HomeMy WebLinkAbout1961-04-04; City Council; MinutesJ i CITY OF CARLSBAD I I '\ \ \ ' \ '\ .. L I '\\'\\ '\, '\ '\ \ i Minutes of CITY COTJMCfL (itegular Meeting) i \ ' ' '\ '\,'\, 4 i Date of Meeting: April 4, 196 1 ; N a me '88 '\%,, \,,'\& ', '\ ', \\ : Time of Meeting: 7:OO P, M. ; of '+o,\, ' '?4> i Place of Meeting: Council Chambers : Member $@\*\pf r""""""""""~"""-"""""""""""""""""""""""""""-"--"""-~""-~" I :!!I \QL \Q \ .p",ct'$ I : ROLL CALL was answered by Councilmen Guevara, I Bierce, Sonneman, McPherson and La 8oche. Also i present were City Manager Slater and City Attorney Haye& I ! I I I I I 1;'s :!I: 11 'It! :::I ;!!I I I -1 : ALLEGIANCE to the Flag was given. I 1 i INVOCATION was offered by 8ev. L. D. Hendon. I APPROVAL OF MINUTES: i were approved as submitted. : Bierce F : !XI ;#I: 1:~l I ; ,I I 1 I I I 1 1;:; I I ::;: I 1 I :::; I I ::I: I I I :::: I I :::I l a. Minutes of the regular meeting of March 21, 1961 Guevara i ;x t x: I I Sonneman ; : :xi 1 I i McPherson; : !xi I : La Roche ; : I I I I I I I 1: : x: I I I I!!$ I COKLZESPUNDSNCE: i Club of Carlsbad, stating that the counter offer to the I : Woman's Club was not desirable to give further consider- i i ation to at the present time. However, it was felt that if : : the City would care to make a more equitable offer, the i i goard would be happy to present the offer to the member - : ; ship at their meeting of April 12, 1961. By recommenda-j / tion of the City Manager the matter was referred to the i I committee for further consideration. I i I I I I 1 I I l a, Letter dated March 23, 1961 from the Woman's i I I I 1"l 'I 1:Il i:r: l:;l ::I: :I:: :::I :::: 4:; :::: 11:: i::; 1::: :$ti ;::: l:!l l)11 11 I I I b. Letter dated March 29, 1961 from Lefty Guidotti, i ;: :I '1 ti ;I:; : 1'' i 2739 State Street, protesting the two-hour parking limit i : that has been posted in this area. The Council was in- ; i formed the matter had been checked with the Police i Department and it is their feelirg this area should be i Guevara F I i x: : posted. By-motion of the Council the Council concurred i Bierce ; ixix I I with the findings of the Police Department and the Safety ; Sonneman : ; :XI : Committee, and the City Manager was instructed to ad- i McPherson i ! ;x: i vise Mr. Cuidotti of the Council's decision. : La Roche i ; :xi I 11 I c. Letter dated March 23, 1961 from Willard D. and! :::I ;:I1 i Lillian M. Garrett requesting revocation of a variance I 1;;: i granted to =ward and Alice Vasquez March 22, 1960, on : ::;: ::e: : Lots 42 and 43, Granville Park, under the provisions of i 11;: i paragraph (4), Section 2200 and Section 2201, Article 22 : !::: :i:; ; of Ordinance No. 9060. They further stated they are the i :;:: i owners of Lot 41 and were denied a 5' front yard setback t :I:: : in May of 1958, but the Vasquezes were granted a 5' front! :I:: i yard setback which is not in accordance with variances i ;I:: l:ll : previously granted. Also according to the ordinance any ; 11:; ::I; i permit or variance granted by the Flanning Commission I ::;I : or City Council becomes null and void if not exercised ; $1 1: ::;I ; within one year from the date of approval, and since the : i::: i variance was not exercised by midnight of Niarch 21, 196 lf :::; ; it was their opinion it should be null and void. I :!:: b 4 i::: ,I:: I 1 I I ,* 1 I I ,I;': :::' I * i The City .Manager advised the Council that the Vasquezes i : filed their plans and requested a building permit on I : March 22, 1961, however, the plans did not show suffi- I J cient