HomeMy WebLinkAbout1962-03-06; City Council; Minutesi CITY CJ@ CA&LSBP,.D i Meeting of: CITY CCmCIL (Regular meeting) ; Date of Meeting: March 6, 1962 i Time of Meeting: ?:OO P. M, J Place of Meeting. Council Chambers 1". ""-"""" * """" .. """"" * -."_""""""""""""""" I I I 4 8 1 I I I I I I I 1 4 ""_ "\,,'~.,'~,,"\' ",", of '?)%, 2, <&, '\, y., ' * \ '+\ 2 9 fl a me '~.,$$&,, '\\ \\s% '\ "&' Member *%%.?@@ ,""""""""""-5-" ::!I: 1 i ROLL CALL was answered by Councilmen Guevara, i Bierce, La Roche, Sonneman and McPherson. Also : present were City Manager Slater and City Attorney Haye$. : ALLEGIANCE to the Flag was given. 1 INVOCATION was offered by Councilman Guevara. ! + 4 # I I I I t I 4 I * C t I I I I I :'I:: 41:: ::;a# ;#I!* ::p: ::;;: 'I :it:: ::;:; ;:,:I l:li: 11 11: I!!*! : APPROVAL OF MINUTES: I 1;;:; 1 i I I I::;: I (a) Minutes of the regular meeting of February 20, i Guevara :xi i x! i I i La ftoche ; ; i g i I : Sonneman I i t $ : I I i McPherson: ; i $ I I :::I: t 1 1:::; I I o1 i 1962, were approved as corrected. t Bierce : l ix:x; : ? t I I I I 1 1 I "tt; 4 ti!!I i CC?RR,ESPUNDENCE: I 1 f (a) Mary Thayer: - re: Drainage of Ocean Street. i ! Letter dated February 15, 1962, from Mary Thayer, i 2633 Ocean Street, stating the drain for the entire block i ; is located in front of their property. During heavy rains I ! the drain stops up and the water goes into their garage, : : under their house and seeps in under walls into two of \ i their rooms. Unfortunately the house is lower than the : : street. Mrs. Thayer requested that an investigation be : i made of this situation and that adequate drains be provide& i The City Manager informed the Council an investigation ! : had been made by the Engineering Department. Mr. ! Thayer has been offered dirt to be placed west of the exisf- : ing dirt flow line to create a temporary berm. The i Engineering Department has recommended that permanent i improvements be installed in this block, i. e. curb, guttell: f and proper drainage. Mr. Thayer concurred and he is I i going to contact his neighbors to see if they would be : ; willing to participate in permanent improvements. I I I 1 f 4 1 f 1 I I I I 4 I 811 .. p::: :;'I: :;;:; :;I:; ;::*I l:41 :;::I ;:::' 1 :#I ;;::: 11;; ::I:; ;;;;; ::::I ;;I:) !!!;; ::;: :::I ::;: I:: 1;;: 1:;; I::: I' & )I( ; 1 l1 :;:! a i The question was asked the- City Attorney if the City & I ::i: i would be liable in the case where the house is below the i I::: ::I: : street grade. The City Attorney stated she was not fam- ! 11;: I iliar with the circumstances in this case, however, she : l1*l :::: : felt the city would have a moral obligation. t 4 ;::; 1;'4 I I I '!I I I I (b) Magnolia mementary P. T, A. re: Magnolia Ave.; i and Highland Drive traffic hazard. Letter dated Februar3f : 21, 1962, from the Magnolia Elementary P. T. A., stating, ; that the Magnolia P. T. A. a as a body, have agreed that : i the streets of Magnolia Ave. and Highland Drive present I : a hazard to the school children. An investigation has beet i made of this area as to traffic hazards, and they listed ; : certain suggestions for the problem, requesting that this I i matter be given top priority at the next Council meeting. : i The Council was informed that later on the agenda an ! : emergency ordinance would be presented providing for i i stop signs on Highland Drive at Magnolia Ave. , whicb : : would make it four-way 'stop at this intersection. 8 * I 1 1 I I ! ! :i;* 1:': ::;: i;:; ;!I: 41:: 4:: ::;; :::; :;*I ::i: :;:: :::i ;;;: ;;;\ 1::: :I:: ::;; :* a?:: 11 I : Discussion was given as to groper cross walks, speed : i limits and stop signs in the areas surrounding the school2 i in Carlsbad, After discussion by the Council by motion i Guevara i ; ; of the Council it was agreed that proper cross walks be : Bierce I ; ixi / placed in the area of the Magnolia Elementary School, i La Roche i i :X; : and that stop signs and cross walks be placed where ; Sonneman p : !xi ! necessary in all of the other school areas. : ! McPhersona :!I1 k:x: i;;; ; ; :.; :;I ;xi D I :::: 73" I I I ::a: 1 ::i: 1 1 (c) Dr. Henry P. Bourke - re: Claim for storm i : dama e. Letter dated February 26, 1962, from Henry P.: :;/ I our e, M. D. , 3410 Donna Drive, enclosing a summar- I ::I: ;: i ization of the da-m'age done to his property and personal : I;;$ i;:~ I !"! I 1 I I I I 3 1 8 I I I ;;i; ;i*J !:' ;' ,:,; i:i! 4 I I I I I I i '% ' \ ', '\ 8 f J L I '*,'\, '8, ', ', '\ \,\,\ \ '' n I -&- , \\ '\ 's, '\,"\ 3 I '., 8'8 \ 8' I i ~4 a me '. '%$;, '8, '88' I : of '\&,\ '\ yy, .%,</bL 8~ \>: I ';k vu \ 9 ! Member ,O \g~-.~.e.x ,p,&., $.