HomeMy WebLinkAbout1961-03-21; City Council; MinutesI I f *8 8 '8 88 '8 '\\ I I I i N a me '8 '\$& '*, 'd \8 t I CITY OF CARLSBAD I '8 y,., 'S8 'b8 8.. -1 : Minutes of: CLTY COUNCIL (Regular Meeting) I Date of Meeting: March 21; 1961 ; Time of Meeting: 7:OO P.M, i of' '*&ii ',& d'.p'4#'. 8, 'p, ! ("""""""""" Place of Meeting """"""""~~"""""""""--""""""""~"~"~"""""" : Council Chambers : Member @@.&?4 ""t" '', 88 ' '8 ' 8, '+ 88, \ ' '.,'%, 3 f , $& I ! !!I*' t i ROLL CALL was answered by Councilmen Guevara, Bierce, ; Sonneman, Mefherson and La Roche, Also present were City i i Manager Slater and City Attorney Hayes. I I : ALLEGIANCE TO the Flag was given. I INVOCATION was offered by Rev. Andrew D. Milstead. ! L 4 I t I I I 4 I I I t 1 I 4 I a I : APPi3OVkt OF MIMUTdS: I I I : I I I r 1 a. Minutes of the regular meeting of Mar@ 7, 1961 i t were approved as corrected. i CORRESPONDENCE : I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I t I t a. Letter dated March 20, 1961 from the Carlsbad I i Chamber of Conanerce stating that at the regular meeting of I ; the Board of Directors held March 14, 1961, they resolved i i to lend their full support toward the City's effort to de- : i Clare the waters navigable on the Agua Hedionda Lagoon. i i Chamber of Commerce Sign Cmittse, requesting permission 1 i to erect two billboard directory signs for the various I + { service clubs, one to be located on Carlsbad Blvd. at the :, i north entrance to the City, approximately 500 feet south t ; of the City boundary sign on the west side of the boule- i : vard, and the other sign to be erected at the south en- ; i trance to the city, approximately 300 feet north of the i : intersection of Carlsbad Blvd, and Highway 101. A pro- ; i posed design of the sign was presented for the c'ouncilvs i ' i review. After discussion by the Council it was their 8 I ; opinion that the sign should be larger and of better de- i I sign. By motion of the Council it was agreed that the 1 I ; Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce be granted permission to erec4 i the two directory signs for service clubs, and they be re- : ; quested to have the sign larger and of better designb 4 I 1 I I I I bo Letter dated March 14, 1961 from the Carlsbad 1 I .I 1 I I I I I * C. Letter dated March 11, 1961 from Emily M. Walk& i i 2643 Ocean Ave., submitting a claim for damage to a matti ; ; ress on their S4anmons Hide-a-bed, caused by a sewer stop- i i age on Oceqn Ave. By motion of the Council the claim was ; : denied and the matter referred to the insurance carrier. I I I I I I d. Letter dated May 9, 1961, from the Southern Caii- i i fornia Regional Association of County Supervi,sors regard- ': : fng the inequitable distribution of State Highwy Construb i i ction Funds. A resolution was adopted by the Association : : urging a reviesfon of the so-called Mayor-Bree'd F6rmula i i to provide & minimum 6f 6OZ df the State Highway Construc; : ; tion Funds to the Southern Cobnkies as compared to 55% i i currently allocated. The resoiution also urged all South- i i ern Counties and municipagities to support such revision ; ; as proposed in Assembly Bill 1320, by adopting a similar : ; resolution. The following resolution was presented for th< : Council's review: I I : ,Resolution No. 732. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF i i THE CITY OF CA-RLSBAD, SHDORSING A LEGISLATIVE PROGRAM TO I i ANEM) 'THE hAYO-BREED FO-PMULA AS PROPOSED IN ASS&BLY BILL ; ; 1320, was adopted by title only and further reading waived{ ; Mayor Sonneman read a letter received by her from Cmn. La-! i Roche, tendering his resignation from the Council effective : as of Arril 1, 1961, due to business reasons. By a uno i I animus vote of the other four members of the Council Cmn.: : La Roche's resignation was not accepted. : Cmn. La Roche expressed his appreciation for the vote of i ! confidence given him by the members of the Council, and if I ; the members were willing to accept him under the conditio* 1 I I I I I 4 I I I * 4 I I 4 I I 1 t & I I I I I I I I I I I i: ;! 