parking area and they were not granted a permit. i i The City Attorney ruled the one year had expired on ; March 21, 1961. The Vasquezes have noW"fil@e. a,new : i application for a variance, but have asked that the $25.00 I ; filing fee be waived, I I ! Cmn. Bierce stated he felt the Vasquezes had acted in i i good faith and they should be entitled to a refund, and : : therefore moved that the filing fee be waived. The City : i Attorney pointed out that according to Ordinance No. 9060 i ; the filing fee cannot be waived, Cmn. Bierce withdrew ; i his motion. I 1 I I I I e I I I 6 I ;;I 1:ll 1: :I:: ,;:I :::: :;I: :I!: ;.: I I 1::: I::: ::;: :;#I lI!l ::i: :;:: :::: :e:: 1;;1 ;@I; :I:: :::: 19 ::!I i The Council requested the letter filed, drre to the fact this: ;;'a i: I I I i:;: ::;: $1: I :::; I I I i;:: *!:: I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I *\8 ', 8 '\ .\ 8 I 1 I t I I a1 I \ ', '', '\ '8 8 I -2 - I * '$ ' ~"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""-~"""""""-"""" 't8 ',, ', '\8'8,8', ' &I I i N a me 8\8 '8' '\ '& I I i of '8$ '$\ ", 'f98 t : Member '??\0\-9'$.$ '$@%?'e-! ! 'I .I I !I;! : letter pertained to the previous variance granted. I .:I I I I Oi '1,; 1 I :lal 1::: d, John A. McKaig - Re: Parks and Recreation I I It:; i matters and Poinsettia plantings, Letter dated March 22, i ::I 1:4 : 1961 from the Chairman of the Parks and Recreation 1 :IIl I1 ,!I1 i Commission setting forth the Commission's aims or goal?, : and making certain suggestions, The Mayor requested ; i the letter held in abeyance for further study. : Recreation Commission dated March 22, 1961, was pre- i i sented, wherein they stated at their last meeting they : I unanimously agreed to endorse the Chamber of Commerci's ; suggestion for extensive plantings of p0inset-A gwk- : i ways along the major approaches to our City. . The Mayor: : also requested this letter held in abeyance for further i I study. I I I e. C. A, and W. A. Roberts - Re: VVaiver of I I i sewer and water line costs. Letter dated February 27, i i 1961, from C, A, and Hazel A, Soberts, requesting 1 I : waiver of front line costs for water and sewer in Redwood: 1 Avenue, due to the fact they had entered into a written i ; agreement with Earco, Subdivider for Pacific Terrace, : i in 1957, which, in essence the itoberts agreed to reim- i : burse Earco $6OO.00 for their share of all improvements : \ at such time as they sold the property or made use of the i : improvements. They now wish to make use of the utilitieg i which they paid Earco for, but find that the City is re- : i quiring sewer and water main line costs in the amount of : i $325.97 per lot. i It was pointed out that the Roberts extended a sewer main i : line in Hemlock, and at the time of the main installation : i they were assured by the City they could have a refund i i agreement with the city for this sewer main extension; : : however, no refund agreement was entered into by the i i Roberts and the City, and the City is now making collec- : : tions on that sewer line, which is not being refunded to i i the Roberts. The City Attorney stated in her opinion the i : city could justify the waiver of line costs on Redwood 1 i Avenue due to the fact they are receiving collections on ! : the sewer on Hemlock Avenue, and suggested that an I i agreement be negotiated. t I I I I I I I I I I Also letter from the Chairman of the Parks and 1 I I I I 1 I I I I I I t I I I I I i::: l;ll i::: ::ti #!I* ;;#I 1::; :::; :::; :::I :;I: ::i: :::I :::i :::I ;:I: #::: :::a 1: :;@I I;:: :::; ::;; ::;I ::;i ::;; ;1:1 $:I; pi: ;:SI ::i: ::I: ,:11 :I:: I@;; :!!