HomeMy WebLinkAbout1962-02-06; City Council; Minutesr I , I, ,- s .. t I ,, .(\ '. ' ' 8 i CITY OF CARLSBAD I I '. ",", $ ', '.,'b,, X8 , ', 'b I12 i mnutes of: CITY COUNCIL (Regular Meeting$ i ', b, ' 8, '\, ', '\-** ; Date of Meeting: February 6, 1962 ; Name ', st!& .'\,% ; Time of Meeting: ROO P. M- ; at '*&$.'\ \th 4 '*?)L' dy.+ ;%& : lr"~rr"""~"~"" Place of Meeting: ~""""""""""""r-r-~.r"""""."~~*""-~---~-"-"--"-""--- Council Chambers : Member '9989'e ""'I-". #' .: ROLL CALL '.was answcrsd by Councilmen Guevara, ,Il;I t I;'#: i Biekce, La Roche, I. Sonneman and McPherson, Also .4 ;;:;; ! present were City &Imager Slater and City Attorney Elaye& :;:" I;'*; I ALLEGIANCE to the Flag was givenr ;*I;# 1 I::@: I INVOCATION was offered by Councilwoman Sonneman. ; :;::a #I $1 t Is ; +.: : APPRCWAL OF MSNUTES * I i:;,: ::I:; 'r 1962, were approved as submitted, : Bierce )L; :x; I I I I $ i;p; I t ?,::: I {I;;; ;{l'l I:@ I {a) Minutes of the regular meeting of January 16, i Guevara : : !XI : I I ~a aoche ; ; !XI ; I : Someman * 3x:x: i t 1 I I 4 I I I I 1 + I I I _I I 1 I l I I { i McPhersonf i !x{ : I I i La Roche * : :xi : I I i Sonnernan I I {x: i I I ; McPherson i i :XI : I I I "1:; ii;;; # (a) K. E. Ebright re: Waiving of sewer fee. Letter r {!\:: 5 $1; I (b) Minutes of the regular adjourned meeting ,of 4 :.:. @ I i Guevara : :x ;x! ; i January 238 1962, were approved as corrected. i Bierce j,: ;x: i t 4 I 4 ::p: i CORRESFQNDENCE: I :;;:: I I 1 i dated January 3% 1962, from Xarco, by K.=brOght, i ;Id: : requesting the waiver of the $4.00 per foot sewer fee for ; I#' i property located on Buena Place. Earco installed, paid i ; for, and dedicated this sewer and other iniprovements to : I the City in 1958 as part of their Buena Vista Terrace I I i::;: : Subdivision. A refund agreement was not entered into at i :;!;: : that time, but an arrangement was made whereby a narro; :::;: I strip of property along the north curb of Buena Place was ; I ::I;: : deeded to Earco so as to prevent connections being made i ;::I: ; to the sewer unless Earco was reilnbursed for their in- ; :: i vestment. Earco is now purchasing the remaining proper: : ty in question and wish to use the sewers that were in- 4 8 I:::, i stalled without further cost to them, I '1; i The City Attorney was asked her opinion in this matter, I ;l:ll i and she stated she felt it would be equitable in thi.s instanGp. /*:; ; By motion of the Council it'was agreed that the request be i Guevara i ;x: x: i 1t;;l i granted as to the waiver of the $4.00 per front foot sewer ; Bierce p ; !xi ; :::;I 4:i;: :::;: ).I I'lii ;:::: t l ::;;: 4 i a i':::: ;:::: I I I :I::; : cost. : La Roche i : :x; i I I i Someman 4 : :xi ; I I t McPhersoni i ;x! ; I !'~l: I (b) O'Melveny & Myers re: Eknp1oyrnen.l: of firm for i ;::I ;L *:: i bond sale. Letter dated January 26, 1962, from the firm I ;:: ;: : of O'Melveny &Z Myers, Attorneys at Law, stating they i ,*,e: i had been advised that the City desires to employ their ; ;:::: i firm to render legal services in connection with the issu- ; ::::; :I:;, : ance ancl safe of $2,lX?,OOO &ewer bonds. They stated thiy I:*+: :;::: i would be pleased to accept such employment, The letter i I ;I : set forth their fees in connection with the canvas8 of the t ::/: 1:;:: I election returns, the sale of the bonds. The City Attorned ::::; : Stated she had read the letter and.it was her opinion their : Guevara I :x:xi : ;*,'I i fee was standard practice, By motion of the Council the i Bierce k i. !x: i : firm of OIMelveny & Myers was employed in accordance : La Roche ; : :x! I i with the terms set forth in their letter dated January 26, i Someman : I :x: ; : 1962. : McPherson : : :xi : I b ::a#: 4 (c) 5. M. Morton re: Claim for damage to vehicle. i :*::I ;!!;{ i Letter dated January 23, 1962 from Service &me bur- i !;!!; i ance Company, giving notice of claim against the City of : ;:PI ! Carlsbad for damages to a vehicle owned by their policy i :::it * ! holder 3. M. Morton in the amount of $208.28, was pre- : Guevara ; I' ;xi4 ; i sented, caused by the negligence of the Carlsbad fire i Bierce f ';;x: : department, which occurred on October 16, 1961. By ; La Roche * : ; $ ; I motion of the Council the claim was denied and ordered ; Sonneman {xi : x; ; ; referred to the City's insurance carrier. ; McPhersoni .; :X: I' l;Ib !!l!I "*:; I 1 I I b '1 I 1 I 1 I ! * I -. 4 b I I I t \.. I .*' '\,", ' , t' , \ I 6 I '\, ', ',, ', ',,'\' I \\ ', ', '\ 1: I -2 - I 8, '\ ', 8 ' '*,", , , I : ~ame \, '\$& ',, %%, i """" * ""_ * _""_ * """_"""_""""""""""~ - """" """~"~(""-""~-""*--~--~--~-" 8 I :ii:: t ;;I;: I 8 I i i Member of ', .,c$&$%& +',O', @$@.