HomeMy WebLinkAbout1962-03-20; City Council; MinutesI 4 '\\'8 ... ,.8 - I I %, \\\ '8, s, ' ' i CITY OF CANLSBAD.. : Meeting of: CITY COUNCIL '(Regular Meeting) : i Date of Meeting: March 20, 1962 : Na me 'b, .$, 8, ,,,, : Time of Meeting: 7: 00 P. Ill. ; of Y+\$, '\ '$8. : Member ~@'~*.~d~,c 'QL\Orq'+* i-phce-of- mefing- ,-~uncil-CIaamb.ers - _____ __ - - - - -& - __ - -- - * - - "+- _- ___ - - - ___ __ ~CYL '.. -Y"- -, I t '88 '8 ' % % '*,'8, I. 8, '.8"8 '88'*8''8 38 ' .,& -, "& ! t i AOLL CALL was answered by Councilmen Guelara, i Bierce, La goche, Sonneman &nd McPherson. Also : present were City Manager Slater and City Attohey Haye$. & * I I * 1 t I s -41. *I,:! ::; :'I:: 4::; :!&:I 11::: $1 I ;!!I! i ALLEG.1 ANCE to the Flag was given. I INVOCATION was offered by Counciiman McPherson. 1 APPROVAL OF MINUTES: I t I I I I t ..'. I :::I: I ::';: I ;I: ': I ;;it1 I 'I1:i I i 41:;1 :;Itl I ::p: I ( a) The Minutes of the regular meeting of March 6, i Guevara i ix:xi i i 1962, were approved as presented. IBierce . SC ; 1x1 : 8 :La Roche ; 't ; :x: ! I i Sonneman ; : !x: i I I I McPherson i i fx: I 1 *#;:I I I G,:: - I I ::::; I (a) Alice :K. Amundsen - re: Claim for damage fro4 :!I:; -ii; I sewer line. Letter dated March 3, 1962, from Mrs. * :*ll: : Alice K. Amuntlsen, 855 Oak Ave., Carlsbad, submitting i 4::; i a claim in the a.mount of $25.00 for repair work on damage :::;I i::;: : done to the walls of her apartment due to sewerage stop- i Guevara 1 :xjx; 1 i page, The City Manager explained to the Council this was: Bierce k; :x: : i in connection with a claim previously presented by Mrs. : La &oche : .; :x: ; 11 4; i Amundsen. By mation of the Council the claim was denied Sonneman i i ;x t ; I and referred to the insurance carrier. I McPherson l ; !x: ; I 1 ::':I I (b) Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce re: Chamber's I I*'*; l&;al ;;1;0 31:;: :::*( i:::: t I I I ' I .I I I W I I 1 : CGRSESPONDEXJCE I I 8 I11 1. bt I I I I I SWPrt of depot area. Letter dated March 6, 1962, from! i the Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce, stating the Director$ I of the Chamber of Commerce voted to support the City : Guevara I :x:x i : i Council in theirb.actions with the Santa Re Railroad offici- i Bierce i i !x: I i als, as the Chamber sees great possibilities in this pro- : La 3oche i : ;x I ; : ject by making the depot area a tourist attraction, By i Sonneman :x! !xi i i motion of the Council the letter was ordered filed. ; McPherson : : ;xi ; I !*I!: '? I III $ I (c) L. F. Brown - re: Request for City support in ! i maintairhg Pony League Field. Letter dated March 'I, i : 1962, from the Board of Directors of the Carlsbad Pony : i League, * asking for assistance from the City in the main- i : tenance of the I?ine Street School baseball field'for the ; i 1962 Pony League season. The City Manager informed I : the Council in the past the City has assisted in the dragginb i of ,the field. %he Little League requested assistance from: i the City for the, 1962 season, and Mr. Chase, who is in I ; charge of the Llittle League, was contacted, and the party i i who will be tak.ing care of the field for the Little League f : field will be hqpy to asdist in the care of the field €or i i the Pony League. I t i Resolution No. 42, Letter dated February 26, 1962, from\ i Bert A. Betts, =ate Treasurer, stating that at the last i : regular session of the California Legislature (1962) both : I the Senate and Assembly adopted Senate Joint Resolution i : No. 42, relative to federal income taxation of the interest I i derived from public bonds. A copy of the resolution was i : attached. As state officer charged with the responsibility : i for the sale of California general obligation bonds, he i i recommended i3 thorough study of the resolution by the : ; Council, and requested that consideration be given to the i i adoption of such a resolution -by the City to the President : : and Congress. I ! the Council went on record as oppoqing a similar bill, and: i recornmended ,that a resolution be prepared for the next i I meeting. By common consent the City Attorney was in- : i strutted to preipare a resolution for the Council's consider!- ; ation ). at the nrlxt'zeguIay 3n2etkg. - I I I t (d) California State Treasurer - re: Senate Joint i ___c3 I I t I 1 I The City Manager informed the Council that last year i . .I. , , .a I I I 1 k I I I 'I I I I I I I I 1 ;*#I; ., :::;; ;::: iJ8 :i ;;:: ::;: ::I: ;':I :;i: ':::I i:;:; 4:;) :::I: ::I: 11;; i::: :::: :::I ::I: :;:i :;I1 :::f :It* 1:;; i::: l1 ;::: lt:: I;{; ;::; :::; :::t ;;:: ,:'I :::; 11:; :; 1 I :;:: 11:; :a:; ::I 1:;: :*1: :ii: J::I' 8 IS@, 01, :l'l II'I 41 pir 111 *+* 'I #I*! I 1 1 ', \\ .\ , * . 1 -2 .