HomeMy WebLinkAbout1961-07-05; City Council; MinutesB I I I ; I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I 1 I l \\ ~, - \ . '\ CITY OF C~RLSBAD I I I ', \.\, '., '. ' Minutes of: CITY COUNCIL (Regular Meeting) : ',., '+, '., '.,'\. 9 8 \" t '\ '8 Date of Meeting: July $ 1361 i Na me '\, '\$, ",,"?& Time of Meeting: 7:OO P. M. i of '.+;@,),%4 Place of Meeting Council Chambers ROLL CALb was answered by Councilmen Guevara, I :: Bierce, La Roche, Someman and McPherson. Also present wer4 City Manager Slater and City Attorney Haye$. ----"----"-----"-- """""""""-"""";-"-""""""""""-~"""""""""""-~", I Member $'@.$\p,< * ;::I1 I I :I!;; ::I:: :;I:: I '*I I I,!*! I I I : ALLEGIANCE to the flag was given. I :"" 1;s: I :;;:: I I alt:* ! INVOCATIOps was offered by Councilman McPherson. I I ::;I: I :;I:( 1 I I ::i:i : APPROVAL, OF IMINUTES: I I ::I:; ? I :;::; 4 a. The qinutes of the regular meeting of June 20, ! Guevara I I i xi ; :: *ti : : :x: : I : La Roche ; : ; x: ! I 1 i Sonneman !xi : 2 i I : McPherson: :x: x: ; I 1 ;Io:: i CORRESPONDENCE I I :ii:: I -1:; I I I !::SI I a. W. G. Johnson - re: Claim for damages. Letter ! :I,:; 8::: i dated June 2'7, 1961 from W, G. Johnson, 5820 Live Oak,: ::;I, i Bell Gardens, California, submitting a claim to the City : Guevara !x; ; 1 i :;I:; : in the amount of $15.00 for damage to his vehicle while i Bierce ; ; XI x I i parked at 32'10 Harding, was presented. By motion of ; La Roche : i : 4 i i the Council the claim was denied and the matter referred I Sonneman a ; i x i : to the insurance carrier, : McPhersonI ; ; 1 ; I L 1!!1! I I I $ I : 1961, were approved as submitted. i Bierce 81 I I I I 1 I I ;; I 4 i b. Library Board of Trustees - re: Vacancy on Board, I Letter dated June 30, 1961 from the Chairman of the ! ;;;:; :I#:: 0' 1:;:: i Library Board of Trustees, calling the attention to the i ;;I;; I Council of the expiration, on July 1, 1961, of Mr, Lowell: ; Richardson's term of office. As Mr. Richardson would i I::;, I be unable tosserve another term, they wished to recom- : : mend to the 'Council €he appointment of Dr, George W. i Guevara i : x: $ i I Merkle as a, Library Trustee, The Mayor appointed : Biesce :+; : Dr. George We Merkle to the Library Board of Trustees,: La Roche i I : 4 i i and by motion of the Council the appointment was confirmk Sonneman !x; i $ I ! ed. I McPherson: i iq I :I::; ;:::: :-I; :ii:; 1 1 !l.!l i OBAL COPJIMUNICATIOPTS: + I I JOHN MC KAIG, Chairmsn of the Parks and Recreation i Commission, s'iztec! he had read in the newspaper the ; Council was considering a site for the location of the i library, which was a portion of the Holiday Park Master : Plan, and as:ked why the Parks and Recreation Cornmis- i sion had not been included in the committee to discuss : this matter. : Mre McKaig' was informed that no committee had been i appointed as yet, and assured him that at such time as a : committee wlas appointed they would be included in the i discussion, L I f ? I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I f I I I ! :8:;* 41:: ::!I: ,;;I. ::;;: :;I:; ;:I:; i:':: 1:;:: i;Vl ::I:; 1::: i:l:a ::;:; ;:;:; ;:I*? 1;;:; i:::; :::I: ::;:; :a: i Mr. McKaig further stated they had submitted two other i ;;:i; i letters and &ked when they would be read. The City I I :::i: : Manager stated there was one letter that was on the agendb ::'I; 1 :*I i under Parks and Recreation which, if the Council WishCd, : ::::I f could be discussed at this time. It was agreed that the i ;:Ill 1;;:; : letter be pre,sented at this time. I # lll;; :::;I 3 1 ::!I! I I i Termination of appointment for Parks & Recreation Corn-! ; missioner - and feasibility of agreement with sckmc$s : for use of sihool facilities. .