1: :; :; :I ;: _. *. : :; i: 1: J; ;: ;: ;: ;; ;: :; ;: ;: ;: t8 1: :; :: :; :; :I ;: ;: 1: :; :: :I ;: ;: Guevara i !X Bierce :XI Sonneman I ; McPhersoq i La Roche 1 : *a I@ Guevara : k Bierce *+ i Sonneman ; i McPherson i : La Roche * : ff :; :; :; :; :; :: : :. :; I: ;: ;: :: ;: ;: ;: ;f ' 88 1: :I $1 81 ti '* I' I' l1 ;: 'I Guevara : !X Bierce !Xi Sonneman : : McPherson i i La Roche : ; :; :* ;: ;: ;: :: !: ;: ;: :i :: ; .;! I -? : t. It I1 I1 8' ,;I :I/ tfi I:' #I1 ;:I l:3 :fi Iii :'I ;I; I:( i:i $11 If1 :a1 I;( :;I ::; ::i ::i ::I 11: ::; :SI Ill rii *I( ::I 11; i;; :; ;: If :; :: :; :: :; ;; :: :I ;: l8 kI ki 8: jt: 8: :Xi 8: x: iq x: I: ;: :: ;; ;: IC I:' :; :; :; :; :: :' ;: ;: ;: $! (X I :x ; %: ;x : ;: ;: ;: ;; ;: ;: ;: ;: ; :I ; :, 't : .# I!: -4; : 1: :: :* It $1 I* It +I t' I@ It I 8;:l 4 , '\\.\ \'. I I ., 8 ', ', '% I 02- I \, \', 8 \' I 1 *I I - I I ', '*8"\, *8 ', '8 I 1 '\\ ',8 ', *\,'.\'\\ 3: I I i Na me \%,,8$$, 8 &&'~* 't% I I i Of 8,&\08.g\\ $$$ I I \. '.&, I 1 Member %'e,Fb9\d ~"""""""""_""~~"""""~""~"*""""""~""~~"-"""""~"~"""""".,"""-~,~- I I mi riii 4 I :::I I I I I i::: ;;ir :::: It ;:I: 1::: I i ::*I ;;:: :::I :::; ::L ;:I ;:I* :: :i:: ! set forth in his letter, he would withdraw his resignation: f ORAL COP&lUNlCATIONS : : MR. HOWARD YARBROUGH, a member of the Carlsbad Boat and i i Ski Club, stated a letter had been submitted to the Court- i r cil too late for the meeting this evening, and requested : ; permission to read the letter at this time, Pk. Yarbrough: I was granted permission by the Council. : The letter stated that they had previously requested the ; i dates of September 23rd and 24th for use of the lagoon to i : conduct the California State Water Ski Championship meet. ; :::, { They were informed the Council had set a policy whereby I i no special events would be granted from 3une 1st through ; ; October of each year. Due to the fact the national sane- I I::# i tion for water ski championships has been granted to Carls.1 ; bad, they requested that they be granted permission to holg Guevara ; : :Xi I 1) i this event OR September 23rd and 21th. After consideratioft Bierce ix i :x i ; by the Council, by motion of the Council, it was agreed ; 1 Sonneman I I :X, i that an exception would be made to the Council's policy in I McPherson i !X !X i ; this instance, and that the dates of September 23rd and ; 4 La Roche ; i :X: i 24th be allowed for this special event. i PUBLIC HEAilINGS: i to grant a Conditional Use Permit to the Carlsbad Union i I church. The hearing was opened by the Mayor's announcement i ; that the hour of 7:30 P.M. having arrived, this was the : ;::I : time and plece fixed €or the hearing of protests, object-: i ions or appeals in respect of the Appeal of the decision i i of the Planning Commission to grant e Conditional Use ; Permit to the Carlsbad Union Church. i The Clerk certified as to proper notice having been given. : i The Mayor asked the Clerk to present all written corres- i i pondence that had been received. The following letters : ; were presented: I I Letter dated March 21, 1961 from Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Black- i : burn, stating they were forced to move from the apartments : i owned by Mr. and Mrs. Johnson due to the noise caused by i 1 the basketball court. I $1: i Letter dated March 20, 1961,from Charles R. Holmes sta,ting i : they are tenants of Mr. and Mrs. Johnson, and wished to ; i protest any recreational area next door to their apartment,': I:':: i The Mayor stated the Council would first hear from the i : appellants. t I I::: r ;::; a I;;* :;I1 1: :t:1 t * * I 1 I I 81 I I ::I; I t I ;:!e I I $:': :I:: I A. Appeal of the decision of the Planning Commission i :::; i!i: ;::: ::I: 1::: ::I: ::ir t I I ::;e I 1 I' ::I:: i:!:! t I I $'I' ;:I; !' 