HomeMy WebLinkAbout1962-04-03; City Council; Minutes.. I I '\ \ -\ I \' I \' I I I \\ '. '\ i CITY OF CARLSBAD i Meeting of: CZTY COUNCIL : (3.egdar meeting) i ; Date of Meeting: April 3, 1962 ; Name ', I Time of Meeting: 7:OO P, M. : of \' \' b : Phce of "tins- -*C9-F.!!L-C3eb9xS """ ""_ - "_" "- ""* ":- """"" : Member ("-""""""""" I I I I t I I I ROLL CALL was answered by Councilmen euevara, I Bierce, La Roche, Sonneman and McPhersori. Also I i present were City Manager Slater and City Attorney Hayet. i ALLEGIANCE to the Flag was given. : INVOCATION was offered by Councilman McPherson. ! 1 I I I I t I I I 1 I I 4 I I 1 APPdOVAL OF MINUTES: I I L 1 I 1 I I i (a) Minutes of the regular meeting of March 20, 1952, i : were approved as presented. I I 1 * i CORRESPONDENCE I I I I I I I I ' (a) County of S% Diego re: Elimination of per diem i i charge for County Honor Camp. Letter dated March 27, I i I 962, from the Chief Administrative Office of San Diego : 3 County, stating in 1959 the Benal Code was amended to I : elirxiinate the 50$ per day charge for the care of city i prisoners sentenced to a county Honor Camp. In order I I for the City to cease making payments for the care of the : i prisoners in Honor Camps, the city was requested to , . : : adopt a resolution indicating their acceptance. The Board: { of Supervisors received a copy of the resolution adopted i i by this city and has adopted another resolution, copy i attached, to close this action. f The Council requested the letter filed. i (b) Petition re: , Storm drains for Juniper Avenue. A i : petition dated March 19, 1962, signed by 11 property i owners, and three tenants, was presented, requesting i ! that some immediate action be taken to eliminate the i flooded condition on Juniper hve. s between Carlsbad Blvd.: i and Garfield Street. I The City Manager informed the Council this was another i ; one of the trouble spots in the city, The property owners i i on Juniper Ave. between Garfield St. and the railroad I : tracks participated in having proper drainage installed : i by paying for the materials and the city furnished the labo?. 1 The portion of Juniper Ave. between Carlsbad Blvd. and ; i Garfield Street is a more acute situation due to the fact ! ; they will have to jack under Carlsbad Elvd. The City i Manager further stated he proposed to budget funds to i : help alleviate such problems in the city. Dr. Staley, i 3690 Carlsbad Blvd. circulated this petition. i The City Manager was instructed to contact Dr. Staley : : and inform him the Council proposes to budget monies for t I problems such as these in next years1 budget. i (c) Glenn Metcalf re: Appeal of Kesolution No. 805, i ; relative to tentative map of Glenview subdivision. An I appeal dated March 30, 1962, relative to fiesolution No. i : 805 of the City Council and Resolution No. 234 of the i Planning Commission, which requires that the subdivider i ; install Sewers on Magnolia Ave, to a point 256.65 feet : i westerly from the intersection of Magnolia Ave. and : Highland Drive, was presented. i The City Engineer presented the tentative map of Glenview! I Estates subdivision for the Council's review. i The City Attorney pointed out that at the hearing held by : : the Planning Commission the City Engineer recommended i i that an 8" sewer line be installed 256.65' plus westerly i ; from the intersection of Magnolia and Highland Drive, i which would being the line to the most ezsterly point of i ; Mr. MetcaWs property. 'The Planning Commission 1 I I I 6 I i I I I 1 I I I I I I $ I I I I I I I I I I I I t t I I I i 4 I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I 9 1 I i I I & I 1 b B t I I I I I I I 1 I t I t I I 1 I 1 '.' *" , ', '\ '* ' \\' 4' .'"