HomeMy WebLinkAbout1962-04-23; City Council; MinutesI '* i- i CITY OF CAZLSEAD I Meeting of: CITY COUNCIL (Ac!j~m,sd .meeti-ng) : ; Date of Meeting: April 23, 1962 i ~a me '8 '$A, \, Q3' I Time of Meeting: 7: 00 I?. M. ; 1""""""""""- Place of Meeting: """"""""""""""""""""""""""~"""""""""""-~-~ Council Chambers i Member -$3@,$-od I \\ 8, -', ', -. -* t . '\ '\ 8. '. '- I '., '\ ' '8 8,,'t8 5' \\ %.,'., '., '\ 8, ',$':Q, -, %% ' Of ',b$\+\,$.,$ o\+, ' *p a. I I I : ROLL CALL was answered by Councilmen Guevara, i Bierce, Hughes, Neiswender and McPherson. Also : present were City Clerk Price, City Manager Slater and i i City Attorney Hayes. I I I I I D 8 I I 1 I ;;:; :::; I;;* :::; :::; i::: Ill1 ,(@I I Selection of Mayor and Vice Mayor. 1 I :Ill I I ;"I 1 :!!a I 4:; i The City Clerk presided as Chairman of the Council and i i announced that nominations were now open for Mayor, : Guevara :x: i 5 i Cmn. Guevara opened the nominations and placed the namb Bierce ; ! ;x: : of Earl McFherson for Mayor. Cmn. Hughes placed the : McPherson: ; ; xi \ name of €3. E. Bierce for Mayor. By motion of the i Neiswender: $: 2 I Council nominations for Mayor were closed. : I Hughes i ; :xi I;'( :::: 1 I ! :i:: j The vote for Earl McPherson was answered by three ayesi : Cmn, Bierce and Hughes voting no. The vote for 23. E. i I Bierce was answered by two ayes, Cmn. Guevara, : McPherson and Neiswender voting no. The Clerk annound- ; ed that Earl McPkerson was elected Mayor of the City of : i Carlsbad, and the new Mayor accepted the chair from the i I City Clerk. I Mayor McPherson gave a brief acceptance speach, and ! ; stated with the capable assistance of the other members i i of the Council he will try and perform the duties of the : : Mayor to the best of his ability. # I a 1 I I I I I I I t I i;:; I::: ::I1 11 :::: :I:: i::: :;'I 1:; i::: ;;I* 11 ;::: 1':; ;i:: ;::; 1;gt 11 li(I It I $1 I,!* I The Mayor announced that nominations were open for the i Guevara i. i i X: i position of Vice Mayor. Cmn. Guevara placed the name : Bierce ~ 8 ;x:xI : of CarlaNeiswender for Vice Mayor. Cmn. Bierce placed McPherson: ! i xi I the name of Jack Hughes for Vice Mayor. By motion of i Neiswender; : :x: ! the Council the nominations for Vice Mayor were closed. ; Hughes i :: i x1 i The vote for Jack Hughes was answered by two ayes, I ;:h i Cmn, Guevara, McPherson and Neiswender voting no. : ;I:: : The vote for Carl Neiswender was answered by three ayei, !!I: 1 Cmn. Bierce and Hughes voting no. The Mayor announce9 lI:: ; that Carl Neiswender had been slected as Vice Mayor. : :1:: I 1::: I I ;:!I -.I I I * I I I i::: $1 I : CORRESPONDENCE: I I I t ! I I I (a) Rotary Club of Carlsbad re: Support of acquisi- i i tion of Santa Fe Depot. Letter dated March 23, 1962, i from the Rotary Club of Carlsbad, was presented, stating! : the Carlsbad Botary Club has joined in the interest of the i i Chamber of Commerce in the effort to save the Atchison, : ; Topeka & Santa Fe depot. They have elected to maintain I i the park area, west of the tracks, as the Paul Karris ; Rotary Park, providing that suitable terms were negotia- i i ted by the City with railroad company for the acquisition ; I : of the whole depot grounds. 