HomeMy WebLinkAbout1961-08-01; City Council; Minutesi CITY OF CARLSBAD ; Minutes of: CITY COUNCIL (Regular Meeting) i Date of Meeting: August 1 , 1961 : Time of MeetiGg: 7: 00 P. M. i Place of Meeting: Council Chambers 1""""~""~""""~""""'-"""""-"""""""----"----"-- - I I I '\ -8, -\, '8, 's,'*,l u c I '' '\ '8 8, ', % : N a me '.,.+"O', , '. '8%. '.,,"?$$A 'QL'&. +,;% I I '\, '\ ', 8 \ ' : of i Member $3'@,$y?\- """"""""""L-""~" ... I I I I I I B i ROLL CALL was answered by Councilmen Guevara, I Bierce, La Roche, Sonneman and McPherson. Also 1 I present were City Manager Slater and City Attorney Hayed. I I I :Iii :::: it,; :I11 1;11 :I:: 1!11 : ALLEGIANCE to the flag was given. , I;;# I ;a#: : INVOCATION was offered by Councilman McPherson. I I $11 : APPROVAL OF MINUTES: I I#II I I I 81 I 1961, were approved as submitted. i Bierce i i ;xi I I I I I :i:: 1 I ::*I l a. The minutes of the regular meeting of July 18, : Guevara I :x ;xi I : La Roche i i :x; I I i Sonneman :x : ;xi 1 : McPherson i 1 :x; I 11 I 1 I I I I ::;; 1::: I I I*( I I I I .. I 1 i COBRESPONDENCE: I * I I I I I I I I a. Edward M. Petersen - re: Protest on unsightly : :I g+ ' ro erty. Letter dated July 24, 1961, from Edward M, I I e ersen, 3125 Highland Drive, Carlsbad, protesting I I i against existing conditions on the premises at 1233 Oak i 1 Ave. , in Carlsbad, as the yard is being used as an auto- ; : mobile and television repair shop, which gives the appear: i ance of a junk yard. ! The City Manager informed the Council the property owne$ : had been given notice by the City Attorney to clean up the : i yard within 15 days. The yard was cleared within the ; : 15 days, however, this evening he was informed that there! i are cars parked in the yard again, and the Police Depart- i i ment has been notified to check the cars as to their owner-: ; ship. Also the City Manager stated he would check into i : the matter in the morning. I I I I I I I I 1 8 I;' ': :!a: ::;e ::;: i;;: ::a1 ::I: :I:: ;:I: 1;;1 ;#I: :a I;@ 1: 1::: :!:: (*I* Ill i;;~ ::I: i;:1 1: :::: ;::: :i:: ;I:# ;:a: ::;; 1:; ::;I I((1 !II! : The Council was also informed that a letter had been sent i i to the League of California Cities, requesting copies of I ::;: i ordinances adopted by other cities with regard to storage : ;11: 1:;l ; in yards, Several were received and in checking with the i ::I: I City Attorney it was felt that one adopted by the City of : :::I : Lompoc would be advantages to this city. . The section : $1: : pertaining to storage in yards was reviewed by the Councii :;:: : and it was felt that perhaps television sets and appliances i Guevara :xi 4 i i should be included also, By motion of the Council the : Bierce I ; k; : City Attorney was instructed to prepare an amendment to I La Roche ; : :x ; i the zoning ordinance in accordance with the section adopt-: Sonneman I :x pc I : ed by the City of Lornp~c pertaining to, storage in yards. i McPherson ; ; P i I b, Carlsbad Boat & SM Club - re: Request for I ;::: i boat dra race, Letter dated July 27, 1961 from the I ;:I: I 1::: : car s a oa 8t Ski Club, requesting that the date set for I :;:: ; their tournament sanction September 23rd and 24th be I :;e: i changed to October 7th and 8th, 1961, to a boat drag race,: Guevara I ; $ ; I::: ; due to late September being an unfavorable date. By I Bierce !xi xi i motion of the Council the request was granted to the i La Roche : ; ix i : Carlsbad Boat and Ski Club for a boat drag race October : Sonneman i ix % ; i 7th and 8th, 1961. i McPherson : 8 ix i I#-# ::i: 18 01 I 1 I I ;I1 I I "QpTt I I I I ! ;::! : ORAL COMMUNICATIONS: ! I I I 4 i MR, Ma W, JAKVIE, 1175 Hoover, Carlsbad, asked ; what the City of Carlsbad would do in the event Vista i turned down the joint sewer bond issue? I I i The City Manager stated he attended a meeting in Vista : i with Mr. Vincenz, Mr. Olsen, a representative from I 1 : Stone and Youngberg, and members of the Vista Chamber i : of Commerce last week, and a similar question was I i asked, Nlr. Vincenz stated he would check with the Counti : Counsel's office in San Ipiegom However, the representa- i i tive from Stone & Youngberg stated it was his miderstand-: * I I I 1 I I B I b I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I t I I t I I I 'I#; ::;; i::: 1:;: I' ::I: I::: 1::: :;:; ::;I ::;: ii:i ::I: ::I: 11;; I:::; ;:::: :;::; 1:': :I::; I., I' 1:;:; I 1 i:::: 11 188 t 1 I I I I I' I 8, ', .* '\ '\ '8 I I I , k' I I ', 't,", ', ',,'8. '\ ' ' 101 I I i N a me \\,, x+&, **, "at . s' I -2- 8, X\,'\, ', ', '., I I l : Of '@$, \\L.O.q~&* '\, '(!&., ~""~""""""""""""""""~"""""""""""""""-""";""""------"----------~ : Member $%'@.$\Q%d I 4 I i:;;: i ing that due to the fact that both communities had receive4 4;':: ::::: : a cease and desist order from the Water Pollution Board, ; ;,:;I I the legislative boards of both communities could levy a I 1:;I: 11*;1 : tax rate to take care of the situation. :1188 I I 1::s: 1 I !:::I i The City Attorney .informed PMr. Jarvie she would check : $:;:I i into the matter and advise him. I 8 i:;:: 1': : I!::: i The City Manager also stated all this information would i ;I:!: ; be available prior to the bond election. 1 I 8 1'4 11: I I ,;':: : PUBLIC HEARING: ::p: s :;;:: I ::::: t I I I 1 18' 1 1 1 I I I I I I k I I I a. Resolution of Intention of the Planning Cornmis- : i sion, requiring Subdivider to conform to Ordinance No. { : -9050 prior to filing tentative map. I I I I I i The Clerk presented the Affidavit of Publication of the i I notice. i Resolution No. 214 of the Planning Commission was pre- I : sented, wherein they recommended that Section 300 (c), ; I Article UI, of Ordinance No, 9050 be amended to require i : subdividers to conform to said ordinance prior to filing : i tentative maps. I i The Mayor declared the hearing open and asked if there i : were any persons present who wished to speak in favor : i of this amendment. i The Planning .Secretary stated that under the present i subdivision ordinance there is specific data required. If : ; a subdivider comes in the Secretary of the Planning Corn- i : mission has no alternative but to accept the map. Many : I times we are forced into a position of having to accept a i i map before it has met all requirements. This amendment: : would make it mandatory that all requirements are met I i prior to filing, rather. . than optional. I i The Mayor asked if there were any persons wishing to I : speak in opposition, As there were no persons desiring ; I to speak in opposition, the Mayor declared the hearing i : closed at 7:38 P, M. t i After consideration by the Council the following resolution: i was presented for tee Council's review: I I I I I I I I 1 I 6 I I I * I 4 I I I 4 1 : 1 I I I 8 I * I : I I I I ! 1.- :a1 1:: 1:: t:: ::I I.! @i :: :I 8: :: :; :ii:i I::(: :;;i: ::::i ;::;I i:::; ;:;;: :::;I ;:i;i ;:I;; :;::; :;*I; I:::; /::; :;x;; ::I:~ !