*4~ ,d I I I ;ll;I 1 (d) Carlsbad Boat & Ski Club re: Cburicil sanction : I of Winter Open Water, Ski Tournament. Letter dated I I:: :: : &m.~ary 2*f, 1962, from the Carlsbad Boat & Ski Club, 1 I :;:I 11; i requesting permission to conduct a water ski tournament i ::I ;: : on the week end of February 24th and 25th, 1962. The : ::::; 8: i tournament will carry a national sanction from the I i America Water Ski Association. I i'4 ay;i i It was the general feeling of the Council this sanction I I 'I : should be granted even though 90 days notice had not been I i given, as this type of event greatly advertises the City of i Guevara i ' I ' :xi ; : Carlsbad. By motion of the Council permission was ; Bierce 7: !xi i i granted to the Carlsbad Boat and Ski Club to conduct a : La Roche ; : :x: i I water ski tournament on the week end of February 24th i Sonneman ; \ :xi ; i and 25th, 1962. : McPhersoni jx:x: : I I I I I,::: I (e) City of National City re: Request to adopt a I :;::; ::;I; i %solution regarding tax statements. Letter dated I ;i::: I1 i January 22, 1962, from the City of National City, in whick :,::I : there was attached a certified copy of a resolution adopted: ; i,! i i i by the City of National City, requesting the City of Carlsbkd 1114 i to adopt a similar resolution regarding the revised form : ::;I: ::::I *I ; of information to each property owner. After considera- I i:::: i tion by the Council the following resolution was presented:! 11::: I I 4 ii;:: i Resolution No. 802. RESOLUTION OF THE CITY i Guevara t : :xi ; ;I/: I UNC3L OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD SEGARDING 'i Bierce : :x jx: i i TAX STATEMENTS was adopted by title only and further : La Roche :I : : :xi : : reading waived. i Sonneman :xi :xi I I : McPherson ! I :x; I I I :;;:: 8 (f) Richard E. Geyer re: Request for refund agree- i ::::: : ment on water extension line. Letter dated January 22, ; I:;:: I rom Richard E. Geyer, stating a water line exten- : :::I: I t::t :as recently been completed in front of property i ;*I 11:: i designated as 1620 and 1630 Basswood Avenue, He re- : :;iI: ::i:i I quested that a mutual refund agreement between the propet- : ty owners be initiated by the City. The property owners I ::I:; : given were Anne and Richard E, Geyer and Barbara J. an4 4:!:: :a;:: i George V. Watson. I I ::::: I I ~:l:l i The City Attorney recommended the matter be referred I :;i;: ; to the City Fhgineer and City Attorney to see if a refund i :::;: i agreement is permissible. 8 I :of 1'4; I I 1 I :i::: I (9) Petition re: Repainting of street center lines. : ' :'I ::I:: : Letter in the form of a petition dated January 29, 1962 I ::::: i signed by 18 property owners, was presented, wherein : ::a:: : they requested that the white lines on Carlsbad Blvd. and i lt::l ;:::: i Garfield Street have immediate attention as they are badly: ;:::: i obliterated and not visible at all on foggy nights. After : Guevara : : :xi ; Ia'l; I agreed that the City Engineer be requested to make a ; La Roche I : :xi i :' survey of the streets that need relining and that the strip-: Sonneman !xi ;x: I i ing on those streets be taken care of. ; McPherson: : ;x! : : Discussion was given as to the city having proper equip- I ii::: i ment to line the streets. It was pointed out this Is being i ::i:i i done by hand at the present time. The Mayor suggested : ;I,,, : that Oceanside be contacted as to the rental of their equip: I ;:; i ment if they have proper equipment. A suggestion was : a:l'l ::I:: : also made as to the city purchasing their own equipment. I :!I:$ :(I I The City Manager stated he would check 2s to the cost of ; ;:I:! t' : the equipment. I I I;':: 1 I Oleandereebruarj :::I: , from Alfred N. Verner, requesting permission ; i to plant a row of Oleander bushes in the parkway directly : : across from his residence, 2510 Pi0 Pic0 Drive. It is i :;::; i his understanding from the City Manager that it has been : I I !Il!I ! I I 6 :fI:: I I I I :i::: 1; ;:::I Id:: I I I I I I I *I I 1 III I I I *I +I' : discussion by the Council, by motion of the Council it was i Bierce ~ t I .' ;x:q l 1 : I 1 I 1 ::p: :i::: I I t 8 J:::: 8 (h) Alfred N. Verner re: Permission to plant I I ::!:' /I$ l 1, 1962 1:::: i:::: 1;;:: :*I:; ;:: I I I t * ,I$: 1:;:: t I t t , %8,* \*' 1 8, '.,'\, '\ '\ '' I ', ,, 3, 8, '\ '8 L 4 1 8, , 9 '% '8 " 1' t I Name \'=',@, '\ 8 'd I .. 3 .. 1 , *8 '8, '8 ', '8 I t ; of *,+ .?&%,,.\,&%+ 0, '* %8 t : Member 8S@.+p,d f"""""""""""""""---""""""""-"""""~""""""";""~~""""""~""~"~~ t I i::;: i a city policy not to perm?.t p=oprriy owners to plmt shrub$, ;:::: i e-tc., in the parkway paralleling the 2reesvq. Tlx weeds ! l;:l: : haw overtaken the ice plant. + ;;:!! 