HomeMy WebLinkAbout1961-06-06; City Council; Minutesr . 9. I I I < I I 1 I : CITY OF CARLSBAD i Minutes of: CITY COUNCIL (Regular Meeting) I I ; Date of Meeting: June 6, 1961 i Time of Keeting: 7:OO P. M. i Place of Meeting:Council Chambers : ROLL CALL was answered by Councilmen Guevara, Bierce, i La Roche, and Sonneman. Also present were City Manager i : Slater and City Attorney Hayes. I I i ALLEGIANCE to the Flag was givenc I I I I I I I 1""""""""""--""""~""""""""""~"""""""--"""""" * I I 4 t I I 1 I I I I I I : INVOCATION was offered by Councilman Bierce. I 1 APPROVAL OF MINUTES: I I I I I I I I I I t I I l a. Minutes of the regular meeting of May 16, 1961 i i were approved as correcred. I I I I I I I 4 1 r ; CORRESPONDENCE: I I I I I I I I I I 1 I t I * I I I a. " Mrs. Alice Ratcliff - re: Thank you note. I I A note of thanks from Shorty and Alice Ratcliff was pre- i : sented far kindness and thoughtfulness during Shorty's i 3 illness. Also a card of appreciation from Alice Ratcliff : : and family was presented, I b. San Diego Gas & Electric Co. re: extension of I i lease. Letter dated May 29, 1961, from the San Diego Gas i ; 6r Electric Company stating their intent to offer an ex- J i tension of the present lease between the City and the I I : Company covering use of the Upper Agua Hedionda Lagoon. i ; The Mayor asked if this offer was not substantially what i : had talked with Mr. Forward, attorney for the San Diego i i Gas & Electric Co., and he was not sure what the Company's: : intension was. Also after talking with several of the i i people in Sacramento, she did not feel a lease would have ; : any effect upon the Bills in the event the Council chose i i to negotiate for a lease with the Company. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I .I : we now have? The City Attorney advised the Council she ; I I I i The Council requested the letter filed, I I I I f I I I 9 I C. A,T. & S, F. Railway Co. -re: Request for opposi- i :.tion to HR 3229, 87th Congress, Letter dated May 19, 1961j i from the A.T. & S. F. Railway Co. advising that the City's: : occupancy on the railroad right of way is in jeopardy if i i HR 3229 becomes a law. As the City's interests would be ; : adversely effected by this bill, they urged the city to t i write Congressman Aspinall, as well as other members of thh : Committee, protesting and making such suggestions as occur; i By motion of the Council the City Manager was instructed : : to write the proper representatives opposing HR 3229. I I I I I I I I I I * i I 1 I I I I I I I t Dl I I 1 I 4 * I 1 I I I b d. Trf-City Hospital District -re: Letter of appre- i ciation for use of Council Charnbers. Let-fer dated May 18, ; 1961. from the President of the Tri-City Bospital District! expressing the Board of Directors sincere appreciation ; of the cooperation and assistance offered to the Tri-City i Hospital District in allowing the District to use the 4 $ Council Chambers as the official-board meeting place since January, 1959. By ctnrnnon consent the Council order-; ed the letter filed. s I $ I I I I I eb Mrs. Jack Estes -re: Use of the school playground ; durina the summer months Letter dated May 22, 1961, from: Mrs. Jack Estes, President of the Jefferson P. T. A., fav-i oring the plan of the Carlsbad Parks and Recreation Corn- : mission to keep the school playgrounds open during the i sunmer with adequate supervision, I I I I I i Also a letter was presented from the Magnolia Parent : Teacher Association stating they would like to go on re- i i cord as favoring a summer recreation program for the I I t 4 I I I 1 I '.' 8. .-, '= *. *\ 8, 8' 8 *8 '\\ 88 '8 '\ '\\ ', * 8, '\ " I \, '\ '\, '8 '\ '*, N a me 's, '*$& ' '\, '89 @A Member $3@.*.9 :'+I of '5 '%'\ ' 8% *?LO \+ $4 ;::; ;::: 1::: -""""-"""""""5- ::;; :;I: 1::: I;:: ;: -;: Isi: :::I 11 ::e: Guevara ' :X!Xi ~ierce I I !X! La Roche i i :X: Sonneman !X! :X: 11:; :*+I :::I 1::: I 11 1:,t I $8 I"1 :;'I ill; I::: ;::: +a;$ ::I: *;! :::: :I41 ;::; :ii: ;11; :::; ;::; 4::: :'*I i::; iii; ::;; 111 :;;: ::I: jii: iiii I;:! 14 :::: iiii; :l*l; ::::; ;::;! ':::I ;;a:; ::i:; !;;:I ;:'I' I' *a:;; Guevara : IX~X: ; Bierce i I :Xi I La Roche : ; !X: 1 Sonneman i XI :XI I ;::a: ::':: 1:::; :;;:I ii::; 81 ::;:; :;;:: ::;:; :;;:; ;;*:; 1;::: ;*::I ;::if ;::;: :::;: ;::;: :;:;: ;:::I ::::e ;:::: I:::, :'I:: ;:I;: ;i::: 41;:: ::!I ! ;;$I ii;:; ::I -a I , .,,.." I I * 8' I t I # I ',,".. ,, ', ', '. 