- t ', '\ ', \\ '\ ', I I t t . \' I I ',, '.,',, '. '* '* I I 8 \, t t '8, '*,'*, ." ,\% 39 I i N a me \\, '-$$$ t, ';961., I I i of '+$!+\ '\ 'FG., I \,L\O\+P+, :""""""~""""-"""""~"-""""""""""-""""""-" . -~""""""""-""""" : Member $@9,~~~ 1 I I I 'll*l ! !1i!l 1 I (e) Petition - re: Drainage at Basswood and Valley ! I Streets. mition bearing six signatures, was presented, i whlerel'nl the property owners in the vicinity of Basswood : I and Valley requested the installation of a better drainage i i project at tkt intersection. They suggested that perhaps : i some temporary relief could be worked out an8 in the i i forthcoming buldget monies be provided for permanent i i relief. I I ! The City Engineer advised the kupncil the'waters from i i Valley Place drain down onto Vslley Stx'eet, which.is tht? i : natural drainage charinel: The Engineering Department I I at one time considered ditching or pipihg the&e waters : i down to Basswood, however, the City did not have sufficiebt i funds to do the work. I Cwn. Sonnemail suggested that hnds be provided in nejit i I year's budget to take care of this situation. I # I It was pointed out there are several areas in the City that I i are confronted with the same situation. The City Managed i informed the Council he proposes to set funds aside in i : next year's budget for installation of drainage in these i i areas. In this particular area it will be an expensive I 1 : project due to ,the fact it will necessitate acquiring ease- I : ments. . 1 I MR. 'CLARENCE A. CRUZAN, 3295 Valley Street, was i ! present and stated he was one of the signers of the peti- : t tion, and since! the houses on Valley Place were built it i i causes a great deal of water to flow down onto Valley I I : Street, and there is no place for the water to go. It runs i i across his property and forms a pond in the back of his ; t property. He has chickens and it creates a hazard for I i them. He felt this pond on his property should be drained: 1 Ma. GUY BE'VILACQUA, 3265 Valley Street, one of the I I signers of the petition, stated all the water goes through i i his garage. H:e gets all the water on the front of his i property and n&-. Cruzan gets it on the back of his proper: "- I t I 1 * t I I I I t 1 I I I 1 I I I t : tY. I I ! i::ii ::::* &;:I: ::: *# ::;I: ;I ::I:: ;:I:, :I:*: ''1:; 1:;:: ::g 11::: I:::: 11:1, :;::: ::;:; ::::; Iiiii i:::: :I::; iili: I'll; @:;*I :I::; ::,:I ::&I; ,I+ ;:/; ,:;:I ::1:I I;::; :I:: :;SI 4:; : :.: ; :::: :::; ::;s :;I: 1::; :::; ::p ;;I1 1::: :I:: ;::: :::a ::;: I;: ::,: :;I: 11 (IS) It ::II: ::1 11 'I ' ;SI: I I I1 I( l 1.1 f i I i After further consideration by the Council it was agreed I i that funds be provided in next year's budget to correct the! i drainage in these areas, and that the property owners i 1 wh.0 signed this petition be notified of the Councills action.! I $ I I I (f) Ted Russell - re: Proposed improvement of Las i i Flores Drive and extension thereof. Letter dated March I - I- ! 14, 1962, from Ted Russell, 1273 Las Flores Drive, : stating it is th.e property owners understanding that the I i City plans to i.mprove Las Flores Drive within the limits : : of the present right-of-way. In order that the property i i owners of the affected areas may properly evaluate the : ; situation, he requested that the City furnish certain I information tcl them, as listed in the letter. The City I : Manager recommended the letter be referred to the I I i Engineering Department in order that the proper informa-: : tion can be sent to Mr. Russell. I I t t * I I I v I I I I I I (g) Leo 13lack - re: Clarification of zoning in the i ! 3900 Block-Gvr dated March 5, I > I -~ I 1952, from L,eo Black, in which he enclosed a copy of a i i letter that was sent to the City Attorney in regards to the : ; zoning in the 3900 block on Garfield Street. He asked i i that he be notified if there has been any action taken in : ; regards to the questions asked in the original letter. I I I i I I ;"I ;::: 1::; 11'1 1::: :::; ;:*I bl!! ,"I :;I + I I I' #;a; ;:it :*It 1: :;;; I::: ::if ;::: 1::: i::: :I:: 1::; :::I :;I: :::: :;:; :*'I (11 ::@I 84 4 ::i: :I:! I::: :;:; 11, 1 $4 ;: I::! 1:;l !I,! I : The City Attorney informed the Council a. complaint had i i been made in regzrds to three families l-;.virsg on certain : : property where it is zonsd R-2. The owner rented both i I I i;;: 11 1::: :I:: 1::: ?II. 1 I 1 4 I I I 8 1 I ;:ti I I f;:: I :;$I I 1 ;;:I I! I 11 8 I I' 1 ', '8 .' I I I t I I \' \' ,' \' t I 8, ' '. I - 3 " I i Name ', I : of ! i ~ernber \' I I I 1 1""""""""-""""""""""-"--~"""""""""""""""~""""""" I 1 : sides of the duplex and the garage was converted into ! ! living quarters in which the owner occupied. Plumbing i i and cooking facilities were installed in the garage. The : ; Building Inspector requested the cooking facilities re- i i moved from the garage. This was done, hcwever, the i : owner contiriued living in the garage. A letter was writ- 1 i ten by the City Attorney informing the owner she was in I ! violation of the City ordinance, and if she d,id not vacate : i the premises legal action would be taken. The owner has i i advised the Cit;y she is having one of the duplexes vacated! ; ar,d intends to occupy it by April 7, 1962. : 1 1 I I i ORAL COMMUNICATIONS: I I I I I I I I i MR. CLINTON' PEDLEY informed the Council that he : i was present tonight regarding a matter that will be comini ; up under Old Business. 