HomeMy WebLinkAbout1961-06-20; City Council; Minutes' . ,* I I I -\ "*' - - f CITY OF CARLSBAD : Minutes of CITY CGUNCTL ( i3qpIar Meeting) i 'S, '\ \ '8 \ .'8 : Date of Meeting: .June 20, 1961 ; N a me ', 'x%, '..,'8??$ i Time of Meeting: 7:OO P. M. ; of 'y+.O\\ ' Place of Meeting: Council Chambers f ROLL CALL was answered by Councilmen Guevara, I Bierce, La Roche, Sonneman and McPherson. Also i present were City Manager Slater and City Attorney Hayed. : ALLEGIANCE to the Flag was given. i INVOCATION was offered by Councilman Guevara. i APPBOVAL OF MINUTES: i were approved as submitted. i Bierce ii ;x; I \\\\\ 8' ' I 1 8, =\. ", "\"8 , 8 \' 83 88 $% \?+$&..,.$! :""""""""""- """"""""""""""""""--""""""""-~~"-""~"""""""~-. i Member ~.u\+pp! I '*I( I I ii:: I I 1;:: al:1 81:; 1 ::;: I :I I I t ;:It I :; t I !I::: t 4:; I i::: I '::; I :::; I t :I:: ::;I l a. Minutes of the regular meeting of June 6, 1961 I Guevara ; : :xi I :. La Roche i ; ;x: t i Sonneman : !x :x: I : McPherson : : ;xi I I Dl I I 8 I I I I I 4 I I I 8 I I I I 1 ! ,!I4 1 i COjttitESPONDENCE I 4 I I 9 k ! i' 1::: i::: a!:; I t f a, Jeanette Hays - re: Claim for damages. Letter: ii:: ; dated June 8, 1961 from Mrs. Jeannete Hays requesting i Guevara &: ' I x: I i claim for damages in the amount of $63.87, arising out : Bierce ; t :xi : of damages suffered in traffic collision with City vehicle. i La Koche : I !x; i By motion of the Council the claim was referred to the : Sonneman i Ix :x: i staff for handling with insurance carrier. i McPherson : * :xi I I :::I * b. Gregory Losa - re: Water refund agreement. i 1;:1 :lo: i Letter dated June 7, 1961 from Greg Losa and Bichard i :i:: i Geyer, requesting refund on water main extension on I I 1; :;:a i Basswood between Valley and Highland, under refund $ L ::;; i agreement. By common consent the matter was referred I :::I ::;I : to the staff for handling of refund. I :SI; l!!l 1:' I I 8 i 08AL COMMUNICATIONS: ! I ;i:: I I I I ti:: (I!) I I' i A vote of appreciation was given to Joe Heredia, reporter: Guevara ;I ; I i for Carlsbad Journal, for his excellent handling of news i Bierce :; : concerning Council proceedings over the past several ; La Roche : : ; years. Mr.' Heredia was present and thanked the Council i Sonneman k i : stating he is leaving Carlsbad to "move around a bit". : McPherson i : ! l 1: i PUBLIC HEARING: '7: 30 P. M. I I I I I I * I l a, Reclassification of certain property located I I i between aghland Drive and Eucalyptus on Forest Street, 1 : from Zone R-A 10,000 to Zone R-1 7500 - William J, I I ! Butters, I I * I l a, Reclassification of certain property located I I i between aghland Drive and Eucalyptus on Forest Street, 1 : from Zone R-A 10,000 to Zone R-1 7500 - William J, I I ! Butters, I I :i :; !I :I ;: ;: ;: 1: !I I I 8 1 I I :' : The Clerk certified as to proper notice having been given. i ;: :: i ~esolution NO. 21 0 of the Planning Commission was read, ; ;: : recommending the reclassification as applied for, There ; ;: i was no written correspondence regarding the matter, 6 :; I 1: I :: ! I t i There was no one present who spoke in favor of the re- i : classification, and no one present who opposed the re- ; i classification, I I 8 :i :: :: :; !I i: :xi I Xi x: x; !XI :x: :: :: I: :; i: ;: I: ;: ;: 1: :: .I : :I :; :; :; :; ;; :: 11 It !! i I ;I;; i The Mayor declared the hearing closed at 7: 35 P. M, I ii:: i The following resolution was presented for the CounciPs i *I : review: ::;I ;:;I ;::: : Resolution No. 758. RESOLUTION OF THE CITY * *:;: t ca OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD ANNOUNCING i I :!:I : FINDINGS AND DECISION REGAKDING CHANGE OF : Guevara ; : ; ; ;a:: 0 i ZONE CLASSIFICATION OF CERTAIN DESIGNATED i Bierce :xi p: ; PROPERTY IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD FROM ZONE: La aoche : f pci i R-A-10,000 TO ZONE R-1-7500 was.adopted by title I Sonneman ; 11 ; !x: : only and further reading waived. I McPherson i :x x i I ;I:' t 4 1::: I I :;;: I I i:;: ;::: I I $4 1 I ;: :i 1 L i:;; ? a I l t I I ;;:; 1::: I I I I I I I I I t I I I 1 9 I t I I I I I 1 I I In k 1 I I' \\ \\ ',, \ :..,x< .. I I \, '\ \, 8*' '\ '* 1 I I , \ 8 '84 '..:'..'