1 t , ' \ ', '.*'*, 7 ; Name' ,., '\*&, *. 'p * : of y?P\O, '\ @+ t I .$?d$&P'.,$ I t I :ill 8 ; '; : :::I I I I $ 0 02- ', '8, '%, ', 'i % , \ '* ', '. ~"""""""""""""""""""""""-"""""""""""-""-~"-""""""""----~- : Member -@@.& I I :;#I : children of Carlsbad, 4 '4: I I4 : Discussion was given as to whether or not they were reques{- :,It I ing the City to furnish the personnel for such a program. i :*:: : The City Manager informed the Council there were no funds : 1;;; i provided for such a program in the tenative budget. The i ::; I : Hayor requested the letters referred to the school district: i::; 8 1:;l i for their study. I I:;: l a f I I 4;: ! 25, 1961, from Ralph W. Maas, stating it was his understan.. i ding the city does have a leash law, but either the owners! ;;i: : of dogs are not aware of it or don't care. Mr. Maas re- ; ;:;: ;::: i quested the City to post signs along Tierra del Oro and I ;::: : Shore Drive giving notice of the leash law. I I f;4 I I I i::; ; The City Manager informed the CounciZ the County will not i :!I: i pick up stray dogs until such time as we adopt their ord- i :*I' ;;:: : inance. Later in the meeting the City Attorney will pre- : ::I: 1;' i sent an ordinance for the Council's review which will I I !;I: I adopt the County ordinance by reference. I :!;I I ;::I i ORAL COMMUNICATIONS: I l 1::; I t :::; I f i MRS. MATHEW JARVIE, stated as a teacher and as a citizen ; !:;I ,I*: i of Carlsbad it is her feeling there should be an under- i :::: I standing between the City and the school district as to : ;::: : come form of recreational program €or the youth of Carls- i 0;: :::: : bad. The Jefferson P.T.A.sre in hopes the city would have: 1 It i sufficient funds to employ some person to supervise an i ::;: 16:: i occupational recreation program, However, she thought : I::: ; the Council was very wise in referring the matter to the i :+Il 1: : school district. i Councilwoman Sonneman stated Mrs. Roberts had called her : i:i:i ; and asked that a communication be sent her regarding the i ::;:I i Council's action in waiving their sewer and water line i 1:;:; ; costs in the amount of $325.97 per lot. The City Manager ; I:*:; i stated he would take care of this matter. i Councilwoman Sonneman also stated she would like to have ; f1;84 : the possibility of a cross walk checked across State Streef i in front of the Carlsbad Theater. The City 'Manager stated: 1::'l : he would have a study made and report back to the Council.; :;;I1 ::I I 'I '; : PLANNING : l a. Memorandum from the Planning Comission -re: 4 I # f, Ralph W. Maas -re: Dogs on beach. Letter dated May I ': iii; I a :: I I I f :;::; I :a::; 8 I 14' 1;;:; f I ;*:#I 1:::: t I r I:::! 81 ii:ii ii4: I I :4:; 4::; a I I I i:::; I I 8 I I * 4 f 8 I ::::: i:;:: I I Conditional Use permit for South Coast Asphalt Products, I : Inc,, Memorandurn dated May 31, 1961, addressed to the City; iiii; i Council from the Planning Commission, stating that at. the ' $I !it:; : regular meeting of the Carlsbad City Planning Commission i ,,::: : held on May 23, 1961, by a unanimous vote the Commi.ssion i I:::: i concurred in the additional conditions to be added to the ; ; conditional use permit to be granted to the South Coast i : Asphalt Products, Fnc. as found by the Council at their ; 11(11 i meeting of May 16, 1961. i The City Attorney presented the following resolution for I :I;:: : the Council's consideration. 441 (I::; ::::; ii:;i + I I:::, I I ::::I I i:::: :I::: ::i:i :I::; :;::; s {::It 'I I ;:;:; 1;;:; I I 7 37 B f Resolution No, W. A RESOLUT'ZON OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF i I THE CITY OF CARLSBAD ANNOUNCING AND DECLARING FINDINGS, : : AND DENYING AN APPEAL FROM THE COMDITICNAL USE PERMIT I GRANTED BY THE PLANNING COMMISSION TO SOUTH COAST ASPHALT i ;1::: : PRODUCTS CO., INC. i Cm, Bierce moved that Resolution NO. ?S? be adopted. Cmn. i i:::: ! Guevara seconded the motion. Before the roll call vote on: : the motion, a Writ of Mandzmus, was served on each of the i iiiii i Council members present, and the City Clerk on behalf of ' : :::a* I I It:' I I I f 7Jg I I ;i::: 1::: I r :!!e! I s I) l I I t I t I I l"---"-"""""""""--""""""""""""""~~""""~ 8 -3- I I I I I I I * I I * f I """"-2. I i I 1 I I : I I 1 I f I I I I I I I I I I # 1 1 I I f I I 1 