HomeMy WebLinkAbout1961-09-19; City Council; MinutesI LLJ.1 vr LAKL3DHU 1 .-* I \ ' ' '\ '8, 1 1 " '\"',\ '\, 8, \\ Y ; Minutes of: CITY CCUNCIL (Regular Meeting) , i '\ < '" i Date of Bketing: September 19, 1961 : Name 8 :Time of Meeting: 7 :00 P.M. ', '\$, '8, '\&, : of $%' 0'4. ' 8 '8 i_P~~-~~._sf_~l~~~~~~~ ""_" "_ """""".. ""- """ ""I- -" "" * ""-; "" * """"""_ "* "" Council Chambers ',L .a ,.$ +%: i Member $$$?.P.p :It; I I I ,!#I 0 0 i ROLL CALL was answered by Councilmen Guevara, Bierce, I I :La Roche, Sonneman and McPherson. Also present were City i :Manager Slater and City Attorney Hayes. I I :ALLEGUHCE to the flag was given. I I : XXVGCATIOM was offered by Mayor La Roche. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I : APPiiOVAL OF MINUTES : * I 1 I * I * I I 4 (a),.The minutes of the regular meeting of September i i 5, 1961, were approved as corrected. i CORRESPONDENCE : I t I 1 1 1 I I $ i I I I I I 1 (a) J,V. Wren - re: Property on Agua Hedionda Lagoon. i !Letter dated September 13, 1961, from John V, Wren and I 1 i Clara R. Wren, was presented, stating that at the request i i of the City they had agreed to having their property appra-i iised without cost to them. They had read where a committee: i had been appointed, but to date they have heard nothing :I : further. They are interested in selling their property ; i and would like to talk over the possibilities and condition+ {of the City purchasing the property. Also they are willing: :to enter into a long term agreement with the City. I I t I I t !Mayor La Roche stated that until the San Diego Gas & Elec- I I tric Company informs the City of their intentions, he :could see no advantage in the city purchasing any property i I on the lagoon. :Some of the members of the Council thought it might be wisej :to meet with Mr. and Mrs. Wren to consider their offer, I !By common consent it wzs agreed that the committee,previousi i ly appointed, meet with Mr. and Mrs. Wren. 1 t I I I I I I * I I I t 1 a I I I I I I I (b) Carlsbad I4unicipal Water District L re: Request I :for joint meetings. Letter dated September 12, 1861, from I :Allan 0. Kelly, President of the Board of Directors of the : ICarlsbad Nunicipal Water District, was presented, in which i lit was suggested that in view of the current discussions ; :and criticisms; the entire City Council and staff join the i :Directors of the Carlsbad Municipal Water District in a ; !special public meeting to iron out and air their differen- i ices in a frank discussion of the several problems facing : :the City and the District. It was the Boards feeling such i :a discussion would be fruitful and would do much to enable : :both governing bodies to execute their mutual responsibili-! i ties to the citizens of the City and District. ;The City Attorney was asked what position,'in her opinion, I :the Council should take in this matter, and the City I :Attorney stated she felt it might be wise to meet with the i :Board in a public meeting, aither at an adjourned meeting ; :or a special meeting of the Council. :The City Manager was instructed to contact the Board of ! :the water district to arrange a time for a joint meeting i !and report back to the Council at their next regular meet- ! : ing. I :The C-ity Manager informed the Council two letters had been I :received after the Agenda had been prepared, and with the : :permission of the Council. he would like to present these : :letters at this time as they concern a matter which several: !persons in the audience are vitally concerned with, The I :Mayor asked that the letters be presented, I I I I I I I I ,I l I I a i I I I I I i t I I I ! I I ! I I 1 I Letter dated September 14, 1961, from the Carlsbad Union i School District, was presented, formally requesting