HomeMy WebLinkAbout1961-03-07; City Council; Minutes,9 I I I % I : CITY OF CARLSBAD I I : Minutes of: CITY COUNCIL (Regular Meeting) : Date of Meeting: March 7, 1961 I Time of Meeting: 7:OO P.M. I--Pface.af"eeting:-,~olmciLChambers ____ -__---------------- -_-_ -4- t I I I I I I I 1 ROLL CALI. wa.s answered by Councilmen Guevara, Bierce, $ 1 I I ; Sonneman, McPherson and La Roche'. Also present were City i : Manager Slarer and City Attorney Hayes. I t : ALLi3GIANCS TO THE FLAG was given. : INVOCATION was offered by Mayor Sonneman. i Awarding certificates of completion. i The Mayor presented Ce.xZificates of Completion to Fire- : : men: Edward Garcia, .'Uern Coble, Jerry Edwards and I i William Hill for the completion of a course in Fire I Science at the Palomar College. : APPROV-4L OF MINUTZS: I I I I I I I f 1 I I I i I I I I I I 1 I I I $ 1 I I I I b I t I I b 1 I t I I 1 I 1 I l a. The minutes of the regular meeting of February 21,; I 1961, were approved as corrected. I I I I I I ! \ CORRESPCNDENCE : ! I I I I I I I I I l a. Letter dated February 28, 1961, from Brighter I : Homes, Inc., Builder, and the owners of three properties i i located on Ivy Road in North Carlsbad, requesting per- : mission for a temporary connection to a 4$? water line i now existing on Ivy Road. The Council was informed the I : Engineering Department has recommended the extension I I I of a high pressure 6" line; however, the estimated cost i : of this extension would be $5,700 and owners are not in a ; ! position to bear this cost. At such time as a 6" line i i would be installed along Ivy Road they would be willing : : to pay thei,y proportionate share. : Mr. Barker, one of the owners making the request, stated i i that Mr. Hinderliter, owner of the property lying north ; .:..-of their property, is willing to allow them to extend a I : line through his property for water service to their I I ; pr0per.t-y . i After consideration by the Council it was agreed that if I i the owners could obtain permission for this extension, : that the City Attorney prepare a temporary connection i permit for a one year period. I I I * t I I I I I I I I I 4 I I * I I b I * 8 I I I I 8 1 I ! I I I I 8 I * I b I I I I I t I 1 I I 4 I I I I I I I # b I I 1 I I I I 1 Z I I I 0; I t I I I I I I % I t I 1 I I I 1 I I b. Letter dated February 20, 1961, from Henry I I Christiansen, requesting the City to take some action for i the control of mosquitos. The City Manager reported the : Health Department has been notified and last week they I sprayed in the marsh areas, and will continue this oper- ; ation for the control of the mosquitos. The City Manager i was instructed- to notify Mr. Christiansen of the Health : Departments action. I I I C. Letter dated February 21, 1961, from Robert C. i Cozens, Supervisor, Fifth District, enclosing a letter i mailed to civic organizations in the City, requesting the: support of an advisory committee in each area of the Fifth supervisorial District, in order to bring County i Government closer to the people. By common consent of i the Council the City Planager was instructed to inform Mr.; Cozens that the Council fully endorses this program, I I b I I I % d. Memorandum from the City Clerk dated February 28, i 1961, stating that in accordance with a telephonic con- : versation with Mr. Fred W. Plaerkle, Mr. Naerkle requested i that his resignation from the Parks and liecreation Cpmm- : ission be conveyed to the Council, and that his resign- : ation be effective immediately. By motion of the Council i the resignation of Mr. Fred W. Maerkle from the Parks and: 8 . * I i 1 I .\ ,. '. . , *, ', '\ ', '*, 2 \. ', ',, ', '\ , 't, \, 8 '\ '\,'\, \, ', '8, 't \ ' Na me ', ''$8 *%, "?% of '*&, "?$@,-?J,&* '\, ,+ Member ,o \$8,@'$?',< :::I: i;;:: p::; I:':: ::!:I ~::*l p;t1 1.;: ::::i ;:::I ;I::: ::::; iii:' 11,;: !:;i/ 11 ::::I ::;e 'IJ ::;:I :l;l' ;:*:i i;::; /::; Guevara ; i :X: 1 Bierce :x; ;x: ~ Sonneman : ; :X: ~ EilcPherson i : :X: , La Roche ; i X: Xi ' """""""""""1"' 11; II,:I *I t 11 I:;: 4:; ii:; ii:; ::{I ::;I ::i: ;: ,I:; ;:I: ;::: 1::: ::;: iIi: :;:I $1 e*:; :;'I ;a:: 1'8: 1;;l t* 1: : 1: ;::: 11'1 1';: ; 1:' I. ; I 1: ;::; :I:: 11;; :;:I :; ;: I I::: 1::: I::: 1:;: :;:; ::;t ;:I1 :I:: I**: i:;: :+; la:: ;::; *;;I i::: :::: ;:;: *a;; ::;: 181: l;;l ::;: :*:: ;;*I :::; Guevara I X !X i Qerce $; x: Sonneman 1 ; k i McPherson i i k i La Boche I :X : ;::; ::i: :::: :::: ai I* 11 * ::!I I I I 4 8, \* \x' I I I I '\ ',,'X,, '*\ 8\\'\\ I -2- i Name '8 '\@, 8\ , '\&, I # ; of "$&?+, '\ '<+> I 1 I I I '. \\ ' '\ 8\\ 8,' '. y*\ 29 I 8, '\ ', '\ \ ' '\L \,o ' +,$.\.tp I I I it:; :::: ::I: 1:: l e. Letter dated March 2, 1961, from the Parks and I !:;I i:;: t 1 ;I:: I I I tI:i I I 4 :::: t (1) Ordinance No. 1060-A, Section 4, be amended to i ::I; :::; :til 1;;1 1 g t: I :I;: I 881, I (2) A street tree planting list has been prepared, i I::: I I :i:: ::i: + 1 :::i 1 I J r I;;: I (3) An amendment be made to Ordinance No. 1025, Sec-: ii:: 1,;: I:;! I 1:;: 811 I I ,#:I 111: ~""""~""""""""""""""""""""""""""-"""-""-.