HomeMy WebLinkAbout1961-12-11; City Council; Minutes' I ! ',, ', *8 ', 'x '\ e n i CITY OF CARLSBAD c 4 I e',, y*., 7%. y-., 1 5 8 CITY COUNCIL (Spczial. Meeting) i i Minutes of: '., ', ', '.,'. 'L' : Date of Meeting: Gwember 1 I, 1961, ; Name '% '.+.$j' .+&, ' '\ ''7 8$>, i Time of Meeting: 8:OO A. 14. : of y&',> %?+, i_p~?*~~*_pf__M~_e_t~~~"_Cour?_c_i_i_-~~~-~~~s"____ """_ - "-"""" i : """"" Member ""-"""--"-- Q@,$$?% I ;;I-@ : ROLL CALL was answered by Councilmen Guevara, I I ::111 'I:;! : Biercc and La Soche. Councilmen Someman and 1 I :;::: : McPherson absent. Also present were City Manager i i:::; 11::; ! Slater and City Attorney Hayes. I 1'1, I I ::;;I :a1 ' i ALLEGIANCE to the Flag was given. I i :::i: * I I, :I I :::;: ! Mayor La Roche announced that the City Attorney had i ;;:I4 i requested that a Special Meeting be called for the purpose i ;is:: 1't : of accepting a Grant Deed for easements for drainage : si;:? i purposes. I :L;: I ::: ' 8 I :: I I ::;;: i The Clerk certified as to proper notice having been given I :::;I ::::: I J;4; 1 I:::: ' I :I,:: ::::I . ', ', ', '. ' '6 mi I I 1 : I I 1;: PI : to all. Council members and to the press. 4 I ;:4;: I had been received from Rildan, Inc, , granting an 85' ; easement along El Carnino Real and Vista Way in an I 8 ::::I I easterly and westerly direction. The following resolution i ;::;: ; was preseated and reviewed in full by the City Attorney : i for the Council's consideration: i Resolution No. 788. A itESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF: ,;e:: EPTING GiZANT DEED OF EASEMENT Guevara ; I xjx; : ~~k?%?b&~CINC. SUBJECT TO CERTAIN CON- i Bierce :x: :x; i ; DITIONS, was adopted. : La Roche i i ;x; I + *11:a ! A letter dated December 8, 1961, from &iiiam S. Bartrnin, ::;I: i Harry 3. L. Frank, Jr. and Bernard Citron, was present; ::pi ::;:: ! ed, stating they were the owners of an option to purchase i ::I:; i eighteen acres of land located in the City cf Oceanside, ; :;::; : California. Said h~d lies directly south' of the Vista Free: ;:I I'iI: i way, east of Jefferson Avenue, extending west to the 1 t I:;!; : property presently owned by the City of Oceanside and I :;::; { being used as a pumping station. This land is bounded ; "1:: i completely on the south by the Hosp eucalyptus grove, whith ;;;;* :is presently owned in fee by the undersigned. They have : :;4:: i paid a substantial su.m of money for this option and it is i ;I ;I' lh:: i their intention to exercise this option on or before t ;:::: I ;::,: :August 1, 1962. This option has been recorded in the i ::':: ;office of the County Recorder of San Diego County. They ; ,I:** si::; I strongly feel that the proper development of the entire i ::;:: ; area of which this land is a part could only be served by ; ;:::I I the construction, in a proper location, of a drainage 4 I :::11 I-:; I channel to serve the area and that such location should be ! ;:::: i along and immediately adjoining the Vista Freeway. I I ::::: 1::;: 1. I I'i i They further set forth in their letter that they agreed that i :~r:! :::i; :when they acquire title to the eighteen acres they will I I ii::: \grant to the City, upon the City's request and upon terms i 11 :satisfactory to the City, an irrevocable easement over : :qi; iil;; i said land for the purpose of such drainage channel, it being ::::; :understood that such easement shall be located along the : ::i;: !northerly boundary of such land and shall' extend from an i !;'t' 1,'l; :easterly to westerly direction and be of a width of approx- : 'a::: jimately one hundred feet. I I !:I:: @ * I * ::i::. ;: I The City Attorney stated she informed Mr. Bartman, Mr. i 1::: i:::: :Frank, 3r. and Mr. Bernard Citron that the City would : ;:i:i :expect them to improve this easement to the City Engineerls *I:;; +$a i:::: ;I::: 8 I i The City Attorney informed the Council a corporation deed :;:;I ::: I *S1( :;;I; I if ;': I I I t I ;a::* .. "I(; I I I !specifications, and they stated they would comply with this: :request. I '::'I IBy motion of the Council it was agreed that a letter be send '$1 ::::; 1 ::'I: :to Mr. Bartman, Mr. Frank, Jr. and Mr. Sernard Citroni :stating the offer is accepted, that the City will expect the : :1:;4 ;::I: !deed at such time as they have acquired title, and the deed! Guevara ; i $Xi I :will be recorded only when the grantors have improved : Bierce :x: :xi ; !the flood channel to the City Engineer's specifications. : , La Boche I 11 i :x: : 1 1 ::: I I * ::::: @ $ ('1 1 I :+>:: I I ; ; 1.; I ; $5: 4 I I i:$: I 0 I 1 It I 8 * 1 4 I # :I::: I OI*4 4 & 0 e l I 1 l a I I I -2- I I I ! :"""""""~"""""""""-""""""""""""- : I By proper motion the meeting was adjourned I I I 1 I Sespectfully submitted, I I I I i i gyjb&.,&& -Y7 4 ~~ F@ /;&,$A&+.,& 4,. I ItC;L$<ET E. AUAMS i FGuty' City Clerk I I I I I 1 * 1 I t I I I I I t I I I 1 t I I I I * $ I I 4 I I I I 1 1 I I I 1 I . 1 I I I I I I I 1 I i , i I 1 I I 8 I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I t I I 1 I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I i I 1 I * I I I I I I $ I t I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I 1 ! I I 8 I I I I I I 1 I I I I "."""""""+" I I at 8:lO A. 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