that: : the City authorize the employment of a crossing guard to be! i l 1' I. . " I' ._I I e l t I I I I I I I I I '81, i;:; :::: :::I IIll ::;; ::;; ::;: :::a ;*I: 1::; I::; i:h Guevara ;Xi !Xi Bierce ! i !Xi La Roche ; ; :X: Sonneman I : X! XI McPherson i i !X: :::i :::; :If1 I:;# :;:; ::I 11:; 111( I::: l:l* 4:; :::; ItIl 1'1 t11: lit4 :::: I::: :I:: ;I:: :i:: .;q; $1: ;::a 1;;; i::: ;I:; ;:*I ;::; 1:: I:;: ::I1 i::: ;;:I :::i 1::; I::: !;:: I:!; ;:fI 81 :;'I 1::: I::: ::;; iii: !::; ;::; ;::a 1::: :14: @;;I ;:a: :I:: ill! :I:: :::a ;::; ;::; ;::I l;Q: :;:: I:: ::@I :;:: ::I1 :;:: :I:: 1::: i:ii '! i:; v8:; ;:;: ::;; 1::; :' 1::: I It 11 l1*1 I 11 '1 I @I @It: I** I 4 I::: 11 I 11 I I 8. I I 1 \\ '\ '\, "\ '.,.-,,J 1 I x, '\ '\ X' t ; of '\+\$?+8 ' \% \QLXO\g\\ $4 ~""""""""""""""""~""""""""""""""----"--"----l----"------------------- ! ;;;; II.! 9 I ', 2- \"8\\, I ; Na me \8,"$$\ '\>qb I i Member \$$$j'.$$ I I I I I 1 ', -8 '\ "\ ',,.$,,L 1 I I I 9 I ', 2- \, '\ '\ 8 x, '\ '\ " \ ! Na me '=..&>- '$& X"\>$$$ ' b ~""""""""""""""""~""""""""""""""""~-""-"-l"--"------------------- I i Member '\:o-*g,:yy? ,\ ! ;;;; II.! I I I stationed at the Las Flores bridge overpass during those : I hours that children are going to and from school and during: : the lunch period, They further stated they were very i appreciative of the crossing guard supplied by the City i : in the area of Tamarack Avenue and Jefferson Street. i Letter dated September 19, 1961, from the Chairman of the : i Safety Committee of the Buena Vista P,T.A, was read, statink : that a meeting had been held by their committee. They i realized that the city was studying the widening of Buena i : Vista Avenue and had also written the State regarding a : i fence being installed above the railing on Las Flores i bridge. In the meantime they recornended several measures : I to be considered until the major problems can be solmd. i a 1 I 1 1 I 1 I I I I I I I I 1 I I i The City Manager informed the council the City Engineer, : I Chief of Police and himself met with the Superintendent of : ; the school district and went over this matter. The City i i Engineer has worked up a temporary plan for the area, :which he would like to present at this time. : The City Engineer presented a plan for the Councilts con- 1 i sideration, which included temporary sidewalks, cross :walks, signs and access from Forest Avenue to the school i i and access from Highland Drive to the school through vacant: ; property, Also the City Engineer presented a cost estimate: : of the pedestrian ways for the Council's consideration, and: i they were informed a copy of this estimate would be sent ; i to the Superintendent of the school with a copy of the planj : for consideration by the School Board. I 1 I I I I b % I I I I I I I I I :Ill :;,I I8(I IIIt :l@b 11:: #:'I I::! .I ;i:: 14 I $1 'I '1: f I::; :::I :::; I:;: :::I i::: $11 11 :::: !I:! ,:SI 11 811 #I I ;Discussion was given as to a fence being installed OR top 1 i of the guard rail on Las Flores bridge. The City Manager I I advised the Council he had contacted the State concerning ; i this matter and he was informed that under the maintenance i i agreement it is the city's obligation to maintain the ! bridge from the deck up; however, the State would not be i : adverse to participating in the cost but they would have to: i have. justification for doing SO. :Mrs. ELEANOR PRIME, President of the Buena Vista School t i P.T.A., was present and stated the entire Safety Committee r i for the school was present tonight at the meeting. They are: i all very willing to work with the city in anyway possible, i I I I I 9 I I I I I 'I 11;; ::I: 11:; :::I 1::: :;I: :;I: :I:: I:;# :::: :::1 I::: iII' 1::; ::I1 :Ill 4:; ::;I ::;I ::I; ;:I; !