1;;1 i:;: I :! 4 I 8 I :!;: i::; :i;: ::;: i::: 1 t 111 1:: I:;: I:;: 1:;:; I I 4 ai:; :it:! t:;i I :si IL8 I;;; I :*#I 11;; I I I I I t I I t I I iiii I I i 8 * I I I I I ! Mrs. ELI P. JOHNSON, one of the appellants, read a state- i i ment of pretest (which is on file in the office of the City! : Clerk), in which she protested having the property adjoin; .. i ing their property used for recreational purposes because { :,'I l'(1 : of her tenants, and the income derived from these rentals : 11': i is their only livelihood. !AS there were no other persons desiring to speak against i 4;: : this matter, the Mayor announced the Council would now I hear from all persons wishing to speak in favor. : REVdRAND BROKENSHIRE, representing the Carlsbad Union #Church, explained the reasons for the church making this i i request, and pointed out this was part of the program of ; !the church to try and meet the needs of the comnity. :Mr. GALE NEEDHAM, 2027 Charleen Circle, addressed the !Council in favor of this Conditional Use Permit for the { ;::I ;::: I :::: I ;::; ::a:; $11; 1:84 I I iliil I :'::; l1 1:::; ::;:I I) I i::;; * I::;> I 1 :;;* t I :I;: i : ' :; ::;: I t I ;:'I I ;::: I 1 ; ; ;:: I I I I I I I I l I a: I I 1 8 ; 1. * I t I I 4 l * a I 1 I' ; t :!I, I I 1 ', \.\ 8,' ,8\ 1 \. I '\\'\\ ', \\ ' ' 1 , ,, \,,\x, '8'88''\ I 1 N a m e'\.>8$$:8 '.dJ, I I ; of '.$ 0' v58 I I ,?>e, 4, %$. lla:: "1:; !I::: 1 I I :::;: I I :;::: I ::;I: I :::II I ;:::I 1 l::l1 S I :I*;: 4::: ;:;:: f ::::: I ;;:;: :I::! ::::I I I I ::;;: t I :;':: I :!!I! 111 I -1 I I \ \ '8 '8,'*, 40 I -3- :""~""""""""""""-"""""""""-~."""""""-""--""-~"""""""""""-~". i Member ,@<h\p8k'+x(* ,o.g.,p&y I he stated they lived across from the highschool ; ;'I f : Church,/but the noise does not bother them. The improve- t *::I1 i ments' are to be paid for by the members of the Church and i 1 they want this recreational program for the children, I 1 I::;, i MR. THCFWS CRENSHAW, 3334 Terrace Lane, Oceanside, add- ; ressed the Council in favor of the Conditional Use Permit,: ;i;:: : as the Church has long outgrown the Patio €or recreational; ;;I:: I:: : purposes. : MR. GARTH MILLER, 306 Olive, Carlsbad, addressed the I Council in favor of this Conditional Use Permit, as he : felt that if the Church can guide children along the right i i channels, we have gone a long way in achieving our goal. : ::p: I *I I MRS. ELI P. JCHNSCN, stated they were opposing this play- i :::I: : ground in order to protect their livelihood, and felt i there were already sufficient playgrounds in the area for I ; the children. I I :::I: I:# i The Mayor declared the hearing closed at 8:lO P.M. I B I I I I I I I I I ::::: I I I I t I 1 11 I 4 I : Discussion was held by the Council and it was felt that 1 i if this playground were to be used at night that some re- i : strictions. should be made in granting the Conditional Use : i Permit. Onmotion of the Council it was agreed that the i Guevara : Planning Commission be informed that the City Council con- i ~i~~~~ i curs with the findings of the Planning Commission, with ; sonneman : the exception that any night activity be confined to one i McPherson i night a week, and that the playground lights be turned off ; L~ Roche : by 1O:OO P.M. I I ; A short recess was called at 8:45 P.M. The meeting recon- i i vened at 9:OO P.M. I I I I I I I I $ I 1 I. I I I i PUBLIC HEARINGS (Continued) I I I b. Removal of all potential zoning from the City of i i Carlsbad's zoning