&, '\ . '.Q. ',+ \O*, '\ 'a y&y, $, '%$ .$$Qb$&$) 4 i::: ;::; I:'* '1:: ::;; ::I: :'*I :::: ;::: I*;$ ;:I: 1:;; i;:; 11;; ::I: :'I; li;; 11 :::: ;::; :I:: 4:; i::: :;I1 ::it :::I :::; :::; :::I \ '\ ', '\ 'x ', x, 8, '\ """-2"":" *Il) iiri I 11 Ill1 11 1)' I 1% :;:; ti SI iiii I:;: 'I i:;i :::; :::: :I:: ;;i: ,'*: 9::; 1:;; :'#I &'*I ;::: :t:: :fl: ;::: :::: :;@I :I:: ;:I1 ;::; :::: ;;'I i :: ::;: 1::: :::I i::i :::I !I:: &;;I i::! :2: :SI: :::I I;;& :;;i :;;I ::I: I :: :I;; ;::I ,;a: :I:: ;::; ;I:: :I:: ;::: 1;;l :;;: :tI: ;::; ;: :t ,' :::: ;;It 1:tI :tal 11 11 1'11 )I1 4IIt 11 lltl '11 Ifti l;gl 41 $ 'I Iili ,!t\ I # I I I ', .., 'a 8 ' ' 1 I 8 >' I I I ',' *,"*, '\ '\ '\ 41 I I : Of ''$'?&88 +&.o\.p,qq ", '<+, I I I t .I 8' I .-2- I \\\," 1 "8 '."',, ',, "\", 8 I i Name' ', '\$& '*,'*$& :""""-""."""------.-""--"-------"""""""~""""""~~"~~"""""""""""~ : Member \a@,$q8 I ! '. 7" # I I I I ', <, 'a 8 * ' I t I I I I I I I ', '\ '* '\ '\\'\\ 41 I .-2- I I \\ , \\ ', " '\ ! I N a me 'x, , r), ,- &+ ',+' " "4 &- t i%mber ,d .p\.pj?-: '\<~P&'T$\Fq 8 >' 1 't ', ', '\ , ' '8 \' '\ \ ' ' I 1 ~""""-""~"""------~-""------------"~"""""""""""""~~l"""""""""""~ ! I '. I i recommended this as a requirement in their resolution I i to the City Council. At the time the tentative map was i : discussed by the Council, the resolution of the Planning ; i Commission was read in full, and the Council adopted i ; Resolution No. 805, which concurred with the findings ; I and recommendations of the Planning Commission. Mr. i I Metcalf was present or was represented at both meetings.; i representing Mr. Metcalf. The matter of extending the I ; sewers for a distance of 357' was not brought up to Mr. : I Metcalf. It is 357' from Highland Dr. to the most easter? I ly point of the property owned by Mr. Metcalf. Mr. I ; easterly point of his property, but can see no need for : i the additional line. D I I I I MR. EARL THOMPSON, Attorney at Law, stated he wad I ! Metcalf is agreeable to extending the sewer to the most i I I ! 1 8 i Cmn. Bierce stated Mr. Thompson must have a different i 1 i The tentative map that was approved by the Council shows: I I map than the Council. The figure of 357" is in error. I I 256.65'. Extending the line the entire distance of the : i property line has been the policy of the Council for some-: i time. This requirement is not just for this particular ; ; subdivision. 1 I I I 1 i MR. METCALF was present and stated he was not aware: I i that he would have to extend this sewer to the most east- : : erly point of his property. He thought he would have to i : 'ust bring it up to the center line of the cul-de-sac, or : i "A" Street. He was unaware of this until the subcontract; ; or came to the City. Hall to get a permit. He is being : i required to install 141' of sewer line that will not be used i ; which will cost him an additional $1,000. He contacted : ; the property owner across the street and he does not need! i the sewer line now, and does not have any plans in the i i near future. Mr. Metcalf stated he would be willing to ; : put up a cash deposit with the city until such time as the i i sewer line is extended, as he has no use of the line from : ; "A" street east. He is willing to put curb and gutter in i i up to the easterly point of his property as he knows this : : will improve all his property. i Mayor La Roche stated the resolution was read in full at i i the time the tentative map was considered. The Mayor : t asked the members of the Council if they wished to chang6 i the requirement in the resolution. There was no indica- i : tioa from the members of the Council that they wished 3 i any change in the resolution. I Mr. Thompson thanked the council for their consideratiod 1 ORAL COMMUNICATION I I There were no oral communications. I i PLANNING: I 1 I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I 6 I I I t s I f I I ! 