HomeMy WebLinkAbout1961-05-02; City Council; Minutes, ', , " 3, '\ a. i CITY OF CARLSBAD ; Minutes of: CITY COURTCXL (Re,phr Meeting) i [ Date of Meeting: May 2, 1961 I Na me '$, 'xs, **, "4 : Time of Meeting: 7:OO P. M. I *f '.+'%*, , 4!j& : Place of Meeting: Council Chambers i Member 88!$w@$ '04, ' :"",,,"""~,,"""~""""""""*""""""~""""""""""~~"""""-""""""*. I I i::; : BOLL CALL was answered by CounciLmen Guevara, I@ ;;:: : Bierce, La Roche, Sonneman and McPherson. Also 1;;i o i present were City Manager Slater and City Attorney Ha ye/. :.:;; I I::; I ALLEGIANCE to the Flag was given. I I ::;: 4 I ::;; I t I::: i INVOCATION was offered by Councilwoman Sonneman. i ;::; I I :::: i APPROVAL OF MINUTES: 8. I 1::; I I i::; I I 1::: I a, Minutes of the regular meeting of April 18, 1961; Guevara i !xixi i were approved as corrected, i Bierce k: i"i I ; La itoche : i :x: 1 i Sonneman ; ; ;x: b ; McPherson i : ;x: ;:;: I' '4:: I!;: :;;: i!;: :I:: I I I::: t * i::: ;::: I ', **,'\, ', ,'), I I '\ ', " ', '\, p\, *\ , Q , '+, 1 t * I t * I a I t IS# i PRESENTATION OF AMERICAN FLAG TO THE MAYOh: 1;': : Mr. John €3, Hambrick, Vice President of Camp Pendfetoh ! Branch #88, Fleet Reserve Association, presented an i i American Flag to Mayor La Roche, Mr. Hamkick in- : : formed the Council it is their hope that this operation i ;v*: ; Red, White and Blue" wifl help to combat communism, : ::I: ; Also it is their desire to place an American Flag in each i ;;;: i and every home. 1 Mayor La Roche graciously thanked Mr. Hambrick for i Guevara ; ix :xi i the flag* By motion of the Council it was agreed that the i Bierce i i !XI ; Council make every effort to support this very worthwhile: La Roche ; f ;x; : endeavor. ; Sonneman !XI ;xi I A. K. Johnson, Superintendent of the Atchison, Topeko ! : & Santa Ye Rail way Co, Mayor La Boche announced that : I before Mr. Johnson spoke he would like to make the ! following statement: : I would like to make a statement of clarification and re- : i;:n i sponsibility in regard to the "Carlsbad Depot Project".. i ::.I :I i the Carlsbad depot building has been clouded by the er- i i::: i roneous and belated inclusion of the name of the City of : : Carlsbad into the negotiations by overeager and mis-guide3 i individuals. We, the City of Carlsbad, are involved only : ;;::, : insofar as the safety hazards, zoning restrictions, etc., i :'!!; IS : approval for such usage and purpose, I to date, in regard to the depot donation, have been made i : by Mr. Robert Garland, Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce ; i President, and wlr. H, E. Bierce, Chamber of Cornmere4 I Vice President in behalf of the Carlsbad Chamber of ; Commerce, These communications have been engaged in i i with the Santa Fe's representatives, Mr. Landreth and ; I:;:: ; Mr. Johnson. At no time has the City of Carlsbad, as i ;:::: i represented by its City Council and its Mayor, ever been : a:;:: : approached, officially by any representative of the Santa : ;;t4t ,:I I Fe in this matter, And, yet, the City Council and certain: ;: : of its members, individually, including myself, have been! ;+,,, 1::: i maligned, denigrated, and castigated by the Chamber of : ;iii: : Commerce President, Mr. Garland, verbally and in print i i:::; '; i for quote opposing the acceptance of the depot.. He and i ;:l'l ; to make the City of Carlsbad responsible for the finalizing; Ii::: : to use a trite term, of this project, The Chamber of I :::;: I;* i Commerce is a non-government organization, and as such; :i;;i : neither the organization as a body, nor any of its indivi- ; :* tl i dual members or officers was authorized to represent the: 4::;: : City of Carlsbad in any proceedings of any kind whatsoeve$, :*I i Remember this, it was not until April 3rd that a letter to : 1:;:: :;"I : f 8 It 4 * t I : McPherson ; i ;x; :;I: t i;:: I I 1;:: t "At this point in OUT meeting, as Mayor of Carlsbadi ii:; ': I The question of the Santa Fe's making 'a donation of : :::: 1;:: i:ii t I ;#I; .a ;::; * # *'If I and usages of any building or project that may need city i ;ii;; t I i::!; 1 I :;;;; I Note This: All written and verbal communications, i ::;ti ::;ii i;;:; 1::;: * I :::'I 1:::; :;;:: I r :4t;i ::::; i his Vice-president have tried and failed in their efforts * (4:; :!I:: 1:::: * t * I .;I::: * I 1:::: t I .:;#'I 1 I ;:; I I I !:e;! I 1 I 0 * ; '\ -\ ' t 88 t ', \ '. t 88 I \ '* 6 -2- I 8 t 1 + I t 8' I I i Name '8 I + : of :"""""""".,",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,""""""""""""""""""~"~"""". : Member I i the Chamber of Commerce Vice-president, H. E. Biercei ; from J. M. Landreth, General Manager, of the A. T. & : i S. F. , Los Angeles, first mentioned the City of Carlsbad; : (If necessary in these proceedings I will read into the : i record the subject letters). i H. E. Bierce, Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce, in whichj : he offered the advice that the Santa Fe is willing to donate; 1 the station building and appurtenant facilities to the City i i of Carlsbad, and for a nominal consideration, such portion : of their station grounds, etc. as might reasonably be i i required by the City. I 1 i by careless individuals It is the Chamber of Commerce ; : of Carlsbad not the City of Carlsbad which has originated i i and negotiated for the depot. There are some of us who : ; feel that this is, or could be, a worthwhile civic project. i i However, we, may not fee1 we can use taxpayers monies I : to promote this project when we, in Carlsbad, have need : i of street and other improvements, etc. Individual organ-! : izations can do much to further civic growth and improve? I ment, and the governing bodies give wholehearted approvq i and moral support to such endeavors. b I ! Santa Fe are confused. We apoligize for their confusion, ; i although it is not of our making. When a man is a repre- I i sentative and high office holder in a private organization, : ; while, at the same time, he is serving in a City Govern- I i ment capacity, it .is often difficult for an outsider to 1 I : determine in which capacity he is speaking, However, a I i signed letter is final indisputable. These are addressed : ; to. and signed in the name of the Chamber uf Commerce. : i When Mr. Bierce and Mr. Garland undertook this Chambdr : of Commerce project they did not need, nor ask for 1 i "official City of Carlsbad approval", Therefore, let it i : be recorded for all interested parties, the Carlsbad * I i Chamber of Commerce is responsible for the negotiation, : ; acceptance, or rejection of the Carlsbad Depot building, i i lease of grounds, removal, relocation of subject building,! ; maintenance, etc. If the Chamber of Commerce is ready4 i willing, and financially able, with the support of its other: i interested groups, the Minature Railroaders, Art League: ; etc, to accept this generous offer then they should do so i : without delay. The resolution of the City Council of 1960 ; i then could be reccnsidered on its merit and advisability, i I in relation to present needs, in view of the fact that a : : passenger and freight facility is in good operation in i Oceanside. i no one who holds office here in Carlsbad, during this * I : administration is going to be permitted to use that office i i to serve the interest of any private organization or to : : further his own private interests. FURTHERMORE, in i I some communities, the local publisher may use his pub- ; : lication to run the local government. That will not be i i permitted in Carlsbad. WIisrepresentations by the press ; : will be refuted by this chair, whenever such misrepre- i { sentations occur. No longer will a newspaper be used to : ! distort the facts without opposition from me. If anyone I i has any doubts or question, as to who makes up my mind I : on civic questions and responsibilities, let me tell you ; i this, I am the guy. This Chamber of the Council will not i : be used to wage a war with petty purveyors of misinfor- i I mation, but, the facts will be presented here, since we I i have no publication in which to present the truth. t 1 ! by its Council will always support any worthwhile Civic ; : project, but it refuses, during -this administration, to i I take the blame in this matter, or any matter, for the 1 I : bungling and failures of my organization or its inept : officers. l e * I On April 3rd, Mr. Landreth wrote a letter to Mr. i I I Is this a typographical error or a misrepresentatioi I 8 It is understandable that the gentlemen from the I 1 I I I 1 t As Mayor of Carlsbad, I wish to serve notice that i b In conclusion, the City of Carl &ad, as represented i I I e : 11 I I I I I 1 I I ! I I I I I I I I . \ 8. '+ '8 '8, '88 *, 's % IIp r ,, '88 '., 8.88*8 3 !- "JL\ '.,'\$$ 8y+ 0, \\ 8.97 \o 'gl ..e$? \f i:;; ;::: ;::: ;::: ;:I; :ii: :;'a ;;:: ;::I :;'I 1: l'ii ::I, I::; ;::: 4:: ::;; :::; li:: :;I: :::I ::;I ::;; ;:;I 1:: i I::: ;::; I:;; i:;; ::SI 1::: ::I; !:'I It I::: ;: 1:; ::;I I!:: 8 1: ;::; ;::; l:a :::I 1: i::; 4:; :::I i::: 1;;t :;:: :": ;::; :x: ;{:I 1::: ::;: :ll; 1I:I ::;: ::,: It;: :I;; :::; ;:;: ::;: :::I ::;; It I::: :':: I* ::;: ;:;I 1::: :ii: :a:: :y: :::: :!;I :: ::;: :;;I 1::: ::;: ::;: :::: :::I i::: ::i: ::;: ;: 8 I*:; t;;l :II; l!!l $8' 8 '8&@8q$\$$ 0 4 """"""7" )'(I #I:+ ;; 1:; I' ;;:; ;I1 It 1 11 * ;I I' I 1 I I ,I I I I 1 -8, .- " I t8 '\,'8,, '8,'s. ', I '88 8888'8,, '\8 '8,'88 5s I I Na me ''8 '8% I I I '8 8 \ ', ', '8 I -3- I '8 '& t * i of '*+'s8 ' '% I : Member '@@\ '$f438+'$?8\( >8d84$ :.""""""""""""""""""