map. The hearing was'opened by the I I : Mayor's announcement that the hour of 7:30 P.M, having 8 I i arrived, this was the time and place fixed for the hearing I i of protests, objections or appeals in respect of the Re- : :mova1 of all potential zoning from the City of Carlsbad's I i zoning map. I I :The Clerk certified as to proper notice having been given, ; :There were no written protests received by the Clerk up to ; i the hour of 7:30 P.M. i The Mayor declared the hearing open and asked if anyone i :wished to address the Council. I i There being no response, the Mayor declared the hearing i i closed at 9:05 P.M. I I 1 1 4 I I I I I 1 I I I I 1 I I I 2 I I I I I I ! The City Attorney offered the following resolution €or i reading and adoption: i Res. 8731 , A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY i : OF CABLSBAD ANNOUNCING FINDINGS AND DKLSICN ilGGA3DING I i ELIMINATION FROM THE ZONING MAP OF ALL POTENTIAL ZONE :CLASSIFICATIONS, was adopted by title only and further i reading waived. I I i The City Attorney presented the following ordinance for a i : first reading: I 1 : Ordinance No, 9114. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD ; i AMENDING SECTION 1504 OF ORDINANCE NO. 9060, ELIMINATING i :FROM THE ZORING MAP ALL POTENTIAL ZONES, was given a first ; I reading. ! I I # I I I 1 I 1 I I I I I I 1 I 0: I I 1 I I I I 1 I I I I t I I I 1- I I 1 I I I I I ! ;;: Ill:; ;;1:1 ;I8 1; ::::: I!;:; :x: !x; i : : : :xi ; i :xi ; : I : :xi : ix;x; ; i:' ' :;::\ ;I!;; ::I;:; ::::I :I$:; 1::~l :*I;; ;: I*$ IiI ::;;I :::;; i:::~ ::i:~ ::I: ::I; :::; 4:: :::I 1*1: ::@a !t:! 1 *I ;;I; :::: 1::: :::: :::; :;:I ::;: !:::I :::: iii: 911 !ll! I t I I I I I Guevara ; Bierce i Sonneman : McPhersoni La Roche : I 1 I t I Guevara i Bierce ; Sonneman : McPhersoni La Roche i I L I I I I I I I I I + I I l I I I I I a Xi I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I x: I I I I I * I I I 1 I :; :: -1 !: ;x: i XI i x: x: xi I: i: ;XI : x: :Xi xi x: I x: Ii ;: I: ;: la ; X: 11 ID 18 m 1. I I 8 \*. \ %.. t I I -* I , I' . .. .. I . -4- i 8, -\ -\ '8 ', -. I \' '\ '\ ' ' ' I : I 8, '\, ', '8,",'8\ : Name \\.'*% .,'\% '\, '\ '\, '\\'\ \ \ 41 ggjj '\,'+\8 lo'' .9'& W\+'O \d 8 f i of "3 v"-, t : Member '*$ ;"","~,,~,,"""~,",,,","""""""","""""""-""-"""".""""--"-"-"-~---~~-;-~ I ::!I! I I I I I I I 1 I I I ; ENGINEERING : I a, Approval of final map of Bali Hai Terrace subdiv- : : ision. The final map of Bali Hai Terrace subdivision was i I presented for the Council's review. The Engineering i Department advised the Council the map met all of the re- i i quiremerits of .their department, and the City Attorney has I , ; approved the map as to form. By motion of the Council the i : final map of Bali Hai Terrace Subdivision was approved, : i and the Ctty Clerk instructed to sign the final map on be-! : half of the City of Carlsbad at such time as an improve- : i ment agreement had been enteked into between the City and i : the SubdiLider. 1- I I t t ;'I' 1:t; 11;; s;;l ::'I :,I; ::a1 8l:d *I:< ::oi 9:;; : :x; ~ xi :xi ~ : !x: ;x:xi ~ ; :x: i:i 11 ,(+I !!: I % I I I I I : I I I I I I I I Guevara i Bierce : Sonneman i McPhersoni La Roche i I I I 1 I t I 1 I ~ Terrace Subd~vision. The Council was advised the Subdive ' 3ierce ;i:; b, Acce tance of off-site draidage easement -~ali Haii Guevara ' :x; :"" ;x: I ider is willi~g to give an off-site drainage easement and i 'Omeman i ' 'x' ~ i 1: has been prepared for the Counci I fg acceptance. BY : McPherson' ' 'x: ! motioil of the Council the off-site drainage eaSementS werei La Roche ' ' '" I I I ; accepted . s I 11 ;;'I I t 4 : ii;: i PLANN~NG: I I ::!: I I;'] t 1111 I I I I I I a. Memorandum from the Planning Commission regarding i : a zone charige,of certain properties fronting