I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I 8 I 1 I t 1 I I ! ~ thie City and individually by Rudy Carpenter, Deputy Marsh- i I all of the Oceanside Municipal Court. I The City Attorney advised the Council. that since this Writ.: 'of Mandamus has been served it might be well to adopt the ; resolution if they so desire, but that no permit or work i order be issued until after the hearing on June 15, 1961. : By roll call vote Resolution No. 747 was adopted by the i ~ title only and further reading waived, I I f I I I , I * I I I I b. Tentative map of Laguna Vista subdivision. Letter i dated June 2, 1961 from Donald H, Holly, agent for the I 1 developer of Laguna Vista subdivision, requesting that the i City Council 8ction''be deferred for an indefinite period : of time, as the developer is presently seeking a solution i to the problem of access into the proposed subdivision ; which will-be satisfactory to all concerned. By common i consent of the Counci1,the matter was deferred for indef- : inite time, ENGINEERING : I I I I I I I I L l a. Birch Street. 8 : 1 I I I 1 . Resolution No. 754 - vacation of a portion of : : Birch Street. The Council was informed several months ago : ! the Engineering Department requested a realignment of I 8 i Birch Street. At that time the Engineering Department was ! : instructed to prepare plans for the realignment. The Plans: ! were presented for the Council's review and the City Attor-: : ney presented a resolution for the Council's approval: I i Resolution NO. 754, A RESOLUTION DECLARING THE INTENTION i I 1 I I I i OF THE CITY COUHCIL TO VACATE A PORTION OF BIRCH STREET IN : ; THE CITY OF CARLSBAD BETWEEN CSRTAIN DESIGNATED POINTS AND i i ESTABLISHING A TIME AND PLACE OF HEARING was adopted by : I title only, and further reading waived. I : t 1 I I I I 2. Resolution No, 755 - Street opening on a por- i i tion of Lot rtI", Rancho Agua Hedionda as Birch Street. The I :City Attorney informed the Council she was unable to have ! I the- necessar; documents ready for this meeting and would ! : try and have them prepared for the next meeting. The matt-! i er was deferred until the next regular meeting. I I I I I I I : k t b. Eureka Place sewers - 1911 Act proceedings, The i :City Attorney infomed the Council the Engineering Depart- ; i ment was ready to proceed with the construction of the t I :Eureka Place sewers, and she would like to present the i following resolutions for the Council's action: I 1 t 1 I 1 I * I I Resolution No. 750. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF : i DETERMINING THE NATURE, LOCATION ANI) EXTENT OF THE PROPOSED: :Assessment District No. 1-1961 was adopted by title only : I and further reading waived. I I :Resolution No. 751. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF i :RATE OF PER DIEM WAGES for Assessment District No. 1-1961, I I was adopted by title only and further reading waived. # ; Resolution No, 752. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF i i THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, DECLARING ITS INTENTION : : TO ORDER THE CONSTRUCTION OF CERTAIN SANITARY SEWERS AM) i i APPURTENANCES AND APPURTENAHT WORK IN SAID CITY; DECLARING : : THE CITY OF CARLSBAD APPROVING PLAT OF ASSESSMENT DISTRICT,! : IMPROVEMENT, AND APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS, for i I I * I I THE CITY OF CAPLSBAD DETERMIN.INQ..THP; GENERAL PREVAILING : I I I I ! THE WORK TO BE OFMORE THAN LOCAL OR ORDINARY PUBLIC BENEFIT: I I I 1 I I I I I 1 I I I I I I ! ! -8 -, , -, -, \ . .Y'' " ' '. ', 8, ',8;;. '.,", '.* " '* . Na me''\* =A$& **., ''9 *f ''&?P, '* *\ 3 ', ', 8. t h ' 7-7 Member *?$#$$ ,o* 0 +g\4 % +ql """"""-"-p-""~~". t10; :;::; ;:::; :i::r p:'I ::::I I:::; :;::; :iiji iii$ Guevara i i $ $ i Bierce i 3 : X! I La Roche : : i X i Sonneman I ! : X! I ;:t;t ;::I: ;::;I I'f ::::! 1:;:: ::::: :::i: ;::I: ;;::: I:::; 1:::; :;::; iiii; ii:!; *I ;$Ill 81ai1 In l;:*1 pa;; ;::a: f:::: ::e:: iiil 1:;: ;t*:! ;::ti ::::1 ::::j I:::: ;;::I l'tlI #;*Il Guevara : ; X{ X: ; Bierce I X: : Xi I La Roche i i :X: i Someman : i :X! : i:::: ;;;:: I:::; CI :::;; !I::; :a!:: ;: #;:!; l'::; iii;; 'I :;':I ;I:;I ::I:; :::;; 1:::: I:;:: e;:: ::;:; t1 I*(( ):I I*( :*,;I Guevara i iXiX: i Bierce ; X: :Xi : La Roche : ; :Xi i Sonneman : : : X; i Guevara ! { XjX! : Bferce ; 11 : ;XI i La Roche : : !X: i Sonneman i X: :X: I ::'I: $4:; :::;: ;:::: ::::; :it:* :!I:; i;::; :I::: I 41: ;::I 1:::: !!I!: I' :/::: ;Is I' I I l \',x" I \ ', 8\ '8 I I 'X, '\ '\ 8 ' ', I I \, ', \8 ', '\ 8, I I ,\ .