~"-"-------"-"--"--~-- : Member $e\**g,fl i Recreation Commission was accepted with regret,effective i f immediately, and the City Manager was instructed to send : i a letter of regret to Mr. Maerkle. B 01 4 4 * ;I I I 4 I ::ii '11 I I ; Recreation Commission requesting that the following t I *I1 i amendments be made to the present city ordinances: 1 I require that subsequent to any city street tree being i i removed that the individual must place on deposit with i : the City the sum of $5.00 to defray the cost of a re- i placement by the City, I t I b I ii;; I I I : which the Commission would like the Council to adopt, i and that this list be made a part of Section 15, Ordinanc; : NO. 1060-A. I 1 I : tion 2, providing that any comnissioner absent for three i i consecutive meetings of the commission without cause, : shall be replaced. i After discussion by the Council, on mot ion of the Council i Guevara i i Xi xi I the City Attorney was instructed to prepare an amendment i Bierce ;x! :x: t to all ordinances concerning the various commissions, ; Sonneman I I :X! i that do not have a provision in the ordinance, providing ; McPherson i ; :Xi ; that any commissioner absent for three consecutive meet- ; La Roche i ; IxI : ings of the commission without: cause, shall be replaced. : I 1 t'ii : As to items (1) and (2) above, the matters were deferred : ;:I 1::: i for Further study, arid they requested that the list of i i street trees be given'to them for study. I :+ I I ;: I I I l8:; 1 I :!:I : Cmn. McPherson stated he had received three or four calls ; * ;: i regarding the removal of six trees in the Seacrest Estat- I t1 :; ;.: : es. Also, he would like to know who paid for the re- i moval of these trees? v I I :::I { Mayor Sonneman stated there are certain lots in the City : , 1;;: i that are view lots, and high prices are paid for these ; ::I: I lots. The City would be very derelict in their duties i i::: i if they did not protect these properties, The trees were i ll:: 1:II : removed for the protection of other lots in the area, and ; 81;' :;I: : the ordinance provides that the City Manager has juris- i i::: i diction over the removal of the trees. The City planted ; 1;:: : these trees and the city removed these trees. Shrubs will! ::I: :::: : be planted in t!leir place. I I :I:: I I I ::ti I I ;!:; I I 6:: I I ;i:; l a. Spreading the Assessment for Chestnut Ave. Assess.i ;::* i Eistrict No. 1-1960-1911 Act Proceediws. The hearing was i 1s;: : opened by the Mayor's announcement that the hour of 7:30 ; ;: 1;: i P.M. having arrived, this was the time and place fixed fori ::;; : the hearing of protests, objections or appeals in respect : ::I; ::;I i of the assessment proceedings and work under and pursuant i :#I; ; to Resolution of Intention No. 660 and 701, and the Im- ; ili: i provement Act of 1911. I I 1:;: + I I I ;::I ti:; I The Clerk presented the affidavits of publication, mailing! i::: : and posting notice of hearing on assessment. By common : ,:jr ; consent of the Council the affidavits were accepted and i I:;: : ordered filed. 4 8;s: t 11:; $ 4 :"I : The Clerk advised the Council there were no written pro- : :*I: ; tests. i The Mayor announced the Council would hear from all person.& ;#I: ; w,ishing to make an oral protest. I I :ii: I I I I I I ;: I I I I : 1 l1 I I I :::I :li: I I :' I I : PUBLIC HGiRLNGS: I I I 11 I e' I k I;;$ I I 1 :!:; l t I I 8:;: :; I 1 I ::;I :::; I I 4 :':: I I 4 I * I 4: I l!!l 1 I ', \\ .. ' ' I 8 ' \' I & 3- \' ' I I '., 8, '8, . \ \' \\ '\ I t I 1 I I I '.,".,'~,.:'., '+, 3 I I i N a me' ',, '\%, '\,:&* I y+\O', ' 'Ph, 1 i i Of '\/&99>,.t'4 0 '+\ i::: t I I :;:: 0 ~~,"""~"""""""""""""""""""~~"""""~~""""~~"~~~"""""""~""~""~~ I Member ,o\.,o..pp\ I I ;;ti I The Mayor announced the Council would hear from all per- i 1:; : sons wishing to make an oral protesto I 1 ::VI I,!# I I i HARRY WEEKS, 1097 Chestnut Ave., stated he did not receive i I notice of this improvement, and he purchased this property : : two years ago. I 1 : The Council was informed that according to the assessment 3 i roll for 1960-1961 Mr. Scholberg is the owner of this : parcel of land. Mr. Weeks was informed that he should i have the records changed at the County Assessor's office. i t I I 1 I I I I I I I i MR. ROBZRT GARLAND, 351& Highland Drive, stated he felt i i this project was incomplete; he does not have the same I I ; rights to his property, as he has been left high and dry. i : His main concern is in the event of a rain the dirt would ; i wash down on to Chestnut kve. This condition has been i caused by the deep cut along his property line, ! The Engineering Department informed the Council the Engi- I ; neer of Work and himself discussed this matter with Mr. ; Garland at the time the plans and specifications were being: i prepared. Mr. Garland was informed that a retaining wall I i should be installed along the Chestnut side of his property; :which would cost approxima,tely $900.00, and this could be { i made a part of his assessment. Also an alternative was : ;discussed whereby he would grant the City a slope easement i : to correct this situation. However, Mr. Garland did not ; i see fit to do either. The Engineering Department also !pointed out this was the first time a grade had been estab-! I