~"""~""""""""""""""~~"~""""""""""*", $1. D I I i MR. JOHNSON, Superintendent of the A. T, & S, F. state? : they thought they were trying to help the .City of Carlsbad; i by making this donation, As it stands the building is the$e ; for the City to accept or reject, As far 2s he is concernt 1 ed if the City wishes to discuss this matter further with : : the A, T. & S. F, he is certainly willing. I I : Cwn. Sonneman stated she was sure the representatives ; ! of the Santa Fe mean only the best. If we can work somek i thing out that will be fine, however, this is the people's ! i money that will have to be put in this project. I I MR. JOHNSON stated he was asked to come here and he! i did not intend to fight any battles; I€ the city decides ! ; they want the building he would be happy to sit down and i i work out the details. I I I I I I t 1 I $ I t I I L ;;;:; :;1:; ;I:: 4;: :;'I i::: 1::; ::;; ::;; ;::I 1:;: ::;: :iii I::; all: I;,* I:!: '+;l:l ::ii iiii ::!I 11 fils i MR. STUBBS, representative of the Sales Department 02 : the A. T. & S. F,, stated he listened to proceedings in i i this room about closing the Carlsbad Depot. It has been : : his endeavor to try and preserve the building for future i i use of freight and demands in this area, Mrs. Hayes : ; represented the City at the time of the hearing and did a i i splendid job in selling this community. He has had i negotiations with a number of the industries in this area. i : He would like to have the depot preserved for future I industry, as well as those located here presently. State4 : ments have been made in the press that he and Mr. I i Johnson are at swords point - this is not true, i Mayor La Roche stated he felt we certainly needed this i : for future industry. I ! I 4 I I I I I I I I I 1 I I 4 I 1 I I I 1 I * I I I I I I I t 1 I I I b 4 1 i * I 8 I I I I I I I I I 1 I Cmn. McPherson stated as one member of the Council i he wished to apologize for the remarks that were made, : He felt the remarks were very strong, and that any city i needs a strong Chamber of Commerce. Ne does not belong to the Chamber of Commerce but believes we hav4 a good Chamber of Cbmrnerce and should be helped do- Mayor La Roche stated that if he was referring to any of I his remarks that he had said nothing about these two : gentlemen. It was agreed that further discussion would be given the : matter later in the meeting. I t A short recess was called at 7:25 P..M. The meeting ! reconvened at 7:30 P, M. I S I & l 1 I I I I I 1 I ! PUBLIC HEARING: t I r 4 I 8 I I * I t I I 1 I I I I t I k : I I 1 d ..I I I I I I I 1 I I I l a I I 1 I I I 8 I I I ; ai:! :;*I :::: :I:: I:;; :::: :::; :'SI #;*I :I:: i::: 1:;; :Ill :::; 1111 t1 1::: :::; !!!I ::;; 11 ::;I ::I: O)( I I ,' :i:: 1:;1 i::: 11:: ;:i: :::I !;;I ;:;: ::;: i;:: ::;: ;: ;: I 11:: ,:'I I ;I !;!! 1;;: ::t: ;:" 1;;: ::I: 11 1 I* I ;i:: I s I I ::i: * :!I: a. Appeal of Planning Commission's decision to : rant a Conditional Use Permit to South Coast Asphalt i froducts, Inc, - Volk-McLain Communities, Emory : Moore, and Grant Beckstrand. 1 s I t Resolution No, 204 of the Planning Commission was presented wherein they granted a Conditional Use Permi! to South Coast Asphalt Products, kc., subject to certaiq conditions and recommendations. The following letters of protest were read: Letter dated Aprii 12, 1961 from Volk-McLain Communif ties, hc, appealing the decision of the Planning Cornmisp sion. Letter dated April 18, 1961 from Grant Beckstrand, appealing the decision of the Planning Commission, Letter dated April 18, 1961 from Emory Moore, appeal-! I 9 I $ I I I I I I * f I I I I I L I I $ 1 I 1 t I I 1 k 1 I ! ti!: ;I:# ;;*I 1::: !::I ;::a !:I: ;1:1 ;::; ll*! 1::; :::; ::ii ;: :::; 1;: ::;I i::; l1 1::: iiii ;;*I :I:: I;#; !:;I 18;; i::; !\:; ;: 8 ; 1. 1:: ::;; {I:: 1.81 I ; '%\. ". I 1 8, 't '\\ '8 '8,"8 I 1 8, '%, ', '8 * ' I '\', , \ \ ' * I : -4- I S, , '\, 'a, '8,", 61 I i Name 'N,'~$& '\ ~,,8& '89 1 ! I' ' of ,$*&, 4&&,& t I 1 ;""""""r""L""""""~"-;"~~~"-~""*""~~~""""~~""~~~"""""""~~""~";- 1 Member *%@&\ I I ii': ] appealing ttie decision of the Planning Cornniissionr I :'ii ; :; I i Letter dated May 2, 1961 from the Oceanside Planning i :::: I Commission expressing their concern over the Condition; I:); :;;I 1 a1 Use Permit issued for quarry operations. I 6 14 & $ I ;;:; I Letter from Vaughan, Brandlin & Baggot, representing i :;:: 14 :; i A. J, Industries, Inc., appealing the decision of the ; i:.:; t1!I : Planning commission on behalf of their clients, I I ::I* :i : Letter dated April 20, 1961, from Glenn R. Feist, I :ii: i Attorney, appealing the decision of the Planning Cornmisc !:;I ; sion on behalf of his client, Mrs. Sally Cornell, et al. : 1::: I 1:;; i Letter dated May 2, 1961 from Glenn R. Feist, Attorney: i::: ; protesting the granting of the Conditional Use Permit on i I::; 1 behalf of his client Union Title Insurance Co. , Trust : ;::; : No. 14883, I 3 :::I I :I;; I ::It i Letter dated May 2, 196 1 from Amy Lou Caldwell, I :iii i protesting the granting of the Conditional Use Permit to i :::: : South Coast Asphalt Co, I ;;:I i The .Mayor declared the public hearing open. :';I I I ::;; ; Mr, Glenn Feist requested permission to have Mrs. I I :::: I 8) I # i Martha Cole, Certified Shorthand Iteporter, to take the : :;is : testimony. (A copy of the testimony given is in the I i::: i office of the City Clerk). $ ::+ :::;; I *(I, i The Mayor declared the hearing closed at 9: 15 P. M, t :p:: I I:,:: ;*I 11 :: After discussion by the Council, by motion of the Councii Guevara ; : :x: i it was agreed that the decision of the Council be deferred Bierce ; ix i x: : until the meeting of May 16, 1961, : La Roche : ; ;xi 1 ! McPherson i : ;xi I ': 1; : A short recess was called at 9:25 P. M. The meeting i :::I i reconvened at 9:43 P, WI. I 1 I!: i A short recess was called at 9:25 P, M. The meeting i 4111 !;;I: : reconvened at 9:43 P. M. I I I::+ I :;::: I CORRESPONDENCE: I ;*::I I I 1:;s; I A. Letter dated April 18, 1961 from Eleanor V. ; ;;:;: ::'I: ! Phenix stating she wished to go on record that her name i /;;: i was used on a letter without her knowledge. The City : ;: I:!!: ; Manager informed the Council this pertained to a letter i Guevara i !x :X! i i that was read to the Council some time ago from Brighter i Bierce k i !x: I : Homes, he,, and the only action required by the Council ; La Roche : 8 :XI { i at this time would be to order the letter filed. By motion I Sonneman i i !x: : : of the Council the letter was ordered filed. : McPherson: ; :x: t I ,I/: i ORAL COMMUNICATIONS: 1 I :::':i $1 I I ::::; i There were no oral communications. l I :;;I: I ::':: I ::;;; i mGINEERING: I I :I:!: ;: I ;::I; I a. Eureka Place Sewers - 1911 Act Proceedings. i :::':I i The City Attorney informed the Council the gngineering : ~::ll : Department was ready to proceed with the work on Eureka: :u:1 :i;:: i Place, and that the following resolution had been prepared: ' 1;: : €or their review: I ::;I: I ::I:; t 4::: ! Resolution No, 738, A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY :;;I, I Gusvara : ; :x; ; I Om CITY OF CARLSBAD APPROVING : Bierce k; :x; : I PETITION, was adopted by title only and further reading i La Boche : I ;X I i : waived. i Sonneman i ix:x ; : I I i McPherson : ; :xi i I. 1 I I ;: I I I I :t I I 1*Il (I1 I I 1 f I I I I I 1 1 ;$/ I 8 I I I s 1, I I I I i Sonneman b i :x: ' * 4 I I I ::;I ::a:: I * I I I I I I I I n I e I I I I I I I I I 1 I I t I 8 'I I I t 4 I :;::: 1 * :;::: I I !l:!l I I I : "\X '8,.8\8 ",.", '8 -8 I I I ,i' I -8,8 't, '%, '8, -8, '8 ! \ I 8 '. '. 6' I -3 - 1 '8 '-' ' . - 1 . '. 1~ '. '\ ' I ("""""""""'"""""""""""""""~""""""""""""""*""""" ; I-IGITIVGi f e l $ t : N a me "t,,T&:,, \J +$A ; of : hllambu '@&-$>g 0 4 """"'3. k.. I I i Resolution NO. 739. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY : I::; : cOuNcIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD REQUESTING: Guevara ! I ;xi i OPINION OF HEALTH OFFICER, AND DECLARING I Bierce i i :X: i THE NECESSITY OF INSTALLATION OF SANITARY : La Roche : : :xi : SEWERS, was adopted by title only and further reading i Sonneman IX i : X; : waived. i McPherson! Ixjx: * I :::': I _Resolution NO. 740. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY i Guevara 5 i /x: i COUNCIL OF Tm CITY OF CARLSBAD APPOINTING : Bieree I i :xi : PERSON TO PREPARE ALL PROCEEDINGS was adoptea La Roche i ; :xi i by title only and further reading waived. : Sonnemam ; : :x; 1;;; 1 I I I I McPherson ; !xi x: I I iIri :;:I 1 1: I::# : PERSON TO ACT AS ENGINEER OF WORK, DESIGNAJ i;:: :::; 4:: :::; ;:I1 I t I 1 ; Resolution No, 741, A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY i - CITY OF CARLSBAD APPOINTING ! i TING ENGINEER OF WORK AS THE PERSON RESPON) i SIBLE FOEt PREBARATION OF THE ENGINEERING : :@,I i DOCUMENTS, ASSESSMENT DIAGRAMS, ASSESSMENT I i ROLL AND WARRANT; DESIGNATING THE ENGINEER : Guevara : !xixi i OF WORK TO SUPESVISE ALL WORK; APPOINTING I Bierce ;x; !x: i ENGINEER OF WORK AS THE SUPERINTENDENT OF : La Roche : : ;xi : STREETS AND FIXING COMPENSATION FOR SERVICE~~S~~~~~ZUI I i :X; i was ddopteig. by titl'e'.ody and further reading 'iiiraived, : McPhersoni : :xi t :::a i Resolution No. 742. A 3ESOLUTION OF THE CITY : Guevara ; :x:xl I CIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD DIRECTING i Bierce ' 11 : ;x: i PREPARATION OF PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND: La Roche : ; :x: : DESIGNATING ENGINEER TO PREPARE PLANS was i Sonneman k i !X; i adopted by title only and further reading waived. : McPhersoni : :x; # :::I I Resolution No. 743. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY 1;t: I -E CITY OF CARLSBAD, APPROVING i Guevara I : :xi i::: i OPINION AND FINDING OF HEALTH OFFICER, AND I Bierce : 1 :x: i ORDERING OPINION OF HEALTH OFFICER SPREAD : La Roche I ; ixi I: ; UPON THE MINUTES was adopted by title only and i Sonneman k i !x: : further reading waived, ; McPherson: ;x:xI 1 )*I( i The following is an exact copy of the opinion issued by the! : Health Officer: 11:; i ::I1 ! April 21, 1961 4 I' I I I 814 I I I I I I- I I $:: I I i;!: I :!:: I 1 t ::e1 I I 1 I 1 I.!l i The Honorable City Council of Carlsbad i P. 0. Box 265 ; Carlsbad, California I t (;'I 1 I :I:: 1 I $11 1 lt:: t I :I:.: ! :a:! I : Attention: Mr. Lowell A, Rathbun, City Engineer I I i::; I Io I I I ::;: ! Gentlemen: I I ii:: b I I :e:: :::; : I, the undersigned Health Officer of the City of Carlsbad, { ;::; i California, am familiar with the plans designated for 4 1.: ; I i sewers in the Eureka Place Assessment District as in- i :::i :*@I : dicated on the Carlsbad City Engineer's plan. I I ;::; i I understand that proceedings under the Improvement Act i :i;: i of 1911, Division 7, of the Streets and Highways Code of : ::i: ::I: : the State of California, are contemplated for the construcj :e:: : tion of sanitary sewers, as shown in said plans. I am : 1:;1 ::;: ; familiar with the territory served by the proposed sewer i ;I%' I;*: i system on said plans and specifications, Satid territory : 14:: ; is in dire need of sanitary sewers, and the public health i ::;; i requires that sanitary sewers be constructed to serve it. ; I::: : This letter is submitted pursuant to Section 2808 of said I :::: 1:;; i Code. ; 1 ::;; I :ii1 i I find and recommend as follows: I :; I ::I I I ;I:: 4 1. That the construction of sanitary sewers, as i il;l 1::; 4 shown on said plans and in accordance with said i ::;: I specifications, is necessary as a health measure, ; ..'