& ; """ """""""""""" ""- """""- ""_ ~ "" """"~"""""~~"""~""""""~"~~~~~ s.. I .I I i belongings at 3410 Donza Drive, as a result c.f the failure: : of thc storm drain. I I I 1 I. I I P i The City Manager stated that Dr. Eourke was in to see : I i him, and he had suggested that Dr. Bourke submit a i i c1ai.m to the Council for the damage done. This property: : is located in the Seacrest Estates, and at the time the i I subdivision was approved the City did cot have a grading i : ordinance, however, since that time the City has adopted; i a grading ordinance. Other properties in that area were : : also checked. I 8 I I 1.11' ;:;I; 1:f:I :;::i ::;I; It !:::I II ;::;: 1:;:: i::;: i:;:: ;I;:: :::;I ::::: ;:::: lll;l l!'l? 4;;;; i By motion of the Council the claim was denied and refer- i Gucvara i ! :xi ; i i.ed to the insurance caprier. 1 Bierce ;x; :x: i I 1 I I I I i La Roche i ; :xi ; t I Sonneman ; !x :x: i I * : McPherson : ; !xi : i should be r?d-"ified that his claim is not a verified claim. i ; Ill I ,;; I ::;I: i Th.e City Attorney j,dorrned the Cduncil that Dr. Bourke i :::;I @I I 1!1:! 1 i The City ,Manager was instructed to notify Dr. Bourke i ; that he will have to submit a verified claim before any : i further action can be taken. I t I :;;I; :;':: ::;r, 1::: ::::; :?I:! 1 I I t i;:l; I (d) County of San Diego - re: Notice of proposed i :;::: '1t;I ; 23, 1962, from the County Board of Supervisors, stating i iii:: ll$;f i that a Notice of Intention to Circulate Petitions Seeking : ::p: : Incorporation of Vista, California, has been filed with the: :::I: ; cription of the proposed area. I 1 !l:!l / incorporation of Vista, California. Letter dated Februars :I:;! i Clerk, Board of Supervisors, .Enclosed was a legal des- : ::::; I:::: :;'I; I I 1 I : The Council requested that the Engineering Department i i check the legal description as to the proposed boundaries. ; I ! I I I (e) public Affairs Institute - re: dequest for CounciG i support of Anner..af Institute. Letter dated February 23, : I TStjZ, from the ic Affairs Research Institute, request+ i ink tb.e Federal,?!ite, County and City governments and I i Special Districts in the San Dj.ego area to lend their sup- i : port to this almual Imtitute, which will be held on Thurs- : i day, April 19, 19632, from 9:OO A. PA. until 4:15 P. M. on i : the Campus or" San Diego State. The invitation was in two ; i parts: endorsement by the Council, and nomination of : 1 sornemc Prom the City to serve as a member of a Liaison i : Tean1. I I I ! I i The Mayor requested that an agenda be submitted by the i I Institute before any decision is made by the Council. I I I I I I I I I (fj Petition - re: Repair of streets - Billside Drive ! : and Park Drive. A letter in the form of a petition, dated i i February 26, 1962, and signed by 16 property owners, : I was presented, requesting that the City repair the damage{ i done to Hillside Drive and Park Drive at the time the I I : Water Department repaired the water mains in this area. I i The City Manager stated that some work had been done i i and that further work would be done to correct this situa- : ; tion. : Mrs. Steen Salssn, OH^ 02 the petitioners, wns present I i and stated the streets could certainly stand some smooth- : i ing out, There is also debris thEt shou1.d be removed fro4 ; the side of the street on Hillside Drive. I 1 I I I t 1 I I I I I t I t t I (9) Eunice rg. vemer -- rc: 1,etter oi snpreciatron. i : Letter dated Febr:w:y 28, 1CJ523rXz-n jim~ce~ZFE5, i i 2510 Pi0 Pic0 Drive, staticg her thslnkia ancl :q-qmxx:ii.on ; : for the work and improvzmmt done ia ihe p~kway 2C~oss : . "L I I 1 I 1 I I r I I 1 I 1 L I t I !;j;; 1:::; ::::: !ll:f I:;;: ::::; It*;; ::I:; :::#I ;:'11 !;I 1:;; :I::! ::a:: 1:;:: :II;I, :;ii: I:;:: I(( :;I:; tip:; ;;d' :;::; p::: /:;; :::;I ;:::: 4:;: i::,: 51 ::::; ,:;I; i::i: ,I:,, *;:!: 11 ::::; 11 :::a1 ;:;:: ;:a:': :::I,# I::!: ::::I1 i::;:: ;::::; '::::I I:: 4:; 1;;::1 I:;::' :;;::1 ;:::'l 'I;'* 'If 1'1 ;:: ;;4; :4,i, i:: 11;;; ;:: .I,' I! ,.*s;c I!;;!: .. I f $ 6 I I I 8 I t I I 1- I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I t 1 I I I I 1 I I I t 1 .. I I I I 1 I 1 I I I I I I I I i I I I 1 I I I I I J I ! - 3 I- I I I I I 1 ."""""""""""*"""""*""""-~"""""""".""""~""-~- from the5~r property on Pi0 Pim Drive, in answer to a 1 request made by them on February 6, 13G2. I I The Council ordered the letter filed. ORAL CQMMUPJICATJ.OBTS: There were no oral communications. I 1 I I I I 1 8 I I I I 1 $ I I PUBLIC HEAXtNGS: . I I I I r -* 1 1 I I "\ '.,'\,,' ' \, \' ,, '\ x, \' \ \' , '. \ '. ', '. 31 (a} Reclassification of certain property located I I I between Palm Avenue and Tamarack Avenue from Zone i E-1 to Zone R-3; south of Tamarack Ave. on Pi0 Pic0 Dra approximately 375' from Zone R-l to Zone C-1; north of I Chinquapin Ave. on Pi0 Pic0 Drive, approximately 300 I I feet plus from Zone Et-l to Zone 8- 3: and a Dortion of - 1 ! that hroperty located between Pi0 Pic0 Drive and Adams i Street southerly of Tamarack Ave. from Zone 3.