HomeMy WebLinkAbout1961-12-19; City Council; Minutes3 t I *, 8, .% ,-.- i .CITY. OF CARLSBAD 1 L ** '\8 x< y-bG*>,, 16 1 I Minutes .of: CITY CCjuTKIL (Regular Meeting) I \ \8 't '', ',,*8,'*8 i Date of Mee€ing: December 19 1961 h Na me "t. '\&, ', N,, '.$ \ : Time of Meeting: 7 :I?. M. I Qf '\+Q\@* ! Place of Meeting: Council Chambers : Member *.$@&\sJ.$Ji ,"""""""""" "~"""""""""""""""-"""~""""""";"""----"--"---"--l- ,d '8 ..e 8, ;'I I i ROLL CALL was answered by Councilmen Guevara, 1::; $ I;:' i Bierce, La Roche, Sonneman and McPherson. Also I t4;; : present were City Manager Slater and City Attorney Haye& ::;; I I ii{i i ALLEGWNCE to the Flag was given, 8 I :::I I * I 1::; i INVOCATION was offered by Councilman McPherson. : I I : I ii:! : APPJrtOVAL OF MINUTES: 1 I v I ::;: I I ;;;a I t. (a) The Minutes of the regular meeting of December: Guevara 8 :x: xi 1 : La Roche : : :x; t I Sonneman I i :xi I : McPherson i i :x; * 0 ::;; t (b) The Minutes of the Special meeting of December I Guevara i jx:x; I '., ', ' .. I # 1 4 I I I I I,' ' It 1:;; 4:: I ; 5, 1961, were approved as corrected. i Bierce $i ;xi I I I 4 'I I 11, 1961, were approved as submitted. ! Bierce F; :x; I : La Roche * I :y: I I Sonnernan : i , :"I : McPherson : I ,x; t :::i 1 CORitESPONDZNCE 1 :*:; t . :!?I 1 I I ; I I> I 41 I s t ,I .-" 4 .i I 1 I (a) G. P. Cheadle - re: Need for a municipally I I owned industrial area. Letter dated December 5, 1961, i i stating the purpose of his letter was tu aid in establishing ; ; the need for a municipally owned industrial area, and it \ : is his belief that a municipally owned industrial area ! i appears to be a necessity. Mr. Cheadle recommended i i that a committee be appointed to conduct a study of the : i approach used by other communities in developing indust- i I rial areas. $ I i After discussion by the Council the Mayor requested that \ ; Mr. Cheadfe be contacted and asked to attend the next : I meeting of the Council at which time consideration will be i ; given to the appointment of a committee to study this I * i matter. : I * . '.. I I I I :;!I I::; ;::: ;::; ; i :,: :::: f!!c ;::: SI ,'*I ;:;\ I' 1::; :** (I1 1:: ::; I:: ;I1 1:: '0 !¶: ii: + I I (b) Carlsbad Boat & Ski Club - re: Re uest for i i Council swic water ski-I, 196$- i Letter dated December 14,1961, requestiwp3imssion J : to conduct a public water ski show at Whitey's Landing, : ; on Sunday, January 21, 1962, between the hours of 2:OO i ! P. M. and 400 P. M. The purpose of the event is to raise ; : funds for the benefit of a water skier who is paralyzed as i ; a result of an accident on Agua Hedionda Lagoon. I ! I I I I I I:: ;:: ':: ::: ::; :;; i:: 1:: ::: ; .* s ::: I:? '11 i By motion of the Council permission was granted to the i Guevara i i ;> i Carlsbad Boat and Ski Club to conduct a public water i Bierce ki il I ski show on Sunday, January 21, 1962, subject to proper ; La Roche i i is : insurance being furnished by the Club. i Sonnernan I ; ;I .! : McPherson i :X:Y 1 I 1 * I 4 4 (e) Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce - re: Future i i City Planning. Letter data December -1981, from i ; the Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce, asking the present : i City Administrators €or help in setting forth a plan of i : cooperation and unified thinking that should result in the : i establishment of the highest standards of municipal policy.! i Mayor La Roche stated he felt this was a point welt taken. i : The Planning Commission has neglected future planning, : i It is true the members of the Planning Commission do zbQt : : have too much time to spend towards building the City. If: i there is anything the Council can do to assist in this matte3 i he felt they should do so. ! Cmn. Bierce stated he felt we should have certain goals ! i and he would be willing to serve on such a committee. 