HomeMy WebLinkAbout1962-06-07; City Council; Minutes.I I I' I I 8, 88 ') '\ '\ '' : 8 \' I : ! N a me 888,+8@&, 88 '9s. : CITY OF CWRLSBAD CITY COUP!CIL (Regular adjourned) r Minutes of : I \\ '+, '\\ '+, :Date of Meeting: June 7, 1952 ' '8$\ \ 8, 88 '988 I Time of Meeting: 7:OO P. M. :Place of Meeting: Council Chambers : Member yi&$&;*+ ,o~g~,~(?"c I I ;'I 8 :ROLL CALL was answered by Councilmen Guevara, Bierce, 4;;; {PlcPherson, Neiswender and Hughes. Also present were City i :;::i :Manager Slater and City Attorney Hayes. I I ::p: I I #I t I 1 ::iii :The Mayor announced the Council would continuewith the 4 11 :;!J !agenda items that were not completed at the regular meet- i :#I : ing of June ti, 19G2. I I $ii I I I ::I I ::;I: ; PLANNING: I 1:::: I t 1 I i:::: I (a) Approval of tentative map of Holiday Manor sub- i 118;l !::;: !division. Resolution No. 246 of the Planning Commission 1 *:::: ;I* I :was read wherein they recommended the approval of the I 1:;:: :tentative map subject to certain conditions and restric- i :::I: td I II I tions. I :;'I: I I # ;;::: :The City Manager informed the Council the following two I ;I!;: 4+ fletters had been received concerning this subdivision: 1 I !::,I I I I I:::' :Letter dated Flay 29, 1942, from W. J. Reid protesting the i '$1;; !size of the lots within the .subdivision. I I 1:::; :I!;: :Letter dated May lS, 1952, from Mr. and Nrs. Parris L, Simsj ii:;: i4157 Park Drive, statin2 they were concerned about their ; 1:' It;!! :property being landlocked, also dead-end streets, and felt I I" I.; : i \ ;Valley Street should be extended. I I + 8 I I :::I: :The City Engineer presented a map of the entire area 1 t :$:I :surrounding the subdivision. He advised the Council this i :Ifl; $t:! :proposal was discussed at least once with all the property ; $#*I: jowners concerned. At the time the subdivision map was 4 I :!;;; :presented, Xr. Kalicka was in the process of obtaining 1 ::p: t l"I; jadditional property. He has nov completed the land trans- i iii:; :action and has presented a revised map, which will add an ; :*4:1 I::;: :additional 12 lots to the subdivision, In the opinion of i la,;: 11 :the Engineer, this is an ideal situation as it will open up; i:::: jadditional property, i. e., Dr. Palmateer's, and will give i ;:::: ll'a; :an additional street, which the City has wanted for some ; i::;: !time. The City needed this street for drainage and sewer i (11 1 :facilities. There would be SO0 feet of storm drainage 1 I ;::a, ;:::; i improvements that would benefit all of the City. It was i ::::; :the Engineer's opinion that if the subdivider participated : ;:::; !in 50% of the cost of this storm drainage improvement, the i ;:::; :City should participate in the remaining 503, The estima- i i:;;: Ited cost is $15,OO to $2E).OO a foot. ;;'I: I 4 I ::::I I I ;:i;: /The City Engineer recommended that the City, participate in 1 4::; {the improvement of Tamarack Avenue from Highland Drive east! ;:::I 1:::: il50 feet to the westerly boundary of the subdivision, and ; :I!:: :one-half of the storm drainage improvement cost. B ;I$1, I I 111:1 8 I 4::: :After due consideration by the Council, the following reso- i ::'I; ilution was presented €or the Council's consideration: I I i;:;: I I I I ::::; !Resolution No. 528. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF guevara al:ll : : ;+ : :TENTATIVE MAP OF HOLIDAY MAHOR SUBDIVISICM AND REFERRIEG hcPherson l l 1 , :x: ; :THE MATTER TO TRE PLANNING COP&lISSION FOR 'R3kIR FINDIHGS, Beiswender k i ; $ i bas adopted by title only and further reading waived. Bughes 1 :x\ x: i I ') '),"\, '\ '%,'8, 9 \\ ' ' : of ~~"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""-----""""~"-------"--"------"---~ t I b ;;It 1 I I I : I I I I I I I 1:;4: I 4 s I I ;Il,l 11 I 'I I I I I :THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CONDITIONALLY APPROVING THE REVISED Bierce !::*: I !:'la I I I 1:::; I (a) Acceptance of drainage easement from the San Dieg4 ;::;: :q:: 11 bwners on Garfield Street wish to improve a portion of Gar- ; ;: I : I I ''1:: ~ENGINEZRING : 1 I I ;I:;I 1 I ;:::: gas & Electric Co. The Council was informed the property I :I: :field Street south of Chinquapin Avenue on a cash basis. I ;I :;: krior to the improvements being made, it was necessary to ; $1 I l;g:1 9btain a drainage easement from the San Diego Gas & Electrici ;I:;: $0, The easement has been received from the Gas Company, : ;:::: II~I~ 9nd it will now be necessary for the Council to accept this I $:': 1t:a geed. I I I 19, ::'I: I I I I :i::: 8 I I I :e::; I I ,::,, 1 ! ::1:1 1 I I I ', ' ., x ' ', I I 88 I t I I ', '\\ '\, 8, ', '8 * I '\ ' '\ '\,'', I I Na me \, ',$, 's, '\&, I I '.&& ', **., I : of ',L\O,+ c3.w. '*' ,+ t I Member $'@.?%< 4 ::::; I I 1 8, y*\, '\ 9: c ,, \ , 8 't 'x I I .. ~""""""""""""""~"""-"""""~"""""""""""""""""""""--""""~" I t :;It; : By motion of the Council, the City Council, on behalf of Guevara ; *:+ : i the City of Carlsbad, accepted the drainage easement from pierce :4 i)(: I i the San Diego Cas & Eleccric Co., subject to the approval NcPherson I ; ; 4 : ; of the City Attorney, and the City Attorney instructed to beiswender ; i i 5 i : record the same. Ithghes ; : :x1 : ' " nue. A petition has been received by the Engineering De- i :::;i i partment for the improvenent of Chinquapin Avanue from Gar4 i:::: 1 field Street east to the railroad tracks. The property I :;::: I owners desire to improve this street under the 1911 Act i : proceedings. However, due to the fact the petition only : ;;::: I contained signatures of 51% of the property owners in the I :'::: i area, it will be necessary to proceed under the Special : $;;l *I#;; ; SnGestigation, Limitation and Majority Protest Act. The i i City Engineer recomnended that the property owners be I ii;i' i allowed to Z3roceed with this project. i By mot ion of the Council it was apeed that the City Engi- kuev4ra 4 1s: i neer's request be granted, and that the necessary documentspierce L; ;x; i ; be prepared for the improvement of Chinquapin Avenue from f4cPherson i ! i x: i : Garfield Avenue to the railrcad tracks under an improve- keiswender i ; ; xi ; i ment district. pughes I ;x; : i PARKS AND RECREATION: 1, I ;#I 1 Recreation Commission. Letter dated by 25, 1952, from ; :;;;: !John T. Palrrer, tendering his resignation from the Parks i ;:::,: :and Zecreation Comission,in order to serve the City as a ; ;v I:;! ;member of the Planning Commission, :By common consent, the resignation of John T. Palmer was i b1 :accepted and the City Manager was instructed to write a : *:*I: i letter of appreciation to Kr. Palmer for his service as a i I:!:! jmernber of the Parks and Recreation Conmission. 4 I ;;$I 11 I I 4 b I I 4; I I t ::it, 1 (b) Reauest for street improvement of Chinquapin Ave4 I;!:; I ;4:4 ::::: ;I, :; I I I $1 4 ii::: ' kix; I I I I#:! I I I I ::::I & ::;I, 1 * I :::i: I (a) zesiznation of John T. Palmer from the Parks and i ,I::; ;:I:: I 4 I I 811 t t P 3 ;; :.: : t +;; :I :;::: 1 I I I 1:;;: I (b) Appointrnent to the Parks and Zecreation Commi- : i:: I: I :::1: I ::;:' :ii:: I I i ssion. The Mayor announced that the name of Nr. Jim iSutherIand had been svbmitted at the last meeting of the i ,:I:: :Council for considerztion. tJith the consent of the Council: :;:;: :he would like to appoint Mr. Jim Sutherland to fill the i :vacancy created by the resignstion of Mr. John T. Palmr YGuevara !x; :xi ; i from the Parks and Recreation Commission, which term will IBierce : jxjx: i :expire August, 1965. 