8 I * 1 I a I I I I :;ii :::: :::; :::; i::: :I;; :;'I 1:;: :::: :::: :::' :::I :::: :::I ((1 :I11 141 1'11 .I.! I : Cmn. Bierce asked what progress had been made in this i i respect, and the City Manager informed the Council a : : letter had been written to the railroad company, regardink I the gift of the depot to the city and leasing the area arounq : the depot. A letter was received back from the railroad ; i company stating they would be willing to denote the depot : : to the City of Carlsbad, and would let the city know at a : I later date as to the leasing of the property. :r %y common consent the City Manager was instructed to I i write another letter to the railroad company as to the : : leasing of the land. I I I I t I I I I I I B 1 1 I (b) Oceanside Masonic Lod e No. 381 re: Re uest I, 962, addressed to the City Manager, from the i for support of Public School week. 5L"F7l" e ere : Oceanside Lodge No. 381, asking the City's support for i public schools. April 30 to May 4th has been set for f 'Public School Week'! They requested a copy of the 4 I 8 I I I I I I I 4 I I I * 1 I I t I r I I I I I I :;ii 1:;; !'#I 1::: :;#I I::: ,:la :::: :;I: #p! :I:; l;:l I 14 11 ll,! ;I;: :::: :::I ;::: I:!' :;:; l::l ;$I: 1::; ;::I ::;: ; ; :.;, ;;'I l;'l :;I1 :::; 11 :;:I *I 11 I '!;; i;:1 ;i!* . ,.- I i '.",', \\'\'\ I ' -2- I I I I I I %" I '\ '\ '\ '\\'\.'\\ 5 [ 1 I ; of ',?$'@,&.+ I ; Member \&'@,$$< 8 I ;;:\I : I \" \\ 't '\ "\;\,&,, ' '. t i Na me 'x,,'$$;. '\ '?&, I I I I :iii ;""""""""~"""""""""""""~""""""~"""""---"-"-------------"------"--- I I :;:;; i Mayor's Proclamation for Public School Week. I I 11; : The City Manager was instructed to contact the public : I schools in Carlsbad to see what they have done in regards: 1'11 ; to public school week. I I I:!! I I I I b ;:*I 11 ;:I; # I :::: P I I I I 1 (c) Parade Chairman for Spring Holiday re: Invita- i i tion to participate in the parade. Letter dated April 4, i I m62, from the Chairman of the Spring Holiday Parade, i i was presented, wherein it stated the annual Spring Holidai : Parade will be'held on Saturday, April 28, 1962, at 1O:OOI i A. M. A cordial invitation was extended to the Mayor and! ! the members of the City Council to participate in this i i parade. I I i The City Manager asked which of the members would be I : able to participate in the parade, and all the members ; i except Cmn. Bierce stated they would be available. Cmni : Bierce stated he would inform the City Manager at a later: i date if it were possible for him to participate. I I I 1 I I I I I I I I (d) Pierce C. Davis re: Lebarr Estates No. 2 sub- i : division. Letter dated April 9, 1962, from Pearce C. i 1 Davis and Grace E. Davis, was presented, in which they i i entered a protest to the present plan of Lebarr Estates I : #2 subdivision, witrl respect to the increase in height of : I the land from normal ground level to nearly eight feet on : : lots next to their south property line. They requested that i this unnecessary and unwarranted destruction of property i : values be immediately stopped by proper action of the : i City Council, and that future subdivisions be so engineere? : as to retain the beauty and charm of Carlsbad. i The Mayor asked the City Attorney if there was any actio$ : the Council could take at this time. : The City Attorney advised the Council that since the formtr ; Council had approved the final map of Lebarr Estates #2, ; I there was nothing this Council could do. However, if the i i parties feel their property has been damaged they should : 1 seek private counsel. i The City Engineer pointed out that our grading ordinance i : only provides for proper drainage and protection of i property damage. I 1 I Cmn. Neiswender asked if this Council could do anything I : to prevent this situation from happening in the future. : The