..,, '\ ,, '\ \\ '\ :,, I -2- i Name '\,'$$. 8, \\ '\?& I ; of '$7.0' ','% I i Member $'@,*\*o'\< ,?&, Q,& I I I I I I I " I I :"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""~"""""""""~""~" *.. k 1 I I' \\ \\ ',, \ :..,x< .. I I \, '\ \, 8*' '\ '* 1 I I , \ 8 '84 '..:'..'..,, '\ ,, '\ \\ '\ :,, I -2- i Name '\,'$$. 8, \\ '\?& I ; of '$7.0' ','% I i Member $'@,*\*o'\< ,?&, Q,& I I I I I I I " I I :"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""~"""""""""~""~" *.. I 0 I I'I1 i The following ordinance was presented for review: i Ordinance No. 9118. AN ORDINANCE OF TEE CITY i Guevara : : ; 1: i r OF CARLSBAD AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 9060, : Bierce !x: :x! I I :ii' I I 1: I I I !::I ;;I1 i CEZANGING CERTAIN DESlGNATED PRQPEaTY FkOMi La Roche i : !xi I ZONE R-A 10,000 TO ZONE R-1 7500, IN THE CI'I'Y / Sonneman : !xi~: ; OF CARLSBAD, was given a first reading. : McPhersonj ; ;xi I!!# . ~- I* I I I i PLANNING: I I 4 L I I I I I I a. Memorandum from Planning Commission re: i : Alleys in Subdivisions. Memorandum from Planning I I i Commission was read, making recornmendations and re- : I )"I ;I1 1::: I:!! ;ii: :::I SI ii:i I.!' I questing a policy statement from the Council as to requir-i I;;# Ill: ; ing alleys in new subdivisions. Discussion developed as ; ::{I :::I : to whether alleys should be required in all cases or just i :*I1 i where practical. The City Attorney read Section 205 I I I;;[ i of Ordinance No. 9050, providing the Engineering Depart-! f ment with certain discretionary power, and the City I 4:; * OI( i Engineer stated it was their recommendation that alleys i :*I, ;::: ; be required only where practical, and topography permits: :::; i It was also pointed out that installation of alleys will I ;I:# I I1 :: * : facilitate placing of power poles at rear property lines i Guevara ; !x :x: i instead of street placement. By motion of the Council i Bierce t : :xi : Council it was agreed that the Cityls policy concerning i La Roche i I ;x: i alleys in new subdivisions shall be as designated in ; Sonneman !x: :xi : Section 205 of Ordinance No. 9050. : McPherson ; : ;x: I I I:.! I I I I I b. Memorandum from Planning Commission re: : 11i'1 ::::i ;::I: ;:':) I Sidewalks in subdivisions. Memorandum from the Plannik i:::: I Cornmission was read, making recommendations in re- : ;:::I i gards to installation of sidewalks along cul-de-sac streets! i in new, subdivisions, It was brought out that present polic$ :;!;; ; has been to require sidewalks on property fronting on : 4:;: i through or straight streets but making their installation : !:;I; : optional with the developer on cul-de-sacs, and the mernbirs I:;!: I felt that this policy should be continued. By motion of the i CheVaP-a : 8 I x: i : Council it was agreed that the present policy of leaving : Eierce : jxix: j i the iastallation of sidewdks on cul-de-sac streets to the i La Xoche ! i :x; i : discretion of the subdivider or developer be continued. : Sonneman :x! i x: : :::I I : McPherson j : :x! : 1 ::::; I C. Nequest for extension of time on tentative map i ::::: II I * I I i of Longview Plaza subdivision. Letter dated June 13, i Guevara k r !xi 1 : 1961 from Donszld F. Dresselhaus, requesting 1 year ex- : Bierce ; :x: x: I i temion of time on tentative map of Longview Plaza sub- i La Roche i i !xi : : division, was read and discussed. By motion of the : Sonneman ; : :x; ; i Cwdncil a one year extension of time was granted. i McPherson : i !xi i - ! I 1 I : ENGINEERING: I- 8 I t I I t I ? l a. Street opening on a portion of Lot "I" Rancho : i Agua Hedionda as Birch Street. The 'City Attorney informb i ed the Council this matter cc5ld be handled administrative> : ly, and would not require Council action at this time. I * I I 1 I :;I:: :;;:a S,!'