HomeMy WebLinkAbout1961-10-17; City Council; MinutesI I ', %, .8 ' , ' %' . i CITY OF CARLSBAG I I ', ' ' * 8,,'\, 12 1 1 ',, "J, '*, : Minutes of: CITY COUNCIL (Regular meeting) i " , ' '+, \\ " ' '\ \ ' i Date of Meeting October 17, 1961 I N a me '*, '+&, 8 x\,, '&t. ,D8 : Time of Meeting: 7: 00 P. M. I of *C\O'\ ',€$&$.,; , ..er I (,,,,,,,,,,,",",""~""~"""""""""""""""~~"""."-"""~"-~---"---~~----:--"~-' Place of Meeting: Council Chambers : Me9nber ,$Ye,#$ : HOLL CALL was answered by Councilmen Guevara, L L I;;: i La Roche, Sonneman and McPherson, Councilman Biercq ii': ! absent, Also present were City Manager Slater and City ; ;' It:t I Ilii : Attorney Hayes, i ALLEGIANCE to the Flag was given. 1 1;;t I + I :;;: 1 I :bI: I INVOCATION was offered by Councilwoman Sonneman. i 4:; I I I I i::: i APPitOVAL OF MINUTES: 4 I '::; I I i i : ;. I ( a) The minutes of the regular meeting of October 3, i Cuevara ; !XI x: ;I:: I i Sonneman ; 4 !x: I I ; McPhersoni : :xi * I :;:: I (b) The minutes of the adjourned meeting of October t Guevara )c : :xi 1 : Sonneman I : ;X: 1 I i McPherson ! : xixi I I I $1, I I :;:: I I I I ;;;: I (a) 0. De Smith - re: Kequest €or Special Event i ;xi ;:;: I I 0 I. 4 :;;I I I I I I I ,I:: i;;: I I * 01, * I 1 I I : 1961, were approved as corrected. : La ktoche i ; :x: I t 11 I I 11, 1961, were approved as submitted, I La i;doche ; i :xi t I I i CORRESPONDENCE: I I : at Whitey's Landing. Letter dated September 28, 19x1 ; born 0. D, Smith of Whitey's Boat Landing, was present: :;I: i ed, in which he requested special event scheduling for : ::i; : January 6th and 7th, 1962, for outboard races co-sponsor; 'I(& :;'I i ed by the Western Outboard Association and Whitey's ; Boat Landing; and March 10th and 1 lth, 1962, for outboar4 '1;: i races co-sponsored by the W estern Outboard Associati0n.j $4: : Time trials and tune-ups to be conducted on January 6, ; It#( i 1961 and March 10, 1961, Some of the boats will be ; running without mufflers. ::;* * I ; 1 r' # 1::: ; After due consideration by the Council, by motion of the i Guevara I : :xi i i Council it was agreed that the request be granted as I La Roche ; : !x: : submitted, ; Sonnernan + i ;xi I 8' 1:;: I t i:!: :;;; 4 I I!:' 4 t L 11:; I I I 1 i McPherson : ixix: 1 I v :a:: I (b) Petition from residents on Buena Vista Way, ;::I I 1 I : : protesting improvement on Buena Vista Way. A petition 1 1::; i containing 25 signatures was presented, representing i ;#'I ;::; i some of the property owners on Buena Vista Ave. , pro- i :I:: ; testing any improvement of Buena Vista Ave, under the ; ;::; ! provisions of the 191 1 Act. They requested that the L I :::' ; designation "Secondary Street" on the Master Street Plan i 1;: ii:: I be deleted, and that Buena Vista Ave. be resurfaced and : 861; : widened by eliminating the ditches on both sides of the i i::: : street with the cost being born by the City of Carlsbad, i 1::; :::4 t :::; i MR, SPANO, 1260 Buena Vista Avenue, stated he owns i I::: I approximately 200 feet on Buena Vista Ave, He contacted! 