x; i 15, 1960 were approved as corrected, : Bierce ; jx:x; I I Sonneman : ; !xi I i McPh.erson i ; ;x; I ; La Roche : i ;x: I * 1 $1 I I I I I I I I I I I t I ::!I I CORRESPONDENCE: I I 1 I t I I I I I I I a. Letter dated November 29, 1960 from the I ; Carlsbad Union School District, statkg a contract had i i been let €or the building of the Buena Vista Elementary : : School on Euena Vista Ave., and due to the future in- I i creased use of Buena Vista Aveb, requested the Council I ; to consider the possiblity of widening and improving I i Buena Vista Ave. :r The City Manager advised the Council a staff .meeting had i I been held and Mr. Jacobs, Superintendent of the District, i i had been contacted, and it was suggested that the school i i circulate a petition for the improvement of Buena Vista i : Ave, They stated they would be willing to sign the peti- : ! tion but not circulate the petitian, * I I The Engineering Department has pointed out that it will b4 ! necessary to acquire 13' of right-of-way at the upper end. I i of the street, and the city only owns a 40' right-of-way : : at the present time. The Council discussed several I alternatives, and it was finally agreed that the Engineering : Department prepare a report as to the various methods i I or alternatives that could be used, 4 * I I I 1 1 I I I I I I 1 I t '1;' )I,* :;;: 11;; ::;: 0It :::I :;I: i::: 3:; ;:'I i;:: ::I: :* 1:;1 !I.! :::: ::;I ::;: :::: :#': ;::: le:; l;:l ::!: -. i::: 1. ;; ;: ;: ;: ;: ;: ;: 1: :; :: 'I :; :: :; ;: :: :I ;; :: :: !I I * * b. Letter dated December 1, 1960 from Claud J, i I :ii; '$1 : Fennel, requesting permission to connect Lot 23 in i Granville Park to the sewer bn Normandy Lane through ! : a private easement; at stich time as sewers are available I i on Pacific Street, he agrees to participate in the cost : 1:;1 i to the extent of his frontage for both sewer and water linc4. Iiii i The City Manager reviewed the policy statement of the : I::: i city for connectids ,through private easements. By I;$: i Guevara : ; !x; : motion of the 'Couricil Hermission was granted to Mr. : Bierce : :x:x; : Fennel, and the City Attorney was instructed to prepare i Sonneman ; ; i x; ! an agreement between the city and the owner in accord- : McPhersoni : : xi I ance with the policy statement for such connections. i La Hoche :xi I xi I i::; :::; ;::: ;::: 81 I I I. I I c, Letter dated December 1, 1960 from Ralph F. i I Burfiette and NLillie Meadows, requesting a dame per- : ! @it fok the business known as Ralph and Millie$, I.;czted i i at 2940 State Street, The City Manager pointed o~t that : i a previous application had been made by. the same parties i i for said business, and the Chief of Police had recommend;- : ed against such a permit; however, he w-ould like to reco4- ; mend that this be referred to the Chief of Police, 13y ; i motion of tb.e Cotlncil the request was referred to the 8 I : Chief of Police for study and recommendation, and that ; I if there were any new facts in this request, that they be i ; brought out in his recommendation, : Mayor Sonnernan stated she had received the following ! i letter which she would like to present: I I 0 + I 8 1 1 I I I I * : Letter from the Buena Vista Lagoor Association in which i i they stated they would like to deed to the City of Carlsbad: : a triangular piece of property located at the intersection i * * 1 I I v f I I I I I I;" :;!; ::;; :;i: ::;: :;I: :;I: ::iJ i::: ::i: 11 !dl! i;:; ;:I: #*:; 4:; ;!!I 8;ii ::Il !;:I :::: I;#: i::: @I 1:: 1;'l :I:: i::: 1::: :I:: 1!!1 I 1.1 I I I I 1:;: !ll! I $ I I I I . ., 1. , ,. . .. f ' '\ '\ ' ' '. I I I I '\ \, '\ ",,". '8 18 I ', ', " , '+\ I '<, .\,'\' '.\ '\ ', $ i N 3 me ', &\ \, '3, I I ..,+$'\ '\ y-% I I ; of 'cJ)L'?@\$\ >q ;"""-""""""....-I ...."". ."..""" ".. "_._ "-.-.