8 i PLANNING: I I I I I 1 8 6 1 1 I I I I I I (a) Memorandum from the Planning Commission - i I re: Secti-i549 and 65550, Title 7, Chapter 3, I 1 : Article 0 of the Conservation, Planning End Zoning Act i i of the State of California. Memorandum-dated March 14, : ; 1962, stating a motion was duly made and unanimously i i carried directi:ng the Secretary to respectfully invite the ; ; Council's attention to the above named sections of the i i Conservation, Planning and Zoning Act of the State of : f California, for whatever action the Council may deem i i appropriate. I i The. City Manager informed the Council these sections i ! pertain to capital improvements. -E there are any capital! i improvements ,anticipated for the fiscal year, they should: 1 be submitted to, the Planning Commission approximately i i three months prior to the preparation of the budget. He ! ; has requested the department heads to indicate on their i ! proposed budge.t any capital improvements they propose ; : for next- year. $ : MR. PRICE, Secretary of the Planning Commission, i stated the reason for the items being presented to the f i Planning Cornmission is to channel the ktems as to their i ; priority and make a recommendation to the Council. I (b) Menorandurn from the Planning Commission re: : i Terramar Drive, request for Precise Plan. Memoran&& : dated March 14:, 1962, from the Planning Commission i i stating that at their regular meeting held March 13, ,1962,; t a motion was passed requesting the Council to direct the i i Engineering Department to prepare a precise plan for the ; : extension of Terramar Drive easterly to El Camino Real t I as shown on the Master Street Plan. It was their opinion : : that due to the fact this is virtually undeveloped at the i : present time and rights-of-way could be acquired at a ; : minimum cost,. a precise plan should be adopted now. I * i They further stated they realize the magnitude of the .: project, hav ever, in their opinion a precise plan of the 1 I street is vital to preclude future complications, and the : : actual construction of the street could be accomplished I 1 as economic factors. and development dictate.. ,. f i The Cify Manager informed the Council he ,aad,the City i : Engineer met with a member of the Division of €Sighways. ! i and the State does not plan an interchange at Canon Road ! f (Terramar Drive). Also there is a grade crossing that . : i will have tq be considered in the plan. i After discussion by the Council it was agreed that the : ; matter be referred .to the Engineerin.9 fiqxwt.ment for i : study and also the Planing Cominissibn for their stW1y ; : and recomlmendation. I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I 4 I I I I I 1 .. I I * I I I 1 I I I I I 1 I I I I 1 ! '.. \, ', '. ,., ', ', " , t '\ '\ '\ \X' \', 8 8' 4Q ',$, \I\ '.&, ', ,,*(.+, +\e' 't, 'f+\ .@@,9~.";* \o '$2 .,cy? '4 . ;:I;; 1;::; +I:,, ;;4;1 1':;: :;'I; )111 ."""""""_ ::pi i:;;; ;:::: ;:::: 1::;: ;:;;; ;+:8 4,;: ;:I1: 11;:: I:::; :!:'I It#:: :;::; ::I:: :,I:: @:;$I :;I:: :I;:: ;:$*I ::,:I i:;:; :I::: I:;:; ::I:: ;x:: :::ti 1'8:; :ii:; i:;:; 4; ::I:: :::;: :::;I :::I! ;:::t I' :;I;: 11' ;:;:i $:1: *:;f: ::;:; ::;i: i+ 'i :;lG ;i; :; I: I:::; :;::; :;:,I ::::: 1:; 1'';; :::it ;:::I ,:;I: :pi: 11; :::I, i:::: ;;::; ::::, I:;;: ;::I: ::;:: 44; !::I1 ;;\:I l I;! :::,I lLq 1;; iiii ::;: ;Ill I*!$ ;:ia e*: :I:; a1;1 :I1: 1;' ;I;! *:;t ::It :;:: :;&I ;I:% 18:: ;;/ !:!! 1;'l; $11 It :;I:; t;:: 44i :: :*I ,*1:t :!I 11; (I!,( 11 L I I 1 I 5 i . I 1 \,\. ,\e I I 8, '\,'', '\ '\ '' I \, y\, I =, 8 y, . .. \ ', ',,',, 41 I '\, '\, '\ ', 8 I I I Na me \ ,%, \,,"?&, I l Of '\.3 '?LU\.p,#+, \$, ', '%., ~""""--""""""-""-"""""-----"""""""""""""""""~""""~""""~""""~ : Member .$$@,*.e-$ I t ;:;:I I 'I 1 4: I I I ;a;;; 8 (a) Fir,st - reading of Ordiqance No. 3052, relating to i :;;Il ; I I ;.$ i the .Green Wve:r Law. This matter was deferred from thi ;::!I f previous meetirmhe Council. I I;':; I I I ::i:: 1 I ::!:: I .