- a b l a I * I Letter dated ~ June 26, 1961, from the Chairman of the : : Parks and Recreation Commission, was read wherein ; i the Parks & recreation Commission at their May meeting: : voted to request the Council to terminate the appointment i i of Leonard Nevares, who has only attended ons meeting : : of the Com@ssion since he was appointed in Segtember i i of 1960, under the new ordinance giving the Council I I I I I I I I I I 8 I * 4 I I I I I 1 ! :ill; 1:;:; ::;:: :::;; 's I::;, $:': ::;:; 1'1;; ::::; ::::; :::;: ::::; ::::I :;:I: ? 1:; :::*I ;:;:; ::::: ;;::@ IO 18: !@I!I B I I I 8" -8- I I I I '\\ 'x, '\\ y,,'~ I I ', '\ ', 8, 8,''s, 91 t -2 - s I Nanle , \@\ \\ '0 '. '.&. I ; bf y$% '\ I : Member 8?&$&&@ ,~~~..pe~~ ;SI:; I x, ', ', % 8 I 8 '$!A :""""""~"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""~"~"""""-""""-~" I !:::I i authority to remove from Commissions those appointees !.. ;:::; : who miss more than three meetings, They suggested that: I;{:! i the Council appoint someone who was a resident of the i ::I: Il~ : area bounde4 by the Freeway and the Ocean, Buena Vista i 1:;:; i lagoon and Oak Street. I I i!::: 1 1:;:~ i By motion of the Council it was agreed that the selection i Guevara i :x ;xi ' I of a new member to the commission be deferred until the : Bierce : ' !x: ~ I: next regular^ meeting. i La Roche i i :xi ' I i 811 I I ::!I I I '11 I 1 I I I I I : Sonneman ~r i jx: I I i McPherson i ! :xi i Discussion was given as to the use Of School ProPefiY for i I recreational use. I I I I + i Cmn. Bierce stated since the meeting in Berkeley, which i I some of the ,members of the Council attended, he is I i certainly inderested in looking into the possibility of some! ! type of agreement whereby the school playgrounds could i i be used for recreation. The City of Fresno has an : excellent program, and suggested the City Manager write i i to the City olf Fresno regarding this joint operation. The : I City Manager informed the Council he has several agree- i i ments in his office for the Council to review, but the i question is who is going to supervise this operation at the i : schools. i After further discussion, the City Manager was instructed i to contact Oceanside in regards to their recreational 8 I : program with the schools, and also the City of Fresno. i i Mr. McKaig stated it is the Commission's hopes that i something can be done this summer, i MR. C, €X. PATTERSON, 3521 Ridgecrest Drive, ; Carlshad, stated he was interested in what the Council i I intends to do about the building at the corner of Oak and : : Lincoln (formerly Snack and Yak). Mr. Patterson was i i informed this matter would be brought up under Old : Business. The Building Inspector would make a report i I at that time. I I I 1 f I I * I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I * I 4 I I I I ! i PUBLIC HEARINGS: I I I I I ! i a. Resolution of Intention for Eureka Place Sewers - i i 191 1 Act Proceedings, I I I The Mayor announced the hour of 7: 30 P. M. had arrived, i I this was the time and place fixed by this City Council for i ! hearing objections or protests on the proposed work, or ; : the extent of the assessment district, or on the proposed i i grades under the Besolution of Intention, Resolution No. : : 752, providing for the construction uf certain sanitary i i sewers and :appurtenances, and appurtenant work in : Eureka Place between Chestnut Ave. and Basswood Ave. I t I I I I I ;j;: :I ;*I ,!I! It 1;:: i' 1::: :::: :::: 1::; i:ll :i:: :::I 11 ;::: ;::: 1::: :::: iili ;I:' 1:;: ly: :: :;:! 