1:;s ; the City Manager this afternoon regarding the improve- i i::: ; ment of this street and offered to pay his proportionate ; ;+ I:,: i share, He did not believe that the people who signed this i :::; i petition knew what they were signing. He has children : iiii ; attending this school and feels the Council should do I I i::: I something about having this street improved. We are : living in a country where we need sidewalks. In Mew Yori : he owned property and a Catholic Church was built in the : { neighborhood, They did not ask him whether he wanted i :x: i sidewalks or not - they just sent him the bill, We are : ::;: ; not dealing with sidewalks and streets we are dealing with; :"; i lives. I :::a &*: t 4 * ;::I I I 11; i Cwn. Sonneman stated that when they are ready to pro- i !;;I : ceed with the project she is sure the Council will act to ; :::: 1:;: I the benefit of all concerned. I !::I I I :::: : The City Manager informed the Council that nothing can i ;::: $ 8 I ;::; ?I** I ;::: :::; ;::: ;::; I I I $ I ! :::; r!!~ I 4 I I I i L t 1 ', .i I.. *\ ', ', I ',, '8, ', * ' ' I '88 ', 8, \ k 8 i N a me ',, '%@, '\,, 'F)8 4 ; of '$O\Cb, : Member \%@,'$@% \,L\O, 4' '*' :""""""""""""""""""""~""""""-~"""""""""-~"""""""""""""- ;;I;& : After consideration by the Council the followirig resolutiod 11::: : was presented for the C:>i:p1ci!.'3 review: I :a I I::#: i Resolution No. 775. RESOLUTION OF THE CITY :*I:; *'(I( I ING FINDINGS KND DECISION RZGARDING CHANGE L i:p; ; OF ZONE CLASSIFICATION OF CERTAIN DESIGNATE$) Guevara i ;x I $ i i PBOPERTY IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD FROM ZONE La Roche : : ; x! : I R-P TO ZQNE C-2, was adopted by title only and fur- i Sonneman :xi i x i i ther reading waived. : I McPhersonl 1 *d * i The City Attorney presented the following ordinance for : : a first reading by .:..he Cozzcfl: : Ordimnce No. 9122, AM ORDINANCE OF TKE CITY i \ OF CARLSBAD, AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 9060, : Guevara :G :4 : i CEANGING CERTAIN DESIGNATED PROPEIZTY FROM: La Roche ! i i X i i ZONE R-P TO ZONE c-2, IN THE CITY QF CARLS- : Sonneman f : : x! : : BAD, was gi~m a first reading. i 1 McPherso~ !x: X : 1;:;: I (b) Reclassification of certain property located on i 111 I ;::i: I the NortFsicle of Elm Avc. between 101 Freeway and i pJ8; i Rarding Street - IZesolution of Intention of the Planning ; : Cornmission; said request being from Zone Z-3 to Zone : i:;;: : C-2. The Clerk certified as to proper notice having beei ::p ; glven. Also that no written protests had been received i ::,:1 1:;l; ; up t~ time set for hearing. I :;I:' I :'*I 11~ I :::: i Res. #2Zl of the Planning Commission was presented, i i wherein they recommended reclassification of this prope4- i::: i ty due to the fact that on both ends of this block the : property is zoned (2-2, I i The Mayor declared the hearing open and asked if there i : were any persons desiring to speak in favor of this re- i i classification. There were no persons present desiring ; ; to speak. The Mayor then asked. if there were any per- i I; sons desiring to speak in opposition to this reclassifica- I i tion. As there were no persons desiring to speak the : : Mayor declared the hearing ckosed at 7:42 P. M. ; After consideration by the Coumil the following resolu- ! i 'cion was presented €or the Council's review: i Resolution No, 776. RESOLUTION OF THE CITY : ZmL OF THE CITY OF CAiZLSBAD, ANNOUNC- i i IXG FINDINGS AND DECISION REGARDING CHANGE : : 1 I' : OF ZONE CLASSIFICATION OF CERTAIN DESIGNAT- i Guevara !xi ; 4 i ED PROPERTY IN THE CITY OF CAiZLSBAD FROM ; La Roche : : I X: ! ZONE R-3 TO ZONE C-2, was adopted by title on1.y i SOnne?.na : : ; 4 I a.nd further reading waived. ; McPherson! ;:It :xi % i The City Attorney presented the following ordinance for i I the, Q=claildlts consideration: : Ordinance No, 9123. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY i i OF CARLSBAD, AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 9060, : Guevara : i i 4 : CHANGING CERTAIN DESIGNATED PBOPERTY FROM i La Roche : ; i sq i ZONE R-3 TO ZONE C-2, IN THE CITY OF CARLS- : Sonnernan :x: ; 4 i BED, was given a first reading. i McPherson: i x: x: '4;s I (c) Spreading the Assessment for Eureka Place I $1: :';: i Sewer system - Assessment District No. 1-1961 - 19n i ;:v : Act Proceedings. I ;::i I The Mayor announced this was the time and place fixed ! 1::: i for the hearing of protests, objections or appeals in I ;i:: : respect of the assess-meEt proceedings, and work under i ;::: i and pursuant to Resolution of Intention. No. 752, and the ; #I*: ; Improvement Act of 19 h 1, I ::ti I I :i:: I 4 !:I: I I -3- * '\ '8,'8\8 '8, , "8:b8 1 f3 1 . I' Bi ' "$38 :;!!! ;I::; I 4 I I I 1 I la( * I OUNCIL QF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, ANMOZMC- I 11 I I ;::*: 1:::: :::;\ t ::::; t I :::;: $8::: I I I I I I :I1 6 I I I " 1:;;; J*I ' -7 I I I :I' 1:: t ;::I ;:;: I ;:;i ;;'a 'I :::I ;;I: ;;:: 1iI i:*, ::: t;:: I I :::I I I :;;: I I :;I: ::i; I I 1::; :Ti: 4:;: * 6 It+ I I I I I :Ill I f I I 4 I !:;; I' I I I :::; 4 J :::; I i::: ;::: t::; )I1 $ I I I 11 e I I I I * I fl(l I I I 18:; :::I I I I I I) t** I I I I I f + 1 * 41:s ! 1::: I I 8 '8, 8, .\ ', '8, '8, I I t '8\ '', 'X, "8, 8,,8', I 8 I I I i ',, '8,:'\J88 ',,:',, I 132 I # -4- Dj I Name 8'.8 ',$\ ', '?&, : of 8%&.,, '\ '?p8 : Member $)'&J,$%f$ ',,b \o ,$' '% ;.""""""""""*"""""""""~"""""""""~""""""""~""""""""~~"."~~~, :;#I: i The Clerk presented the affidavits of publication, mailing i Guevara i : ! 2 ! ; and posticg notice of hearing on assessment. By motion ; La i;toche : t ; x! ; :;+ I : of the Council the affidavits were apbroved and ordered i Sonneman :xi i g I i filed. t McPhersoni :x; xi 1 I * 1: I/ I The Clerk stated there were no wriYien protests received { : up to the time fixed €or hearing. i The Mayor asked if there were any persons who wishea I : to make an oral protest. I MR. ALEXANDEii stated he has been billed $189.00 i ::,, t: i for a two foot frontage, the same as a person owning a : ::I1 i 50 foot frontage, Something should be done about this. i ::;: i The City Manager informed the Council this matter would! i be checked. I 1;tl 11 I L ii:: t I :I:: i As there were no other persons desiring to speak, the ! ;;;I ; Mayor declared the hearing closed at 7:51 B. M. I I :::i 1 I I :::; I The City Attorney presented the following resolution €or i I iii: I the Council's review: I :::I i I I :::: I Aesolution NO, 777, A AESOLUTION OF THE CITY I ::;; THE CITY OF CAitLSBAI3 OVEEtRULINGi i::; ! COUN IL OF ;I:: i ALL PCROTESTS ON Tm ASSESSMENT, CGNFLqMING : Guevara : ixi A i THE ASSESSMENT AND CONFIRMING THE REGULAR4 La doche i ! i 9 : ITY OF PdBCEEDINGS, Assessment District No. 1-1961,Sonneman i i : 4 : was adopted by title only and further reading waived. i t McPherson:x: : X I * I ;I * 8 I ::;i i ORAL COMMUNICATIONS: I I i::: I ;:I: : D, H. DAVXES, 3055 Madison, stated he owns property i iiii i with rentals and he had to take out a health permit for his: ;;'I i property prior to renting any of his units. The property ; 1;:: : he wishes to speak about faces on Roosevelt Street, just I !!'I I :: i back of his property, which has six rentals, and he I I 1::: : would like to know how they received a health permit, : 31: I if they have one, with the property in the condition it is i ::;I 1 :::i : in. I :::: t I ii:: i MR. JARVIE, one of the Planning Commissioners, state$ ::;: i some time ago we tried to get rid of some of these slums; ::;; ; He called this to the attention of the City Manager. I 811, I ::I1 I I I :;I: i The City Manager stated that Mr. Jarvie had contacted I :::: : him regarding the condition of some of the properties in i ;el@ Ill: i Carlsbad. If the Council wishes to go on record as con- : :q: : demniog these properties the staff will carry out their I ::I: :i:: i instructions, however, he would like to point out that : i::: : when you start such proceedings you are treading on slim! :::: :; i ground. I 9 It)l ! Mayor La Roche stated that he felt that something should i ;::I :::: : be done, Oceanside condemned certain properties and : .I : ; : I it was very successful. There are several places in this i :I*; ('1 : city thzt should be red tagged. The Mayor further stated! III: l:tl i that he was not just making a speach and he intended to ; i;!: : inquire at the next meeting as to how this matter was i I ;:ii 1 progressing, I :::I I I * I;:! I I I :;:: i Cmn, McPherson stated he felt.the property owners : should be contacted prior to any condemnation proceed- i :::: *::: i ings. i t i;:; I t i:il i The 3uilding Inspector pointed out that if you have apart-: l:;l : rnents you have to have a health; permit. However, an : ::I: I individual house does not need a health permit, and unlesi ::I; ; we receive a complaint we do not always know the con- I i;:: 1;:; i dition of the premises. I 8 ;I:' B I 1 Y :::/ 4 , I I {i:; 3. 1 t i:ii; 4 1::;: I I I I :::I; I* ::ii * 8 ;i;i I I I t q; 18 I I [iii I 1 I1 11 1 I 'I t I I I I ill 11 I I * I ;::; 0 $11 * I I I I 11 I 1 ; ', .\ .\ '\ 8, .. I L \\ \'\ \ \' 1 I , ', \, 8, '. '\ I 1 of ',+&O'\ ' ,,&?$.y,;, +* 1 I t I I '8. '\ ', y+,~3 I -45- t Name '\,'+$&, \. 8, '.&, ,?,, I I +: I 1 1::: I I ', '\ \, I 0 ;, ~""""""""~~~'.""~~~~""""""""""""~"~""~~"~~""~""~"~""~~"~"~-"~~~~~-~~- i Member 'p ,&\Q\.P~\< \p, A\@* ; Mayor La Roche stated as soon as we can get these ! places cleaned up it would be better for real estate, 8 :;'I i business and all concerned. :I:: 'I I I ? I!!* I I I I i A short recess was called at 8:06 P. M. The meeting i : reconvened at 8: 21 P. M. I I I I I f:Ib "I ;;:: 11 81:: 11:' 11 I,!$ I i ENGINEERING: $ L I I :;i: I 1 :is: !!:: 1 + I (a) ftecommendation on awarding of bids for pipe i ::;; -I ti ; relining project. Memorandum dated October 17, 1961, i ii:: I ?rom the City Engineer, stating that since the last meet- : ::+ ; ing of the City Council the low bid of Hood-Mansur Com- I ::;: i pany in the amount of $13,118.00 had been rechecked by i :ill f the General Manager and their construction superintended. :ll; 1;11 i After completing their inspection and rechecking their bid: ;;:: : they have indicated that their company will be able to i complete the work according to the proposal submitted. : 1:;; ; Also the financial status of the company was submitted and ,:SI i it appears to be satisfactory. Therefore, it is the recorn! 