.I : I-L I I i.! : : I I I ;;:: 1:: I ! :!I* I I I 1 I I I I t I ;::: a I 4 I a I 1 I I I I I I I I i;:i ! ! !al: v I I I s I 4 t 6 -6 - 1 : of ', I (""""""'~"~""""~"""~~"""""~~"""""-.."~~~~"~"~~~~- ;' I , 'X\ '\\ -8, 8, '\ ! N a me '\. '?@,:':$)I, ! Member ,O'~..P??, I \\\ '\ \' '\ '\\'\\ I ., \, 8, 8, \ t 6 a c&'$+, ' 'e '\$*&\+4 I \\ ', ', \ \ ' \ \' .-I- """""""" d "" - ?e. :!!I 0 I I I I I 2. That proceedings for the construction of said i :::: I sanitary sewers are necessary as a health measure.: l:'l I I I 1 :::: I 3, That proceedings for the construction of said i ' :: ':I, I sanitary sewers under the Improvement Act of 191 1 : ::I: :::: I are necessary as a health measure. I :;:; I I :::! 6'81 1'11 I I I I I 1 I 1 I '1 It I I I I 1 I I 4. That 1, 2 and 3 above are necessary as a health i I measure, I I ! !;i: I;:: :;:: ]!!I I '1 I I I Very truly yours, ; ti:; :!!I I b & I t I I JBA:W:hv i /si J. B, ASKEW, Mod. Health Officer of the i City of Carlsbad : li" 11;: :::; ::;: ::;I :::: I I I I I t be Agreement between Oceanside, Ca~rlsbad and i I Mr. Bruce Smith, who was appointed attorney for the City: I Vista Sanitation District - re: Berry Hayes property. I I I of Oceanside, City of Carlsbad and Vista Sanitation Dis- ; i trict for condemnation proceedings to acquire an easemen? : along the Buena Vista Creek for sewer purposes, was, I I : present and advised the Council that condemnation procee$- ! ings had been filed and Carlsbad has been named as a I I I party plaintiff in the proceedings, At the present time the! ; City of Oceanside is in possession of the easement due : i to the prime importance of sewer facilities for the Tri- i : City Hospital. One of the property owners named as I I i defendant in the suit, Mr. Berry Hayes, has proposed I : terms of settlement, which he, Mr. Smith, felt should : i be presented to the Council. I 1 i Mr. Hayes wants to have the right to make connections to i I this transmission line if and when the City of Carlsbad I : installs a transmission line. Mr. Hayes would wish to i i be paid the assessed valuation of his property and be ; allowed to tap in to-manholes in the line when he desires i i without paying any inclusion fee. Under the present : ordinance Mr- Hayes would have to pay an inclusion fee. I \ Mr. Smith pointed out that no doubt when this transmissio4 ; line was installed there would have to be a district formed: i to finance the system, therefore, every one in the district I ;would pay his proportionate share. l e i The City Attorney stated she felt that Paraghph "F" of i :the proposed settlement agreement should be deleted, whi<h i waives the city's right to have any inclusion fee. It was : ! her recommendation that the city not sign an.y settlement i I which would waive inclusion fees. I I I I I I I I I 4 I * 1 I I ;;.I It' ::I: :;It If jy 1;: ;*I ;i:i :{al I:;# '1 I; :I!: ::it :::I ;:#I :::: :;IJ :I :::i I::: ::I: l1 :I:: ;::: !:4 :::: ;;I: :::: I::: :;:: ;;:: ::I: :::I 11 1:: :;:: ::i: ;::: :::I :;:I 881: :::; :!!I 11 It 11 ;'I1 I:( 1:: t:t* : 1 I .: ::;! SI i After further discussion it was agreed this matter be give+ :further consideration and that a committee be appointed ; I:!: i to study it further. The Mayor appointed Councilmen : Bierce and Sonneman, the City Manager, City Attorney ! I and the City Engineer to the committee. I 1!!1 1;rI :::: I : ;I: ;;I; I lt:: I I I ;;:: i NEW BUSINESS: I t I I :i:: I ;::; I Ii!l I I l a. First reading of Ordinance No. 91 11 5 - Amending : i::: !Ordinance No. 9050, relating to utility pole easements. ! ;;I1 : The City Attorney informed the Council she .had prepared i 1::: :::: i an amendment to Ordinance No. 9050, which. relates to i :::: :utility pole easements, as there appears to be a couple of : ::I: i sections in the ordinance ambiguous and nee,d to be correcj :: 1.1 :: ; ted. The following ordinance was presented for a first : :::; i reading: I 1::; I I :::I I I :{'I !Ordinance No. 9115. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY ; Guevara : i ;x: :::; :-ENDING SECTION 403, SUBSECTION: Bierce Sr; :x; :(e) OF ORDINANCE NC. 9050 OF THE CITY OF : La Roche i i :x: : CARLSBAD was given a first reading. i Sonneman I ;x :x i .I 0 I e I I I I i McPherson i i ;x: I I I i::; 1 I I $!!I I 1 I I I :i;: I I :!!: ." I I I I I I I ,'--\\. *8 '\ ', 8 ' ' I t \ . \ b '8 '\ '\ I I \\'x' \ *' I -a- \\ ', '*, y,,'*, e; 3 1 ! Member \$h Q& .i ~""~""""""""~""~""~""""""""""""""""""""""~""-""""-~--- ; !--;-:" I I i N a me '+- '*\$ ' '8, '\.d *++ I J of '.$%' '*@\+,$,31; ' t I I : b. First reading of Ordinance No. 3045 - Amending: i Ordinance No. 3005, reqih-ing certain stop signs at the i : intersection of kasswood and Pine Avenue and on Chestnut: i at the intersection of Monroe. The following ordinance wds : presented for the Council's review: I I I ::!I :;I! 11:: :;ll ::;i ::I; ::!! #.I1 I I -1 i Ordinance No. 3045, AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY O$ i mING SECTK)N 83.1 OF ORDINANCE: Guevara ; :x:xI : NO. 3032, BY ADDING SUBSECTIONS "t" AND "u", i Bierce i i !x; i REQUIRING TRAFFIC TO STOP ON BASSVn'OOD AVE- I La Roche ; : :x; : NUE AT PINE AVENUE, AND ON CHESTNUT AVE- : Sonnernan ;xi !xi i NUE AT MONROE STREET was given a first reading. I McPherson ; : ;x; I 1 I* 1 I I!!# ::;: '::I i OLD BUSINESS: I t I iiii l!!t 1 s * I ;;'t 1;41 i ation to the City of Carlsbad for certain propert 11:t ; at the intersection of State Street and Carlshad Lzlvd. 8 ::I: i The Council was informed a deed had been reifrom I l;'t : the Buena Vista Lagoon Association and the only action i Guevara 8 :x !x; ;,:I i necessary for the Council is to accept the deed. By : Bierce sr: :xi : motion of the Council it was agreed that the deed be i La Roche : ; !x: i accepted and the City Clerk be instructed to :record the : Sonnernan : ; !xi ; same. i McPherson I I !x: l a. Quitclaim Deed from Buena Vista La oon Associk *! It ;;,I 1: 81 I I,.( 1 I ! CITY ATTORNEY'S REPORT: I i I I I ! !i;i 11*1 I!!* ;I:: t : State Water Resources Board Hearing: Notice has been i i received that a hearing will be held on May 1.6, 1961 by : i the State Resources Board to determine whether or not i ; the Board has jurisdiction and the right to issue permits : : to pump water from the Mission Basin. The City Attorn& ! stated she felt that Mr. Engstrand should be consulted in I i this matter due to the fact he handled the San Luis Rey ; : water suit. Also he may feel that it is necessary to have i i Mr. Dibble, who was the engineer in the San Luis Bey : : water suit, give testimony at the hearing. E$y motion of i i;!! i the Council it was agreed that .the City Attorney be per- : Guevara : :x !xi : mitted to obtain a legal opinion from Mr. Engstrand as i Bierce + i !x: i to whether or not Carlsbad should appear at the hearing : La Roche l ; :x: : and what position the City should take to protect its water i Sonneman i i ;xi I rights. ; McPherson I : ;xi I s:!! :i;; 4:; ::;; ::;I ::;I ir:i ;::' ;::: i:;: 1;;: :;I: :;:: I I I ! Agua Hedionda Lagoon Bills. The progress has been i ; excellent,' Assemblyman dnrue introduced the identical ; i bill in the Assembly, which is AB 3036. This bill was : : given to the Natural Resources Committee. The Senate i i Bill has been given a tentative date of May 17, 1961 for : i hearing. Letters should be sent to the committee before i : the hearing. i The City Attorney informed the Council she attended the i : North County Chamber of Commerce meeting at Valley : ; Center, which was very interesting. Mr. Paul Evans, i i representing the Oceanside Chamber of Commerce, made: i a motion to have the matter referred back to the various i : chambers for further consideration, Mrs. :Hayes stated t i she did not feel there would be any further action in the i : matter, since the North County Chamber as a whole had : I previously adopted a resolution endorsing th.e Senate Bill. i I * I I I I I :i;: ;::I :::i ;i:: :::: :::: :;:: ::;I :::: :;I: 111* :I:: I;@* i:ii ;::; :::I :::: :::i i::: ;::I iiii I* ('1 Ill: ,!!I i CXTY MANAGER'S REPORT: i Appointment of Board of Library Trustees, The City I ;::; 1 a':;; ; Manager advised the Council that in accordance with the I i::; i terms of the new Library ordinance, it will be necessary : ;::: : for a Board of Library Trustees to be appointed. It was i :ii: i the feeling of the Council members that the present mem-: ::;: : bers of the Library Commission had been dtsing a fine job i :;;I i and that they should be appointed. Mayor La Boche t :It: l;:l I I ::;: l it:: t I til: 4 1;' I I ::I: :: I 1 I I 0 1'1 * t 1 I I I I I I I :!:: I t I 1 I I ill- 4 I ;::: I 1:;: I ! :!I: .3 . I : 8, *\ '\ -8, ', '* I I \" I I , \ '\ \\ '. \\ '\ \, 4 -8 - I I \ \ \ 8\ \\,:\,, 6 4 \\ '\ \\ '\\ , f I 4 I i N a me \\, '\$x '\:?+$, I I : of '+3;+&,>,,;?+. i Member .%'@.$-e .f; ~"""""~""""""""""""""""""""""""-"--------"---~-----"-"---~"----------- I 'I *, I !I:! .3 . I : 8, *\ '\ -8, ', '* I I \" I I , \ '\ \\ '. \\ '\ \, 4 -8 - I I \ \ \ 8\ \\,:\,, 6 4 \\ '\ \\ '\\ , f I 4 I i N a me \\, '\$x '\:?+$, I I : of '+3;+&,>,,;?+. i Member .%'@.$-e .f; ~"""""~""""""""""""""""""""""""-"--------"---~-----"-"---~"----------- I 'I *, I !I:! Dl i appoihted Donald C. Carr, Mrs. Katherine Dunne, Mrs. I Guevara i i i 4 I : Ann Strause, Lowell Richardson and Dr. Arthur W. t Bierce l I ixp f Spivey to the Board of Library Trustees. By motion of i La Roche i ; 1 X: i the Council the appointments were confirmed by the : Sonneman 6x1 : x: : I Council. i McPhersoni ; i 5 : Woman's Club property. The committee appointed to i study the purchase of the Woman's Club property in i Holiday Park met again, and it was their feeling and re- i :I : commendation that a final offer be made to tlhe Woman's i Guevara i :xi 2 : Club in an amount of $6,250.00. After discussion by the : Bierce :x: ; x; i Council it was agreed that a find offer be made to the i La Roche i i i ~r: i Woman's Club of $6,250.00 for their property in Holiday : Sonneman : ! : xi : Park. i McPhersoni : i 3 I I I I I ::,I 11 I 4:: t It I 1::: I::: I I I.. I I I I I I I I ; Mrs. Granger, president of the Woman's Cl.ub was i present and informed the Council this offer would be ; presented to the club at their meeting of Mag 10, 1961. i I 1 i Contract with State Examination Board. The City Manage? i presented a contract between the State Examination Board: 1- : and the City of Carlsbad, and requested authorization for i I execution of the contract. By motion of the Council Mayof ; La Roche was authorized to sign the contract on behalf of i i the City of Carlsbad. i Water Pollution Control Board. The City o:f Carlsbad : i received 28.78 points from the Regional Water Pollution i i Control Board for the purpose of obtaining funds under I i Public Law 660. The city is 5th on the list for waste I I i discharge requirements. There were 13 applicants for i I 660 funds. The State Board will assign financial needs ; : points at their June meeting and the waste discharge pointb i and financial needs points will be averaged together, at : : which time a priority list will be prepared by the State i i Board. It is from this priority list that grants of funds : : will be made. I I ! mats. Approximately 1 1/2 weeks ago the Health Depart4 : ment together with the City of Oceanside and the City of I : Carlsbad sprayed the lagoon area. However, we have ; i been besieged with calls regarding the knats in the area. i i Today Mr. Walsh and Dr. Bane from the County Health : ; Department were here and offered two sollutions - (1) i i That the lagoon be drained, and (2) That we let salt I I ; water into the lagoon. They also suggested that Carp be i i planted in the lagoon. The State Fish and Game Depart- : : ment will not allow Carp to be transported within the Statj. i After considerable discussion it was felt that the only : : sollution at the present time was to continue the chemical! i spraying of the lagoon. 