41:; :::; ii:: !i& ::;: i::: ;::: I;': I;$ ;::: ;:I: ;I;: ;::; :::I ;tl' ::;: 1:1: :I:: I::: ;::; ft 1::: ;&I; ;;@I ;::I 1:;: ;i:: ;:ii ;I:; ;:;; :fit# 11 11 '$1: :Is1 SI1 III; t!!r I :i:: i The Clerk presented the affidavits of publication, mailing i Guevara : :xi X, i and posting, By motion of the Council the affidavits were: Bierce : l : I I Ix: : approved and ordered filed. i La Roche : : : < 4 I * : Sonneman F I i < I I i McPherson: i i 7 i The Mayor requested all written protests read. The Cleric ;:;: ;:;: I informed the Council there were no written protests. I I pi I 11:; : The Mayor announced the Council would hear my oral : I!:: i protests or :objections concerning the work, extent of i I::: : assessment district or grades. Thare were no oral I 11;; I :;;$ i protests or ~objections. t t i::i 1:;l I I ;#I; I :::; I *;;s I i;*: * I I I 1::: I ::;i I I ::;I I I :I* .i 8 8 8 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I !ll! D 0 I , 1 ',, -8, .\\ '\ ', -\ I * I \ ' " '+, 9 2 4 1 I '\ =;\., '\ I ', \ , 8 8*,8'\ 1 -3- i Na me '\, '\!!&, '\, +)>, a ; of '4 +!?, ' .* I \QL so \ +&$ t : Member \$$.("p.,$"$!< : """""""" - """""""""""""""""" "-"" """ """-"; """"-- -""e r-i ",- ";" I 1 e ' r.p I I I' i The Mayor declared the hearing closed at 7: 35 P. M. Thd :;4: i Engineer of! work gave evidence that dl of the lands in- : :I:: II'1 : cluded in thk district are benefited. I 11:; Illt ! The City Atkorney presented the following resolutions for [ ::;i i the Counci1';s approval: I I I i:;; i Resolution No. 760 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY ! Guevara : :xiX! i MAKING FINDINGS AND OVERRULING PROTESTS AND La BOche i : :x: : OBJECTIONS, Assessment District No. 1-1961, was i l Sonneman : i ;x! z adopted by title only and further reading waived. ; McPherson: ; ,x: I ! :!:: + I I :;;: I i:;; I UNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNI&,Bierce k i :x: I I I I Resolution NO. 761. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY I I ! cKRJ"NCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD. ORDERING i 1.11 ii[i !:I! i THE CONSTRUCTION OF CERTAIN STREET IMPROWCGuevara i i :xi i MENTS ANb ORDERmG POSTING AND PUBLICATION I Bierce : ; ;x: I OF NOTICE'S INVIT,JNG SEALED PROPOSALS OR : La Roche : : ;x! i BDS, Assessment District No. 1-1961, was adopted by i Sonneman !xi ;x: i title only and further reading waived. : McPhersoni ;x:xi I i Resolution No, ,764, A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY ; CIL OF. THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIAi i DWECTING ' *HAT CERTAIN STREET WORK BE DONE: Guevara i jx:x; ; 1:::; ; UNDER THI$ DIRECTION AND TO THE SATISFACTION: Bierce ; i :x; i i OF THE WGINEER OF WORK, Assessment District : La Roche : : :x: : No. 1-1961, was adopted by title only and further reading i Sonneman !x; !xi , I waived. : McPherson; : !x; 1 i b. Resolution of Intention for the vacation of Birch i ::!!; ; Avenue, The Mayor announced this was the time and I i:lll : -xed by the Council €or hearing objections or pro- j ;::; ; tests on the proposed vacation of Birch Street. i The Clerk presented the Affidavit of Publication and certif I fied as to proper notice having been given. i The Clerk informed the Council there were no written i ::;: i protests received up to the hour of 7:30 P. M. I I ::;I i The Mayor declared the hearing open and announced the i :::; : Council woukd hear all oral protests or objections. There: :::: i were no oral protests. The Mayor asked if there were : : any persons .desiring to speak in favor of the vacation of I i Birch Avenub. I As there were no persons desiring to be heard the Mayor ! ;:;; : declared the hearing closed at 7:50 P. M. I I :::: (',I : The City Attorney presented the following resolution for I i the Council's review: i Resolution No, 763. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY CIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, FINDING A i ;:;:: i PORTION OF BIRCH AVENUE UNNECESSARY FOR : PE?,ESENT dEt PROSPECTIVE PUBLIC STBEET PUR- : i POSES; VAdATING SUCH PCRTION OF BIRCH AVZNU4; Guevara ; I Ixi I : AND ORDEriING CLERK TO RECQRD A CERTIFIED I Bierce : [XIXI ; i COPY HEBEOF WITH THE COUNTY RECOBDER OF i La Roche i i {x: ; i SAN DIEGO ' COUNTY, was adopted by title only and ; Sonnernan ;x; :xi ; ; further reading waived. i McPherson ; : ;x: I I I 1: 1; i. ENGINEEXNG: 1 I :;::I I ;I;'! & I I:';; : a. Beech Avenue improvement bid award. The t I ;lill ;:::: I Engineering ;Department informed the Council that four bids Guevara I I !x: i : were received, and Darwin Construction CO. were the low! Bierce ; p:xi I I bidders at $10,437.45. By motion of the Council Darwin ; La Roche ; ; :xi i : Construction Co. was awarded the bid for the constructiod Sonneman k : :x! I Til* I 1 I I ;:::, I4:; i:l;l I I :I:ii I ::!I I :*;I ::;: ;:,a I ;;+ I I I:, I ::;I I i::l I ;::: I::: $11 I ;::; I :::; 1 ;L;i 1:;:: I ii::; I I I-:; I I *I :q:: I ::::: I I I;#:: ::;:; i:: I; 9 4 ' *- I I I i I I 1 I ("1 Ill I I* I * I I 4 1 * I' I I 9 4 I I i of Beech Avenue. i McPherson ; 1 ixi i 'I I 9 I I 1 I I 8 I I ::,;I I ;:!;; I 1 I !;I:: t Y .; 1 1::'l I I :;;:: I I I :;;:; I I I I !ll!l I I I I 8.- '8.8 88 '\88', \, I Name 8, '*$, '\,''& I I I I I I I ', '8 ' ', 88,'88 I -4- \ 8 ' \ 888'8, 93 \\ . 88 , I I I of 'yg.22, '-.'$$>, I ~""""""""""~"""""""""~"""""""""""~""""""~""-"""~---------"--- : Member '.**,93'+ ,08,o\,c..Pf @ I I 1 ;;:; I b, Beech Avenre street opening - condemnation :::: I proceedings on Whitehead property, The Council was I :::I I informed twt three property owners have given deeds to : :41: : the City for! the opening of Beech Avenue to take care of i ;::; :::: 1 the curb return and sidewalks, however, a letter has I : been received from Mr. Whitehead, owner of the propert$ ;::: 1::; i on the sout$east corner of Beech Avenue, stating this ; :a 1:;: : dedication would greatly alter his plans for the future, i :::I i reducing the size of his lot to a point that his plan will ; G~~~~~ + :;;I i Ix i : not profit. after consideration by the Council, and by i B~~~~~ i motion of the council the city Attorney was directed to : La Roche : : :x ~ i : :XI i start condeinnation proceedings for the Whitehead properrSonneman : k !xi I I I!!l t 1 1 'ti: )'I1 I : ty* : McPherson i : :x; I I i C. Birch:Avenue street opening - acceptance of grant : +;I: ; deed. A deed has been received from the Briggs Land i Guevara ! i !xi ; Corp. to complete the street opening of Birch Avenue. By': Bierce i jx:x: : motion of the Council the deed was accepted from the ; La Roche : ; !x! I Briggs Land Corp, and the Clerk directed to record the : Sonneman :xi :x ; ; same, I McPherson i ; ix: :i;l IL 1- I 1 i .'i k i d, Easement for Oceanside Elementary School Distric& i Letter dated 'June 30, 1961, from the Oceanside Union r : School District, enclosing a proposed quitclaim deed from! i the City of Carlsbad, qhitclaiming the city's interest in i i Tract 55 of Hotaling Lands, reserving therefrom a # i specifically defined 20-foot easement for the existing maid i water line crossing property being purchased by the # i District for the Lincoln School site on California St. i The Council was informed the Carlsbad Mutual Water Co. i Guevara i i had a floating easement over this property, and this : Bierce a I : would not intbrfere with the existing water line, By motio4 La Roche i ! of the Council the quitclaim deed was approved upon the : Sonneman 1 : recommendation of the Engineering Department, i McPherson : ; PLANNING: : a. Approval of tentative map of Tamarack Manor I 1 i (formerly Bali Hai Unit #2) subdivision. A letter dated : ; July 3J 1961, from E. A, Rossall, addressed to the Plan-: i ning Commission, protesting the Planning Commission's i : action regarding Bali Hai Subdivision No, 2, particularly : i CUT de sacs instead of through streets. I i Discussion was given as to cul de sacs. The Engineering i : Department informed the Council they do not encourage : i cul de sacs, however, in this instance they would recom- I i mend a cul de sac, in order that a street would not enter : : onto a main thoroughfare (Tamarack Ave. ) in the middle i i of a block, I I Resolution No, 21 1 of the Planning Commission was read, ! ; wherein they recommended the approval of Bali Hai Sub- i i division Unit #2, subject to certain conditions and restric-: ; tions. One restriction set forth in their resolution was I I that Bali Hai iUnit #2 subdivision be renamed, as it was ; : not an integral part of Unit #I. The Council was informed: I the Subdivider had submitted a new map giving the sub- ! : division namd as Tamarack Manor, I ! 4 J I I I I 0 I I I J I I I I I I I I I I I t t ! I * 1 I I I & I i I I I # ;:i:: a:4; 'I:;; :::;; :I 1:::: i:::: ;:::: #I::: 4::; X::! :' ,I::; !::!t 11;; i +: ; Fv: : : p: i s: a; : i ;xi i :I:: ;i:I ** IC!, ;I;'* ::4: ;;i;; ::::: lt;l; ::I:: @::*I :I;:: iJ:: !#*!I tal I I I I I I t I I I * I I I I ! I a I I 4 I I I I 1 I I I 1 I I I i'~ 114 ;:: :I: ;:; ;:; ;:t 1;: ::: !I: 11;:; :::;; :;:;: :*::I ;::I: :::I: a:;:: i:::: t:;:: ::a:* 11; ::;;I :;::: : After review by the Council of the map, the following I 1;1iI ;I:;: i resolution was presented for the Council's approval: I :i;:: I :*I:: ; Resolution Nq. 762. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY i Guevara ; i x$ i ; ::*I: CITY OF CARLSBAD APPROVING iBierce ;x: $: i i THE TENTATIVE MAP OF TAMARACK MANQR, was :La Roche i ; s! : i adopted by title only and further reading waived, I Sonneman l ! :x: ! 1 I I I 0. :- oa THE 1 I I - I McPherson : i &: i t 1:111 I I t :I,:; s :I::; I I ::i;: I I ;: 9 !:;:: I 1 1 I I I I I * I I I 1 ::::: ::::; I I I I I a I I I -\, '8 8, ', -8 -* I I I I 1 '\ \\ 's ', ', ' '+,),' \ 9 Q I s, '%,"\ 8 8 ,' ' '\ f I ,-El- i N a me '., %?& '\, '\@* I I ; of '3 0. '..'."+ :"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""-~"""""""""""- 1 Member *??i..r.,*q $@.$-p d ! .. 7" 1 :!!I i I ;i :* i b. Memorandum. @om flann& Commission re:, 1 all: ; Access road to So1anq.r Mobile Fsta$qsi Memorandum J I from the planning Commission dated June 28, 1961, was i :I:; i vote that the access road running north and south from th4 i U. S. 101 Freeway, at the Encina overpass, be named ; Bierce yi :x: : Solarnar Rd. By motion of the Council it was agreed that i La Boche ; ; ixi i the intersecting road to Solamar Estates be named : Sonneman ; :x :x; : Solamar Road. i McPherson : ; :xi I :!'I 1::: :I:: :::: 1::: 1 Xi : presented, wherein they recommended by a unanimous 8 :@I ; southeasterly intersection of Palomar Airport Road and : Cuevara ;I1 : ; , ! : Vaughn Property. Cwn. Sonneman presented a drawing i i of the area of the Vaughn property south of Holiday Park. i : The Council was informed, the property consists of approx- i imately 1 3/4 acres; selling price is $45,000; there is i : a trust deed in the amount of $8400.00, bearing interest : i at the rate of 6%; taxes with exemption were $319.00, and: i the owner desired a down payment of $10,000. Consideraf : tion was given to the selling price, and