* yg I -4- 1 I i N a me *>, '$8 '8, '?&, I I of '\+\0'8 ' ' t ; Member ~\$f+..+'+?+ 0 'It\ ;- "_ "" "" * "" """"" ""- - - "" - - "" - " - _"" -" -" - ".." - " - "- - ";- -"" - "" "" >oe:.c..e:: ::I" ti::: ;:::: 11;:; i 1 \x8 ', 88,8'\ s, '8 '8 I I 1 D: I i DESCRIBING THE DISTRICT TO BE BENEFITED BY SAID WORK AND 1 ; TO BE ASSESSED TO PAY THE COST AND EXPENSE THEREOF; DE- i : TERMINING THAT BONDS SHALL BE ISSUED TO REPRESENT ASSESS-. ; ::::/ i MENTS TO BE LEVIED; AND FIXING THE TIME AND PLACE FOR i Guevars) ; : :X! i i HEARING PROTESTS AND OBJECTIONS TO SAID WORK OR THE EXTENT: Bierce : iXiX: j i OF THE DISTRICT TO BE ASSESSED, OR BOTH, AND GIVING NOTICE i La Roche i i :Xi i : THEREOF, Assessment District No. 1-1961, was adopted by 1 Sonneman :X: !X: j i title only and further reading waived. :la I I I 1'8:; 1 I:$&, 1 I I I !:::I I C. Beech Street. I @)II /::; I I I I i;:;; 1 1. Acceptance of Improvement Plans, Improvement i i:i;i I I :::'I $:I: I ::I:: I!::: :x:: I I ii::: $1,: :;: ::::; I I I fi1:;; I :::i: I I : ix: i I : Sonneman i i :X! I I 2. Designation of authority to sign contract. By! :;1:1 I1 I 1 I I f ! plans were presented for the new cross street between i State Street and Roosevelt Street. The Engineering Depart+ ;::il i ment stated they took it upon themselves to name the ; street vcBeech Street" as it is practically in line with i ::; :. Beech Street to the West. After reviewing the plans it : , i was pointed out that it would be necessary to acquire add-i ytl : itional property on the four corners for curb returns. It : :i: i was suggested the Engineering Department contact the i property owners to see if they would be willing to deed ; ; the property to the City without cost to the City in re- i i turn for their property being improved without cost to f ;i::: : them. I I ;;;:i ! After consideration by the Council, by motion of the Coun- I Guevara : !X :X I ; i cil the plans were accepted by the Council as submitted. i Bierce !X: iXi : I I OI I I ; La Roche : 1 i motion of the Council the City Manager was authorized to I Guevara i :X !X I i : sign the Contract for the improvement of Beech Street on ; Bierce :Xi !X: i i behalf of the City of Carlsbad. i La Roche i i :X i i ! Council the City Clerk was instructed to invite bids for ; Guevara i iXiX i i i the improvement of Beech Street. : Bierce ; I :X; ; I I 1 : Sonneman i ; !X : : t 3. Notice of inviting bids. By motion of the i :::ii 1 i La Roche I ; !X : ; I d. Palomar Airport Road load limit report. A report i Sonneman :X : ;X i : ;::I: :;::I iIi/: I I : on the proposed load limit for Palomar Airport Road by : :::a: i the Engineering Department was presented. The report stat! ;,:I: : ed the San Diego County Road Department plans to place a : i no load limitation other than that of the State (1959) i I Vehicle Code on the County portion of the newly constructed :,:I: i road ; the road has been designed for medium traffic, and I ;:;:: : their check of allowable load design indicates that the : I::!: 1s i road should be adequate for the maximum load limitation se< i:: 1:;:: ! forth in the State Vehicle Code - 18,000 lbs, per axle; i Also the enforcement of a load limit may impose certain I ::ii: : practical problems such as (a) It would not be coordinated: :;' I with the Couhty Requirements. (b) Vehicles would be forced i : to attempt to execute a hazafdous U-turn at the City limit$ ::Ill i (c) limitations would apply to all vehicles including thos$ ::::: i not intended to excluded by the City (dl enforcement may : : prove difficult €or the City due to the distance separatingj ;It:* i the road from areas more frequently patrolled. I i After consideration by the Council it was agreed that ther4 18'1: I was no necessity of a load limit as the road is construct- ! ;:::: : ed for such traffic. i Mayor La Roche inquired as to Chestnut Avenue. The Eng- i ,:::I i ineering Department informed the Council that Chestnut ! ; Avenue was not constructed for such heavy traffic, however4 :I;:* i it was the only through street to El Camino Real, I 1; 1; i After consideration there was no action taken by the Coun-: i:: ;: : cil at this time. I I ::;:: I $! :*I 8;::: I :!;:I I t I I:::: ::::I 1 ::::I I I * I :;::; I:;!; I t I ::::; 4 I :;+ * sa;: I I ,:: i i 1 : . .. ;' ; ; # : ; I e. Requests for vacation of a portion &f$arlsbad Bl& ;:I::: i Letter dated June 1, 1961, from Charles B.:arie?