! 1;;;; :;::: ;l:s: ::;:: ;:I:# 1:a: ::;:I !!::! 1 I b, Utility power pole placement for Karren Estates; 1:::: i Subdivision. Thc City Engineer presented a drawing I I ::::: i showingacement of two utility power poles approximate+ :I::; ; ly 18 inches behind street curb in Karren Estates, as rer= i quested by the San Diego Gas and Electric Company, I I ;:a:: ;l;'l : recommending that this placement be accepted due to the i ;:::: i fact that rear .placement could hardly be justified in this : Guevara j, I ;x: i 1::1 : particul3.r instance. By motion of the Council it was agre4d Bierce : :x;xi ; : .that the recornmendation of the Engineering Department I La Roche 4% i ; :x; i : as to location of two utility poles in Karren Estates be ; Sonneman ; : ;xi : 'I adopted, i McPherson : i :xi i f ::!t: iVI.1 :i::: It Dl I I 1 i The City Attorney repolrtcd on a meeting between the City i : and the Gas Company offickls wherein it was tacitly i agreed that the City would insist on rear placement whw~f I I 8 I I I I I 1 I I I 8 1 I 1. +:; 1;::; i:::; a:::; :::I, j:::; :I::: Ill !>l!l 4 I I ,?, I ', -8, -8, ', ', '\ I U2 ! '\. '\~ ', ''. '+, I I I I .. -\ ' ' .- , .,a I N a me '\, 'x%, \\ x$$ I I of .,+ 4% '\, ,+ I .eC.'?@,y*,&S ~""~"""""""""""""""""-"""~""""""""""""""~"""""""""-"" : Member \%$,*\f? ! I :!!I I : ever practical and where impractical, would allow poles I :I:; i to be placed in street; and that Mr. DeVore had suggested: 1::: : that everything possible be done to secure alleys in new i i subdivisions to facilitate rear pole placement. i ing for the Carlsbad Municipal Water District, presented i ; a deed covering the parcel of land to be donated to the : :i:; i City, with the condition that the District will need a drive: :; ;,; : way opening at least 15 feet wide to accommodate their 'i :;:: ! larger vehicles, if an alley is not provided. H. E. I I ::&I 11:: : Anderson, 4000 Highland Drive, stated he will donate the i f)I( i 700 square feet requested if the City will clean out and : :::: ::I, : blacktop the alley without expense to him. Discussion i ::I1 i develope 4 some members feeling that the common : policy of requiring owners to pay for alley improvement i Guevara ; : i x; :::: i should apply. By motion of the Council it was agreed : Bierce :x1 ;xi : that the City, at the time of improving the street, also i La Roche ; : i x: i pa.ve the alleys on either side, in return for the owners I Sonneman I ; ; ix I deeding these parcels to the City. i McPherson: :x:x: II I::: I :::; I C. Beech Street dedication. Jack Kubota, appear- ; :;:: :;:: I I I I 4:: ::#I i;:; 1. I I 11 11 I I ;I:: 1: I I I t :::I !I,! : Acceptance of deeds. The City Attorney presented the ' i i following resolution for the Council's review: I I I I I & ;;I; :;I: :::; 'I !Il, ! Resolution No. 755. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY : Guevara :x, : x: -:I i i "T)FTHE CITY OF CARLSBAD, ACCEPTING ! Bierce : ix:x : GRANT DEEDS FROM CERTAIN PROPERTY OWNERS : La Roche i i i xi i FOR BEECH STREET, was adopted by title only and i Sonnernan : ; i X ; further reading waived. I McPhersonj : ; xi I!