4 I i Bonanza Airlines. A letter was received from the Oceank : side Chamber of Commerce asking the cityl's support to i i have Bonanza Airlines certified by the C. A,, B. to rein- ; ! stitute service a+ Palomar Airport. The City Manager i i was instructed towrite to the C.A. B. in support of the : ; Bonanza Airlines service. I I * I I I I I I t 1- I I I 1 I I I I I 1 I 1 I I m I t I 1 I I I I I I I I 1 8 I I I I 1 I 4 f I I I I I I I &proposed sign for the freeway. The City i Freewa si ns. A drawing was presented for the Council''$ Attorney informed the Council there were some legal ; aspects that would have to be taken care of before the i signs could be erected. I I I I I;' I 1: l:le *I :::: it:: :!:: I.. I I ;;)I :;:: :::I ::;I ::;: :::i :;+I I::; at:; 11 .!$I -118 :::a ;#I: ;x; It ;ri; :::i :x: i:;; ::I; ;::I ::I: I;:! :::: :;:: ::i: i::: ii:I + 1::: 1;:; ;:I: &I:: I!'# '1;; :::: ::;: :;I: ;:;I ;::a I:,@ In( I# :4 &(I :#I: Ill ;;1i :I:: f::; 1'1 :::: 1;': 11;; :::: :::: :!!I ;;;: ::;I :::I :III 1;1* :;I: :::I *#I: ::!I 811 11 Bill regulating Fairs. A letter was received from the i Guevara :xi !XI City of Delmar requesting the city's support on the bill : Bierce ; : ix: regulating Fairs. By motion of the Council1 the City i La Roche F I ; : Manager was instructed to notifythe Committee that the ; Sonneman : !x 3 i City of Carlsbad opposes this bill. i PdcPherson : ; :xi I I*$( 1.11 I I I ;:;; I I ::I1 ;: I I ;:I' I I 1:;: I :;I: 1 I Il!I I , ._ * I ; -8 ' I I I I I 1 h, ',,'., '++ '8 " .- : '8 '\ " 8, ', ', t 8 8, , ', '\, ',,"8 6: I i Na me N, '8% ';,'d I f$..+.*q -9 - \, \\ ', 8 , ' i of *,$@ 8 * 8@', ', '$?>\ ;: ~.""*""""""""""""~~"~"""~"""""""-~"""""-"-~~.~-;"-""-------" ; Member .d$%*8Pr I I I:!; 4" """' I) id ' Santa Fe De t. The Mayor stated he felt the .Council ' i ;i;i ma e some ;decision on the depot matter. Cmn, i ;:I; *at i Bierce suggested the city &kept the offer of. the building : i and that a committee be appoiizted to negotiate with the i *(O ::;; i Chamber of Commerce, Art League ad other interested : :::: :::; ; parties for a lease, I I :::I I :::I i Mayor La Roche stated he felt the Chamber of Commerce: i:;: i should take over this ppoject. I 1: I ::I! I ;I" i Cmn. Bierce referred to a letter from the Chamber of i t:@l /:I f Commerce addressed to the A. T. & S. F, in which they i :::: r requested the building for the Chamber of Commerce. ! ::\; : Cmn. Bierce stated he would like to make a motion that ; :::a ::I: I the city accept this offer. The City Attorney stated there: :::: I is some question as to whether an official from the I ;;I: 1 @I I Chamber of Commerce should be allowed to vote on this i :::; : matter. Cmn. Bierce informed the Council he had re- ; i;:: i signed as Vice President of the Chamber of Commerce i l :. ; ::I; : and it had been accepted, and as a member of the Board. ; dl; I iii: i After considerable discussion a motion was made that the! Guevara : : : ix : city accept the offer of the depot as a gift from the A. T, i Bierce :xi !x: i & S. F. and negotiate with the Chamber of Commerce, : La Roche I i ; ix ; Art League and other interested parties for a lease from i Sonneman ; 1 I :x i the city entailing no expense to the city. : McPhersoni :x :x: f 1 I11 i The motion failed for lack of a majority. I It': I Appointment of Planning Commissioners. The Council i ((II '::; : was informed that two of the Planning Commissioners : i,: : ; I terms had expired in April, 1961. Discussion was given i :':i: I as to their reappointment. The Mayor stated he would : Guevara [xi i 3 ; like to reappoint Commissioner Hughes and Commissionet Bierce ; !x: 4 I Ward for a four year term. By motion of the Council ; La *the i i i + : the appointments were confirmed by the rne~nbers of the i Sonneman ; ; i x: i Council. : McPhersoni i I 3 ! !ll? Iiii 1 I I I I I 11 1 I '(1 I I I ;::: I :::: I I I f I RATIFICATION OF BILLS AND PAYRQLLI: 1 ! :!I: 4 I I i;;; - I I :::: . i Ratification was given for the bills for the general ex- ! ill. $1: ; penses of the city in the amount of $15,654.56 and for the: Guevara :xi i x! i Water Department in the amount of $28,696.) 03 from : Bierce : :x:+ ; April 18, 1961 to May 2, 1961, as certified by the i La Roche ; i i~ i Director of Finance and approved by the Auditing Commit! Sonnernan 6 ; ; 4 : tee. ; McPhersoni i i x: i Ratification of the payroll was given for the second half :: Guevara I 1 1 4 ; of April, 1961, in the amount of $14,366.00 as certified i Bierce , I : :i t by the Director of Finance and approved by the Auditing ; La Roche i i i g I Committee. : Sonneman ; !x I $ I ::!I f !:I: 1 4 I i McPherson:x; ; 3 I 4 I ADJOURNMENT: I I 'i' * 1: :!!v 1 4 :::: :I By proper motion the meeting was adjourned at 1.1: 15 P. M. 1;;; ir:: I I l:;l I * I:;: I I ;'I; &!!I I I I I 1 I 1 I ;i;; : Respectfully submitted, I I I :::; I I I I 1 I !:!I I 4:!s I I I mi :: +"I i 9flk"4GA& {EaQ&y& I :::; I I :;'I 1 # :: 1 I :::: I ;::a I 1:;: I f :;la I I I ;: I ::;: I ::If I :::: I ; ::a: I I I ;I:; I ;::: 8 ;:;: 1 I I ::i: ::;: I ! !:l! I I I t * I I I I I I 1 I I 1 1 I I 1 I I I MARTHA L. COLE. CERTIFIED SHORTHAND REPORTER 1 2 3 Pmxc '&%E MP mxQ% 9x3 ~~ A c .4 '5 6/ I 7 8 9 I .. AT2 ~~~~~~~ ~i~~~~ Pa 8' &It%$? 20 2** k3.b 'r.,30 Pa, 10 -. I 11 . 12 . .. l3 1 ~~~.~~~ ~~~~~~~ 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 ;En a& i?m.?a*.U* x, 24 25 26 1 I MARTHA L. COLE, CERTIFA SHORTHAND REPOR&R 1 -1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 ' 24 25 26 U.' .. m*- .. .. ' a- ~~~~ w* J, a3 +mas2 axe23 BW 311, 24a 42 50 r6,50 47x2 556 39 15 4,39 22 20 8 .. ~ ~- .1 . .. . MARTHA L. COLE, CERTIFIED SHORTHAND REPORTER ' I I' I .. .. .; 3 j ;' ,. . '1 '2 3 .. I c BAD# ~~~~~~~~ ,"$ 'my TEIJ 3*3* 7-m P*Ho. .. Jln-a*wci: - .f m, Name "rn, p zf ie ~~~~~~~ w COX% I 4 .. %@ tM&w *u t5* 8 Eli@% axe ~'*@* iBb@ emf; ':. 5 m Sar tha Qf *b- mma CWM r a!& &e2? eo lm 4" 6 'ZOq$ em*aam QSP my ~~~~~~~ nrpacsclstar,, nsdrwr aIr&y&h* mpQti-. 9 E mn% at;. to bmB 4kX-w a2*$P WQ 3c .w nst ,443 g mod Papl 8 MA- u Rwmr Q .'~ At awi beg&- of" .em h€@Wmg, 7 axp *h4#x#!# WWP@ @hl# CG&zX& 3, .. . lo tiV@.t+, n you.'havqr 8 ~~~~~~~ 4wng t43 pmwpwta~~ar pzw~ea~ @-a w8' wit2 hsimrt;ten to. %.$, ' .we 11.. ax& Jzlla%;m to ., .. . ." ._ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 -8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 MARTHA 1. COLE, CERTIFIED SHORTHAND REPORTER +I A* a% cV9nc3Xw~on of Wdcrk ~~~~~~ LI Pebu*%aA# a49 'h W%2X b@ ~~~~~ h%m, id 8 ~~~ ~~~ $%?GI of %&i CWWAX$ mw L seAwatw$ Sw*fp cmw3e &gira2t m- &at33 4 .. I#@&% Wesl pxy)le)W@ &9 dl3 8A %ha v%%RAU3? ab%€? &B a P?@ ag)@qdU ~~~~~~ 'Phancst ~~~~ Jy with the sa$& aega cowrt@ :mEw am3 3?egu$@$$am. %€hat m€!y wve a€& ~~~~~~ m &@ pu$ Zn sj; mo& am8 ~U~~~~~~ t;yps b%ais%%* TW ~~~~~~~ &yp@ bX#$ser*lrq W%U R~~~~~~~~~~ &%@@PI@ m %he &2FGUUB PQWbXb ~~~ a ~~~~~~~~Q~ ~~~~~~ $%'W%2 %hS %f&t 4 rn ckl;r aaW% b3wLI3?g of ww mak 233 4% palPd3*ml%a a*&$ $L WS25 'be WPy molz ~~~~~~~~~* and x have a gen$Xwm i b L I h %€la% men w am LW Qrl @!up "* ma It;t-&Q oa3etp awe, Wd 4m bP&W -%Wm Sa *WJ M W& St-3 $Rnam* a3343 00 me ~~~~~~ AJ; u.\o pm@n% lxkw whwa we Be%%*, we m am thmsrrn ft3crQI auum 02 v-rstra tJa5fs: we ZxP4 one %ho;urzm I. aw k-d and ~@~~~~~~~~V% point BIzsr: %ae% ow? BWrn Id I ggrQP%Jrk$ XAw; I#@ 8x"lea spo1ErtrQbPl lww%3? aw @a% pmpsr"Efp 3fm; and Me a!mB Qn@ lihouaN f%V@ ~~~~ fa& era% ate? PJa?& pPqpe*y Un@, ,ilsdt$ a# ;DEW w QW Bmk d a@ far m csw ca;tst, fJ2M3P@! wi531 w t;Ks smke?, and m ra? tikt3 . .. MARTHA-L. COLE, CERTIFIED SHORTHAND REPORTER I .. I 1 2 3 4 5 .6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 ~ 14 15 ' 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 '. 24 I ' 25 26 5l ?Jw du8f$a it ~31% be. ~omnjpl8t;abl~. m CF%~U@& Cm2riq WAW rrxa #%dB Purea anb P##guatiorre ar*t $or$h by mlat san Die#$63 CanurtJf, aM that9 1~ 'slX I have +a impe zhank p% WWM ZIA ROCHES a. merat anyone elm eo' @peak AZI ~avor of tm 'pPoposaZ9 (No roplz). MAPOR Li ROCHE$ W@l& iete II hem fmm the c;y9lromnls 5f tslrltra maam+ wgu 'TW p&Wa ase ,anB @V% yaqht?me to tha SScrrataPy? WWr MOORE4 Yw, MLrS, lWw MWm, ;Nawp~P* &ache S a a p-E+t;y ~yI#uhu"" in the City of CWlSbaUe .. WWpabXe WyW, CWWil. W-8 t E am rcbprermm.t;ihg rrr;yssIf m thio opporsftSm to #X* ;Sr?ultw 0% d W8 ttlMIW'iC6 %!I $he WtWnSiOn Qf the %Ir' tma Olf GwF&ti~nr -wh%Ch 28 W&#tWf OR *hi8 smt itOst@a to a 3wgw tm of olpe~t~~io01~, 2: (ultl also alp- for 0rSr;othw m3Jratten.l; pmperty owner MfKv r;aa DIP. Wmt 3ectrstwmd (phmWw3)$ Long Beash* CaZfff?mia, I. we mpm~ant; b slrxulll. plew of prQperty An refation W tmigr?y of" the @them in the auu(rranndl.rrpg LLo?eaj how- ~(cF, w8 am in ycm ~k;y, im~ ow ;tntmvmts, we P~BZ, we OM slaantslty WAth. yaw4 , I ", ;. .X waald .1SW to #LatecCp to borlgjjl wklh, Muat we Werstmd UP tax px"ob3ma and we unUe~land~yOur0 need fop ,~tiwtrldl popertjr,' - .We amr , themiom, #ympa%hetio to . ~QWP aegm and w~~ng % #wk at it wttz.1 an crgcwr ~nd, ~ZQ .. I I I I MARTHA L. COLE, CERTIFIED SHORTHAND REPORTER 6 1 with t;U# m oafaxa, T Mvs tskm ;Ft; uporp myB@W rn may om 2 Mf tQ &OOk a% %he prOperty 88 Q~$*C~&V~XY a patrSlbXe, 3 %n %he fie18 eo that X am not aakkng a m;astalee me wtgq or 4 to Mve a.l;l ~a;3;Mfted tm w W' peoplllrrr wltco birr~et prefesa%@naaa -I ') 5 ous QthaPb 6 PUP %War puq~~~~ X mt&na$ the aemfum 09 wtt, 7 Jack Cab, a oonaultiq $ng&wez?, duuI MI?. MwWm WilJLaoni 8 WW Isl#l - cscmSZM&l$PJf' wsZik"fM dm the536 $kOfW8iOM% f&e&bas 9 . Thaby am9 heace *his evrm;tng with me tanid rrtvatlrarlbts tu rou for 10 p3X&#&&W adVlfCS WldhrV%W. a8kd ehaar trO @.IF@ fDB asl OPifi013 12. P -8 d X * %% 011 %M W%hGPAty ~f hW- #Wet 11 Suny .