9 I I * a k I 8 I v 1 a I 1 & ! i * # e I * t ! .; : ; :. : I : .: ;' ::; t:: ::; ::: ::; ::: ::: ::; ::: :;: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::I ;I: I:; ;:; Iil L ' s. I 9 8 <I I#' 0:; 81 !e 9 I t 8' \, e. ' . I ', ', " t 4 t 4 + '*,, '*.'8*, *. '.>, 1 6 e I Name 8-,'\$$, ' '*, ''4 ' ',' '' , * 4 I -2- I I 4.' '\ '*, " 'I 8* t I I ; of ' '.?&@,+/y + \O', , *$$? ? I 0; :"""""""""""""""""""-"""""""""""""""""-~""".""""""""~- 1 Member $3@,*$' I Mayor La Boche appointed Cmn. Bieree, City Manager ! p: : Slater and himself to serve on this committee. I I i::; 14; I I :i:: 4.!I i The City Manager was instructed to advise the Chamber i i of Commerce of the Council's action. * A ? 1 i I 3 (d) John a, Keenan - re: Lease on City property. i i ! Letter frbm John €3. Keenan, 1030 Tamarack. Carlsbad. ? 1 stating his lease with the City of Carlsbad foi the pr0per-i : ty located at 675 Elm Ave. , expired December 1, 1961. i i The County of San Diego has assessed a tax upon him for : : a possessory interest in this property. There was no i I provision in the lease covering this situation and he felt : : there should be a clarification made of this problem. Th; i total tax assessed him is $182.60. Mr. Keenan requestea : this amount applied towards the unpaid balance of rent : i due the City amounting to $250.00, wlzich would leave a i ; balance of $6'1.32 that he would owe the city. I ? I ! :;:: $11 :;!; i::; :pi :a;: ': $ 2,; :::: :::; ::;I ;;I1 11;: :;;: i;;: ,,. ; i ; : ,. ? *::: :i:: ;I:# ;is: :: I v ; The City Manager informed the Council the tax was not i i against the land but for possessory use of the land. I i After consideration by the Council it was agreed that the i : City Attorney write to Mr. Keenan and explain the City's ; i position and the justification of the tax levied against him.: a * * * I ! J 1 i ORAL COMMUNICATIONS: I a i There were no oral communications. i PUBLIC HEARINGS: I I I I I 4 I I a I I I I 1 I I ! ? I (a) To consider conditional use ordinance to permit { : use of a 26' x 40' wooden buildi as a shop for maintain-: i hg, repairs and sales of motor: boats and accessories, i : for Parcel 6, Book 206, Page 11, being a portion of Tract 8 t 238, Thum Lands - Barbara Winters. d I I l a I i The Clerk certified as to proper notice having been given.! i Resolution #229 of the Planning Commission was present-: ; ed, wherein they recommended the adoption of an ordi- i i nance granting the conditional use permit. I { The Mayor cfeclared the public hearing open, and asked i : if there were any persons desiring to speak in favor of i i this conditional use, There were no persons present I : wishing to speak in favor of this conditional use permit. ; : The Mayor asked if there were any persons desiring to i i speak in opposition to the granting of the Conditional Use : t permit. There were no persons present wishing to speak: I in opposition to the granting of the conditiona~ use perdt.: I I I t * I I ! 1 i;:: ::;; ::;: :111 f't ;::: 1::: :::I ;iii t.! i::: 1'*: ;::: 1';; $II I;*? ;:I$ 1 f: :::; I!!@ ii: ::: ::: i:: I:: I:; ;I* I:! I I l e I I I I I I 1 a e ;i;; ::I: ;;ti I ;I :::: a$ I ;::: )*$I '::; lt** :'a4 l:;l ;;a' :;;a t;'a 'I:; ::;; I::: I;ls :::I ::;; 1: :*I: I? !I,! I i The Mayor declared the hearing closed at 7: 35 P. M. I 4 1 I ' i .: e ! a!!