HomeMy WebLinkAbout1961-01-03; City Council; Minutes! 4 I I 8, b' %\- I I I t i CITY OF CARLSBAD i Date of IVIzcting: Jz,msry 3, 1961 ; Minutes of: city COIrn..,fl i Time of Meethg 7:00 P. M, \* ,CY '\\ 9%. * :"""""""""""""-"""""""""""""""""""".."""~"""""""*""""~"- Place of Meeting: Council Chambers : Member $@,F\g-@ I ::,*: : ROLL CALL was answered by Councilmen Guevzra, f Bierce, Sonneman, McPherson and La Roche, Also i present were City Manager Slater and City Attorney Hayeb. : ALLEGIANCE to the Flag was made by the Council. I Inquiry was made by Cmn. La Roche as to the invocation i : being given at the beginning of the meetings. I I ::::: i APPROVAL OF MINUTES: I I ::::: 4 .. '\ ',' '\ ', *, " - \ ' ", * ', '* " '\ x I '\ ' . ' '\ " i N a me '\, '\!!&, '\ ?% " " '\ "' '\ '\ t Of '.L'9.9';%. 0 +\ I ;;::: I I ii::: I:' ;: I D ::;:I I I ::;I: t 1 t I ;:I:: :::I: I ::i:; 1 I 8 4 ;:,!I 4:;: l a. The minutes of the regular meeting of Decembek Guevara i i :X: i I i Sonneman i : :x; i 1 t ; McPhersoni :xixi : I ;::;I 81 t I ;lilt I I I 1'4; I The City Manager presented three Christmas cards i :::;; ;::*I I:':: I I I 1 1:::: I a. A resolution adopted by the City of El Cajon was: ::;:; #I ;;:I: I presented extending Season's Greetings to the City of 1 8 '1'41 : Carlsbad and the members of the City Council, 1 :#::I ;:::i :*I:; I b. Request for Special Event - Whitey's Boat Land4 :ii:: I ing, Letter dated December 12, 1960 from 0, 19. Smith, J ::I:; : proprietor of Whitey's Boat Landing requesting a Special ! :::i: , ! Event date in April, 1961, for Drag Boat %aces, which : I:::: : specific Saturday and Sunday to be designated upon the i ::::; 4::; i resolving of a total schedule of events for the entire I I :;:I, : Southern California area for 1961 , I :*I:: I I 1 :I::; I I ::::I : The City Manager informed the Council in accordance wit4 ;:::: ;:::: : the city ordinance boats that are not properly muffled are ; ::::I : not allowed on the lagoon, and if this event were allowed i :I!:; I it would be in direct conflict with our code. Cmn. Bierce: 'I;:: i pointed out this type of event certainly helps the area as i : it is highly advertised in all the metropolitan newspapers,: i and is the best kind of advertisement for the City of I I ::;:; : Carlsbad, Cmn. Bierce suggested the ordinance be i amended to allow this type of boat for special events. : The City Attorney was instructed to prepare an amend- : i ment to the ordinance to allow this type of boat for special ;' i events, and to present it for the Council's review at the i ; next meeting. 4 I ::4; i Cmn. La Roche inquired as to. a use tax for boats using i i the lagoon. Cmn, Bierce stated he felt that if we can i : obtain a long-term lease for the lagoon that someihing : i;:!: i can be worked out at that time, a l ::::: I ORAL COMMUNICATIONS: i MR. FOX, 4215 Harrison Street, asked if this amend- i :; : ment to the ordinance would affect the event scheduled i : for next Sunday on the lagoon, and he was informed that ; : it would not. D; I I :t: t I I D::!' :I I I I 'I I 1 i 20, 1960 were approved as corrected. : Bierce k; ;xi ; * I $ * r I I + La Roche i i !x: I I i CORRESPONDENCE I l:'l; I I I addressed to the Council from the cities of Chula Vista, I : Imperial Beach and Oceanside, I I ;ItlI I I I I I I I I I 81 I I :: ;:: * t 6 ;:I;; ::*'I I**:: ;::a, $ ;:I:: ;:@I* ,I::; ':::I 4;:;: ::;I: 1 1 :':;I 111 8 1:;:: I::,: I@*:; I I I I I I 8 I i 1 I::': ;:;:; L I I 1:;:: I I ::::: :;ii: I 1 :;:;; I ;;::; 8 I 1;::; a I t ::p: l a. Request for granting permission for the * 1 #I ii:ii i crossing of-fieeway r~teXy~I"P~SS?jiort i ;::;: ;:: : Road - County of San Diego. The City Attorney informed! #Il:; i %he council a letter had been received from the County I ::i:; : Surveyor and Road Commissioner requesting the adoption; *:;:: i of a resolution requesting the California Highway Commiq- I:::; : sion to give permission for Palomar Airport Road to ,;;:I I :I 1: I 8 I ,:::I I I :I:,: * * ()l'l t 8 tll;l # ! :::I: .