#; I ! I It* I I d. Adopting budget for 1961 -62 Gas Tax Funds, i I The City Manager presented the following resolution for : : the Council's approval, with reference to the 1961-62 i I Gas Tax funds: I I I iii: :::i ,:#I :I;: l!!l :::: I 1;:: i Resolution NO. 759. -A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY i ~uevara I ixi X: ; CQUNCL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD ADOPTING i Bierce !xi : 4 i AND SUBMITTING A BUDGET FOR EXPEND1TUR.E ; La Roche i : i d : OF GAS TAX FUNDS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 1961-621 SOm~man I i ; X! i was adopted by title only and further reading waived. ; McPherson; ; i $ I ;:@I :; : Gas Tax Allocation Report for 1961 -62. By motion of i Guevara : i :x: i the Council the Gas Tax Allocation Report for 1961 -62 I Bierce !I ; ;x; : was accepted. ; La Roche ; 11 : !x: : Sonneman :x; ;xi 4- I I I I 1 I I I I McPherson i : xix: l i Manager requested this matter deferred until t'he next : I), iii: I I I I ::I:; !I!!{ I I I( It e. Request for abandonment of easement. The Citi :;::~ I I :;I: I regular meeting on July 5, 1961 . 1 I I I The Mayor declared a 10 minute recess. The meeting i i reconvened at 8: 30 P, M. I ! I '1;' ::I:! :::I; 11' :!I:' I I ; Merrill property. The Council was informed that the I ;: i'iii I- ;:::; @I ; County Recorder would not record the deed on the Merrill i ::::I t property as described. A new description has been pre- i Guevara 1 :x:x; i i this new description. By motion of the Council the re- : La Roche ; : !xi' 1 : vised description of the PAerrill property was accepted and Sonneman ix: ;XI i i the City Attorney directed to prepare a new deed. i McPherson ; : ;xi i @:.@a i pared and it would be necessary for the Council to accept ; Bierce ::I i : ;x: 1 I I I D i CIVIL DEFENSE: I I 4 I I 1 I I I I I I a. Designation of representative and alternate : representative to the County Civil Defense & Disaster I I i Organization. Mayor LalZoche appointed Cmn. Gierce i : to serve as representative, with City Manager $later as ; i alternate. 1 " I I 1;- I; i:::: I:::: 1:::: ::::I :,I1, 1,:: :;I;; :a1 ltl)I I!#*! l4l:: I I 4 1 I I;::: I I :;;:; I I 4 I I:::; I t I I ::::; 1 I 8 I ::;:I 1 I I i:: ;: I 11,,1 I :'I 411:f .:;: I I I I I ; -\ ' .. > I I \, '\\", '; 'r't I I '\, ', '\, '\ '\,'x, I -4- I : ~1 a me \,, '+& ', '3s I ,+x$\ ', '$\ t ; of ',?)$&,.9', qij ~""""""""~"""""""~"""""""""""""""""""""""""""~""""---"" : Member \$&'@,!$?@x< I I ;I;; ; NEW BUSINESS: 1:;: I& I 1 :::I I I :I;: I a. Authorization for opening of escrows: I :::: .X' I 8 I 8' ,, 8, '\, ' ' ' ' $6 '\ '\ '\ 1 I B I I 1 I I I I I I 1 I #I:@ 1. Woman's Club property. By motion of the : Guevara : : ; xi ; I I+ i Council the City Manager was authorized to proceed with i Bierce : ixjx: I the escrow on the Woman's Club property. ; La Roche i : :xi 111: I I I 1 I I I Sonneman :xi i xi I ; McPherson i ; :x: I 2. M. E. Long property. The Council was in- I 1::: $:; i formed that no action was necessary on the Long property i ;:I: ll;t I b. Joint Sewer agreement - City of Carlsbad and i :!'I ;::: ; Vista Sanitation District. The agreement was presented : 1;;h i bythe City Manager with the explanation that this is the i ;*I: ;::; ; sixth draft of the basic agreement involving certain I ,:SI i changes agreed upon at a meeting between Council membets, la1(, :::: I members of the County Board of Supervisors and of the ; :ti: : Vista Sanitation District, i. e. t (1) operation of the plant i ::I; i::: i by the County of San Diego for a period of two years, to : II~ i be extended if satisfactory; (2) appointment of an admini- : $1 :ii ;; I strator to co-ordinate the joint effort, and (3) appointmen( ;:&:I 4:~ : of a joint advisory committee comprised of three memberg ;i::i : from the City of Carlsbad and three from Vista Sanitation : :::;1 111 I District - not necessarily from the governing bodies - I :I::; i to investigate and study operational procedures and make i ::::I : recommendations after expiration of one year. There i 11'11 I was some discussion as to potential service areas of the : Guevara I i ;xi ~ ; the Council the sixth and final draft of the Joint Sewer : La Roche i ! !xi ~ ; Agreement with Vista Sanitation District was accepted an4 Sonneman # i :xi I I its execution authorized. ; McPherson : :x!xl I I I I I I $ 1 i at this time. I I I I I iiii I I I 1 4 :I!:; i plant, to be constructed in South Carlsbad. By motion of i Bierce : : :x: 1 I : OED BUSINESS: I 4 I ;l;:l 1 I :::'I I I ;:':' lit! I I I I 1 I I I 1 I * I 4 1 I I a. Tentative Budget. I 1. Insurance and Retirement - Survivors' I Benefit. The City Manager reported that eligible member! 