1'11 ;I:: 11:: :i:: 11;; 1::: ::;I Ill: ::;* ::I: ::I: :::I :::; :::I i:;: ;::I l:;l ::I: :;;a 4;: 1; ;: I :!:: I!': I4 i;Ii 11;; ;I 11; :111 :,I ;;;; b1 i; 1::; :i:: :::; 1: j::: ii;i :::: 1:;: ::;1 :;:I 4:; ;: 1:;: ;::: $4 ,I:; :::I I::: :;i: i::: 1:' l1iI :::: ::;: :I:: !::I: :::;~ ::::I I:::; l;@l; ;#:#I 1:;:; :::I' 't(li :;l:l ;#I: iiIi :#I1 (11 iiiii i:;:: 181 I: a;;:; :I:!: 88' ;#!'I le;:; :!I:! i (a) Planning Commission Resolution No. 241, estab- i i i lishin a policy for panhandle lots. Resolution No. 241 : J a policy for panhandle lots with the City of Carlsbad, and : : was adopted by the Planning Cornmission after a thorough i i study of this problem bd been made by the Commission. : :0 dPlanning Commission was read, which established I i Cwn. Sonnernan suggested that a provision be made to i I I i require sufficient area for a turn-a-around at the end of : I I I : the panhandle in case of fire, etc. f I 8 I f I i Considerable discussion was given this suggestion and : t ; after checking with the fire department RS to the required i { space needed for a fire truck to turn around. it was felt i i 8 I I I I I I I I I I ! ;;;I; ;!::I ::I:: ;:; ;ii:; ::;:; 1:::: ;'#;I ;:I;: :I::; ': ;:::I :;:;; i:::1 'I it::: :ii:i :*Ill ,;::I :I$: ;@I4: ;:I:: I:::: 1'1 :1111 .Ill1 * r, ,,- .\a * % " I I I 1 4 t '\ 'a,''., '\ '\ '\\ I I - 3 ... I '~.,"\,'*\'~\\\,'~~ 4 9 I I : l\ja me ",,'$., \, x%\ t : of \ *,c&" 8ph e I *,$+,&.?& ~""""_"""~""""""""""""""""~"""""""""""""~""""""""":"~*~~" ,o \O. ("'e'< 1 an I I::): ! this would belunnessary requirement. I I ;;;:: I I '1: ;q:; ! After further discussion, the following resolution was I I t:+ll ;:l:l i presented for the Councilfs consideration: I Il:I1 ;:lit 1' i Besolution No. 816, A r2ESOLUTION OF THE CITY a :I;:; : mCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CONCU3RJNd ;::e; ,'I:; i VJITX THE FINDINGS OF THE PLANNING COMMISSIOrj Guevara 1 l Ix: I : RELATIVE TO THE ESTABLISHMENT OF A POLICY I Bierce gi ;x: i FOR PANHANDLE LOTS WITHIN THE CITY OF : La Roche 1 :x ;x; I I CAitLSBAD, was adopted by title only and further reading Sonneman i / :x! ~ 1 waived. i McPhersonr i :x: I I '' * '\ ', ', ', I i Member I I I I $ I I I I I;1 I t !#I, 11 1 I i (b) Memorandum from the Planning Commission re: i I Recreational area at Hoover and Adams Street. Memo- : i randurn. from the Carlsbad City Planning Commission i I dated March 30, 1962, requesting a progress report from ; : the Council on the acquisition of the subject property, in I i order that the Planning Commission may continue its : study for the use and development of the lagoon area. ! The City Manager stated he was instructed by the Council i i to contact the Parks and Ekecreation Commission as to : 1 their thinking on the minimum facilities needed for the i i recreational area. They indicated the following needs: i : (1) Pave Hoover Street; (2) Install portable rest rooms; i i (3) Picnic tables; (4) Life Guard service; (5) Rope off : : area for swimming; (6) Provide water service; ('7) Pro- t i vide parking area; and (8) Barbecue facilities. I The City Manager further stated that he and Mrs. Hayes I 3 were instructed to prepare a rough draft of a lease. Mr. : : Ecke was contacted in regards to having the property in i i question appraised, and he felt it would be possible to ; : include an option in the lease if the city