City Attorney stated she would check to see what i limitations could be imposed. I 1 I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I 5 I I I (e) Buena Vista P. T. A. re: Buena Vista Avenue i I Improvement. Letter dated April 11, 1962, from the i i Safety Chairman of the Buena Vista P. T. A. , was present: i ed, stating that the Safety Committee of the Buena Vista i ; P. T. A. is still aware of the hazardous condition that I surrounds Buena Vista School, and are in hopes that in i ; the very near future they will be able to see progress on ; i the Buena Vista Ave. improvement. i The City Manager informed the Council this matter has i : been before the Council previously and the city furnished I i a crossing guard, installed stop signs and provided a : walking area along Buena Vista Ave. At present there is 1 i a 191 1 Act petition being circulated for the improvement i ; of Buena Vista Avenue. I I I I 4 I 1 I I t I I I t I I I I I (f) Frederick K. Kunzel re: Dissolution of Carlsbad i : Mutual water Corn an etter dated April 3, 4 tk firm of Glenn & wr:;:, was : '2, fro? t I Predenck ! I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t l,*b SI :;;I :I:: j::i ::;:; *I:! 1:::i iiiii iiiii :I1 I:\ ::I#; :::: ;i:: ;1p I;*! 1111 11;; :la' I;;# :I:: ::I: 1::: ii:: 11:; :::; ::;: :I 1 ;:I: 1*11 4:; i::: '::: ;::I ;::: ;::: ::I; iiii ii:; :; ::;; :;;: i::: :::; ::i: ;: I /;: ;:I1 :;I: ::I: ;::: +a;; &l ;:a: 11:: 1::; ;:I 111; i;;; 1:s ::I; 11:: :Ill :I:: ;: ,y: /:I 1;;t :*I: ;::: 4:; 81,: I::: I:;I ;ll; :::: :;:: :;:* 11:: :I I: 1:;: ;::I I b 1.; ;::I t:t; ;I:: 11 ii ii I I)'( 18'1 ,:I1 14 I ::Ii :: i+ $1 (IIt I' ltll #:I '11 ,;!I 1 I I 8 1 I 1 I ; of 8 *To', -\ cp' \.n..4-. \ \% I .\\\" I \,\,\ ' \' : ' '\ \\ I \ ' 8 8 '\,8'8 3 \,8 \\, '\ 8, i N a me x, +&, '\. &a I *, '\ '\\ '\, 8 8 5: I t Member ,o $,p$?\d '7. ,p,p CO-8 .p* 8.4 . I :"""""""""""""""""""""-""""""""""""""""*~"""""""""-""~" I.. -3- I I I I ;i;: I presented, stating that proceedings for the voluntary dis- ; : solution of the Carlsbad Mutual Water Company have been: i commenced, and their office is handling the dissolution i I proceedings. In order for members of the corporation to : ; participate in the distribution of assets upon liquidation, i ; the by-laws require that a written request for participation 1 be filed. I i The Council was informed this matter has been discussed i i with the City Attorney ad she is of the opinion that a 1 I : written request for participation should be filed. i By common consent of the Council the City Manager was i i instructed to file a written request for participation in the: : distribution of assets. I i b I I 4 t r 1 I I I I I 4 I I I I 1 I 1 I (g) Ted Russell re: Las Flores Street Improvement. i i Letter dated Apr' , from Ted Russell, was pre- i ,: sented, stating $a:in'?zletter dated March 14, 1962, ; i he had requested certain specific information as to the : : improvement of Las Flores Drive, and that the City I I I Engineer had attempted to answer some of the questions, : : but some of the questions were not answered, Mr. Russet1 i requested that he be given more specific answers. I I I I I I 1;:; :::I 1;:1 : 8 1.: lal: i::: :;:; ::i: :I;I ::;; ::I: ::;; 1::; :::: :::: (*(I ::!I I:'# :ti: i:;: :I ;:I: l!!l ;i:; 1;': :::: :::: :;:: :;:a I::; 4:: 4:: i::: ;:'I 11 ': :'It l!