*:! *I I :Discussion was given as to the employment of a crossing i 1 guard. It was suggested that perhaps student patrol of the! f area could be worked out satisfactory. :MRS. KATHERINZ JOHNSON, one of the members of the Safety i :Committee, stated the problem with student patrol would be f I that: all of the grades do not get out of school at the same: i time. The plan the Engineer has presented at this time : : is very good, but she wondered how long it would take to i : put it into operation. i The City Engineer stated that if the plan is approved by the :Council and the School Board it could be put in operation i i very soon. icm. Sonneman asked if the property owner on Highland Ave. : : who owned the property needed for access from Highland Ave-; i had been Contacted as yet, and if it were the City's re- : I sponsibility or the schoal*s responsibility to contact the i :property owner? I I {The Council was informed the property owner had not been : : contacted as yet, The City Attorney stated that either the! i school or the city could contact the property owner. How- : :ever, she resented the paper making the statement that it i i was the city's responsibility. The School District has been: :aware of this problem from the very beginning when the plan! 1 I I 9 I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I * 4 I I t I I I I I 8 I I I I I I I I ai I I * i:;i 1::: :if: ::/ :::I ::'I :I:: l;;l ltl; :::I ; 1 I* 1;;: ::;: ::a: I:': !I:! f11' ::;I 8;: ;:;I *I i::i ill' &:I: :I:: l:;l :::: ::I: ;:I: ;I:: :::: :I:: :i:: 11:; I::: :!I: :I ;:;i ::;; I:!: !:I: 11: :I11 :I:: :;:: 11:; ::;: i::: ::;: l;:l ::;: ::;: I::! 1::; :::; ::;: :;:: :::; :;:: :::: :I:: :::: 11 I 1 1 '\, \I ' ** *b, ', k 1 I I I .R I 13- I ', '\,'.., '\\, '8 '*, I I ! N a de \'<\ '<@, ',,"?$$\ I ; of *+$?+, ', '$ I ',&\0\9' e$.\' ~""""~""""""""""""""""""""~""""~"""-"-"""~""""""""-"""~. i Member 8$)'@.p\@ 1,. e I I I 1 :was first presented to the Planning Commission for the 1 Buerra Vista School. i After considerable discussion it was agreed that a letter i i be sent to the State concerning a rail or fence being in- ; i stalled on the Las Flores bridge; also that an inquiry be ! : made to the State as to their experience with such bridges f i in other areas with the same situation; and also that a i : letter be sent to the Superintendent of the achool in re- ; i gards to the feasibility of setting up a student safety I i parrol. : The City Manager informed the Council the City Engineer ! f had been working on a permanent solution to this traffic 1 [ situation on Buena Vista Ave., and at this time he would : : like to have him present the plan. The Engineer presented i i a plan of the area, and pointed out that after considerable: : study it was their feeling that the extension of LGS Flored : through to Highland Drive would be the most logical sol- : i ution to the traffic problem. i The members of the Council and the Safety Committee com- i ! mended the City Engineer on this plan and it w4s their : feeling this was certainly the ultimate solution. ; ORAL COMWN KAT IONS : I 1 I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I $ I I I 9 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ;i;; :::: 1::; I::: 1::: ::I: :I I: 1::: :I:: ,:it ;::: ;4: ;i:: ::Il :; a::: ::I1 It;# :;I: +; pi: :;:: 111: I::: I;'! :I:# 1:t: ;::: ;I:: 1:: :::; ::;I 111: ::!I 1I;l i::: I)II 11 I)1( :I:: I ; MR. PATSKE, 2727 Highland Drive, stated he spoke to the i i City Manager regarding a stop sign being placed at Forest i : and Highland Drive; there are czrs parked there every i morning waiting for the school bus, and it makes it very 1 1 difficult to turn the corner when these cars are parked ; I there. Mr. Patske was informed the Safety Committee would I i check into the matter and report back to the Council. I Cwn. Sonneman stated Mr. Patske was the owner of the prop- i i erty proposed for one of the accesses, and she would like : : to know what his reaction would be in having this property I i used for such purpose. I Mr. PATSKE informed the Council he would not be in favor : i of his property being..used for this purpose, as he has the i ; the property for sale. i MRS. FELKNER, 1345 Buena Vista GJay, asked how long this : i temporary plan for the school would be in use? Would it i : be 2 hours or 20 years? Also as to fencing the bzidge, why i : not put up barbed wire fencing? i Mrs. Felkner was informed that as soon as the permanent I i plan has been approved by all parties, the city would star4 i work on the preliminary steps. i Pi. KAY KALICKA, stated some of the citizens present are : : interested in what the city is doing in regards to the I ; Agua Hedionda Lagoon. I I I 1 I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I i The City Attorney stated that as attorney for the City she! : did not deem it: wise to reveal the progress being made at t I this t,ime, but assured him that the city had not been in- I i active. I I l e I I $ I i MR. MAX EWALD, 3308 Belle Lane, Carlsbad., stated he felt: : : some committee work or organization work should be done i i in between the time the Legislature meets. He suggested : I f the possibility of forming a harbor district. I I : Mayor La Roche stated he did not feel a committee was i necessary. We, the Council, have a general idea as to : : what has to be done, and felt that if a reasonable pattern: f is followed something will be worked out. I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I * I I I I I I I f I I I I I ;I;; !:I: ;::I ;;:; 1:s: i::: 1::; 1::: ;::; 4:: :::; I::; :::: :I;; ::;: ::!I It $1 &- ::;: l4;; 1::: ::i: ::I: :::: 1::: I::: :::: l:ll :::: 11:; i::: ::;I :I:: ::I: "I (I!+ 'i;; ::I: 111: :I11 8::: ;:!I 81 1i.l II :::: :ti: I::: i::; I:!I ::I: 1- I$;: ::;: ::I: ;I:: ;::: $1:: :::: i::: #I;: 1::; i::; $41 ::;: :I :::: li:: ll;: 1: I 1;*1 11 I 4 # I -" 'x ' '8, -y\, f g I -4.. ', 8s,88'8 \\ \ \ I i N a me ",, '?& ",)$$\ I f of 8%%',;8,&< 8 \:+ I i Member '+& 80'gb.C A- \ 9 ;::i :I:; II I I :::: 1 13: I I 2:: I ::$I I 1 I :;;I * I""""""""""~c-"""""~"""""""~""""""""""""""--""-----"---"--"---. I t I I 0 : I%. ALLAN KELLY, stated he had addressed a communication ; i to the Council. i Mr, Kelly was informed this communication was read previoui : to his being present. I I I 11 !,I! : A short recess was called at 8 :30 P.M. I '11, 1 I ::I1 I The meeting reconvened at 8:50 P.M. I I ::;: I I i::: , I !:;; I I I I i PLAIW ING : 1 I I I > ! I I I l a, Letter of Resignation from Commissioner G.A. I i Hardwick, Letter dated August 30, 1961, from Gordon A. i : Hardwick, stating that due to personal business he has ; i found it impossible to continue serving on the Planning i : Commission. .The City Manager was instructed to write Mr, I i Wardwick, accipting his resignation with regret, and ex- i 1 pressing the Council's appreciation for his service to the i ;:si 11 :I:; ::It 4::: 1::; :::e :;I: ir:: I:'$ 11:; :I:: ;lls !::: :Ill It ; comunity. ;*4; )'I1 I 11'1 I!!* I I I I I I t b, Appointment of new member to the Planning Commiss- i 1;i: t I::: I :::: : 1- ion. The Mayor announced with the consent of the Council: ::,: ::;: ; he would like to appoint Mr. Carl W. Neiswender to the i Planning Cbmmission to fill the vacancy created by Mr. : Hardwick's resignation. Four of the Council members have i Guevara : $ $: i have met Mr. Neiswender and feel he is well qualified, By i Bierce :X; 3c i : motion of the Council the appointment of Carl H. Neiswender: La Roche : : % ; i to the Planning Commission to fill the vacancy created by i Sonneman i ; X i : Mr. Hardwick's resignation was confirmed, ; McPherson I : @ i !ll! I I 1: I I I ::;I : ENG INEZR ING : I I I i I I I I I (a) Sylvester drainage report. At a previous meeting : i of the council the City staff was instructed to investigat4 i a drainage problem located in the vicinity of Mr. Sylvest- : : er's property. The City Engineer reported to the Council i \ they had made a study of this property, which is located : I on Chestnut Avenue. At the time Chestnut Ave. was improve4 I it was necessary to install a pipe from Chestnut '4venue : t into the Sylvester property. This property is located in a i i natural drainage area, This problem exists in other parts i : of the city. It is the staff's feeling that an answer to ; i these problems would be to construct dry wells, which would ; be quite economical and would certainly improve the situat-i i ion. It would require the acquisition of property or an i '#ti :::; i::: ;x: 1::: :;;I :::: :::: ::I: :I:: :::: ;::: :I:: :::: ;::; ;::: :::: 1':; ;: Ill1 ,:I !II: : easement . ;#I; I1II I I 1;;1 \ After discussion by the Council it was agreed that the Cits I:;: i Engineer proceed with a plan and cost estimate of a stand- I : ard dry well installation. I I I I ;::i I l;ll I 11:: I 1 I I ill: l!!l I I I I (b) 1911 Act Proceedings - Eureka Place sewers- I i Assessment District No. 1-1941. The Council was. informed i : the Engineer of Work has filed his assessment with the i City Clerk, and it is now necessary for the Council to I adopt a resolution directing Notice of the filing of the : I assessment and of a hearing. The City Attorney presented i i the following resolution for the Council's consideration: : i Resolution No. 771. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF i : PENT AND OF THE TIME ANI) PLACE OF HEAXPIG THEZOF, Assess- i I ment District No. 1, 1961, was adopted by title only and i : further reading waived. I I I I I I I i THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, DIRECTING NCTfCE OF FILING OF ASSESS-: a I I I I 1 I I 1 I ,,,(e) Beech Avenue street improvements - Final accept- i i ance, The City Engineer informed the Council the improve-! iments for Beech Avenue had been completed and it will be : !necessary for the Council to accept these improvements. By i {motion of the Council the improvements for Beech Avenue : 1 I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I 4 I I I I I I Guevara €3 i erce Za Roche Sonneman McPherson Guevara Bierce La Roche Sonneman McPherson !i'd I:1 :::: :::; :::I ::;: :I:: ::I; :::; :;f: : ;x: x: : ; :xi i ; ix: ;xi :xi * I :x: :;'I :;:: : : :xi :xi ;x: i : ;xi ; :x:x: : : :xi ::I* :;I: :;:; :::: 11 :!:: $1 I 11 11 4 0 0 4 -. ' I 4 I .' , *, 1 - 5- I " * . I I I I I [ Name ' I ; of :"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""-~"""""- f Member i were given a final acceptance. I I I I I i I I I I (d) Property located at Lincoln and Oak and Carlsbad i i Blvd, The City Manager stated a private firm had made a : : survey of this property to determine the square footage [ : for building purposes and what portion of the buildings : i are encroaching upon city property. The figures have been i ; given to the contractor, however, he did not receive these: i figures until this morning and was unable to submit a plan: i prior to the meeting this evening. I I I By consent. of the Council it was agreed that the owner be : ; given until Monday, September 25, 1961, to submit his i plan. If a plan is not submitted by that time, then the : : owner is to be instructed to immediately remove that por- \ i tion of the building that enchroaches upon city property. i I 1 I 1 I I I I I I i LIBRBRY: I I I I I I I I I I I 4 (a) Board of Library Trustees - re: Library Site. I f Letter dated September 14, 1961, from