{::; ;I:: 18;: ;: 1:: :ti: :: I :::: :::: :::: ;:I1 ;::; 1:: iL: :::; ;::I i::: :I:; (0 :::I I;#: !!:: 11 jl': l(*I : Etesolution No. 767. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY : i;;i : COUNCIL OF TI33 CITY OF CARLSBAD ANNOUNCING i Guevara : :x; X: i FINDINGS AND DECISION REGARDING AN AMEND- i Bierce I i ;x i MENT TO ORDINANCE NO. 9050, ARTICLE Ill, : La Roche I : ;xi : SECTION 300 (c), was adopted by title only and further i Sonneman :x! i x: : reading waived. ; McPhersoni : ; x! I 1:11 i The following ordinance was presented for a first reading: ::I: I I:!! i::: I 1 e l i Ordinance No. 9119. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY I : OF URLSBAD AMENDING ARTICLE III, SECTION : Guevara i 300 (c), OF ORDINANCE NO, 9050, REQUIRING SUB- i Bierce i DIVIDERS TO CONFORM TO SAID ORDINANCE PRIOR: La Roche : TO FILING TENTATIVE MAPS, was given a first read- i Sonneman i ing by the Council. i McPherson ! 8 I I I I I I I I I I I I 8 I I I :;r :;I : ixi xi :x; i ;x: :x; xi : :x: !I i ENGINEE.RJNG: i l.(I I 1:' t 8 11:: !I,! I I f l a. Eureka Place Sewers - 1911 Act Proceedinps - i : Assess. Dist. 1-1961. The Ma.yor mnounced that the ; i City Clerk had invited :;;: :;:I I ;: ::r: ;::; : tary sewer system in Eureka Place between Chestnnt Ave: ;::; #;;I ::;: '11: I I I li:: rbids for the construction of sani- i ; and Basswood Ave,, and was ordered to re,mrt to the I : Council at the next regafar meeking after the opening of I 1 * I I l a,!* 1 I ;i;; I!! I I I I I I I I i::: I i!!t .I I I I I I I -, - . .. I \\ ', 8 \\ *.,'X, 10 i 1 -3- I 8, 't,", '\ \ ', I I ; Name ",'-q+',,'.+ I ; of *$\O'\ '\ f+\ I b \ , \,.,',.'\ \ I I 1 :. Member .~d%.4848 .%'@.+\f: ~""""""""""~"""~"""""""""""""""""-"""-""-~"----------"--------- Ill. I I I I I I -, - . .. I \\ ', 8 \\ *.,'X, 10 i 1 -3- I 8, 't,", '\ \ ', I I ; Name ",'-q+',,'.+ I ; of *$\O'\ '\ f+\ I b \ , \,.,',.'\ \ I I 1 :. Member .~d%.4848 .%'@.+\f: ~""""""""""~"""~"""""""""""""""""-"""-""-~"----------"--------- Ill. I I I 1 I I I 1; B I' i the bids as to the results of the bids received. : The Clerk presented affidavits of posting and publication i i of notice inviting bids, By common consent the affidavits i : were approved and ordered filed. : The Clerk advised the Council that up to the hour of i 1:00 o'clock P. M., August 1, 1961, five sealed bids wer6 : delivered to him at his office. The bids have been com- : i puted and summarized. A summary sheet of the bids i : was presented to the Council for their review. The i Engineer of Work advised the Council he had examined . i I the bids and found that the amounts as set forth in the : I Clerk's report were correct and that the lowest responsi; i ble bidder was Don Hubbard Contracting Company. The : ': City Attorney stated she had examined the form of the i i lowest responsible bidder and the security deposits and i : found they were in satisfactory form. I I I The following resolution was presented, awarding the i i bid to Don Hubbard Contracting Company: I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I i::: I::! :::I :::: ::;; -. I::I 181) I::! ;to1 -I ::i: ::I; :;#I ::!: :::I :::I :::: :::; :::; :::: :a:: l:1l 11:: :111 :;:I l:al I:1# :::: i::: 11 I 81 It I:;* #I.! I I i; i Resolution No. 768. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY : 1111 i AWARDING CONTRACT FOR WORK OR IMPROVEMENF Bierce !xi i i : ORDERED BY RESOLUTION NO. 761 OF SAID CITY : La Roche : : : $ i COUNCIL, Assessment District No. 1-1961, was adoptec6, Sonneman i : : 7 :. by title only and further reading waived. : McPherson: i : rZ 1 I ;:;; I CIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORM& Guevara : i xi A I I I I I I :::I ::I: I I b. Report on Bid Opening - asbestos cement water : i main i e. e Affidavit of Notice Inviting Bids was I & ::e City Engineer reported there were two i : bids received and that Republic Supply Co. was the low i Guevara ;xi I 2 i bidder in the amount of $65,080. a and that he was very ; Bierce I :x:? : satisfied with the bid. By motion of the Council the low i La Roche : : ; 4 i bid of Republic Supply Co. was accepted in the amount of : Sonneman i i i 4 : $65,080. I McPherson: : : x I :::: :::: :;:: I I I 1 I I :;;: I c. Approval of final map of Longview Plaza Sub- I iii! i division. The final map of Longview Flaza subdivision : :I:: : was presented by the Engineering Department. The ;: I 1'1 i Council was informed the map met with all the require- : i::: 1:: : ments of the City. By motion of the Council the final i Guevara [ i i 3 i map of Longview Plaza subdivision was approved, subject: Bierce ; ;x; 3 : to the City Clerk being instructed to sign the final map : La Roche i : i f i at such time as the subdivider has entered into an agree- i Sonneman ;x: I 3 : ment with the city for the improvements. ; McPherson: i ; $ i Policy on sidewalks in subdivisions. Cwn. Sonneman ! ::;: ::;; : stated she would like the City Engineer to review his re- i ;:'I ~ i port on sidewalks again, wherein he recommended side- : :I:: : walks in all subdivisions, including cul-de-sacs. The : ;::; i City Engineer reviewed his report for the Council, settind 'I :::I : forth certain factors why he felt sidewalks should be I :@I: i required in all subdivisions, including cul-de-sacs. It : l:;l ; was pointed out that the policy as it now stands does not i i:;: i require sidewalks in cul-de-sacs, unless the subdivider : 1::: : chooses to put them in, however, it does require them on: i all other streets in the subdivision. After considerable : Guevara :xi : $ ::;I i discussion by the Council, by motion of the Council it i Bierce :'::x i was agreed that the policy on sidewalks be amended to : La Roche ; : : ix i include the requirement for sidewalks in cul-de-sacs in i Sonneman : ix :x: ; all subdivisions as of this date. : McPhersoni : ; 4 I 1:;l : Drainare problem on Chinquapin Ave. The Mayor asked : ::I1 I :; i manything had been done regarding the drainage problem i : on Chinquapin Ave. The City Xngineer stated he is in i I::: 11: I hopes of salvaging some pipe from the rehabilitation of : ;::; ; the water pipe line, that could be used for this purpose. : :!I: I :::I i The City Manager stated this could become quite R I ::a: I 8 :;:: I I 11!1 I I I :iii ii:! I 111 D I I I ;::: 18 1 I #I I 1 I I 1B;I I I I I I I ::;: I I :;I1 1,;; I I I I 11 I I I I :::i 0 0 I I I I '' '\ " I I '\ ' I s .' I - 4- I ' I : of ~""""""""~""-"""""""""-"""""~""""""""""""1"-"""" ! problem, if this were allowed. This ,is practically the 1 i same situation that existed on Juniper Street, and the i ; property owners on Juniper Street contr'ibuted for the : i cost of the pipe &nd the city contributed the labor to take i : care of the drainage problem in that area. : It was pointed out there are two or three other proper- i i ties in the city with similar problems. I I I The City Attorney informed the Council that in 1959 I there was legislation adopted that allows the cities to i i charge the subdivider off-site drainage. The