*l ! Mr. Russell's letter of March 14th and Mr. Wathbun's i I letter of March 23rd were reviewed for the Council. The ; i City Manager pointed out to the Council that at the time : : the proposed extension of Las Flores Drive was presented! i it was proposed that Las Flores Drive be made a second- i i ary street, which would require widening the street and ; ! would necessitate purchasing property from some of the 1 i property owners. However, there has been no precise ; ; plan adopted and no engineering work done on the project, i i tiherefore, it would be impossible to state an exact cost : : per front foot until this work has been done. I ; By common consent of the Council it was agreed that the i i City Manager answer Mr. Russell's letter and inform . i : him that as soon as a precise plan has been adopted and ; i the engineering work has been completed, that the proper; : ty owners will be notified as to the cost per front foot, and I other pertinent information he has requested. 1 t * t I I 1 I I I I I I ' (h) County of San Diego re: Glue sniffing. A letter i f from the Probation Department of San Diego Canty was ; I read, pointing out the increasing juvenile problems in i : the area resulting from the practice of "glue sniffing" by : i minors. The letter pointed out that such practice has an i i intoxicating effect on the individuals using it as well as : : a very dangerous toxic effect upon the body, and the letter! I suggested the adoption of an ordinance controlling "glue : i sniffing" and included sample ordinances for guidance. i ! I I 1.1 1::; ;:I$ :::: :;:; :In' r:*l i::: 1::: :::: :::: :;:: I::: ::;: I& $',t ,:;I !&I! "1; 'I,# :::I :;:: I;;: ::I: :::: ;I:: I::; It l!!t ::;; :::I :I:: :::: :::: :;:: :;I: ;;:: :;'I ;::: f $8 ::!I 1: 'I 'I i After discussion by the Council, by motion of the Council i Guevara i ix ixi i the City Attorney was instructed to prepare an ordinance : Bierce : : ;x; I prohibiting the inhaling, drinking or breathing of certain i McPherson ! i i X: i substances. : Neiswender! : :x: I ! It* I. I ! i I Hughes ~s i It :xi ! I I (i) Chula Vista Chamber of Commerce re: Council ! i support of creation of a unified port district. Letter : dated April 6, 1962, from the La Mesa Chamber of 1 I I I i Commeke was read, in which they enclosed a copy of a i i resolution adopted by their board in support of the creatiob I of a unified port district for the Port of San Diego. They : i requested the City of Carlsbad to support this project. i i The City Manager informed the Council they had previous! i ly received information on this matter from Senator Fishe's. i The letter was ordered filed. B 1 I I I I 1 4 I I I I t I I I I I I I I 1 ! '11; ;;;I $1: ;I:: ,!I IIIi ;::' ::I: ;::I 1:;: ::I: :;i: :;': i::: 1: I :: :::: ;;I: ;I:: !:'I lli: ('8% $!I * I & I I I 1 I *\, ', .\, 'x '\ -8 t I \, '\ ' \\ '\\'\, I '\. +\ \\\. '\"\, 6C L t I i of '',+$-?&, y< I t Member '+Y+,9b.;t I .a \dl, (h\s I I -4 - -, .. . .. I I N a me '9. \\e\ \. *$,+k $ ?< ', \e+ ,""""""""""""""""""""""""""~"""""""""~"-."~""""~""":-".~-:" .~ t I '*I* !ll! s I I (j) City of San Diego - Letter of appreciation for the I I I b I City Attorney's participation in the Attorneys' Spring i Conference. Letter dated April 11, 1962, from the City i : Attorney of the City of San Diego, expressing his appre- i i ciation for Mrs. Hayes's participation in making the I I : Attorneys' Spring Conference a success. ! I I I I I **I; ::;I :;;: I:;; I::: l;;l :;a: 11;; ;I:: 11 t!!i ! The letter was ordered filed. I :;*a I I I :!:: 1;:: I I I 1 (k) Helton Construction Company re: dequest for ! i sewer connection. Letter from Helton Construction (To, i 1 was presented, requesting permission