-"" "_."" """"""" """"""""" ".L,s" I ;:;i ; of Carlsbad Blvd, and State Stre&, s;~~~:ximatelg. I :::i i 60' x 25'. The City IVIzmger iniicrzeG. tk Caunci?. th& i I::; : at $he last meeting of the Parks a-nd zP.cc:"eatkm Com;;nj.s- i :::I :#I: : sion tixis property was d-iscussed as 2 j;xa%ion ?or plant- ; l:ll 11;; : in2 a living Christ-mas tree and aiko beaI-G;ifykg this area i i::: i as it is the er;trance to the Ci.t=J. Th.e CSR~I-S of -?he propep- 1:81 : ty mere contacted as to possibly leasing this property, and ;;:: ;a:: i this kttc was t3eir xmsvrer, Also one s? $23 nurseries : i::; : was contacted and a Star pi112 tree, zpproximate.'..y 20! in i ;:I1 11 i heighth cart be purchased for $40 to $50. I I I 'I *:#I I (:I1 I !I:! c', I - ,: .' 0; i Member <&<a,*$!% I I i The Mayor stated she was very pleased vith tX.s gift and ! i thought perhaps the improvement could be made by dona- : I tions from the citizem, i Pk, McKaig, Chairman of the Parks and Recreation : Commission was present and stated the Co~:c.missicn does I i not have sufficient funds in their budget t~ make the im- i i provement, They would like to have t1.a wor.k completer! ; : by Christmas if possible. I I I I 1 1 I I L I I I I I I ! ::I; :III :i:: 11'1 :::I !ll! 11 11 ::a; 41:; ;I1 :I:: I(tI l!!l i::: :;I: :I ;;:i i Cmn. La Roche stated he felt the City should do this I I;;@ i project themselves, and asked what they felt the improve-: Guevara : : ;xi :**I : ment would cost? The Council was informed it would run i Bierce : jxIx: i between $280 and $300. By motion of the Ccuncil it was ; Someman : ; :xi i agreed that this improvement be made by the City, and : McPherson 1 I :x: : that $300,00 be authorized for the cost of the improvemenka Roche @ : i xi i Also by motion of the Council the property was accepied i Guevara : : i XI : by the City, and the City Maager instructed to write it I Bierce k; :x: i letter of thanks to the Buena Vista Lagoon Association. : Someman : : :x! I : La Roche : :x: x: ! 1 ::!: I ("I I 1 I :!:: I I 1 i McPherson! i !x: 1 i ORAL COMI'JUT~3CATICr*JS: - I 4 a I I I : MFt. GEISSINGER, stated he was representing the i developers of Las Flores Place, and according to the i : ordinance a 12' easement at the rear of the property for I i utility poles is repired. The San Diego Gas & Electric : : Co. have refused to place the poles at the rear of the t i property. At this time he would like to request the Council : to enforce the ordinance or have the ordinance amended. i I MR, DeVDBE, representative cf t5e Sa2 Dlego G-as & I I Electric Co. was present at the meeting on another i matter, and informed the Council h.c cotild be of zo assist: : ance in this matter as it was orrt cf his department;, i however, he wotzld check on the inarltcr, I I I I I 1 I 1 I I I I I I I I I i Mr., Geissinger was asked where he woulci prefe?: to have i : the poles placed, and he stated that had they known the i I poles would not be placed in the rear of the property they ; ; would have designed the subdivision differen.t?y- : It was the decision of the Council to have the mztter :::- : i ferred to the City Attorney and that she contact the San i : Diego Gas & Electric Co. I I I I I I t I 1 I 9 I I I I : PUBLIC HEABINGS: ! I I I I I I I @I a, Rmendne2t to Ordinzmx iToC GO63 - Removal of! i potential ~~~?iiiR~Zones* Theiomd was inEd : this amencimem wzs mitiatcd by the Fl.annir-g Commission; ; in order that tb.e potential R-3 be removed from the zonine : map, as potential R-3 zo~ir~g places scqtlirem-ents on the ; i owners seeking to corzve~t the zmiing of their property i : from R-1 to R-3 that other R.-1 property owners are not i i required to meet, and thereby creates t::equjties. ! "-. _c_p 1 1 I :"I ,*:; :I:: ;;:: I::; ;::: ;:;a l;al ::;; :::: ::;: ::I1 :::I 1: !I!! ::i: :::: i:;: :::: ::i: ;I 1:: III: !(I! i::i :;'I :::: i:;: ::;: $0 I!!: ;;:: :::: 1;;l ::I: ;::: !I!! ;;;: ::!I '1;; ;i;; l;;l :;;: ::I: 11;; :;a ;I;! :it: :::: ;I:: ;;!I 1::; )I(# i The Affidavit of Publicxtion was presented. I 8 I 1::: I I :a:: :'" I I I I 1 I :;:: I I 1 I :;;: I I 1 I iI:i I I I 1,!I I I k' l \\ ', .8, \\ '\ .\ I I ., '\ t '\ '.,'-, I I '\, 'x 8, '8 \ ' 1 t '.$, '\\ '.&. I 1 i::l ::I# f; I c I I I ... .