~1 to Zone R-3, -1 I I I 1 I I -,.\-- fi 2 me x\, \+&\ '\ ',, '.&, ,$%, Mernber ,o.,o\,pp\o' h,L&.$,+,&+ ;::I: it::: l:I ::;;: ;:::: 1:;: ::;I: ::I:& I;;(: ::;:: ::::: ;:::I 11 :::;: $;': :; ::::: i:::; ::::: ::I:; ::I;I l:l2; I #II :;::I ;:-1 11::1 1;*1; :;::; ::j;: of q->%>, '"""""""""""t-" !!I:* I4 I $It Ill1# ! The Clerk certified as to proper notice having been given: I The Affidavit of Publication was presented. I : The Mayor asked if any written correspdndence had been i ! received. i Letter dated February 19, 1962, from Paul R. Uffelman, .I i addkessed to the Planning Commission was presented, ; I stating that he and his wife were opposed to such propose4 i reclassification. 1 i The Mayor declared the hearing open and asked if there I : were any persons present desiring to speak in opposition I i to the above reclassifications. There were no persons : ; present desiring to speak in opposition. : The Mayor asked if there were any persons present i desiring to speak in favor of the rekassifications. I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ! l1;'l ::;:: ::I:: !::I: ::::I ;::I1 *I;:: I' ::::: lla:; :!!:; ;ll;! f;;l' i:;:: I'#:; ;::: I;:; II :::I: 1111: B1(4 +I: :;I 1;; $1: :#;I' 1::; :::+ :;I: :!:: I MR. KAY KALICKA was present and stated that he had : I an interest in some of the property proposed for reclass- i i ification; however, 90% of the property was proposed by : : the Planning Commission due to a study made by them. i ;;!! ! I !I*! i;:~ :;IJ :: ::;: ;:#I i As there were no other persons desiring to speak, the I ; Mayor declared the hearing closed at 7:41 P. NI. : It was pointed out to the Council a committee had been i i appointed by the.Chairman of the Planning Commission t : to make a study of this area. After a report was made I \ to the Planning Commission, the Commission adopted a ! I Resolution of Intention and a hearing was held on the i proposed reclassifications. ! After consideration by the Council the following resolu- i : tion was presented for their review: I I I I 1 I I I I I I I * r I I J 1 1 I I f ! ; I-* 1:: i::: :::: f!!f l;;l ::;i i1h1 :::a I::! t:ll 11:; :' I!:: :;ii ;;:I :':I: t::: :I:: t:!l , : Resolution No. 813. A RESOLUTION OF TEIE CITY : F Tal? CITY OF CALZLSBAD RNNOUNCIPJGi :;:: : COUNCIL 0 1;;l ! FINDINGS AND DECISION REGARDING CEANGE OF I Guevara i :xi 2 1 ZONE CLASSIFICATION OF CE~TAIN DESIGNATED : Bierce ;X: : 4 i PROPERTY IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD FaOM i La iZoche ; i I X : ZONE R-1 TO ZONE R-3 AND C-1, was adopted by : Sonneman i : ; $ I title only and further reading waived. ! McPhersoni : : x: I l:!l lJ*I I I IIII D i The following ordinance was presented for a first reading: !I;: ;:;! I I t I 4 I I I I I I I I I I I I 'It I t i I I i 8 :::: I I I I I 1 !;;I t 1:;: I I :::; I i::; 1 I I :::' I;#: I I i:ii t ::'I 1, *I 1 1::: I I \, '., , -, , . ,. \ ', \. '. '\ .. '. \. ., , - I I -, X . ..- I ',, '\\ '\, '\, '%\'\\ 3 2 1 : ~i a me ', '.$A 8 '?$ $ \, ,s\c' '\, .6, I : of ,7 ,$z$a\;\ J', ;?+ I f +:ember $)'$f,F.o'-$ :-""-"""""""--.~..""I.".----""c"- """" ~ ."- - _.." ^_I ""..".-.." 1 ..""""""""""" Y"- I - I;r: .- \X' I I '*.'I ! Ordinance No. 9126. AN O8DINANCE OF THE CITY i Gwvara i :x jx: ; Il;;; I ~F-~GEADMENDING ORD~MJCE NO, 9060, ! Bicrce i i ;x; ; : CHANGING CZitTAIX DESIGNATED PMPEATY FHOM i La,Roche ; i ;x: I i ZONE R-1 TO ZONE 8-3 AND (2-1, IN THE CITY O@ I Someman !x1 :xi : I CARLSBAD, was given a first reading. i Mcpherson ; i :x: i ; A short recess was called at 7:55 P. hf. The meeting re- i :::I: i convened at 8: 10 P. M. I I #:;I1 I I :;I:@ I 1 #I!*: 1 1 t I I ;::I; i PLANNDG: I - I I I I I I I t I (a) Tentative map ,of Harbor View subdiyision. The ; : tentative map was presented for the Council's review. I i Resolution No. 237 of the Planning Commission was read ; i in which they recommended approval af the tentative 9ap i ; of Barbo;- View subdivision, subject to certain conditions : i and restrictions. I I I I 1 i:::; .'I ;::a1 ;I::: :::;i 1:::: :::I; i:;;: ::I;; 1::;: I. ::;:; lb~:i i After con.sideration hy the Council, the Council concurred! l;;l; : With the findings of the Planning Commission, and the i ::::1 i following resolution was presented for the Council's re- : : view: I Kesolution No. 801. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY 1 Guevara : js:x; i i mmC& OF THE CITY OF CAi%LSBAD, APPlZGVING i Bierce i ; ;xi ; : TBE TENTATIVE MAP OF HARBOR VIEW SUBDIVL- : La itoche ; : :x; I i SION, was adopted by title only and further reading waive&Sonneman !x i i xi i i ENGINEERING: ::':: I ;;:'I ;:I;; :I: I 1 ;::\: I :::;; I I * 1 I I I i McPherson; : ;x; i I I I I I ':I:: I:::, I I 1;:i: I I I I I 8 (a) 1911 Act proceedings - Assess. District 2-1961. i i Sewers for portions of Pio Fico, Chinquapin, Tamarack, : : Adams and Zighland Drive. The Council was informed i i the Engineering Department has requested this item de- : I ferred until a later date, due to required descriptions of i ; easements, I I I I I I t I I (b) Approving final m-ap of Lebarr Estates #Z. The ! i final map of Lebarr Estates subdivision was presented i : for the Council's review. A memorandum was read from i \ the Engineering Department, in which they recommended ; ; approval of the map, subject to certain conditions and : i restrictions being performed by the subdivider. 1 I * I 1 i ; Discussion was given as to proper drainage in that area, I 1 and the City Ehgineer stated this would be taken care of i i through the natural drainage channel. t I I I I b :;;I; ;:4: 1:::: +:: 1:::; ::::: :;::; :I::; ;::@I It$1 l!.t! 1;' 11; :::$ ::;;I ::i:i ::I:; 1:::; 1:;:; :I:;; :#I :!!I! I' ::I:: 11:1: 1:;:; ::;:: ::;:: !t,!l i By motion of the Council it was agreed that the; final map I i of Lebarr Estates k12 subdivision be approved subject to I Guevara ; I ! : ;: ; the conditions set forth in the Engineer's memorandum, : Bierce ;x: i 2 i I and that the City Clerk be instructed to sign the final map: La aoche ; : i $ i : at such time as an improvement agreement has been : Sonneman ; :x; X: ; I entered into between the City and the subdivider. i McPherson: : : 4 : , I :::t: 'I -. ;;::; I I I I I I I I i 4 I 1 I I I I 1 1 I I I I I I I I t I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I 1.' The Engineering Department requested that the off-site ; Guevara l l l : l. lot, indicated as Item #S on their memoracdum, be : Bierce : :x:+ I approved by the Corxn.r3i.l, By mstion of the Council. it was i La R.oche l : i q i agreed that the off-site lot, indicated as Item f6 on the : Sonneman P : ; ? ; Engineer f s memorandum, be s-pproved. i 1\JIcPkerson: i I r, i ;:;x. ;: I (c) Report on proposed Tamara.& A17e. major street! route IocXon. A map of the proposed rEut.e of Tamarac& Avenue was presented for the Counkil*s review. A repor$ addressed to the Planning Commission was reviewed by : the City Engineer for the Council, stating their reasons i for changing the route for Tamarack A-mnue from tke one: adopted in the Master Street Plan, the main reason being; I the economical factor. The new proposed route would ; run east through Birch Street on to El @amino Zeal. "- I I I f t t I I I I 1 I ;l;;i ;:::: l;ll; ::::; ::::; ;1::, ::::; :::I, ::::: 1:::: I:;:: ::4: ::i:: ::::; ::I:: ::4: ,I,:, :I161 :::;I 181 I I I I 1 I I 1 I I !"""""~""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""~"-~"""""- 1 viernow - t, - .\ , ' , ', '\ -x ' I 1 i X\ '\ ',, ',\'\,'\\ ,' I \\\'\, '\ '\\'\ 'x, 33 i N a me \ +& \. '\%A, : of ',,+\%;, '\ '$A ,c$,& -9' *$+. ! &4"-L" ,p+M ch' \o ',o ..dX """""""" b I I I I : The City Eng.ineer gave a report -of the hearing held by i i the Planning Commission, stating the property owners f? i I the area objected to this route, therefore, the Planning : i Commission denied the amendment to.the Master Street ; : Plan. The Engineer requested that the Council review i i the findings of the Engineering DepaPtment and the Plaa- I i nirg Commission, and determine a desiied course of I I : action. t I I The City Attorney informed the Council she attended this i i meeting,, and would certainly recommend that a commit- ; ; tee be appointed to study a plan, .as we definitely need i i another east -west route. I I 1 4 I I I 1 I i Mayor La iCoche stated he did not see the need €or a com- i : rnittee. We have the maps before us and it is up to the i i Council to make a decision. The Council !hag to m&ke i ; their decisions on the basis of what is good $02 the entire : i City as a whole. I I i Cmn. Bierce stated the main objection by the property i : owners seems to be the 84' street. He is very.much in : i favor of a 64* right-of-way with 48' pavement. Cmn. I I : Bierce suggested that this be proposed to the property . i owners to see if they would be in. ,favor of this proposed i I route if it were a 64' right-of-way. I I I I I I I I I I I I i After further discussion the Mayor stated he would appoind ; a committee, consisting of Cwn. Sonnernan, Cmn. Guevar4, : Cmn. McPherson, the City Manager .and City Attorney, : : to study this matter and report back to the Council, The i I Mayor requested Cwn. Sonneman to act as Chairman of : : this Committee. I I The City Attorney pointed out that by appointing a commit: I tee the Council would not be able to appeal the decision : : of the Planning Commission. I I I I I I I I '11.1 ::I:: ::::I :;;Ik :*I:, l::I: ;$&:a 4::: !::I1 ::111 *I:# pi:; :;I:, ii:;: 91; 