3y motion of the Council, the appoint+ NcPherson i ! :xi i :Rent of Mr. Jim Sutherland to the Parks and Recreation INeiswender I I :x: I :Commission was confirmed. :Hughes I : ;x: : i L IBTs-kl?,Y : 8@b:; I I t I 1 :::I 1: 1:::; * I,,;: ;::I: I' I (2) Renort of CnunLi 1 Cormittqz re: Lease of citx i ;:::I ;:*a1 I I I * 4 * !property. Cmn. Neisvender stated he, Mr. Hughes,-ttie.-City i 41; :Wanager and City Attorney Hayes were appointed by the Mayor: iil;: 1'1 !to met with the Doctors Packard regarding the leasing of I ;:e:: :City property at Elm and Madison Streets. Problems of fin-: :;::; iancing were discussed. The Doctors did not feel this would: I 11: :be a good investment for them on a 30 year basis. They now: l::l :need 5,000 square feet of floor space for the building. :They originally were considering a $45,000.00 investment : ,,It: :for the building. However, due to the increase in floor I :;;I: ispace, it vould nov run $75,000.00. It was their conclu- : ;:::: jsiom they could not .consider anything under a 40 year lease! :11:1 jCm. Neiswender stated he felt a 40 yeer lese was too long i land this would not be giving a competitive bid for leasing I :turned over Co the City Attorney for competitive bidding. I !!:;I ;Also, Cmn. Neiswender suggested this lease be based on a : ;:::] :front foot basis - so much for the first 5 years and then a$ ::::; 18' !additional amount for the next five years depending upon ; ;::!: jbusfness and property values. ! p:: I ::p: I !;;:I '::I: I I 1 1 ;::I: It!:; ;:I;: :this property. In his opinion; this rcatter should be I 8 ;:::: ;::;; I I I ::::; I I ::::I I I I 1:::: I I I I I I 4 1 *' ,- % .- I %, '\,",, '8 '\ '' t I ', \ \ '8,'s,'8, 94 I '\ \\ "\ \\ ', ', I i Name 'b, ',$$. '., 'YJ, I ; *f \,+o 04, 8 '$+, ::::: I 4 I 1:::; I I 3 I '\ 8, ' %, '8 '' I I """""_ """""" """" - """""_ "" ""-""" - """"""""; : """""""_ Member \8$9&,+4JdQ 29:Q:.f-x-:- ::fl; I Cmn. Hughes stated he asked the Doctors to prepare an Lx- ! *I:# Ipense report based on a 40 year lease. 4 :'I 1; :!,:I :Dr. Packard was present 2nd informed the Counci? they pre- i ;::;: :pared an expense report based on 40 years. The total cost I ::::; (l#l ' !to the Doctors would be $327,000.00, which would be a cost : It ;:;:: :of $681.00 per mnth. At the end of 40 years, they would i *#:I !have nothing to show for their investment as the improve- : lrnents Would be turned over to the City. If they purchased I 4:::; . :property and improved it, it would cost $389.00 against ; ::I;; i Sb81.00. They were amazed themselves at this cost. Also i !when the Doctors met, they were unanimus in that they did ; TI;!; :not want to interfere if there are others interested in i ::I:! : this property. $ 1 :I:;; :Cm. Hughes stated unless the City intends to use t5is pro-: ,:::I $1 1: Iperty for municipal purposes he felt the City should accept! 'I::; jthis lease on a 40 year basis. :The City Manager presented a letter from Carlsbad Invest- i l:14; I ment Corporation dated June 6, 1962, in which they offered i 11:11 :for consideration a general outliine for a proposed lease on; i the property located at Elm Avenue and Madison Streets. It I ::,:I ;is their intention to develop the property into units deal-: ling primarily with retail businesses. It is their conten- I l:4; jtion the City would benefit in terms of the lease income as: :well as property tax and sales tax income. The amount re- i jceived would depend largely on the sales