on,Pio.,Pico i : Drive southerly oE,Elm Ave. and northerly of /Palm &+?.a I * i from Zone R-1 to Zone R-3. Memorandum from the Planning i : Conmission dated March 17, 1961, stating that in accord- : 1;;1 ::I: :;:: :::: 11:; ;:;I i::: 1::: 0 I ance with the Council *s request, a study was made of the i : area, and they would like to recommend that certain prop- : i erties be reclassified from Zone 2-1 to Zone ri-3. The i ; Secretary of the Planning Comission was firesent and point; i ed out on the City map the area recommended for reclassifij : cation by the Planning Commission. After due consideratiod i by the douneil the following resolution was presented €or i : the Council's review: i Resoldtion,.No. 734. A RESOLUTICM OF TiIE CITY CGUNCIL OF : i THE CITY OF CA'ilLSBAD, STATING THEIR INTZNTFON TO II5CLASS- i i IFY CZRTAIhI PZOPERTZES ON T1-E EASTZRLY SIDE OF PI0 PIC0 : I TO THZ SOUTH; DIRECTING THE PLANNING COb26ISSION TO HOLD A ! i HEARING TO.COWSIDER THIS CHANGE; AND DIXXTING THE SECRE- i I TARY OF THE PLANNING COWlISSION TO GIVE NOTICE OF THE i PROPCSED ZqNE CHANGE, was adopted by title only and furthe< i reading waived. 4 I I I I I I I DRIVE, BOUNDED BY ELM AVENUE TO THE NORTH AND PALM AVERUE I I I I I 1. I I. I PARKS AND dEC3EATION COPMISSION: I * I 1 ! i I 1 zi6 Appbintment to Parks and Recreation Commission. i i Kith the cohserlt of the Council the Mayor appointed Arthur; : Brown, 5026 Shore Drive, to f i 11 the vacancy on the Parks i t and Rekcreation Comission, created by the resignation of ; I Mir. Fred Maerkle . 1 1 I 1 I I I I 1 : LIBRARY: I I l I I d 8 i Letter from the Library Comission requesting the City i : Couheil to appose Senate Bill 789, concerning State aid fog i Libraries. i The City Manager stated he had Mrs. Cole, City Librarian, i ; to list the advantages and disadvantages to the City if : i this Bill were adopted, which were presented to the Councit. : Mr. Lowell Richardson, one of the Library Commissioners, : i was present and informed the Council he attended a meeting i : last year in Sacramento in reference to this matter. This ! i is the third year this bill has been presented, and the i : Library Commission has opposed it each time. They do 4 t i not feel it will be of any advantage to the small librarPe4, I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I l-pl I::: :::' :;:I 1'1 1:;; ;::a 1'1: I:( ;I:: ::i: I((I :::I ;:I' 811: @IS: :::; ;:a: ll!: Guevara : IXiX: Bierce ;Xi :Xi Sonneman: ; :X : McPhersod : ! i La Roche: I :X: :::* $4 #I!: It I ;:I: Guevara : :X !XI Bierce i i :Xi Sonneman i ; !X i McPherson; i :X: La Roche :Xi :X I :::: 4:; :;a :I:: 1::; i::: ;:I: 11:: I;# i;& :;I: :;:a ;:;I 1: 4;: ::I: 8::; :; :::I SI i::: ;::: 4:; :;:I ;I:: :::I. l::I: :;:: ::;i I( I I:al I. I I I I I I 1 1 I I I I I I I 1- I - Dl I I I I I I I I I I i I I I I I I I I I 1 I 4 I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I , I I I 4 -5- 1 I I I I I 1 """,,,"""""""""""""*"""""""""~"""..""""""~~ I due to the restrictions. After due consideration by the i Council the following resolution was presented for the I Council's review: Resolution No. 733. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY CCUNCIL OF : THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, OPPOSING SENATE BILL NO. 789, CON- i CERNING STATE AID FOR LIBUiXIES, was adopted by title only: and further reading waived, I I I I ~ -. .. I I I I CITY ATTORNEY'S REPOKT: I 8 i I I Agua Hedionda -Lagqon waters. The City Attorney advised the! Council she wdFlSacramento this past weekend; she immed- i iately contacted Assemblyman Hegland and Senator Fisher; ; copies of documents and pictures were presented for Sena- i tor Fisher and his Executive Secretary to review. Senator f Fisher stated he would be mcst happy to introduce a bill i declaring the waters of the Agua Hedionda navigable. I I Assemblyman Hegland, Jack Schrade and Jim Mills will be i co-authors of the bill. This bill will be introduced I I this week, and will probably go before the Natural Re'sour-I ces Committee of the Senate. Senator Fisher urged thkt ; we get as much evidence as possible as to use of the la- i goon for recreational purposes. I I I 'x\ x, -8 ', '8 -8 ', '8 \ \ 8 ' '8, 's '\,'\, \, ', 8, ', '8 '8 4 2 \, '\ 8 ', '\ '<, Na me '\, 't&, 8 '8\ ''9 8$A Me rn ber ,o '4 ,.PC 8d of ',% %?