Mrs. Robert Srrause,; i President of the Carlsbad Board of Library Trustees, re- i i garding a Library site, stating the Board had decided to ; f make a survey sheet to enable the library users to state i i their preference. The survey sheet was enclosed which ; : showed a majority favoring the Elm Avenue location. It was: i also pointed out in the letter that the Board, during a21: : negotiations, have always favored the Elm Avenue location i / and the Pi0 Pic0 and Chestnut location second. i It was suggested that perhaps the purchase of the Vaughn : i property should be considered prior to making any decision: : on the location of the library. : Nayor La Roche stated he did not feel the property pro- i i pcsed to be purchased for the park should have any build- i i ings placed on it. H e would like to see the library : placed in some location not only for the purpose of con- i i venience but also for the aesthetic value. I I i Cmn. Bierce pointed out there was a cormittee appointed to: : study this matter. This committee proposed that the i Vaughn property be purchased for the library site. i MRS. COLE, City Librarian, was present and stated that i : throughout all the negotiations of the Board,l$lm Avenue i I has been their first choice and Pi0 Pic0 their second : choice. There are a great many professional people who i i use this library during their lunch hour, and she did not : ; feel this list should be ignored, Also it is the Boards i i feeling a building such as the library would certainly im-: i prove the 600 block on Elm Avenue. ; After further discussion Cwn. Sonneman suggested that the i i members of the Board meet with the Camittee prior to any i i decision being made. I I i By cornon consent of the Council the City Manager was in- i : structed to arrange a meeting between the Library Board i i and the Committee to consider the matter further. ; OLD BUSIAZSS: I I I I I I I I I 1 1 I I I I I I t I 1 I I I I I I i 1 I I I I I I I I 1 I I I i I I I 1 I I I I 1 1 I I I + I t I (a) Letter from Mrs. Aleatha W, Vaughn - re: Offer i i of sale of property. At the last meeting a letter was : : read from Nrs. Vaughn offering her property at the purchasg i price of $35,000, The Committee met and it was their de- : : cision to make a counter-offer of $32,500, A letter has i i been received from Mrs. Vaughn dated September 13, 1961, ; ; stating she would accept the counter offer of $32,500, : subject to certain conditions. The City Manager pointed i - 1 I I I I 1 I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I \y+;\,, 1 3 , 'yp\ '\ y& '. +\c;. '\ +38 ',c+& ;, % ,c'\(n, L.\+" ,o '@ \.PP' :::I :::i ;;:: I::: :::I 1::: ::':: :;:: '\ ', 8 8 ' . \' """"""" :It; iiii ,Ill #I ;*I: !;;I t :: i;:: :i:: 1::' 1: 1::; ;:VI 11 ;::I :I;; ii:: 4:: i::: iiii i:i: :::: ;::: i;:: 11 :::; :::: :::; ;::: ll;; ::It 1::: :::I :I:: I: 1:;: ;#Is 1::: :SI' ii:i :::: 1:: :::I ::I: iii: :::: 1:t: :::: :::: :::: ;l;I ;::i $11 1;;: ;::I ::;: :::I ::;: 1:;: 4:; I::: ::;I 1:;: ::i; i:/ ;::: ;:I 1;; :* I:!: !:l: ::i: 1:;: ::I: i:;: 4:;: :::: :::: :I;: $1; 1:;: :::: l8:: ;II, 11 :Ill 11: <IO 1,1: :If : 1 It 11: :*I III: :'I: '((1 Ill: I,:@ :::* I( ; I I* 111: I!## -. '\ % . I I ',, \\ +\'~\'~. 12 i -6- I I ,\ 8' # i N a me '\, '8%. '\,,'xpQb \Fb e, a, 'Pi$ I j Member $'@,@?'$ , \ ** 8 ' "\ I : of \,+%e. 8 *?)' I"""""""""""-"""r""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""~"""""- !ll: I t i out there is a street assessment in the approximate amount ! I of $540.00 for Chestnut Avenue which Mrs. Vaughn is will- I i ing to assume, but as to the sewer assessment on Eureka : ; Place he felt the city should assume. After further dis- i I cussion, by motion of Council the offer submitted by Mrs, : : Vaughn in the amount of $32,500 was accepted, and the City i i Manager was instructed to open an escrow for the purchase : ; of the property. 