~uc~s~S-+ if ~ra~ QtW tQ ab$mt;iaec. OS* tu* 13 ugon wmah x Q8ni bma mi;p* awn Opmon, ' 14 Z have rsitched the wmcjluaicm that; uw gmperty 15 slrr not ~~~~~~~~ Pox, *!#? ~'propsrlsty, me lam aP" S& $b& we 16 17 WopIjtid bY'@ $= a& tryP49 .Of' WRXkrYl; WOUPdi be 4AIXWt tWO-third8 Of ekW jlSrSpWtCy 8-W $* 1ssr tb.hi21~ide XOC~~~QXI~ anl St; is 18 19 ala@ a ptwe af pmpwty whlcla we bcaughl; for We purr"poprs, mrole3ys of h??e#Sdential jpmprty wlth OW om ssersi4ence In 20 21 22 23 24 I 25 26 lZrfmdd 83261 Z Ut& to roan .~~LEL w cie~ crw;lnclil, WQWAS@ X 8m a &lmW uf yw citlzlarny, an4 f, iook: tu yw TOP prstwt;ion Ellnd fa?? J'u8ayaent #mid adyl(;re? olrs .. %he pu- OF tua a3Lx.BBs f tsar2 fct v%~&Uy ooncem ml an$ X -9 MYOR LA ROCHlSr W2.2 you gleam atey aeatsd wh;tle this ZarRxy $.a t;rtitJkkl.EnerO tE? aba&, HRS. MWme .I; a&so f"l that it wnoern$ our pmperty I I MARTHA 1. COLE, CERTIFIED SHORTHANO REPORTER r 1 I r 1. I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 ’ 21 22 23 24 25 26 ~~ MARTHA L. COLE. CERTIFIED SHORTHAND REPORTER 9 1' * wmm x bn+ , s ~9~ ~~arar~~a r WC" uw s;r, am. 2 &Q" #%tab#. mi## Am tw ~~~~~~ ?&f tgy a?e$lMww 3 to3db M we20cc~. mthsr t;lpa rpuamy;8 -6 W 32ooat;eb 4 wm fclA l8t3a.m mt*e xc%m!?* famt@r f2m. 5 I "a f: W0iuL;tdJI 3* %a.aaal Qn OMt of IWy pm- A (r f3 .7 ~~~~~~ VU^, x have 8 irauprrra af v%q 13s&*f 4wgJqYB t3 ~1, w #mi# p# andt I 'IpJ)lLm* mlik It;ker$ arch dXracJtrZp ana WFY lNwklmmtly aSlfawmg #y p2?qwiw%y wklwa, WM3 ary ;Fut;uru, a 9 a4rwbW4, 10 W&lbrsn ia I g$a?a&l*C4 c& t;ha, a-it;.a BCrlRBorlt af lillwwm l1 x wG+ul& UJm'Wa SntroctFMcSs mc W~Slram* m. l2 VlxSvglFarAt~r sf XXmm, iie %#&a 3W;lbr5&ht s~ho2ar, krss l3 42f@mm* 03p CAW colliftgs, w srnsr DA*o, tariah wm Il=* x '14 WWM 42% P4%@ilB"larclr (pbm%%Q)i ha lzsrzr lwm fn d9vas- oxs hrr, ai? me 't#sc -1 IX ampww, and J: rws, fa wltd;ly l7 &&at@ f"t;hb)b CEfW@Slt;y* #a ma trujor wk l6 l5 Wl%*-# #%X Wanb 8-j Etar. hsrc dOng WWk fUF $I?@ City 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 1 gurssirfisd! ttb, pc&m ma *&oa in t;& mwm of w m, - ,lycrw wry aW3hI WW ZIA mmr wfi pm am'gksv- tm mmsry zIcsas3' lllxud #u4mMar g m. wwCl$itt m, mbm@# it'* i@lu&ton, M*u-P-+0*ILo wJ;tum%# W*A-S-2-a..0-n, x LAW fn Ja. CmWk# c&ku%wn&& a-w m rsrrafrssJlcrx in, dl p=fm*faonuj, crre;prasrity, 25 Q '%&$%%a b&t andl talc# a ZW ah$ %he @I&& caamaaul3itp 26 X wIza3c Z (eon W#t t#2@ %#! X VVI;"X*$ br%aily jrkbp bwk Just 1 1 MARTHA L. COLE, CERTIFIED SHORTHAND REPORTER. . I .- t- . '14 .. rrrwbua my am && gd mBaa*&Qnfmq3 w mil 1" '&a, *&@%Ha3 SQnAq .$a'. of thaf pxourr -r* ma .. . tihe S0ui;lrm ,. _. l6 , ir wm% %4h ma shouna it gm# %a %he ~ms8 && pw$%l?Zy ;ro 15' me city 'ax$@ b## .$ ;2qLm!Gk. d&!qMw3Aw &a eoWa2l8 .- 17: . . 18 2mXbq3 p&?n a# $& m&3t&s. w-sr fm? the tftloxat gw?t ugi(s&kzy '. ' .. I. . .. 20 fal@%.U;tSrs** ., me3 -* *ah$ ' 0s &mme# "a .&@SS cllisrup+%on 21 in, elsaw if .$&hlBt%%&% $WVe2Mhlfi# '$p1 OP$#Q#@ LO til43 CXky .. 22 aroup=i larsf8 very &x;r?.bl&,sfxs; tm&%m%arn 'poB#Sb&%lti@&* ;mM, $j: 24. %P&f%qL ': *t~~vdza t me, that; m-gx.tft ie m ez~.ss.t;~ng ~-~$M.xP.Q;~ her . 26' %.t, yere to be mozIc? bmmcI&Jr 6r;veXqm&, WXIM pmvldk sevem3 23 ' . TkX@ We&$ pauC?5;;0,6uI2&P&y ... kli.f;x1w' -d# f %hest to LM .. 25 .. ,I :,. .. , .? I. ,( MARTHA L. COLE, CERTIFIED SHORTHAND REPORTER 3% 22 23 24 I 25 26 wd ~~~ wp ft8l3.a ~~~~~ A#$ ~~~~~~ by me wau*J Qr&” $% ~~~~~~ of ~~~~~~Q ++*e aP %&Wb 91 & an42 mq8 tn??oa mt 3ixa@ i.1; to nak& sa; Pj; PWny Ihmi @t$rn@tfV@ al?&4e At tM w3iw2 a&lO, me wc%ry2;;fx& ~,~~~ am3 the $h% mP& ~~~~~ 33% ~~&! v&n@y WmB m3ah 1 I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 2l. 22 23 24 25 26 MARTHA L. COLE. CERTIFIED SHORTHAND REPORTER la " Q mt%4tln$gaJt lw23 *** Q;rz w# vawa clmqS3.aW~ ~~~~ A** a glpw a-$ Ir$lduh sa& thmsm a %Lr"n upM?aei59Xz, a a& %$43X& Sf kh* m Atae2E &mt aPZ UP 42m pPQpm?Qr $33 I&@ va92ey ,, rllla8kar m thde VeU@pY MAYa &A WHBt XmSae X;JQofcr WaJlt p RJe .keup yam pakWk%trnn% w m. tqJ m-*. %h%ar mist 834 #%4m?mmtajt $0 Wibt CC 45s har p,xrrpQryyir" !@&%* sri a& mk m ~~~~~~~~ &%* m. W~,UXIBP mu~ fs ww M me PZWJMWMW taw^ a- &Hm, me I! DP dOW?YEIQ# qy gwwuirn up * 9rSWh, z t;Q && at %h# 2& ~~~~~~ &n .a;Q am%" sly pWl5$%tglrra mYm WI, Rwmx sP@ *a. 3ma tc w #!&ghli; bo Q;?ol ;$out pmmWaf* ma 41 %hat; lla tha I;ro3ast; ca6 Ig;at' &WW%irn Wtth Soar. ItaA'%Ql%t u IZZQCf59Cr mta plst Dlh w&QBh! st* m, ~~~~ A%% *mi!, glimv& me 23;r. *hi.# rn- $oxl t;.$lr, Qwsm* ts a PeaUy. Piw wt&h qU4kSlty m% €m!M#, ' W@h ~~~~ t$rll2; yaw % pr vi- af' gsJ, tkwbaa tnMagsl# #w%$ f'rom a pmm8*aliona3, amane- pob$$ BAY P mad ill leJhaft c3mo;;lr 5a $M.B$ WMB WaXbXat mWity 05" back*-, %WE peAml* p%waa M l&mt# dzx31cx *m *at;; 2xr AKkA4, WUtL my 7 I 1. .. I MARTHA L. COLE, CERTIFIED SHORTHAND REPORTER .. ' . 15 1 ,' MRS. Hocmt W' sox% has Jurst told you, MPr LaRoehe, 2. ,811 ma$, rana 'woU38 .wt be 'su~m~>~e at' all for gmstrial 4 %a &ustuba@ for %ndhnst*mal ait;eftl and aw p=mwf;~ f~We8 3 a;wt; OUL OP the acmsge in that vatsleg, ona-ttajsd ~f 2% may . 5 as$%*. 6 HAYOR LA RWMtiEt. ollayse I mtaW~P8too8. '7 . ' MIZ, COme Her p~~p~tg AB included an' 'ths two. 'hundred 8 acma tba* wouldl be -- .. 9 IWCR U EtOCsfiDet ' jz thwghe you' srafd pa we- going *t;s lo l3 m, Hrn Et x think the. word "IQBle" ms.ght have b@en 12 . JLosie Ot* I,1 . Tom a~1108~ x b%W t quite understand, how you wem going tx the wrong word, but the paint rrtlll m~Wnrs we are hwt if ~ 14 ~n$tastr~a~ appmk?he@ w and chmges .ow land values, ws .. . .I l5 lcrlRs* MWUt %tm& gcsu for yaw' t-, 'x want ysaa ta 17 "MOR WS. ROCWr . OMyat, $.me, .. 16 . C8n be xlio%$lw but. hWf; by th$#* IS ' bQW th& f feel YOU lam XQT cli.F;y and % WlaIlZ: $'Wk bW&iIl&$r 19 MAYOR WI ROCXE~. 1 who' fa n$x*? SQ~O~ else .wan* ta 2o 21 Speak t%g&hS% thPti pPC3pOJMd.? ' ,m* SWWr I an Uwa sh&w lpxlrsrn *g63inLfiae* I Pive 22 24 . m Q;h@ meti, and z.eun wwy jealous $ea? th be%LUf;y &;hat At tRa 'mus;p rfpltoars tht come *eo ow? ccwamrtnicy, ' . x WOUXd .. 23 $Wet3 not onZy CarXahd bu$ -c Oarl~baB-OceawiBe, bu$ all . I 25 z6 hat%. VQP~ mcrh to B(H? $hati az?aer,' wh%,ch is bl lriery %ovebly me&, turnr?d ineo e c-miarl sane; bscmate A% -- %f 'yclru nive .. . ~* 'I6 $de& 'of: %he- iOo&$&l t3$ .the, pFOpOF%ffe . &F Qkb'&$ Ah JY 1, I ', 1. - : .. .. ., .. I .. . I .1 ., IT.,, I .. IMI"~~.#. om approxmately five', "4 ac;1pcirs w$t~ta . .. .. .. ,' '. I -.' .: . ::.' , :- ' ,, ; ' ' . , '' , ' ' . . ., .. . .. .,. . .. .* . . , ,., . ., .. ,. I. . MARTHA L. COLE, CERTIFIED SHORTHAND REPORTER I 1 37 I 1 ~~~~~~~ 3x3 t2Xi.B 3% %WS wtw m nasi$ a8 %la@ ea& a2 p ~~~~~~ W@W&S l3m ~~~~~~~ dolllw8* 2 3 Mta% S~fm2.t; OP 43 ~~~~~~~ a@ 4 PP ~~~~~i~~~ ufl %A ~;~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ Bueh @8 mia 5 pmpex%g As anQ*A we th%n&;J eo- 6 t 0.t the pmperQ &3 the W@8e 7 $@ cTient ht3gM8 $xi wr3 yew@, ~~~~~~~ %Wee, to 8 ~~~~~~~ aa 8 S@P%W thwe ~~~~~~~~~~~ %P&GW awh a53 k3Q mvs ?yQp&% i+J@paw YQPskUS wee &ma a and A* 3n 3,3#3Us$rba L% a QQABl3 ~~~~~~ fm? ~%~~~~~~ Qm?a ~~~~~ Mb bvs are- 9 10 11 83 433 ai3 89Lqe pw aaB. *&e &a'? CVrn#@ at;sf$!;bf' ~~~~~ ~~~~ Bmlz cabma -* Wr?111# a$ %&a g%.xina;, them WPlg'E be a op@P*tAan Janxa a* vwlo%a pain 12 13 .14 d a@ $Ss&$ $W8Br 15 me e.f&at of tu@ oper)atSon, $ha mt"k qm&p, 16 %he b11=.5;%w mt war 2343 ~1~~~~~ %h@m* x %tu# wbxi &fact this cpirrs;m pr-m'a ~@~~~~~~~~~~y ail3 it ax% D s%mWt ~~~~~~~~~~ we ma me13 88 we Wve last?@* 17 18 19 z tu* %ha% @bQhX% t39vws it, 20 21 22 23 24 I 25 26 ~~~~ u Rwmr w ZurXg: ww Jpe;saa c;srslrred %hap; pmpewty, my ,x ask'? m. HC comma om@d *h@ pmpe?eyo ipIz., @e$ J" -- Xkklkwl,~' Dw~I&w'& 3Ej9 OP WPXY ~an~y of 1959. mxm 3Jo RW)IIE;a me me, them whm yuu rrcqufmb At$? wdtsns2; %L? m, w CBLQANO I ba3few %ha%?@ comc$e;o I I I z 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 MARTHA L. COLE, CERTIFIED SHORTHAND REPORTER 28 MR. B3IZSTr pOr 42W P@Wrbl X Wnk ;Zt; @Wid 8hW e m Of d SZadLsd SfSe WII f;m 4% %kat tSrtbr Md &%cbP tUt8 % MW atmad Pm %h* fulrIga~a of hWX2- #C@M PWk. $0 W ~~~~ that WILl 19RILd4. rdolvm f6 oOscUna%lP@c Xt hag me4 sjltz~e Wt tlrt;tllu&,c t;nllr e* Ut A' J+ WS~;FSW pw&dbW? thr- pmpw%y, iauld X &Qght lrray, MP. I$a;yoxc, peHmpa zr m, mcazgan #ant@ 4x4 sw yau a -* wls could tpsudcthiB No" I# be- si paat of x tzamww fTs3x-8, #hwm .t;W gw%farvolr &PW& tnvBZvsdx andi ha ieOU2d &KW gosl the p&BB Of the hWSs8 c;bet Ws 022anf; intaurQ to put on *hsa pxwpwty. HdWW'l WI. ROCHEt X ',4W't thW WIIDt WOUd .b# InW&"* m. Pxm my w11) @$tsar .t;hrat to you# me mycw? XAXW &A RCXSmr Sa). I tall ToU wW, A hUWB Its II, hp1R# I have bson Ln $h* wiu buolubrls For a' gtW4 IImqr ;Y6SSll$ 8u1sI If kh&~ Sa B daCtPmkr2 OWFatioQL, 5$ f;Wr bh~lfngr *iQh .z gpn*as X# Wzsbaia ac#n;pJ,ilrint; ** BIR, rnfSTt mi0 i.8 wm d mmy# m* May-. MAYOIFI, 3;A RQGmr 3Y thiat; W.23 ai;laal a ttabarsas whyr it WA.12 &$*et Q tWU*6%#%"$ bF&& bUiUU¶@ ,mb#&bJ1Jfs U ftrB t;hpf bsrd, it #Sa2 @$%et ft W BQQL~ 6eg~ 03;* WW~&P* ~ m* ImBTr W@&2 - mYm &A RotT_NEo Itf a%# buaZ;lJq Am 4% dis.t;rmwr thug ~ , to *h4# aPUa# tM$ 20 z1JL &qm*&Xl* In* far w w mm# and ata w% wiT1 rw out, ma mnTt May x rlurk, m. myQF# iD8 0 rsatkm" of O*F%.ng , *vl;banect, to W# mat $w mc.*%v* frhe pI!Imla fop &a cabm I 1 2 3 4' .5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 ' 14 15 ' 16 17 58 19 20 21 ' 22 23 24 I 25 26 .. ., MARTHA L. COLE. CERTIFIED SHORTHAND REPORTER I 1 2 3 4 '5 6 7 8 xxxx .9 10 11 12 xxx 13 14 15 16 17 ' 18 .19 20 21 22 23 24' 1 25 26 . t' .. 26 .I HAm8 ZR RWrn%. mw fm?j.w#ttJcd yw lam tM& wI;IIu fmm &* my m* FExfwt l[t% &mt a~W&nt~,a &aW lem3m tw. quaurlcilg., .. .. . .' .- wma WI, mmr oIc4## ,. %&ne, .. m2 mxmt Mas, 3 Wauu ba ." f m&@% mntfcm .w the c-a #* .a m%*el? OP ptmAC ;ncQzooJ1?16, * 'p&m.haoa bgsn &@l?m3Vai Iq taw PX c"%Qn !said QMit Qt%g CwpfZ, MARTHA L. COLE, CERTIFIED SHORTHAND REPORTER 23 1 2 ~~~~~~ the pAatam* %w owragt 50 &W$ Mm, 6 119 $i%tXr wlrt%lpo. *m It- aplxz4i#, V&SW tjer;y 3s 333 a;b h LtQJg or 5 Rrrmr at a as** guiw%iau2illar p;l*cdljr .t;h*Jta mrst Ail! 4 m, m 4xwuu4r Q (snd%#a%-) am aW% a;hl"lrrce- 3 m, mmL'Ps CEhrr Ucsrxrbhu~s; %# about a raiS@ and 8 we I 7 m* j. m. t4a$?w?