* : : :..e ::I: I 0 i The City Attorney presented the following ordinance for : the Councills consideratiom i Ordinance No. 9125. AN ORDINANCE OF THE 'CITY i -TING A SPECIAL USE PERMIT ; 206, PAGE 11, AND BEING A PORTION OF' TRACT i 238, THUM LANDS, IN THE: CITY OF CARLSBAD, : was given a first reading by the Council. : ENGINEERING: I i FOB PROPERTY DESCRIBED AS PARCEL 6, BOOK I I I I ;;:; I i::: I 4::: 1:;: & I * :::a i Gitevara : 1x1 + : Bierce :x; ; 4 i LaRoche : ; :x: 4 Smneman i i ;xi i MePherson: 1 :-x: I I;;? : !I!! 1 I I ::;I I ii:; ! (a) 192 1 Act proceedings for sewers - Pi0 Pico, 6 i Adarns, 7eiaxllarack and dhinquapin. Assessment District t ; No. 2-1961. At the previous meeting of the Council the i i City Attorney was instructed to prepare the necessary i I b b 1 8 ! e t t I I '8; i:: ;:: ';: !;t !:I i:: ;:: St' I** I;' r.: l a t I I I I t I I I I I + ! . @ I I I I I t 8 - 3- ! ; of \y<u'\ % s'.. '.0,4!!. :. :?$ :"""""""""""""""""""-"""""""""-""""""""*~"""""""""""-~" ' M&rnD&T ':o +g*':P? * '(a. ; ', %' *\ " -, *% \ ,', , ' " ! N a me '\, 'F&"\:&L I I 8 " '*, ',, '*"'+, 16 I '. '., ", y'. b 5 I ! ..". c.. ..W,k!.',u,\..gZ*i 0 1 4 I '1;; I documents to commence the proceedings €or the construc-i iir: : tion of sewers under the 19 11 Act in the area of Pi0 Pico, : :l*l i Adams, Chinquapin and Tamarack, i 3990 Highland Dr. , and Harold E. Anderson, 4000 High- : :::: I)( : land Dr., requesting they be included in the proposed ; :'I: i assessment district for sewers. The City Ehgineer state4 ;I;; 1;:: ; it was feasible to include their property in the district. i ;: l::i i By consent of the Council it was agreed that these proper-: #I : ties be included in the assessment district. :;.I 1 ; ; t ;;gi I I I :;I: i The following documents were presented for the Counciltsi ;;:: ;.I:: i consideration: I ,*I* I 3 I :;:: i; i; i Resolution No. 789. A LtESOLUTION OF THE CITY ! Guevara ; : :x: I L OF TE CITY QF CAitLSBAD APPROVING i Bierce x: :x: i PETITION, for proposed assessment District No. 2-1961,i La Roche :: :: ;xi : was adopted by title only and further reading waived. ; Sonneman l , ;xi 9 : McPherson i ix :x; t :;I1 88 i Resolution No. 790, A ,RESOLUTION OF THE CITY i ;4; : "CITY OF CARLSBAD REQUESTING I Guevara l :xixi ;:@I i OPINION OF WEALTH OFFICE&, AND DECLARfNG : Bierce ti i :x: : THE NECESSITY OF INSTALLATION OF SANITARY i La itoche : ; {x! i SEWERS, Assessment District No. 2-1961, was adopted i Sonneman ; : :x; : by title only and further reading waived. : McPherson ! i :xi t :Is1 I Resolution No. 791. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY i Guevara i : , ;xi 1;;a i COUNCIL OF THE CfTY OF CAmSBAD APPOINTING : Bierce ; :%:x; . : PERSON TO PREPARE ALL PXEEEDINGS for Assess; La Roche * 8 :xi i ment District No. 2-1961, was adopted by title only and : Someman i 4 ;x: : further reading waived. i McPherson: ; :xi *I ;::; I I ;li: i :::I i Letter dated December 1.8, 1961, from Harry 33. Vollmeri :::; I * * I I I I I t ! 4.. b & i Resolution No. 792. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY i t UNCIL OF THE UTY OF CARLSBAD APPOINTING : ;;:: t;;1 ::;: !I*! t PEHSON TO ACT AS ENGINEE~~ OF wolm, DESIGNA$- i ING ENGINEER OF WORK AS THE PERSON RESPON- i "I( ::;: i SIBLE FOR PfiEPARATION OF THE ENGINEERING I :::; : DOCUMENTS, ASSESSMENT DIAGRAMS, ASSESSMENT i i::: ;:** i ROLL AND WARRANT; DESIGNATING THE ENGINEER: ::;; *:' ; OF WORK TO SUPERVISE ALL W0iEK;'APPOfNTING i Guevara i i !x: 1 ; ENGINEER OF WORK AS THE SUPEftl[NTENDENT OF : Bierce i : :Xi ; S STREETS AND FIXING COMPENSATION FOR SERVICE$- Rode : : !X: ~ i for Assessment District No. 2-1961, was adopted by title : Sonneman p i ;xi ; ; only and further readiag waived. I McPhereon; {x :x: ~ 'si; ! I @I.! I I Resolution NO. 793. A RESOLUTION OF THE ~TY t i - CITY OF CARLSBAD DlBECTIMO : Guevara #~i !x :;; : PREPARATION OF PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS ApaOi Bierce : ;x+ i DESIGNATING €CNGZNI?Zlt TO P8EPABE PLANS, for : La Roche : i :x i Assessment District No. 2-196f, was adopted by title i Sonneman i i :X i cm~y and further rea= wdved : McPher80ni : :r t "We ?