City of I i Fullerton has adopted this proceeding. However, a city : : must first adopt a Master Drainage Plan before proceed-! i ing with this method of charging the subdivider. i The Mayor asked that the City Engineer meet with the : ; City Attorney and review the various steps necessary i i for the City of Carlsbad. i OLD BUSINESS: I .. \. I I I I I \\ I I Name ' I i Member I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I i I I I I I + I fa) Appraiser's report on Wren property, The I City Manager informed the Council the appraisal had : been received on the Wren property in the amount of i $41,000, I I I Vaughn property. The City Manager asked the Cowtcil : if they wished a complete appraisal such as the yren property for the Vaughn property, or if they wished a : letter of appraisal. It was agreed that a letter of I I appraisal would be sufficient. 1 I I I I t I I i Whitey's Landing. The Council was informed by the Citi : Manager that Mr. Glissrnan is offering hi s property for I i sale at a figure of $80,000, i Ma, CARL SANBORN of Santa Ana, was present and i : stated he could offer the city 8 acres adjoining the I I i Pirates Cove, with a 500: frontage, at a figure of I I I b I I I * I $210,000, I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I b I 1 4 1 1 I I I Cmn, Bierce stated he felt it behooves the Council to i come up with some plan for future development of the i city in regards to recreational area, library, parks, etc.;, which would benefit the citizenry as a whole, Also he i felt a committee should be appointed to work out a program for the next five years, and that if a satisfactor$ program could be worked out he would not be afraid to : take it to the voters. I I I I I I i Mayor La Roche stated he agreed with Cmn. Bierce and i : appointed a committee consisting of Cmn. Bierce, City : I Engineer, City Manager and the Director of Finance to i : study the matter. # I : CITY ATTORNEY'S REPORT: i South Coast Asphalt Co. The hearing on the second I I : complaint was held, and the Judge ruled they did not state I a cause of action and gave the plaintiffs 10 days to amend: ; their complaint. I I i On the first complaint filed for declaratory relief, the i i plaintiffs had 20 days to amend their complaint, and as : : of this date this has not been done. I I I I I I I I I I I I t # I I I I I I I i Whitehead property condemnation proceedings for Beech i : Ave. A complaint has been filed, and it will be necessarv i tohave an appraisal of the property before an order of i : possession can be obtained. I I I 1 I I I 1 I I J I I I I 1 I I I ! \ ,. '. , \ 8' . \' ', 8.' '& '80 X\ '. '\ ',,8., b, '.$\ \' 'q#. ' '@'X 8" $k \\+ .S8 .4/' ."""""" 8$$@\*?C ;::: t;:; :;It l1l1 11:: ::;: ii:: :::: 41;; ::;: ::#I I:!: :::i :;#I ;;It 11 1::; '1;; ;ill i:: 1::; ii;: ii:i ;#I: ;:*I ll1: 1:~l 11;; ;I ;::: *I:: 1;;1 ::;: !:;I 4;; :; I :::: 11;: :$I1 1::; :::I ;;:' ll;: !;I: I :: :!I: I 1 ;I ;::i ::i: ;: 1:: !::I i::: ::i: :::: ii l1 ;: :I;: :sa: n:;1 :I:: :::: ;:I* I* ;::: :::; i:ii 1::; :::I :::: 1:;: :;'I :;:I ::;: :::: ::;: :I;: $1: :i:: ;ti: ::I: ;::; 1::: ii:: I::: 11:' ;:;I :I:: :;I: 11;; ::i: 11 :::: :;I1 ::;: 1: ::;: 1;:: .. >, \ 'F? '0 8 a', '4 I 81 1*11 '*K: $11 ,:#I iiii I* :::8 ;I l1 :!I: 1 I' t i '\, '8,>8,'\88J,:,, I I '.\ ', '\ . \ 8 101 I i N a me "\,y&,, 8, '%, I i Member ,cJ&8 $&$@@4 + '\+ .. a a I I I \, 'x ' '8 '\,", 4 1 t I I -5- I : of , \'\ 8 '\, '\& ~~""""""""""""""""""""""~"~"""-"-"-"-"--------l-"---"-------"----"~" !