HomeMy WebLinkAbout1961-11-21; City Council; Minutese i Minutes of: CITY COUNCIL (Regular Meeting) : b, x, -, '\ -, \,- ', \ *\'3 4 : Date of Meeting: November 21, 1961 i N a me \\, '\?&,, '\, 'yf?$ 1 Time of Meeting: 7:OO P, M. i of y4.o. ..&y,;. ' .* : )"""""""""-r- Place of Meeting: """"""""""~"""""--"~~~"""""""~~""""""""""".*~ Council Chambers : Member ~~Q,~~~ t ::;* :;I: i ROLL CALL was answered by Councilmen Guevara, :I:: : Elierce, La Roche, Sonneman and McPherson. Also 1 I ;::I i present were City Manager Slater and City Attorney Haye#, 1;s: 8 I:' I III: t :::I I ALLEGIANCE to the Flag was given. I I;': I ,,I: i INVOCATION was offered by Mayor La Roche. I 1 :I:: s 4 ;ti; t :I!: i APPROVAL OF MINUTES: ,\ 1 I 1 I 1 B I I I I I I t I * 111: l;b* (a) The minutes of the regular meeting of Novembet Bierce :x I i x: f 7, 1961, were approved as corrected, : La Roche 1 : :xi ' 4 I i Guevara : ; !x! I : COSRESPONDENCE: ! i Sonneman i !xi xi : McPherson! : :x; I t:!! ' (a) Dr. Grant Beckstrand - County Refuse Area, J i::: ;: i Letter dated November IO, 1961, addressed to the Mayor i ::I; '114 I and City Council from Grant Beckstrand, stating there : i::: ; may have been some misinformation relative to the 8 :::; I present site of the Carfsbad city dump. This more than : :::: ; three acres does belong to the city, and when it is aband- i ;:I: ; oned as a dump, he believes it is a desirable location for : :.I i ! i the establishment of a park, as previously discussed. :I81 i The Council ordered the letter filed. I!@# i Letter dated November 14, 1961, from George Carpenter,! ::j: i owner of the Daisy Donuts, stated he paid $1 1.25 for a i i::: '$1 ! business license in May of 1961, and due to the fact that : :{'I 1 f: i he was unable to operate the business, requested that the i :;;: i amount be applied towards the license fee for 1962, as he I ;::: : plans to open up his business in the early part of 1962. i ;;:: 11 i The City Attorney stated the fee cannot be refunded. The ! I::: I City Manager was instructed to write the owner and ; inform him the money cannot be transferred. I I;;@ 181: ! ::is I I 4 I ;::' ;::: 4 1 I :;:: I I * I :I:; I (b) George Carpenter - Business License fee. I :;:: I I t I 4 ::;: t ::;: I :::: I I I I i O8AL COMMUNICATIONS: . i There were no oral cornmunications. I ! I I t ti;: :::I I I ::I: 0 I ;: :: I :; I :it! I ENGINEEiUNG: I I I ti;: ((1, ! I ill: I I I (a) Petition for sewer improvements - Pi0 pic0 Dr.!, i Tamarack Avenue, Adams Street, Chinquapin Avenue and i : easements to be provided for. The City Engineer presentea i a petition signed by 31.4% of the property owners. It is i i estimated that the project will cost approximately I I i $27,824.00. It was pointed out that approximately 758' is i f along Pi0 Pic0 Drive, and the west side of pi0 Pic0 Dr. ; i is owned by the State, therefore, there would be no prope4- : ty owners participating on one side of Pi0 Pic0 Dr. The ; i City Engineer felt the City would be justified in partici- : i patii in this project. If the City did choose to participatd ; their share would be around.$2900. The estimated cost i i does not include the purchase of any easements. f t * i;:; ::if ::;; !:*I ::;: :* ::I: :!$ :;;: i!:: :::I 4:; i::; ;:;; ;i;: I**: 01, $81 IlI, I I :i; ! The City Attorney recommended that before any action : 4:; I is taken by the Council that the Health Officers Opinion i :i: :I, I be obtained as to the feasibility of this sewer project. * 4?: * ::: I I a 0 I I i By motion of the Council it was agreed that the Health : Officer's opinion be requested. 