would accept the i i County Assessor's figures as 207'0 of the value of the I property, as he felt the Assessor's office is more familia% i with the property. i The Assessor's figures were checked, and excluding the ! : Sportsman!s Club property, and the amount would be i $100,300.00. This covers approximately 6 acres. The i : cost of the lease would be the amount of the taxes which i I is $1,904.00 per year. i The CiQ Attorney stated she felt the Council would want i i a statement from Mr. McQuillen's office as to what ; percent they based their assessed valuation on. i Mr. Ecke also informed the City Manager the only restricf : tion would be that the city would not be allowed to have an$ i commercial use of the property, such as a boat landing. I I I i I I I I I I I I I 1 I t I 4 I 4 I L 1 1 I I I I * 1 I I I I I 8 8 I I f * * i The Mayor requested that Mrs. Hayes, Mr. Slater, Cmn. i : Eierce and Guevara meet with Mr. Ecke to see if any i better terms could be worked out. i A short recess was called at 8: 10 P. M. The meeting i reconvened at 8: 30 P. M. i ENGINEEBfNG: I I t * I ? I I I I I I I t I t t 1 I I I I 1 I B I i (a) Awarding of bid €or construction of Public Works i ! shop building. Memorandum from the City angineer was i i presented, stating sedled bids were received for the I construction of a rigid frame steel shop building for the i : Public Works Department on the existing foundation. I Several sets of specifications were taken out, however, i i only one bid was received, which was from the Dunphy I : Construction Company. The contractor suggested chang- ; i ing the specifications on the dimensions of the building i I in order that a standard structure as fabricated by their ; I 8 I I I I * : I I I I I ;::; i::: I :I4 I*:; i::: 1::: i::; ::i: ;:I: 819 1:;s !I*! :; 1; :::; :::: I:;: ::SI I ::I& I: ;:at ::ii p1 $:;e 1: !lI! ;:;i :::: :;:: i:i: I*;: 6,; :;'I I::: :::: 14:: ;::: ;::: :::: :i;: iii: :In: ;;I: ,;i: ::I: 11:; :::; :::; i::: I:'* :I:: :I:: 4:; :;/ 11' ;;ar :I !+I! i::: ::i': ;:I* I;:! ;::: :::: ;;*I 1;:: : ; r" I::: It I:;& ilii I::! ;::I ;::I ii:; ;I:: ;:: 4;: I:: ::: 1:: ::; :VI (I! '1 I It* It* c I I' ' \\. I I '\ '\* '\\ '\ '\ \. I I '\ ' \ '\ "'"' I 4 I I I I I ", ".:'., ",' ', '.b 50 I I i N a me' \. '8%. ',:%\ I : of \'*$+, \,& ,o, 9'. ' *$>\ 9'/" I ! Member \@@,@$$! :-.a- \' .' ' I I :"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""~""""""""-~"""""""""""-7". I :!*I! c I I' ' \\. I I '\ '\* '\\ '\ '\ \. I I '\ ' \ '\ "'"' ! : N a me '%8 '\$J>- '.,"a,. * I -7$+-p.('9$&:+ :"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""~""""""""-~"""""""""""-7". b '$2 .,P$?'..L I 4 I I I I I ", ".:'., ",' ', '.b 50 :-.a- t '\ ' .. ,' . I ! Member I :!*I! ! figm could be used. This would be a savings of $244.00. i i Tize combined total is $5,631.00, which would complete i i hoist. Only $4500.00 was budgeted for this project. It : f was redommended by the Engineer that this bid be accept-: I : the building except for crane and bridge beams for a chai4 I* ;:i:i iip: I'd: ti;:: ::I:' :ti:: I::!: i ed. ! I !I!!: I I ; I' I I :it:: I~j'c i By motion of the Council the City Manager was authorized; Guevara 1 :x :xi i : to accept the bid as recommended by the City Engineer, ; Bierce 55; ;xi ; i and that if sufficient funds are available in the Capital i La Roche ; 'I ; :x; : : Outlay budget that tk funds be transferred to the Public : Sonneman : : :x: I i Works Budget for this project. i McPherson I : :x; i 1 I lI*I 11 l!'l! t i (b) Agreement with State Division of Highways for the I : relocation of water main at Mission and Faussat Road. 1 1 ! Memorandum from the City Engineer, in which