for Mr. and Mrs. ; i George Nardelli, owners of Lot No. 90, Granville Park i : #2, to connect to the public sewer system which lies in : i Ocean Street. Lot No. 90 faces Garfield street, which i : has no sewer line. The deed to the property provides for : i a 5 foot easement to allow the owners access to the sewer: : through the property adjacent to Lot No. 90. I I ! It was pointed out that similar requests have been granted: i in that area, and that the city has established a policy I I for sewer service through private easements, providing ; i certain requirements are agreed upon, one requirement : : being that at such time as sewers are available on Garfielb I street that the property owners agree to participate in i : the cost, and that an agreement be entered into between : i the property owners and the City of Carlsbad. I I 1 I t 4 8 1 I I ;;:; ;::: 4:; i:;; 1:;s :::: ;:J; :::: if;: :;;; ii;; #I :;;; ::;; I::; ';: f I::: ;:: :::; :::: I::: 4:: ::'I ::!e .I II i After consideration by the Council, by motion of the i Guevara 7 ; !x: : Council it was agreed that if the Engineering Department : Bierce : :x:x: i feels that it would not be detrimental to the over-all city i McPherson ; ; !xi I plan, that the City Attorney be instructed to prepare the ; Neiswender! : ;x: : necessary documents. i Hughes i 1 !xi I I;!? 1;'s I ! I i Beach area. Cmn. Guevara stated he felt the city should! i negotiate wi% the San Diego Gas & Electric Co. to see if I ; it would be possible to lease a portion of the property from i the gas company that lies west of their plant in order that i : the citizens and tourists could have more access to beach ; i area He would like to have a committee appointed to I ; investigate this matter. I I : Cmn. Bierce stated this matter was discussed with the ! i gas company by the committee appointed by the former : i Mayor. It was also suggested that Mr. Ecke be contacted; ; Cmn. Neiswender stated he would like to digest this I election before he expounds on several matters. He woulp ; like to be thoroughly informed on what has transpired. ; [ Mayor McPherson stated he would like to have the present! ; committee report back to the Council at the next regular i i meeting as to what has transpired. L I 8 I I I I I I I 1 I t I 6 I I 1 I 'li; ::;: ::I# i::: ;; 11 ::ti I'I 1;;: :I:: ;:I; 11 tl ,!?I *;'I SI :x: :::; 1; I::; :;:: :;:: :#if if:: t::l :!I: :; :;:: I::: :I:: :;:: ;I:: .It, f OaAL COMMUNICATIONS: I t * i::: l!*I I I M3. EDNAdD LAWSON, 1370 Euena Vista Avenue, I :.; ; 1 I !::: i stated he had received a letter from the Engineering I :;I: i Department setting forth the estimated cost for the improde- i:i: : ment on Buena Vista Avenue. He further stated the propei- ,It: 1;11 i ty owners previously had sent a letter to the Council pro- 1 :::I I testing any improvement that would be borne by the propeG- ::;'r 1(11 i ty owners, as they felt the city should pay for any improv4- ii:: : ment, and asked if this letter of protest would still be : ;+I1 lt:; i effective. 1 l:fl ! :::: I 1 IJ B I I I i It was pointed out by the City Engineer that a 191 1 Act i : Improvement petition is presently being circulated for the i . i improvement of Buena Vista Avenue. 9 I I I I ! :;:: 4:; ti;: ;:I* ::e: :I:: JI l1!I i The City Attorney stated that at the time of a hearing on i ;;;; I I 'I) I I ;It: I I :;;I I :-::: I I I ;:I: I I I ;:I' I I I :I:: I 1 1 I ', \-\ 8. - m 1 I I\ '\ \ ', '. '\ I -5 - ', \ '\ \\""\ I : Na me 8, ',$&, 8, 'a\ :"""""-"""""""""""~""""""""~""""""""""~"-~~"~"""~""""""*" 4 I ;;;I I :I*: i an improvement district it would be necessary to enter 1 I'll : another protest. 