$$&$&4* \$2+8 ' ,4/' !:II; $1 """"""""""",", ::::; :::I, '::;I Ii :I:*! 1:::; Guevara i i X: X: ; #I Bierce i: :X; 1 Sonneman i : i X i McPhersoq 1 X! i La Roche I : i Xi ; Ill; ::::I :::I' )*I 81 :::l, :; i;:: ;::; 1::: :::I i::: It*: ;;:I t: :::: lll; :I1 iiii I11l (*I* 1::; :;I1 ;;:: I,!! I I I I : The City Attorney requested the Council's permission to : I have a bill introduced to lease fbr the City the State's i : tidelands, which would include the waters of the kgua I I i Hedionda Lagoon, and in addition the tidelands along the I ! beach south of the California State Beach. This bill I I i would be introduced in the ksserrtblyi By common consent of: : the Council the City Attorney vas granted permission to : i have this bill introduced in the Assembly. I I I iii: :I:: ii[i ii:: ::I; ::I: :ii: :: l1 1: :::a 1'11 * I I I i Discussion was given as to the hiting of a Legislative i i Advocate. Nr. Zweibach, former executive secretary to ; i Lt. Governor Glenri Anderson, was contacted and he is I : willing to act in this capacity for a fee of $2,500,00. i i The City Attorney further stated she would like to be preci j sent at various times as Mr. Zweibach 4s not an attorney. : i Cmn Bierce stated he felt their previous motion gave Mrs. i i Hayes authorization to go to $act&mentd as she saw fit, I : and it was his opinion that we should have a full time : : legislative,advocatei By Eotion bf the Council authoriza-: : tion was given for the employment of Mr. Fred Zweibach as i I Legislative Advocate for the City of Carlsbad, at the fee : : of $2500.001 I I i The City.Clerk represented the City of Carlsbad at a Plan-! i ning Commission meeting in Oceanside relative to certain i : properties-being reclassified for a proposed shopping cen-: I ter, in which the CjCp of Carlsbad has primary and second-i ! ary water rights. The City Clerk was present and informed; i the Council that h@ entered a protest on behalf of the Citt : 0% Carlsbakl due to the water rights. The application was ; ; dehiedi It was pointed out to the Council that the City i i of Farlsbad did not receive a formal notice of this hear- : i ing. By common,consent of the Council the City Manager i : was instructed, to,communicate with the City of Oceanside : i requksting th&F the City of Carlsbad be notified of any i : hearings that wobld involve any of the City of Carlsbad's : $ I I 1 I I 1 i water rights. I I i State Beaches and Parks. The Council was informed an amend! i merit to AB 800 had been drafted while she was in Sacraa : I I l a i mento, regarding funds for the Carlsbad State Beach in the: : 1961-62 budget. I I ; Claim for damages. A claim for damages has been received : i from Mrs. Katherine Y. Johnson in the arncunt of $28.55. 1 I I I I. I 8 1 1 I I I I I 1 I I 1 I I I * I I :ii: :;I: :::: ::;I :::I :;;; $;I I;: to;: Guevara ; : I : :xi Bierce :Xi :X: Sonneman i : i X: McPherson: : :Xi La Roche i iXiXi #;;a :::: ::;: i::: if:: $81 :; :::I '11: ::;I !::I 1::: :::; iii: i::; ;::; ::i; 18 II*I l:;l :It: ;::: 1::; :111 $11 1:: :I;; :a:: *;I: :::; ;::: ,:@I $1: l;;l ;::i 111: :111 iL: ::I; !;;I ;: :I I!!# t I' . ,.- \ 8' I I : '8\,","b8 '<, \' 8,,',, * 3 I ' -6- '\, '\ '8 . 