he submit: i ted three copies of a "Notice to Relocate" and "Utility : ; Agreement" prepared by the State Division of Hi..hways i i requiring relocation of a portion of the city's 24 diameter: : water transmission main at Faussat Road and Mission Avq. I This work was necessitated by the construction of a hrge I : box culvert across Mission Ave. for storm drainage pur - i i posses at this point. After several conferences with the ; : Division of Highways, it was agreed that it would be more i i desirable for the city to reconstruct these facilities prior t I to the highway construction. The Division of Highways i i will reimburse the city in the amount of $1490.00. In : order to further improve the city's system the City i Engineer recommended that additional facilities be con- i i structed by the city in the amount of $600.00. I I I I I ! I 1 ,'#I' 1,~l; 1:::: !::$I ,;::e ::I:: ;;4' ,:I:# ;a,:: l:;l: :;::; ::a:: I 1:: ;::I1 It ,II:I l:;l: bl*I; :It /I$ IIII] *::SI ~14;l !::I; 1p:; ::!;; *l:1: :::I# ::I 8 1'1 I :;;:I ! BY motion of the Council the agreement was accepted and i Guevara : : :X! i i the Mayor authorized to execute the agreement on behalf : Bierce $ i :x: I ; of the City of Carlsbad. i La ~oche : : :xi I 4 I I i Sonneman i Ix:x; ~ I : McPherson: i !xi I ::I .I*! I ! I f NEW BUSINESS: I I I I ! i (a) Resolution No. 814, relative to federal income i : taxation of interest derived from public bonds. At the i i previous meeting the City Attorney was instructed to : prepare a resolution opposing any amendment to the I Constitution which might subject the income from State and i Local Bonds to a Federal tax, as requested by the State i i Treasurer. The following resolution was presented for I : the Councilfs review: I I I I I I I I I t :si; 1::: !!I' i:@i :; ti: ::I; ;: :::I :t+l l:ll :si: ;;I; ::;: ;::I 1:: I 01 !*I! i Resolution No. 814. A RESOLUTION OF' THE CITY i :I;; ! COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD OFWSING i ;::; 1:;1 I ;;I* i STITUTION, OR ANY OTHER ACTION BY CONGRESS i Guevara ; ; :xi : OR THE EXECUTIVE BMNCH WEiIECH MIGHT' SUE?JEC$?Bierce # i :xi i THE INCOME FROM STATE AND LOCAL BONDS TO i La 8oche ; : :x; i A FEDEZAL TAX, wax adopted by title only and further : Sonneman : $ !xi : reading waived. i McPherson I : :x: I I 14'1 'I ; ANY AMENDMENT OF THE UNITED STATES COM- bo ' ,!I, 1 I I Resolution No. 815, authorizing the making of a populatiori I estimate by the State Department of Finance. The Clty r I Manager informed the Council he directed a letter to the i i State Department of Finance regarding a population esti- : ; mate, and received back forms authorizing the survey, i i It will be necessary for the Council to adopt a resolution : : authorizing the State Department of Finance to prepare i i a survey. The following resolution was presented for the : : Council's review: I I I & t I I I I I + i"i :::: '::: :::I :::: :::: ::;: i::: $4 I I :' s :a:: 1;s: 1::; I::: ;::: l::l I I ? r I I I I t 8 I I I I I I I I * I ;ii; $1: I IIIt I!#: * I :i+ $ I i;;; I :a: :::: * I I 1 I Io I I ', 8, 'x ', ', *\ I I I '\ '\ '\\ '\\ '\,'\\ 1 I \' I 1 '. \. '. '. ', '\ 53 I 1 '\ ' .- I I I "5- -., ', '\\ ', '\ '8, I I : N a me \, 88* '\.'bF i" """""""" ""_ - """""" < """"""""_"""""""""""; """""""_ 1L"---. 1 I 1 ! of '<&3, .c+$$?