+ 11 11 It11 11 *"I :::: :::: :::: !::I :::: ItI: ;::: :;:: :::: :;I: :;I: 11;: I::: :i:: l:ll 11 !I:! i After consideration by the Council, by motion of the I ;;:; i Guevara ; : ,x: : Council waiver of the sewer and water line costs was : Bierce :x: ;xi i approved for the two lots in the amount of $325.97 per loti Sonneman ; i I x; i and the City Attorney irs tructed to prepare an agreement.: McPherson: :x; xi !!!I I I I i La Roche i i !xi 1 I ! Mayor Sonneman presented a letter from the Commandant: i of the Eleventh Naval District, requesting the Mayor to : ; issue a proclamation to the citizens of Carlsbad declaring! i the period May 1 3th to May 2 1st as Armed Forces Week, : ; By consent of the Council the Mayor proclaimed the period : May 2 3th to May 21st as Armed Forces Week, I I I I I I i ORAL COMMWICATIC?NS: I I I 1 I i JACK KUBOTA, 3800 Skyline ad., representing the Boys: : Club of Carlsbad, stated he would like to introduce the i i new manager of the Boys Club, Mr. Bobert Quigley, and i i he would like to address the Council. I 1 i MR. fiOBERT QUGLEY, stated ne would like to request i ; the Mayor to issue a proclamation declaring the week of ! I April 10th through 16th as National Boys Club Week, I I 0 I I 1 I I :i:: 'I i::; iii: :::: :::: I' 1::: 111 :Ill !*I! i; ;i 1:;: ::I: :::: :::: ;;:: :::; :::: :I!: :;I ':If I,,: I,:, 1*f1 ::;: !I*! i I '1;' : With the consent of the Council the Mayor proclaimed the i ::a: i week of April 10th through 16th as National Boys Club We$tk. :::: I :::: I t I :I!: ;:/ I 11:; 1 I t ::I: :'::: I !I:: I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I .i \\\. \ <- *: I , '\ '\, , \ ' \\ \, x" . .' I I - 3- t \, ',. ', '\,'.,'\\ 4: I I I -, . \ -, \. I i N a me ',, 'b$$ % '3. I I ; of *,/4. +?&$&;l;i,p+ 0' '\\ 'f+,, I I I"""""".""""""""~"""""""""""""""""""""""""""-"""""""- : Member ,08@+ pa\2: I I 'I4;l i Mr. Jack Kubota further stated they would like to welcomd ::p: !;:a: I all of the members of the Cuuncil to their Open House i 14 11;:: : during this week, especially Friday, as they will have a : ::::: i special guest. '1I:l ::;I' I I' I I ;!!@; I I I I ENGINEEMNG: I I I I 6 ;i::i I I i:::l 'a1 l!!l I I I a. Final map of Karren Estates. The final map i 1 : of Karren Estates was presented for the Councills review,! i The Council was informed a letter had been received from: i the San Diego Gas & Electric Company stating they would : i not place the utility poles in the easements as provided in I i the rear of the property. I I I 1 I I i The City Manager recommended that a committee be : appointed to meet with the- San Diego Gas & Electric Co. i i officials, as we are having difficulty with one of the other : : subdivisions regarding the same matter, The City AttornGy i stated she had gone over both of these subdivisions and : I she sees no reason for the poles not being placed in the i ; easements provided. I I t I I I i It was agreed that Mayor Sonneman, Cmn. Guevara, : City Manager and the City Attorney meet with the membe& i of the San Diego Gas & Electric Company, and that the i i City Manager arrange for the meeting. 1 I I I I I I I :ir: 4:: ::it :**I 4::; ::It ::@I I I* 'I 11 i::: IIIl I!!