volume of the ;potential tenants. They asked that the Council give this i joffer their consideration. iCmn. Bierce stated he felt this was along the lines of what: ::ii: I 11 :Cm. Neiswender suggested. The potential of sales tax I :::I: ;should be good as we certainly hope the City will grow. :The City Attorcey again pointed out the City could lease th$ :property for commercial use in accordance with Section * It# l*$i ;37395 of the Governnent Code, if the Council finds the pro-: ::,,I Iperty is not needed for municipal purposes. :The Mayor stated he promised the Library Board wembers the i iCounc i 1 would hear from them. !Mrs. Ann Strause, President of the Board, stated the 3oard i 1:i :would like to request a delay on any competitive bidding or: pi!: :leasing of the land, They asked that the Council cornittee i I::#: jmeet with the Library 3oard. They were satisfied with the : :Pi0 Pic0 property until they found out about the widening i 41 :of Pi0 Pico, Also, they would like a clarification of the : \legal aspects, 1') iTbe City Attorney suggested if the City is not willing to i ;:: !give the Doctors a 43 year lease, perhaps the Council would: 'I' ;like to go on record as not favoring a 40 year lease in i ip:: 31) !order that the Doctors can be making other plans. I I :::I: ::1:1 !By mot ion of the Counci 1 it was agreed that the Council go bevara ; : :A i ion record as not being in favor of a 40 year lease at .. lBierce y; ;4 i :$125.00 per month. WcPherson ; : ; 9 ; I !Ne iswender : F i 4 I !The Mayor requested the land cornittee, consisting of Cmn. i :!::: . .. .; x I !Bierce and Guevara, City Manager and the City Attorney, to : f1I $1:: :meet with the Library Board of Trustees. I I I:::: I t :1 11 1 I I ::::: :Hrs. Strause stated she would make arrangements for the i ,#I;: tilt' !meet ing . I I ;::I: I 11;; I I I I iiir; I I :'$I1 I I 1 I ;:::: I I 3 :a': I 4 It*:: I I I $::, * * 1:; 1: I * :;I:$ ! :!:i: 1 I t ::;;: :::I: ::as1 ;;:at /I I I I :::;; ;::@I I I i:::; I I 4::; :I,:: :;;:; if;:: *I::; !;;I ;::'I I ;+: I I ;:: t :;::; I I :1:*1 I I t ;:;:: t I ::::: I I i::!; ;::'I :::;: I ::::: 1 I ;;'I: I I I I i!; I;:: I I pll, I I 0 :u:i !!#I: 4":: ii::: 11;:; ::::I I I ::,:: I I I ::: ;: :I :i:i: I I :::I I;iii :I I 1;Il; $ t I I I ;:I ;;I1# I I I I I :1;4 1') * I I :Hughes ; I ..: I I I I * I I ! I 4 ; '\\ '8 '\' " '\, -', * I *,, '\8 '\ '. ' ' I I I 8 ,, ..\~.','~,:'.~,, 9 f I t i Na me '%,,'$+,,'. '?&, I * : of ',?$&, w. I ! Member \%@,&% I I ::;I # I I I :I:! i:;; 4 I I :;;! : ;xi x: I i: I %! * ; McPherson : ; ;x: I ; Ne iswender I x: I x; I : Hughes : : ;x! :; :I:: ; :.**;x ;: i xi I I I I I 4 '\ ' \ '\ '\ *\ I i NEW BUSIEESS : :"""-""""""""""""""""""""""""".""""""""""""""""""""~" 8 IJ 1 :The following ordinances were submitted for consideration I i and a first reading by the Council: i Ordinance No. 3054, AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF CA€U,SI i Guevara i BAD RELATING TO MASSAGE PARLORS, was given a first reading.! Bierce )*I1 I I:;* :;I1 1 $1 1 I I i Ordinance No. 3055. AN ORDINANCE OF TI-IE CITY OF CARL% ! i BAD PROHIBITING THE ADVERTISING OR ERGAGING fM TIE PRACTICE! Guevara i x; :x: :I : SINILAR FOWS OF CHARACTER WIMG, ARTS OR PRACTICES, was : NcPheS;son : ! I i given a first reading. i Neiswender I :X I x: :Crdinance No. 3055. AN O??DINANCE OF THE CITY Or" CllIiLS- i :x: I BAD AMENDING O?J)IS.UCE NO. 3005 OF TEE CITY OF CAiiLSBAD BY : Guevara i ;:; :: x; ! .ADDING SECTION 62 (c) , RELATING TO PA3IKLEG CN OCEm STXEET i Bierce ; ..;x: x: i FRGM PACIFIC AV2NUE TG KOUNTAIM VIZV DRIVE, was given a : McPherson i : i X! t first reading.. i Ne iswender : i i x: : OF