lished for Chestnut Ave. * I I I I I I t I I I I I 1 I I I I I ! I i MR. GLlRLAND stated he felt the City should cooperate with i ; him in providing some type of lateral support, The reason ; i he did not choose to give the City a slope easement was i ithat he was informed it would have to start back approxi- : i mately 14 feet and that would rake one row of his trees. i i FRED KMAUSRT, 2081 Chestnut Ave., asked how they were to i i pay for this improvement? i I :The City Attorney explained they would receive a statement i i from the bond holder for the amount of the assessment, and I ithey would have 30 days to pay cash if they so desired. t 4 ;Otherwise it would go to bond and would be payable over a I i period of 10 years. :MR. WEEKS, 1097 Chestnut Avenue, stated his lawn is below : :the sidewalk level, and asked that some fill be put in to i i bring the lawn up to the level of the sidewalk. ;The Mayor declared the hearing closed at 8:OO P.M. i The City Attorney presented the following resolution for th) i Council*s review: i Resolution !!725. A RZSCLUTICN OF THZ CITY COUNCIL OF THE i : CITY OF CAKLSBAD OVZRRULING ALL PRCTZSTS ON JXE ASSESS i i ITY OF PiiGCEEDINGS, Assessment District No. 2-1960, was I !adopted by title only and further reading waived. I 4 I I I I I I 1 I I I I I 1 I I I I I 9 8 I I I I I I I 1 ~MENT, COHFIWZNG THE ASSZSSMSNT AWD CCNFIRWING THZ XEGULAG- I I I I I 4 ! e :;;I #;I; :::I ::;: :;:I ::;I :I1 1::: ;I:: :;;: !::I ;::; :i:: ;::: :::; *I it:: :::' ;r:i 1::: I: ;I!! :'::: :;:' iii: ;I:: ::I: :::I :I:: ;:'I ::ii ;::; ;::: ;::: :I!: i::! ;!:I :a:: I::: ;::I 1:;: i:;; ;::: ::I: 1::: I* :::I :;;: I;:: :::: ::;: I::! I!:! It:; I::: :::: ;::: 1::: @I;: Bierce :X: :X: Sonneman ! i i xi McPherson I i :Xi La Roche ; 1 :X: ;::: :::: l:!l 11 11 '114 311: ,la; 1'11 1: I :I 111: ,118 ((1 :tl: #I1 181 t)I Guevara :a : iXiXi I I b. Spreading the Assessment for Valley Street Sewers i i3ssessment District No, 2-1960 - 1911 Act Proceedings. I I ! * I I :The Mayor announced the hour of 7:30 P.k. had arrived and i i this was the tin.e and place fixed for the hearing of pro- i :tests, objections or appeals in respect of the assessment : iprcceedings, and work under and pursuant to Resolution of : ; Intention No. 691 and the Improvement Act of 1911. I I * I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I :iis ;;4 ::;: ;:I: It ::;: :;i: i::: ;::i :ii: :;:: :;:: :::I I I: 41 '81; !i,! e l 8 I t 1 4 1 1 t 1 f -4- I I t 8 I I I I I I I I ;"""""""""""""""""""""""""""-"""""""~""-~" ! I i The Clerk presented the affidavits of publication, mailing i i and posting notice of hearing on assessment. By comn : :consent of the Council the affidavits were accepted and i i ordered filed. i The Clerk advised tk. Council thre were no written pro- / i tests. I I \ The Mayor asked if there were any persons present who :wished to make an oral protest? i MR. JOHN NETKA, 3424 Valley Street; v.hat law gives the i City the right to enter upon his property; his metes and i : bounds are from the center line of the street,and he i would like to know where the City measures from? Also he ! : had received no previous notice of this improvement. The i i only notice he received was the amount of the assessment. : :Dirt is piled on each side of tne street and the contract- i i or nor the City has done nothing about removing it. He ask'r : ed what the City intended doing with this dirt as it is i i certainly a hazard and nuisance. Nhen the City signs a i : contract why don't they inspect this work before the con- i i tractor leaves the job. i The Council was informed that on the assessment roll Mr. ! : Netka's address is shown as P.O. Box 283, Leucadia, Mr. I i Netka should have the records changed at the County :Assessor's office in Sen Diego. i Mr. Thornton of the Engineering C-epartment stated that on I i the original subdivision map it shows Valley Street as a I : 60' right-of-way; however, there are some streets in the ; : City that are not dedicated streets, therefore, the prop- ; I erty descriptions do read from the center of the street. i I The City Attorney advised Mr. Metka that the City's rights ! i to enter upon private property is set forth in the 1911 : : Act under Section 5316 of the Streets and Highways Code of i I the %ate of California. I I i As there were no other persons desiring to speak, the : Mayor declared the hearing closed at 8:25 P.M. i The Mayor declared a short recess at 8:30 P.N. The meetin4 i reconvened st 8:45 P.k. i The City Attorney presented the following resolution for i ithe Council's review: I I i Resolution No. 726. A 3ZEOLUTICH OF THS CITY COUNCIL OF i i THE CITY OF CALPLSBAD CVERRULING ALL PRCTZSTS ON 'rH8 : ASSESSMENT, CONFIRNIXG THE ASSESSMZNT AND CGNFIRMING 'THE i I REGULARITY GE' PROCEEDINGS, Assessment Gistrict No. 2-196.0, : I was adopted by title only and further reading waived. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I $ I * I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I 4 I I I : ENGINEERING: I I I I I I I I a. Request by the City of Oceanside to construct a : I sewer line in a city street - re: Access road Vista Way. i :This matter was discussed at the previous meeting. The ; I sewer line will cross Vista Way and will enter the City i :along the access road to the Buena Vista Creek Area. The ; !City of Oceanside has requested permission to cross the i : City street. * I i The City Attorney stated that she has not received any- ; thing in writing to present at this time as Mr. Austin is i i in Sacramento. We would vant to insist that the City be : ; a party plaintiff in the act.ion to protect our future. :Also we cannot take the word of the Engineer or Attorney i ! from Oceanside that there will be no cost to the City of I I I I I 4 I + I I I l e I 4 I I 1 I I I I 4 I ! 8, \, ., a 8 . . \* '\, ', '\, '8 '\,'\, ', 8, '* ', , \, ', - ',,'8, 3' \$ $?&, ',,$&> 88 8 '< '\ \ ' Name '\,'%$, '\ x '8& Me rn ber .$'@\$-p \{ Of *F)L.O\.p\,&,/L' ""~"""""""""- :*a; I:;$ ;*I; l1;; $11 1:;l ::;I :::I i::: 1:;: :;*I I:;: 11: iiii 11 111 :*(I 1111 1::; :a'% I:;# ::I: ;:I: ;::; 4:: :::: :I;: !::I ;::I :::I :::: :::: :i:: :::: ;::: I::: i::; ;::I ;::i $84 ;;#I :::; 88:; 1:'l I;:: ;:;: !!'I )*I IJ: '::i :!:i :::: :::: ;::: ;;I? 11:; ;::: :i:: i:i: It!: :::: ::;: Guevara i i :X: Bierce : : :Xi Sonneman ; I : X: McPherson :XI i Xi La Roche : :Xi Xi ::I1 ;I:; ::i: ;:/ :::: $1: 1:;: :;:: 11 :;:: :::: ;I :' :::; ;::: ::;: 1;11 i:;: ;::i ;::: ::;: :::I :*I: :::; 4 ;: I:# ;:#a 1::: :;I1 '1 It I 'I i::: :; :I I(@ 141 I*O !bl! I' . . I I 4 .,,. \.- I I 1 8, 'x,", '88 '\ " I I I '8, 8*,"88 ", 'x,'\, 8 \ 3: I -5- I '\, '\ \8 '8 '8 'x I i Name 88 '?& '\,"$$ I 1 i Of ',&&, 8'p&@,-9.,+fl ',, '$&> i I): t Member *$ @.$+$ :""""""""*"""""""""""""""~""-"""""""""""~""""""""~""""- i Carlsbad. Mrs. Hayes recommended that the Cbuncil take no i :::; : action at this time until we have something in writing. : :::; :IIl ,:It : At the previous meeting a request was made by one of the ; , I: I property owners on Pacific Avenue concerning the cost of : : construction of water and sewer service on Pacific. This : i matter was referred to the staff and a written report has i I)'# : been submitted for the Council's review. The report con- ; i tained the estimated cost on a cash basis and under the i ::i; : 1911 Act Proceedings. I I ::I: I I 1 I::: : It was noted there are seven lots in the area, as only one: ::&I : s.ide of the street would be assessed due to the fact that i :::: J the opposite side of the street is owned by the Army and ; ::i: ; Navy Academy and it would be serviced by their own sewer I i::: :Ill 11; i line. Also the corner lot is owned by the Army and Navy ; ;;st : Academy and it would be serviced from Ocean Street; there-: lIt: i fore, only six lots would be assessed for water and sewer : ;::: I ::i; : service. I I :;;I I ::I: i Some of the property owners in the area were present, in- : 4 l:l ; cluding Mr. and Plrs. Riddle, who made the request for in- i ;@I: :::: i formation. They asked what the next procedure would be, : ;::: : and they were informed that if they wished to proceed I I ;::I I 1:;; i under the 1911 Act, a petition would be prepared for them ; :::: i to circulate, and if they could get four signatures of i ii:: i the property owners they would have sufficient percentage : :;if : to start the proceedings. It was pointed out however, i that the assessment would be spread over six lots, If ! : they wished to proceed on a cash basis they would have to i i i ;., :: i post the entire amount in advance of any work being done. i ,*I; 1 ;:;i I :::: $11 :;I; '1:; :;#I I i 1 I I I b. Report on water and sewer service * Paclfic .Avenue! i;:: :::i 811 I i ;: I 1 I :a :l 1 I ;i:i :::: I :;:I :::: 1 I I I I 1 c. Resolution #727, approving Master Agreement for i ilii : expenditure of Gas Tax Funds. The Council was informed ; I the Master Agreement for the expenditure of Gas Tax Funds i : had been received, together with the resolution approving : :t l:@l i the agreement. The following resolution was presented: I Guevara I i i Xi i Resolution No. 727. RESOLUTICM OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE: Sonneman i i i Xi : CITY OF CARLSBAD APPKOVIMG PiSTZd AGREEMLPT FOR EXPENDITUR$ McPherson i ; I X: I OF FUNDS ALLOCATBD FROM THE STAT9 HIGHWAY FUND TO CITIES, i La Roche 4 : X: Xi : Was adopted by title only and further reading waived. I I I PLANNING : I 11 : son. The tentative map was presented for the Council's i I review. Resolution No. 199 of the Planning Commission : 11 : was read, wherein they recommended the approval of the i i tentative map subject to certain conditions being per- : formed. i Guevara ;X: i X: i The requirement for sidewalks within the cul-de-sac was i %mneman I i !xi i discussed, and on mot ion of Counci 1 it was agreed that a : McPherson : 8 i x: I policy be established that the placement of sidewalks in i La Roche ; i :Xi i the cul-de-sac be up to the discretion of the subdivider. : ;ti* I The Engineer for the Subdivider requested that the full i 1::: : pavement width on Magnoli@%%e 32 feet instead of 36 feet, ; I::! ! with the curb radius i.n the cul-de-sac being 41 feet in- : 1;s : stead of 43 feet. Also the Planning Commission has re- i 1:;: i quested that 42' on the rear of Lot 5 be deeded to the i ;'a: : City for future street