#; :::I :::I :::: :::: i::: 11'1 :::I :II: I:;# :!I; "1 85 i::; ::;I :::i ::;: :::I :@I1 l;l: 1.11 I I 8 I b. Abaondoment of 5' Water Easement of Lebar I :i:: : Estates - Unit #1. The subdivider has requested an I :;SI i -asement that runs through the subdivisiori. :::: ; The Engineering Department has checked this easement, i :::; ;::: i and find the City has no further use for the water main : Guevara i ; !xi : easement through the subject lots. By motion of the i Eierce ; !x!x: I Council the abandonment of the 5' easement was granted : Sonneman i : :xi : to Lebar Estates, Unit #I, and the Mayor authorized to i McPherson :xi :x: I execute the necessary document, : La lZoche i : :xi I II I I ! I'll l!lI i PLANNING: I I I $ I I t I I I l a. Memorandum from Planning Commission re: I : Traffic congestion at Cypress and Ocean. Memorandum i i from the Secretary of the Planning Commission stating : i this matter was discussed at their last meeting. A traffic: ; hazard is created at the angle at which Cypress Street i i intersects with Ocean Avenue, due to conjestion when the ; : Army and Navy Academy Chapel is in use and for various i i other reasons. The alignment of Cypress Street westerly: ; of Garfield has never been definitely established. This i i matter has been discussed with the officials of the Army : t and Navy Academy, and they indicated their willingness i i to cooperate with the City by vacating to the City a reason+ : able parcel of land in order to correct this situation. The: : Planning Cornmission recommended that the City Council i ; instruct the Engineering Department to establish the 1 I i alignment of Cypress Street between Garfield and Ocean, : : and that the City enter into necessary negotiations with I i the Army and Navy Academy for whatever vacation of i i property might be necessary. By common consent of the : ; Council the matter was referred to the Engineering De- i ! partment for study. I I I 1 0 I I I I b. MemoraYrdum from Planning Commission re: I : Conditional Use Permit - Carlsbad Union Church. Memo-: i randum from the Planning Commission stating they had : ; considered the Councills proposed deviations from the i i original recommendations made to the City Council, and : : concurred with the City Council that the lights in question i i should be turned out not later than 10: 00 P. M, , however, ; :. they did not concur with the Council that the use of the i i playground should be limited to one night a week, as they : : felt it would create a situation that would be difficult to 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I ;;'I 1::: ::a: :::: :::: i::: 1::: :I:: ;:I: :::: :::; ::;I *I ::;: :::I I::: ;::: : i.:: :;:: :I:: 1::; :::I :::i l:l: :::: :::: :I:: ;:I: :;:: *(I1 '11: ;ir: :i:: :I:: ;::: ;::; 2::; :::I I::! ::i: ;: 1:: :::I ::;: :;I: :a:: ;::: lit: 11;; 1'11 lIIt I8 ;: i: I!@, I I rl I I I I * I -4- I i of "3 :"""~""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""~""""""""""""""""~ 'II.1 1 'Y'W ' T-,v-id I i Member ' $'@\+$?-Y, I I I I I '\\ -\, 'X, '\ '.\-'\ \ ' ','\ 8' ' '\ \\ ', ',\'\\ 48 '8, ". ' \ I N a me '\, ''9, ",:?% , ??x B%A.' 2. %\ g I I I 4 B ;I~:I ; police and control. t I ;:'I; i Discussion by the Council was given to the limitation of i i one night per week to the use of the recreation area. By : Guevara :xi : 4 I : motion of the Council the Conditional Use Permit was' i Bierce i ; I 1x1 i approved with the condition that the use of the recreation i Sonneman I : : 3 i : area be limited to one night per week, and that the lights ; McPhersoni I i !x; i be turned off by 10: 00 P. M. i La Roche ; ?:x: ~ 1 I I 1:;:; ::;;; ::;I; I I I r i The City Attorney presented the following resolution for I : the Councilfs review: I I I I..I 1;;l~ Ill:; ::II; ::tu, I)II I#, I I 1i.l I I : Resolution No, 730. A 8ESOLUTION OF