FCRTUNE-TELLING, SEERSrIIP, ASTROLOGY , PAT2lISTRY AN?) I Bierce L I : Hughes : ; ;xi I # t : Hughes : : :xi I 11:; :I $1 * 4 !Ordinance No, 3057. AN OIZDINANCE OF THE CITY OF CARLS- IGuevara 1 :x:x: : BAD MEh?)INC ORDINANCE NO. 3032, SECTIOX 83.1 BY ADDING i Bierce ;x; !x: i SUBSECTION (v) , REQUIXING TRAFFIC TO STOP ON BEECH AVENUE : McPherson L : : xi lAT ROOSEVELT STZLEET, was given a first reading by the i Neiswender i : i xi i Counc i 1 . : Hughes ;:I : x: i Ordinance No. 3058. AN OZIDINANCE OF E13 CITY OF CARLS- : $1 :BAD WSTRICTING THE USE OF PO'NER BOATS ON TAE AGUA HEDION- I i DA LAGOON BZTWEEN THE A,T, & S .F. MILWAY TRESTLE AM) TS : ! STATE CF CALIFGRNIA 101 FREEdAY, was given a first reading i i by the Counci 1. \ The City Manager informed the Council that he had received ! :two letters concerning this ordinance. i Lettdr dated Nay 26, 1962, from P. S. Allen, stating he ! :owned property on the north shore and has plans €or future i idevelopent. He requested that the ordi-nance be drawn in : ! such a way.that a person owning property fronting on the i :xi ;lagoon (middle lagoon) be allowed to take a boat from his : :' :own property to open water, whether it be to the east la- i I goon or eventually to the Ocean, and that steerage be : limited to 5 miles per hour. :Letter dated June 5, 1962, from the San Diego Gas & Elec- i itric Company, was read concerning the use of power boats i :I': !and water skis in the middle lagoon. They previously re- : ((I1 :quested the City to adopt an ordinance prohibiting power i ;:I: : boats and water skis in the middle lagoon. Hoblever, it : ))*I !has come to their attention the City officials are concer- 1 i::! : ned with the possibility that homes may be constructed on : ::;i Ithe north shore of the middle lagoon, whose owners might : i::: I wish to construct and use boat landings on their respective: 4:: :properties and traverse the middle lagoon in order to entbri ii;: :upon the waters of the upper or easterly lagoon through the: 14:I ;I,, ;existing passageway under the State Hidhway bridge. They i ,:I; ::i\ i would have no objection to such a provision, provided power: :::I :boats owned by coctiguous landowners be required to travel i I:': i alons a prescribed channel at a limited speed while in the ; I :: $8 iconfines of the middle lagoon. They requested the channel pe 1: I, :I iproperly marked at no expense to their company, and that : :::; ::;I lla: : In the channel rest with the City. I I I;;* I I :a': I I IIO L I :::: I I ::I1 11;; I I :I I I 1;:: :: I I ;::: ;:*: i::: 1 I ;I;: I I I :i18 :::; L 8 ;: :; I 1: 1 ;; 1 ;::8 lit; :::: i::i ;ila :: I ::II t I ;::: I '::: I 1 I I::: 1::: iii: :::: I::# 4 * 1: It' 11:; I;*# 1:' I 11 t I * 1 J I I! 1 I a11 liability for and control of power boat operations with; I :i:: a + I I i;:: I I I I :::: ll;; 8 I 1 4 I 1 e I I I I I I * I I I I I:;: .I*! I I I I I I I I *, \, *' 8 -. ' I 8" I '.8 " , " * ' 't ' '\,'\, ' I I '\ ', '\ ', 8 8 9E 1 '., '\ ", \' \\ '*, t i Na me ',,''@\ '8,"??$8 a I ; of '$&$?&, '\ 'f$, 1 ~.*$+'4>.@+ :"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""-~"""""""""""-,". : Member ,o~,~\.P-Q\x I I 5 l $ t :::I: I 1 :In view of the above requesti, by common consent it was I 1 jagreed that the City Attorney redraft the above ordinance i :to allow contiguous property owners to traverse the middle ; !lagoon along a prescribed channel at a Speed of five miles : :per hour, and prohibiting skiing in the middle lagoon. :Ordinance No. 8036. AN ORDINAHCE OF THE CITY OF CAXLS3AD i Guevara :ESTABLISHING REGULATIONS WITH RESPECT TO ENCLOSURG OF : Bierce iSWIEMING POOLS, was given a f 5rst reading by the Council i WcPherson