4 I f * I 1 I I I 1 I I I 8 I I * I # I I I i * :ii : Guevara I : :x I Bierce r; ;x ; La aoche ; : ;x i Sonneman ; ixix ; McPherson i : ;x I 0:: I I ::; I i:: I 1:: I ::; t a ::: * I ::: I ;I* t 1 I:: * ;:: 1 I!' I t I * I # I I '\ ' -< '.,.\,-',~ < I ',$, '5 '.9 4 i Qf ',L 0 4% .o . + $: "9 :"""""""""""""""""""""""""~"""""""""""*"~"~""~"""""""*,. ; Member *@@,-&? as. I -2- '\ ', ', I 1 ! N a me "\,$%,, '\, '$>* 1 I I # l ? i The City Attorney also recommended that a further : attempt be made to contact more of the property owners ; i to see Y they would be willing to sign the petition.. I I The Council was informed that Mr. Watson had been work; : ing on this project for several weeks. I D I I I I 1 I 1 I I I t I (b) Extension of Elm Avenue. Sometime ago the f i Council requested the Engineering DepartmenGto work i : out a route for the extension of Elm Avenue and Tamara& i Avenue. Due to other priorities they have not been able i : to devote too much time to these projects. However, a i : property owner came in for a building permit on his I I : property, which property would be within the direct line i i of the proposed extension of Elm Avenue. i The City Engineer presented a plat of the area, stating i ; they contemplated aligning the street just west of Elmwoo< i A.venue and swinging over to Oak Avenue, thereby making ; : Oak Avenue a dead end street. By this plan there would i i be only two properties t hat would actually be damaged. : : Mr. Smiley who desires a building permit at this time is I 1 willing to have the city purchase his property now, or : i otherwise he is going ahead with the improvement of the i ; property. If this happens it will certainly cost the city : i a great deal more at such time as Elm Avenue is extended! : After considerable discussion the Council requested the ! i staff to inquire of Mr. Smile? as to what he is asking for : ! his property. b $ I I I I I 1 I I :;;; :::I '?I! 1:;: ::;+ :::I :lvl 1:;; :::! I 'L :ii'r li;; :';I ::I: 1'1: it:: :::I ;p: ;;': ;:I: ;::; :!;: :;:: :::I ::p i;:; it:: ::ii :i:: ::;: ::p :;;: 1::: :::; !:'I ::!I I( #I*) 1';s I I* ::@I 1'11 :: i I NEW BUSINESS: I i I I I I I t I I (a) Documents for joint sewer bond election. The : i City Attorney informed the Council the necessary dmumeks i had been received from O'Melveny & Myers for the bond i : election in January, t I ; Mayor La Roche inquired about an article in the paper in ; i regards to Vista. The City Manager stated there were i : some members of the Town Council in Vista who wanted 'i i water reclamation facilities in connection with the sewer ; i project. This is a gigantic problem and it is his belief i t that the Board of Supervisors will call for the election as : ; scheduled. i The City Attorney stated she had received a copy of a 1 i fetter dated November 20, 1961, addressed to Governor : ; Brown from Mr. Deitz, regarding another matter, howeve$ I it did state it was the County's intention to call a special ; I election for sewer bonds in January, 1962. i The following resolution was presented for the Council's i ; review: I I I I I I I I a I I I I I I 1 t I I I I I ;;;I :;ti :::I k' t-91 :::; :::I I.: ; 1 11:: ii;i :ii: :I;: ::;: :it: ::I: ;:I' :;!I :::I ;::I ;:: ::: ::: :I: ::; 1:: ::: I;; I:: i:: ii;8 IltI 1(11 11 1. 1 I i fiesolution No. 784.. rEESOLUTION OF THE CITY j- 1:' CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFOitNLA,~ I!! ! DETERMINING THAT THE PUEZLIC MTEaEST AND ; Guevara : 1 :x :NECESSITY DEMAND THE ACQUISITION AND CON- I Bierce Li ix I STHUCTION OF A CEWAIN MUNICIPAL IMPIEOVE- : La Roche : ~X:X i MENT, AND MAKING FINDINGS RELATING THERETO, i Sonneman : : !x :was adopted by title only and further reading waived. : McPhersonI i ix I I ::: I A . 