* _. I I ', '888'\, ' ', '\,'\, 181 I I i Na me "\,+\$, 8 : of ,,08..p, .*<? ' 4. ' '?+x /$+ $ 0: ~"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""-""-"~"""-~"""-""""-"-"------ : Member ,o<@,*.;:?'t ! Res. iE187 of the Planning Commissj,m WES read wherein t ;:i: i they recommended an amendment to Brdfnance No, 1060, i ;: 1 : Article 15, Section 1504 removing €rGm th.5 ztming reap : I:'* i potential R-3 in' R-1 Zones. I I :lit 14: I I ;:!I I I si;: i The Maycr declared the meeting open ;?:ld asked ij: there i :::: i were any persons present who wished to speak, in Pavor ; ii:) : of this amendment. I #I:+ I I&:: i MR, BONDY, Pine Avenue, stated he felt that it would i 1::: (11( : be a good time to eliminate this PQtentin? 12,-3 zonizg, and: !::I i he was certainly in favor of this anenbmmt,, I,,: 1 ,:,I I 1 I::: I MK. LEONARD ROL~DS, Pine AV~III.I~-: an6 $>io P~CO Dr, ,i :i:' i stated he was certainly in favor of havizlg the potential i \;:; : 8-3 zoning removed. I I i::: I ::ii i GRACE R, GARDNER, 1149 E1.m Aveme, st3ted she was! 4::: :::I i in favor of this removal from the zoning mzp. 1 :;:I I :id I As there were no other persons wishing to speak in favor i ;I:: : of this amendment, the Mayor asked if there were any : 1:;: :::: ! persons who wished to oppose this amendment? I :;It I I t ::i: i There were no oral or written protests. The hearing was: :;:: : declared closed at 7: 37 B. M. I i:;! I i::: I I I::* : After discussion by the Council, the Council concurred : ;II: ;::; i with the findings of the Planning Commission, The City i l:'l i Attorney presented the following resolution and ordinance i I ;t ;: :: : for the Council*s consideratiorr: I I ::Il I;;# I ::;: i Res, #704. A RESOLUTION OF rm CITY COUNCIL i :;:: i OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD ANNXJNCING FINDINGS! Guevara : ; ;x; :;I: : AND DECISION REGARDiNG ELIMINATION FROM THE: Blerce : :x:xi i ZQNING MAP ALL POTENTIAL 8-3 ZONES IN R-1 i Sonneman i i !x: I AREAS, was adopted by title only and fwther reading : McPherson : 1 ;x: i waived. I La Roche y 1: I !x! i Ordinance No. 9110. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OeGuevara : : is: ;a:: : CAR ENDING ORDINANCE NO. 9060 OF THE: Ei.erce k i :x: i ZONING MAP ALL POTENTIAL Et-3 ZONES IN E-1 : McPherson i : ;xi i AREAS, was given a first reading, i La Roche ; ix :x: I :!I: I I I !:4 I I 11 I I I I I 111 I I 1 I I 1 1 I I I I I I i C~TYE?i?",.,&?LDa ELImATING FROM Tm I Sonneman t: : : !x: I 1 I I I I b. Recl.assification of Lots 10 and 11, Belfa Vista i i Tract, and a portion of Lot "I" Rancho Agua Hedjonda, ; " I I 3 The Council was informed this hearing was being held to ! ; consider an application for rezoning of Lots 10 and 11, : i Block D, Bella Vista Tract from Zone R-A (15,000 sq. ft, 5 ; to R-t (Residential Tourist); the southeasterly corner of ; i the entire parcel, measuring approximately 300 ft, on the i : easterly side, 175 ft, on the southerly side, 275 ft. on the! i westerly side and 175 ft, on the northerly side, from i Zone R-A to Zone C-2 for the purpose of the construction i i of a club house with a restuarant and cocktail lounge. i The Clerk presented the Affidavit of Publ.ication, and : certified as to proper notices being mailed to the adjacent i i property owners. I I 8 1 I I I I I I I r ! .SI; :::: ::I ::I; ;I ;::; ;:I: 81;; ::I: ::;; ::i: :: :; ;: i:;: I: :;:: :;I: ;;:: :I:: :::: ::;I 1: i!:l ,:'I 0; -I -41; i Letter dated December 1, 1960 from Mro and Mrs. Steen i ; W. Salsen, 4422 Park Drive, expressing their hope that : i the City Council would favor this chsage cl zone for this i :::: : development. I I :::I i Letter dated December, 1960, from Mr, and Mrs. A, H. i i Gfissman, 4400 Park Drive, requesting tha Council to i : extend to the F, Stevens Macey Corpo every courtesy and i I cooperation, i n order that the area known as Pirates I I ii:I ; Cove can be developed, I *I 1 1: t :!!I ::;: ::;: ::I: i ::;: ::a: i:;i ;::; :::; :; I ::;: I I 8 I :i:: I I ::;; I I I t I I I ! 