$olet A. : ,.I: 1:; I ; .. .~. y <-, I I I. I ; ; z ,:. I' t I :],,A '- : I . .I . I I I I :;, 1. I I I I ::::: 1) :hi: I :*I:; ;it B $ I t I I ~. . . .. . I I I 1 I I ::;;!. ::;I, I I ! !@It1 'X I I 1 4 I .,\.\\* I ' 8, 8\ '\ \\ 8. I L, *\ '\ 8 t I I 888 '8,8'\, 8 88,',8' 8' 7: 1 i Of ',b\o'p+$ 8 -5, 1 '\ ' b \ 8:'. e i N a me ', '8$8 ''\ "6' 1 I '.,+8$8 8 '@8 :"""""""""""~"""""--""---"~""""--"""~""""""-I """"_""" "" 2 "" y-? !:'I 4:: I :::: I I :I:! I 1 08,+', '8 ..9/' : Member .%@,*.Od I I D: i Ledgerwood, requesting the Council to consider the vacatiol :I:: I of a portion of Lots 81 and f2, Bbock '*GP', Palisades, 1 I ::at : which is now a portion of Carlsbad Blvd. t!Il I I I ! Letter dated June 1, 1961 from Frank and Mabury Novak re- i : questing the City to consider the vacation of a portion : : of Lots C3, #4 and $15 in Block "G" of the Palisades, ad- i i jacent to Carlsbad Blvd. It is their Intention to main- : ; tain and improve said frontage at their own expense and i I without cost to the City of Carlsbad. I L I I t I i Letter dated June 5, 1961 from Patrick O'Conner, requestin$ : the Council to consider the vacation of a portion of Lots i i til, #2 and 83, Block eqH*g, Palisades, as they are in the : I process of developing plans for this property, and it is i I necessary for good orderly development that this property : i be relinquished, I I : Letter dated June 5, 1961, from Harry M, Walker, request- i i ing the Council to consider the vacation of a portion of : I Lots #4 and 85, Block "Hg9, Palisades, which is presently i i a portion of Carlsbad Blvd., as plans are in the process : : for the development of this property. I I : The Engineering Department pointed out the area to be I considered, and by motion of the Council the Engineering i : Department was requested to study this matter and make ; i their report, and that it then be referred to the Planning: : Commission for their consideration. I I t I I 1 I I I 4 I I I I I I : NEW BUSINESS: I I I 1 I I I i i to sivn application for Public Law 560 funds. The City i : Manager informed the Council an application had been pre- ; i pared for Public Law 560 funds for engineering funds for i : the joint sewer project. A resolution would have to : accompany this application authorizing a person to sign i : the application on behalf of the City. The following I 1 : resolution was presented for the Council's action: i Resolution No 756. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE: : APPLICATION FOR PUBLIC LAW FUNDS t1560, ON BEHALF OF THE : i CITY OF CAKLSBAD, was adopted by title only and further i : reading waived, l a. Resolution No. 756. Authorizing the City Manager i I I I I I I t i CITY OF CARLSBAD, AUTHO~IZING THE CITY MANAGER TO SIGN THE! I * I t I I I I I 4 b. Adoption of County Ordinance No. 1041 (Dog control! I by reference. The City Manager informed the Council in ; : order for the County to do our dog control they request I i that we adopt their dog ordinance, The City Attorney has ; : prepared an urgency ordinance which adopts the County : ordinance by reference, The following ordinance was pre- : ; sented for the Council's review. ! I I t I I * 1 1 I I 1 I I I I I I I I I 1 Dl t I I I 1 I I 1 1 I I I I ! I Ordinance No, 3046. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF : THE CITY OF CARLSBAB AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 3015 OF THE i CITY OF CARLSBAD, REPEALING SECTIONS I AND 11 OF ORDINANCE NO, 3015, AND ADDING SECTIONS TO OXDINANCES 3015 AND 3039,: RELATING TO THE CONTROL AND LICENSING OF DOGS, KENNEL PERMITS, COMPULSORY VACCINATION OF DOGS AND CONTROL AND i ERADICATION OF RABIES, was read in full and adopted 8s an ; urgency ordinance. I I I I I I OLD BUSINESS : I I I I I a. Resolution No. 757, supporting the application of { the A. T. & S. F. Railway to the LCC for control of the i Western Pacific Railway. At the previous meeting of the ; Council Mr. Fuller appeared on behalf of the A.T.& S,F. : requesting the Council to support their application to the! I I I I I I 1 # I I I I I I I 1 1 l a Guevara B ierce La Roche Sonneman Guevara 8 i erce La Roche Sormeman Guevara Bierce La Roche Sonneman ).I1 ;;I# I::: ::;: ::;; ::;I i::: :::: Ill :!