11. 0 i The following ordinance was presented €or a first reading1 I * I ! Ordinance No. 1075. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY : LIFORNIA, ORDERING, CALLING, i ! m%TD GIVING NOTICE OF A SPECIAL: I I I I t I ? I 1 I I * : I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I * I A I :i; 1:: ::; ::; ::: i:: 1:' ;L$ 1:: I:: ::; :I1 ::: ;:: !if I(* If' I ? I I I Y I 1: I "*,'\\ '\\ 'X, , -\. ',& '4 5t -1 8 ! Name '8\,y$, '8\, 8$,, I I 1 of .Q&@, .p" $?+ I i Member \&@,p\p$ !~~~""""","~"""""~"""""""~""""~""""-"--""--"--~"-"--"-"---""------- I*,! I - - - - - - - - . - - . - I !Ii: i ELECTION TO BE HELD ;IN. THE CI+Y OF CARLSBAD~ :*;; : ON THE 16th DAY OF'.JAhUARY, 1962, FOR THE I rip i PURFBSE OF SUBMI%'TfNG TO THE QUALIFIED iGuevara ; t !x: ;III : VOTERS OF SAID CI%Y A; PROP&3ITION TO INCUrZ ; Bierce ,x: ;x: i BONDED INDEBTEDNESS BY SAID CITY FOR A i La Roche ! : :x\ i CERTAIN. MUNICIPAL IMPROVEMENT, was given a I Sonneman i Ixlx i : first reading by title only. i I McPherson i : !x: I;;* t I !#I: "I; B 1 If I i The City Manager informed the Council he has a list of i i organizations in the city who are willing to serve on a ; : committee to help with the promotion of this election. i Au$horizat'ionfor County Registrar of Voters to handle [ i sewer bond election. The Council was informed the : County Registrar of'Voters is willing to handle the i election, however, it will require authorization from the i : Council. The following resolution was presented for the ! I 4 I I I I I 1 I I 'lli Illt ::;I i ; :.: 1::: !::: 'ili I 11 (tII ,(It t la :;et l::I :&I; !::: r:,:: - i Council's review: ;#I. i Resolution No. 785. A LtESOLUTION OF THE CITY ;:I1 I Guevara : ; !xi 1 F CITY OF CARLSBAD DBECTING jBierce :x\ !XI 1 %?gkN"m ?&ISTRAX OF VOTERS TO HANDLE I La Roche i t :xi I THE SEWEriE BOND ELECTION IN JANUARY, 1962, wa4 Sonneman : !x\": : adopted by title only and further reading waived. : McPherson i : :x: ! 1 I::! I I I * I I 1:;: 1 I I I I I (b) Amending the Master Street Plan. The City i : Attorney advised the Council after the hearing on the ! i amendment to the Master Street Plan she had been instrucb i ed to prepare an ordinance, however, the original Master \ ; Street Plan was adopted by resolution, therefore, it : should be amended by resolution. The following resolu- i I tion was presented for the Council's review: I I 1 I I 11ii :::: :::: !;I: ;:It :: :::: ::il 111 ))*I 1'0 I ;I b:'I .Ill i I I i::i i Resolution No. 783. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY ! Guevara ; : :xi i THE MASTER STREET PLAN, was adopted by title only I La Roche ! : :X; i and further reading waived. ; Sonneman k i !X: !'SI I t me& OF TEE CITY OF CARLSBAD AMENDING i Bierce : +;xi t I : McPherson 8 : :x: I i OLD BUSINESS: a t ;;ti I 11:; !I:! I I 11 I I 1 I I (a) Second reading of Clrdinance No. 9124, amendin4 r Ordinance No. 9060, changing certain designated property: : from Zone R-1 to Z,one R-3. The following ordinance was: i presented for a second reading: 8 I I I * i::i 1::: IIII ;I:: :::: (IIl ;:I, I;: I 1 Ordinance No. 9124. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY i Guevara : : :xi ENDING ORDINANCE NO. 9060, i Bierce F i :x: i E*&:=$:&$& DESIGNATED PROPERTY FROM i La Roche ; : :xi : ZONE R-1 TO ZONE R-3, IN THE CITY OF CAi3LS- ; Sonneman : i !xi i BAD, was adopted by title only and further reading waived; McPherson i Ix :x: :;!! ;*r I ! Ill I I 1 I (b) Second reading of Ordinance No. 6032, amendin. ! the Uniform Local Sales Tax and Use Tax ordinance. .kef i following ordinance was presented €or a second reading: i I j::; ;::: I(' *;*; 111: !I:! ! Ordinance No. 6032. AN OiEDINANCE OF THE CITY OiGuevara 1 i !X: : CAiXLSBAD TO AMEND THE UNIFORM LOCAL SALES ! Bierce F i :x/ I AND USE TAX ORDINANCE was adopted by title ody an? La Roche i i :XI I further reading waived. ; Sonneman l ; :xi 0 I 14: I I : McPherson i Ix:x I !