THE CITY ; i CQIJNCE OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD DENYING i Guevara ;xi : 4 1')I I THE APPEAL, AND APPROVING THE CONDITIONAL ; Bierce ::!:x J USE PERMIT SUBJECT TO CERTAIN CONDITIONS i Sonneman : I ; 2 i AND RESTaICTIUNS, was adopted by title only and : McPhersonj ; ; !x : further reading waived. I La Zoche : :x: x: I * I:!I ::;I: Ill I i OLD BUSINESS: 1 I I..l I I :I:: I I 41;: :;!I I I 1 I a. Second reading of Ordinance No, 91 14, amending i i Ordinance No, 9060, The following ordinance was pre- i ; sented for a second reading: I I I I t 1;' 1: :::: ;:IS 1;:: i::: ,!I I ; Ordinance No, 9114, AN QhDINANCE OF THE CITY i Guevara i OF CARLSBAD, AMENDING SECTION 1504 OF : Bierce k i :xi : QBDINANCE NO, 9060, ELIMINATING F30M THE I Sonneman i i !x: i ZONING MAP ALL POTENTIAL ZONES, was adopted ; McPherson : : ;xi : by title only and further reading waived. i I La Roche ; jx:x : ::;I :x ! 1 s ,It1 !I,! I : WATEIE: I t 8 I I 1:;: I I :@I: ::!I t I 1 a. Awarding of bids for water pipe line rehabilitation: i The City Manager requested this matter deferred until i : some later date. : CITY ATTOLZNEY'S SEPORT: I I I I I I I I I I I 1.-1 ;::: 1::: ::'I :I:: ;I;; :I:: ;::: I!!I I : Long Condemnation Suit. The attorney for the Longs has I i .requested a continuance of the trial, due to their appraise? I contemplating a trip to Europe and will not return until : : June. The City Attorney stated she had no objection to : i::: i the continuance. However, she would like authority from i Guevara l v !x : : the Council to have the firm who prepared the appraisal i Bierce : I :xi 1 for the City of Carlsbad, to prepare for trial. By motion : Sonneman I : :x i 1: : of the Council the Tate Appraisal firm was given authoriza!-McPherson i i :x: i tion to prepare for trial. I : La Roche !x; :xi I 8 I::! .I ;;I1 :I;: :::: :::: '1 I& i Lawsuits filed. The Council was informed there have bee4 ; four water suits filed for monies due the City, and one i : suit filed for damages caused to one of the City vehicles. i i State Beaches and Parks. The City Attorney stated she ! : had received a letter addressed to Mr. Charles DeTurk i i from Assemblyman Hegland, in which he stated he is i introducing an amendment to AB 800, relative to funds : ; being provided for the Carlsbad State Beach in the 1961 -6$ : budget. : Agua Hedionda Lagoon waters. The Council was advised i i by the .City Attorney she had gone to Sacramento last week: : She went over the affidavits and documents that were ob- i i tained from the City files and other citizens with Mr. I t Zwiebach and Senator Fisher, Senator Fisher requested i : she prepare a brief, and that the San Diego Gas & Electriq : Co, prepare a brief prior to a bill being introduced. The : i San Diego Gas & Electric Co. .requested a copy of her brie?, : however, she informed them sne would be happy to ex- ; i change briefs as soon as their brief was available. To- : : morrow she will be going to Los Angeles to gather more i i information on this matter from the State Lands Commis- i I I I I I I I I 1 I .* I I I * J I I I I I I I I I I I ::;; ::I; :::I :::: :::: :::; :;I1 :;:: :I:: ;:;: :::; *I iii; I1O l!!l ;;;I 1;;i :;;I I;:: :;I: i::: ll:; :::; I::: 1::: :::1 :;:: i;:: ;:;: ::;: ;::: It;: ::I: :::: ;::; ,?I* I I I .I I * I 1 I I I I I 1 I I- 1 I I Di i I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I '% '\, ', -', '\ *\ I ', \ ', ' \ '\ t \\ '\ '\ '\ '\ ' : Na me \\ +& ', '3% I \ " 49 : Of ~,&\0.9~'q?