8, '+, I i N a me '8, '%&, '8, ''$3, I : of '*\e, ' 8f+ -1 e : 1 '\ '%, '., '\ I I I I i Member $'@\*\p.d ~"""""""~."""""""""~~""""""~"""""~~"~""""""~-~.""~~~~~"""-~~"~~~- I*. *, \?b.O\ + .t'$ 4 I B :ii:; i This is in connection with an accident in which one of the i Guevara i :X !X i ~ i City vehicles was involved. The City Attorney recommended i Bierce :Xi F i I that the Claim be denied and referred to the insurance , : Sonneman : : :XI : carrier. By motion of the Council the claim was denied and McPherson i i X i i ordered referred to the insurance carrier. : La Roche ! i p i ! ! '!!I i Joint Powers Agreement. Re: Condemnatiqn of certain prop-! : erties for seier trunk line along the Buena Vista Creek. ; 1 I I L ;;:: 4:; :;'I ::I: i Mrs. Hayes informed the Council that Mr. Bruce Smith has i : been appointed a'ttorney for the City of Oceanside and the i ; Vista Sanitation District in this matter, and has prepared: i a Joint Powers Agreement, which includks ithe City of Carlsj ; bad. Mr. Berry, 'from the County Counselis office, feels : i that the Vista Sanitation District and the City of Carlsba< ; should bear a portion of the cost of the easement. Mrs. : i Hayes further stated that if the Council approves this i ; joint agreement, authorization should be given for the i City Nanager to execute the agreement on behalf of the i i City, however, as she just received the agreement this L I i evening, would like to have further time to s$udy it, By i I motion of the Council the City Manager was authorized to ; i execute the agrGement on behalf of the City at such time ! ; as the City Eng&neer and the City Attorney have approved I : ; the same. I I I I 1 "1 :::: :;I1 :.*;; ;:I1 It *:I8 :;SI :;:: 'I :I ::I: ,It1 ill: :;I: ::I1 Guevara I :I-: k i Bierce :X in :X : Sonrteman i : 3t i McPhersod : $ : La Roche I k X i 11 11 !;I: ::!! I: I I I t I In connection with the above matter th'e following resolu- I i tion was presented for ihe Council's review: I I I t:j: :;4 ::;: 1l;l It.! I i Res . 1735 , A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE 6ITY ! i QF CARLSBAD AUTHORIZING CONITEMNATION OF AN ~ASEMENT UPON i : CEKTAIN REAL PROP~RTY mt I~TXRES? ?HEASIS FOR USE AS AN : i EASEMiiNT FOR A SEWXR TRUNK LINE, bab adopted by title,onlyi i and the effective date of the resblutian to be the date i ; of the execution of the Joint Powers Agreement. I I i I L E I I 8 : CITY MANAGGK'S IIEPORT: -1 A letter was presented from the Fire Chief &f , the City of ! ; Oceanside, thanking the City of. Carihbad .far their partic- ; t ipation in the St. Malo Lumber Company fire. I I i ; &plica.tion for funds under Public Law 660: By mdtioii of i : the Council the City Manager was authorized to sign the : I apblication form for funds under Public Law 660. 4 I ! Legislative Bills, The City Manager presented a list of i : bills being considered be the Assembly, requesting action : ' i from the Council as to whether they favor or oppose the i : bills that were presented. I I t r t I I 6 * I I I I : The City Manager requested authorization for himself and i i the City Attorney to review requests for the Council actioq ; on pending bills in the Legislature when notification has i i been received from the League of California Cities, reques-: i ting that immediate action be taken favoring or opposing : ; any particular bill. The reason for this request is due td i the fact that time is of the essence and the Council would I : be unable to be contacted as to their feelings. By motion : i of the Council the City Manager and the City Attorney were i : authorized to send communications on legislation effecting : i cities to the respective legislative committees. :Job reclassification. The Council was informed there was : i a vacancy in the Pub1 ic Works Department, and he would like! i pernission to have a Labor-mechanic