*I i CITY ATTORNEY% REPORT: I I I ;f: I ::: I l a I Schuyier condemnation action. Condemnation proceedings 1 i have been filed, however, the parties concerned will not ; ! be served until a future date, Mr. Robert Berry of the I : County Counsel's ofi'ice wanted to be sure that action had ; i been filed and that no intervening actions were filed. i:: 11: ::: ::; ::; I ::: I ::: a ::: ::; I ::I I * ::: I I ::; I I I ::: 4 I ;:: I I I I 1 k I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I 4 i I!' \ * $ 1 I 1 -4- I : of ~""""""~""""""""""""~"""""""~.."""--""-"-----~-"------- i Member ', I I Name L t I I I B :: Drainage easement condemnation proceedings, This actiob i was filed and all parties have been served. Also she took: i the liberty of hiring the appraiser, Jerry Carll. Mr. i W-ight, owner of the property, is of the opinion the City i I I i cannot take his property. I I i The City Attorney read from a copy of a letter addressed ! f to Governor Brown from Mr. Deitz, asking that the i Governor put on the agenda for the 1962 session, a bill i : that would amend the Code by allowing sanitary districts i \ to issue bonds in excess of the present 5% bond limitation.: i The City Attorney suggested that the City of Carlsbad alsd i write a letter in favor of amending the Code. By common! : consent it was agreed that a letter be sent on behalf of : i the City of Carlsbad in favor of this amendment. I I 1 I I I I I t I I 1 CI TY IVLC1.NAGER'S TCEPORT: I I I I I I 4 I i Used car lot lease - Keenan. The lease an the City's ; property, which is now being used as a Used Car Lot, wili i expire at the end of this month. Mr. Keenan has not I I I I i indicated his intentions as yet. ! Mayor La Roche stated he felt the City should improve : i the property or sell it. It is too valuable property to : lease for $125.00 per month. : The Council was inforAmed there was a party in this last : i week inquiring about the property on a lease basis. i It was pointed out by the City Attorney this property would! : be very difficult to sell due to the water bond assessment I i on the property. 1 Plans for 101 Freeway south of the City. Mr. Dekema i : from the State Highway Department was in and gave the I i city a copy of the drawings showing the re-routing of the ; : Freeway south of the city. The Engineer will study the I i plan. i Fallout shelters. An inquiry has been made as to allowini : fallout shelters within the front yard setback area of a lot.! i The entrance is above ground and the rest of the building ; i will be under the ground. The City Manager pointed out i : this could create quite a problem. The City of Oceanside : i did allow part of the building to be built within the setback i : line. t Cwn. Sonneman stated she felt we should be very careful : i in allowing these constructions within the setback areas. i I i Mayor La Roche stated this would necessitate amending r I the ordinance in order to allow any structure within the i : setback area, and did not feel this should be done. { No action was taken at this time on the matter. I I i Also a copy of a letter has been received addressed to i : Governor Brown from Dale Austin, City Attorney for the i i City of Oceanside, regarding the use of the 191 1 Act for ; : the building of fallout shelters. i Real Estate Signs. Mayor