&)%+ i Mcrnber *@,.PP'd (l&.I t I ~l*!l i Resolution No. 815. A RESCLUTION OF THE CITY i : ?OUNclcL OF THE CITY OF CAEELSBAD HEX2UESTI& i I THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA, DEPARTMENT QF I : FINANCE TO PREPARE A POPULATION SURVEY ANd i BETWEEN THE DEPARTMENT OF FINANCq AND I THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, was adopted by title only and i further reading waived. I i (c) Policy statement concerning annGxations. A f memorandum was presented by the City Manager setting : I forth certain recommendations made by the Sewer Corn- i I mitted, concerning the use of the proposed sewer facilitieb 1 to be constructed join*/ between the City of Carlsbad and i i the Vista Sanitation District. , At a meeting of the sewer ! i committee with representatives of the Carlsbad Municipal: I Water District and Euena Sanitation District, it was de- : i termined that the Carlsbad Municipal Water District : would construct a trunk line in conjunction with Buena. ; I Also discussed was a method whereby properties present-: i ly outside the Carlsbad City limits could be annexed to : i the city. It was the feeling of the group assembled that i i a program be established along the following lines: 1 I AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTIQN OF AN. AGREEMENT! I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I 1 t t I I ll.'l 81:'l 11111 :!::I ll;;; i::; l;;l 111; :;*I :;:; 11:a :;'; 11:; :;SI tl;; 11.. 11.1 11;; ::;I :;I: 11:; I:'1 '$1: 11:; 11:; :::I I 81 1bl 11 11 111) 411, '(II 11:' :f*: I*lf I::+ ::a: 41;; 1::: 11;v ::I: :::: *I 11 I I I 1 i (1) One ownership within the land traversed by the : annexation strip will be allowed one free connection to the! i trunk line. At the time a request for other connections : I are made, annexation of all sewered land will be initiated.: i (2) The initial connection fee of land outside the prese4t i city limits will be the same as that which is charged with-! : in the city, Such fees outside the city limits will be in- : i creased yearly by adding to the initial charge made €or : : connection an amount that would approximate the revenue ; I that would be received from the city tax rate in effect at i : the time the property were annexed. I I I I I I f I :~i' $1 4:: ,I,; :::: :+:I #;I: ::': ::I: :::; ;i l::; f:;: :::: :Il; ;I1 11: :::I It;# I::# ltl: ! After discussion by the Council by motion of the Council i Guevara i i !x: i it was agreed that the policy as recommended be accepted i Bierce : pixi : and adopted. ; La Roche t : :xi .I I I I 1 + i Sonneman !x i !x; + ; McPherson i ; ;xi t 4 ;;:: 4 1 : The City Manager stated he would advise the representa- : i fives of the various districts as to the Council's action. i ! (d) Amending Ordinance No. 9050, rescinding require: i rnents that utility poles be located in rear yards. At the : ; previous meeting the City Attorney was instructed to pre- i I pare an ordinance for the Council's review. The City i : Manager informed the Council the CiQ Attorney did not ; I prepare the ordinance for this meeting as this would re- i : quire two readings of the ordinance, and this would be : i the last meeting of this Council, therefore, it would re- i : quire two readings of the next Council. 1 I I 8 I I I I I ;;;: :I;: :::; *I. al-l i:;: 1;1: :;I: i;i: lib: 1::: i::: :i:: r:ii 8;;: ii:: :ti !*I! i Cmn. Guevcsra asked that the Council reconsider their I Guevara 5r ! ki i instructions to the City Attorney. By motion Of the i Bierce i:ii: : council it was agreed that the City Attorney be instructed i La Roche ; : : I: i to not prepare an amendment to the ordinance rescinding : SOm%?man ; k :X f i requirements that uitlity poles be located in rear yards. i McPhtxwon i 1 !Xi ! 8 ;;si I !I;! 