-4- t 1 I I '11.1 i NEVI: BUSINESS: I I 1 - 1 I i Cmn. McPherson stated he asked that this matter be de- i i ferred until this meeting to see if the merchants were : i opposed to this ordinance. . I i Further discussion was given the ordinance. Cmn. Biercb : stated that he felt due to the support of this ordinance by i i numerous department heads this ordinance should be give; I a first reading. I k i The following ordinance was given a first reading by title i : only: I I I I I 1 I I I' I I 1, I I I b I I I $ 1 I I 4 I I I 1 I I I I I I I 6 4 r I I I i I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I t I I 6 1 I I I 1 I i I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I 1 I t t I 1 I I * I $ I I 1 I I Ordinance No. 3051. AN ORDINA NCE OF THE CITY \ OF CARLSBADmGULATIN6 SOLICITOIZS, PEDDLErtSl IrfABlrERS, ITENERAMT MEi%CHANTS 08 TRANSIENT ; VEND08S OF :MEdCHANDISE IN THE CITY OF t I CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA; DECLAitING IT TO BE A : NUISANCE FOlt TBQSE ENGAGING IN SUCH FURSUIT& HAVING BEEN REQUESTED 03 INVITED TO DO SO; : OF; AND BEPEALING ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITHa was given a first reading by title only and i further reading waived. I 1 The motion failed for lack of a majority vote. I 1 TO GO IN m WON PRIVATE RESIDENCES WITHOUT: PROVIDING PENALTIES FOR THE VIOLATION HERE- I 1 I I I L (b) First reading of Ordinance No. 9121, amending Ordinance No. $3050, Section 412, regarding certificate of title on final ley stated she had prepared this ordinance for the Council's i I I I I $ I I 4 ! consideration. - The City has been requiring a great many i of these certificates,. however, it has never been a re- ; quirement in our ordinance. One addition has been made I which we have not required in the past, whereby any 1 I person who has any interest in the property, including i easements (public utility) must also sign the final map. : This would prot'ect the City in the event a prior easement i had been acquiried by a utility company. 6 I The following ordinance was presented for the Coum5l's : consideration. 4 I 1 .x I I Ordinance No. $3 127. AN OIZDINANCE OF TXE CITY i OF CARLSBAD APU"IENT3ING SECTION 412 OF ORDI- I I NANCE NO, 9050 OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, BEGArcZDING CE1ZTIFICATES OF TITLE, was given a i first reading by title only and further reading waived. I I ~ -~~-~ I I I I I Guevara Bierce 'La Woche Sonnernan McPherson Guevara Bierce La Roche Sonneman McPherson i fi short recess was called at 7:55 P. M. The meeting i reconvened at 8::08 P. M. I I I I 1 I I .+5 1 :;;si ;i;i: ::r:i :I::: :a::; ::::: $1 I:::; :;:*I 1:; i:::; !It 1:;:: ;Il;l :::I: 1;;:: I!!:! l;lll *lI(I 1;;;; f::;: 1(1 ;;I:: it::: :x:: ttt:: ::;I: 1;::; i:;:' 1:::: i 1 : :xi xi :xi ; : jx:x: I : I ' :x; I ; ; :x: :fl:l :;::/ ;;;:; 1:;:: ;::II II ;;;:i v;:; ;:;:; ::;:: 11 pl': 1:;:: :I$:: ;::I, ::::: t::z, VI I:;:: ::I:: ;I :I1 2;;: ii::: 'I:;; ::::; ::I:: I:::: ; ixix! ; : I :x; t I ; :xi ; ixi :x; ; : ; :xi i *I Ill :I4 ::!I: :;j:i :a1;: 4:;: :!!I! i OLD BUSINESS;: I I I I 1 I 4 I 1;:;; ::;I; I (a} Second reading of Ordinance No. 3049, relating I :;;:: :;I;: 1 I I:::; I I ;;I;: I ;:$;I i to horsesmewalks. The following ordinance was I I ;:::; ; presented for a second reading: I i OLD BUSINESS;: I I I I 1 I 4 I 1;:;; ::;I; I (a} Second reading of Ordinance No. 3049, relating I :;;:: :;I;: 1 I I:::; I I ;;I;: I ;:$;I i to horsesmewalks. The following ordinance was I I ;:::; ; presented for a second reading: I i ! Ordinance-No. 3049. AN OA3DINANCE OF THE CITY : Guevara I !x ;x: i i OF CAktLSBAQTMENDING OSDINANCE NO. 3005 OF! Bierce k ; :x: ; : THE CITY OF CABLSEAO BY ADDING SECTION 48. I($ La doche : i :xi : i RELATING TO HORSES UPON PAVED SIDEWALKS, wae, Sonnernan I i !X;. I ; given a second reading by title only and adopted. : McPherson! : :x: : :~i:i s .I. i I I I I s I I 1 I I I i;;;: I ::;:; f I 1:::; I :';:: I I ;;:;; I I I I I, .1 I It'll I (*!I! ! I 1 I I I . \ \ *,'\\ e l I '8, ', \, \ \ ' 9 t '\ X.\'\\ I '\+'\cy \ I : of \\?de,; <-% . ~"""~""~""""""""""~~"""""""""""--"-"--"--------,-------"--------,-------~ 'II. I I I '\.\.,'.., \\\ .\\*\\ 42 I 1 i N a me \\ '+&\ , 1, \n \+$>,, 1 - 5 .. I \\ '\ \, \, i Member \Q@,$@ I I 1 I I I I I I (b) Second reading of Ordbance No. 9126, amending i : Ordinance No. 9060, reclassiff.ing certain properties . : I from Zone R-1' to Zone R-3. ,and C-1. The above ordinancb I was presented for a second reading: I I I I I ! i The Mayor announced this was the matter that Mr. Pedlei : wished to discuss. He inforkned Mr. Pedley a hearing I 1 had been held by the Planning Cornmission and then by tile: : Council at their last regular Ipeeting. The hearing has i i been closed and the first reading of the ordinance was had: ; at the last meeting; however, if he wished to speak in i i favor of this rezoning or speak irl opposition to the re- ; ; zoning he could,$ but that no lengthy discussion