1 I :a '*I: : mendation of the City Engineer that the low bid of Hood- ; :::; i Mansur Company be accepted and the contract awarded to: (I*) fll) I this company. By motion of the Council the bid of Hood- ; Guevara !x: I X: :;SI i Mansur Company, in the amount of $1 3,118.00, was ! La aoche ; i i 1;: I accepted, and the Mayor authorized to execute the con- : Sonneman : : ; xi ; tract on behalf of the City of Carlsbad. i McPhersonj :x: x: I I 4)11 I #I:! I It I 1 :::; i::; I i NEW BUSINESS: I I I 1 I 1 I ;;i: I,!# 11;; It I I 1 (a) Engineers' fieport on the construction of a Joint i :;'4 i Sewage project with Vista Sanitation District. The City I :f:: : Manager stated that each member of the Council had ;;:: i received a copy of the Engineers' report on the Joint : Sewage project prior' to the meeting, The staff has studiea '1;: :::I i the report and recommend that the report be accepted. ! Guevara i : ; xi : By motion of the Council the Engineers' report for the i La Roche i i i X i Joint Sewage project was accepted, in accordance with : Sonneman ; {x: x! ; the recommendation of the staff. i McPhersonfx; i X: t ! :!I: .*I I 9 I :;:; ::I: 1 I t I (b) Presentation of Financial Consultants' report I i on the Joint Sewage project. Mr, Herwan Zelles, : representative of Stone and Youngberg, was present and i i gave a resume of the report to the Council. Me described! : the various methods of financing the project, and it was : i recommended by the Consultant that a General Obligation i i bond issue would be the most feasible method of financing: i OLD BUSINESS: I 1 1 I I 1 I t I I I 1 I 1 I (a) Report on Student Safety Patrol and Las Flores : : overpass. The City Manager reported that a meeting i I TaFmwiith Mr. Miller, the school superintendent, : the Chief of Police and himself. In regard to the student i i patrol, the school has a problem as far as time is con- I ! cerned, due to the fact that all the classes are not dis- ; i missed at the same time, The past few days they have i : stud.ents patrolling this area, also a police officer has ; I been patrolling the area. The Chief stated he did see a i : child climb the rail and he radioed a police officer im- ; i mediately. i A memorandum from the Chief of Police was presented I ; relative to the above-referenced meeting, and it was 9 I : mutually agreed that the most effective solution would be i i to employ an adult crossing guard, The possiblity of ; : organizing a school traffic patrol was explored and it was! i concluded that the time involved by furnishing police 1 I ; supervision and training for the youngsters would be far i I more expensive than having a full time ad.ult man this : ; intersection. b 6 I I $ I $ I I I I 01 I & 1 I 1 1 I I I I I I ! :::i !:I; ;I:; ::i: 41; ;I 1::: i::: ;::i 1::: ::;: i:p I::: :If; :x: :: 1:; :I:: :::: '11: t::: :::: it:; ::I: ::I: 1::: :;SI ;;:' 1: ::: ::;i ::;: ;:;I ;::a 1::: ii:: !:a' ;: .I 4;:1 ;I I1 111: *@I: :(#I II(1 11 '**: 1*4: @l:l 10 I l!!l 4 8 I ,' \.' t : '.