11 i Mr. Verner was present and stated the ice plant bad died i ;:: ; and there was nothing but weeds. He and Mrs. Verner i ::I:; ::: : are willing to plant the area and maintain and water it, ; :I,:: ;:I:: i as it is their thought it would block some of the dust and i ;;!:; I noise. The ice plant along the Pi0 Pica Dr. south of * I *a;:: ;:#;I i Las Flares is very nice. 4 6 ::::: I I I::*: I Cmn. McPherson stated he thought the City Manager I I iq: i should be in charge of such matters and not the Council. i x@#:: ::;I; 8 I:::; i Cmn, McPherson was informed that the letter was addresb- 1;':: ; ed to the Council is the reason for it being on the Agenda. i ::!E* /I:: I t I 1)) ;: i The City Manager informed the Council the City forces i ;::/ :::I: i could plant ice plant in tkis area if it would be agreeable : ;;I:; : with Mr. Verner. Mr. Vepner stated this would be agree: ;;I:1 88; i able with him. I I i!b:; I I I I 3:::; i ORAL COMMUNICATIONS 4 t i:::: I .I;::: I I :$: i Ma. MATHEW JARVIE stated there has been a sign i iq:; : placed at Adams and Tamarack Avenue, which has created ::I:: i a blind spot. He did not know who was in charge of such : 1:::: :1*1, : matters, but something should be done, * I ::i;: I t ;:I,# 1. I :::;i ; The Mayor suggested that the Police Department make a i ::::; i check as to whether or not the sign is creating a traffic i ;::;: i hazard. 6 I ;:::i i L ;::', I Cmn. McPherson suggested that the "For Sale" sign on ! ;::ii : the Vaughn property be taken down since the property has i ;:::; I been purchased by the City. I qi:: t :,':: I I ::p: i Miits. BARBAM LANG =YES, City Attorney, stated i I::;: : she would like to make a citizens complaint. There have i ::::I ;:::: I been two accidents within the last 6 moaths at the corner : ;:::: : of Magnolia Avenue and Highland Drive, and she would i ::::: i like to request that a stop sign be placed at this intersec- ; ::I;; ; tion, I I $1 t:;:: I I:: j: ! The City Manager stated he has received a memorandum i *:I 1:: i from the Police Department on this matter and he has : ::;ii : referred the matter to the Engineering Department. :e1 I 1 JiIii ! MR. FOX, 4215 Harrison, asked if any information had i ,*!;e ::I;: i been received on his request regarding the purchase Gf : ;:;" 1: : the patrol boat. 5 I :::;; I I I :i:{; I The City Manager informed Mr. Fox and the Council Lhat i ;*::I :;I*: i a letter was sent to the Civil Defense Office, but as yet : p:: : no word has been received. I ,I:': I 1:;:: t ::::: ! A short recess was called at 7:45 P. Id. The meeting i :;it: I ;::;: i ENGINEEKIJEG: I **I'+ 4 1 1 I I I ;::'I 1;::; I I 1 * I I I * I I I I I I I I reconvened at 8:OO P. M. I :*I:* I I I:::! I I 1 1 ;:::I I l 1 ::;:: e (a) Report on cpening of sewer bids for Park Drive, i ::a:: :I: e ::::: I 8 1 I 11 : Pacific Avenue and Ilighland Drive. The City Clerk i advised the Council that bids for sewer 1j.w construction i ::::; : on Park Drive, Pacific Avenue and High.!acd Drivs were ; ;:I!* 4: :I:. i opened at 1: 00 or clock P. M. on February 5, 1962. There! ::I:: : were six bids received which were as fo1.3-wt-c I I ::;:; ;l:ll t I ;::is I-:; I I ,'I;$ I I I:;,: I I ;*I:# I I 1 I I I l e I 1 l ;::4 I I ;{::I t I 4 I I I I 1 I I iiiii t I I 4 ', \, .\, ', ', *\ I I -*- t \' I 1 ",J, , 8 '., ', ', ', ', 't '\ 1'3 I f bi a me '\,, '*$A, ',, **a\ I i of .,$'<O', y!!A\ I ~,L&+,&,;%& :""""""""""~""""""""""""""""""""""""""~~~~~""-""-""----~------ : PJernber ,o~,o+p,< I ;;:i; I Don Xubbard Contracting Co. $ 9,113. ot: i ;::;: 1 I Leo Williams Co. 9,459.25 i ;:I:; 1 Lowe & vb atson Constr. Co., Inc. 9,712.00 i ;I!:; 4#;1 3. L. Lunsford 10,524.00 i :I::! I Robert F. McKenna Constr. Co. 11,092,03 : :i::1 t Walter H. Barbar 16,650.17 1 ::; 11;:: 1 I I: I ::::I : Memorandum from the City Engineer was presented I I ::::i I wherein he stated the Engineering Department's estimate i ::I 1::: : was $8,622.00; therefore, they recommended that the : ::::: i bid be awarded to Don Hubbard Contracting Co. I I I::;: I i:::: I ;:::: i By motion of the Council the bid in the amount of $9,170 i Guevara ; :xi x: : : was accepted as the low bid, and the contract awarded to : Bierce 'x; ;x: : : Don Hubbard Contracting Co. i La Roche i i ;x: I* i b !a:!: 1 I I I *\ *+, 8, ', " \ *' I I 0'4' ' I I I I 4 I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I t I : Sonneman : : :xi : I ! McPherson 1 i :x: : 4 I I I (b} Drainage Ditch report. The City Engineer re- i i ported on the precautions-that-kad been taken to remedy ; I the damage bei.ng caused by the drainage