would be i i permitted at this time due tb the fact the hearing was ; : closed. : MR. CLINTON PEDLEY, stated there was a misunder- i i standing with :Mr. La Vine, who is present here this ! evening. He felt he was not properly notified. : MR. ISAAC DON LA VINE, 1254 Chinquapin, stated he i i owns 3 3/4 awes and he was under the impression that . i ; his property was within 300' of the property being rezon- ; i ed. He did nclt know the hearing had been held and in- i : quired of the 12lanning Commission why he had not been i i notified. The Secretary of the 33anning Commission in- i ! formed him his property was 340' from the property 1 being rezoned. He is here tonight to protest this kind of ! : planning that invades a residential area. He has received! i word on good authority that a filling station is going in i i on the property zoned 6- 1. It will be the same situation ; i that you have on Elm Avenue. The sign on Elm Avenue t : was allowed to go in way above the standard heighth. If ; \ any Council member owns 33/4 acres overlooking the i Pacific he is sure they would want to protect their view. i i He further stated that he is a new owner of property here i : in Carlsbad and expects to sell his property in Maryland : i and become a permanent resident. Mr. La Vine request-! I ed that a new hearing be held on this matter. i The Mayor informed Mr. La Vine that no one knows as : : yet what type of business is going to be built in the C- 1 i i zone. It is the feeling of the majority of the Council that : I they do not want the hearing reopened. i Cwn. Sonnem.an asked who said they did not want the i hearing reopened? She did not hear a roll call vote. i Two of the Council members indicated their disfavor in I i reopening the hearing, and as the Mayor was not in favor : i of reopening the hearing and no motion was made, a poll I I was not taken. i Mr. La ,Vine addressed the Mayor-and stated h& ,did natpdl : the Council - no one stated they did not want to have the I i hearing reopened. i The Mayor asked Mr. Isaac to be seated as he was out of 1 : order. i Mr. La Vine continued speaking and the Mayor requested : I him to leave the chambers. i Mr. Pedley 'stated Mr. La Vine is a very prominent ; citizen. He has many memorable visitors. This Council i i is ruining this City by allowing such zoning. : The Mayor asked Mr. Pedley to be seated as he was out i i of order. I I L I I I I I I 1 I I I I 1 1 I I 8 1 I I I I 4 I J 1 I I I I I 1 I f I I I t I I , I I 1 + I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I 1 I I I I I I 1 I I I I 1 i I i Mr. Pedley continued speaking and the Mayor requested t i him to leave the chambers. I 1 1 t I I I I I' I I I 8 t ;;I. I:'I ;I ;:I; ::t: ::it if:: 11 11 IIII I)'& ii'8 41:; ::;; :::: :;I1 ;::: I I* $;I4 II'I :I:: 1::: IT:: :'*I d;: :;st ::'I it:' :::I 11 11 :I 1:;: * i:Il :: ::*I 4::; ;::: ;::; :::: :::: :::: ::;; 1::: :iii ::I: i::: ;::a Jl; :::: ;#'I I;:# '11: :::: Ill1 ;:p 1::: :I:: :@I: 1::: '::; :::: i::: 1::: i::; ;I;: :iii :::: ;:;I ;::I ;:ti $8 :'lr 113 Ill( l:ll I 'I i:: I;;! I 11 t'!I i:i' 4:; ::;I (611 it: ::; i:: 1'; :I1 i:i I:: i:: 1:: ::; i:: 1:: i:: ::: 1;; :I1 ;:f 1:: ::; ::I ::: I:: 1;; !*I 4I3 6'' 11 Ill *" . !&I t ; ',, '\\'\\ '.k '\ .\ I t I I \,, 8, '\, ', "\"\ 1 I -6 - I " \, \,,'\, "** '\, '\\'*\ 43 I i N a me ",, '%%, 8, \\a\ 1 I ; *f '+S, '8 '?+\ '.$*,&+ * i "_""" """"""." ~"* """"""" * """""""""_ "- "" """-;"""-""""~~-:"~"-"- 1 I a .' : Member '0 % c.+a rll; 1 :I' i After further d:iscussion the following ordiriance was pre-1 ;;I;! : sented for 8 second reading: 11:1: *I;:; 1 :it;l i Ordinance No. 9126. AN OKDINAhCE OF TXE CITY i ::;I: : CHANGING CE:rZTAIN DESIGNATED P&OPEaT$? PROM i Bierce :x; i 4 ; i ZONE R-1 TO ZONE R-3 AND C-I, IN THE CITY t La Roche i i i '$ i : OF CARLSBAL), was adopted by title oniy, and further : Sonneman t ; ; : 5 I reading waived,, I McPhersoni i : q I I I I I 1 I it:;: ! ' OF CATZLSBA~mAMENDING ORDINANCE &Oi 9060,. : Guevara ; !XI ;ts : I I I I ;;::: i CITY ATTOZPJ~~S REPO;ET: I 1 :I it:;: :::'I 1 I lI/: ; City of Oceanside. The City Attorney stated she noted I :::1: ; in the paper &nhe City of Oceanside is contemplating a : :a;:: i lawsuit against the City of Carlsbad for failing to produce! :+: : certain water records. She advised the Council the records i;;:; :;4; i they are requesting are still in the hands of Mr. Engstranp, :::I )II : the attorney for the city in the San Luis Rey water suit. ; 8l:i i Mrs. Hayes requested that the city Water Department and! ii:;: ;;::I i the Engineering Department make an investigation as to : :$! I whether or not the City of Oceanside is contaminating the i :::I: ; City of Carlsbad's water supply in the San Luis Re y watep ~ll;l !::;I i basin. I 'I::: I I I ;::I: i State Lands