01 D i OLD BUSINESS: a I I i I i (a) Second reading of Ordinance No. 9127, -ending i i Ordinace No. 9050, regarding certificates of title. The : : following ordinance was submitted for a second reading : i by the Council: I 8 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I i 8 I I t I I I i (a) Second reading of Ordinance No. 9127, -ending i i Ordinace No. 9050, regarding certificates of title. The : : following ordinance was submitted for a second reading i i by the Chmcil: 1 I 8 I I I I I I I I I I I I 8 I I I I I I I I I 1 I i I t I i;i; ;+: 1:;: : ;': 11;; :Ill '::; ::;: i::; ::i: ::I: :;:: i:,: 11*1 1;Il ; 'I ';:! I I \\\'X\. I I I I I I I I I I \\\ \\,'\,, 'x, '\'\*\ I I ; of .,.?&%$. \ ,* 1 : Member \,L'.O\, $3'@.&?%< ;. +.q> I : -6- \ '\ ' '\ '8 '\,'\\)\8 5 2 I 8 88 '%\ '\ \ '\ '\ 1 I I i Na me '\\,'.$< '.,'TdJ\ :""""""""""-"""""""""""""""""~"""""""-~"""""~"~""""""""" : 1 ;:::I 'I I i Ordinance No. 9127. AN OSDINANCE OF THE CITY i ;11i; a::*1 ; OF CARLSBAD AMENDING SECTION 412 OF ORDI- : Guevara I I x: 4 : :II1I I NANCE NO, 9050 OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, 1 Bierce :::gi ; RWARDINC' CEi3TIFICATES OF TITLE, was given a ; La Roche I : ; $ ; ;#I I second readihg by title only and further reading waived, - i Sonneman :xi i X: i I and was adopted, : Mcfhersonj I : 4 I ! I 'Ic?; 11 i CITY ATTORNEY'S REPORT: ; South Coast Asphalt lawsuit. A letter has been received t ;:4:' ! from Mr. Karpinski, attorney €or the plaintiffs, indicatink )(II] If' ; they were not going to file an appeal, and requesting that I Guevara i i : x: I i the city waive its costs. After consideration by the i Bierce ; i :xf ! i Council, by motion of the Council it was agreed that : La Roche t I is 1 i whether or not the City would waive the costs would be i Sonneman !xi ; XI I i at the discretion of the City Attorney. i McPhersoni !x: x: 1 II"I 3 1 ;;I:: ::I;: I I I 1 I !!!:I I11 I #.lI I I I City Attorney's Department of the League of California I : Cities. The City Attorney's Department of the League' of: i -rnia Cities will be holding sessions at the Stardust i \ in San Diego, commencing Wednesday, April 4, 1962, I I : through Friday, April 6, 1962. The City A.ttorney's from: i san Diego County will welcome attorneys from all over : i the state. I t I I I Wight condemnation suit. There is nothing new in this i : case. J I 1 I ! I ; Kelly and Hicks water suit. The two suits have been con-! i solidated and will both be heard in the Superior Court. i I I I ! Cmn. McPherson asked why a fire hydrant was allowed to: ; be placed behind a fence. After further discussion the : i City Manager was instructed to notify the property owner I : and request him to remove the fence in order to make the ; i hydrant more accessible. 1 I i CITY MANAGER'S REPORT? i Fire convention. The Fire convention will beiheld at the i j El Cortez Hotel in San Diego on April 26th to 29th. All : i members of the City Council are invited to attend. I * i Fire rating. A request was made to have a new fire ratind i for the City of Carlsbad. The City received a Class Six i I rating. I I : The Council asked what would be required before the city ! i could receive a Class Five rating. The City Manager i : reviewed certain items that would be needed before the : i City could obtain a Class Five rating. I t I I I I 1 1 t I I I I 1 I I I I I 1 I ! ;;;I :;:i ;!'I tl ; I :' #:I: ;;:: :!I: ;*I; (::: (;'I I $1 l!'I -11 :;*; ::I; ii'' :: :;*I i::: 1;:: ::!I 11 i needs on City property. Cmn. Guevara asked what the i I City planned to do about the weeds on city property. The : : City Manager informed the Council he intends to ask for i : bids for having the weeds removed from all. city property. : : Vacations for city employees. Cwn. Sonneman inquired ! i as to what had been done in regards to the vacation time i : for city employees. 