1:*1 1 *l:l ! Abandonment of water easements. The Engineer present-: I ed a map of Lebarr Estates #2 subdivision, in which he i : pointed out to the Council there were two water easement& $:I i and the subdivider has requested that these easements be i f abandoned. The Engineer informed the Council the city : ;pi I has no use for the easements and recommended the requedt :I;; : be granted. I #I i By motion of the Council the City Attorney was directed I Guevara I !xi xi ; I #I( i to prepare the necessary documents for the abandonment i Bierce k; :x: ~ I of the easements, and the Mayor authorized to execute : McPherson I : :xi ~ ; the documents on behalf of the City of Carlsbad. i Neiswenderi I i x: t : Hughes ; I I 1 x: : : CITY ATTORNEY'S REPORT: :;$I I I :;II :; $ I 11 1 I :;$I : The City Attorney welcomed the new members to the I :I:: i Council. She informed the new members there are I ::;: i several lawsuits pending, and she would be most happy ! +: ;: ; to go over these lawsuits with the new members. + 1 :iii I 1 :I 1 I 1'11 i rtequest for water records by City of Oceanside. Approx-i I:;$ ::I: i lmately six months ago the City of Oceanside requested : Id:, : permission to review certain water records of this city. i I Over three years ago the City of Carlsbad was a party to : , ; a lawsuit to protect its water rights in the San Luis Rey : i Valley. The decision was in favor of the City of Carlsbadi ;::! : however, Mr. Paul Engstrand, who ably represented the : :::: i City of Carlsbad, is to prepare the findings and judgment, i :aa: : still has all of the records. Several requests have been ; :;;i i made by the City of Oceanside, and they were informed i :**; : the records. were not available. Due to the anxiety of the ; is; i City of Oceanside, a meeting was arranged with the City I I:, : of Oceanside and their attorney, Mr. Paul Engstrand, the : :::i i City Manager and myself. It was agreed that with Mr. i '*II :::; : Engstrandls assistance the documents and information : :'if i would be turned over to the City of Oceanside by April 27, i :;,a :::: : 1962. I ::;; I I I I i::: : CITY MANAGEd'S REPOKT: I t :1:: I I t 1::: : The City Manager informed the Council the Mayors and : ii:: i Councilmen's institute is to be held in May at Berkeley, i i::; 1 California. t I iii; I I11 s I 1 ;::I I The Mayor requested the City Manager to contact each of i lit: ;I:' ; the members of the Council to see if they wished to attend; It I I ;;;; t I $11 i Testing of motors for boat repair shop. A request has i i::: : been made by the operator of the boat repair shop to be i ;::: 1::: i granted permission to test unmuffled motors that are I ::I: i being repaired. He will either notify the Police Depart- i 81 I l ::;I : rnent or the City Manager when he is going to test the I i:;: i motors. It was pointed out that a Special Use Permit was i III: 1::: I granted to the property owner to allow this repair shop. ; :::I I I ,111 I 1 *It! : Considerable discussion was given this matter by the 1 ;:!I i Council. Cmn. Neiswender asked the City Attorney in i :SI' ; view of the recent decision by the Supreme: Court if the : i city was not "sticking its neck out'' by allowing any un- i ! muffled boats on the lagoon. i The City Attorney informed the Council it was her opinion I i that the decision of the Supreme Court does not affect the I ; boats on the lagoon, it only relates to airplanes. I After further discussion, by motion of the Council it was i ;:!I t I I I 1 \\ ', '' '\ '+, ' 6 i I 1 i of 'y?g+&, \,&.Q, $\ \ %?' I i Member ~$$@,~~$ 0 I 1 3 I !;:I 1 I I I I \ '. 