Co~nmission. A fetter has been sent to the i ;I::: - ;I::: i State Lands ~o~nmlss~on regarding the annexation of I I 4; i certain areas o:€ accretions that are now under the juris- i ::1:: i diction of the State, and the land to the three mile Limit ; xi:: 11; ; south to Leucadiia, including the La Costa Downs State 1 !;I:* i Beach Park. N'o answer has been received as yet. The I tl:l: ; law has been ch.anged at the last legislature, giving city's { I a priority in such annexations. I I $1;; :',I, I t l1;l1 i Interchange at 131 Gamino Real and Vista Way. The City: : Attorney informed the Council she talked with Mr. Dekemb, I:::: i of the State Highway Division, and he advised her that i :::;I : last week they received the information cneded from the : 1 City of Oceanside, and they were now in the process of i : preparing an ag.reement, which should be ready within a ; 111'1 i month. I i Wight property. The reporter is preparing the transcript! : of the lawsuit. Mrs. Hayes talked with the attorney for ; i the Wights as to an offer. I Appeal on the South Coast Asphalt Co. lawsuit. Mr. Fei4t, i:::; l::*l i just a few more days in which he has to file his brief. I i Also, so far they have not amended their uther pleadings. ! I I I I I ::I1 I:::; ::I:: :i$: ::::: 4::; ;I:;; ;!?:I I I I 1 ::$: :;;:I ::::'I ::::; I ir: 'I I I I 1:::; : Attorney for the appellants, has been notified there are : !l-l;l ;::,: /;:: :!I:; I I I p::: I 1 1:::i :4:; ; Attorney and the City Engineer to see if a refund agree- i :;::: i ment was permissible. The City Attorney and the City t *;:If I 1 '1 I 'I I I I I I I I I I \ CITY MANAGER'S REPORT: b # i:,;; ;:I : Approval of refund agreement - Richard E. Geyer. This ! Io ::I:; I matter had been deferred from the meeting of February 6,; ll(II i 1962, due to an investigation being made by the City 4 8 $;:; ;11;i : Engineer have agreed the parties are entitled to a refund i ;la:l 1;; i agreement, and it will now be necessary for the Council : i:;;; ; to approve the agreement. By motion of the Council it i Guevara :x I i xi i I the City and the property owners, and that the Mayor be ! La ltoche t ;: ; I :x: ; I authorized to execute the document on behalf of the City f Sonnernan ; ixtxi ; : of Carlsbad. ; McPherson: ; ;x! : I I It I :I:,: : Communication from San Diego Gas & Electric Co. re: ; 181:1 : picnic Grounds on la oon. LeftCF"atFiX1c3i 20J 1962, i :::'I 4 Electric Company was present-: :1t;1 Ill: i 'Trorn the San Diego 1;;1: i ed, stating that in keeping with their plans, they have just; ;;:I; ; completed three additional picnic grounds On the SOUtfi ; I;::; I shore of the easterly Agua Hedionda Lagoon, Which have : ;l;Il i was agreed that a refund agreement be prepared between : Bierce : 1 :x: i I f I I I I I I 1:::; s11:; i:: I1 I ! !!;:: 8 8 1 I a L ;:':: 1:;1 I I I \ \. '*. 0 I ! 'x. '\ '\\ 8,- ',,'*, - I I * I I '\\ \, ', '\ -\ ' I I . \' I '\ \\ 'ri '\ y,, 4! 1 -7 - \' , \'\ ' I I Na me \, '*$\ '%,'\?;. :""""""""""-""-"-"""""-"""""""""""""""""-~""~"""""""""""- I 'Q \.Pe \$ # ',L4%\ '. *?x I ; M e 91 be r q*v\ rk'-v ' ti !I,! s I t of '7u"o" x. L%*, ' 2.. 2 i been provided for the pleasure and conveniknce of the ; boating public. The conditions of use by the public will i i be .as outlined in Mr. H. G. Dillin's letter of Septkrxiber : : 12, 1961. 1 I I I I 1 ' I 4 3 I i Cmn. Guevara requested that a letter of appreciation be i i sent to the San Diego Gas & Electric Co. 1 I I I # i Poiicy Statement concerlling strifr:&exations, foe, ?$+e+ i : easements. A study was made by three erlgineers as to : i the, best method of sewering the areas within the C. M. Vi. b. I and the Buena Sanitation District. It was determined that i i the most feasible way of sewering these areas was that a ; : trunk line be csnstnicted jointly by the C. M. W. D. and i i the Buena Sanitation Distrikt that would hook into the pro- i : posed trunk line constructed by the city at a point on the I i north shore of the lagoon in the vicinity of Pirates Cove. : ; It was also felt that a strip that would meet the require- i I ments for annexation be annexed to the city. Lying within: I the strip would be the trunk line to be constructed jointly i i by the C, M. W. D. and the Buena Sanitation District, and i : that property owners owning property within the strip ; i crossing their property would be allowed to have one free i i connection without annexing to the city. At such time as ; ; any property owner lying within or adjacent to this strip I : sells any portion of his property, and whenever the new ; i owner wishes to connect to the sewer, then that property i : would have to he annexed to the city prior to connection : i being made, I I i The C. M. W. D. have invited property owners living with- i 1 in the