it was agreed that i I an appraisal be made of the property for the Council's : : consideration. I : A short recess was declared at 8:OO P. M. The meeting I I reconvened at 8: 10 P. M. I I 1 OLD BUSINESS: i a. Non-conforming building - Oak Ave. and Carlsbad : : Blv& The Building Inspector was present and informed I i theouncil that Mr. Hoover had sold the property to the i i new owner of the Cafe, and it was now in escrow. The ; : new owner had had a contractor draw up plans for a new I i building, and he agrees to tear down the old building and ; ; build a new building. A plan of the new building was i presented for the Councilfs review. The land covers : approximately 3200 sq. ft. , and the building will consume: i between 700 and 750 sq. ft. There will probably be 7 : : parking spaces. 1 I I MR. C. H, PATTERSON, 3521 Ridgecrest Drive, i Carlsbad, asked that a resolution be adopted'wherein the i I new owner would be required to have all buildings, mater: I ial, etc. off the street. Also that the garbage and trash ; : cans located at the back of the property be removed. Mr.! i Patterson stated his property is located directly across : ! the street and he is trying to sell the property. I 1 i MR. JOHN GRANT, 2924 Highland, stated he would like i i to suggest that Mr. Patterson be given a written agree- : : ment that something would be done to this property before! i his sale next Friday, and that the City consider this I I : -property as a park site. If a building is allowed on this i ! property he is going to ask that he be given permission : ; to inspect every step of the construction. I 1 4 I i I 1 I I * 1 1 I l I I I 1 I * I f I I 4 t I I I 1 I 1 I I I;:# ill1 :::: la*: i:;: 1:11 ,*I: $18 ;;:: id: Ill :::; ;;:: I:'I ;:::. ::!:! 'I~:I i:::: *::e: '1l11 !II!l I * I I 1 I 8 I I I I 1 I 1 4 I I I 1 I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I 1111 ::;: 11:1 ::I: ;;:: a1;1 ii:i ;;:: ;;:I :;:I It': ; I I# I 1:;1 ::e: ;;:: :I:: 1::: ;;1;1 I::; 1l11 e!'! 1s :;;I, ::::: :;;I: ::;:I ::;;; ::;I; I;;:; :::;I 81 1::11 ;lgll *:;I) ::;I; ::;:; ::;:; I:::: 1'4: ::::; ':;I8 I:;:: 1'4; .. Ii 'I~II a:!*. : Mayor La Roche stated the City has a qualified Building i i Inspector to take care of such matters. I I I I I * 1i"i ;1:*1 ;:::: 1:;:: !*l!l i After consideration by the Council, by motion of the I Guevara ; :x :x; : I Council it was agreed that the owner be notified that the i Bierce 1 1 :xi i : permit issued October 4, 1955 be revoked, and that the : La Roche ; ; :x; i : new owner be given 40 days from this date to make the i Sonneman tx I !xi ; I building legal or remove the old building. i McPherson i : ix: : I I'll; : b. Insurance and retirement - Survivors benefit. I I $1;; I :::I, : A letter has been received from the Employees Ketiremer(4 g;::; i System regarding the cost of conducting an evaluation to ; :;;:: ; determine the cost to the City of adding Section 21264 of i i:::; i the Retirement Law to the City's contract. This fee I ;:::: I ::::: ; would be $50.00. The City Manager pointed out to the I ';I; i Council that it is his feeling this particular section would : +;; t I :;I:I I I ;;:': Ill I ::;:; I ::;:I I :::+ ;: B ;li;t :SI B I I I I I I I I I * 1 1 I I I I ,!!I! I I 1 I I t ? , ItaltrG ., y I ! I ;"""""""""""""""""""~""""""~"""-""""""""~"~~~~~=~~""~ ! I si I -* I -6 - I I a '\\ -\, "\ ", ', *. I ' ', " ' \ b ' '\ ',, \\ ' I I \\ '. ' '' '.,'.,,95 : hl d ma '*. ''9, 8, '4 ; of '&&' '\ ++ '\L .o , .9" 4'' : Member """"* $J'@,$@ * . l f- 0 * t I I I I I I 1 I 1 I I I I I I 4 1 I I I I ! not cover public safety personnel in the event a member I is fatally injured while on duty. This section would apply: after the member has retired from the City. There is : available procedures whereby public safety member$ : survivors would be protected in the event of fatality while: on duty. I I After discussion by the Council the Mayor requested a i report and recommendation from the City Manager as to : which plan should be utilized. I I I I I I I I I I I c. Second reading of Ordinance No, 9118 - Amending i : Ordinance NO. 9060, changing certain propeq from 6 1 i Zone R-A 10,000 to,Zone R-1 7500. The following i ordi,nance was presented for a second reading by the I I i Council: i Ordinance No. 91 18. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY i : 0FEXDING.ORDINANCE NO. 9060, I I i CHANGING CEBTALM DESIGNATED PROPEitTY FBOM i : ,OF CARLSBAD, was adopted by title only and further ; i reading waived, I 1 I I I I .. 1 I I I i ZONE R-A 10,000 TO ZONE R-1 7500 IN THE CITY i 1 * I I I I I I I I I I I C, Second reading of Ordinance No, 9118 - Amending i : Ordinance NO. 9060, changing certain propeq from 6 1 i Zone R-A 10,000 to,ZOne R-1 7500. Th e following i ordi,nance was presented for a second reading by the I I 1 I ! : Council: i Ordinance No. 91 18. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY i : -ENDING,ORDINANCE NO. 9060, I I i CHANGING CEBTALM DESIGNATED PROPEitTY FBOM i i ZONE R-A 10,000 TO ZONE R-1 7500 IN THE CITY i : ,OF CARLSBAD, was adopted by title only and further ; i reading waived, I I I .. 1 I I I 1 * I I I I ti#; i::: iiil :;;a ::;i ::;E !:4 ,a:: $11 ,I:: ;I:; ;::; *;'I :Ill ;:'I 19 1;'s :;*I I::; i::; :;:: :;I: ;a;: ::;! ::I1 :I:: ::;: :::; ::;: :::I 11 I!!; )(I 11 11 El 1;41 &*I i CITY ATTOltNEY'S REPORT: f 1;;- I 1 I ::;: I I :@I; i Writ of Mandamus. The City Attorney reported on the I 1;;1 i hearing. Mr. Glenn Feist, Attorney for the Plaintiffs, : ;::I ;;'a i requested that he be allowed to file a brief on the matter, ! ll:; i and was granted this privilege by the Judge. There is a : :::I I:;! ; tentative date for this matter June 10, 1961 . 4 :"I 1 a 1;' I ! I I!!! 1: I I i There has been a new suit filed by Mr. Feist in which he i i states in his first cause of action that Ordinance No. 9100: : is unconstitutional, and in his second cause of action the i i surrounding property owners were not properly notified. : : The City Attorney stated it was her intention to file a i i demur to the complaint. Assuming the Judge would i overrule the demur, the matter would be set for trial, i I I ! I rn I I I Irwin J. Kelly water suit. An answer has been received i i from Irwin J, Kelly, filed by their attorney, Graham : Kelly. It refers to early oral agreements with Mr. i Cannon at the time of the Terramar Water Company. Th$ ! City Attorney stated she had not had time to thoroughly : i check this matter out. I 4 I I I i I ! 3 CI'I'Y MANAGER'S REPOST: ! I I I I I I Court Violations. The City Manager informed the Councg i he had been contacted by the City Manager of Oceanside ; : as to the City placing a man in the Court to keep track of i i the repeated violators so that they would be given an in- : ; crease for the second or additional violations. After I I i discussion by the Council it was the Council's feeling this : i would be an unnessary expense to the City. i Water Service Policy inclusion fee, There have been I i some complaints that the $100.00 inclusion fee per acre i : for water service is a deterrent for properties ever I I i annexing to the City. These people can get water from : i the Carlsbad Municipal Water District. The City Manage+ : felt the policy should be amended so as to have this i portion of the policy deleted, i Discussion was also given to the 25% surcharge for water! : received OR properties outside the city .limits. I 1 I I I I I I I & I f I I I I I I I I 1 * 1 I t ! ;:;; ;::: :::; 11;; 1:11 ::;* :;I: *l:1 ::I: :I 1:;: Ill! ;;I; :::: ;::: ;::; ;::: :::; 1::l i::: 1::: :;;: I!!: ::;: ::e: ::I: I::: 1;;1 :::I 1:*1 al*l :;:: :;:* :; !:#I 1 I:# 1; 1: :a:: ;::; ;;I4 18;' $4 ;::: ;::; l;*l :t:: ;::: ::;! ::;; 1: ::i: :::; 1: fl (11 I I t 1 I I I I :;;i I I1 I ;:ii I I 4 . 4 I I I I I I I I 1 ::I: : : :,: I::! i':i : ;,; : I I b I I .I <* I I I I I i' , \, -\ ' ' -\ I I I I '\ '\ ' '. '%, ''.\",,'~,\ 9 6 I I N a me '\ "%$, ' 'i,, '*&. ,pA I ; of =q!$*, \,k .,o . + $8 : """"" "_"" "" """"_ ~ """_""""""""""""" ""-""""; """- - -"-"","" :f-". I :::: ::'I I 1 i McPherson I I !x; i Council meeting. At the following meeting under the I I ::i: I -7 - I , \, '. ' ' I \\ , ., \, '\ '\ ; Member $@&'\$?t I I I i By motion of the Council it was agreed that the policy be t Guevara 1 !x: ! amended deleting the $100.00 per acre inclusion fee, but : Bierce & i ;xi i that the 25% surcharge remain, i La Roche 11 ; ; !x: 1 I I I ; Sonnernan : :x :xi i Mayor La Roche stated he would like to institute a "Why i i::: 4:; : Not" sheet. This "Why Not" sheet would appear at each : ::;; ; City Manager's report this sheet would be presented. Thi ::I; ;::I i City is a big business, .serving approximately 10,000 t ;;:: I people. The Mayor further stated he looked upon this Citi 14; ; as a corporation; the Council is just a Board of Directors I ::i: : in his way of thinking, and the City Manager is the Presi- : ::;: I dent of the corporation. He did not feel each individual i 41; i member on the Council should go into the Manager's :::I I i::: ; office requesting certain things to be done. If the membe$s $8' i- have any constructive criticism or suggestions they shoulq ;:I* I: : be discussed before all members of the Council. I :i:' I I l1$ I I :;I1 ! Considerable discussion was given the matter, but no I :;I: i action was taken by the Council at this time. I I i:;: I I ,'I: I I iI:l i RATIFICATION OF BILLS AND PAYROLL: I I 1:; I I ::;1 ::;: i Ratification of the bills was given for the general expense$ Guevara !xi ; $ : of the City in the amount of $7,391.82 and the Water De- ; BierCe I : ;x: I partment in the amount of $25,988.19 for the period : La Roche ; : ;$ ; June 20, 196 1 to July 5, 1961, as certified by the Directoi Sonneman ; i x! 5 i of Finance and approved by the Auditing Committee. : McPhersoni : : q ! LZatification of the payroll was given for the second half i Guevara ; I I $ : of June, 1981, in the amount of $14,245.40, as certified : Bierce : i !5 i by the Director of Finance and approved by the Auditing : La Roche I ! : q : Committee. I Sonneman ; :xi 4 i ADJOURNMENT: 1 By proper motion the meeting was adjourned at 9: 50 P. M.: I I I :I I I I I I 1 1 I I l1I1' ;::a I I I i McPhersonjx: i x: I I I ;::: I*( I t ::I: * ;::I ;:;: * I t I 1*111 I I I I I I 11;:; I ,I::: ;: I 1 ;:;:: I 4;;; t 8 I ::I:: ::i:: I :;I:; I :I1 I I :!I:; # I i:::: I ;:i:; I I ;:;:; I I I le;:: la I I I:':; I I i:::: l I : I.1 I I I:;:: I:::: I ;:::: 6 I ;+; I I ;: ,I::: t I ::::; a I I 1';:: :L;t I ::::i I I:)* I #I:*: I I ;!I:: I I ::; I t I ;:::I ;:'I: I *:;I I 1 ;:::: I I ::::: 1 I ::i:; I I ::I:; I I :;::; I ::::: I I :;::: I I :;::I I 1 i:;:: I ;:::I 1: I I :::;: I I : itespectfully submitted, I I I i I a I /.-I. I ; .-._ flh!,k.g .L;&i -.L ,p %' !L-' !'&&&A; I I i:::: i"P I I i MAICG~IRET E. ADAMS I Deputy' City Clerk I I 1 I I 8 1 I r $ t I I I 6 I 1 1 1 I I I I I I I I I I i I I I I I I I 9 I I I 1 I I I I s I I e D I I * I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I 1 6 1 I I:;(; ! :!';! 1 I