I I I I I I I I I . I Neiswender I I !FINANCE : I 4 I L I (a) Presentation of 1952L63 Budget. i Hughes I I I I I I I I I I $mn. Bierce requested the Kayor to call an Executive Sessio4 !to discuss personnel. I !The Mayor called an ExecuCive Session of the Council at i !8:46 P.N. . The Counci 1 adjourned to the City Nanager * s I I :off ice . I I I I I I I I I '8;" *Il$ ::;:: ;' 1:::; 'I::: ::::; ::; :::;; :; ::::: I :x 'x I ; : ; F: i : : ;xi ; !x i ;x ; ; : ; ;xi ; ;:::: 11;; ::::I :;!I: II 'I :f;:; :;::; :I::; 4::: :::I, :::i; ::;I: :::i; an:( ::!I: I 1 I ;:G;; :The meeting reconvened at 9:40 Po& I I ;:::; I I !I,!f 1 I I I ICm. Bierce read a memorandum from the Council committee : :appointed by Mayor HcPherson, comprised of Cm. Bierce, * payor EVkPherson and the City Manager, in which they set :forth recommended salaries and benefits for the City em- i {ployees. It was pointed out these recommendations were i :submitted after discussions held with representatives of ; ithe Employees Association, and the €01 lawing recornmendat iond Lere submitted to the Council: I I $ I t I I 1 I I I I 1 I I 8 I I I I l I I I I I * I I I I I I l I 8 I I 1 I I I I I I I I I t I (a) That the rates on the classification schedule now I I in effect be upgraded two steps, with the classi- i L fication now in effect to renain the same. This : I increase in the rate would approxinate a ten per- i I cent salary increase. I (b) A longevity plan be adopted whereby an employee ! 1 would receive $10.00 per month after five years I I of service and for each succeeding five years i thereafter, $5.00 per mnth with a maximum of I I I t a I I I I I I I I I $25 .OO . I (c) That the position of City bnager be removed from i I the classification and salary plan, and that the ; I recornended salary be $12,000.00 for the next fis-i I cal year. I (d) At the present time, emergency crews in the Water I 1 and Public Works Ijepartment receive compensatory i I time off for overtime worked. It is the recomm- ; I endation of this committee that overtime for these: I emergency crews be paid in cash on a straight time: I bas is . a I I I 1 I I I ! i (e> i I I 4 I I I I I I I I I I I I I t : I I * I I I I I I I I I I I b I At the present time, the Police and Fire Depart- i ment personnel receive no holidays off. It is I 6 reconmended that personnel of these departments i be granted the same number of holidays that other : City employees receive, such hoQiday off being I determined by the Chief of Police and the Fire : Chief. I I 1 I I I I t I 1 I e l * I I I I I I I I 1 I I I ::;I, .'I :;*:: ::::a ** I::;: ;I,;: I:;I: ;::;a 11 :::I; $&i '81:; :::*I ::::I ::::I :::i; 1::;: '::;< !::I; 1:;:; ::;I; ::::; :;4:I ;:::i l8::j ::;:~ *:**I I::: :;I: ;if; ;I:: :;I: ::I: t;;; :#$I 11'1, 1jIl iiii il:; 11 :::; ::@I ;I:* 1:;: :::i ii:: ;a:: ;::I 1;:3 ;I:: ;::f t; I ;lit ;;I' 1::: :::; !:I: 1::: :I:: :::: :::: I@' '111 1111 1:;; :a dii ::;: 1: :::I t :: 21 11 !&I! I I I I 1 ',\ '\ .I\ '\ '\ -\ I I 8, ', \ '\ '\,'\, I \ '\ "\ ' I I 8, b , '\ '\,", 91 I I ', '' ', ' 1 6 I ; Qf '.$*+;sz,;?$' :"""""""""""""-""-"""---"""""""""~"""~""""~"""""""""""-~"~ I : Member ,d~~,.c\~&~,c I (f) Vacation time to be ten working days per year for ! ;:I:: i::t: 1 I the first five years, After five years service, : :; +;: I vacation time to be 15 working days. Vacation I ::i:: I time not to be accumulated from one year to I :::i: I 1 another, with the exception of emergencies as. i I:::: I I determined by the City Hanager, I :::;: I I I :I::; I ;::I1 1 In view of the foregoing recommendations, there are i ;:I:: ,:::: I :::;: I I 4 ::I 1;:: I It is also. proposed that the following new positions b$ ::::: I !:I:: I I ::;;: I ::;I: I I ':#;I I i:::; 1 I 1:;:: I I I I I I i ~a me '8 ",%o', '?