purposes. It was noted that the ; ;::I i City does not have a precise street plan, and that the i ,118 lle: ; City could not force the subdivider to deed this 42' un- ; *I: i less he wished to do so. It was the ccnce'nsus of the I ; Council this requirement shodd be deleted. i Discussion was given to the requirenent of providing ease-! i ments in the rear of the lots for utility easements. The ; ::;i 1'1: I I ; Bierce :Xi :X: I 4 i':ii I f I I::: I :;I1 I I t :::I t: t a. Approving tentative map of Karren Estates Subdivi-: :::: :;:: :;:: :;;I :::: I $4 1 i Bierce : IX:Xi '11 I I I 1 I *I I 1 * I $1: * ;::: ;I:: ;::; ;::I ::;I I I :;:: I I I I :I:: :a:: iiii 1::1 I I I I i::: I ;:I1 I I :: 8 I I I ;il: e * I I I I I t !t:? e l I' ,\' '8' I 1 , -8 '\ ', '\ 8\ I I ', 8, '\, '8 \, '% 1 \\' 3 I -6- I I I I I 4 '8\ '\ '\ '\ '"'8, '\ \\ 8 \\ 8 I i ~a me 8, *\%, 8,;'~+ t : of '.$&?+\ b,b,o,.p#: ','<4 I Member .%@\*$ :""";"i"""~"""""-,,,"""~"~"""""""-. I i 1'; i Engineer for the Subdivider, asked, if the City was going tai I; in ;: ; require the Gas & Electric Co. tci piace the poles: in thCsei :it: i easements, if not they would like to know befdre the final; ;I:: 1 map is filed. The City Attorney stated she-felt in this i :I:;; :: ; case that the placement of the poles in the rear of the ; ;#I: I properties was more logical and she would lige to see the ; '1 1;;1 : ordinance enforced. I i::: I I :::I 1 I l* II : Nr, Frank DeVore, representative of the San Diego Gas 4 i ;:I: I: i Electric Co,, informed the Council. that if the City does i I!:: : enforce their ordinance requiring utility easements to the; $11 @I l:;l i rem of the property, they would acquire additional ease- I ::a: ! ments for right-of-way purposes from the property owners. : ::I# :: 3 I I ;::; I I ;;:I : After further discussion by the Council it was agreed that: 1,;; I Magnolia be 32 feet with a curb radius of 41 feet, that i :I# I i sidewalks in the cul-de-sac would not be required by the : 1::; I::; i City, and that the Subdivider would not be required to dee$ ;;#I i the rear 42* of Lot 5 to the City for future street pur- ; I::! : poses, I I :!I: t I I i;:: : The following resolution was presented for the Council's i :;i: i review; i Guevara i i ;Xi f i Bierce I XI !X: i Res. #729. A RZSOLUTFON OF THE CITY CCUNCIL OF THE CITY ': Sonneman i : :Xi i OF CARLSBAD APPROVING TEhTATIVE MAP OF KARI3SN ZSTATSS i McPherson ; : :X! i SUBDIVISION, WAS ADOPTED by title only and further reading! La Roche i !XiXi : waived, 4 I ::i: 1 I I I 1:;; : NEW BUSINESS: I I I;:; I I ::*I l a. iiesolution of Intention No. 728, amending Ordin- I 11:: i:: I I 1::: 4 I 0: $11 I I I 11 1 I I :I 1 11 I I i ance No. 9060, allowing a clubhouse in an R-l Zohe. i At the previous meeting the City Attorney was instructed i :;;: : to prepare a Resolution of Intention stating the Council's: ;:;: I intention to amend Ordinance No. 9060 allowing a club- : house in an R-1 Zone. The City Attorney read the proposed: f resolution. Under Section 2 of the resolution a proposed i i restriction was made, wherein any structure erected upon ; ;:;; : the property shall not be used for public dances, : Mrs. Gladys Vance, one of the members of the Woman's Club i i asked why a restriction was being made. I I t I I III: :::i I I I ::;: !I:: 11:; ::I: I I :::: I I I ;If: 1 I :::; I I I l;;l :#I: I l:a* I :!:: I I 0 i The City Attorney pointed out that under the ordinance no : i public meetings are allowed in an R-1 Zone, and the I I i surrounding property owners protested at the meeting of i : the Planning Commission to evening entertainment. I * i Mrs. Granger, 3845 Skyline Kd., ?Is0 a member of the i Woman's Club, stated they would have to present this to I : the members for their approval as they will have to rent ; i the building in order to pay for it. ; After further discussion the following resolution was ; presented for adoption: I I I Resolution No. 728, A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY CCUHCIL OF i I THE CITY OF CARLSBAD STA'IING T2412 1NTGNTIC)N TO ALLOW A : i CONDITIONAL USE PERhIT ON PROYZRTY LEGALLY DZSCRIBGD AS i i A PORTION OF TWCT 252 AND 253, THUM L.ANDS, W NO. 1681; i : DIRECTING THZ PLANNING COP&ISSION TO HOLD A HEARIKG TO ; ! CGNSIDEK THIS CHANGE AND CIABCTIMG THE SCCRETARY OF THX i : ORCINANCE NC. 9060, was adopted, ; A short recess was called at 10:45 P.N. The meeting re- i i convened at 10:55 P.Pi- I I t I I I I I I I I I I I * I I 1 I I : PLANNII~G COLWIISSFON TO ADVZZTISZ FOR THE AMNENDKBNT TO : I I I I I 4 I I 3 I I 1 I 4 I I I I I I 1 4 I 4 I 1 I I I : I I I I I I ;:I: ;::' ;:il l;:l :a;; ':,I ;e*: l;;l 841: I::; :::; $11 11 4:; :;I1 11 :::; :::; 1;;l :;:: ;;I: 14:: Guevara : jXiX: IlIl Bierce i Xi :X! Sonneman I ; !X: McPherson ; i :Xi La Roche i : !Xi '::; ::;; :::e 1::: :a;: I( ;:;: 4;; :::; ;:/ 1;;: ::I: tlI* !I#! , P I I I I I I I 3 I I I I I 4 -7. I I I I I I I 1 I I I 1""""""""""""""""""~"""""""""""""""""""~- 0 I I 1 I I I : OLD BUSINESS: I ! I 1 I a. Second reading of Ordinance No. 1072, establishin4 i a Board of Library Trustees. The following ordinance was : : presented : i Crdinance No. 1072, AM OR9INANCZ OF THE CITY OF CAKLSBAD i i ESTABLISHING A BOARD OF LIBRARY TRUSTEES, was adopted by .: : title only and further reading waived. I 1 I 1 I I I 1 1 1 I t I I 1 I I b. Second reading of Ordinance No. 4002, amending t I i Ordinance No., 4001, requiring certain water service char- I i Ses. The following ordinance was presented: I I 1 I I I i Ordinance No. 4002. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD i ! ANSNDING ORDINkSCE NO. 4001. BY ADDING TO SAID ORDINANCE : i REGAWING EXCHANGE OF wrzR"mzxs, EXCHANGZ OF SERVICES, i i AND RELOCATION OF SSXVICE AND LOAN MTERS;AND FURTHER PRO-: : VIDING A METHOD OF INSTALLING A WA'TER MAIN EXTZNSICN REG i i QUIRING THE PAYMENT OF THZ COST BY THE BdNEFITSD PROPERTY : i OWNERS AND FIXING TH8 SCHZDULE OF CHARGES TO B% LMPOSCD i i FOR TH3 CONNECTION TO THE WATER SYSTZM, was adopted by f r title only and further reading waived. I I I # I 4 I I c. Second reading of Ordinance No. 7028, providing i i all capital contribution charges be placed in %anitation I : I"---- Fundvs. The following ordinance was presented: I I , I I I : Ordinance No, 7028. AN ORZINANCE OF THE CITY Or" CARLSBAD i : ANENDING Oi3IjiINANCE NO. 7020, SECTION 8, PROVIDING ALL I I i CAPITAL CCNTRIBUTION CHARGLS SHALL BE PLACSD IN THE I I : SANITATION FUND, was adopted by title only and further i i reading waived. 1 I ! I I 1 I I d. Second reading of Ordinance No. 3044, amending I I i Ordinance No. 3027, increasing prima facie speed rimit on i i Chestnut Avenue. The following ordinance was presented: i I I ! I i Ordinance No. 3044. AN GRDINANCZ OF THE CITY OF CARLSB.0 : : ANENDIEG ORDIHANCZ NO, 3027, SECTION 2, BY ADDING SUBSXT-: : ION (D), INCRZASING PRIPA FACIE SPEED LIMIT ON CHESTNUT ; : DRIVE AND MCNKOE STREET, was adopted by title only and : : further reading waived. ; AVSNUZ TO THIRTY-FIVE MILES PZR HOUR BETWEEN FIO PIC0 i I 4 4 I I I : CITY Iri'ECRNBY 'S REPOXT I I , I 8 I I 1 I i Lease of the Lagoon - San Diego Gas & Electric Co. At the i i first meeting with Mr. Owens, Mr. DeVore~and Mr. Forward, : : Attorney.for the San Diego Gas & Electric Co., it appear- i : ed that a 25 year lease- could be executed. Unfortunately ; : the press misquoted statements of all parties concerned. i I I I I i I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I Oj I t I I I I I 1 I I I I 4 1 1 I I I 1 I I I Subsequently a meeting was held with Mr. Stewart, Mr. t I Noble, Cmn. Bierce, City Manager and herself. Mr. Noble : agreed to give further consideration to a long term lease i on the inner lagoon after the City presented its facts to : him. There was also discussion regarding a lease on the i middle lagoon and beach frontage. The City Attorney was i later notified that the Gas & Electric Coo was unwilling : to enter into a long term lease. The officials of the : company felt the clause in our present lease, which all- i ows the City to continue to lease from year to year, un- : less cancelled, was adequate. However, the Gas & Zlectric: Co. was willing to enter into a short term lease on the i middle lagoon and the beach frontage if the City so des- ; i red. I I The City Attorney stated she felt the City has suffered a i serious rebuff in this case. The development that was ; planned in the upper lagoon is jeopardized. Krs. Hayes ; I I I I I I I I I I ! '\ \*\ % '' ,\ \\', ',,+, '\\'\, ', ,. \\' 34 of \+&, '' '?& 8, *\,",, '\, '\\"\ ~a me ',\\',?6, '\ 8 '.&. Member \Q@,+?$q '+ ;;;j ::bl pi: 1::: :'I1 :c: ill: l:;l Guevara i : ; X: Bierce ; i Xl Xi . Sonneman i : i X! McPhersoq : : X: La Roche i 2 i XI :::: ;::: l;:l :;a: ;I:: II'I :;:: :: ::;a Guevara : : : X: ~ierce i X! ; $ Sonneman i f i X: McPherson : : : X La Roche : !X! Xi :;II ::i: i::: ;:ii ;;- *I 1:;1 \,L'O\g\ -f"""""""""""- 11 ;i:: Guevara i i : Xi Bierce i ; i Xi Sonneman : i : X: PicPherson : $ i X: La Roche ; i X: Xi :I 11: ::;I !:I: ;::: 1::: i: ;I :@I: Guevara : i Xi X: 1'11 Bierce i ; :Xi Sonneman i i i X: McPherson: : : X\ La Roche : Xi I X; ;:I: ;: :I $11 :i :ii: I::: :s*: I ; .; I 1: iijj tt iiii :::I ::;I !iii :::; :::: ::;I ;:4 ;:I: ,;:: :::: :;:: ::i; ;;;; 'I!: :: :::; 1: :1 1';: ;:Il I:;: ;::I ::I: :a:: :;;: :I;: ;:*I 1:;: 11 !*I! '3 I f \\\.\.. I I 8 '' I I '\ ',,"\, ', '\ '8 I 1 '. ' t '\ '\,'\, '.$ \ 1' '@e, ; '$$$ I I I I I I I -8- I '+"%\8 '\\\\ ' \,,$, '\ 3: I I i Name "x,+\@ 8, $>, : of Di ~""""""""""~"""~"""-~""~""""~""""""""""""~"-""""-"-"""--~-- : Member $$@,+'@.(: I I :Ill recommended that she be allowed to introduce a bill to : :ii: I amend Section 101 of the Harbors and Navigation Code of I ::;I i the State of California. I :::: I I@tl I I 1::; : Cmn. Bierce stated he agreed with the City Attorney. He i :If1 1::: i talked with sone of the past members of the City Council : :I:: :;#I : and in every case negotiations with the San Diego Gas & : I;;# i Electric Co. have been difficult. Now our lease is withi4 t81: I::; : one year of running out; we have not asked for one thing ; ;::I i that we did not have before except for the length of the : :::;; tll : lease. At the meeting with Mr. Noble he made his position: :::II ::::; 11 1 very clear. His position is production. Carlsbad has a i : position also - the people of Carlsbad should be able to : ::::; ii:;; i use these waters. We are bucking a monoply. In other i ;;::I : cities in southern California the power companies have : i;;:; : worked with the cities. 