4 * '. I 4 I 4 I I I ! ::. . - I I 4 4 I I I I I I I 1 I 5 4 1 I I :""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""-"-~" i Petition dated December 2, 1980 sigzed by 12 proprty f I owners, in which they stated they strong1.y support the f : action of the Planning Commission, and Peel this rezoning! i is a step in the right direction to encourage proper I I : development in the area. i Resolution No,, 6 from the Harbor Commission, recom- i : mending the reclassification of said property in accord- : i ance with the findings of the Planning Commission. I I L I t I I I t I : I \,x' \I. , 8, ', ', ', '\ ',, \, ',, ', 8, ', 14 a me ', '++ '\, 'xi3 * \ . "8 \, , ..'>~a! \\ 'y?&g!&, \ 8, & \+\, \\ 8, " \ , ' Of ' L\O ,9\ pb Member '@$',$Q?'$ i:;i; lltI; ;:::~ :;i;; I I ': I ::SI; :;::; ;!:;~ :::i; :;II; ;;;: 1: I ;I, ::,: ._" """..""._ "" ""_ It I I I Resolution No, 186 of the Planning Commission was read i i wherein they recommended an amendment to Ordinance : : No. 9060, changing certain property from Zcne E-P, to i I C-2, R-1-15P00 sq. ft. to Zone R-T, mr? Zone R-A I I : 10,000 Sq. fit. to Zone R-T. 1 I 5 I I 1 * i The Mayor declared the hearing open at 7: 50 I?. M, and i i announced the Council would hear all persons desiring : i to speak in favor of this reclassification. I I i MR. WOODS, of Santa Ana, stated he was representing i ! the owners of the property, and hoped the Council would i I look with favor upon this request. I : I I I I ! I I .I $1: i:::; 1; :I::~ I;:', lI1:; :::I! I:;:, 1 1;; $I.! :::: :;/ i:::~ SI ::;: .ll!l 'I -1 1I;;l ::::I ::I 1:::~ 1:; ::::, :!!I: :ii:: I I ::::; I ;;I:! I ::I:~ 11:;; I i::;, i There were no oral protests and the hearing was declared: : closed at 7: 55 P. M. i After discussion by the Council it was the concensus of I { the Council that their findings were the same as the I I;## ; findings of the Planning Commission, I :!!I I I I I I 11;;; ::;: 1 I : The City Attorney presented the following resolution and i I ordinance for the Council's consideration: I I I C , I ;:;Il :;:: :;/ ;: !I*! i Resolution N.o. 705. A RESOLUTION OF TEE CITY i :;i: I , OF"E CITY OF CARLSBAD ANNOUNCING! ::I: i FINDINGS AND DECISION F~EGARDIPJG CHANGE CF : :::: :::i :t:: 1, ::;I' i ZONE CLASSIFICATION FROM ZONE 8-1-15,000 Sq. I i;!;~ : C-2 OF' THAT PROPERTY DESCRIBED AS L@TS 10 I i AND 11, BLOCK D, .B&LLA VISTA TRACT AND A : Guevara : l l 1 1 ,x) i PORTION OF LOT"1" RANCHO AGUA HEDIQNDA, ; Bierce ;xi : i : BEING A PA~T OF TAX ASSESSOR'S BOOK 35, FAG^ Sonneman : : i A i 105, PAaCEL 3, OF THE COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, ; McPhersonj : i 4 : Was adopted by title only and further reading waived, : La Roche I :x; A I I & 1:;:: I Prdinarice No,, : 91 11. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY : :;I: t B AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 9060, :::: : Guevara ; ; ix: ! ~~~?~~?&&tTAIN DESIGNATED PROPERTY IN THE Bierce s : :xi ~ I CITY OF CARLSBAD FROM ZONE Et-1-15,000 sq. ft, : Sonneman ! i !xi ~ : TO ZOhE it-T AND FRGM ZONE R-A TO ZONE C-2,: McPhersor?: : :x: : wad given a first reading. i La Roche i {x !x; ~ t I 11 ! ENGINEERING: I I ::!:1 1 I c & :;:;~ I :I t a. Tentative Map of Shelter Cove Subdivision. The: 1::: : tentative map was presented for the Councilts review. 1 ::'Il '84:~ i des. #189 of the Flanning Commission was read wherein I 41;;; :::;, : they recommended approval of the tentztive map subject i :ill; i to certain conditions being performed,, I :;::; :ll:i : ft. J m ZONE R-T AND FROM zom 3-A TO ZONE I I I I I I I ::i: : Discussion was given as to proper sewerage disposal, I and it was pointed out the developer would have to pay for I : this service, and perhaps it would open up the field for i i the Briggs property and other properties in the area to : : cooperate. in the project, -The question of parking was i i discussed, due to the narrow roadway and the fact that ; : in an R-T zone only a 10" set back is required. Discus- I i sion was given as to the requirement of a 20' set back on : ; the street frontage on all lots. It was agreed by the 1 I : Council this should be one of the requirements in this I I I a * i * i -1 :::i; ::::/ ;'::I 1;;l; :::;; !:It; ;::'I #*:;I ;:::I 1;4; :1::1 :x:; ::it; ;:1:1 l!ll! I I 1'1 4 I I I $;:! I I I I ::I I I ;: 1;;; ! ! !'I!] I 4 I t I . ,.' . : '*\ 'I \\ . 