0 I I + I 'li; irr; ii:: Id: lit1 Guevara @ i 3r i Bierce : 8 !X : La Roche I ; X i Sonneman : I 8 i McPherson i ! 3r: .!It t I ; CITY ATTCRNEY IS REPORT: I I I I I I I I : South Coast Asphalt Co. lawsuits. The attorney for the i i plaintiffs have appealed the decision on the Wit of Man-. t : damus, however, she has not as yet received a copy of the i i appeal. As to the other two suits a hearing will be held t i next Wednesday on the demurrers. I I : Feasibility report on the purchase of the Carlsbad Muni- I i cipal Water Co. The City Attorney requested additional i i time for her report, as she would like to wait until after : ; the joint meeting with the Council and the Municipal Board4 ! I I I I 1 I I ; City of Oceanside - request for inspection of records. i According to the paper the City of Oceanside is unhappy I I I i with the Council*s decision to deny the inspection of- the I i City of Carlsbad's records. Mrs. Hayes stated she would ; I like to know what specific records they wished to inspect. I i It is her feeling their only purpose for wanting to see : : the records is to bring suit against the City of Carlsbad i i to restrain the city from taking waters from the San Luis : : Rey water basin. ' 4 i The city Manager stated another letter had been received i : from the Mayor of Oceanside again requesting that they be i i allowed to inspect the city's records. i After further discussion it was agreed that a letter be i : sent to the City of Oceanside requesting a list of the I i records they wish to inspect, i CITY &WAGER'S REPORT i Request for participation in recreational facilities for [ : Little League Baseball. The City Manager stated a verbal : i request was received from the Gittle League asking the i : City to participate in the cost of providing additional ; i baseball diamonds for the Little League Baseball teams. A i I plan for the proposed addition was presented for the Coun- ; : cil's review. They asked that the City furnish equipment i i and labor for the construction of these diamonds, and that t : the city hire an employee to maintain these diamonds from i i May 10th through August 10th. The Mayor asked that a cost : : figure be presented for the Council's review prior to a i i decision being made. : Recreational area on south shore of lagoon. A letter was I i received from Mr. Hiram G. Dillin, President of the San : : Diego Gas & Electric Co., stating thet due to the boating I i public seeming to enjoy landing upon the southerly shore i i of the Agua Hedionda Lagoon for picnic and other recreat- : ; ional purposes, under certain necessary limitations their : : company heartily endorses recreational use of portions of i I the southerly shore. In order to facilitate the boating : : public's utilization they have just completed grading an i i area in which they have placed fire rings for cooking, and : i trash containers for the convenience of the users, The re- i ; creational areas will be indicated by appropriate signs i : and before next vacation season they hope to have several ; i similar areas prepared. It was also pointed out the in- ; : vitation for the public to utilize their land for recrea- i i tional purposes must be subject to cancellation at any I I I time it becomes necessary for them to make use thereof. I 4 3 I I 1 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I * i I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I -1 Ii :::, ::;: ::;: :;a: :it: I; :;:: i:::; /::; ;;;:I :II:: ;:;d ;;;;I ,*I:: yl; 5:::; ::; 1;::; :I p::; ;:::I ::::I ::::; ::::; i:::; :!;:I 'I Ill, +;: 1:: 1;Il; Be;; !ll!I I::;; :a::; ::i:; ::;:I :;::: i:::: 1:::: :I::: :!I:: :::I; i:::: 1: 11 ;;ti: :ti:; ::$: I:::; $11; ll:*i 1:::: ::I:; :I::: I:::, ::;I: ::::: :I::: ::::; :::I: :ii:i I:,:: !l:!l :ti:; 1(1 1:::: ::;:: i:::: ::;:: ;;I1# :::it *I;:; :a ;:;:; 1:;:; $1 :;::; ::::; ::;:; i;;:! ;:::I ts ;:::: ;:::: ti::: 'I::: ;:;I: 1:::: ::::I ::::: ::::: J:::: (BIII 1'5 * 0 1 I I I I l a *?w I ! * # I I I I I I I I :""""""-"""""""""""""-~"""."""