\'\'\\ \ \\\\'\ \' I 1 ', '\,"\, ', ', 'x, 'y+ 0, , Yik I 'Q&y,;\ '9 1 : Member \$f@.@C$! ~""~"""~""""""""""""""""~"""""-"--""--""--""~"""---"-"----"""-- '&I; i It was pointed out that the cost for a crossing guard I I :::; I Illb I would be approximately $750.00 per year. I I :::: I ::;; I I :::: i Mayor La Roche stated this school business is getting to I :::I I be astronomical. These amounts of monies are being \ :::; : levied on the property owners - some who never have any i :Ill 4:; i children or grandchildren. Some of these extra things : 11;: : such as swimming pools, extensive landscaping, crossing! :*'I l:;t i guards, etc., should be curtailed. We don't necessarily ; :::\ : have to retrograde ourselves, but we should pull in our i :::I 11; i horns. If we find that there is an emergency then maybe : :*I$ ::;; i it will be brought up at some future date. I :;a1 I 1 It:; I I 1 :::I I I (b) Second reading of Ordinance No, 2025, amending i :::i )(I I :I:# I I 1:;: I I I I::! ::I' b 1 ', '\ \ ', ', '. 13, I I t -6- ',' \" \ I i Name '\ \~F&,'*,:.G t t of B I I 11 I I I Ordinance No. 2020, adopting the 1960 Fire Prevention ; @I I;:: t Code. The following ordinance was presented €or a ; second reading by the Council: : Ordinance No, 2025. AN OEtDINANCE OF THE CITY : t NANCE NO, 2020 OF TXE CITY OF CARLSBAD, BY : La Roche ; : :x: : ADOPTING THE 1960 FIZE PREVENTION CODE, was i Sonneman : $ !xi i adopted by title only and further reading waived. : McPherson i i x:x: I $1;: I I 6- I I I:'* I *I I I CARLSBAD, AMENDING SECTION 1, OF ORDI- i Guevara i i !xi t I I 1 (c) Second reading of Ordinance No. 9 121, amending 1 I Ordinance No. 9060, changing certain property from Zone; : R-3 to Zone C-2. The following ordinance was presente? I -for a second reading by the Council: 4 I I:;; ::I: ;IJ, 1;:: !I;: !I;: I t I'll i Ordinance No, 9121. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY i ::;: I CAdLSBAD AMENDING OaDINANCE NO. 9060, ::;* : Guevara k i ;xi : CHANGING CERTAIN DESIGNATED PROPEfiTY FROM I La Roche i I ;XI i ZQNE R-3 TO ZONE 02, IN THE CITY OF CARLS- : Sonneman : $1 f I 8 ; BAD, was adopted by title only and further reading waived; McPherson f ;x !xi !I#: 1 I I, I L i CITY ATTORNEY'S REPORT: I I I I I t ! The City Attorney stated that at the Executive Session of i i the Council held on October 3, 1961, condemnation pro- i : ceedings were discussed, and she has prepared a resolu- : i tion authorizing condemnation of certain properties for i j the disposition of sewage and appurtenances. The follow - : i ing resolution was presented for the Councilf s review: I I I 1 I ;&'I 1;' 111: ;I:' ;:'I I:* :::: p:: lq: ::I: 4;: I:;* :;I8 :::f 1: I I i Resolution No. 774. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY I :::i : COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, AUTHORIZ- : ::;: i ING CONDEMNATION OF CERTAIN PitQPEEtTIES FOR : Guevara ; Ixix: :I:: I WORMS FOR THE DISPOSITION OF SEWAGE AND : La itoche i : :xi i APPURTENANCES THERETO, was adopted by title only i Sonneman :xi /xi i and further reading waived. : McPherson i : :x: I 1 9::: 11 I I I I I I I I I i CZ'n'Y I'JLANAGER'S REPORT: i A letter was received by Mayor La Roche requesting that I : the city proclaim the week of November 19-25, 1961, as ; i Mercy Week and that Thursday, November 23, 196 1, be i ; observed as