@, \\, % ,PA '\ "&, I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I !sufficient funds appropriated in the next fiscal years i(1962-63) budget to accomplish these recommendations. I I :all: t I I I :added to the classification plan: I I I I I I Senior Civil Engineer 1 Rate 26 $679-825 I Superintendent of Public Works Rate 23 $587-713 I :::I: t Fireman - Engineer Rate 19 $483-587 I :u:: lo( 1 Ass't Building Inpector Rate 17 $438-532 I 1:;11 I Junicir Librarian Rate 14 $417-507 I ;I#1# 1 I:::: :;:#I 11;:; j:::: I :!at: I 1 ::!!: !;'I: i:; I 11,: :(I:: :::'I :;;:: 1::;; ::I:: I I I ::i;; I I I:::: 1:::; l#;;; :;!:; f I ::!:i I i;:;; i;;: I(, I I I I I I I s I I I $m. Bierce stated the Council as a whole agreed that these i :recommendations be accepted, As stated in the memorandum, i ;:I:: /the classifications were upgraded approximately ten per cent: ,:I:: :(lo%). Two positions have been increased to fifteen per I 1:a !cent (15%) - Chief of Police and the Fire Chief, I iiiii !The City Manager presented the 1962-63 budget for the 'C uncil's consideration. Each department budget was re- i :vzet*ed, and the following changes were proposed: t I iLi: :Planning: Page 8. Cmn. Bierce stated the City is in need : :of additional help such as a Planning Technician. It is i :::!; ;recommended that the City Clerk remain as Secretary 05. the : :!;:I #I !Planning Commission; that the salary of the City Clerk re- i ::,:: :main the same, and that his title become Planning Secretary: 111 1 !It was also recornended that $8,000.00 be appropriated for i 184: ;a Planning Technician and he work in conjunction with the i :Engineering Department. 8 ::::; !Advertising - Page 9. Cmn. Neiswender stated he noted i$b,000.30 is proposed for the Chamber of Commerce for adver: ;tising purposes. He has had experience in the advertising ; :!I:; :field, and he would like to discuss the Charnberqs adverti- i :;::I :sing program with the members of the Chamber of Comrce . ; $mn. Bierce suggested that Cmn. Heiswender be appointed to i ::;:I fmeet with the Chamber to discuss this matter, and act as i k+xm. for the City. !Police Department - Pape 19. Cmn, Hughes recommended that i :;'I :an additional $2500.00 be added to the Police Department i :budget for the purchase of another car to replace the jeep.: :Ill# :After discussion, it was agreed that this amount be added td !the Police Department budget. !Fire Department - Page 20. Cmn. Hughes recommended that thi :$3,000.00 allocated for fire hydrants be reduced to $lSOO.Od,, :and that this $1500.00 be used for the purchase of a used : !station wagon to be equipped with a resuscitator. I {L: !Library - Page 22. The City Panager stated a meeting was i :held with the Department Heads and it wcs their feeling the: ::,: :general tax fund should not be used for capital outlay wher4 li:: 11 ;there is a tax levied €or a specific function, i.e., Parks : ;::: !and Recreation, Sanitation, Library, etc. The City bianager i ::Il :reeonmended that the property being purchased for the fu- : :::; jture library site be purchased from the Library fund. For i :this re&on, he is recommending that the Library tax be : I I I 1 t :o I I 1 I ;I, I I I I .I $1 ;:I:( :;',; I ;I::, I::! '$1 I I I I ;::: I ;::: I ::I: I $18 11:: iiii #;I! ;; I I I::: ::;i t I I 10 I I 1 Ill I 2: ;::' ;::i :::; I I 4:; I $1;: I I 4 $'I I 10;; I I I 41; 1,. I I I I I I :I11 :::I I I I 1 I I I 1'4: 8 I 18 I I I ', 8, -8 '8 '8 '8 I I t ', '8 's \ 8 I i I I I ',, ', '8 \ , 8' 8 8 I I x, ', '8 't '\,'X, 9 [ t I i of .$+.J'+$+ I I I x$',$ '\ '9% 7 " 5 8, s ' 8. I I i N a me \.