1 I I ::;!I I I iIi:~ i Cmn. La Roche stated his experience with the San Diego Gas: I' I::1; 81 i & Electric Co. is that they evidently are not concerned : 11 I 11;; : with Public Relations. I I ::I: I I I I ;;;; I MR. SANBORNE, representing the proposed developers of I la;: ;;I1 i properties in the upper lagoon, stated that a meeting with: 1:: ; the gas company, Mr. Noble stated that if they so desired : ii:: I they could fence the entire lagoon. 1 I 1:;: "1:; !i::: i Cmn. Bierce stated these are tide waters. The Ocean water: ::::a ; does not belong to anyone. These waters cross over prop- i I$: ;::1: i erty owned by the City. ::::; 1 I ::::; [ MR. FRANK DeVOKE stated he would like to clarify the state; ;:/I :a1 : ment by Cmn Bierce. The property the water crosses over 3 0;:; ::;:: i is owned by the State of California, and they have an i !:::; 1: 'I i Easement from the State of California. If the City I I ::::; i Chooses to take action they would have to protest any i action that would take away their paramount right to the ; ;::;; I lagoon. I I I :hi! 1 I ::,I I I '::: 1, : Max EWALD stated he would have to take issue. The City : : has documentary statements and pictures back as far as i ;:I!: 1 :I;: I 1932 that these waters were navigable waters. ' I I I I:;:, i:::; i After further discussion, on motion of the Council the i G~~~~~~. i LJ~X~ ; : City Attorney was instructed to introduce a bill to amend ; B~~~~~ :XI !X: ; i Section 101 of the Harbors and navigation Code of the : Sonneman i I ;X! I : State of California: that the City Attorney be authorized ; Mcpherson: i ix; I i to employ any additional help she may deem necessary sub- .i La Roche ; i :x; ; : ject to the Council being advised, and if necessar.y that ; ~1:~; i Mrs. Hayes be authorized to go to Sacramento. 1 I ::::: I 1 ;ll'I I I I 4;:; i STATE Beaches and Parks. I I I 1;;:; 11 I ::dii i The Council was informed that while she was in Sacramento i : last week she inquired as to the status of the budget for : i:::: 1;::; i Carlsbad State Beach. They feel they will need $35,000 i ::;i; : for the acquisition of Property. Unfortunately, the I I ll;:; :; i $35,000 which the Division of Beaches and Parks had pre- i lll;l I::;: : viously scheduled for the 1961-62 budget has been deleted i ::I;: i in the interest of economy. The Legislative Counsel is I :;*I; I' : drafting a bill which Assemblyman Hedgland will introduce: 1:::: ! next week to augment the' 1961-62 budget to provide the i $:It : $35,000 for the necessary acquisition. Senator Fisher : I!;:! ; advised Mrs. Hayes that he will carry the bill in the t * ::::; I ::;:: ; Senate providing it passes the Assembly. I I :;::: 4 I I :;;:; i Joint Powers Agreement with Vista - Re: Sewers 1 I ;;::: : A meeting was held with Wr. Berry, Mr. Lill, the City Man-: ::;I: 1:1 i ager and herself, and they went over the entire agreement.: ::;;: : They are now preparing another draft,based on our suggest-; ((1 :::I, 8: : ed changes. I I I :;;:; :; 1; I I :;:;I I I ::::i I I ;;::I I I I :;!:I 1 1 I I I I 11 I I 9 I I I I I ta I I lll:; I 11l1 4 I 8 I ;#I 9 1 I@ I I 11 I I I I I I 1 9 I I !II!l " I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I" I I I I I I B I 1 I I I I + I 1 I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I * I I I I 1 I I I 1 I * I I I I I 1 I I I I t I I I I 4 I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 1 I I I 1 4 I I I I I r I I 1 1 I I I 8 I 1 I I I I I I 4 I I 1 L I I I 1 I I I I I 1 I I f I I t s I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I '\8' I , '\ '\ '\\ .\, I '\, 'x ', \ 8 ' I 1 I \, \\ \,' 'x '8,''. 3 f 'r of '.pL\$-,;\,?t\$+ ' f+', -9- '\ '\ '\ '., ', '\ '.+'$+ \ i N a me ', '++ '\, '$k \" 1 Member $j@','&?\\rc ,""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""-~"-""""""""""~" I #I!! 'I 1 Assemblyman Hegland stated he received the comunication : regarding the exemption of the sales tax on prescriptions; He did vote in favor of this Sill, but voted against othet items being exempt. I 1 I I 1 A letter was written to the City Attorney in Los Angeles,: regarding any regulations or ordinances they might have ; relating to tteyeso.resfa in their City. An ansder was re- i ceived back and they do not have any ordinance, or have not been instructed to prepare such an ordinance; However; they are trying to enforce their building requirements : - more strictly, Cmn. Guevara presented Mrs. Hayes with i a news clipping stating that subsequent to this clipping : dated March 1,1960 the City Attorney of Los Angeles had i been instructed to draft such an ordinance. I I I 11;; ::ll :::: :::: :::I i ;:; ; Il,! (('8 *II( III, IlIt 11:; :::: :::: i::t 1::: ;#I; l:IJ :;st tI 41;; ::#I 11:: :;I# ;;:: :!:: CITY MANAGER'S REPCRT: -, I I 11:; :!!I 1 The City Manager and the City Engineer attended a meeting: last Friday at the County Operations Office, This meet- : ing was in regards to funds being obtained under Public i Law #660. Under the present law the maximum amount that f a corporation can apply for is $250,000, or 36% of the i cost. There is a bill being introduced, which if passed,: would enable cities to apply for approximately $600,000. i Vista and Carlsbad could make separate applications in ; hopes of obtaining the maximum amount. 