#I ((1 ,-I 1:;: I:;: ;: I :: 8;; I::: 1;:: 1:;: :I;: I:;; ;:II $:;i I:# 11::: ::'I: :;::I I;:': 6 :x: i ix: ;x; ; : : :x; i :I I :xjx: : ;;':I :;::; 1:;:: ::$: 1:;:: ::;:: i:::: ::::: 4::; :L:: ::;:; ;I;:: :I:;: ::i:i :I/ 1 I :xi i :x; :x; i i : :xi : : i x; x: i :;::I :I#;: :;:;; I:;:: ;:;:: :I:!: ll'l; :;;:; ;l**l I*;; ::::; :::;I I;##; ::ii: :::;: :-I; :I::; : :+x: : I : :q : i: ,x:! :$ ;x: ; :I::; ;::I, 1:;:: ::::; I:;:: 1:::: :;i;i I:::: ::::: ::::! 4:;: I::;: ;I:;: ::::: :::;: 11 18'; I' :,I 8 0) :I 11 l!!l! ,I I I I I I I I I 1 I . -6- f ! I I I 1 I I I I I t I I :~""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""*"""~~. I 1 0 I I : KC for control of the Western Pacific Railway. At that : i time the Council by motion supported their efforts. How- i : ever, they have found that a resolution is necessary to ; I attach to their petition and have prepared a resolution i : for the Council's approval, The following resolution was ; i presented for action by the Council: I 1 i Resolution No. 757, A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF CAALSBAD : i COMPANY FOR AUTHORITY UNDER SECTION 5 (2) OF THE INTER* i : STATE COMMERCE ACT TO ACQUIRE COh'TROL OF THE WESTERN PAC * : I IFIC RAILROAD COp"sANy, was adopted by title only, and I I : further reading waived. I I t I 8 : IN SUPPORT OF THE APPLICATION OF THE A.Te& S.F. RAILWAY : I I I I I I I t s b. Second reading of Ordinance No, 9116, reclassify- i i ing certain property on the easterly side of Pia Pic0 I t f Drive from Zone R-1 to Zone R-3. Ordinance No. 9116 was I i presented for a second reading. I I i 6 rdinance No . 91 16. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF ! ; THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 9060, CHANG - ; i ING CERTAIN DESIGNATED PitOPERTY FROM ZONE R-1 TO ZOME R-3 I : IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, was adopted by title only and : i further reading waived. I t t 1 I I I I I I I I I I I c, Second reading; of Ordinance No. 9117, granting I I i a conditional use permit on certain property to Woman'% : ; Club of Carlsbad, The following ordinance was presented i : for a second reading. I I i Ordinance No, 9117, AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THi : CITY OF CARLSBAD GRANTING A SPECIAL USE PERMIT FOR PROP- i i ERTY LEGALLY DESCRIBED AS A PORTION OF TRACT 252 AND 253, : ; THUM LANDS, MAP NO. 1681 IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD was I i adopted by title only and further reading waived. i CITY ATTORNEY *S REPORT: ; Senate Bill C1084 and Assemb€y Bill !I3036 - Agua Hedionda i i Lagoon. The City Attorney reported on the status of the i : Senate Bill and the Assembly Bill in detail. I I : Long condemnation suit. A hearing on this matter will be ; i held on June 12, 1961 in the Superior Court in San Diego. i 8 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I s t I I : I i South Coast Asphalt Products CO., fnc. - Conditional Use { : Permit Lawsuit, In reviewing the documents just served on: ! the members of the Council and Cit o oCarlsbad, there will : be a hearing held on June 15, 1961,$t XR e validity of the ; i Writ of Mandamus. I I ! I t I ; CITY MANAGER'S REPORT: I I I I I t i t I I I I I I I I I I l a 1 I 4 I I I I e l Dj I I I 1 I I 1 1 1 I I I I I I I 1 I I I 4 1 I Public Law Funds 660. The City Manager informed the Counk: cil a temporary rating list had been received and Carlsbad: is number 24 on the list, which is Class 8mAA".. If this list J is adopted the City of Carlsbad has a good chance of re- ; ceivlag $250,000 for sewers. Water Report. All the members of the Council received a i copy of the water report completed by Boyle Engineering. : A bill in the amount of $3500.00 has been received for i this report and the City Manager requested the Council to i approve the report and authorizer payment in the amount of ; $3500. The staff has gone over the report and it is their: opinion .this is a very good report, By motion of the b I Council the water report was accepted by the Council and i the amount of $3500.00 was authorized for payment of the ; report I I I I I I I I I 6 t I I t * I I y\,-~., ', 88 '. ', \\,'X, \.\ ', 8, of \?&&\g.,+ \ ¶' 8\ '\ 8 ', '\,'\, 1 N a me "b, '*%, 88,,"?@?$ y+ \O'. '8 ',? Member x$$@,+.$ ;I I: :::I l;:l :::I :::I !;:: 88 11 :;;I I::! ;: I ::;; 11;; Guevara i ! :x: Bierce !Xi iXi La Roche : ; :X: Sonneman i :X !X i ;I:: ;!:I ::,; ;: iii: 8 8'. 