*I. I I i Housing Code amended. An amendment to the State I I :;;\ : Housing Code has been adopted by the State, which sets i i::; i up new regulations for human habitation. The City I 1::: I Attorney reviewed the new bill with the Council and asked: I::; 1:;: : the Council if they wished her to draft an ordinance that ; ::;; : would be equal to the State regulations, By common I :1*1 1 1:*4 I consent the City Attorney was instructed to draft an or- i 1::: : dinance for their review. I 4 1::: t I ::ji 1 1'11 a '* t I;1# I 1 i CITY MANAGER'S BEPORT I :;i; i Agreement authorizing Security First National Bank as : 4:: : collecting agent for 1960 water bonds. The Ci Manager! ::a1 ::el i Dresented a letter from the Security -First Natiznal Bank i ti:: I 1 11 I I 1 I I::: 11 I 11 I- : stating they would be the collecting-agent for the 1960 : I water bonds. Attached was an agreement between the : Guevara : I :x: I*': : City and the Security First National Bank authorizing theni Bierce ix : ; xi i as the collecting agent for the bonds, By motion of the i La Roche 1 : : x, : Council the mayor was authorized to execute the agree- : Sonneman l :x:x: :I1 i ment on behalf of the City of Carlsbad. i McPhersoni : i x: 1 I * 4,; i Report on Survivors Benefit plan for safety members. I I ::;; t The City Manager gave a report on various plans that I i::: :::: ! were available to the safety members of the City. After ; :::: i considerable discussion by the Council it was agreed that : i::: : the matter be given further study before making any de- i ::Il :; i cision. I ,;It I 11 I I 1 ::!: I City of Oceanside - re: City of Carlsbadrs water rights. i ::,: :::; : a letter was received late today from the City of Oceansi ::;; i asking cooperation of the City to allow them to inspect T :::; ; our facilities, records and usage of water from the San ; :::I i Luis Rey Basin, The City Manager stated he had been I ::i: ; unable to go over this letter with the City Attorney as yet,: ::I: i and as soon as she has had a chance to check the letter I :iil : out a report would be made to the Council. I :::I I)'( I :;I: ! 1 :I:: i::i I I I *II8 I : RATIFICATION OF BILLS AND PAYROLL I I I I -11i ::;; I :!!I ! Ratification of the bills was given for the general expense; Guevara F i i xi i of the city in the amount of $15,049.13, and for the Water! Bierce ; ixix: i Department in the amount of $20,449.31, from July 18, : La Roche : : :xi : 1961, to August 1, 1961, as certified by the Director of i Sonneman i i ;x: i Finance and approved by the Auditing Committee. : I McPherson: ;::; I EX: i Ratification of the payroll was given for the second half i Guevara l :x; xi ! of July, 1961, in the amount of $14, 322.96, as certified i Bierce i : !x: i by the Director of Finance and approved by the Auditing : La i3oche ; ; ;xi : Committee, i Sonneman : i !x: 1i.l I 8 t :::I #I I : McPherson !x,! : xi I I :;:: I I i:ii I I :::: I ;i:: I I 1 11:: I I 1:;1 ::;; I I I :::; I I ! i::: I!Il I I 1 i ADJOURNMENT i By proper motion the meeting was adjourned at 9:45 P. BA,: I I 1 1'11 I J I I I I 1 I 141: : Respectfully submitted, a 4 ; Lf?/&if&!k77 &: Jfi&$.y& -/ i MAgGAfiET E. ADAMS i Deputy City Clerk I I I I I 1 I t 1 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I 1 I 9 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 s 1 i I I I I I I ! :::I ::;: ;I:! ti:: :;:: ii ;I :: ::;I :#I: ;::a 1'1: ;: :.; ;::: 1:;1 :;a: ::I: :t;: :i:r :::: '11 ;*I1 :!I: