HomeMy WebLinkAbout1961-07-18; City Council; Minutes-. : CITY OF CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL (Regular Meeting) i Minutes of: I 8,',' \ * ' : Date of Meeting: July 18:,.:.1961 i Name '\\ $, i Time of Meeting: 7:OO P.M. I I 8, -\ -8 -\ -- di? I 8, '\ ', 'b, 8*88', ',& '., '$33 ; of ';J'o.$&8 't '$8 '.*,*,9J'+'Q I,_P_l_aPg-?_f_"g_qt_lQg:_ ""_" byFcil,CheP!2T? """""-"- * """" "~"~""""""~~~~~-~-~~-; i Member ,o &.(.'e \c I I I I I B : ROLL CALL was answered by Councilman Guevara, Bierce, i La Roche, Sonneman and MacPherson. Also present were City i : Manager Slater and City Attorney Hayes. A I I B 1 I : ALLEGIANCE to the flag was given. I I I I I I I I.. I : INVOCATION was offered by Councilman Bierce. : APPROVAL OF MINUTES: I I I I I I 4 I I I I I I I I I ! a. The minutes of the..regular meeting of July 5, 1961i i were approved as submitted. I I i CORRESPONDENCE : * I I 1 ! I I I I I I l a, Letter dated July 14, 1961, from Palm Homes, Inc. : ! requesting the Council to delete the sidewalk requirements i i from the cul-de-sac in the Long View Plaza subdivision. ; :.Originally when the tentative map was accepted, the Eng- i I ineering Department reconmended sidewalks in the cul-de-sa:, : thus they were made a part of the requirements. However, : i since that time three subdivisions have been approved' : deleting sidewalks in the cul-de-sacs, After discussion i i by the Council, by motion of the Council it was agreed i : that sidewalks be deleted from the cul-de-sacs as a re- : i quirement of the subdivider in the Longview Plaza sub- I division. I I I ! I I I I I I I : ORAL COMMUNICATICNS: i There were no oral communications. I I ! I 1 I I I I I I I 1 I i ENGINEERING : ' I I I I I I I I a. AuthorizinP condemnation of certain property for i : street purposes - Whitehead property. The City Attorney { i informed the Council a resolution had been prepared, auth-: : orizing the City Attorney to proceed with condemnation I i proceedings on the Whitehead property, to complete the : : improvements in Beech Avenue. The following resolution i I was presented: I I i Resolution No. 765. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF : : THE CITY OF CARLSBPa, AUTHORIZING CCNDENNATION OF CERTAIN i i PROPERTIES FOR STREET ZPSPROVBMENT PURPOSES, was adopted : : by title only and further reading waived. I I 4 I I I 4 I I I ! NEW BUSINESS : I I I I 1 I 1 I I a. Contract employing financial consultant re: Joint i i Sewer Proiect. The City Manager presented a contract em- : ; ploying the firm of Stone and Youngberg as financial con- I i sultants to prepare the prospectus for bond information, : : concerning the joint sewer project between the Vista Sani-i i tation District and the City of Carlsbad. The Council I 1 : was advised that the Vista Sanitation District Directors i i have authorized the hiring of this firm, and it is recom- : : mended that the City do likewise, as it would be in the i i best interest to have this firm represent both communities: : in the preparation of the bond report. After reviewing i i the contents of the contract, by motion of the Council the: i Mayor was authorized to execute the contract on behalf of i : the City of Carlsbad, employing the firm of Stone 6 Young-: I berg as Financial Consultants. 4 I I I I : PAXKS AND 'RECREATICN: I I I 1 I I I I l a. Appointment of new member. The Mayor informed the i i Council that Edward Myron Hummel, 3926 Park Drive, Carls- : i bad, had been submitted to fill the vacancy created on the: : Parks & Recreation Commission, and due to his background : I I I I I I I I I 4 I I I I I I I I I 1 Iii'i ::;I: ::;;: ::i:i 61 ::::: *-,I- I:;#: :;;:: ::e:: 11:;1 ::;;I ::::: ::i:: :::;: ;@#I; 1::;: I:; 81 :::I: :::I1 ::::; 1: I:::: iiiii ;:: I;lii ;::;: ;: ii::: '81 ::I:: :y; :ill: ::;!; :::;I $1 iip: I!::; ::: ::;:I :I#:: ::;I; ii:;: ~1:~ ::':: *I 8 'I @'I1 1'1; 111: ::::I ::;I: :I;:: ;: 1 ;'I 4:;; :;;e1 ::;:: ::::: ::;:: :: -::; ;I::: I-:: Guevara : !X !X: ; Bierce :Xi :Xi : La Roche : : :Xi i Sonneman I I :X: : McPhersonI ; !X: i ;:;:; 1'::: It I:;:# i:;:: ;;':: ::I:; ;a: ::::: 4:::: ::::: :I::; 11::: ;I ,I::; Guevara : iXiXi : Bierce iXi :X: i La Roche i : !X: : Sonneman ; i :X! v : McPhersonI ; :X: : I@;:: ii::: 1:::: -1;; I!::: ;I::, ::::: :I::: +:: ;li:: 1:;:: :*1;1 ii::i 18::# e::;: !:;:: tt I' ! .I ! : ~ ~~ r l:ll@ I I 1 I ",, '8, , ',, .',"', .*8 '8 YC I -2. t '\ ','\\ \,'\'. * i Name \,/\L)d\ ", '89. '.,,'-$A I I : of .q@,.;;, ;* ~"~""~"""""""~""""""""""""""""-""""""---"-~"----"-----"--------l" 1 I ;::: I I 1 I I : Member .@@,&q B ! had been highly recommended. With the consent of the i Guevara i ! :X I i Council he would like to appoint Edward Myron Hummel, to I Bierce : : :Xi : fill the vacancy on the Parks and Recreation Commission. : La Roche : i :x: i By motion of the Council the appointmenr of Mr. Hum1 l : Sonneman :X: :X: : .was confirmed by the Council to fill the unexpired term ; McPherson: :X:X: i of Leonard Nevarex, said term expiring in August, 1964. i .. ::;: IIl t I j::: I I I I I (b) Report on recreational program. The City Manager i : reviewed various contracts regarding recreational programs; i between cities and schools, i.e., City of Fresno and City i : of Oceanside. Mr. Slater stated he had met with the I Superintendent of the Elementary School and the Superint- i : endent of the High School. The had no objection to the ; i use of the facilities, however, they could not speak for i : the Board members, providing the City would furnish super-: I vision over the facilities. 1 I I I I I I 1::; :III ;::: 1::: ::sa :::; :;as ::;; ;;VI ;::: ::;; ;;a1 :;!! @I 16 @I #I 1 I i Discussion was given as to the type of recreational pro- i : gram, and as to whether or not it should be a year-round ; ; program. ! Cmn. McPherson suggested the matter be referred back to th? : Parks and Recreation Commission, requesting they submit a : I program for the Council's review. By common consent the !. : matter was referred to the Parks and Recreation Commission4 I 1 I 1 I I I 1 I I I I I CITY ATTORNEY'S RZPORT~ I I I I ! i ; South Coast Asphalt Co. - Quarry. The City Attorney inf ormi i ed the Council the Judge had upheld the Demur filed on be-i : half of the City in the first latssuit filed. i As to the second suit filed (Declaratory relief) the : attorney for the plaintiffs was given 20 days in which to I i state a cause of action. Mrs. Hayes stated she had filed : : a Demur to this suit, and the hearing will probably be i i held on July 27, 1961. : CITY MANAGERtS REPORT: m " I i Joint Powers Agreement. The Council authorized the Playorti i signature on the agreement at the June 20th meeting, how- I . : ever, the County has requested that a resolution be adopt-: i ed authorizing the Mayor's signature. The following res- i : olution was presented for the Council's review: I I I I I I I I I I I 4 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I i Resolution No. 766. A RESOLUTION OF TIIE CITY COUNCIL OF : i THE CITY OF CA:?LSBAD, AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR OF CARLSBm TO i . : EXECUTE THE BASIC AGREEPENT BETWEEN THE VISTA SANITATION : i DISTRICT AND THE CITY OF CA2LSBN) FOR ACC$JIS ITION AN) : CCNSTRUCTION OF A JGINT SEWER SYSTEM, was adopted by title: I only and further reading waived. I I i Amendment to Agreement for Prisoner Care. The Council was i : informed an amendment to the Agreement for Prisoner care ; i had been received from the City of Oceanside. The amend- i i ment is to increase the cost for the care of prisoners I 1 ; from $2.50 per day to $4.00 per day. This Amendment has ; i been checked by the Chief of Police and he has recommended i : that it be. approved. I I I i By motion of the Council The Amendment to the Contract fori : the care of prisoners was approved as submitted. I i MAX EWALI), 3308 Belle Lane, Carlsbad, stated he felt that i i in connection with the sewer bond election a committee or i i s:ome organization should be appointed to educate