1:;:: i:::: :i::: !:I;: :t: :::!I ;I"l :I::: ti::: I:::, 111;; ::;Il ;::;I I:::, !;pi II;:, ::i:i I:':; It 1:::: /;:a ;:I:: ;::I1 1::;; '1 I; ;llll ;;;;I I:::: :::I: ::;I* 1;; ::::: ::::I 11 :::I: 1:::: !14!1 ;11;1 :::a: 1:;:: ;::;I I:# 11.1: I I ii.1; I for construction & maintenance of offsite drainage and : : sewerage facilities, for "The Village" development. The i I:':: i agreement was presented for the Council's review, and ! I it was pointed out this license would allow the city to 1 I :it:: I install sewage and drainage-lines within the A. T. & S. F. I : Railway right-of-way in order to serve "The Village" I i development. By motion of the Council it was agreed that i Guevara ; !x :x; I i an agreement be entered into between the City and the ; Bierce I a ;xi i : A. T. & S. F. Railway Co. , and that the Mayor be author- i La doche : ; ;x: 1 i ized to execute the agreement on behalf of the City of . : Sonneman i x: ;XI : : Carlsbad. : McPherson : : Ix: : I I (d) License agreement with A. T. & S, F. Railway Cog l4:: p14 ;I: ;:PI 1:;:: ::;:I :::II I1 ::::I :; I ! *11.1 i NEW BUSINESS: i I I 1 I i I I I I (a) First reading of Ordinance No. 3049, relating to i I horses on sidewalks. A.t the last regular meeting of the i ! Council the City Attorney was instructed to prepare an i i ordinance prohibiting horses on paved sidewalks. The : : following ordinance was presented for the Council?s re- i .. ;:;it ::!I; It :;i; i::: :::; ;::I :;:; :I:; @I 11: l!!l I 1 I I I I 1 I I 1 I I I i view: t I 1;::; I ;;!l~ 1;;1 i Ordinance No. 3049. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY i Guevara ! ixix; ~ t~ : OF CARLSBAD AaENITING OitDINANCE NO. 3005 OF i Bierce j, i ;x: ~ 3 THE CITY OF CARLSBAC BY ADDING SECTION 48.1(+) La Roche i i ;xi ~ : RELATING TO HORSES UPON PAVED SIDEWALKS, wa4 Sonneman ; ; ;x: i given a first reading by the Council. : McPherson I : :xi I i :::I I b I I I I I (b) Ordinance No. 3050, amen.dincr Ordinance No. & ! 3005 and Ordinance No. 3032, requiring certam trafF i i to stop at R4agnolia Ave. Due to recent accidents at the : ; intersection of Magnolia Ave. and Hig~md Dr. , sild upon i i recommendation of the Chief of Police, the City Attorney : &?""" I I I I I I 4 I I I I I I I 4 4 1 I 1 1 t I :;' * I: ::;: $1: :::a :;': 1::: :::: 11:; :::: I::: 11:1 :::: :;I: 'K I 7 -\, ', '\ -\, -\, '\ I 1 \' I t I \ * '8 \ '\ '\ 8'' 8 I '\ '\ '\ '\, '\ '\\ 34 I I 1 N a me ', '\%, ',,"%, I I ; of '\.+'\$!>' '\ \$,+ - fj .. I I f""""~""""~""""""""""""-""""""~~""""""""~~-----""-----""""""-. I Member '?$9&\9$'+ ,o~@..pf'.$~ p. I I ;'I 4 I I!!:! i was instructed to prepare an ordinance requiring certzin i : traffic to stop at Magnolia Ave. The following ordinacce ; i was presented and read in full, due to the fact it was an : : elnergency ordinance: I I I 1 I I ! #;!a; ;:i;: ::I:@ :;:I: :I::: I:;!: #;'I1 I Ordicance No. 3050& AM OfLDINANCE OF THE CITY i Guevara ! :xi X;, ; \ OF CARLSBAU AMENDLNG ORDINANCE NO. 3005 : Eierce ;xi ;x; t : SECTION (83) AND OdDINANCE NO. 3032 SECTION i La Roche I * ;xi ! I 83.1Cg) REQUIitING CERTAIN TRAFFIC TO STOP AT i Sonneman i i !x: i I MAGNOLIA AVENUE, was adopted. : McPherson: : ; xi ; I !I:!: -11 ! I 11 I I (c) Resolution, No. 811, authorizing filing of (applicab: i tion for loan under Public Law 8345, The City Manager i i "n if approved would : ; allow the City to sell the bands that were voted on by the i i people for the jdint sewer project to the Government in ! : the event the City did not receive a bid from prospective i i bond buyers that would apprpximate th9 interest /-ate I I 1 offered by the Govkrnment under Public Law irt345. A i i resolution has been prepared authorizing the filing of the : : application and designating the City Manager to execute i i $aid application. The following resolution was presented : : for the Councilfs review: 4 I I 1 I ::ii; :::;I ::::: iii:i :p:: ,la:; ::;;: :I; :;I :i 1:; ::;1, ::I$: I t:;:, :II ::,;: :'dl; ;;vi I,!:! ~ll;l ! Resolution No, 81 1. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY J COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, AUTHOitIZ- : ING FILING OF APPLICATION WITH THE HOUSING i AND HQME FINANCE AGENCY, UNITED STATES OF I AMERICA, FOR A LQAK UNDER THE TELEMS OF I PUBLIC LAW 345, C4TH CONGRESS, APPROVED : AUGUST 11, 1955, AS AMENDED, was adopted by title ,! only and further reading waived. I I *iioi I s I :::i: I I ii;:; I ;:;:I / Guevara ; jx:x: ' : Bierce 1: : a ;xi : I La Roche i ;: ' :x: : ; Sonneman : 7 ;xi i i McPherson ; ; :x: : I tl!e: I I I I I (d) Resolution No. 812, adopting and submitting a i i Budget for Expenditure of State allocated (Engineering) : : Funds. The City Manager informed the Council this is i i an annual budget request to the State of State allocated ; : Engineering Funds. The City receives approximately i i $2,000 each year from the State for Engineering. The ; ; following resolution was presented for the Council's con- i i sideration: I I I I I I :iiij :::;I i:::; ;::I, ::::: ::: I' ::: ;I !:::I I: :I::; :;::: :!::! SI:, I Resolution No. 812. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY i Guevara ; ix ;x; : I 11; : COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CABLSBAD ADOPTING I Bierce $i :x; i i AND SUBMITTING A BUDGET FOR EXPENDITURE OF: La Roche ; i :X: ; : STATE ALLOCATED (ENGINEERING) FUNDS, was i Sonneman : ; :xi : i adopted by title only and further reading waived. : McPherson! i !x; : .I I 1 (e) Approval of modification of Engineering contract i ::i:; ''1;; i between the City of Carlsbad, Vista Sanitation District i ::,:I i and Engineering Science, Inc. This modification to the : ::;I; : contract would allow the Engineer to hire firms to make i ::::: :;4: i any special surveys, i. e., soil, hydrographic, etc. , ; Guevara : I :xi : : without having to request approval from the Director. Eyi Bierce i motion of the Council the modification to the contract was ; La Roche : : :x; i i approved and the Mayor authorized to execute the modi€i- i Sonneman : ;x !x: ; i cation on behalf of the City of Carlsbad. : McPherson 1 I :xi : 1: F: :xi : I ! b?'l! I I I I (f) First reading of Ordinance No. 3051, relating : !' I- to the Green River Law. At the previous meeting the I I ; Council requested the City Attorney to resubmit the Green: i River Ordinance at this meeting. I I : Cwn. Sonneman stated at the time this ordinance was pre-j i viously discussed it was agreed that the clause "any or i i all types of red or personal property, or any interest : : therein, or for the sale of any type of services", be I deleted. ! The City Attorney stated that discussion was given to this I ; ordinance, however, no actim was t2knn at. tkt time. I 1 t I b I I I I I 1 I I I I I L 1 I I I I I I I b I I I 1 I I I I I I *I ::4J ;;::: i:;;: ::::; 1:::; ;II:( i:*ii :;:;; !;;:; 1:::; ;;I: :::: :;I: ::I: 11;; :;;; ::;I :I:: ::;: ::I: i::; ;::; si t!'I I n I I I I 1 -7 - I I I I I I ! 1 I I 1 I I (""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""- I I I i Cmn. McPherson asked why this ordinance was brought i r up at this time. Cmn. McPherson was informed this : matter was discussed at the last meeting, due to corn- i i plaints being received, and it was agreed to discuss the : : ordri.ance again at this meeting. Cmn. McPherson statedi i he felt tlie xrierchants and perhaps the Chamber of Corn- I : merce should be contadted to see if they wanted this + i ordinance adopted. I I 1 I I I I -\, ', '\ .\ -\ ' \\ ',, \, '\ '\ '\ N a me \., '\%\ '\. '\%' '., '\ '\, "' % \ \' . '\ 35 .,'4\0' \\ 'q+\ Of '?k%.-g\\\+y+ Member @@\++,~ {;';I ;:& :'I 4:;: ;1:4 1:::: ;It -1;; ;:::: 1:::: ::'I: :$:; """"""""""""- ;Illl t;fla ll!!l I I I i The City Attorney pointed out the purpose of this ordinance ; is to protect the householder. I I I I I ! The City Clerk was present and informed the Council that ! I he receives complaints continuously from residents. . We i : have had incidents where people have purchased some4 : i thing and they do not understand the contract they have i i signed. The Police Department has al$o received many : : I complaints. I I I ! i Cmn. Bierce stated LEiib.ordinance is desigfied td keep i i out the obnoxious salesman. I I ! I I. i Mr. G. W. Luders, 4135 Harrison Street, was present i I and stated he had recently moved here from 'Los Rngeles, : i and he would certairily be in favor of such an ordinance. I i Discussion was given as to policing tt.ris type of restrictiod, i and it was pointed out that we have an ordinance that pro- : ; hibits the consumption of alcoholic beverages in public I : places. We do not have the police force to patrol these : i areas all the time, however, if we receive a complaint i I then we have an ordinance to enable the police to legally ; : enforce such violation. I I f I I I I I ;;"I I#:;: :#;It ;:,I: ;:::I .. I;;&' :I#:: :::I, 'I::: p::; ;:::i 1:4 ::; ::,;I 11 !I:!: ll*i: i:;i: 4::: ::::: ::!I: ::':: ::I;: :;!I! :::;I :;:I; t:t ii=; :I: ':::I ::I:: !::I; /4; Ita I:':; I:!:: :;;:: ::;I: ~l.!l i After further discussion, by motion of the Council it was : Guevara 1 i :x: : ;:I 1 agreed that this matter be held over until the next regular: Bierce ; ; :x: i : meeting of the Council. i La Roche ; : l I* ; x: 8: ! 1 1..1: 1') I : Sonnernan F 1 i x: i I i McPherson : I xjx: l I I I 1 OLD BUSINESS: ! I I I * I I I (a) Second reading of Ordinance No. 1076, amending i ! Ordinance No, 1072 allowing the Board of Library Trust - i i ees to hold title to property purchased for the Library. ; : .. The following ordinance was presented for a second read- i 1i.1- '1: ;:I:: ::!!I ;l;'l ::I:* ;::lI :: ;:I :I::: ::: :;!I! i ing: I I ti;l 'i I !