ditch. A gate i : has been installed at Chestnut Avenue in order to control : i the flow of water; the gas line has been supported, and I : material has beea cleaned out of the ditch. The Engineer-! i ing department has been working up plans so that the City i i can call for bids. It will take two months before the City : : can get delivery of the pipe. 1 : Cmn. McPherson inquired as to why it was necessary to i I install a 6' pipe. I I i The City Engineer informed the members of the Council : : this was in accordance with the Brown and Caldwell reporf i and information gathered by the Engineering Department. i : This is being designed for a 25 year period. f I : NEW BUSINESS: I t I * I I 1 I 8 I I 8 I * I I I I * I I 1 1 I (a) Resolution No. 800, calling for a General Muni- 1 i cipal Election to be held April 10, 1962. A proposed I I i resolution was presented for the Councilts review, callin& ; for a General Municipal Election for two councilmen, I I City Treasurer and City Clerk, and submitting to the : voters a proposition or measure relating to the compen- i i sation of Coumilmen. I I I I I 1 ! It;;; 11; :;::I :;I:: I4 I ::::; i::;, 4::: :;::: ;#::I I:;*; ::':: :::it *If ::::I :#I 1:;:: :I;:: ::':; :;::I ::I:: ::::: :::I; :;a :4::i :i::: i::;: lit Oil( l!!l! I" :::ii 1:;:: ;::I: iif:l It::: ;I1 1;:; :h:I ::,,: ;:$: 11 Ill !ll!l I i At the previous meeting of the Ccuncil it was agreed that i ;tii: I!' : a proposition or measure be submitted to the voters re- ; i lating to the compensation of Councilmen. Cwn, Sonnemat : stated she objected to the paragraph between line 16 and : Guevara p I !xi ; i 18 and Section 2, relating to this proposition or measure. : Bierce ; : : :xi i A.fter discussion by the Council, and by m6tion of the i La Roche : ; i !X; ; Council it was agreed that lines 16 through 18 be deleted, I Sonneman i I :x: i I and that Section 2 also be deleted. ; AtcPherson I !x !x: : pi;: I:::; :::;; i * 1j;I; i Tho fo~OWing resolution was presented: I :I,&, $ 6 l!!l! t I I I /::' I 1 ::,:: : Resolution No. 800. RESOLUTION OF THE CITY i COUNCIL n CITY OF CARLSBAD, C!ALIF'QRP7IA; i C"J.JNG AJYD GIVING NOTICE OF TRTE EIOLDXNG OF : : A GENERAL MW.T.CIS;"AL ZLECTION TO BE HELD IN i : S-A.ID CITY ON TUESDAY, TEE 10th DAY OF APRIL, : 1:::: I 1962, FOR THE ELECTION OF CE*"?,TALN OPFICERS IGuevara i !xixi i I OF SND CITY AS RECTXRED BY THE PROVISIONS ; Bierce ;x; :xi I I OF THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF CALIFURNU# ;RE-: La Roche ; ; !x: I i LA.TING TO GENE8AL LAW CITIES, wa-s adqt.ed by ; Sonneman I : ;xi : ; title only and further reading waived, i McPherson ; i !x: : L I II.l! 4 + :i::i i:::: ::I:; 4:;:: i;iIi $1 I I (b) Resolution No. 801, requesting Eosrd of Super- i 1- " : visors to permit Ete istrar of Voters to render s_pecific : ; services for the GehMunicipl El;;,@fiXine- "I : , "-"."- t I I I I I I" I I I I ::i:i !:I:: ,#I:: :;I:; $1 :a::; ::I:: !::!I I I I I +' I \\ ', '8, '\ '. -\ \., \\ '\ \\ ' ' I I I " '\ \\ ', \\ - '\ \ $ I , ', h ', '.,'%, 1( I I Name "\,&-&, d?. ', \, *a' 4>, 1 I ; of '\?J.&;\,$+& .................................................................... 1 Member ~@Q.&?~,< f ;:l:l 1 1:;:; i Attorney presented the fouowing resolution for the Couzlci!ts : review: I :;:I' I I 1 I :II:: 4 I::1: i Resolution NO. $01. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY I :::I: I UNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD REQUESTING i :::I: : THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF THE COUNTY OF I 2:;; ; SAN DIEGO TO PERMIT THE REGISTRAR OF VOTERS: ::::; SI ; OF SAID COUNTY TO RENDER SPECIFIED SERVICES ; Guevara I :x: 4 , p::: i TO THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, XELATING TO THE : Bierce ixi ; % i : CONDUCT OF A GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION TO! La Roche I i : y i i BE HELD IN SAID CITY ON April 10, 1962, was adopteg Sonneman ; ; : & ; ; by title only and further reading waived. : McPhersonj ; i 4 : I i (:;I: 1 I, # I -5 - '. ', " ', \ ' t 1 I ;'I -1 Ill I 'OII I s I (c) First reading of Ordinance No. 3049, amending i !;4: i Ordinance No. 3005, refajeZt4 a:;ll I,,:, Ill ; and sidewalks. TE City Attorney informed tGTouncil 7 : ::11; I I;;* '11 i she had prepared an ordinance relating to horses upon i ::::I 8: ; paved streets and sidewalks, which would prohibit any : 11 :,:I: i horse to be ridden upon any paved sidewalk and across i ':;:I 1 or upon any major or secondary street. Also an alternatd I:::; :::a I ridden across or upon any paved sidewalk a- any portion i ::'I: i of a paved street. 