1 xtmolice and Fire Departments were polled as to I I ; whether they would rather have the Survivors' Benefit or i i a raise in salary, and all were in favor of the Survivors1 : ; Benefit. Letter from Jack Osuna, Captain of Carlsbad I I Fire Department, was read, giving figures and rates I I ; compiled from departments of nearby cities. By common! i consent, the City Manager was directed to have a survey t : rr.ade by the California State Employees' Retirement I i System and report results to the Council. I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I 2. Public Works. Garage to house City : Vehicles. Mr. Slater presented an estimate of $1500.00 i i for materials, labor to be performed by City crews, for : i housing four vehicles. Considerable discussion develope& ; most members feeling that it would be illogical to house : f four vehicles and leave all others exposed to the weather. i i It was pointed out that police units are traded each year i ; and in use almost constantly; therefore, they could be 1 ! excepted from those needing protection from weather. Nd i action was taken by the Council. I I 3. Fire Department - Salvage-IEecue Unit. I I I Provision for a small rig pumping 100 gallons and carry- i i ing resuscitator and other rescue equipment was further : : discussed, but it was felt that present need does not I I I justify sacrificing essential items which would have to be ; ; reduced to provide funds for the rig. I i Additions were made on Page 8 of Tenta4:ive Budget - ; Item #306, $75.00 add&, mc! OE Page 10 - Itmi #305 I I I I I I DI I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I , :ji'~ ::: 4; :::;; ;::l/ ;::// :I:;; I::,' $*::I *I $1 lal:; i;;;; ::'I' ll:l; :a;:; I:@:; ::;:I i i 1 ('I 1::; ::(:I :;:;j ::;:I :;::; :::;I :::ii ::!;I i:;:: :::;: ::*I; ::I:: ::; :a;:; l::1] ;:/I ::::I ;:::I ;:It1 /!: :::I I: :Ill: ::::I I:@:; :::!I 1;4: ::::I ::::I ::::I I*:;; :;!I: it: /l:i ir VI :I1 :*I 1,; . ._1 I I I I I 1- l *,\ '\, 'x, '8, .8 ' I 1 , , , '\ '8 I , ,, '\ , ' ' I -5- I S8 , '\ '\ 8\\8\, $7 , '. , '. , \ 1 -8"" 8 i N a me '8 '\$& '*, ''+ t t I I ; of '7&%8 9 ',$$$ '$55, 8,,?$,, I I I';!\ I :: 1::: I ::':: :::'I I B: ~""""""""""""~""""~""""""""""""""-""""""~"""""""-""""~". : Member $'@.$-Q~~ ! raised from $50.00 to $125.00 (both covering Office i Equipment and Maintenance). I I :;;:: i By proper motion the Tentative Budget for 1961-62 was i Guevara t ,x: xi 1 : approved with corrections and additions as ordered. i Bierce :x: i x: i I ill I I I I I : La Roche i ! :xi : I I I Sonneman , ; , :xi : I l McPherson j : :x: : 1 ! I !::!: I I I 6 i CITY ATTORNEY'S REPORT: I 1 Assembly Bill #3036. The City Attorney reported that th4 : 'bill will continued to be pushed by Mr. Bayne until it has : i passed the Legislature; and that Mr. Bayne and Rep. : Unruh will meet with the Council in the near future. i Condemnation proceedings. The City Attorney reported I i that Judge Hardin ruled that the City pay $16,000 for the i I Long property; that this amount has been deposited, and : : the Order of Possession will be signed tomorrow by Judg6 i Hardin. I Writ of Mandamus. The South Coast Asphalt Co. has i : filed a Petition of Intervention, and the matter will be i i heard on Thursday, June 22nd, at 1O:OO A. M. It was : noted that Council members were served with defective i i (unsigned) summons, and up to this time had no official ! : notice to appear on Thursday for the hearing - (sub- I i poenaed for Friday, June 23rd). I I I