@& A BBSOLlRS3UN OF T8E CZ%T i [ mINc OF HEALTH OFFICER, AND : dwtrarr : ! !X : ORDERING OPINION OF HEALTH OFFICER SPREAD i Bier- : UPON TIKE "TES, for Assessment District No. 2- : La Roche I i ;a ! 1961, Was adopted bytfUe only and further rdug I Sorrnernaa sa: ia :ti 0 ':: ;+s CITY OF CARLSBAD, APPRO- i !!I ** ; ; ill 1 Wahd. $ McPherson : :x; a 1 ! !#I I i 8 I :i I * :: I :! * a w :r ! :: : :; 1 ,I 'I 8 1' :t 1 !I i e i:::1 .I ti::' i The Council was informed the opinion from the ffealth i : Officer had been read at the previous meeting and spreac) i B :: in fu upon the minutes of &ceder 5, 1961. e I ;;*:: I ;I *!': 8 ::,: I ! #:!I 1 I I I I I I I I I I 8 I I I ! (b) Accepting the work on Calavera, Hillside and i Park Drive water main mortar fining ana payment to 1 %Iood-Mansur Co. A memorandum from the City hBgimd was read, wherein he advised the Council the contractor i had performed his work diligently and had. been .most t I 4 I & I I I t , I , t I ! ;i:' s;': :a:: ;:I: ;::; :;;I :::;. ::;; ::;* *I1 i:;; 1: !a*! 0 I * I I -- f I I' * '8 '.8 ' -*8 -8, 88 I '.* b8'*,, *,,'\;.8 1 6 ; I I i N a me 'st. *,%, 8. '.&8 I ; of '.+*x$, '*, ?% ! ,,*g&+,;% ~""""""""""""~"""~"--""-~"""""""""-""""~"""!""""""""."~""~~ : Member ',o$..pbe- I 88 8, '%\,, 8,8 8S,8bb * I 1 I i cooperative during the construction of the work. The I I : final payment to the contractor is $13,719.37, however, i i ten percent of this will be retained for 35 days, in accord; ; ance with the terms of the contract. I I * I ;:si :;i: ::': ;::: :::: ::Ji :111 ,:!I i By motion of the Council the work on Calavera, Hillside i Guevara ; !xi 5 i and Park Drive water main lining was accepted, and i Bierce !xi :x: ; payment in the amount of $12,347.43 was authorized. i La Roche : ; ; $ I"1 I I I I : Sonneman i I 13 I I i McPhersoni I ; xi ! s 4 'I!, I I I (c) Relocation of sidewalk, curb and gutter on the i i east side of Jefferson between Pine Avenue and Oak Ave, i ; The City Engineer presented a cost estimate for sidewalk: i curb and gutter relocation on the east side of Jefferson f : between Pine Avenue and Oak Avenue. The Engineer stat4d i that Mr. Bigley has just constructed apartments and is in: ! the process of constructing curb, gutter and sidewalks. ; i It was the intent of the Engineering Department that the i i sidewalk on his property would be located 6'' from the ; : property line; however, by locating the sidewalk at this i : point it wolud not align with the sidewalk as presently : i constructed along lots 78 8, 9 and 10 to the south. i Mr. Gaus and Mr. Zahn, owners of Lots 7, 8, 9 and 10 i : were present. Mr. Gaus asked that the sidewalk be re- : i located and that he be given a letter from the Union Churcb, ; who owns property southerly of his property, stating that : i at some future date they would realign the existing curb i : in front of their property to conform with the curb line ; I as it presently exists. I In order to keep from having a reverse curve where the i : sidewalks would join, Mr. Zahn stated he thought it I i would be simplier if Mr. Bigley were allowed to construcj i the sidewalk 2? from the property line in order to bring ; : the sidewalks into alignment. I I * I I I I t I I I I I I I ! 