'l:;l I :::I: 1 /4; i After considerable discussion it was the deasion of the i l;;t ::I:; I Council that the City Attorney redraft the ordinance, I :$:: ; prohibiting any horse to be ridden upon any portion of the i ::i:: i paved street, or any paved sidewalk, and that a provision i 2:::: : be made in the ordinance to allow horses to be ridden on ; p;:: SI i paved streets during the time a special event is being i 1:::: ; held in the City. I I t :: I;: I I 1 I;::; I (dl First reading of Ordinance No. 8034, adopting I t41; i the 1959 Electrical Code. The Ci Attorney advmed the f :::I( ; Council that as of September, 196: it is required that th{ :::;: ::a i city adopt the 1959 Electrical Code. An ordinance has i ::;!I : been prepared which would adopt this 1959 Electrical ; :#I:; i Code. The following ordinance was presented for the i :: 1;:: :::;: I I :;;I: : Council's review: :::;: : Ordinance TO. 8034. AN OBDINANCIE OF THE CITY : ::::i I ordinance had been prepared prohibiting any horse to be i. ::::b 1: I I I I 4 :: 1 s I I 1 I I I i OF CARLSBAD AfVrENDING ORDINANCE NO. 8030 BY : !;;:: : ADOPTING THE 1959 NATIONAL ELECTMCAL CODE; i Guevara j i i $ : 8 '1) i AMENDING THE FEE SCHEDULE OF OfiDPNANCE : Bierce :xi i 3 i : NQ. 8030 AND ADDING ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS i La Roche i : : x: ; i FOR ELECTRICAL SERVICES, was given a first read- ; Sonneman ; !xi x : t ing by the Council. : McPhersonI' : i xi i (e) First reading of Ordinance No. 8035, prohibiting: i real estate signs. The City Attorney presented the follow: : ing ordinance for the Council's consideration: I I :::*: rdinance No. 8035. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY : ;:a:: 1 I ! I t I ::I:: ::::a 4::: :::;: I I I I:: :; /::; :i::: ;:ii: I ;;I:: i OF THE PiZEWSES UPON WHICH SIGNS ARE 11 I * I :i::1 ::: I I cAfiLSBAD PRQrnBITING REAL ESTATE SIGNS i CH ADVERTISE THE SALE, REXWAL 03 LEASE i 1 i LOCATED. I I ;If': : The City Attorney read the ordinance in full. The Mayor 1 @*I; i stated h#felt the subdivider should be protected. There i ::!:; : are some devehpers that are making a career of develop-: :;;:i i ing. They are building this city and should be allowed to i ::;:: i advertise these subdivisiuns, The City Attorney informed ::;:: -1:: : the Council that under Section 2 z?f this ordinance Sections! :::*, I ; 1507 and 1508 of Ordinance No. 9060 is ant repealed, I ::;:; i which sections provide for temporary real estate offices i ;;a:& le:1; i and temporary red estate signs. These sections take i ;;':: : care of the subdivider. ;:PI I I:* I I I I ;::;: 4lt$; i Discussion was given to section 1 of the ordinance, where: ::::: : in it states that it shall be unlawful for any person cti.rer i :::I; I I * :a::: I ::::: I ! ::I I 1 11 I 1 t I l\,!l .. I I I 4 '\ X\ .\ ', ', ., I 4 '., '\ '\\ '\ '\,'\\ I 8- I ., ', '*, '\ '.,", 13 I t v2:me ,,2n, \, I I : of +.!i?+.s,.p . \e>, +..+ : Member $@,p98,d, I"~""""""""""""""""-~~"""""""""""-~""~~"""~4~""~""""~"-~""*~"- I i:;o i than the Owner of real property to erect or' maintain with- i +:a ,*: ; in the City of Car'lsbad any sign which advertises the sale,! a;: : rental or lease of the premises upon which said sign is : Iiit: i located. It was poihted out that motels and apartment : I:!ii !:::I ! house$ are sometimes leased aut, and perhaps the word I :'I i lessee should be added to this paragraph. I I l1 ::;:I I I I ;!!;; /I;: i Cmn. Bierce moved at this constitute the first reading i 1: : of Ordinance No. 8035, with the addition of the word ::i:i I i:::: 1 "lessee" added. Sekonded by Cmn. Guevara. No vote i ::;q 11;; : was taken at this time. I I I ::!:: i Cwn. SoGeman stated she felt the word "optionee" should! ::::i ; also be added. The City Attorney pointed out that an I :.::; i ;::It i option only gives a party the right to purchase the properti ,:*:I 1I:l: : within a given time. I ::':; 4 ;:;:: i Cvm. Sonneman moved that the a.bove motion 5e amended [ Guevara i :x :x! i I to include the word "optionee" also. Seconded by Cmn. : Bierce I : ; ;x; ! Guevara. By roll call vote the motion failed for lack of i La Roche i I : :xi I a majority. ' ; Someman F i :x! ; I i McPherson ; i i :xi I I p::; : The Mayor then asked for a vote on the first motion made I Guevara : f 4x: ; I by Cmn. Bierce, which would constitute the first reading : Bierce bi :xi : i of Ordinance No. 8035, The motion passed by a simple i La Roche i i :xi i i majority. : Sonneman 4 l ; ;xi b i McPherson i : : :x; I I I ::i:: I (f) Approval by City Council to petition County Board i ::::; i of Supervisors to annex non-contiguous City owned proper i ;: 'I ; : 1.: I l:sl i 2. The City Attorney informed the Council the area knowp ;I::: ; as Calaveras Lake belongs to the City, however, it has i ;::a: ! never been annexed to the city due to the fact it is not con: ;;::: i tiguous to the City boundaries, however, under the law th$ . ::::I !;I1* i city is given the right to annex non-contiguous city owned ; l :I: : property not to exceed 100 acres. The City Council may i :i::: i petition the Board of Supervisors. The first step is to : ;*:I: l*el; : submit the description of the property to the Boundary i ;::I: i Commission of the County for their approval, then the : ::::: ; Council may petition the Board of Supervisors. If the i :;':I ll:*l ! Council wishes to follow this procedure the City Attorney I Guevara l : x;xi 1 ;la1, : recommended that a motion be made to that effect. Ey i Bierce : : ;x; ; i motion of the Council it was agreed that the City of : La Roche I i :x: 1 i Carlsbad petition the Board of Supervisors to annex 100 i Sonneman i xi !x: i i acres of non-contiguous land to the City of Carlsbad. : McPherson : : :xi I i OLD BUSINESS: * I ;:;I: I 1:;: * I 8 I ;';I: 4 (a) Gift of boxed trees by the merchants of Carlsbad. : ;:,:I 1::; i A letter addressed to the City Council signed by thm-i ;I la:; : town merchants. was presented, stating they wished to i ;:'I #I:: i present to the City of Carlsbad the boxed trees which ; Guevara F i :XI : beautify the sidewalks of the downtown area. By motion I Bierce ; ;x ;x: i of the Council the City Council on behalf of the City of . : La i3oche i : :xi : Carlsbad accepted with thanks the boxed trees from the i Sonneman ; i !x: i merchants. ; McPherson i ; ;x: I I ;:I: i The City Manager was instructed to send a letter to the ! 1:;: ! Merchants Committee thanking them for the trees, 1 I ::;': I I I I ::;; : LIBRARY: I I iiii I 1 I I ii:: I (a) Letter from Board of Trustees re: Tifle to I ::I: i Vaughn pri?tTi%mibrary Building. Letterdated i :;I: i -January 31, 1962, from themad Board of Library ; I::: 1:; : Trustees, stating they wished to inform the Council that i ;:'I it:: : title to the Vaughn property purchased for the library is : :::: i not in the name of the Board of Trustees. At the time : l;'I : the property was in escrow the title company was not sat-: ;:;I i isfied that the Board could legally hold title to the propert$ ; due to the wording of the ordinance creating the Library ; I 1 I I 1 1 i \' ' I ,, 'x ', '\ 8 ', \, ',@A '\ '.%, I I 1 11 I I I It I I 1 I #I 1 I 8 I 11 I' I I I t * *@I f I I :::: $81 4:: :':I s t ! I ! :I:: :!:: . I 1 I I I ; '.'. 8'* 8, ',,'., '\ '\ " 6 I I I i Na me '\, '8& 's '*a\ i of 8?&4,$\;%' 8, , ' '\ '8,''. ', '\8"\, ',, ', '\ 18 I -7- * , %," I I I "9 .@, $5 '\' \PA, I 8 Member $'$?;*\@'@ ~~"""""""""""""""".""""""""""""""""-"--""~""----"--"-------"-~"- I I '0 t I:::: i Board of Trustees. They requested that if the Council \ I : desires the Board to hold title to the property that an ; a::;; ::I:; i amendment be made to the ordinance. I ::* I 1 II:!; 0 i The letter further stated that groundwork for the building i ;a::: :::I, 11 : program has been started and requested permission of I *::#I i the Council to proceed with preliminary building plans. ; ;::I; iiIii : Investigation has been made as to the employment of an i ;d:; i architect. They would like Council permission to retain ; I:::, ))I I I' the services of Mr. George Hatch of San Diego. The I 1 ::I:; : Board would like to form a special building committee i ::ii: i composed of one or two Council members, two Library ; :tl * ;:;:: ; Trustees, one representative of the Friends of the Librari, I:::! i the Librarian and the architect, plus the services of the I :::i: :::I1 I:: ;: I City Attorney whenever legal decisions might be needed. : I 1 I /I;: *::I: ; After consideration by the Council, by motion of the + :::I: i Council it was agreed that the City Attorney be instructed i ::::I : to prepare an amendment to the ordinance, to allow the : GUeVara i !xi xi : i Library Board of Trustees to hold title to the Vaughn i Bierce :x: !x: i i property, and at such time as the ordinance is amended ; La Roche i i :X! I : that title to the Vaughn property be transferred from the i Sonneman : ; !X: ; i City of Carlsbad to the Library Board of Trustees, ; McPherson : : :xi : t (*I ::I:; : The Mayor stated he felt the two members of the Council i : who had been meeting with the Board should be appointed 1 ::ii; i to the Building Committee. The City Manager requested t :;;:: ' 1:; : that he be appointed to the committee. It was agreed that ; :i::: ::I i the City Manager also be appointed to this committee. i ::; I I I :;*I* 1 I I-; I i Discussion was given as to the employment of Mr. Satch. i