8 \ '8 .""""""""""- I* ;;;! :;It :;;I Guevara i i :Xi Bierce I ixjx: La Roche i i :Xi Sonneman {X; !X: :::: ;:a 1;:: :a11 11;; ;::; ;::; ': i: :I;: 13 Guevara I :X:X! Bierce 1 I :XI La Roche : i :X: Sonneman :X; IX i ;l:l I::: 1:;: ;#I; ;:I: ;::; 4:; I;;: ::;i ::;I ;:I ,ti: 111 1::: !if' 1:: i::; :;;: ::lI If ;::I 1;;: i:;; ;::; :::I ;:#I ;::: ;:I: ,*:I I;;: I::; I::! :::; ;;;I; *I: I":; Guevare I IX~X! ; Bferce ;X i :X ; : La Roche! : !X: i Sonneman: : !X: : +': ::I:; ;:; ;:::I ;::;: ;;;;: !:;I; I:;:: ;: I;# ;#I; t 1: I1 I :::; :I:: 'I :It; !ll!l ,, B I I I I 1 I I I I -7.. I I I 8 I I I i I I I 1 I I ("""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""-~- f I I i Anti-Litter Committee. A letter was received from the War: ! Against Litter Committee addressed to the Mayor, strongly : i urging the City of Carlsbad to adopt the following two i : actions: (1) Establish the position of a Litter Control : i Officer, and (2) Erect sufficient warning signs within the: : city limits which will carry a warning message such as i i $100 fine Unlawful litter, i Mayor La Roche stated he felt this was an excellent sug- i i gestion and the City shoufd participate in such a program.: : By motion of the Council the City Attorney was instructed : i to prepare an Anti-Litter ordinance for the Council's con-: i sideration at the next regular meeting, i Parking of large trucks on State Street. Cmn. Guevara i : stated something should be done about these large trucks : i parking on State Street, It was pointed out to the Council : this matter was discussed approximately four years ago, i i and the business people agreed to request the delivery i : trucks to make their deliveries from the alleys in the : i rear. After discussion by the Council it was agreed that i : the City Manager request the Police Department to warn : I the business establishments about these trucks parking on J 1 State Street. I I t I I I I I 1 I 1 I I I L I I I t I I I I t '8\,-. \\ '\ '\ '8, '8 " '8."',8'', 8 8\8 '\,'*,\ 8, , $ p '\ ' ' \, 8.4 N a me t\8 '8$8 \, $,+A of Y?&$!& 8 ',& \&, 9" '??+ Me rn ber $'@,$@$ ;:;;: ::::: :;::I SI*;: :I::: ::;I: ::1:1 ;;pi 1,t:: h::; ::I ;:I:: i::;: ;::I: ;i;;; :::I: 1:;:: ::::: ,!;I:: 1:;1 ::;e: ::::: JI,;, :::I: 1:::: :;::I I4 ;I:': ::It 11;' :::; ::;I :::: I::! .""""""_""""""" I11,a ,II:I I:# l!!j I : Library Committee - re: City property for Library. The I i Council was informed there was no meeting of the Committee: : appointed by the Mayor, as he was unable to arrange a I I i meeting convenient for all the members; however, he would I : arrange a meeting prior to the next regular meeting of the: i Council, : 4- Knats. The City Manager informed the Council the City is i ; still trying to solve the knat situation. The County i HeaPth Department called in a Doctor from the University i ! of Riverside for advice. Also a flight service has been : i contacted in relation to dropping chemical granules. The i : City and County will continue to try and work out a solu- ; I tion to this problem. I 1 I I I I I I 1 I I I I I ! I i Councilwoman Sonneman inquired as to the status of the i : property deeded to the City by the Buena Vista Lagoon I I i Association. The Council was informed the Engineering I : Department must survey the property before any planting I i can be done, and they have had too much work scheduled wit6 : priority. I I : RATIFICATION OF BILLS AND PAYROLL. I I : Ratification of the bills was given for the general ex- : I penses in the amount of $129,287.91, and the Water Depart-: i ment in the amount of $1,791.41, for the period Hay 16,1963 ; to June 6, 1961, as certified by the Director of Finance : : and approved by the Auditing Committee. I I I I I I I I I I I @ I I ! Guevara Bierce La Roche Sonneman IllI -SI :::I ::I: :::: ;:I1 :;:: I;:: I::: .!I 18 :::; ::I: i;:: ;:i: 0;: ::f: 1::: ::;I ::;: q;: ::;: !ll! i::i Iii: 1:;: :;I: ::Il ;: ;;;I #+I( :::: 1'1: :::: 1;:1 :4 ii I : ;$ ; : Ix : +( ;::I :::! 