# 'ii x mQ@* po&%*;'aut ea 'w,, 8 Ukd XWMMb, Bx?l* WOSu&Xk m%Zlksd Cruk to yOU P%#%t WO?WII 9 -&# Sr W34m pmpW%y *ah 2s prporp- w mcddn$ 10 *faa JStPme fbm us pfMp#&tg at #e pawt *m? &he Quarry 11 &m&3 *- & pue ~~~ pa?u**y eves r; ":n;OC 3x4 tfrts l3 f pm%a* ahIR0 w.ratrw, m" 51 &,nD at s -*. 12 Anto 36 #WXk.ar Qrpa of &ve&qmm%. %%x l4 Y##?*t@ %he&, &% -in b&BZl%w %-iBj "t;S@ WW e- PrO- .I5 pw%%*s that we W%n@ am2. 16 X WWM fAW Wkp. XrO srolu, )araw! th8 m@Pdy %€kt l7 Noel 6, &?XI panis; Qtz* t;a yau un ths MfG #%de 19 BWY&fiOSt, nraQ tar thrst VOU*&h pwF$y cvd hslvrsr thia l8 %I# iRliarad;ta'l;sb ;erdjacmii t;o thka J!xwpw%y# to p-mt *t;O ytcrat 2o %hare it8# mti0l;Sd xlrsit; 'Yrr s UfSl W ?h,u my which 3.g 21 mW%g a** hrurdmrcdi Tots. 23 am b JFocua ;Ob*%snr.fe;Un Waf, tiha#?@ dll?y) mew3 on spp??cUti* 22 mkab t;r; brst .wfab #Ubj+C;t @f a @-It%@ urn pm?Mf& a 24 1Iyl;r @319fia;# .m* C:Qx5Pc)%,3, QM1;1 tur arSxlg-t;hrea I 25 Itlxfm sn w 11l)8&$ SIWbr x *at tm gm' - tws %a yrm a0 26 ;var will hmt w#t %spa of #ub&tvArson pmqmrky, Weh 3s .. b, * - ., MARTHA L. COLE; CERTIFIED SHORTHAND' REPORTER ., .. I. , , I 1. .I ., .. =I *. MARTHA L. COLE, CERTIFIED SHORTHAND REPORTER ' .. 23 1 a9 zrf-rda k&GmpA.t;aafl* %am $IF4B %&we4 bmKke pat#%* mt we 2. 2J3Yuxve %x% t;lta;lt;rcp m#i.#. a ma* w cktsb;' twwm we, thsr 3 pat;;t4mtaJ .m %mBt!€, %ha sf';Ew$ of b%OdW upcm +t#M# -em- 4 m* pPt3bkm za *he# $rQw Ism**" sw asrwt upen at 'tM# & ZM Cs#Lb%*fa;naJ, u16 j3emKtt 6tl &ti ,7 ,93Q@"Q iwlit-ntlw 6 .@mat# Ibrt m U14d 94kkbt3 a h4qpSW.r psrr't;x-w - L5 i ,. t3 r#JI* md &#ti x Pa.%#@; t2kk.a gMnb, .beolWl)# ~~~~~~~~~~ 9 ig$Ww, 4-orea sat tma 9;- wbr&ae;iw Jsl, m$"e to lo ' #A% ccuf$m w gwPmt%& -m lgawkw riy trhga P" '11 4 aka%# hAlsa. na "W&@%Lrn OXL, 6M l%"!m e$! b%mt;n that; l2 nyBGy 'mtrul.uk @ha% glMwlxLaw ,- *At** &m* oaima3,Srdl h%wQ%uyr a# re* f&h &n * l4 piu4is*cmt3ryr &p&?llG&f* $b3m mrrrrza a&h* m= twm.m#t ., . I 'I 13 '. , . l5 they bJbl, $Qm % fiawr', M3a&br)stB Gut; %@HI 'tQ w.tX! aMtZW1 i6 . ' " z wmJd pixmjne -a% It;o $a #gMbXwfiaa~ tkmt; me 17 ;It; ma!% b%" up-t;ltr%s. slam& ** 8slc tlllrr 4ulmu' l8 w€m&d mzy a?4?qam th3biPag 031 iclasr Daa#trr Zm? ;Ye&r $33 #?&e? l9 ~~~~~~~ sr *m*' k?4&MWm&%im ,SUA4 faxat *bar qt#n%%rn 20 21 22 23 1 24 25 26 -ea 'cw!ey otl% *mire jp~%~~Uatr;Uy @g#m&m%# hUL #%a%+ we nu m#tfia%- acrrmxlbng &$I .#a g%m?MwSlrur g"&2;, a%lxl mu zle QP aasl)m w %a mp2-t&k ms*%Qe, ww of a, .. .. faolma wWch, W4 M iw'cI?Jvjrdl* I. WYfS IEdS Rgzcs1[Hts .m Cl~.", s yw Wm?&.er- ,%&y@&y Ma* %U# 'hw bAw% &aJrfi ?am 8, 4ut&&%a plan w3 ml&xm3s& it$ wa4 l?a ~~t~~~~~~~ ,, ~~ 4 MARTHA 1. COLE, CERTIFIED SHORTHAND REPORTER 24 1 A4 wwui wl w w ~~~~~~~~~ m' if ?b@y wwm baN** 2 . Ecfsl, $-=I. x &i!mnQ* mr %k OaSsjXd w raait;2h&wmwy, bu$ @indl &ti %i# &4l@&m2. 5 lJWlQ8 WI mms 2: csm twb '9"m wm ah dlsww WxLa%- 4 0wwJy $up* QUI? 4- %a f2Qm we @$m.mtm ros 4iw h-pfW* 3 6 m SIwmat #I!kmdcv, 7 b@a"xir, Wr;C#W# bt m* rn hhar Og Rw ax+?mm hro153m 8 m f mi# 0 At JWka p3arroia,. f irsilo'Ffs **.- WW 9 &~#IP xltd@&~~~O~'&b%&W~b@fSa~~~~ .. 10 I sx %* M kt## .le;slo E* w* FklS txmpamy, mait 2% aht 11 €!4mWwm# w4 4Mm8u- z"@ll;nsls Illr If f vegw4wn*slr uf %;slSlct* 3 .a%#@ Stqmmmt m* f$rJIlxy ccwmtm,, 18 x Mw bdrlwtr mm*~ WNh m* #rttlrpMm fw a.xq pa.ob 17. pm3pX4B whaz gu\zrc- ##V*'$X"Qlg, iwh#raH, pla?4%WC)N, and 16 Bktm, th!@ paSop2a r;chuo Wpm#p~yPI1#nt,havr, ths 15 spsrcts -$ md M. $-a x MVI ~UFO mw mm 14 *= ar9nss+ a@$5, iUlc;lM my bm-* m*xa the Idml few m.t;krr. 13 .W a$ #am wM#?w*x; .t;o ;rreau W* X hrtt\a& -~~dmap mmwt%ae%eW 12 l9 I -=w !%?* 4m%ma, wtm ,w WArn I 1 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 mmf ymw6 4mp I. X $MWbkr, &td i -$ dsaX f'W WM c*w ckp mxuw!€a* %1;,*"SotadrtemSrME;ra@;Wng* ma -* mm ZA mas Ax&.*%& %*t9# @Bt g@.tqg. ma 3W#Tr , MWY X b@ -3 'me m~7 HA= G mt *sc -* u at: I m ww *a get; at, m ?xma#?t. 2: Mum f)r;l# 3.4 aJt p&rrcl;wnt* 10 yuta .. - .MARTHA L. COLE, CERTIFIED SHORTHAND REPORTER I ..'' .. .. =I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 1 25 26. al.QhLp at mWD%,# %and" .iqt 'pCraitmJ sn * Im61tWFO ma6 GW& am ~~~~~ rr-;tsm k-b tntsrw, I kava fphs SM~P p~'.rywneics, .. efis. ~rn z's%%s! mr- , w %a? W"ce r#sopS@ An mmt ~WW#~ +a 3 &Wt %hWc Wts 2-l mt? '1c;csm3 sts*sut;w tan la* Bnif #a$* *You %?qgwment a 4M"k*L;f.t;ofir," hia;sr is zu* ar w- clxs *ria# or aw43&ctu olp dMw@ f;o what f: hava 433 mly, m $%d #ha% 5 me * -r;xxcr 3t8py &%&%#en I m "a bmaw@ .Z Mtr?e, bgan .Zn %Us r;sparotdon a+ 8 Mati- ef mBpm#mkq 1- wOa?kW oils>rraZp #Am nyr d&W%&j dwx$ Z WW Wbe ai,mk w QC CLcwBh4p mdDBu;lBm iNow, wAr;b fihu 34l ab& ?#e caxurol, 2n qy w%nlon, 5$ gCWP &W+tU& A## M %* h&% 'IMBWI, PX"& tO Yrna *Qwt air& of" tlm cwltrixsnC* wMeb th* ciey (fearszcr&,f T#HJdd to jw&B WxkrC ~~~ on. May x point; Qlxz * yw t;hifl$ me *mky tF;rant;lmad $0 you %€a& he 4w%nrlt; wen know bp 4A.w me whie.b g$mlwdM haw ti t4mg Sm! go- tu "kLWrri$ the ymw? E dmlt knw.,, wad 5 mvAm we appUcatSm WPy cr3uMay, *tWF UP Wt a* ISataPW an wd4 psrr$ScuX4?F arl5'kac Iwww rrpa8%i2o&tianrr fQJ? a52 SWW w. cmey job#, 2)o sew 31095 &2g ;Q s'ocfc qul;srt;*ltrg *y 4Cm &a% to ham, Y don@* know hm big 8 b28 ir go* la Mv* to 2rs mquhw3 k, p@Wluae ,mKrk; tllRlc)Crb. x dwe kmw hmi bfg aTI s$k4m&am wy awa pm #. IWm. .. They mm yzjm#lm* S"0u pJlraralr ;IMLx qmr;~icaliC#yr of eein er<2ufplparert, x baF2iwe aaa a&pSiea%lon dWQ not I 1 .. MARTHA L. COLE, CERTIFIED SHORTHAND REPORTER .. I. MARTHA L. COLE, CERTIFIED SHORTHAND REPORTER I 1 LI 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 27 he** Fwle OFf&3? +kt4 be * Zf sm 4*&ur lo mf@F ;soa; e&* %e3 %$%x% %#Pin$ z;itacsffF@ mtLm mfaw %he 8- g%m# ad s ~~~~~~~ beem w a$ a %#w@ &-e 5 5 1 ask $f 2% &a dl;% P*W ~~~~~~ am$(* w W& 4m% h%%V@ %o c b; .~~~~~~~~ ,l&#a% w$z am3 gcxLni 4x3 bo 4$wtiMw3 % 350, ym 3g mfeP bask rn %he Q .st&*%zm &is A83 4&rq ww QQnwwy f;@ ttm PQBS- 9 %Aa-l $9 34% PXW c: 10 11 12 13 ci&y ~~~~~ 08 ~~~~~~~ Wft%Pe# w s *wa h&vs, bdL* ai3 al&Qr oszz$MiQM wtmn or, rXugsraLfcua %a zSz.iB& oxt 14 &, gtm bv@ bwn a%.at;;ls. At ?nom# ~~~~~~ 15 16 bmri ~~~~ W&k La tM 17 fcw ~~~~~~~~~~~* @w@* *y bV@ prJ;E& 18 19 20 mmq 3% 2s gX3@BSb%@ $0 r;r@fol?i Xt Wek, 21 ~~~~~~ 8 d MI@ con24 m% i% ahwL ~~~ &A RWWt 23 you tkmm raxr$l;mp;l& 433B45, ”$t;,a be= 22 23 24 1 25 ~~~~~~~ ** 3% m ll#.Ym @ pa%% sf *he# &mta# ?x@ ~~~~ x &4% 26 MARTHA L. COLE, CERTIFIED SHORTHAND REPORTER .. 1,' : 2?@ i 1 I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 MARTHA L. COLE. CERTIFIEO SHORTHAND REPORTER 29 "W a t.a;tltees and $a h&If -- %cw OZW& la #e # a& we haw ;aa;2r w tim3a a.l?$kw- - 3%- at g%mImmt; t** A, 9, &dWWA-# X thiU&# U SararSX lfjr 8&a& ia $43 at ~~~~ 23ry wm mxpr sllsrrz t&a El cuunw C%33 * tsay ssrs-w (4Q a2 432 the pmpePty Cm W# pa&# ldb3& il ba* tu#& by c%#.ukG%l *xy 1115#1 ?NwtMF&y - aac9t&&?sy M n c3mI.m ~~ -w of wwsl Swa aghWR$* x hW@ pm 4x3 '3nt3rk3 L- so #a&% yw owx4 3wwiJBw t;hwb vau*uw &mpert~,'%dal* err b.3~ a43acsnt * ba;azl g?mMWnrrt@ w&%h *n 0;s %W plms ofy A& l&2u&-, wftj,cr)r &E #%e pmpey *&* m* wC0-a tautad abaue, ~~~ s B ll&Q Y9slbr"W *Y# 3.5 tM$ wh@z?@ %tu%% high famf~lo, 19- puvsx &s tb.9; Ms ppopI#Ft9? m. 3axS!l!g x WU@V@* .L & %$ $e&# P*6 f2waUgh me 3llsCMle (r;9 .A%. C~~.~~ s ;x ErosnaG sf mt loc;sattJlon, pwxy, a, FdTt s l&&t GL tUUktmdIrttrsk"*W &"m%"m~~$"#h%z~ goli nii&Wx txssurd u ~~~ $QP tbsly. BE*vm a aluk2f~&&vQu*m~~t~*"~ I e4WB P;o a4w" 53Erzoro5 *%a* oJz+ lb@ Am Soh605 ZZlaewl;tct, who ;1B3wgm%* 4x2 w8sr;tataer ;cI rrChWX *Ate, 33's abw$ Ln me arllb8b & aa2.s ~~~~~~ pbblt.&! (Ll%&Lorsrt*). !&qf I. 1 2 3 4 5 MARTHA L. COLE. CERTIFIED SHORTHAND REPORTER 3Q e .WCMP @*4%#2 aa&M && tb &ma o$ chsis mcw32l ~~~~~~~~ Sdm1 3C3djs%P%eQ, 6 a% *M* laahwz go-+ w -. X-W ~n the xww 7 of 4w cwmWk.4 wa,ww;t, lPSjat;zPfcot, lgL SQhiWX sfea ham, 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 E taKwk yw ~~ mmw t;hnst met *ti *bZP pmpm?.t;y hly ~~~~~ w 'w li*. 0 2% 3243 in w ##&%a* 3hW @x!& #€lt%k$ I Wfw*ca to ym, ~~~~ B m ~~~~d $ttWl -- I FmTs ~~ x the' limits of Mep tw tx aakm tap faat1 w &a Mwn 5 ww un iL ~~~ 51 at en' d.?at* 43lr@ * %-baa wlEsir;t;tr- 1 fQP ;dJ scmg %-* IdQ w* bw3 ~~~~~ 'X rrzaRv& $?E% C I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 MARTHA L. COLE, CERTIFIED SHORTHAND REPORTER ' wc ~P~~~W~~~MS~ Zd#MtkSWMS~t%~~ w%Jr mgj##n* w #e 0 sui#* whmamr M.b@ dA# 'tax&$ Ws&% q ut! gvrrn r. -_. .. - - t3tlm,ez1",brut;It-a*" €mwasrqpjaaaea w ostiMA3 %-e x MRZB* x $w*m%mtmpb"m tQaAf&** andl x bm ~~~~~~~~~~~~ a tM aiw M 43m?cmw# aut &xi $ha osy ef agoorb" aiQ AI Jtt r%\il9k;ua-a MF* ~~~'~ 5 pM huRw tth PW arm* c *~rn,f;"Irrdtj8sMlsrrt;tsO#brli~ZYQut"rn. I &a aw a- a** \# kw;t% oa x;har Othm acM!@i at p?tafttt w hv* aLzl a%&$ Qs fj%mZw& ~~~~~~~~ %nthlaQ;%$yaie wbs l3mHmtiw -%a w;251 caw tMim&%u t3ss'flhcsit; th4h.t; p3ax r, p" *%a Is #4Mk ~'~~~~ "4 @&%&a&+ x ml(lchs. mby# Bba, Ita &?t?b* em* 9 w&u, ElltwBqp* fio #$a%#,~~xBaryrw*We"&r~" l!a?m!Ru ? !&whnk;raoss"* m'mx Zrn"d0"Ud *% x w f"P &# JmuI SP gal% xissolto~~"~;tnt;fr,~t"w W@Rw -a 09rSlw sa Wm ermM %4mQ* wm y4mr xw"-tx"p, xtl *a w- tm m* $t"*a #%" - . c I MARTHA L. COLE. CERTIFIED SHORTHAND REPORTER % 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 wm ti#$ Pm Ifclrsrra;lrrrxapz, 1: wmx*,aut fmaP iby8 rfeccr XW%%# WWM %# SW @C&& #&RIlA@ e UXU B%Mk #M&t w a2 vsakt. my, X%*# €" a *RV ~a~~~~ ~~~~~ alT%# ma d ,-a en ;d;fr* rh @#$ #Tywjr x"-$mtw*b dbY%Qre w&*ua* 4alakhg 0s WkU Uipp3, x @ut hek aw, SJl ww& &#a P4" %ImB m. .S-wr zwpmmn** 483 Jrou 8 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ xoolttjtdmt I 9 nrcy #W allmi f icaCruXd.m3% llMJb4) SarJr palaw. n!m WM dwt x 10 #ism,&w?c""l;rssle,f;ylpse sn"' 11 ~~~~~~ : l2 ~fn%~~t#Q~~~b&io:~~%#~Y&U~~ l3 pldth %waracsy" rnt&lg%3&%#MOa jwalsusbl2m cjk;rr. me cgty of " cu#lt$ I,4, w ham an oiad ma# am fjnrft p-yp we Wve cmsp~l~ m sm #aI!PoOrsi M3iUpWeh Ai3 I,7 gzo i%r w lpxm* &P& %t# l6 at # dl&& y4k% $;hxrr CrW%Sorr l5 v F 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 , 25 26 obamurgdi, m tuaa a"- crx t;fu gm?$mz?*y fmwm *- &at z4mm@# Imrcurulu, af .wza 4lW.l; WcrR -0 Zysrr X@ wua34 atdQe ws $%8&4i&W pl&m r- m€l mw *srh ;tjl 1 r %W a&%* gnou ml 4Wrn W$ CI Mn3fc. to Iwp It;aEarrrr war* A &lare Mug &" pwt $a m* v. R* IkermiBs p3isrtqt; u3 %&# Q&by M. h mq$o ' %n wbt - QIXE SM mqp i a& hW MWm 8 heho 'pha hi111 $# pWtQf &ma - m MI, I L I MARTHA L. COLE, CERTIFIED SHORTHAND REPORTER 34 a*% %%a, 3 ma$ on ma 3crb. wm 2 l!it few d3 ~~%k@Z% QOnf&3& by" ths 8ii-e -8 h&lb 4 2 MW Ai; "W& .3 flZW* at- WF!k fOP hzxa UAth q kH?QthWo 3 8m1@ qpem~ioxlar Mfm* He,km %&m sen tW hlt5iZs i&olfirn, 5 g$C#r& "IxlkRs$ amt puuy in v%w of #hat m ca lPmUwJM 6 7amB # m& aemgg as awa ~~~~~~ &xu% a@ ~~~~~~~ Wuh 8 s: 3.44 a *'* x El llrt 43323 4119#psB . e tm lqy asl3l'azrt;, bt!