La Roche stated he did not feel 1 ;It is practical for the City to allow real estate signs all : i over the city. It looks as if the city were for sale. If an i : individual owner wishes to put a "for sale'' sign on his : i property that is different. t 4 ; It was agreed that the staff make a study of the ordinance ; i regarding these real estate signs and make a report back I 1 I I I 1 I I I I I I 1 I I I I t I 1 I I I I I $ I I 9 I I .I I I f i I I I I s I I 1 I I I t I I I I 1 I t I I I 1 8 I I I 1 e I I 1 8 t i to the Cmmcril, I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I 1 "8,m8. '*, ","$ 9 1 '8, '4&. \, \\ '~~$~5!3~, , 8, '\%, ,e, \?dy5?.y$ \$j@,+O\. _"""""""" ;bl; ;:I:: I;:@ ::I: ::i; :::: :::: iii: ::I: :I I: :ii: !::I ::I: ::;: :;a: I 11 ItI )*I *Il1 i;:: :::; I::; :::; :::: ::;: I::: ;I:: ::i:, iir: ;;I1 11 1,;: :I;; :::: ii:: :i;; :' $*I ;:;; $89 1::; !::: 1::: ::;: :q; :::: 1;:: ii:: ;::: I::: ::;: ::;: 1::; p: lt:: ::I! i::: It:; :::: :Ill :::: :::: il:;; ;;I4 ::;: 4:; iiii :I'* 1::; ::;: f:;: ii:: 4:: I::; ;::I 1::; :::{ ;:: ;:: I:: ;I1 ::: 1:: ::f i::: :: '8, 811 :Ill :Ill ;+: 'I 18;; :I '11 :III 11 :::I Ill @I 1 I))t (11t :IIi $1 ;!I 0' i1: i -5- I I '8,, '\,-'\, '88 *'' .'\L $ I J 1 I I N a me 8, '\%, '.88'%b 1 I ; of \'+%* \,L\@8 a\,.$$ ' .*\ I i Member ,%'Q,*\y-\! :"""""""""""""""""""""""""-"-~"*""""""""-~"""""""""""- 8 I :;;; i Vacations for City Employees. Cwn! Sonn$man inquired i- :::; ; as to whether or not an amendmeht to the ordinance. had I :::I i been prepared regarding vacations for dity eknployees. ; iii; : Considerable discussion was given this matter and it was i ::'I $1:: i agreed that the City Attorney prepare an amendment to : ::*I : .the ordinance, reducing the number of days vacation I 1s:; I I'(( I allowed to city employees. I I i::: I I I :I!: i EtATIFICATION OF BILLS AND PAYROLL: I 1 :!- I I l :,:i 1::; :'I i rtatification of the bills was given for the general expense4 ;:I: I of the city in the amount of $16,585.33 and for the Water 1 Guevara :x ; !x: I Department in the amount of $?, 447.48, for the period ; Bierce ; :x$ ! November 7, 1961 to November 21, 1961, as certified by i La Roche i : !X) I the Director of Finance and approved by the Auditing : Sonneman i f ;xi ; Committee. i 1 McPherson I I !x: I: 1 i Batification of the payroll was given for the first half of i Guevara I 1 ,x: x: i November, 1961, in the amount of $14,615.74, as certi- : Bierce : ; :x: : fied by the Director of Finance and approved by the i La Roche i : :x: i Auditing Committee. : Sonneman i :: :xi I '98 B I l1 1 I I I i::: I I I i McPherson:~; :x: I I :::: I I :::: I I1Ii 1 I :::: :all I :i;: t ; $8 I :ii: I :xi I '11: 4 t i::; I ;;I1 I I 1: I :::: ! ;it; \ DeputiCity clerkAD I !I!! I l8:; 1 I ;::: :::I 1 # :;ii I ::I: I ::;: I I ;J: I I I :!;: I I * : ADJOURNMENT: i By proper motion the meeting was adjourned at 8: 25 P. M.! I I I I I I I I 1 I I I ! Respectfully submitted, t I I I I I 11 t I I &qG8 "* gEF g2&zb?u I I ;:al SI i / &AH& 1;11 I RE . AMS t I I I I I I $ I I I t I I I I I I I I * I I I I b I 1 I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I a I I I I I I I I I I I I I * J I 1 l I I 1 1 I I I I I :!I: 'I 1 I I :a:: I ::;1 I 101 I lit1 I J I 1 t I:; 1 I ::: 8 I :;; I ;:: I I ::: t i:: I I f:: I I ::: I I ::: ; I ;\: ! I :! * ::; I I \;: + *; 1 I I i;; I I ;:; It' llt I I 1': I I I;* ;I1 I I 1:: I I i:i I I :ii t I :I; 811 I I i (11 I I I Ill I It' 1 1;: I1 I 1 I I I I :I1 I I1 1 1 I l e I I I I I I I t I I I I I I + I * I 1 I I t I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I 1 Ill I' ;I, I :a; IS 1.: ;: 11 I 1 :; I 1 I: I 11 I