1 b 1i;s ii:: ;;:: I !,; 1 :; :::; I: : ; ;.: i::; l1 1::: :;:: 11;; :::: :a11 ;;'i 1::: i::: I .$ ! ! I .i 2- : # :'..' I '1;: ::;; :::; :::I :I;: ;:I: I;;I ; 1 :1. : 1::; :::: ;I;' 111: '1s: :I:: ::I: ::;; : I.; 1 ::;: !I,! : After considerable discussion it was agreed that the City i I Manager inform Mr. Bigley that he was to construct the : : sidewalk 2' from the property line in place of the 6" as i I shown on the Engineer's plan in order to align the sidewal:. I 6 ! :ai; :i:: 41;; :I:: i:;: 1:;: It :!SI (d) S andrels. The City Ehgineer has requested that! ;x: j the Engibpartment be authorized to expend fundsf Guevara ; :xi 5 )()I ; for spandrels where necessary, without having to appear I Bierce i : :x: : before the Council each time. By motion of the Council ; La Roche ; I i XI I the Ehgineering Department was authorized to expend I Sonneman !xi :X: : funds for spandrels where necessary. ; McPherson: : i xi ! :!I: I *I* I I t (e) Approval of final map of Valley Manor, A I I memorandum from the Assistant City Engineer to the Citd ! Engineer dated December 19, 1961, stated the subdivider: i has requested that the final map of subject subdivision be i i cons,idered for approval by the City Council at their rep: ; lar meeting this evening. Since the map was received onlk 1 two and one-hlf days prior to this meeting, he recornmead- ; ed that if the Council so desires to appove subject map J i that it be subject to certain conditions and requirements, ; ; which includes an agreement being entered into with the i i Carlsbad Union School District. I I I I -1 ;;:; :a;: ': I I :::I :it: ::;; if:; ;::; ::; ::: ::; ::: ::; i:: .. 11 11 $1, 0 i After due consideration by the Council, by motion of the i Guevara ; : : X ; Council the Final Map of Valley Manor was approved, : Bierce !Xi ;x i subject to the conditions and restrictions set forth in the i La hche ; :X: X I memorandum from the Assistant Engineer dated December Someman : ; ; ; 19, 1961. i McPherson: ' I ! I.' ,I t ::: r?* i NEW BUSINESS: I I I I I I a (a) Authorization for the expenditure of necessary i I t I I a "- - I I 1 b I 1 r * ;;: r:: ;a? ;:I 1:: 1:: 1:: :*I a$* 481 *!I 7 t I ',, ', .% ', 'x -8 I I 8, '\ '8, '\, '\,", * *_ i I '8, 'x ', \ , ' I ; *f -,+'\o; , ~"""""""""~""~""~"""~""~~~""~""""--"-"---""""-~---------"----------"~-" a,. t t I I '\ '\ '8 ', '\,'b8 164 I I Name \.,'x%, \\\ , '.& ,:$, I +$&, &;qJ 1 " \ k t I : Member ,a'@\p'g 4 t I B: I :iii :::: i::: : funds for the conduction of a Special election on 3anuarLI *OL i '16, 1962. The City Manager requested authorization : ! from the Council for the exRenditure of necessarv funds f Guevara ! : :x: i f:or :the conduction of a Sp&ial election on JanuaEy 16, i Bierce 1 :x: x; i 1962. By motion of the Council authorization was given i La Roche i i :xi i for the expenditure of necessary funds for the special ; Sonneman ;x i : x: i election to be held January 16, 1962. i McPherson: ; \x: I I I I;': I (b) Lease on Reissner property. The lease with 1 i:;; ! Mr. Reissner for the parking lot located on State Street ! a::; i expired on November 30, 1961. In meeting with the ; ;'I; I merchants they agreed to contribute $70.00 for one month! !:I: : if the City would contribute the $30.00 they had been pay- ; I**: 1: ;,: t ing to Mr, Reissner. At the previous meeting the CounciC ; -;; ,.I i *; I indicated they would be willing to pay this amount. The i I.::;* 8.. S' 1' ; , I matter of insurance was discussed, and