#til I ;':I: I:':; * ;I 0 f ENGINEERING: J I * I t *I I I 4 r 1 I' I I I I I I I t t l 'i \\ '\ '\ '\ *\ I I \\ \\ . \' <. * ', '.,'\\, \, 8 ', \ 8. 8 I x, ', '8, ', ', '8, I " e.'' I 8,. 888 3 I i Na me ''\ 't@,;,, k,, ,PA, : of 'P&+$+,.g&, 8. '$&\ DI ~"""""""""~"""""""""""""""~"""""""""""""~~""---"""--------""-. : Member 8%.s\,~p ,o i City's share would be in the range of $16,956.00 construci- !!;:; ; tion cost and pro-rata share of incidentals would be in the! :c:j; : range of $2,055.00, making a total of $19,011, Also the 1 1::;: t1 i acquisition cost of the additional 13' on both sides of the J ! street, based on $7,000 per acre, would run $4,970, In : :I:1: i addition there wouldbe approximately 5 residences that i 1:;:: i could possibly have severance damages, I ;::l, ;; 1:::: i:::: I : ::;I: I I * ::'I: I.!*. I I I The City Manager informed the Council in reference to : : the City's participation this was not to be construed as a i i policy or recommendation but is based on the Chestnut i : Ave. project. He requested the Council to consider this ; I report and perhaps discuss the matter further at the next i : meeting. I I ! ! I ;:;:: ;::I: ;4:; 1:::: :: :.;I :::it ::p ;:,;I 1:: 1:11: ,!#I! ; f, Offer of dedication on the easterly 30 feet of i i Spruce Street as public right-of-way, me Council was : I:::: 1':;; : informed that the property owners on the easterly side of i :ip, i Spruce Street are offering for dedication 30 feet of right- i ;*I I ! of-way with complete street improvements minus side- ; 1:::: 1;::: i walks, which will take in the area from Forest Ave. to i ;!"I : the southerly boundary of the Shangrila Subdivision. The3 ::; i are willing to enter into an improvement agreement with i :i::: ;:::; : the City and deposit the necessary fees to insure the t I ::::; i completion of improvements, By motion of the Council i ;1:*1 i it was agreed that an improvement agreement be entered : Guevara i : I $ : I:':: : into between the property owners and the City for the im- i Bierce :xi ;x: i : provement of the easterly 30 feet of Spruce Street betweed Sonneman : : ; x! : i Forest Ave. and the southerly boundary of Shangrila Sub - i McPhersoni I i x i i division, I La Roche i :x: xi : i Also by motion of the Council Resolution No. 710 was i Guevara : ; i X: ; i adopted, accepting the easterly 30 feet of right-of-way i Bierce {xi i $ i : for public use on Spruce Street from Forest Ave, to the : Sonneman ; ; ; 5 : i southerly boundary of Shangrila Subdivision. ; McPhersoni : iq I I::i' 18 I I :i::i I I i La Roche 1 !x: & : I I t ; APPOINTMENT OF COMMISSIONERS: ! I I e I t t 1 :;;!: !::I: ;:::: .ll!l I l a. One appointment to Library Commission, The I ::;:; *l,'l : Mayor stated with the consent of the Council she would : Guevara : :x! x: : i lik; to reappoint Dr. Spivey to the Library Commission I Bierce :xi is i i for a three year term, expiring January, 1964. By : Sonneman : : :x! : : motion of the Council the appointment of Dr. Spivey was i McFherson; i i X: I i confirmed for a three year term, expiring January, 1964.: La Roche ; : ; x: ; I t,!l' 4 t :;@:I : I b, TWO appointments to Public Works Commission,: ! Cmn. La Roche submitted the name of Mr. Harris as he : :i;: l!!t :::: 1 felt he was very qualified due to the fact he is doing this i 11;1 ! type of work at Camp Pendleton, The Mayor stated with I Guevara !xi { x! i the consent of the Council she would like to reappoint Mr. i Bierce I 1 ;$ : George Grober for a four year term, By motion of the : Sonneman I ; ;x:) $8 i Council the reappointment of Mr, George Grober was I McPhersoni !xi x: ; confirmed for a four year term, expiring January, 1965, : La Roche : * ,X: : The Mayor stated with the consent of the