Mercy Day in the City of Carlsbad, for the ; \ California State Polytechnic College football team who i ; were killed. At 11:OO A.M. on November 23, 1961, I Thanksgiving Day, the Mercy Bowl Game will be played : : at the Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum for the purpose of i i raising sufficient money to take care of the remaining I : funeral and medical bills, and to provide scholarships for : i the children of those killed. I $ ! With the approval of the Council the Mayor proclaimed : : the week of November 19-25, 1961 as Mercy Week, and ; i Thursday, November 23, 1961, as Mercy Day. ! I 1 0 I 4 1. I I I I i Guard rails along State Beach pro2es-Q. The Rangers ' i from the State Beaches and ParEs were in to see the City : I : I. i ! I if:: :::I I::; :;I* 1:: I:;: i::; iiii ;,: : : :;:I :::I 1: I::; ;:SI ;:!I ;::: 1;;: ::;I :::I :::; :ii; Itil 1'0 11 :&I: $; 1 li I I :::: l.!t L I) e l i I 1 I I I 1 \, \., 8 '' ,. %\' I b ' '8t '\ '\ '\ 1 9 E ' '\ ",'*, 3 L I ; of \*&$?+, '\ Yp, : Member 8$9@,F$$ :""""-""""""""""""""""""""""-~"""""-""""~"""""""~""""~". 4 I '1111 i Manager and .they are going to paint the rails. I t ::p: I ::::; i Taaco station sign. The City Manager stated that it has i i;;;: i beea noted that the sign on the location of the new Texaco I ;l*ll l:jl i stajion on Elm Avenue is in violation of our sign ordinancd, :;::; !::;: t The owners will be notified that they are in violation. I :l11: I /::: I!::: I 1 '\ '. - ? .- 4 '\ 'x, ',, ', I I , t \\'"*'' I I i N a me' 'x, '&& ', \?&, 8 'P2' I I ',L,o ,9% + + I I I I 64 I( 1 I I / ~~~ATIFICATION OF BILLS AND +AYE~OLL: I I ;:::I ;:::; I I I I ::I l;:ll ;I,:: ! Ratification of the bills was given €or the general expense$ i of the city in the amount of $16,074.45, and for the Water : : Department in the amount of $15,890.61, for the period i Guevara k i :x: i October 3, 1961 to October 17, 1961, as certified by the ; La Roche l : :xi :-Director of Finance and approved by the Auditing Corn- i Sonneman ; i ;xi I mittee. : McPherson : :x :x: 1 8 IIIl i Ratification of the payroll was given for the first half of i Guevara I :x ;xi ;;:a ; October, 1961, in the amount of $14,688.35, as certified I La Roche ! ! !xi i by the Director of Finance and approved by the Auditing : Sonneman : ; :x: : Committee, i McPherson ;x! :xi : ADJOURNMENT: * ::it i By proper motion the meeting was adjourned at 10: 13 P. ~ lal! I I I I 1 I :::: I I ::I; ::I; :::: I :::: I :::; I :;SI 6 ;::I I ;::i I iii; I I :i;; 1 i::: I I ::I; I I I ::;i I::: I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I 11 \ Respectfully submitted, I I i I I 1 I 1 I I I1 k 18Ii I 1 1 1:;n I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I 1 I I :iii 4 I ::;I 1 I I ::;I I I :::I I I ::ii I I ::' 1 I I 1: I I I :;:: I I i::: I I ::ii I ;::I I ::;! I ::;i I + !:I1 t I I :: 1 :::; I :::; t I I ;:'I I 1 ,:I I I 1 ::I! I :a I I IIII I I I ;::; l:;f I :$*I 4 I :::; 1 I I :::: ;I:: I * i :::: ;::; I t i I :I I 1: I I 1 0:; I ;:Il I I l:;l I I :&I; i 1 8 :x: ::, 1 i '8lI I I I;#: t I ;It1 I I I :;t I I i:: 1 I ':: 1 ;*I 4 1:: I I ;;I' i I ;:: I 11' I 1 1:: @I,( I I i I I I 1 t I I I I I I I I I I * 1 I a .I I 4 I I t I I I 1 1 L I I I I t I I I I I I I I i I I t 1 I I I I I 1 I I I I t I I I 1 I (111 i 1 I I I I I I L I I I !**