it was felt that if i I: ;I ; I : the City would enter into an agreement with Mr. Reissner: :::; i for the one month period it would be less costly, due to i Guevara 8 I ; x;. ::;: *I ; the fact the insurance for one month would cost the mer- ! Bierce !xi ;x: I chants considerable amount. By motion of the Council . La Roche i : ! x: : authorization was given for the Mayor to execute the leas4 Sonneman : :xi x\ i on behalf of the City of Carlsbad. : McPhersoni : I. ; x; ;&I I I I 41 I 11) 4 I I I I I I (c) Setting the fees for election officials for the I i special election to be held January 16, 1962, The County j i Registrar of Voters has requested the Council adopt a i ; resolution setting the fees for the election officials for ; I the special election. The City Attorney presented the i t following resolution for the Council's consideration: I I I I I ;iil ,:I! :I:: ;::: 4:; I:;; :::I i::; I::' t! 1111 11; I t i Resolution No. 796. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY I i::: i CO~CIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA; k:~I 1 SETTING FEES FOR ELECTION OFFICEPES AND i;:; : Guevara l :x !x\ i RENTAL OF POLLING PLACES FOG A SPECIAL : Bierce j,; ;x: : ELECTION TO BE HELD IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD~ La Roche i : :X! i ON THE 16th DAY OF JANUARY, 1962, was adopted i Sonneman : i !x: : by title only and further reading waived. : Mc?herson I 1 ;x! ! ! 11:; .I I ,!*f I I I 8 (dl City prisoners at County Honor Camps. The I i Board of Supervisors have requested that the City Council: i adopt a resolution desiring prisoners of Carlsbad who are: ; cared for at the County honor camps for 90 days or more, i ; be maintained at that camp at no charge to the city. Pre-! I viously the City paid SO$ per day and this will &wwlhe I i abolished. The following resolution was presented for the! : Council's consideration: I I I 1 ;'I; I::: ;ii: i::: 411: ,Ill 1::: :'*I 1;*1 :;I> :::: :;' !It! 11 11 I I I Resolution No. 797. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY i Guevara : !x :x; ;ti; i COUNCIL QF THEE CITY OF CALELSBAD, REGARDING i Bierce i i ;x; I CITY PRISONERS AT COUNTY BONOK CAMPS, was i La Roche : ; !x: i adopted by title only and further reading waived. : Sonneman i xi :xi I I I I McPherson; ; :xi 6s. * I i OLD BUSINESS: I ; I 1 I I I I + (a) Ordinance No. 1076 - amending Ordinance H1005 i i changing number of days vacation allowed city employees. i ! The City Attorney stated she had prepared this ordinance : \ in accordance with the Council's instructions at the last i I meeting of the Council. I I ! Cmn. Bierce asked the City Attorney if there was anythind i in the Government Code that states how many days an I I i employee should be allowed. ; The City Attorney stated there is a provision in the Code i i that provides 15 calendar days each year for police, and i : she was sure it also included the Fire Department employ: I ees. I I- I k I @I I 1 I a I i I li;a i::; ::;: 1: ii;; ::;; i::: It* ;I*: I;;, !; 1:' Ill, !!a, .a :;:; I;:: ::I: iii: it:; It :::1 ::I; :' *I '),I l:@l *,!I ! The City Manager presented a letter from the City Engine& I I 8 I I 1 t t r I :i;i 1's 1:: ::; ::: !I, I I I .a i : ,: ! ! I ! !. I -- z I I 4 I 4 ',, \,,'.. , \ ' I 1 \, , ' '. '+, I g \.+ 0'. ' ':{ -, -\ % e .. P t , '., 'x, '\ t I ',, ', 8, '\ '8\"\, I I : E a me '., '\?& '8, '*Z+A I I \?