8,. '\ '., I I I \\ ',; ', .; , 5 ,. , < ', , .+ '. 'b, . 2 8 \ t .. n - '\ 'b -8. '\ '. -\ I t : i Na;m$''; \ "& '\e, : of ,*;+ .o:. '\ .< 4 '.( I '\ 5. -<x-? \$+A' ZV\ a,\;% @\+'e .c """"* I I 9 I Member '\:- :"""""""""-""""""""""""""""""""""""""""~"~"""""~"-~ : subdivision. Also the question of 40' lots in the subdivi- ! i SiOn was discussed, and it was concluded that a 40' lot I ; Was sufficient for this type of development. I I ;;;: s ;!!I I I I "1 ;;I1 !!I; w -, I i;;i I !I11 I i MR. FRANK DEVORE, representative of the San Diego i Gas and Electric Co, was present, and stated they were ; concerned with the engineering requirements of the i channel entrance, and requested the Council to hold this ; matter up until the developer and the San Diego Gas & i Electric Co, could work something out, I I I The City Attorney informed the-Council she did not feel : this was a concern of the City CoLincil, and was a matter { that should be worked out between the developer and the I San Diego Gas & Electric Co, Hbwever,,,she-"did feel the i Minutes should reflect that a,, represefitative from the Sm i Diego Gas electric Co. requested that the engineering .. : ; of the .channel be worked out in cooperation with the San i Diego Gas & Electric Co. and the developer, as it may ; possibly affect the flow of water in the upper lagoon. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I' I 1 I' ' I I' ; 1 I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I MR. GLENN FEIST', Attorney for: the present owhirs of i 1 the property, stated he looked upon this channel as one i i would a road, The Engineering Department and the SW : i Diego Ges & Electric Co. should resolve this mattkr I : before the final m&p is approved, I I & 1 :::: 1::: :::; I::: 4;; ;::; ::;: ii:: '1;; ;;ii fi:; ::;: :::; :::; I::: :::: hi:: :;I1 I .I : 1 :::i :::: :::I :;:: :::i I;'$ 11 :l@l 141) Ill '8 I' II :I1 :!!I Ill I 1 !After further discussion the Council agreed that theii- i findings *ere the same as the findings of the Planning i : Commission except for the additionzil requirement of a : i 20' set back on street frontage on all lots, ! I 1 I I I I li" :+ ;;I; ::;: ::I: ir:: 1!!1 I 1 I ;::e i The City Attorney presented the following resolution: I 1'1; I I 4 I ;::; ,!!I i Resolution No. 707. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY iGuevara , ; I /x i :- CITY OF CARLSBAD APPiZOVING :Bierce ;x; si i TENTATIVE MAP OF SHELTER COVE SUBDIVISION, Isomernan ; ; p : :was adopted by title only and further reading waived, :McPherson i : s i 1. I I I iLa8oche ; I#.* !x@: I I !A short recess was called at 9:00 P. M. The meeting i reconvened at 9: 13 P. &I+ I I I I I 8 I 1 ! i ENGINEERING (Continued) I I I I I I r I I I b. Valley Street Sewers - 1911 Act Proceedings - i :Assess. Dist. 2-1960. I i The City Attorney advised the Council that a resolution i jadbpting the prevailing wage scale will have to be approve4 : prior to calling for bids. The following resolution was : {presented for the Councilfs review: I I I i I t I I 1 I a I ;i:; lt:: ;::: I::: l!ll 1'11 ;;u ::;; i::: ;::: '4 1: 1:s l!ll :i:: ;::; ,:It :I:: ;::; t:!l i:!; I ;Resolution No, 106. A EtESOLUTION OF THE CITY :Gucvara ; i !x; CIL OF Tm CITY OF CARLSBAD DETERNIINING!Bierce $: ;x: :THE GENERAL PREVAILING RATE OF FER DIEM isonneman : I 35 ! ,WAGES for Assessment District No. 2-1960, was adopted IMcPherson i :x;x i :. :by title only and further reading waived, :La Roche : i F i 1 ! :!I4 l"1 I 1 c. Report on City participation in water main I I !extensions, At the previous meeting a request for city i :participation in a water main extension by Mr. Denison : :and Mr. Gerken was made, and at that time the matter i :was referred to the staff to see if some form of policy i :could be worked out for conditions such as this. The City ; !Manager presented a draft of a water main extension I t :policy for the Council's review, The Mayor requested i ithat a copy be given to each of the Council members for i :their study prior to any action, !A plat showing the location of the Denison and Gerken I I 4 1 I I I t 1 I 4 I 1 ! I I I I I I I I I ! ;;:: :::: ;::I :::; 1::: :*I1 ;::: :I:; 1;ll ;::; 1;ll :;:: :I:: ;::a iili 11: :::: ii:; I ;I ;;la $1: I!:: . I I 6 8, \, .