'b '\ \ '$3' 4 1 I * :::: ;;&I 1::: 1::: I ;;I: 11 4 '1 I b 1 i;::: I I t I 1 I I I I I;;: i::: :::I ;;;I '11 6'1 I I 1 I *$ I I I I I :x] $1: SI ;:II $1 :; I ,I(: 1::; :::: :::I ;:I+ I I I ;::: I I :;:; I I I I !:l: ;I:: I t I I :::I I t I I ::;: I 1 B I :#I: I % I I I I 4;': I 1 I &:I I I ; 1. 1. ; 1 I 1;;: I I I 1 I I I ,I L I 1 I 1 I I '* ' .- \\ ',x8<., '.,'x '' '\ ' 8 '*,'\, 6 2 '\ '\,'X,, 't, '' ', I i N a me \'x '<?$\ 8, %X+ I '\* ,ox, '\ ?% 1 I : of .Pd@\ ;X,;% ~"~""""~""""""~""""""""""""""""--"--"--""""~-""""-""""--"-"- i Member \%@,&?( I I;:I i agreed that an ordinance be prepared to allow the opera- i Guevara :xi ; 4 L;i : tor of the boat repair shop to test unmuffled motors ; Bierce i during certain hours of the day. i McPhersoni i I x; I -6 - ' 8' I 1 I I b 1 I I Neiswender; i i :x : : :x: I I ; Hughes I :x: xi I :::: t I I I i A short recess was called at 8:lO P. M. The meeting i :;;; : reconvened at 8: 23 P. M. I I::; ! I ::!I I I 1 I ! Increased cost of meters. The Director of Finance has I I requested that the city increase their rates on a 5/8 inch : i meter from $40.00 to $45.00. i Mr. Scholink was present and informed the Council the i : city is planning to purchase between 40 to 50 meters I i within the next week. The price of the meters has gone i : up 10%. The city makes 80C on the meters, which does : i not take care of the labor to install the meters. The cost i : of the meters is not included in the water ordinance. I I I I I I I I 1 I t I I ;:;: :I:: 1:11 :I:: ::,! ::p 111 :;I1 :;I: 11;: !:I: It'I 41;; :;;; :ill ::I1 .I I!)) $1 l,!l ; By. motion of the Council it was agreed that the cost of i Guevara I ; ;xi i the meter be increased to $45.00 per meter. I Bierce bi !x: : i ;I I I I 1 : McPherson i : ;x: I I i Neiswender: b @ : 1 I : Hughes i : s I I I!'# : PLANNING COMMISSION I I 1-11 I l:;l a I I ilii I ; The Council was informed there were five vacancies on I i the Planning Commission, and Mayor McPherson request; i ed the members of the Council to submit names for consid:- : eration. The following names were submitted: I Max Ewald David Baird Jack Keenan &ussell Grosse 1 John Grant Arnold Brilhart I Clyde Dillon Pierce Davis 1 Joseph Guard Jane Sonneman I Ben Ward I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I i The Mayor stated he did not wish to make any appointmentb : at this meeting, and requested that the members of the : i Council contact each of the above named persons prior i ; to the next regular meeting in order to become acquainted: i with the persons being considered. I I I I I ADJOUftNMEPSr: I I I I I 1 I I i By proper motion the meeting was adjourned at 8:45 P. M. I I I I I I I I I I :;I! 4 ;: ;:I: 1:11 1::: :;I1 .I :::: 11 1.11 1.I) 81 ;:;: :it: I:!: :::: ltl: 1;' :ii: 1: !I,! 11;; ::;I ;:si :::: I::: 1:;; :::I :!!: 11 ;i;; ;::; 4:; ::;: iii: :I;: !I.? II i .itespectfully submitted, I .l-n I I I :;I: I f:ii I I t I i&&QqEwd i: LgMd I T E. ADA S i Deputy ity Clerk I I I I I I I I ' 1 I I I 9 I I I 1 I I I '1 ;:Il :i 11;: ii:: ::;I ':::i l;;l ::;: 11 !I*! I I 'L j; I I I I I 1 4 I :;SI I I I :;;: I I ;::: t I ti': I I i::: I I ;::; 1::; I :::; I 1::: I I :I,: I $'I I I::: I ::i: 1 :::: I I :; 18 1 :I:: 1 1:;: I :;a: I :I;' VI I 11 I I I I I I I I 11 I D $1 I I I I t I I I I I I t I I I 1 ;tl I 1 1 I I I I I 1 1 I I I I I I 1.8