&->,;$,<; I : of I i Member I""""""""""""""""""~"""""-"""""""""-""""""""""""""""- ,Q *,O \+-P'k I I I ;::i rn I I i and the Assistaht Engineer, requesting that a committee i : be appointed from members of the Council to meet with ; i a committee of the employees to discuss certain matters i : pertaining to vacations, etc. J : The Mayor stated he was in agreementwith this request, ; i The City Manager requested that he be on the committee. i : The Mayor appointed Cmn. Bierce, Cmn. McPherson : i and the City Manager to the committee to meet with the I i employees committee. .I I I I I 8 I I t I :;#I l!Il ;I!; IiiI Is?; i::: ;::: l!!l -1 *"I I:'1 :;&I pi; 4:; :;ir ::I: I::! IJ 11 1 11 I I I I *I .i : By motion of the Council it was agreed that ordinance f Guevara : : : x: i No. 1076 be tabled at the present time until the commit- ! Bierce : ; :x:, I tee makes a report back to the Council. : La Roche I : ;x; ;::I 1 i Sonnernm :xi i x: * i McPherson i :x: xi I $ I I I l:;b I i CITY ATTQRNEY'S REPORT: ,- I I J 8 ti;& 8 I*;: I ;:I: ? ,!+I - 1 Condemnation suit for drainage easements - Wight Prope4ty. :::; : The City Attorney reported to the Council the hearizg had ; :;'I 'I i been completed today and the Judge will render his opiniola : at a later date. She stated she wished to thank all the i ::I: It:; i members of the Council and the employees who were pre-i :;;; ; sent to give testimony. I I :;:; 8 I ;I .Ill :::J I? * $ I i San Luis Rey water suit. The City Attorney stated she i ; findings of the suit, and assured her they would be com- ; i pleted within the next three weeks. I I Sign Ordinance. The Council was informed the City I 1 : Attorney was unable to prepare this ordinance due to the i i condemnation suit, but would try and have the amendment i : prepared for the next meeting. Additional discussion was: i given this matter as to certain restrictions being made as! : to placement of signs, i, e. , prohibiting all signs pertain-: i ing to real estate being placed on property, limitation of I : directional signs, etc. Cmn. Bierce stated he has felt 1 i for some time that the sign ordinance needed to be over- i i hauled. I * I I had met with Mr. Engstrand and he is working on the i 4 I I I I I I I ! 1.1.' II , ,' .:,; I $. : ; 1.1 8 1 ..' i i ; : ;I:: *!I: I;.?* :'I : t 1::: It ;: ::I: ;I:: ;;'I ::I: 11: :::I :::I ii': I :$ *;a; :::; 11 1:: :I!: .. la #!!I ,It1 i Cmn. Bierce asked if there is any way that the Calaveras I I Lake property could be annexed to the City even though ; i it is not contiguous to the City. The City Attorney in- ! : formed the Council where the City owns property there is : i a means whereby it can be annexed. The Council request$ : ed this matter be given priority, I I I I I I I CITY MANAGER'S REPOIET: I I I I I 1 : Formation of sewer committee for sewer bond election. i i There was a meeting last Wednesday in regards to the i : formation of a sewer committee to work on the sewer I i bond election. There will be another meeting next i Thursday. Also the City Manager contacted Mr. Purcell,! ; representative cif the firm of Bussell Pierce & Co., who i i gave him a great deal of valuable information as to how : ; to proceed in getting the proper information to the voters.! I Mr. Purcell will be present at the next meeting of the ! : committee. : Christmas Tree. Some thought has been given to re- I designing the intgrsection of State Street and Carfsbad : : Blvd., in order that north bound traffic will be able to I i enter State Street and to do away with the present hazard-: : ous intersection. Mr. Jones from the Cove PTursery was i I not too enthusiastic sbout planting the tree at this loca+.iioni ; due to the probability of redesigning the intersection and : ! the fact the property could be sold at any time. I 1 1 I * I -1 I I I I L I I D I I I I I I 1 I I 1 I I ! I x '.t *I !:l# ;;:: 81 1: +: 1l;I ::I: :::: :I:: I,!I I;;I !SI! :::: ;*a; :::I ;::: It 1;:: :;:; 11;; ::;I :'a; l:fI i::: 1:;: ::;: :;I: ::;: :j:: 1: :;:: I;:: :;:: ::I: 1::: I:;: p:; :I:: I::: ;I:; ,:.;I 1!!1 11 ;I It I:$\ I I I I t I :ii; I 4 :::: I 1 ...' . Y :tl; -7 * I *8,*\h'* * 88 t8 ' 8, '8 'C ' . I s '8 '8, ', '+ '1 # I * I '8 s ' \8 '8 ' 88 "\"\ LGI 1 I- I -I. I '8 8, '8 ' ' '8 I I i Name \. \?