#*!I I I :::I; I i Ordinance No. 1076. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY 1 Cuevara i ; ;xi i i OF CAitLSBAD AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 1072, : Bierce I I ,x: I i RELATING TO TITLE TO PROPERTY OF THE BOARD! La Roche i i !xi i t OF LIBZAEtY TRUSTEES, was adopted by title only and ! Sonneman :x: :x: i i further reading waived. : McPherson ; :x !XI 1 'I I I I 1 I I :l:l; ;::;I ;::;I : :. ~ ::I: I (b) Acceptance of property from San Diego County - : : Dump area. The City Attorney informed the Council a : 1:::~ i deed has been received from the County for the Dump are& : and it would now be in order for the Council to accept the i i property and instruct the City Clerk to file a Certificate : Guevara k : :x! : of Acceptance and have the deed recorded. By motion of i Bierce : Ixix: i the Council the deed to the property was accepted and the : La Zoche i ; :x! i City Clerk instructed to have the deed recorded, together i Sonneman : i !X: : with a Certificate of Acceptance. : McPherson i ; :xi *I !::I, I l!tl ! CITY ATTORNEY'S REPORT: I I I 1 I ! I t b ; City vs. Wight condemnation suit. No word has been I I received from the Wight's attorney as to sny settlement. ! 6 I i State Beaches and Farks budget. The City Attorney asked ; permission to write the Department of Beaches and Parks i I I I I I I I I I I I 1 i State Beaches and Farks budget. The City Attorney asked ; permission to write the Department of Beaches and Parks i I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I i * I I 3 VI :::: :::: 1::: :::: :::: !I&! i;;; l;l: :::: :;:: :;:: i::: :::: 1:: !I:: 111* .( 1 1 - 1 I r I \, 8 '\ '\ '. ' I . 8' I I s 18 - I .' t i Name '\, I i Qf I ! Mernher ;""""""""""""""""""""-""""""""""""-""""-~"""""". -\ ' $ ,' I I I I i I i to see if they have included funds for the necessary ac- i ; quisition of properties adjacent to the Carlsbad State I I i Beach Park within their 1962-63 budget request for land i ; acquisition, By common consent it was agreed that the : i City Attorney be granted permission to write the Depart- i ! ment of Beaches and Parks to see if their budget includes : i funds for acquisition of properties adjacent to the Carlsba!? ; State Beach. 1 1 i Physical examinations for Food Hhndieyg. The Council i I was informed the Health Department iGi- now taking im- i I mediate action against food handlers who have not had : i their physical examination as required by our city ordi- i I nance. i Land acquisitions. Cmn. Bierce asked if the City Attornip : could look into the possibility of acquiring areas of sand ; I which have been deposited beyond the average mean high : ; tide line. These accretions are under the jurisdiction i i of the State Lands Commission and are owned by the State: ; unless granted to another public entity. I I ; The City Attorney alko - asked the Council if they wished i i to attempt to annex the land to th,& three mile limit south i : to Leucadia and include the La Costa Downs State Beach I i Park, providing the law will allow the annexation of lands i i under the water. I I ; By common consent of the Council the City Attorney was ; i instructed to investigate this possibility. I I ! CITY MANAGER'S REPORT: I $ I I t I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I ! I Lagoon property. The City Manager informed the Council! I he had met with Mr. Ecke to discuss the possibility of : i leasing the property along the lagoon as previously dis- i i cussed, and he stated he would be willing to lease his i ! property and was sure the adjoining property owners I i would be willing to lease their property. Mr. Ecke : mentioned a two to three year lease, and the City manage^ i indicated to Mr. Ecke that if the City made any improve- i : ments on the property he was sure the City would want a ; i longer term lease. Mr. Ecke stated that perhaps at the : i termination of the lease if the City did not want to purchask : the property some form of rental could.be worked out. €i$ : did not want to hold the city up and on the other hand he ; : did not want to bind the property owners. I Cwn. Sonnernan stated she was sure the City could work i i out something satisfactory with Mr. Ecke, however, 1 I : before any lease is entered into the property should be i i appraised. I I i Cmn. Guevara asked if the City would be interested in i I leasing the property owned by the Sportsman Club, if so ; i he would contact the club to see if they would be interesteq i in leasing the property to the City. It was the opinion of : I the Council that if a lease could be worked out satisfactor? i ily with the other property owners they would also like to ; : include this parcel. t After further discussion the City Manager was instructed i i to meet with the Parks and Recreation Commission to see : : what minimum improvements they anticipated for the areai i Also that the City Manager and the City Attorney prepare I : a rough draft of a lease. I I ; Weed Abatement. The City Manager asked the. Council i i what they wished to do in regards to weed abatement this : : year. It was the general feeling of the Council the method: i previously used makes poor public relations. The City : t I I I 1 I I I t I I I I 1 1 I I I I I I I I 1 I I 1 I 1 I 1 I I I I I 1 I I t I I ! ..- , '.\,\'-\\. 3 6 , \\, \\ '\\'\, y&\' \. \ \$A, \?d%\ a\,;%\ \@$3\+.(? $ i+: ;; &+: 11' 81:;: ii::: '81 ',$, \\ 89', """"""". 11 ~l:~l 1 :'I ::a:; 41;; ::::I ::::; ;::4 ;ha It:; !;:I: i;;:; :::ji i:: ;;i;i :fin:; :;::I I:;:! dl!ll ;;l:B *I::; ;'I ::::: @l:8 :::;I l;:ll '1 I I: ::I:: 'I1;l f:;;; III)( ::: :;;:I alt;! :::I; ;'::I ;::'1 :a+ I;#:; *: ,,,:I it:: ;:;'I ::*I lap ::;;l :I::; ::::I 11 ::;:: :::I: i:::: ::ii: :@:I; ::::I :;::I !:d; $1 ::I ;:;:; $!;; ::;;: I::;; ::;I' I::: I@;; :::: iil: ;I:: :I:: :::I: ::::I ::::: I;::: ::::; :::I: !::I: 1:::; 81 2;:: :'I:; :::I, :;I:' ::;; 1: :::I ::;: :I;: $1: :::; :I!: ::;: :::: ::;: ;:I: 1::: 1111 IF :; 11: *SI:; ::SI1 #I1 '8 I I( ':I( 1III .) I \\"\\< I \\ '\ '\ . \ 8 I t -9- I ! I x '\ ', '. ' \\ '., '. '\,'\,, , 3 7 I I t \- .' I / Na me ', '$&- x,>?& I : of '..$'\O., ' 'P&, I '?$.&&,+* :"""""~"""~"""""""-"""""""""~"""""-""""~""~"-""-""""- f Member ,o\.,o.,p~p~ I":".""-.- I I I;:#; i Manager suggested that a letter be sent to the property i I owners signed by the Fire Chief, requesting them to abat4 : the weeds on their property, and see if this method would ; I work out satisfactory. It was agreed that a letter signed i : by the Fire Chief be sent to the property owners. . I i Legislative bi1l.s. A letter has been received from the i i League of 'California Cities setting forth several bills that: : will be considered at the special session of the legislature. i If the Council opposes any of these bills they are request-: ; ed to notify their legislatures. The City Manager recom-: i mended that the bill pertaining to the +unties of the State 1 ; asking for three-fourths of the liquor licknse revenue ; i that is allocated between the cities and the counties, be i i opposed. It was also recommended by the City Manager t I that the bill relating to the telephone co~~~panys~ gross i ; receipts In Lieu Tax be supported. By cdmmon consent ; i of the Council it was agreed that the City Manager contact: i the State legislatures and request their support. + I 1 Cmn, Guevara requested that the speed limit on doaseveli : Street be checked, and if necessary that signs 56 posted ] { for 25 m. p. h. speed liniit. I I 1 I I I t I I I I I 1. 1:;:: I;!:: ::pi 2::: :;;:i ::I:: Ill iyi ;:I:, 4::; ::i:; :; ~1:~: i:::: ;:I:: ;;::: :::;; 1:: ;Is ,I,:, :!'I: ::I t:::; i;;:: $1::: ::;;: Ill ::I:: ::::; i:!:: i:::: I II /I:: l:!l! I :I;:; 1I)I i It was also requested by Cwn. 'someman that the yellow i ::;I: i striping for the entrance to Carisbad bd continued south. ; :!I1 1:: I :;!I! I I : The City Manager stated he would have these two items 1 i checked. I I f I t ;i;{i :::'I 1:;:: ::#:I e,!*: i BATIFICATION OF SILLS AND PAYROLL: i Ratification of the bills was given for the General Expenseb ;::;: i of the City in the amount of $3,523.12, and the Water : Guevara F i !xi ! ; Department in the amount of.$18,817,27, for the period i Bierce ; jxjx: I ! February 20, 1962 to March 6, 1962, as certified by the : La Roche : I :xi ; i tee. : McPherson i : ;xi : i Ratification of the payroll was given for the second half ! Guevara 8 I(* :x :x! i ; of February, 1062, in the amount of $14,856.08, as i Bierce : t :xi f i certified by the Director of Finance and approved by the : La Roche \ f :x: i i Auditing Committee. i Sonneman : ; 11 :xi ; I ! !I::; I < I I I iii:; 'i I I::;, I i::;: I I Director of Finance and approved by the Auditing Commit: Sonneman ; 1: ; !x: i I I 1 ::I;; I:, I I I f McPherson !xi :x; ; i ADJOURNMENT: 4 - I I I I i By proper motion the meeting was adjourned at 10: 10 P, Mi I I I I I I I I I 1 I I ; aespectfully submitted, I I I I I I I 1 I I ud EADgw i R/IAB($!ARET E,, i Depuiy City Clerk * I I t I I I I I I ! I I * I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I l a I I I I I I L I 1 I .tl.l ::;:: I:::: ;:I:: ll;ll 4::: ::p: :::r: It;;; :'f;; 411; :;;Il :;':: 1:::; l'::; :I1 If;;; ::I:; ::;:: ::;:: ::;:: :I;:: ::!:I ::I:, :;"I :;:I: 1:s I I 41;'- I I $ I I I I:::: I: I 1 I I I:#;: $9 I I 1;' I I l;:ll 1 1 I I t I I I I I I ::;;: :I#:: It I 1 I I I 1 :::;: I I I::#: I ::;:: t :\::; I I I ::I\: ;I::] I ;::a1 1 t ;:::I I I :i:i: 1 I I 1 I 1 I I I I I I I 8 I t I