-""""""""~""!~ I I I * : Mayor La Roche asked that a letter of appreciation be sent i i on behalf of the Council to the San Diego Gad & Electric i : Co. for this fine gesture; : Joint sewer project, The Engineering report for the joint I i sewer project has been completed by the County, and our i ; City Attorney is now checking over the reporto i The C-ity Engineer and the City Manager attended a- meeting i : in San Diego wherein several engineering firms were in- i i terviewed. They expect to employ one of the firms soon. : I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I i Stone and Youngberg have submitted a preliminary figure : I : on the tax rate for payment of the bonds, which is con- i i siderably less than they had anticipated, i The City has not received any work on the application for i : funds under Public Law 660. : In regards to the bond election for the sewers, they were I i in hopes of holding an election sometime in November, how-: i ever the City must give 60 days notice of an election. I Guard rail along Carlsbad Blvd, The City Manager was asked i to check into the matter of painting the guard rail on i : Carlsbad Blvd, The City Manager reported that when the ; i city vacated a portion of Carlsbad Blvd. the guard rail : 1 was included, therefore, it is the State's responsibility i i to maintain the guard rail. The Council requested the 8 ! City Manager to contact the State Beaches and Parks in i ; regards to having the guard rails painted. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I L I I I t : Cwn Sonneman asked about the property where the living ; I ; Christmas tree is to be planted, and the City Manager in- i i formed the members of the Council a survey had to be made : : of the property which should be ccmpleted soon. i Discussion was given as to the striping of all the streetsf i It: was pointed out the cost for doing this work would be : : considerable, and it was the staff's intention to stripe i i the major streets only. I I I 1 I I I I I I : RATIFICATION OF BILLS AhD PAYROLL: I I I I I I 8 : Ratification of the bills was given for the general expert-! i ses of the City in the amount of $14,618.16 and for the : i Water Department in the amount of $8,460.18 for the period i t September 5, 1961 through September 19, 1961, as certified: i by the,Director of Finance and approved by the Auditing i ; Committee, i Ratification of the payroll was given for the first half of i September, 1961, in the amount of $14,368.73, as certified: : by the Director of Finance and approved by the Auditing ; I Committee. 1 i ADJOURWNT : i By proper motion the meeting was adjourned at 10:17 P.M. i i Respectfully submitted, * I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 r I t i i WauA, F Q2dLYLQ/ I rnGARn E. mANs I Deputf Clerk & I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 8 I 8 I I I I I 4 * I I I 8 I I I I I I 1 I I 1 I I I I I I -,\,..- 8,. 8,8 \8 '\ ?8 '\ 'b8 ',,'., \ 'x8 \ '\ 81: '\, Na me '\ x!$\ \, "?& ',+x?&, '\ '$!!' of Member 8$@\+\0 It:; :;a4 :;;I :::I i::: ;::; :::: ;:+ ;: :I ;: :I 1::: I::* It': 1::1 ;;;I Ill: ::;: -:; ::I; :I l;i; ii;: ::ii I;;; :::I ::I: ; I' : 8 1:;: ::;: ::I: :;:: ;;:: 1::: :;:: 1;;l ::ti :I; 1::: i;;: :I:: ;::I 1:;: ::I: 1:;: i::i ;;&I 1;;: :::: :::: I!:: Ill: "i :I ;;:: 11:; I;ll 11:: :::; :I' Guevara p i :X i ~ierce ; !X !X: La Roche i : :X ! 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