$ ;I;:; I*;:; I' 4;::: I 1 i::': -5 - I ', ", '\ ', '\ '\ ',&' '\ \PA, 8 o\$, \ \*, : Member $'@.Fp ,< I ;@I """""""""""""""""~""""""""""""""""""~."~"""""~"-"""""". *I sion, Mrs. Hayes further stated she expects the bill to i be introduced either the latter part of this week or the ; first of next week. I I.!I I State Water Rights Board, A letter was received from i the State Water Rights Board, stating there will be a hearing held regarding Permits No. 5228, 8225, 5229 and 8228, which includes Carlsbad, Oceanside and Fallbrook.: The purpose of the hearing is to determine whether their i Board has jurisdiction over these permits. A formal : notice of the hearing will be sent approximately 20 days i prior to the hearing. Also she received a copy of the i opinion and as soon as she has had time to study it, she ; will report back to the Council, She has contacted the i attorney for the Fallbrook District, and will contact the ; City of Oceanside to see what action they intend to take. i I I 1 i CITY MANAGER'S REPCRT: I I I I I I I i Buena Sanitation District. The City Manager reported i I on' attending a meeting this date held by the Regional I I ; Water Pollution Control Board, setting requirements for i \ the Buena Sanitation District, He reported that the City : : opposes possible drainage of effluent from the proposed i I treatment plant through Los Monos Canjon into the Agua ; : Hedionda Creek, .which ultimately would drain into the i i Agua Hedionda Lagoon. The district contends that the : : effluent would be percolated into the ground prior to I I i reaching the lagoon. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I t I I 1 I I ! This particular item on the agenda was continued until a 1 report analyzing percolation potential of the areas where ; effluent would drain was received by the Board. The Manager indicated at this hearing that this effluent could i possibly be damaging to the San Diego Gas & Electric i Company's cooling water operation, and that he will be ; attending the next meeting when held. Joint Powers Agreement. We are still working on the ! agreement and as soon as we have received the final draft a copy will be sent to each of the Councilmen. It was felt; that if two members of the Comcil were appointed, along: with the City Engineer, City Attorney, City Manager and i possibly some members of the Vista area and the County,! that most of the problems could be resolved, 1 I b I I I I I I I :;i:: ;I1 :; :iii: i:::: ;:::i IIflI :;':I ::ii: I::;: ::::I :l;l; ::I;: I::;, P;Il ::I:: ll;l; ;:#:I ;:::1 IIII! :i::i :;::I I 11; ::::; 1::11 ::,:I i::: $1: 1::: ::I1 I:;: ::#I ::;; :::I ;::: :i:: SI II 11 :a11 IIII ;*$- II $4 :::: 1::: ::;: i::: :;I: 11:: :::: it:: I:# ll;: it:: ;:I1 It;: $1; -i::: ;::: 1::: ::/I I:#+ !I,! i County-Wide Civil Defense. There were funds provided i I;$: : in the budget for the County-Wide Civil Defense program.! :a:: : We have received an agreement for execution, The City ; ;::a 1'1: i Attorney and Cmn. Bierce have gone over the agreement i iiii i and found no objection to the agreement. The City ; Guevara : ixix; : Manager recommended $hat the Council approve this : Bierce F I :x: i agreement. By motion of the Council the agreement was i Sonneman l ; :xi ; approved and tbe Mayor authorized to sign the agreement: McPherson i : :x: i on behalf of the City of Carlsbad. ; La Roche ; i :xi :I i' I I l!