Council she i Guevara !x: i XI i would like to appoint Mr. Leonard Rounds to the Wlic : Bierce 1 :x:x: \ Works Commission for a four yezr term, expiring Janu- i Sonneman i ; ; x! : ary, 1965. By motion of the Council the appointment of i McPherson j i i xi i Mr. Leonard Rounds was confirmed. : La Roche i : :x: I ! I!': 1.11 1 I I:'( I :::: I I* I I I I 1 I I e. Two appointments to the Harbor Commission, : I i The Mayor stated she would like to reappoint Mr. John I Guevara !x i Dennis to the Harbor Commission for a four year term, : Bierce ; expiring January 1, 1965, with the consent of the Council,! Sonneman i i By motion of the Council the reappointment of Mr. John : McPherson j : Dennis was confirmed for a four year term. i La bche : i With the consent of the Council the Mayor reappointed Mrj Guevara i ; Richard Osburn for a four year term to the Harbor Corn- ; Bierce :X i mission, ending January, 1.985. : Sonneman I I t I I I I I I 1 I I : McPherson i I La Roche : I * 1:' i:: I i$ :x: x; I :x: : :xi i !xi I :x; i !xi : :x: Ix:x : ; :x: :I "I I.* D l I I I t I * t I I ..".. ... - : ', \ '8 I 4 '\\ '\\ 'x, I 4 I \' \' . 8. , i Name 't I I 1 : of I I Member :""""~"""""""""""~""~""""""""""""""""""""""""-. i CITY ATTORNEY'S REPORT: I I I I I t l a I : Joint Powers Agreement. The joint powers agreement : i is being typed and should be in the hands of the city by i : Friday of this week. I 3 I 1 1 I : Condemnation of Long property. All parties have been : i served and two answers have been filed. Mr. Long is i i asking the Court for damages in the amount of $35,000. : : She has asked that a trial date be set. There will be a i i pretrial hearing on the matter. I I I I I I i Carlsbad Union Church Conditional Use Permit. Cmn. : Bierce contacted her in regards to the necessity of a i conditional use permit for a day nursery, due to the fact : that the church property is located in an R-3 Zone. A i conditional use permit is necessary for an educational : institution, however, under the definition of Educational i Institutions as set forth in the Educational Code of the i State of California, pre-school institutions are not educa- i tional institutions. The definition of a Day Nursery is ; for children under school age. If a Day Nursery is used I and they wish to confine their activities to pre-school i children, no conditional use permit will be necessary. I If they wish to put up the fence as requested in their i application, they will have to have a conditional use per- ! mit. Also, if the yard is to be used as a playground for i children over pre-school age, they will have to have a : conditional use permit. I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I 1 I I I 1 I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I : Gas and Electric Co. Lease, She was unable to contact i i any of the officials of the Gas & Electric Co. this past i : week due to the Holiday Season. 1 I : Cmn. La Roche stated he felt a precise plan should be i I adopted for the continuation of Elrn Ave. There are i property owners in the surrounding area of Seacrest ; Estates that are desirous of developing their land, but i i are unable to until a definite line has been established. : : It was the recommendation of the City Attorney that this i i matter be referred to the Planning Commission for study.: : The Council also requested the matter be brought before i i the Public Works Commission for study and recommends+ ; tion. a : CITY MANAGER'S REPORT : Water Bond Sale. The City Manager advised the Council i I there seemed to be some question as to whether or not i : this bond issue and the former bond issue should be con- ; i sidered as one. i Salary increase for employees. The City Manager recomr ; "se employees that were not i i given an adjustment in their salary in July be given one i : at this time. I I : Cmn. La Roche stated he did