i:::: : It was pointed out by the City Attorney that the first step ; 1: i would be to discuss the debt limitation and the contract. i iii;,; ; She would like to see the contract, however, she did not : I;::: 1)1)) i think there were monies budgeted for this fiscal year. i t') i It was agreed that the City Attorney, City Manager, a { :::;I 1: i member of the Library Board of Trustees meet with Mr. : 4:;: ; Hatch to discuss the contract and financial matters. I I ii&i i Mayor La Itoche stated at this time he would like to make i :t;:: ;:I * ! a statement, said statement being as follows: L I ;ii:: ,I,:: i my position as a possible candidate for re-election to the i ;!I 8 i City Council. r I It::; t I I I ;ill: * 1:::: I It is my observation that there are several very essential t iy:; ; qualifications necessary for a Councilman in the City of i I*i:; I Carlsbad. These requirements are, in my opinion, "must*" i:: //: b ; for the reason that each councilmanic candidate, technical? ii::: 1:; i ly, becomes a candidate for the office of Mayor. I I i Thus, a Councilman who becomes Mayor, needs not only * I::;; 11*1( i ness, to represent the City adequately in public, have good :::;I : judgment, and also most important, he must have unlimit-: i ed time to be on call every day of the week. I ;::b * o;!: :: i To do this, his personal affairs, to insure the economic i : welfare of himself and family, must be such that they : ::::i :;;;! I permit him this freedom. Since I find that I cannot meet i ::::: : all of these requirements, I must, therefore, decline to : :::I: i be a candidate for re-election. Thank you very much. It ; ::::: * I I;':; I :d:: i CITY ATTORNEY'S REPOgET: + l a';:; 1::1* i South Coast Asphalt Co. lawsuit. The transcription has i i::;: i now been referred to the lhstrict Court of Appeals. we ; ;[:I: : are awaiting the appellant's brief to be filed on their be- i :ii : half by Karpinski and Feist, :;'*l 1 I :;$I I ;,,I1 I I I 1 I I 11 + ;:::: 1 I I $1:: I ::;:I 1 I * a I :;I:: 1 I 4 1 8 I "At this time I should like to present my attitude and ! :I::! iiii: I I I I i:::; I::I :I: ;::!I I ; measure of executive ability, but vision, drive, creative- : ;:::: I I 1 t 1 1 * I s i:::; I I i:::: I:11 1 1 I :;a:: l!l! I I I I I 1 I e* I I 1 t I I 8 I I I I' 1 '\ '\ '. 1 , 8 'b I I \' $ -8- i Name 8 I .i Member ~~"""""""""""""""""~"""""""~~"""---"-"-"---~ ";"-"""" I .' : I \' 8' 8 ; of e i I t b : Schuyler property Condemnation suit. This suit was filed 1 I last November, however, the parties have never been i : served. The City Attorney asked if the Council wished i I the complaint served in order to proceed with the suit. ; I In talking with B*Melveny & Myers it is their opinion that i i if bonds were sold monies could be used for land acquisi.- : I tion as well as engineering fees. I I i The question was asked if it would be wise to go ahead : : with this suit when we are not sure of the outcome of Vis& i It was finally agreed that if the County can satisfy O'Melvdny i & Myers that they are going ahead with the joint project, i : that the City Attorney be authorized to proceed with the : ! Schulyer condemnation suit. I I 1 Cwn. Sonneman asked the City Attorney if a report should i : not be made to the Council by the committees where Coundl i members are appointed to the committee: 1 i The City Attorney stated it might be well for the committee : appointed by the Mayor to give a report to the Council as : ; to their progress. I i The Mayor gave a brief report as to the purpose of the I i Mayor's committee, stating this was a steering comxnitted? : consisting of Cmn. Bierce, City Manager Slater, Mr. I I Brilhart, Mr. Watson, John Grant of the Planning Corn- i : mission, Mr. Kalicka and Mr. Ewald. This committee : i has created another committee who call themselves the i : C. A. T. S. a whose purpose is to publisize the City of I I Carlsbad. This committee includes anyone that can be i i prevailed upon. There have been many plans suggested 1 ; by this Committee to attract tourists to the City. I i The other committee call themselves "Wake up and Let's i i Grow" committee. They are concerned with Carlsbad i : itself - territorially and economically. They are looking : i into industrial aspects at the present time. Mr. John I I : Grant is Chairman of this committee. I I I Mr. Grant was present and gave a brief resume of their i I two meetings. I I i CITY MANAGER'S REPORT: i El Camino Real. The City Manager informed the Council i :he had contacted Supervisor Cozens in regards to the I I i repairing of El Camino Real. Mr. Cozens informed him i : there has been money budgeted for El Camino