I I 1 I 1 I I 1 I t I I I 1 I I I I I * I I I I I I i CITY MANAGER'S REPORT: I I i Government, grant under Public Law 660. City Manager I : Slater reported the City has been placed 24th on the I 1 i priority list to receive Government monies under Public : i Law 660, with time limit of March 31st, 1962, to get plank : and specifications in for the sewer project. i Tri-City Ho'spital Dedication ceremonies. An invitation I i has been received to attend dedication ceremonies and : : open house at Tri-City Hospital on Friday, June 30th, at i i 2:OO P. M. : Library Board of Trustees meeting. The City Manager 1 i reported on meeting with the Library Board of Trustees I i to discuss future location of library, wherein they asked ; : that the Council adopt Resolution of Intention designating I i the present 'site for future library facilities. The City : : Attorney pointed out that such action would not be binding i I on future Councils. Sites mentioned and discussed by : : the Council were (1) the present site at Rcc7evelt Sreet I I Elm Avenue, (2) property to be acquired south of and : : adjoining Holiday Park; and (3) at the present Civic Centet. i Consideration was given to factors of adequate space for : : off-street parking, traffic, and accessibility to schools, I I as applying to each site. No action was taken by the : Council at this time. i Proposed "Clean-Up-Week". Letter was read from i i R. Vi. Hardin, Fire Chief, suggesting that the Mayor : i issue a Pro,clamation declaring a " Clean-up Week I, 1 I : urging property owners to clean up their property, and : i offering assistance of his department where requested. i : It was generally agreed by members that letters to in- i : dividuals re: weed abatement on their property would : : have a stronger effect than a Proclamation. I League of Cities' Conference. The City Manager stated : i the 63rd Annual Conference of the California League of i f Cities will be held in San Frs-ncisco, October 22nd to 25t7, : 1961. Cmn. McPherson idicatecl he may be able to i attend. I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I 01 I I I I I I I P I * I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I ;I1 .I ;:::I Ill: ;;l;l 11; ::::: ::::: i::': ,:a:: 11:;l ::;;I I. ! 611 l*l8# l;;l: ::I:: 1:;s; *ll:l ::;;I @I :I::/ ::I:; :*I ::::I l;l;! b:;; ::::~ :::: :;'l~ ~l:~l ::I:~ ;;::~ ::ii :::; :::I :::: ;::I ::I: 4:; ::I: :I:: 81 iiii 11 :')I l!!l 1;'l I::; ::p ;: 1:: I::: ;:*I II:' ::I: :I;: I;*: i::: 1::: :;:; ::;: 11 ::;: ::;; :::; ;I:: IIO :a:: 1;;l :&I: ;::: !;I: 1:: ::;; :::; :;:: 11:; :::: :;:; ::I: ::I: :I:: i::l 1:: :::: ;::: I;: ::,: :;;: i::; :ii: if;: ;L: I: 8; :I I' 6 It ::*? ' 1 ,> I I' I I '\\ y', I \ -. I I 1 I I -5 - I . t i Name \ I I of \- 8 '. I \ I I I ~""""""""""""""~""""""""-"""-"--"-"-"""""-~"""-~~~~ f Member I Gnats. Letter from Randolph Duke re: gnat nuisance wat$ I read. Mr. Slater reported that a meeting will be held on i ; June 29th at 7: 30 P. M, at South Oceanside Elementary : i School, open to the public, at which time the County He&$ I Department will attempt to acquaint the audience with : i efforts being made to solve this problem; and that Dr. Ea.? i entomologist from the University of California, scheduled \ to come in and treat a 2-acre area just east of the EreewQy : on an experimental basis, which, if effective, will be : : extended to'the entire area. Other recently suggested i : methods - including introduction of carp into the lagoon - : i were briefly discussed but discarded as being either I I i illegal or impractical, I I I i Non-conforming building, The City Manager reported a I : telephone call and letter from Glenn Feist on behalf of i i C. H. Pattkrson, 3521 Seacrest Drive, re: encroachmeni : on City property of a building at Oak Avenue and Carlsbad I Blvd. (formerly "Snack and Yak Restaurant"), on which a: ; building permit was erroneaously issued for enlarging th4 i structure. Mr. Patterson requests withdrawal of this i : permit and other steps taken to abate the non-conforming i i use as he has his property across Lincoln Street for sale i : and considers this a devaluating influence. I I i Richard Osburn, Building Inspector, told the Council the i i building permit has been revoked, and he talked with Mr. i f Hoover, owner of the property, who agreed to remove : i the building when the summer. season is over if action I I would be withheld until that time. No Council action was I : taken at this time. i Council members discussed possible means of enforcing : I either early completion or demofiton of an unfinished I I 2-story building at Pine Avenue and Carlsbad Blvd. Mr. i i Osburn pointed out that former City Building Inspector ; f Ratcliff had, inspected the old lumber used in framing and I i found it sound, and was informed by the owner/builder : ; that plumbing and wiring would meet City standards when i i ready for inspection. The City Attorney was asked to f I explore the 'possibility of declaring the building a public : i nuisance, I I I 1 I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I : I I I I I Wren Property. A letter from John Wren, 4175 Jeffersod Street, was read, giving permission to have his property : appraised, provided he is not held responsible for the i appraisal fees. By common consent the City Manager : was directed to request Vernon Day of Escondido to appraise the property. Vacation time. The increase of vacation time for City i employees from 2 to 3 weeks (15 calendar days to 15 I working days) was further discussed. The Council agree4 that inasmuch as the 3-week vacation has been promised, ; it will remain in effect for this year; but that the extra i time allowed will be 'considered in lieu of any blanket ; raise in salaries this year; and that the Administrative i Ordinance will be re-examined with a possible view to ; amending the pertinent section, I I I I I I I I I I I I Cwn. Sonneman brought up for discussion the subject of ! i coffee breaks for City employees; and also that of City ; I vehicles being taken home overnight by employees. It i : was agreed that some plan should be developed whereby : : City employees (police officers to be excepted, due to i I the nature of their duties) should take coffee breaks at : i the City Hall, rather than going downtown. It was also : i agreed that 'the practice of City vehicles being taken homd ; by employees should be discontinued, except ir, ihe case i i of the Water Emergency truck I t .I 4 I I t I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I '\ . 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M, I 1: I, I :::: i The regulaF meeting reconvened at 10: 45 B. M. I :Ill I li(I I I :iii i ADJOURNMENT: I I ii:: +I @I I I :I i By proper motion the meeting was adjourned to July 5, I ii:i : 1961. I :I;; I I ::;; : Respectfully submitted, I I ::It I :;I: 8 I I :::; t ii:; I I I I I I 1 I I I I I 11 I I I I I I I 11 ;iq7 I I 1;:; i AA ,*/L&..:,; .1, -, , (// fl!./-;p., I I I I &((I IIIl t LY ;;ll : NN 1 1';: I ;:I t I 1:;: I I I::: I::; I I I ::;; i:Il I I 18:; I I I ::i: :: I I 1:; I 1 I :;I: 1 I It I I ::;: I i::: I 1 I t :;:I 11 ii I I ::I: I I 11:: I :;a1 I I I I:!; l:ll I 41;; I ::;; I 1:;; I :::; I ::;: I :::I I I I :;ll 11:: I It;: I * :!I: I I r;;: I ::;: I :;;; I :::I 1 I i::: a;t: I I 11;; t ::I; 6 1 1 ii:: I I :;:: 1 I :I:: I I :;:I I I ::;s I ::;: I ::I: I I I::: I I l*:; I $11 I 1 I :::: ;:I: I I I :::; 1:: I I :::: I I I :I;: l1 I 1:;: & I I I f i Deputy City Clerk I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I f I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I ; 1 I I I I I I I I I I f I I I I I I I I I 0 I 1 I 1 I I I 1 I I I 11 I I I I I I I I 1 I I I * I I 1 I I 11 I I I I I :*I!