not feel that all employees I i should be given a raise. He would like to know how the i i salaries compare with other businesses, such as industry: : etc. in this area. : The City Manager further stated he felt we had a good i ; group of people working for the city and he would like to : : recommend that their salaries be adjusted. I I ; Cmn, Bierce stated he was very much in favor of the i merit system. i Crnn. La Roche requested a list of the employees and : : their present salaries who did not receive an increase in i I I I 8 I I I I a I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I mi I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I ! I 4 I I I ... . \' 6, '\ '\\'\\ \' 4 , ', '\ y*, <,$, '\, '\a \ \8 \8 <a&!, '\ $&, '?b 80 , 4' +?&\ '$$98*'9 '$ ."""""-*"- :::;: ::/I 1;;:; ::,:I 11::: I::;: ;'I:: I::,: ;!::I Ill:: {i::: 11' I:':: !;!!: :::I 4::: 1: 11::: I:::: :II:: ::i:: ::#:I i:I;l :I: :!:I: ;,::: :!:I: , a:: ;:::I ::;:: :;I:: ::p: ::::: i:;:; ::::: ;::I: ::I:: ::i;: 4::: i:::: ;:::; ;:!;I :::I: 4:;: :;*Il ::i:: ::::1 i;:;; ,I::; I:::: 4::; ii $1 ;lii; :p:i :::I; ::::1 $8 /ii $1:; ::I:' ;:/; ::::; 11:; i:::; ::;:; !I::! :;I:; I:;:; :::: ii':: 1,ii; :::;; Ip: 1; ::!: ::;: ;: ': ::;i i::; ;;I $ :; :::, 8; ;::a: :::I; 4::; 'I ;;::; #I::: I*tl: iiii: 11 It l;@ll Ill I I ,:I ItllJ :**:I 1111: III(; :SI 11 l!!l D 0 I. . _. , ..., .. I I :';"',,,., I. 1 ,... I ., '\ '\ ', '\ '8 5: - L, ... 8, '\,", x* ', '\ I I : N a me '8, ?&,, \\, 8%' f :::$ I I I I I 4 k I I 1 I I I \\ '% ', 8 \ ' \ *' I \\ '\ ' '\ '. ", 8' 1 t t I Of '$80'8 8)L\&,.3\\,+# ' '8,' 1 1 "_~"_"~cI_""_""""""~"~"""""c"""""""""""~".~"I I "" Member """""-~~-~"""~-~~ @\@,/-\e\% 1 1 'll;l i July, and also that'the Depa'rtment of Employment be con-: I ::p: I tacted as to comparable jobs-and salaries. I ;;Ill I I I 1;: 1::,1 I I i:::; $1 :I,:; &!;;I I I f I i ZATIFICATIBN OF BILLS AND PAYROLL: i Ratification of the bills was given for the general expensed Guevara j, ; ;x: i i in the amount of $10,518.10 and for the Water Department: Bierce : I ;x; ; t in the amount of $19,370.33, for the period December 20, i Sonneman : 1 :x: I 1: i 1960 to January 3, 1961, as certified by the Director of 1 McPherson : !x ;xi I : Finance and approved by the Auditing Committee, i I La Roche i ': : ixi 1 I i Ratification of the payroll was given for the second half i Guevara : : !Xi ; i of December, 1960, in the amount of $13,602.00, as ; Bierce : : :x: i : certified by the Director of Finance and approved by the i Sonneman : ; !xi ; i Auditing Committee. i McPherson !xi :x; : I I I I 1 I I 1 ::I:: 'I I I I i La Roche : ;x :x: i I * ::II; 1:: I I I 4:;; :::;I I I I I I I ::::' : ADJOURNMENT: I I::II I By proper motion the meeting was adjourned at 9:22 P. M. ! :Ill; I III I I I 11 JI::: 1 I I I I I I I + ::::: 1 t I 4::: 1 ::::: I I:: I :I 1,'; : I :.i: ; : I 1.:. ; i :: :: I I 1: ; l~ ,. I I :;;I: I ;:I!:: t :::I; 1 :;:i: I i:::: 1 I ;:It: I 1 1:::: I 1 I ;:I:: I ::;ti 1::: 1 ::I:: t '::::; Ill I ;:::I I 1 I I::;; I * 1:' e I I I I;:;: I ll:i; I I:;:' I I :;I:: I * i;ii: I I # ::::a I I ;::I: I 1 ::::; I I L ::::: I I ::;;: I I I ::::: 1 I I I :::;: + I ;I:;! 1 I I ;:::: I 1:::: I I I i:l:l :I: I ::::a I ;is;: I I ::;:: I I :::;: I I :::;: I I I I :;,I: I :I; I ;:;:; I l:I:l I 1 i:::; I I ;::I, I I ::::: I I ::;I] I I ::I:; :.I:;; ::::I ! ! ::::I l!!l( I I I I I I I I I I 1 i Respectfully submitted, ;I1 I L I I /- 1 i 7/>4,&'f..,t& ?* [,/&g?/@.@./ i nILARG," E. ADAMS : Deputy City Clerk I I l I' :,, I *::*: I 1 I I I I I I I I 1 I 1 I I I l:II I I I I I I 4 I I I I t I I 1 I 1 I r I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1:11@ 1 I 11: t I I I I I 1 I I I I 1 I ::::: I f",; I :::I, I 1 I 8 I I I I 3 t I 1 I ;:: I I 1 I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I )I1 I I I I 1 I I 1 + t I I I I I I 4 I I 1 I ltl:l I 1:II; I I I 1 I I 1 I