district to a meeting to be held in April to discuss : : the proposed line. The C. M. W. D. Board has requested i i that a policy statement by the Council be adopted concern-: : ing the method of annexation. I I I I I I I I 4 ! -I ;;'I ::;: ::;: 1:: :l8l ljll ll:f !a,! i:ii :;;: :;:: :!:: : The City Manager stated he would have a report from the i i sewer committee with their recommendation regarding : ; this matter for the mxt meeting. I f I I I ;;t I 1: 4;; '111 :;!I :;;: :;:: ;I:: :::I /;:I ::I;; ;::e1 ::::; ;;4; ::;;: !;:I( #;I;; I:( ;:#I; 1;:;; :;;;; ;::'I ::::; ::1;1 :;I:! ::::I :;I;: ;:::; ::I: :::; Ill 1 11 It') I1t I!!: :ix:i ::I: ::ii :;I; ::;I; ::;:; :8r:l t:!l: ::::I ::'l: 0;:; l,:*l ;:,$I "1; a!l:! I 1 Population Estimate. The City Manager stated he would i i:'il :I: i Pike to have a r-tion estimate made. It is possible : : to have this done through the State Department of Finance : :i:ii i and it would all.ow the City to receive more funds per 't ;;::; : capita. Mr. Sl.ater further stated he had taken the liberty: ;:::: I of writing to the Department of Finance for information. : :i:ii : It would be based on construction from December, 1959 i i to December 11361. There have been 376 units built since ; JIiil ; that time, and they use a formula of 3 plus population \ : factor for each unit. To have this estimate taken it would: Guevara g i :xi ; I1t1I i cost the city agbproximately $220. 00. Mr. Sfater request-! Bierce : : :xi ; ; ed authorization to proceed to have this estimate taken. : La 8oche i i :x; : : By motion of the Council the City Manager was authorized: Sonneman : :x /xi ; i to pursue this population estimate. : McPherson J : ;x; i :L:; ;;I1! -!:; ;' 1:::; I: * '8 .I I i Public Affairs Institute. At the previous meeting this i I matter was deferred in order for the City Manager to : ; inquire as to the items being presented on the agenda for i i this institute. The Council was informed a letter had I t ; been received, setting forth the items. The City Manager! i stated he felt it would be well for any of the Council mem+ t bers to attend. I i By common co:nsent it was agreoij that the City ?&alwagay ; i attend this institute. ! I I I I 1. I I I I I i Employment of' additional personnel €or Building Depart- : neering Department. 'l'he Building Uepart- i 1 men LS eolng :o be swamr>ed in a very short time. Also : iw i additiongl hzp is needed 'zn the Enginleering Department. i I The City Manager stated he has been informed of a person: I 1 t a I' 1:;ii ;:;!I :::I; *;I:; :I::: I' ,:;I; 11 ;,::: 1:::: :I;:: I* ;Ill1 !II!l i:;;; '::;I 11 !::e; i"l' l\!l:/ :;'I. ;I;( ::I: 1::: :::: :::: ::;: at !la. I I I I I I I 1 1 t I I ? ;:ti ::I: i::: .!I i 1 I' 8, ',,.\, 't '\ '' T I I I I I I I t x, ,', ' \ b' \' I %, '\ ' '\\'\,'\\ 4 5 1 -8- 8, , (', \ ',, '\\'>\ I : Na me '\\ '%* ' .;.s.\ 8 I Member \s@,+@G :"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""~"""""""""""~"". I I ;;I. I 1;: i who has had two years experience in the Engineering i I:;,; : Department as well its city procedures. Mr. Slater re- : :i::; 1: 1 I quested that a position be created for h person to help In i ::::: f these two departments, I I !:I:: i By common consent the City Manager was authorized to I I t i Qf y$?$,,'b\ \Q& ,c, ,;. 2% '?+ I 1 I I I ::i:: ;: 1::: I;:!: i to employ a proper person for this pbsition. 1 :;::: I I ::::I i Proposed route for Tamarack Avenue. The Mayor re- i ::I:; :$; ! quested Ckn. Sonneman as Chairman of the Committee to: :::I: i report OD their findings of a proposed route for Tamarack: ::;I: ; Avenue. I ;+I;; I I I :;;;: ! Cwn. Sonneman stated that she, Cmn. McPkrson, Mr. I I1 ::ii: i Thornton from the Engineering Department, and the City : 1:fI; : Manager made it field inspection of the area. They looked i:!:: i over the route proposed by the Engineering Department, : ::::: ,Itit ; and also considered another route. It was the concensus i 4:;: i of the committee that more study should be given to the ; I:;:: :::I: ; route proposed hy the Engineering Department. There i :;I:, I was a great deal of consideration given to the width of : 'I/: ::; 4'; ! the street. It was also felt that before'the route was pre-i ;;>:I 1 1 p::; I :;::I f ;::I: i After considerable discussion by the Council it was agree# 1:; i that the proposed plan as presented by the Engineering De:- :;::;l : partment be referred back to the Planning Commission i :!!::: I and the Engineering Department for more study, and that ; ;:::;: : the reduction in the width of the street be considered. i ;::;+; ;;p:4 i Cwn. Sonneman inquired as to whether any consideration i /$:; It ;:::!I i had been given to the y.ellow stripping on Carlsbad Blvd. / :::::1 r where it enters :State Street? I I I:;dtl 811 I i::::: i The City Engineer informed the Council they expect to I ::;::I 1 :::I 11: ; have this done within the next week or two. I /t::; I :::::; I I ;::;:: : Rear Lot Utility Poll requirement. Cmn. Bierce stated i ;:;1;, i he has been cognizant of this situation for some time. It : ;::::: ::;::: : is his feeling that the Engineering Department is spending! 