Real, howevbr, i it was his understanding that it was for the area south of 1 i Palomar Road. I * I Carlsbad Dump area. According to the newspaper the i ; County is going to deed this area to the City of Carfsbad; ; i however, we have not received any official notice as yet. I i Joint sewer project. The City Manager irdormed the : Council he had contacted O'Melveny & Myers by telephone i I as to the legality of the city proceeding with a project of I I issuing some of the bonds for the purpose of continuing ; ;the engineering phase of the joint project with adequate i i assurances being made by the Vista Sanitation District to : :repay their share of this cost in the event same unforesee6 i circumstances prevent the District €rom going ahead. A : :letter has been received from O'Melveny & Myers, dated i 1 January 26, 1962, stating that in their opinion the City i ;could legally proceed with the issuance of bonds to under- i i take certain phases of the engineering and work to be done : ;towards the completion of the joint project, providing they i :have proper assurances from the Vista Sanitation Eozrd : I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I- I 1 t I 1 I I 1 I I I I I I t 1 I 1 t I I 4 I t 1 I I I I I 1 I I t I # I I I I I * 8.' \ *< \ \' '\, ', '\\8\\ \' 1: ).< ',, 'X, 'X,'\\ ?q$ ', ,* '$o$?+, ' ',&,O, 4, %+ +g&y ;:ii I::: i;:: :::: ;:#I $1;; :I 1:::; ;;l;l 14;*: ::I:: ::::: ::::: I:(:: 1:::; !:$; :pi; ::i;i ;I;;: 'I:;; i:::; ;:'If I!:;; ::::i ::::: i:::: :ii:: 'I,;; !I::; Ill ;:::; lll:; ::i:; $1:; :::,I 4:::: i:':: ::I:: ::::: ;:;:: *I 1:::; ;I,', ::$: 1::;: :::I: ::'I: :I:;I ;:::: ;I!;: :;;:I ::I:: :':I; 1:::; :; It ::::; :ti:; ::::: ::I:: ::::I ::::i ('I( ::I!; I:::: ;;;:: 1';:: ':I:: :I1 44; :::i: 1:: :;a:; :$; ::I:: :il:; 1I:'l ::I:: :I(:: '::I, ::;:I :::I, 81 I:::; ::I:; ::i:: ;!I I-:: 1::: :::;; .:I:;; :;:SI ;11:; ::I:; ::#:I ' '' ' .?&\ """""""e '& *&If 11 1)1 I 11, I :; :I\:: I:I4; It 1: It t::1: 8 c* I I I I I I I I' I *\ '\ .\, ' \ ' \' . I '\\ ', '\, 'x '3 '8, i N a me 8'. '\@, ',,,';?+ I I of '*@, ' :"""-""---"------"-""-"-""""- """~"""""_"""""""","""""_""" ~ "." s.-1' :;:;~ ::I:; v':; i the Agua Hedionda Lagoon again? I i:;;; ::I:: 11 ;I::; 1 I I :;;;: 1:::; ; meet with Mr. Frank DeVore on Thursday to see if anotheb :::ii : is planning on handling the matter graciously, diplornatica!- ;I::: I 1 t i:;:; t I I ll;$ i BATIFICATION OF BILLS AND PAYROLL: I I ;; '3 I I 1 I I iiii: 1 ;::I: i eatification of the bills was given for the general expensei :ii:i : of the City in the amount of $18,000.25, and the Water i Guevara k i ;x: fl ; i Department in the amount of $3,831.79, for the period : Bierce I %:xi ; : January 16, 1962 to February 6, 1962, as certified by the i La Roche i i :x; i i Director of Finance and approved by the Auditing Commit-; Sonneman i 1 !xi ; : tee. i McPherson ; ; !xi i I Ratification of the payroll was given for the second half i Guevara i :X ;x: 1: : ; of January, 1962, in the amount of $14,804.00, as certi- : Bierce : : ;x: : I fied by the Director of Finance and approved by the Audit-! La Roche @I : ; :X! i : ing Committee. :Someman : : :x; ; I i McPherson :x i :x: f 111:: i ADJBUi3NMENT: I ;l*l; ::::: :I::; ;:;a1 1 By proper motion the meeting was adjourned at 10: 00 B. Mi ;:;:; I 1:;:: i Respectfully submitted, I I ::::; 1 I I I i:;:; * I 1 ;i:i: I I 1 I I ::::: I 1 ::::: 1 I :If:: I 1 1 ;:;I1 I I I 1:;:: I I ::;II I I 1:::; t I I 1 1;;:; I 1 :;::: 4 I :;::: I I ::I:; I I I I i;+ ltll: I I 1;:;; I * I:::: I I I I i:;:: 1 I I I ::;:; ;:::: ::::; I I i+i; t 4 I ;::I: I t 1;;:: I 1 ::::; I I I 1 ::::: 1 I I :::;; I ::::; I I :::;I :i::: I I ;;i;! :1111 I I 1:::: :8l;l ::I:; *I I I I I :;:'I I I I 1 :I; :; I 1:: I I ;:::: I I I:#:: 1 I 1 I I:::' I 1 ;::I: I I 1 l;$i I !:!s ! 1 t & \, ', 8 \\ \\ 'x \, \\,'\, '\ '8 '' I -9 - I I , ++ ', 2 I i Member '\$?e?&& I b I 'I ; that the project will be completed as originally planqed. i : Cmn. Guevara asked if we could open up negotiations for i :it:; i The City Attorney stated this matter is still before the :: 4 :.: : I i Legislature - it has never been withdrawn. I :;11; i Mayor La Roche stated that he and Cmn. Bierce are to : ;It *::I i method of negotiations can be approached. He stated he ; ;I/: i ly and effectively. I I I I I I 3 I I I I I 'I I I t ' ::;I 1 1 1 I I 1 I I I I I I t I 1 I I ;+&& FQ;&$. I I I ::i:i ::;:; I i Deputy Citf&lrk"""" I I ::;:; I I I I I I I :IlII ;I 11 I I I I I I t I I I I I I t I I I I I J I I 1 I ' t 1 'tl;t I 1 t 4 i t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I < I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I ' I lJ::: Ill t I I I I I I