classification in this i ; department. It was his feeling the City could save money : : by having their own mechanic, and recommended that the I I I salary be set at 12-C, or $378.00 per month. , By motion of i : the Council it was agreed that a Labor-MechaQic be enployed: i at the rate of 12-C ($378.00) per. xmnth, in dccoYdance with! I 4 8 I 1 I I a I I I I I t I I 1 I 4 I 1 I I t i I *1i; iiii :::: rf is:: 4:: jl q:: t: Cuevara $, !xi Bierce : :X !X I Sonneman; ir : :X : McPheksorl : $ i La Roctie I : X : 1:;1 I;r i::: :::I Guevara : 8 !X I Bierce :X I g i Sonneman i I ~r : McPherso4 i, k i La Roche : $ F i 111, ::I! 16 I!!: :::: i::: 1::: ::;I ;:i; ;:I: :::I Guevara I I f bi gierce i F 1 i Sonnemtin i : 1 MdPherSorS( i x i La Roche.! : k ; ll:: ;::: It4 Guevara i ii :<X Bierce : !'X! X! Sonneman i I i X: McPherson: ; i X: La Roche i X: ;Xi :::I ;::i 't:;l :It: :::; ;{I: !;4 11 :::I I * 1 \, 8. ' ''8 I I I I 8' I I ', '\,888, ', 'I,'\, I I 41 * I i N a me '8 '8% '*.:ph I I : of 8$%?@\,\,+$ 0.. .I I 1 '8 , ' ', '\ ' ', '\ '8 * -7- '%, '\ ", '8 '\ '*, I $ "$%8 ', ',%\ ;""""",.,i"""""""""-""""""""""""-~"""."""""~""""""""-""""- 1 Member $@&$ f the recommendation of the City Manager. I 1 ::::I i gld Water Accounts. : The Council was advised it has been the policy that un- ; i collected water bills.were passed on to the new property I : owners for payment prior to water service. It is the feell- i ing that this is an injustice to the new owner and creates! ld: : a very unfavorable relation between the owner and the City:. ;::: i 5t was recommended that these bills not be charged to the i :iii : new owner and at such time as it is determined they are : Guevara ; : i Xi i not collectable, they be written off. By motion of the I Bierce i XI : X: I Council the City Manager was authorized to write off these: Sonneman i : IX: : old water accounts, and 'that the banks and tit le companies: McPherson : I X: X: i be notified to check with the City for any possible out- i La Roche : ' :Xi : standing bills prior to issuance of title. : RATIFICATION OF BILLS AND PAYROLL: ! Ratification of the bills was given for the general expen-! Bierce ; iXIX: i ses of the City in the amount of $13,307.93 and for the i Sonneman I : :Xi : Water Department in the amount of $12,064.63, from brch 7t McPherson: i :X: i 1961 to March 2€,1961, as certified by the Director of i La Roche i : : XI ; Finance and approved by the Auditing Committee. I I I : ;.; 11'1 I v::; f Ratif4catSon a€ the. paytold was gfvesl for the Eirst half i Guevara 1 i :X! ; c>f Msrch, ICfCU;, 11; <he amLni: of $13,963,%, as certified : Bierce ,; ' ' ; ;x: t 4 b.y the ~~re,a.eor pf Fivfance -afld approvec~ try EII~ Audi.ting i. ~px~eq.? i ; 3 X! + Committee. I McPhersoq X: :X: : La Roche { i Xi X: ; AIXJWRNMENT : I It1 I I i; I I. 1 I ;lie i By proper motion the meeting was adjourned at 10:30P.M. i 0;: ;:p I I I 1::: I i::: I ::;I 1 ::;: I I ::;i I I i::; I 1::; I ;;:: I ;I? 1;;: 1 I lit: I ii:: I t;;; It I I :I;: I 1 :::; I I ;;oi I 4 i::: I f 1:;: I I :::; i::: I I *:*I I I I;;! I :I;* I I :::: I I :;;: I I :::i I ::;; :t;i 1 I $1; I ;::: I 8 1 t :I:: I I Ill1 4:: I ;::; I :I:: I I I :::: ;1;1 I I :::i I I i::i I t:;1 I ::I: I I :I:: I ;;'a * I :::: I I $1:; 6 I I::: I * I*:; I I I ;!:: I i::: I I I 1::: 11:; # I :I:; l?!l I I 'I 'I Bi I ::;:4 I I ;'::I t ;:;;~ I I I I ;I;; If i;:: ii:: I I 14;; :::i 11 ;;I# ;: 1 I I ;::: I I :if; I i Guevara i X: i Xi I I I I I I i I ? I b I I I I * I I I I * I 1 i Respectfully submitted, I I I I I : MARGARET E. ADAMS ; Deputy City Clerk I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I * * I 1 I t I I I I I I I I I I I : I : I I I 1 1 I I t I I I I I t I I l ai I O(1 I I 1 I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I * I 1 1 I I :;I#