the peo- : ; ple in order to get this bond issue passed. I I I I I Cwn. Sonneman suggested that a letter bearing the Mayor's i : signature be sent to all the service clubs and organizatiorls I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I B I I I I I I I I I I I I. I I I ~~ - I 1 I 1 I I : ' I- :::: ;::a :;;; :::: ;::: ;:i; i::: ;:e8 ;;*I ::II :: :::; ::;: :::I ii:i :;:: :;:: ::;; i::: I::; 8'1 1::: iiii i :.: ; ;::: ::ii I::: i::; -. :Ill 1811 l;a8 :#@I 11'1 I;@@ @I @I #I SI ('(1 :;@I II 101 ;::: Guevara ; , : :x: Bierce i :Xixi La Roche : i :X: Sonneman :X I :X: McPherson i i iX i :I:: 4!Il Guevara B ierce La Roche Sonneman McPherson ___ ;;:: ::;; ::i: I' :::i; 1*1#; ;:::I *:;I; I::;; 11 8l:;l :1111 ;:@I; 1 I $': 4 I :x%: ; :I ; ; k; ; :xi $: j IiPII ;I/; :I:@l I;*:; 1;;:; ::if; ::;:I :a@:; ::;;, ;:I;; I:;'; ::':I ;:::I I:::' ')I 11 '. I! - I I I t -30 .. I . ! 1 I I I I I I I I I I I :"""""""""".-"""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ! I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I :"""""""""".-"""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ! I : in the City, requesting their aid and cooperation in infor-! iming the citizens as to the need and plan of the proposed i l sewer plant operation. I I : By motion of the Council the City Manager was instructed to: I send a letter, bearing the Mayor's signature to all service: I clubs and organizations in the City requesting their aid : I and cooperation. i Lagoon property. A telephone call was received from PIG~pPD i : Allen, stating the property adjacent to the Wren property : i is owned by.'.his father, and that it is for sale. They are i : asking $1509000, and would be willing to take a portion of ; i this amount as a down payment. It was pointed out this I : property has greater frontage on the lagoon, however, it i i does not have the depth that the Wren property has. D; I I * I I I I 1 I I I I I I I RATIFICATION OF BILLS AND PAYROLL: I I I I ! I I I I ; Ratification of the bills was given for.,.the general expen- i i ses of the City in the amount of $5,539.15, ' and for the : ; Water Department in the amount of $7,226.96, for the period: i July 5, 1961 to July 18, 1961, as certified by the Director: i of Finance and approved by the Auditing Committee. I I Ratification of the payroll was given for the first half o$ . I July, 1961, in the amount of $14,366.06, as certified by : ; the Director of Finance and approved by the Auditing I I Committee. I ADJOURNMZNT : : By proper motion the meeting was adjourned at 7 :53 P.M. i I I t I I I I I 1 * I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I Respectfully submitted, ! I :-? su : "GAP* E. ADM , I I fl/Lt.& a&X L. A!!&???& i Deputy city Clerk I I I I 8 I I I I I I 1 I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 1 4 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t 1 I 1 I I I I I I I I 9 I I I I I * I I I * I I I * I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I 1 1 I I I 1 1 1 I I I I I I I 1 I I 8 \ -,' 8 8' '. '\ 8\ '\ '\\'*\ JJ of \$&?+, \\ . /, 8.L y3.9 ',#B N ;Ill; :::I1 ::p: :::I: ', \' 8 8 Name \\ , *,$&, '+9 8 '$4, Member .%@,$-O\%\ ."""""",""""~-~"~ :::ii ::Il; I:, $8 :x: : )(I Guevara ; : : X ; Bierce La Roche : ; ! % i Sonneman ; . i . i McPherson : i Xi X : ;1,:1 111; :~~l lt'l; ;: ::::; 1:::: :::I; :::I, i:asl ;:; ::I:: ;;::: iiii! :a::; :::I, Guevare ; x : $ i Bierce : i $ q : La Roche i I : X i Sonneman ; : i % : McPherson i : i $ i @#I;; uevara i I i s i Bierce i ! i 3 : La Roche : : : X i Sonneman I l I 8 i McPherson ! $ : 4 i :::i: :;::I :;I:: 'I:;; ::;:I :ii:i :;;:; it;:: :i::; 81 ::I;; $1 1:;:: ::;:: ::;:: ii::: ll::p ::;;I: ;;*I:' :;:,I: :;It ::4:1 :;::I# ::;I,,, ;*:;:,, ::;;I, '::'I; :! I:;::; i!i:i; ;I::;/ ::l;l; :::;:' l:;l;; :;:i;i ;::;:I ;;:::; ;I:;:; ;I:::' 4;;:( :I l:!!:l I' 1; :::;: ;I.:; l I 11 ; iI ; : : i ::i i i : : !'; ::,*:; ;:::i; ;:::I; :::;:; ;I:::; :;;;;: ;::;:: ::;:,I I'l;;, $1 ; ; : ; :!i :: 81 #I ~I,:, #II;s' 181;l, I 81'1 ;. a