\ \ ' ' ' ', '. . I I '8 ', '<, '8 8 8 I : I I "\ '\. '8 \ " ' 8. 8 '8- 181 * ..!-) ._ I I 1 I t I .,, ., t' .. .. 3 , . . 8, 8, '8 f : id a ne ',8 '.$At '8 '?& .. . t I i Of '$'?$\, 'QL\O\-g',&+ '\, '<$8, ;;:I I B; ! Member ~%'Q,&J$ ~""""""""""""""""~"""""""""""""~"""""""~~""--"-"-"-~------- ; property was presented. The Assistant Engineer inform-! 4:: i ed the Council that if the Council chose to $,rant relief on : ; the cost of the water main extension, the 2 pipk extends i :I:: : 175', and this 175' runs in front of Mr, Gerken'p proper- : I'll I:'# i ty,, Therefore, the refund would go to Mr. Gerken, which: Guevara ; i :x: 4 11 i amounts to $93,10. After discussion by the Codncil, by ; Bjerce ;xi :xi : motion of the Council Mr, Gerken was granted a refund i Sonneman : ; !x: I in the amount of $93.10 of the funds deposited with the ; McPherson i ; :xi : city. i La Roche : ix ix : I I 1s ' I 1 !*I! I 'I :I:: /; i Cmn, Bierce suggested the two parties get together and i \ perhaps split the pdoration. 1 I I I I I I d, (1) Acceptance of drainage easements. At the i ; time the Council accepted the final map of Carlsbad i Gardens, a drainage easement was approved for Lots 13 ; : and 14. However, as the work progressed it was the i decision of the EngineePing Department this drainage ; should be changed to extend through Lots 11 and 12 in i i Carlsbad Gardens subdivision and Lots 51 and 52 of i Seacrest Estates, The work has been completed and they i I now have the deeds krom the subdividers for these ease- i i ments. By motion of the Council the deeds were accepted: ; for easements through Lots 11 and 12 of, Carlsbad i Gardens, hnd for Lots 51 and 52 of Seacrest Estates, : and the City Clerk order'ed to record the same simultan- i i e.ously. I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I t I t f I (2) Abandonment of ijlrainage easements for Lots i i 13 and 14 of Carlsbad Gardens. The City Attorney stated! i she would prepare the proper document for the abandon- i : ment of the easement. I I I I I I I l e. Drainage ditch on Chinquapin Ave. The Assist- i i ant Engineer informed the Council they had the petition : i prepared for circulation, but he did not feel there would i i be too much response to the signing of the petition., At : : the time the petition is being circulated he would like to i I get permission from the property owners to have an open I : ditch for drainage through the rainy season, and then in : I the Spring when the rains are over and the Engineering I : Department has more time, they would cover the ditch : i and down grade the street and lower the utilities, By : i common consent of the Council the Engineering Departmeit ; was given permission to contact the property owners in i I regards to the open ditch at the time the petition is being ; : circulated. : OLD BUSINESS: I I I I I I I I I * 1 I I l a, Second reading of Ordinance No, 5033, alnending; :;: I Ordinance No. 5005, regulating the operation and parking i ; presented for a second reading: I c_" I I 1 I I 811; !ll! :;'I :::a 11 'PI; ;.; I I I:;$ ::a: :':: ;: 41:: :;#I :;II 1::: :;#I ;I 1:;; i:Il ;: :: 1:;; :::: i::: :I:: ;;:: I:'I i::: ll:: I;;# :;I: ;;i: i:;; *I Ill 11 I 01 11 I 11 !#I! i::; !I!{ ;::a 1::: 111: :;It i::: ::I; ;::I I:*: :;:: :I:: :::: I::@ ::;i :::I :;E: I I:* ::I: :I:: ::I1 :::; :::; :SI ID': l:tl '1;; :;:; ::!I 1*lI IJI 11 I I I Ordinance No, 5033. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY : ;*;; i TgECC?ms OF CARLSBAD, BY ADDING THERETO I Bierce ; jx:x: i SECTIONS REGULATING THE OPERATION AND ; Sonneman I ; i X: : FARKING OF FOOD VEMDING VEHICLES, was adopted i McPhersoni : : xi i by title only. ; La Roche :xi i xi I :.: f I 1';; ;: :o A -L BAD AMENDING ORDINANCE NO, 5005 OF' i Guevara ; : :Xi I s I i CITY ATTORNEY'S REPORT: i City Code. Codification d the ordinances should be kept ! : up to date; the cut-off date for the ordinances was Octobe$ i of 1959. If the Council is agreeable to having the code : ; kept up to date it can either be done annually or semi- i i annually. A contract from Michie Publications has been ; : received for a three year period at the rate of $9.00 per i i original sheet, and has been executed by them. .The City ; I l t I a I I I I I I I I I t I I I I 8 1 I I I I I 11'1 ;:I: $4 ;;:: ::;: 1:: ::I1 :;:: ;I:: 1:;; ::;; :::I ;::: ;::I $1: /;I 4:; ::!I :a1: I v I I t I 1 : I '\ ', '-, '\,'\, '8, b I '\\ '\ \., '\ ', , .' \. ',. '\ \..\\\\\\ ' 18; I I "i - I .\ ', 8, '\ -\ \, I : Na me "\, 'xs, '\, "38 .$$& \\ \?x i of ,F&$.J,;,\;% :;it :::I I I I I 1 :""""""""""""""""""""""""""""~""""-"""""""""""""""""" t Member \$3@,$'!,.(1 i Attorney recommended that a cut-off date be set for some; : time in January, The Council was concerned over the ; i lengthly delay of the original printing and requested that i Guevara : jx:x: :'I1 I an inquiry be made of NIichie Publications. By motion : Bierce F; :xi i of the Council the Mayor was authorized to execute the I Sonneman ; i :x: I contract on behalf of the City for codification of the : McPherson : : :x: : ordinances on a semi-annually basis, I La Roche : : :xi I I ::!I 4 pal; I i i Joint Powers Agreement, A meeting was held by the i citizens of Vista regar g a joint venture with Carlsbad : : for sewer facilities, and a vote of the citizens present i i indic'ated that 15% were in favor of a joir;t venture. A1s.o : : the Vista Chamber of Commerce is in agreement with : 1 this plan, In checking ,with the County they expect to have: I a rough draft of the Joint Powers Agreement €or the I I i Council to review in two weeks, I I I I I I t I I i Condemnation of Long Property. A condemnation suit : ; has been filed on the Long property for street purposes i i this week. 1 Legislation ok In Lieu Tax to be presented. There is a i I new legislation being proposed which will be discussed ; : at the next legislature, to increase the motor vehicle : license fees SO%, which funds they propose to use for i i streets and boulevards. I Increase in gas rates proposed by San Diego Gas 4% 1 Electric Co. The San Diego Gas & Electric Co. are ; requesting a 30% increase in gas rates. A hearing will i i be held before the Public Utilities Commission. Some : ; of the other cities as well as the County are treating this i i request very cold. She will keep the Council informed as i : to the time of this hearing in the event they wish this city i i represented, 1 1 I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I f I I 1;;: :;*I 11;: ::I1 1:tl I 51 ::i; ::;I ::;: ::a1 ;I:: 1::: ::;I :;I: ::kl 11;: :::: :::I 84 Il $1 11.I I"I ,:I1 :;I: :::; I::: #I 111 :II: v;l* I:* 1: ;:!I 89 ;iii i::: ltI: ;::; 4:: ::ti I::: 1;;1 ::a: :;:: I:;: I.? I I I I Sale of Pirates Cove. Upon investigation, the sale of the ; i property known as Pirates Cove by the Carlsbad Mutual i ; Water Company may have been unwise, but it was within i : the discretion of the Directors, and she found no evidence; i of any criminal conspiracy whatsoever. ; CITY MANAGERIS REPOR.2 ! Letters were sent to the FEPC, this districts Senator and! i Assemblyman, and to other cities within the County, op- : : posing the preemployment requirements. I I : Resurfacing of streets. There has been appro4ximately I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I t 1 I I I I I I I I I I weets resurfaced up to date. I i Street lights, The gas company has installed 16 street i i Sights, and we have received some very nice comments I i in