& M@@wa of m 42pwmtJ*Qb## we w#*P IMd we to d&#&xmb uf, we ha4 l1 psm$ out* Gs a- W# w! bm3aW m zk?wmm$;S um %Am. l6 & il&ap%q "t dmmz'' msaep% rut& 813eyp a L1u;x%uaep and x *t l5 m ham hrw& c"% tmmb2s* we tmm befm?@ m l3 4"m 'Bo2) tm mrWf in wiwang $bl? rsc;k w dm forth, lmwlia6 lath the i3wlmh, WmP## M- 12 14 wan6 Ln, aWrX thay had na x%@&, tm .raay cr.thmz ~ss#btWd ww *m l& BaAI Btn$ a half ~SWWI, anb 'Wy XFdJikds ''VCar. I et3 de wna hirclr p%m%, tmma#s w WareaPI Wt 52% .a# lrrs' fler at ,I MARTHA L. COLE. CERTIFIED SHORTHAND REPORTER I I I 35 I 1 rnamesr”it 5!W#ar ~~~~~$~~ z palm auk t;o; $tat Wr”&rn“~cra+ bym44gM!wpw“2ew@,’w OGapUrwt ycru if ;ycru tJ0 d%axfel to ai# ma& ant tu# &40at3a # aa *e sfm?uta? zpafne* 1 Nn$f !&m##r& tCm&# w fmnr %*iautfWae&4Q+ld&*Q *ab at i%llm&M .xYya”*m*~*lfio” kM#ps xm “Xerta t&m 3k lwcm4 *I%@ $$ares ,m fm gvcyu, Wark fGWgt#% *W% x & W&m r 8uul QXWeSr k it, ;x%’@ nxpl% ~~ ~ - MARTHA L. COLE, CERTIFIED SHORTHAND REPORTER 37 1 2E gpxtd m me WApmig ~~~~~~ bg %MA& ~~~~~~~~ %%tm?$ %W$ !& @f taw2 ~ z ~~~~~~ 1 3l4M b 4 cs&mML i-wlwi! %!a48 tyaps Qt Asidha#- tw& &J @2 w -- Itwm '5 Ym axel m* w%p.%a$ ;rsulxx&W*# b- *$ 6 7 8 9 10 11 X~tnrS"0s. d tors w # %hati . s ~~~ w hwm mr "?@e want43 w a of? gm4 mt D%.4 yea ~~'~ haw th€%.t; sjlo 3Aulmw *a Q mk OWMPa an& raQtwg %ha 4323 ;vw hvt4 w 8 m* MM Qf w WA32 .ymA pu% ST p3?upm?ty %% €ma M yuu l2 Pm hu -,m dm lnRb &a-s4#3*..5;0 m* Cam% &pM3t@a I l3 Ma2 ~~~#~~~~ ox l4 t3ran\f;;mS m&x** x bY@ bwn !ihmw$h rn l-msxhm l5 .~3~~~~~~ x af 0 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 * ~~~~~~ I@ Mm 4s ~~t pmL mp Jgs#ltti oli" ma p9opre WW &"ti 8m* ~~~~$ ~~~~ %in#$ m* wel a t3uxsJ@ *t* 23 E+%* l?%3%Tl f a$ mae ym wv** MBy x pet%% WL tww @&tZ"e 333 *e I &%W,, w L I 1 2 3 4 '5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 ' . 22 23 24 1 25 26 MARTHA L. COLE, CERTIFIED SHORTHAND REPORTER $3 L in tkw rt;ylprs ef of xN9zaE;ap M$ w4 ax rn acbJScS%~~* !nwy f*3,. WWt wrj*tk;s1 8a &%;e 4% 3lx$hT* W1t;frt YW #-a4 haava ne ~~~~r~l~l;;~~ OP wm amtmz 09 4;&e ~t;smr 1 w bWw# ~~WUy~ w iop ~~~~~~~~ Wk d * w wlllwn Q w & ax@* !Rmy BrnWBjY G-rbP w# @zt%MPBP a;r t;al*ltcsrcg la tbmt aad %My *%lTing" ** puQA*rr, arxJft ab~ea)Z3lm WLtkLn !a mLU a34t Q h4tkL x wlmt; %hat.. tcv ;vQa;r, x a%&! #%at f;hs* jud@lm* isr me S*tSrnW ;I* yakus, w* bo;raAtaa Q2 ta@ asm at? *Mrs -43 e2 4bppua.a$Lm& x Lm fjhiatt tb* jpuUS$ar 4Bm wwy $&gm?tm* t;o t;hjmr =*x CamCmb, 1: uIppd)3b ta plA 233 S~~ of 4m$tIMq '%h#k* s hwe aa;rd~~#BlrawZU~~~~.t;aSmuu'to~~~al~ b fqMkxatfrnf ourc' 4FxpwAw XI"* S SQM #w dbtJ $X ;yrrU * W& 4 w p1w.M m %&@?# e og p3u w *Q ahw 3w% X" md $W @#lit$ ~~~~ crs" *zon, 2 w ~~ nlat; wr x alt, Rp b;rnlbWP ax%ght artrg;pbara mti) 3n akWM&?$ w* %hi@ 10 lYa&& p%qpe%%y *e%W* tW% a W*lcas aru;vu a% a@ wmx *yp@ Uf !llmw% ab w m 4a%acmg €illmat 4% we tkw Lis 4x3 p?Qpww %h&$ ZISr in f2zwum and ax1 m - I 1 ~~~ ~ 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 ' MARTHA L. COLE, CERTIFIED SHORTHAND REPORTER 39 An 2tb . ' ~~ zllb lt.€smar yw wLar@t mch, m* 8 Hi?* ?MbyQP, 5 datg wa e Ym kavs- w 0 xw=t pQ&nt#* m* 38 yw ham &lot lk4WP4 ., . mwc*4&!3a?t;la~,rudX ?&?i%*yVDuk%4WW~ (Ma =-I. A9tr *%* 'rn%*# t$Mk 4m4 ca;r" f;h #qpp%a*Aaao x aaiu @m# oeFc* $~~~ Qt;o* *w -* I I MR. mma m* ut- l%@&m# mb&Wt $0 w Mf'(aSr to a;ta~srxlgpaslll&on~ftra n&l#?@ %heb jrorut w$ht a a , of' t2W Gmlf*e X -14 3AW t;o MW thJJa bW& et' s&x&y-nS.wrr xtJerje-;rp w%t"li B c"% a #e %?a#.@ **, x WuUld siloarc our;yI;1, @M# ~~~~t # of *e ,lilBlRmM =4wM%Yr -* $?Qp tb" JpempX& Md lPqpP4m-b * m@ctul8s I MARTHA L. COLE. CERTIFIED SHORTHAND REPORTER 40 I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 w &xi I#” fw w 34% 69231? M4uI*rQlp19 qpIw4mt€## ~~~~$, l”t~$swauet;c;*~#”ftrrra2; we m P- c-.meorsx, A% -&a ~~~~ wu1 l%mm4mh M a ~~ pw #V@ raw , w Po w the mmm C t xvrrar $#ha #h%&-a~n~d44~#.(*xa$ WAZXrn lire. z ;rul;s b ?fWAW% at+ IMPm sf a+m b I thaq&* pamMb3y E &%@%*‘ad& I& 3ii%$lls e- i”, x- ~~~ wm x#Nww2 G frrP 2w*-mWrr YilQarnrri QIP ~~~~ %m =liasL t~y~~ ham tu %x& th %vm 4QOtrSft-r md x tiurwa Imm #- BEi - ~~~ m ,236” $kt? * C&%y of dklqpfam fa? tr#p: WL 4aZYw a, and. x rJ;Lsg mvi.t;& w&#h %u 4#lr@?@##Q ~~~ &I&? *m ig# ?gP&tf a# gww%b%e w .t;hnr bJaslla%A% =ma* wf xlEf?o-* Qp@rn*Aan& Bw* w* - WB ~*sx.cE, s” w ta& Am # & C(rSrrB;*# ttlbn ~;xlmcl&x3g dZw6 w pglaant; as ll.3bap &mW ccwurt; g?wpJRn, a mu 4m jcakds bu#piw 4am% tw “?ag pmmP Ism arsd pApa %A$# fGlm?Pa wrdoclcc C”G*ian, MARTHA L. COLE, CERTIFIED SHORTHAND REPORTER 1 42 1 xlw.@im- sx J,$ .sls$# a 2 */xu 8 4 0 3 ,a u!il@s %4$* m* i twa wS% - 4 QFa *- 5 m, mTP r$ dr $8 x I 61 t2aa .* nu% b-pt %Ma &=%a &#my# gw iBamxP, P*% w 4?&& t.&b *Wd ai3 wh3ecfi;r wm OBa wx%&B mt m rmt ~~~~ .gt: mk *% a3 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 B 25 26 #a€% ti%#&% liwa w t@aBu!fA& # c4u1 he wa;, AtW-V P $ +mr l3ni&w .E;lhae ~~~~ at II 0 that bWt% qma (9m T 1 @%*@ w%W$ taqy ~~~ -y* B%mm - sfjeuq-, b-2;- Qpa¶!tat%m r*l 4 3J 4mte knuw fa *t extxmt p x% #H z;cs amb M 924 bWa;* - x al@%t -~ L 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 MARTHA L. COLE, CERTlFlEO SHORTHAND REPORTER 42 * $x? ~~~~~~ ~~~~* %* Q .. - - . MARTHA L. COLE, CERTIFIED SHORTHAND REPORTER I 1' 1 2 ,_ 3 4 5 '6 7 .. 43 &f3Axl ** UYrn u Rwm8 MAxa yw pleltars43 34" w 32 yw don$% Ze&V@a. x w%J3 h&V* jrou pub @?at# .. WL Pl3rsrxtt -.* W mt ~WW ~~~~~ MJ *a"& %€%a ab$llty to $fsrr$ Me2 QpArriOn, ~~~ ;w1 RwaJ mw ea we rerwnd un %ha*? ' cxw Am- mmt ' yw b4a t;.hcs I?*% eo l%erl;ea to 8 e m'F0 x'aa& *a jlclulr ROfiUF*.& ~~~~~~~~ %ha% x 9 &BY %w~.~ww %fltra% YOU &w'hwb %%%a A# mot 8 eo~r;r$ at law, 'I0 l2 mYm M' Rwmo . z Wva mke8 yw ~~~~~ I;ca ?&&de 11 lmw U$%@rn4 $0 gneta4anC @aCgep*s ?a you ** b$ *%#$ cJh%r**mc ;rcrslb@!$@. &W# w you &w@ not; ga%ng to do it# 13 X eur~' ngz; ~Q~FW to sw -2~ =~MW w ya; X 'tm go~ng ' 14 15 16 17 18 .. 19 20 G.er'WV@ yw put. mt of %l3i& aw3i&%uP~~c ~~~~~~ @e# yw &nff3 Paak wu wf.t;k Re,, 23aY.8 &!& WmTO P iasD 8bp ,&?e "0 %h%g $,@'"U%w 1 &3El m.3?@ m QaF&t@ wit& vex?$ ~~~~~~~~~ gx?ppmt;y r*%rrs t th 3 k;am r;h* *g .tQ .crl;rjb;?ro%, :x ~~~~~~ ana &&" me 0ppQpWt;;rt fo'ofYeP 433 i4U tm Qg @viamQ@ . ' .. -ah 1E.tkgmkSnr pxWpw*''~ ' :. ' , I 21 MAyloR M.RQCWX YOU 08U1 ~lb$H& at f;bB P-~ZC' P;$.w~ 31 22 am not ,&e* *Q a"'w&th yw iocnrt $Ma, mnst 23 w a9 * asp aut ?ygu ge, d 6 yau we no$ 24 1 .. 25 :a* iuz-c; 42mnat- WU;I x 19oOsrn@ ;s% 3s -* eeos & WLbP 26 tim.Orpdt +b% e %stow ~~~~ fm%?t blrns w &@la I .. MARTHA L. COLE, CERTIFIED SHORTHAND REPORTER , 4.4. 1 ' ~~~ ta 843 back 't;cr yw ~%#tr%ans $T@'it #a&&& the 2 ~~.~~ ~~~~ 'dc;. #Ut k?UClt;iV@s t;xwb x b2isverp $x' b&We%w$ opatlOa"sa ~~~~ $343. aun&a* 4 hwpAta 8" B ~~~~~~ 5 ta #A I ta&u 'w- di ya n4w ~~~~~~~~~~~ tiha 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 .14 15 16 17 18 . warn zdo mwr *$ 5 ss3d La a%mf$ D PIIE, W OA,€&D=H# A I ~~~ &A ~~~~ m?# 3 wua 2% &? m, HC ~~~~ A m.L8tlr ##3& I ~~.~ Rwms me lircad ~~~~~ ara;&m ettlnt % we priaroe an mats%, & f$&aZvy, m m cluaumo yiolz: @@e$ ti&%% ~~~~~ an ,'%>ce @rlo Wrl 2by 8mr dvww* M%ng rrwe #t any om t a ~~~~~.~~~ iP; L @ w to ~~~ ym paauldt8;;Q $%I mpsI, *boo% 2% &Ls, dQoan %n me iwp, at3 to sp %xwalv@4, ,* 19 e#@% be ima* 2o X$ can b taw w&?* "x"wm3 m Qt;EzeP Wqm 99; .. ' 21 m%m XA Q YatA *Wvm@t ~W@~ ay agpnrta%ian yet, iibM *hat t;ksa;, *W% st a b3t-l %ha.$ WWXCX 139 mqtt;km 23 lr&tt;@P of mc8Fe41 4; E& g13119%on ma a $pa*@P p 26 m, r9c C"0 9 643 mi ~~~~~~ 8Qlp w 25 ~~~~~ $0 84 maA6atia &$nr@t.rwra # aia4 cu1cQjf 8 b3.f away? 24 b 4% tp- of wwt - ~~~~ mt M &ebb 1 ~ MARTHA L. COLE, CERTIFIED SHORTHAND REPORTER' I I I* el I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 ' 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 rrshat3 a% sight %ha0 rc%zGh c? %o %ho o$r%?&l md a@* 2 3aqxtPe t be '~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ &A Rwm; Ita w3.u I@ava * ~~~~~~~~~ r*t raw3 e.! m, Fiizs23 z n$2% ;not &mV43,, .. m* mym la ImmOEr d?Lfet, WItX' jrau' hWx3 @ ~~~~~~ c#t%GeP a;o pxt til&% 2 iaeY49 $4 3;Psgbti ea b% hem&, eBcoPt ~~~ '~~~~~~, oaab? ' - .. #at* Me Ht ' 'D343 gcm .mq% timy%w ,? ~~~ LA Rwm8 &at; t 4% Im;2rsut;to untz,% .h;psa;t ~~~~~U~ ea ql&!2t& &om, cmc @mm$ HI?,' 0 why 'Bcm's; 'yazr Mvs jkta SA* dam Isun*3bJ, a49 ~~~~~~ '.%@ ~~V~~~ &A Rmmr Yw 4nii!gh$ @&% dam, (ICO gouee OW&CW) ~1.32 yw UVQ %M$ ~~~~~~ $*en W% of' e& ~?QoBI, %he ~rutib wA?& tr;eB hm&~ PO9derCt %iiaP# ym, pbajFEra?. .. MR* rn~;Z!o ut tihe F433 ~~~~~~~~ mQ z .m;2 t&* ~~~~~~ I HAY= &A Rwmt we kaiow who you m?@r &%I 3?93XsTrr w;ta;a *he3 mocIc$o Et280 &na%GatQ tkE& E 43% be ~~~~~~~~ w,b by a '~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ T ~~~~~~ 60 *h& sr$ Crr t&e Lea%%ao MYOR &nil RW-0 5 w&l3i tma;u+J! $0 Xt* z *25 tcuxl.t%$p I ! MARTHA L. COLE. CERTIFIED SHORTHAND REPORTER ,. 46 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 A%, hs3n, W%$ pll ~~~~~~ ** CTltW Re 3963Sl;p AtZamys w ch0r"l;eerd mlxKld43 0;P ?%e rooHat by tam. pUX%es arficsp). I m, Pic cAluwBB$ \lkKix2 g yw au ~~~~ %hat x G' os: ~~~~~~ sng on %he t-4b;tl$fy $$ brnt%rr& t3p33m2;iic;rzpiJ W@P oontm2.1- %%I CWetQm lm%?e pmpw @xgmrkena& ~~~~~~~~~ XI;*@ c&xzf@ea 9ss JUBt o$if gwxi m 2% ai5 x can 8- up W3tk @a* of" expxo- PUwOE WI Rocrno Wd uf*a am %hq? eo ~~~~~~~~~ $trraerB MR. ovlc CWLmax %%&y lwrp thim 8 w a m#?+3&5cr m?@ a t$w?- a$ $E &M gtbP ,~~d~~~~~ W@We Ihe rnw by which they rxs if$ wkitzh wx5;el xswps2e BtXm ma%iox3, &.at3 mcth amMm wad* 4;;%re t" $8 Wkb wx 6cu;hP.e; de4 *'ti* rarhwt 2% &U a$ arm t;Xlmt3r, ,. ~~~~~ tM ;irss#nxnw th&& 4WtE wrsb ajrc Irrlkua.Q;e4, no hdlns QQCIM Ifow f0P gehg an Go tme 9)3p amXS y&%a?B, ;Ipplif qui* a bA.G *@ blauertxkng ksom Ilhrqtr'lep &%ti LiCB a22e8 m? @%$WP 4m eLWnatiorn of'tut; oon4%tiO& w bs%osrx_lig %* ij(OWTP$ I J MARTHA L. COLE, CERTIFIED SHORTHAND REPORTER I i .I " ~ .. 4 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 -7 .8 '9 10 11 iz 13 ' 14 .15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 ' 23 24 25 26 I MARTHA L. COLE, CERTIFIED SHORTHAND REPORTER 1 48 1 . Cmmy of am DA@gQ* x won?% ..erg t&, %erq$IP here .. 2 sSxc;lep& to br up %WQ 02 tau!Qw ~~~~~~~~ rpgfifi%+? 3 RIPB~, the ~U~~S*%OR OQ %he ~~~~~w~~~ QU-Y d. 4 BhWXd nx>$ 'be di#@UrSSr?d #Am %hZB %m@ Of qv Qt,aT1, . 5 zabto&~s &ba; $8 #W% the 8BcMIQ) type. Or qU&PEy at &Xi,. an $nJp 6 fwh%oxts ?