8 I i;:: 11:; 1I;;l ;:'I; ~l:~, 11 41:;: ::::I :;::I ;:;a; 1:::: '1;; :I llg: 7. $1 11 Ill I:!! I 1 Transfer of funds. At the previous meeting the Finance i Director was instructed to present a list of the various : sewer and sanitation funds for the Council to review, to i see if some of the funds could be combined. After con- i sideration by the Council, on motion of the Council it ; was agreed that the '"Sanitary construction Fund'' be com- : bined with the 'G'eneral FundP', and that the 'Sewer Later-: a1 Revolving Fundti be combined with the "Sanitation Fund. Os I I I L I I I Policy for City participation in street ixprovement pro-, i jects, A suggested policy for City participation in I ! street improvements projects was submitted for the Councif cilcs review. After consideration by the Council, by i motion of the Council it was agreed that this policy be : adopted, and that the restriction be removed to allow the! ~" 15~ tax rate used €or local streets, I I I I North Carlsbad Fire Protection, The residents of North i Carlsbad have requested that if the City of Carlsbad . i decides to terminate fire protection in the North Carls- ; bad area, that they be given a 90 day written notice. By! common consent of the Council it was agreed this was a ; reasonable request. Woman's Club property in Holiday Park, The committee I appointed by the Mayor to study the purchase of the I I Woman's Club property in Holiday Park met, and it was their recommendation that a price of $5,500.00 be offered i the Wornants Club for Parcel reBtr, It was agreed by the : members of the Council that an offer of $5,500.00 be made! to the Woman's Club for Parcel pLBop. : 4 L I 4 I I I I * 1 ;;;: it*: ,:*I I I :' Bierce :Xi !XI Sonneman i ; :X: McPherson: i :X: La Roche : : !XI I::: :::: :::: ;::I Guevara * f X: Xi B i erce ;xi :x: Sonneman i I iX i McPhersonI : !Xi La Roche : i :X: ;::: ::I: ::;;I ::;;; i:::: ::':I 1:::; ::;:I :';:I ;L1l ;:;:I ;:::; ;:I:; ;:i;; :ii:; ir;; :::I 11 It Guevera i iX:X: :: :Ill l!!I :::: ;::: I Letter of Thanks was read from Mr. Pierce Davis, one of i the Planning Commissioners, for the flowers sent to him ; by the Council during his illness, Discussion was given as to the City purchasing a parcel i of land on the inner lagoon. It was pointed out the parcel contains approximately 4 1/2 acres of flat land \ and has approximately a 300' frontage on the lagoon. The : owner is asking $135,000. After discussion by the Coun- i cil it was suggested that Mayor Sonneman contact the I I I I I I I I I I I ! I I I I. 1;:: 1::: :;a: I::: ::;: I.!# ;;i: ;:#I ;:I: :ii: i:;: :; i$i ::I: :i:: :::: -1 !*I! th 0 I I I I I I I I I " I i -.I."- I - III- $ I I f I I I I I 1 I I I :""""""""-."""""""""""""""-."""""""""""""-!... I 1 I I I I I : owner to see what terms could be arranged. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I t I I I I I I I I I I 1 t I 1 I I I 1 RATIFICATION OF PAYROLL AND BILLS: Ratification of the bills was given for the general ex- I penses of the City in the amount of $8,910.81 and for i the Water Department in the amount of $6,721.85, from ; February 21, 1961 to March 7, 1961, as certified by the I Director of Finance and approved by the Auditing Commit-\,, ; tee . Ratification of the payroll was given for the last half of February, 1961, in the amount of $13,551.74, as certified: by the Director of Finance and approved by the Auditing I Committee. I I s l I I I f 1 i ADJOURNMENT : : By proper motion the meeting was adjourned at 12:05 A.M. : I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I f i Respectfully submitted, ! ; I I I I I I 1 1 I i Deput; City Clerk 1 I I I I I 1 I I I I I ! I I I , I ! I I I I I 1 *. I I I I I I I I t I L I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I ! I I I I 8 I ! I 1 I I I I ! I I I I I I I I t ! 1 1 I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I ! 1 I I ! I I I I I I I 1 I I I I 1 + I 1 , I 8 I I I I I I I I I I I I t 1 t I I I I I I I I I I I ! I I I 1 ! 1 I I 1 I ! I I I I t s I I I I I t I I I I I I 4 I I I I I I I I I i I I I I I I I 1 I I I I 1 ' I I ! I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ! '\ '.\ "' 8, ', \, '8 '\ " \ ', \, '\ '\ '8 ',, x, '\ '\ '. 88, 31 S8 '\ ', 888' ' Name '8 '??& '\,, '8+, ,F,8 Member $.?@\*8p$ :;:: :I:; ::;I :::\ i:ii Guevara :X: :X: Bierce , : :xixi Sonneman i 1 :X: McPherson 1 !Si La Roche i i :x; :I*: l::l Guevara : : :Xi Bierce : : ; ' :x; l Sonneman ; I :X: McPherson :X: :X: La Roche I :X:Xi 1+1( Of '\,.s, '$?b $p, ,o 8 .p",#fl \* ."_""""""_"""" '11. 11 :ii: f:;; i:II 11 :::: ;!:; 1:; i::: :::: 4:: !:/; :::; :::: i::; iiii I:*# $:: :I:: 1::; ::;; ::;; :::; :::; i::: ili: 11;; ::I; I:;; :::: i::; ;::: :ii: !:4 81 ::i: ::II :::: :ii: ::;: ;:;: i::: ,I:; :i:: ::ii I::: :::I :::; :::: I::: I::; ::;: ii:: 11:: ::;: (ti1 i::: :i:: :I:: :i:: :;:: ::;: :::; ::;; L; ; ; :i:: i::: 1::: :I:: I(I1 ltl: 11 ((It +I $18 iiii 11: ,!I.