regards to these lights. i Leave from City. ! The City Manager requested permission to be absent fro4 i the meeting of December 20, 1960, as he would 'like to : : take a vacation out of State, The dates he would be gone i i would be from December 19, 1960 to December 29, 1960.: : By common consent of the Council the City Manager was i I granted permission as requested. I I ; Harbor Commission, The City Manager read a copy of : : EK€Earbor Commission's Minutes of their meeting of i i November 14, 1960, which Minutes stated the Commissio$ : (which included 5 members) unanimously approved the i i abolishment of the Harbor Commission due to the appar- : : ent futility of further attempts to develop a harbor at the i i present time, and the fact that the only business which is ; I # * I I I I I I I I I I 1 ai I I 1 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1,;1 ::I: I;!: ::;I I::: i;:: 11:; I:;: ::;: :;I1 :;:; :::: I::: ;I:* 1::: ::I; ::;; ;;:: 1::: I;:; 'I El 1:;: :I:: 11 : t8' ;I:: )!!I ;;:; 1::: :::I ::a: ;I:: ;::; 9::: ::@I :;I: i::: 1;:: ::i; ::ii ::;: i:,; ::I; ;::; ii:: 1::: :;:: i::: 1::: i::: I!:: If11 ;'&I l;;l i I I I I I I I 1 I' .- ,,. \.- . ..' I i I 6 \\ *.\'X, \\ '\ ', t ',\ '.,'.,, 'x, '*,"X, p 8 i 1 '\, ', 8 '\ '* x 1 of \?&$&',&-,-,, r Member . :$?@.$$?$ :"""""""""-""""""""""""""""""""""""""""~"""""""-,"""""". I ;;I;; ! being brought before the Commission involves requests i :$: i for special events that could be disposed of much more i j:;t; i efficiently by the City Manager. 8 I:;:' I I :;::; 1; +, I I:;:: ! MR. RICHARD SCHEETZ, one of the Harbor Commissioi- ::;i; 1 ers, was present, and stated he had talked to all the com-i :::I: i missioners present except Mr. Allen, and it was not theiq p1:; ; intention to abolish the Commission itself, but to abolish I 1::;; )(I ::I:' i the meetings. 1 :::ti t 1l;;l : The Mayor thanked Mr. Scheetz for coming before the 1 ill Ill; 1;;;; i Council and clarifying this statement. <> " u - 1- I I Name '"'~,o, '8%. '\, \\ "$X +!! t B: tl I I I I BEE H,OTrr: BELOW: I I 1 ;;Ill !lI,l Ill I I I 1 I RATIFICATION OF THE BILLS AND PAYSOLL: I I I I I I ii:i :;I: :;:; i Ratification of the bills for the general expenses of the i City in the amount of $15,113.44, and for the Water De- ! partment in the amount of $14,749.15, for the period i November 15, 1960 to December 6, 1960, as certified : by the Director of Finance and approved by the Auditing \ Committee. i itatification of the payroll was given for the second half : of November, 1960, in the amount of $13,566.00, as i certified by the Director of Finance and approved by' the : Auditing Committee. I I I I I I I 1 :si; ! Guevara F : :xi l:II i Bierce : ix:x: : Sonneman : : !xi i McPherson: : ;x: ; La Roche I i ;x: I ::I: i Guevara 1 :. ;xi :l:a i Bierce ; : :x; : Sonneman i i !xi i McPhersoni xi : x: i La itoche i :xixi I 4:: !II, I ! ADJOURNMENT: I 1 1 1 t I I i By proper motion the meeting was adjourned at 10: 50 P. lV$ I 1 I I : I Respectfully submitted, ! I I I I I * I I I I : 1.- ! &\IRG T E. ADAlkS : Deputy 'City Clerk : J2;>gRg,Wfl :!I. ..+> ,x/; P {I,,./ .<<i<&,@+ /&J/ I 1 I I , 1 ! NOTE 1- I J I I I I I I t I 1 I i 1 1 I 8 I I I I I i aEcoagror mme- rw-eted the fCrUc3whg aa*n be 33%dCi i t@ the Mhbr: me ccRmepT &Skrzd %f a%y fes@&k%2B i I I W baa rwe$ved &om any members ~f %e Commimb~,: i 8Sd &4!y Were %&WZS@G! #%€ €%3 reS$ea&ZkrS bd be- i : re63etvd fmrm &%ax e€ €he? Efarbar Co~&~e?P1* I I I 1 I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I t I I 1 I 1 I I I ai I I I I I I 1 I I I i I t I I I I I I I I l a I I I I t I l e I I I I I I I I 1 4 I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I 1 L 1 i J I I I I I I I I I I I I i:t; 01 ::'I 'I ;::: 1::: :x: i::! 1:;t 1111 !I,! :;:; :::i I:;: i::: :;:: :I!: ::;i $1: ::*I I::: lt;: ::i: I:$: ii:: :::i :I;l ::I: ;::: :::: 1;;: ::;I ::;I I:!: ;I I ;::: ;::: l8:: ;::I ;::: ;::I ::I; ;:I' ;i:i I;*; '1:: :;I: :I:: 1::: :::I ::I: :;I: ;::; 1::: ::@a :!:: 1*11 'I8 11'1 11: 11*1 '81: i;:: :::;