1'4;; i too much time OLL this matter and felt the placing of the : ;:'a#$ : poles should be left up to the utility companies. For this i 1:;:;; i reason he would like to suggest that the ordinance be I ::::;; I I +,ti:: : Mr. Frank DeVo:re, representative of the San Diego Gas i ::i;:: i & Electric Co., 'was present and stated the City of m '; :::::; ! Cajon has just recently recinded this requirement in their: i ordinance . I $It:*: i By motion of the Council the City Attorney was instructed! Guevara : + ; :xi i 3;;I:l i to prepare an ordinance recinding the section of the or- ; Bierce . 1 ;I ;xi X t 1 i dinance that requires polls being placed in the rear yard, i La Roche i ; : $ : 1: I i for Consideration at the next regular meeting. i Sonneman ix i i X i I I I ; McPhersoni ; : $ ; i I 1 ::,::' 11 i Weport from the "Wake Up and Let's Grow" committee. : I i::: ! and informed the Council that at the last meeting three I ::I::: i property owners in the area of the proposed industrial ; ::;:;: ; zoning were present. The owners represented approxi- i :: 1::: i mately 3000 acres. After an explanation of what the 1 I ::::I; : committee is proposing they were in complete concurren+ ::::I; :a l;:;ll i with our efforts. All of the property owners who would : I '11; ; be affected were not present, and steps have been taken i :;;;:: : to contact the owners. The County of San Diego has I ;;':Ii 111: ; taken steps to undertake the zoning of -the C. M. W. 14. are4. l;;l;l :i:l ::: : At the present time this committee is only consid@ring ; i approximately 5080 acres. I ;;:::; t @l;l I ::::,I I I :::::: 8 f I I:'::: :'!I 1 1 i:;;:: ; create a pbsition to assist in these two department&, and i ;I: f: I I t I I I i sented agair, to the property owners that more publicity ; ::iii ! should be given the matter. I I 8 '((1 *I I I I I 1 I I I I 8 : amended recinding this portion of the ordinance. I I :;:;,I ;::::: !I )I) I t ::1:+: ;;;1:; I :::::: I I 1 I I ;; ;:'I:: : -Chairman of the committee, was presenj ,;::I: I' I I I I I I I s I I * 1 I I I I I' , x,*8 \ ' . I , 8 ' ', \\ I -., , \\ ', '1 '8 I I I 8\ ', *'8 '\ \ 8 I \ ' 8 ', '\ '\ 4f I -9 - I \\ '. '\ I '< '\ '\ I i Na me '%,'?!+, \ \ .e&\ 9 : of *..+$+, \. \P% I ',& ,o \ ;\ x?;\ :"-""-""-""""""-""""""~"""""~"-""""~"""""""~"~""~""""~~~".~~~~~ i Member X%Q,+%\< i The Mayor stated that at the meeting last Saturday held i [I:; : by the Chamber of Commerce, their guest speaker was i :I:: i an industrial p:lanner, and he stated that 25 to 30 percent ; ;I;; I of the city should be zoned industrial. I I 11 4:; 11:; I ::;I ! RATIFICATION OF BILLS AND PAYROLL: 1 I ::;: I 1 I& I I 1 I ;;It I aatifi'ication of the bills was given for the General Expenses $4; :I:: i of the City in the amount of $7,225.50 and for the Water ; Gdevara !xi i % ! Department in the amount of $6,758.93, for the period i Bierce i :x:q i March 6, 1962 to March 20, 1962, as certified by 'the : La Roche : i i X: i Director of Finance and approved by the Auditing Commit: McPhersoni i : 4 i tee. : Sonneman : ; i $ I 1::; i Ratification of the payroll was given for the first half of i Guevara ! :xi + 0 March, 1962, :in the amount of $14,695.00, as certified i Bierce : ; :x ; by the Director of Finance and approved by the Auditing : La Roche : : ; d : Committee. I Sonneman i ; ; 2 i ADJQURNMEN'T: I ::'I; i By proper motion the meeting was adjourned at 9: 15 P. M.: I I I I I 1111 8 I I I I I ,. I I I : McPhersonjxj i 4 I I +:: 1:;:; :;::' $ I I ;tl;! I I :ii:: I ::;:I 11 I I ;:: l;t!: I I 1 t :;:I: 1:: I I I I ::f :; I I :::,l *I I I ;:::; I( ;;;:I # I :;I *I!: 1 1 I i;::: I I ::I!: I :;::: I I I t it: I I 1 :;;:; I i t 1 :I:;; I I 3 I !$'8 ;:: & I i:::: I I ;: !I::: I :::;I I 3 I ::it: l;::: I ;:i I I I \/I ,I::: I It;!; I I ;I t I I 1 1:::: ;I#;: I :::a: * I:':: I I ;,::I 1 I I I $i;' I I ;1:;1 I ;:::: I ;;:I' I I I ;1 J!; I ;;I I I I I ;:; I I I ::;:; I ;:*;; I e ;l:Il 111, I ::;it :#I:: ;::I: I ;;!I; I I I 18;:: I ;:,:I I :::If $ I :;::' I I ::::I I 1:; t I 1 I i:::; I# b:;:; I I ;I! I I ::+ I f ::I: 1 I_ I K J I I I I I i Respectfully submitted, t I 1 I I I I II t; I I I I I t 1 I I t b I :;*'I I ::I:; I I I I I I I I I L 1 1 I I & I I I I I I I I I I ll;l; I 1:;:; 11 I I I I I I I I I I P I I I I I I t I I 1 'L 1: I I I I I I: I I I I I I 1 4 1 I I I I I I 1 I I t i I I I 1 I I I I I I I I , I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I ::I: t ;::I P ;::: I I ::*I I 8,. 1:; !