&e3 we oi~w '0% the .waste .rock f2"roLir &at QUWFY ., ' . ' 7 . rap om&& $pmaop1, but; it AL~ not %he tm of qtuap;ry that .. 8 %Z?$ wouxa be, 9 J% wsrh w acgawsns9cBJfy UnNjlse. %OF %ham people .. . io ta S~OOG 8 quam3 4;he way *hey do en m&OWlWk, Ewa~aWeS of 11 tis the t$p uf mck thby have ts have, rksnd 06ntmX5~d btarp"ting, l2 YOU kl&..@ Of%&3 ktp8M hW?@ t@EX&@'b$ IBW&W dU&t %]hat* 2% %a 13.. smfb13 ~~~~~~ rSrnar3I' ~~~~~~~~ of d$rrl&&&Le aegsl off at' the 8uBm8 '14 ,wuJ~ &W@F. be text at %IF h~apl,t;ab, $Md 4: @LwfD$r S dd %s -15 . %%XJ'l&, eurY& it- Wf$. thQ$, in #;a;r QP%n%On, ** ChaZ"FS b l6 Wkd~m ~~~~ a.4; +he ~6~~~t~~* -- .. 17 I@#.:&% YaU W&rph $0 0813 31% imeb*, .' ox! cbunliy ma4 ~~~~~~~~~ 09 ~~~ $#I V&aZ;&,. we BPelFa..wen fmGOt1~ thous- 2o ok ~~~~~ w~~~ Ai8 &bw% LWC? tms. fa tW yard# clf roc?e rlght 21 ha me nxMccile, of $h% tram. a$ ' .v$Pta, and x bVB asked mlay 22, pesg~ ~EIWW& ?-ea3 mea we ~trhot; .' over $hem %% ~ey, beard . 23 even not;foe itr;' went offs 80 $a wns%bering $he u&@aimbil%ty, 24 &ha axp20kfion a@, awh- as two- b3ocb away, m& tkLep d&dn*t 25 -em ~p-%~+ttb ~~IXKI~. ana ~;are ind gmct t~k $hey wirsh 26 if I my pa6 $L tiat wag, @f tbi9 qu€wPy#. pleaaft3 CSm3i8e2P me .. MARTHA L. COLE, CERTIFIED SHORTHAND 'REPORTER 30 1 ~~~~~~ $0 mpca. a $eoaa~on PQW n.~trt~ 2 htcr tax?€#$ OF OcW? ga*inasm$~ thiXtg3, aM P dQ#0 e feel CXW Am= wYm% %OW@ -8 MI?* Haym, x donat 7 %hap** do ZtM real5 o$ yua mBX3 5. 6 &A4 5 Mmk we can get an axgxrgss%an fmm w ~~~~~ on 5 abanoWtc2y tme, x tW& %* WiXl We' 8 fat of oQneZdePatio1 4 ~~~~~~ XCA RQcm t X q~@8 Wieh ;YOU# Ihierf~ X %hf& tht' 8 3 I 8 - %&k@ %O Sentem?Up%, but the p~blf~ Hwx:'.?*~*~, of 'CQQPB~~ ha@ 9 10 aat yel; ~n cfoaaect,, a~ AXI erns. cwrse, X fecal, %rae QW ~~~~~~~~~ have am QEB &el!@@ %he bukrl%en of ~~~~~~ $f %hey exper* on bl4~3tin$ wl-"3&ey *%ah La pms.eilr;t: 60 you ~2 ad; %h%B %$.W~O %ha$ YQM ShQt&&i ask Pf %hay -% %Q &Ne w \ 13 mk$;ta2 Qn thae fPlltllU@# %hen,. PrbQ fi .YOU' W&Bb tb CQn- 14 %%nu@ wtss amtGepp ft coU24 Be aoxrtlrsuesd ~YlciZ tb nexes meet- 15 m#$ WPth the hw&,:is izX$xJg awn; 16 901,traahve tb~~ pUb2fc kre~?&~m SCh&led fop WP WX~ nteret- 17 cmx cw 8umo 3x x my*@% Ante-% poem a 8BCOrn 18 hg. mt 3s %mi$@ - 19 wi Rwma X@ tk& &np ~~~~~ In ehs au 2o from " *hat the mx>Pe3Sw$tr mi&% have WhQ @8T1 @peak 21 aut;horlest;9valy on bjiarPl;ing? 22 W, W CQJWMh .~~~~~~~y not; .Q% +thls8s. t%m!p but WQ 23 €0 have oxsrt! Rere wlwhtovm? time %a oQnven3tsnt fw yW4 25 8Jnaj W Wle o$Mr membem feet1 ~WPI wag -- We WUM be happy 24 wou&t! km happy,, in view OS $he at@ I 26 UPrfQPWWWWS plse fsrsiet, WhS WBkp eJ&WZ;eb, WlitP) - n 6, I 1 2 3 4 .5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 . 25 26 MARTHA 1. COLE, CERTIFIED SHORTHAND REPORTER 53. gof bV@ I3 ~~~~~~#~ #nd J@8hW me$ we233 Pe&jmgg ea ail weu, rn% Dm %i%&3 "" x w~~~ $&@ $$ W&3@$3 ~~~U~ $&, $0 you eat3 he babh e3A&$a of" the ~~~~~~~~" .I $$AYQR LA wm;r $: a&& P& would be Gi vf9m-y ~~~~~~~~ e 3 &n*$ QW%k L+T 8 sf ik4 .x .tu ,. we ~~~~~ hew bs%h a%&a from an mcpez% vietrjje3oSnL ~~~~~~~~ s 1 'was $hmW @la@ es t3p .. yam ~~~~ !?C$ WQ3iltd jM8t 1PkO '&a &2lSWW? ~~~ have&. ly ul5%il"lt any wbshas of 8m XXegp the, Jp $I&-$ ~~~~$~~~~~ VE! a??@ Wi301.*3& t@ pu'b up a ewS.s;y bo& w '&m Qf ~~~~~~~ WE8 GkXW aQtIWll@&AG&~ BtOiw W?eZ&.br? tpSae by WQSfiS, W%U Be C;CXitWZ- slrsl$ by mn$r?aaLom a%%* 33eenae8, $~~~~ my E ask Row tWS $43 yow OMe QP bUsta&$ 2JR *€? yew, say7 m ~~~~ we *~~~~~ M OP $aw t;ht?B ax yeme X% ward be blss$$w 8% tw4e t3lns, JY we hati ~~~~~~~~~V~ ~~~~~~~~ e wmld be ~~~~~~~~~ a% the mme %;faze, .. ~Q~~~~ so-0 SBO at me hSa!m? !dl&? *- Qrla 2:.2:3 3d aac ks $offem%. d @X= ATTWW WMVSS E~~~USS! EI$, NLt?., OF# ehers a%. RO ~~~~~~~~~ E+@$ fb??$h. %A 'bh@ ~#lo&Uj;&OZ% a$, %he @bXIll%w .. ~- ~ ., ~~ MARTHA L. COLE, CERTIFIED SHORTHAND REPORTER 52 10 in m@%r b ~~~ ert an, 2 cxw Am- HAxm:: 34% " jtph esltfrtep WWdbs the mwec 3 &~~~~~~ ~~~~~ rnf $ha& asrould hvs ta be, 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 be me ~~~~~~~~ at $U ae 02 ~~~ WQE;l&d lac#& be ~~~~~ cm them ji:.p *he sut;um. . RAYQR &A RW 9 x %M* tM@ BhQM5d SI3 OME n UP jEbtP*h@P,, ~~~~~ s a X wanf;ed fa wk ytme Tau sah? t; $Ep raw taim8, HW, t#h@n 3tQu .sw yw wS2J IbPZat once; *we in & SnesZcLes of %h%?as lltxk@3 ~~~~~ os1 the &E. ST-8 Yeer, tt.wm3.4 be a&.a;qpWa@~* cowmm Sam 3 onnlp ta@j wQE22dnQd; covel? tkm%9= !: It 0 m., mle@ 91s an t3xperf;; on it* f bel%eve l5 ha SIm mmw? It; betC@3? than x0 16 1a-t. $ .#&P g hf.p"a49 %h@' gX%Q&&3@33 Qf ' BMP I.7 qW?&tiQn? 23'43 juart IgasrPJEBXe x mn3.gbt be caZ2eB upan ta p OP pwti of %%# 3a a b3&24tKt ~~~~~~~~ Q$ ~~~~~~ ~~W~ in PP&3%J to GOR&%!S kht9 2o ~~~~t~* w tb gutmtz~~y of g~er BO it wou~b ow$ be nd;aaJ to Gwyboax, we ml 22 brnLs, he we mq&C atst bs abPe to do that Sn one day. xt 23 @a&&& BUrta, whioh 1tlli;rseSF %ma343 Wvlcb 8r 88-eB of @metla a @Q3?%tm oi ;ws OP e ?lay& ,. so * %h&% OperatiQn, es bP* born mf$% to 34€rse 26 pw&Qtl of mntksn, 'bu$ x WWM Emy at my ones.2; ,. " MARTHA L. COLE. CERTIFIED SHORTHAND REPORTER .. . 53 1 6~83arIshl~ 0.f ln~malS BUBW? St Wtsugd ~~~~~~y be t&~% .%We OF I s a, ;ytsrraF, ~~~~V~~ %her ~~~~~~~ 3 4 % %W OX" 't?WW &&$a? ' ~~~~~~~ s t ' !f!hOSase @mu bX&B6@ WPd la€$$ 5 (I H-8 PO8&Ab%$'s CN? 01 t 5 ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ OP qwee 8 Xi%, pllXTJB~ Xn%~@%tt~&Ip, pmbabJY ~tdty 0xz01l 02 ~WO I P & S#y, in msrkz on6 of *mas b,.3&3&.t;aa Mwaa oi? alll&lNf ~~~~,~$ iE;;saSSF, pra@ticaalltg ~~~t~~~~u f2 WW%& h&$ $0 brE4 4%UX%i5 mCWB9 Sf %h& pMX&D'X!.*Y 02 l2 m& BO a1 or %ha% mt;\nrsa, ,' l3 tm rcmd &Mt &ny pwlerlb2Alrity of s*tgiing peQigZe 4mving 14 ~~~~~U~ ~~~ f wwltt Uke to ask wh@m l5 mf3 ~~~~ a** x ,&rk om .of than Whfm?' this ?prJw;L 2s lo- '. E c~r$W x% bt 2WaLM ** X rn~$ ia~' St ~n EL hi&%, OF do 17 P k&raA~bp slarux up QB B MU, pa? .gustFxy bu$xdm, 8 do tmy sa; 0x1, 1 h&l& 66 wltba they - 0 -me Pg as Slt .trlrawa P@,$Jl we picturtss %ng irpL dom3 P&#t 2R thsa pictuxw, anxr our 21 p&Ul% %hk%t We &Vf3 OU% '%h@$"@ c a'b .,' t;h9 p3%8%tl% 22 ruu ~~~ bwn ai% %k3em &** you know. 3dfiae we hLYe m the 24 &I *&& ~~~~~~ wm. ~~~~~~~~~~ v m and 4%0$y, t;StouaaM dsllarrss "Le cas1 of .. I .. .\ 25 I paP*&C'tT31P LB~ am3 bU@%&z& we cax%etfnLz;v wsvi2& na% b%arsl ,26 I ax?@ tz*d@P aX%y%MAg we bv* #wP& suzllr@lve@* agb$4 %ypa e$ I I , MARTHA L. COLE, CERTIFIED SHORTHAND 'REPORTER ., 54 ' b2~t%w WOUW W doh by -tar 61ut4 t~ W# ;s"a~l W don** 2 Ssrsnp; to %@me wr om gtFqpm?%y, 3 wm;t b m$um qum*as pmpw68 ~ t;~ 'area# nor, der, we 4 we hv43 Q a%Z@&m e m% "?mh Ne bm rt9 '5 mw pm%$. mal %?# &&?m 8 vaxagf n2edB pJI$f$@@{, , QUP *- 36 6 3& %he p am WbP@ we #e st %b& pm#efi% $$a@, l4 ae flcmP, *Qght IJom hat?€# ~~~~~~~~~~ P&gh$ %;e%$ l3 ~~#~~~ m? *he qu l1 ~~~~~ @Muse buladnwa ar%t up on top ot 4239 h%1S& wqptpB3q$ lo vepXP %W xa*ezla3' *cm;)w314 f3 tkmt I&&%* .pas 1$ ' a$.f; hem ;Pa %he ml? nfiof ma &W%ay 9 cmc 5 8 3 ma$ wh&e f ~~~~~~ tu bC?w is 12 m* ~~~~ &Z bUA%@*@ WOUX8 btrc PA&$ 4awn on 15 X%a bIa~t4q wwPd be &net l.a We ma9 ami 16 17 18 19 20 21 we totmmb hew ~~~~~~~~ you $mr back over a ~~~. wm? h@m, ~~~~~~~ 8 x ~~~~~ 343 .~~ bUPX&Btg +t&arn pmmaw QP rrjite* taxMP m. 8 s Dlta, wlaaa; we &we MweE p98 Q~C%O@ ma4 8 m3p W%kUWO lbtxs MV9 Qt fi f;Q gPat t;hg 22 *w wuwvs up+ dffzl w mvm~e rt5tsn(e 810 $a%, BU% EB~% eCt;wa;a 23 w wAT1 W 'C~CNM on 5;kW ftoo~, am3 we w~uXdt QQ across .. 24 1 J 4%# we crmp a QV@P *Q YOU W@P42 0?4% CIXf the 25 p"y - m the mt;w%al wUuP4 a0 QVW whexrrs we am9 26 sile*- 43% %he pransrssnf;; ,% 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 .. >.I. , , ,'. i .. %:,I .:. 7 .. , .. I :. 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 I 25 26 MARTHA L. COLE;CERTIFIED SHORTHAND REPORTER I 55 j ~~~~~ 2% Q& ~;~~~~~ @$ I r& ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *- 3x3 ~~~~'~~ MARTHA L. COLE, CERTIFIED SHORTHAND REPORTER 56 1 P) I+@ WMSb.. ,Uk@ $33 pt 1 2 wca ~~~ ma 9p5 ~~~~~~~~ ~~~ &%Ma 60 5 rrs2&% ~~~~~~~~~~~ It; 6 ~~~ x& ftwmt' Xt $mf% rt: @xk ~~~~~~~~~* 7 ~~~~ Bmcst I RY $ x HWd %a$$ w &$a 023 P@C@* &es 16 a>;bbajja*m pal? &a dm%npl*t 40 F Is@ 23% all* lo mb &e Reg 83"ERt 43f w ~~~~~ *ha%% mikm m -wan% * .bot& l1 12 Ink0 %Us ib?%Wi MYOR LA Rrnrnrg '&rpxzJ;# '$A# we- - rn @vw- ' 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 tR%m i?iew?m .. =* Pi I s #md ** w, ra Ro&e, x WWl4 1*@ eo crff%'P %he lw?w&%&S$ row$ a 1 pssllvt;'ar UoWeb 3' had m ~~~~~~~~ 9.9g18 '%QuGt W w W, & CWnC%%a $f 2.32 w w&y Ib m3ti w&+ x WV% sJmn*'rr &rJw&% a& 02 tm eLwa WWJ 3t.tm$ ern^ an &aJeaPch% 22;s mclr hwm~ st aqQditgd sad warn8 Wmr "*%ve * a& @e UI,' it'& of $30 we t;cr & ~~~ s i MP. myms wtag f: amat; w&r- i# &"%de %mir btr;r&g% ~QP W$ m WP@# wtr Wx4 0BJee-l; 4% $"N dh49b' TkWB ww* x am@* -. 25 ~~ M RMYIBX ut* ~~~~ at3 %f wwyone 26 .w I I .. I MARTHA L. COLE, CERTIFIED SHORTHAND REPORTER &Qtz;i8o P&*~P thS~ ~3.~2.m 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 l3.#ma?** x dQxs@G mw %&8!&% yw %&.a% wmg z dews;. a& we nw ~~,~ ~~~~~ ~U~~~ Ma ~~~~ x* *o aadr th ~~~ ta no@ 543 $%?am %w gg%muB pwc?e3? 433 we ~~~~~~~~ -t4 mw%t ut mm8 .we a@ 33aV@ *m Fa!? yxAl?? .~~~~~~~~ w UV@ 42w&#L%QB3 &$mXm%%*AGfi aVorimlD% %a W$ and 9% WAX1 mxv" 34% $2 %fa% 43c ma se wiu ;I;)mMb%f $&s.r@ u191 4a lo$ at tW$ .b@sc we WXxL hv 3 dm,$ fiMb& %ml?% &I Bny mt ta;tkh ~~~~~ $xa $Xl&& mi ~~~~~~~ 333 t2'LLs .We4 mv- Ix&m ~~~~~~~ tM$ CE?E A~~ Mm6 Xw c;m ~9~~~ $WP ~~~~~~ anel $3 WZW 3338QXa;ttSon a% %he nwf;; iwa, ix $@Q Hf@h s 4 x rwQa8 19 jwQyIt, ~~~ ' x W&ST #~~~~ see . ~~~~ LA ~~~ 3*% io73 oa %W .. MARTHA L. COLE. CERTIFIED SHORTHAND REPORTER 58 1 ~~~~~%k?=a I 2 a Yw rn 'EL a@- 18 e 3 4 5 0 Wr, Gisr EEcwsMr w X *Ua& ZI@W%c8tSO~ t3 *P %* BteMxia s22lr;t;e we 44x3'8; mw e;knia ~~~~~~ *-a 7 ~~ $am8 3% WdXX w %he n%x% 8 9 rx3 ~~~~~~~~ 10 11 j I 12 I 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 SMmd I we mG? l+m&2J Go te ""@a" I MARTHA 1. COLE. CERTIFIED SHORTHAND REPORTER I 1 I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 59 I s QP c 1 ~~~~~ OF 8AF"f ~~~ BI &m x, ~~~ b, QO.L&p ~~~~~~~~~ Sh t;@P* duy ~~~~~~~~~ by stat23 of mug j) rtzla(i9 t#i ~~~~~ E%b3t%c An &Z& %a? me Cw%y a2 Sxtln DAegQp st;ate OF c=amoxamo 40 ~~~~ ~~~~~~~ 8 QPM SXt ~~~~~~~~ m% p-42 3" 8% Wf% CiQ' @-%X xm3tQ~ ti$ th@ CfQ? sf c%Um5*md, CalifQaaJ ~~~~ %&3 he 321 L?d2@&%@ Qa MI@ 2% 6a.y tar E.9WrJ8 r;gGz, 1 qy ~~~~~~~ %W$@+ wmt L&$@P t;rtUlsa$.%bM &%to ~~~~~~~ bg Em, as*& thA3 ~~~a~zlg %m,wcP%pc CCm%&irn a m12, %ms a&& Wm%G% 2?4mx&3 io$ the3 p;E?gn, B 8% aaia hw%w. id@$ %Mz$ 5?.t;.Zx * or my, zgCL 02 san "43, sf;aw af calif- 20 $@ cx%pW".%m etstag*m,D 5-a3"2 21 22 23 I 24 25 26 - ~