1 t : The City Manager informed the Council that the Council ; : committee met with the employees association committee. i ! Several items were discussed at this meeting such as I vacations, job reclassifications, longivity plan, etc. It I i was agreed that the department heads submit job descrip- I : tions to the City Manager for review-, and then both com- ; i mittees would meet again to discuss job reclassifications. : I I t I I 1 I t 1 I 1 D ! i ; i;' 1,: :::I I:;: i! ;i ::!I I::! !:I; ::I; ;I:; :I:: ::I: i::: :::I 1:: I:#: i::: ;::I 1:: ::!; 4:; ::SI :I:: I ; ;. 1 ;11; ,:$I :!If I;:I 11'1 'I i Library funds. Cmn. Bierce asked if it would be possiblei i to transfer the funds designated for the Library Board of i I I I I 1 I I I I I I I ;::I I;*: :I:: i;ll 11;: :frl :::: .!#I ,;I ,I i:;; $!I l:jl * :; :!!I I;'! ("I ;I:; II'I :::; ii:: :I:* 181: :::I :::: :::I 11 $11 :!?I 1;;1 ;:I2 l;tl l;!l I::! 1;;; :I:: I I !I;! I I I 1 I I I I I ', \', 8 \* I t ., ', \ ', '\ '8 I I \ ', \\ '\ '\,'*, : -7 - I I 'y,;.,'.. '\,'\\ 53 I i Name '\.,'$& '\ ',, 'e& .$J\ 4 i of ',CJ%\+,$$; '\ I 1 Member b&@,!+p\4 :""""""~"""""""""""""""""""""""-"""~""""~"""""""""""-~" i Trustees, in or'der that they could invest this molney. I I i;:: 4 ;:;I i The City Manager stated he would check the ordinance i 1;fI : with the City Attorney and see if this would be possible. i it:: 1:;: I I I::: i Architects for Library Buildihg. The Council was inford- :::; i ed that the City Manager, Mrs. Cole, Dr. Spivey and t :::: : Mr. Carr inte,rviewed six architects. Mrs. Str.auss, I 4:; i President of the Library Board of Trust&, infor'rned I ;:;: ::;I ! Mri Slater the Board had reduced the nrimbei- of architectb i::i i to four. I 1::: i MK, FOX, 4215 Harrison Street, was present and asked i ;::: 11;; I if any information had been received as yet concerning i ;' 1::: i the purchase of the patrol boat. I I :;I: i The City Manager advised Mr. Fox and the Council no i p: : word had been received as yet. The City Manager was ; lt:; 4:; i requested to send a fomk. -up letter. I ::I* 4 i:fl i RATIFICATION OF BILLS AND PAYROLL: I:' I :;I1 I f :;ii i ktatification of the bills was given for the general expensei 811: !:;I 1 of the city in the amount of $6, 305. 33 and for the Water i Guevara :xi i 2 ; Department in the amount of $1,687. 31, for the period i Bierce I :x : xi ! March 20, 1962 to April 3, 1962, as certified by the ; La Roche : : i xi i Director of Finance and approved by the Auditing Commit! Sonneman I i i 3 I tee. ; McPherson: : ; xi [ fiatification of the payroll was given for the second half I Guevara i !xi xi ; of March, 1962, in the amount of $15,011.96, as certifieq Bierce i ; :x; I by the Director of Finance and approved by the Auditing : La 3oche : I i x: ; Committee. i Sonneman l l ; x', I ; McPherson jx 1 ; + I ;::I I 'Il1 1::: I I I I:;: I:;: I I I I:;; 1 I :;I1 1 I I :::a ;I:: I ;;r; I I :I:: I I I $11 I I; I4 I UAitGAKET E. ADAMS l :I:: I 1::: 1 II'I 11:; I ::;I I i::: I t'i; I : ;I 1 r t 1:: I :"I I ;::: I 4;; I i::: I 4:; I I :::: :;:; I J i::: I 1 lJ;: I 1::: I I ::;I I I :I I* 1:;: I 1 :;I: t I :I:: I ;:;; I t 1::; I I ;:;; I 1 I I I I I I '4 I I I I I :;:: f I I 6 I 1::: *I I I I I 1 I I 11 I I I I ::;; ;; I I I I [ ADJOURNMENT: i By proper motion the meeting was adjourned at 9:25 P, M.: t I I I I I I despectfully submitted, I 1 I I I i ~&~&Z~~& I I I :; 1;: I I 1 i Deputy City Clerk I I i I I I I I I I t I I I I I I L I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I 1 I 3 I I I I I I I * 1 I I 1* I I Ill I I I I ! I ,!I, B I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I .SI I :::: I I :;:: 1 !I:: 1 1 i::; I IIII I I 1::: i 1 I::: 1 l;II I 11;: I I :;'I I $;I I I 1;;; I I !:I' ,!I 1 I I *I