+ '8\8';'s. I '*$ ,O', 88 8*, I I I Of 8?$@, a\,$% :""-"""""""""""""""""""-"""""""-""""""""~"""""""""~~~"~-~ 1 Member $'Q?,*d.$ e... B i I 8 I I I I I I * * I I I I I 1 I I 1 Christmas party - Fire Department. The City Manager I Informed the Council the Fire Department has requested : that the City participate in the annual Christmas party { held each year by the Fire Department for the children i by contributing $100.00 for candy for this year's party. : By common consent of the Council it was agreed that the i City contribute $100.00 for candy for this year's party. ; I 1-11 ;;ai l*f:l I:;* i::: ;::: 1.:; 1 :::I 881: i::: I::: L!! I '1 I I I- I The Mayor stated he hoped ail the members of the Council i would take time to view the Christmas scene that has beer) ; created by the Fire Department. I i::: &:;I : Lease of City property. The Council was informed by the i :::i i Elm Avenue; however, he received a call today that nego< i tiations had not been consummated. I iiii I Wren property. A meeting was held between the Council i :::: i 5ornmittee and thewrens in regards to the purchase of i :I 1:;;. : was a little difficult at this time to make any negotiations.: ::;I I However, the Wrens were informed by the committee the i ::I; i Council in regards to future recreational and civic im- i : provements to be submitted to the electorate. I ::ii ;:i: 4l: :::; I I I :If: i City Manager he had hoped to have a letter for this meet-! ::;; i ing regarding the leasing of the city owned property on ; l;*l ::ii I I I::! : their property, and they were informed that due to the ; ;;'I ;; :': i committee would be making recommendations to the I ::;: I :;:: 11 I I i:: 4:: i RATIFICATION OF BILLS AND PAYROLL: :@I: I I :::; 1::: ::;; I I I I I' i I requirements by which the City can purchase property it i ::;a 11 I I I I 1 I ! Ratification of the bills was given for the general expensek ; of the City in the amount of $26,724.63, and for the Watet Guevara !xi i x: : Department in the amount of $8 , 099.03 €or the period ; Bier ce : 1 :x:+ I December 5, 1961 to December 19, 1961, as certified by I La Roche : i i & i the Director of Finance and approved by the Auditing Cod- Sonneman : : : 4 : mittee. i McPhersonI : : % I * 1 l!?l ! Ratification of the payroll was given for the first half of i December, 1961, in the amount of $14,695.90, as certi- : fied by the Director of Finance and approved by the i Auditing Committee. I I I I I : ADJOURNMENT: 1 * I I I s 1 I I I I I ! * I I 1 I i By proper motion the meeting was adjourned at 9:40 P. M.! i Etespectfully submitted, I 1 I I I 1 I I I I I ? r I I I I i Deputy City Clerk 1 8 I t I . e I t I I I I I I Dj k I 6 I I I i I 1 * I I I I 4 I I 1 I I I ! .!'4 Guevara ; !xi i Bierce l : I I :I La Roche : ; i x Sonneman f : ; 4 McPhersonixi : ;16 :!!: i4 ;;:; ,!I1 j::: *!!I *;'I i;:: I!:: i;;; :!!I I I I I I I I I 1 t I I I I I I I I 1 I I % t I I + I 1 I * I I 1 I 8 l a I I 4 I 4 I I I * I & * 4 I I I i I I I I I I I :::I ::;: :::: ::;: i:;: :;I: :::: **I 1;;; ::;I 11:: $I1 :;I: 18:: :i;; i::; :!;; ;::; ;\i: i::i 1::; i::: I:;, ;#I: *::; ::;I ::;: I:;: ;:;: 11 I' 18;; ,I:: :I 11 8 !;I: r!!~