+l i ELECTION OF MAYOR AND VICE MAYOh: I 1 I I I I i Mayor Sonneman announced that nominations for Mayor i i were now open. I I I 1 1 1 , -SI ::;I :!I: -I ::i: !:;I I!:: I!!: i Cmn. Bierce nominated Cmn, McPherson. Cmn. I 1;;; : McPherson declined the nomination due to his business, : i as he would not be able to be available at all times, I ;::I I l;a8 i Cmn. Cuevara nominated Cmn. La rtoche. By motion of i Guevara : ix \x : :I:: f the Council the nominations were closed. : Bierce : : !x: I 1 I a: :I:; I I 1,t: I I I I i Sonneman :xi !x i : McPherson : ! 'x I I-.* I 1 I : La Roche : i * ;x '"I i t I :; 1 11:; I I ::;I I I :::: I I ::;: I I :;;: I ::;: I I I I I I I I I 6 I ! Ill! I I I I -, % . =\ -, \ * (I 1. I 8" I I I ',, '\\ X\\ '%,"\", 5c I -4 - I ; of '.+d?&, '. \%, I i Member \,L \%@%%.P.\( 80 ' 4 '.$+ ~"""~""~""~"""""""~""""""""""~""-"--------"--"l------------------------" I .8 '\ ' \\ '\\'\\ I I :: N a me 't, '+&. \\\, x?$$,, I I ;;;;I I I I I I -, % . =\ -, \ * (I 1. I 8" I I I ',, '\\ X\\ '%,"\", 5c I -4 - I ; of '.+d?&, '. \%, I i Member \,L \%@%%.P.\( 80 ' 4 '.$+ ~"""~""~""~"""""""~""""""""""~""-"--------"--"l------------------------" I .8 '\ ' \\ '\\'\\ I I :: N a me 't, '+&. \\\, x?$$,, I I ;;;;I I I D: ; By roll call vote of four ayes with Cmn. La Roche abstain; I :I-' :i:: ;; i ing, Cmn. La Roche was elected Mayor. ltI, i Cmn. Guevara stated he felt we have had a fine woman i 1 representing the City as Mayor, and she has certainly : ; done a wonderful job. I Mayor La Lzoche took the Chair and announced that norni- i : nations were now open for Vice Mayor. ; Cwn. Sonneman nominated Cmn. Guevara for Vice Mayor.: 1 Cmn. Bierce nominated Cmn. McPherson for Vice Mayor; i By motion of the Council the nominations were closed. i Guevara i i !x: 1 I I ::;: i::: :i:: I I :::: 4 1:tI I 11:: ;::; ::I1 :::; I I I;:: ;I:: 4:: ::;: I :::: L : Bierce : :x :x; I i La Roche i i \x: I I : McPherson i : :xi 1 i Sonneman T i !x: I I ;I:; I il:: I I ;::I I;*: I ;;:: I I :;:: I I I i;:: 1:: I $1 I I I I I I 11 I I I 1 I 1 1 I I 1 I : : The Council requested a secret ballot on the vote for il i 1 Vice Mayor. After casting their secret ballot, Cmn. : Guevara was elected Vice Mayor by a 3 to 2 vote. i RATIFICATION OF BILLS AND PAYROLL: i Ratification of the bills for the general expenses in the :r Guevara k i :xi i amount of $1 1,617.93, and the Water Department in the i Bierce : p; : amount of $179,903.06, for the period March 21, 1961 to : La Roche : ; \xi i April 4, 1961, as certified by the Director of Finance I McPherson i I :x; : and approved by the Auditing Committee. ; t Sonneman I i !xi 11(~ I a 'I I I t I I , I : aatification was given of the payroll for the second half ! Guevara i of March, 1961, in the amount of $13,800.35, as certified: Bierce I by the Director of Financ.e and approved by the Auditing ; La Roche : Committee. i McPherson I : Sonneman I I I I I I i ADJOURNMENT 1 I I ! I I i By proper motion the meeting was adjourned at 9: 25 P. M. : I I I I 1 I I 1 I t I I I I i itespectfully submitted, I I I I I I 1 I I I I [ fi&@4& 5 @A" I I I f I I I 1 I I I I I MAXG@ptET 33. ADA S i Deputy City Clerk I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 1 1 8 I I I I I I. 1 t e I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I 1 !i;: I : :xi ; : :x; I i !xi k: !x: I 3 :xi :;ti : :' I ::i: I/: :::I 11;: It :;Ii :::i :::I ::I: :I I' 111: ;;ll :;$I ':: ;I:: I::; ;;I1 11 1:: ::I1 :I:: 1:11 :::; :I:: 1;11 11;: i::: 1:II 1,ll :;:: ::I: :::: i::: 811 ::i: :I I::! l1 I!!: a!:: a I I 1 I t * i"~ I 1:' : ;::; 1 I 1: I I I;:; * I :;;; I I :;;: 1 I :;I1 I I :I:: 1 :::; I I iiil I I I ::aI la:; I I :::: ;::: I ;::; I :::I , I:*: 1 I I 1 I I I I I 1 I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I