817 : 11 i Ratification of the payroll was given for the second half i Guevara $ i # i i of May, 1961, in the amount of $14,550.82, as certified I Bierce : : X i : by the Director of Finance and approved by the Auditing : La Roche i : # i i Commit tee. i Sonneman ; $ F ; , :!!: I I I 0 i FINANCE: i Proposed budget for the fiscal year 1961-62. The City I : Manager presented the proposed budget to the Council and 1 ; discussion was given to the various departmental expend- i : itures. It was agreed that the following changes be made. : i Page 3 - Insurance & Retirement. Councilwoman Sonneman i : suggested the City consider survivors insurance for the ; : Police and Fire Department employees. It was pointed out : I I I t I I I I I 1 I * I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I 4 I :ii: ;#I: :::: 814: 1;;1 ::;; ::;: :::I $4 1;:: :'I1 :;a: 1:;1 i:ii *;I la ::;: i::i ::I: O(I l;!l Id 0 1 I I t I I I '\ \\ .\ \ . . I I I 1 '\ \\ '\ ', '\ '\ I I '\ '\ '., \\, '\,'\, I i N a me '\, '\!$$,,'%,,'$ :"-""""""""""""-"""""~~~~~~~~""""~"""""""~"""~"~""""""~~"~"" '.$@,+,; I -8- I ', , , ' \\ \, '\ 8, '\ \\ '\ I I I I of '9.0 0 ..t\ \ 8 \d i Member \o,~,.~\! I i there would be 17 employees eligible. Mayor La Roche stat: 1 I ed he did not feel we have too great a hazard here in the : : City of Carlsbad to warrant such a plan. I I I I 1 I : After discussion by the Council it was agreed to pole the I I i employees to find out how they stand on such a program. : I I I cwn* sonnemat I i Page 4. - General Government Administration. ; stated she felt the City should Consider the Purchase Of : i a parcel of land that is for Sale fronting on the lagoon* ' ; The Owners are asking around $135,000, however, she though! i perhaps reasonable terms could be arranged* I I I I J Mayor La Roche stated he would not be in favor of such a I : : purchase due to the fact the City has no control of the i : lagoon. I I B I I I i It was the general feeling of the majority of the Council I : : members the selling price was too high. After consider- i ; able discussion, it was agreed that the owners be contact-: i ed to see if they would be willing to have an appraisal i I made of the property. I I I I I I i Page 9. Advertising & Publicity, The Chamber of Commercei I i has asked for an additional $1,000 towards promotional : ; advertising, It was the feeling of the majority of the : i Council the additional $1,000 was not necessary, and the ; ; budget should remain at $4,000. I I I I I I I ; Page 11, - Public Works. Discussion was given '3s to I i I Page 19. - Police Department. The Director of Finance ; I i City vehicles being kept under cover when not in use, It ; : was agreed: that the City Manager work out some plan for I J housing the city vehicles when not in use, I I I I I I : informed the Council the salary of the crossing guard i I was overlooked, and that an addition of approximately : ; $750.00 should be added to this budget. I I I e l I Page 20. - Fire Department. The City Manager informed the: I i Council the Fire Department has requested the purchase of : ; a fire rescue salvage rig, however, this is not included i i in the budget as submitted. The Fire Chief stated he i Capital Outlays if this were agreed upon. After consider-: : able discussion it was agreed that the Fire Department i I Budget be adjusted to include this item in the amount of : : $5,500. I I i would be willing to do without some of the equipment under: I I I I I i Page 23 - Contingency Fund. The City Manager stated he is! I i Discussion was given to this matter and various proposals I : i asking for a 5% cost of living salary increase for the ; : employees and monies for this increase are available in i I this fund. I I I I + I : were considered. Discussion also developed concerning i ! the enforcement of the ordinance granting 15 working days i : vacation. : ADJOURNMENT : I I I I I I I k 8 I 1% I i By proper mtion the meeting was adjourned at 12:30 It. M, : I I I I 1 ; 'Respectfully submitted, I I I I I I I I I I I I i 7i&p?&f [E flJ&*. i MARGARE'T E. ~AMS t : Deputy City Clerk I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I f I I I I I I I I I I I t' I I I I ! ill ::: 1:: ;It ;:: Ill .I, '1; Ill III, I:# !,I! $4, ;lli ::;I I:;I ::;: ::I: I::: ;::i ;::; ;::; ;::I ::;I 1: :I I( *ll! ::ii ;I :::i iii: :::: :I:! l:;l ::I: :I:: l;;l ::I: :;;: i::: ::;: $4 18:; :;ii :::: I::: :::a :I:: :;:I :::: :::: :;:: ::I: :;;: :ii: 1:;: I:;: I:;: :::: ::;: ::a: ;I:: &I!; :::: :(I 1::: :,:;: :::I ;:;I 1:;: i::: 1:;: i:;: :::: ::$ I1;:l ::I:; ::!;[ ::;:; I:;:; 1:::: i:;:: 1":; ::I;; ;: (1 ::::I 1:::; #'I;: :*I :::;: :,I:: l;;ll ; ':::: .I :;l;l I:': ;*:'I 1:::: :11:1 l1l1 1'1: ;*I1 118: ;tll J::: 11 :!:;I 11; I!!,!