\ '\%, '\, '-3. ;"""""~"""""""""""""""""""""""""~~""""""-~"""~"""""~~-~"~" I Member .%@.*.p$ I I : :.: * I ]increased .02 per $100.00 assessed valuation, and that the : ::':I ;l;lj :Sanitation Fiin8:be reduced in the amount of .02 per $100.00: ::;:I :assessed valuation. I I D I I :::i i I I ;:si A!' I I !Mrs. Strause, President of the Library Board of Trustees, i :asked the City Attorney's opinion on transferring monies : i allocated for a **building fundaP in the Library budget to i :the Library Trust Fund. I I a I 4 IFh. hyes stated it is her opinion that this money cannot ! !be transferred to the Library Tryst Fund. I I :Mrs. Strause stated the reason for their wanting these fundi i transferred to the Library Trust Fund was to enable them to: :invest these funds in order to earn additional revenue. I ';The City Manager stated the City has been purchasing pro- i iperty Exom the general fund. This general fund money goes : :to operate the troriauc depzrtments. In order to bring this! i into rightful function, any property purchased for the I I :Parks and Recreation, Library and Sanitation, should come i i from the tax levied. I I !Mrs. Strause stated that if this is the case, they request : :their budget changed. The $7,000.00 under Capital Outlay i i be deleted and used for equipment-.and reference matter. It: :was pointed out by the Iiirector of Finance that an addi- i itional '$ E,600,00 would be needed under Personal Services E :to take care of the salary increases. It was agreed that ; i $1600.90 be added to Personal Services, $2700.00 added to : :Account No. 360 for Books, making a total of $LQ,?OO.OO for! i Books, and $2700.60 added to Account No. 540 under Capital i :Outlay for Equipment, making a total of $3200.00 for Equip-: ; ment. !By motion of the Council, the Preliminary Budget for the :Guevara : fiscal year 1962-63, was adopted in accordance with the IBierce !above recommendations. i EicPherson I :Neiswender I I 1 I I e 1 l l I I I I 1 1 I I I I I I I t I I i Hughes : CITY ATTORNEY 'S REPORT: * I !Lease of lagoon area between the City of Carlsbad and the ! :San Diego Gas & Electric Co. The lease was amended to con-! !form to the conditions set forth by the City Council. The i ; lease has been signed by the Gas Company and the Mayor . At i i this time the City Attorney asked to have the Flayor's sig- : jnature ratified. I I :By motion of the Council, ratification was given as to the IGuevara :Mayor's signature on the lease between the City of CarlsbadiBierce : and the San Diego Gas & Electric Co . iMcPherson I :Neiswender I I I I I I I I I i Hughes i Lease of beach front property from the San Diego Gas 6 Elect jtric Co. A meeting was held with the officials of the Gas ; ;Company regarding the leasing of the beach frontage North I :of the discharge channel. Also, the use of the warm water ; :from the discharge channel for a public swiming pool was I :discussed. At such time as the City or its concessionaire ; :are in a position to construct a salt water swimming pool, i :using the warm water from the discharge channel, the Corn- ; :pany would then be willing to execute a long term lease. ! :The Company indicated they would give the City a lease 1 ii-diately covering this beach area upon the same terms i ' !and conditions as the lease just executed covering the I I :middle and upper lagoon. 1 1 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I $ I I I I 1 I I I $ * 1 I :ii: i;:: , 1:: ;::I: 1:::: ;ill1 ;:::: ::; 1:;:; ;Il;; ;;x;; i::;: ::::I ;:::I ;:;tl ::':: I:!;' :I::: ::;I: !::;I 1:; I:::; :::)I i::;: :::a: ;iii; :it:: :x;: 11 $1 ::::: 1:::' ::I:: :; !;i ;:iii 1::4: :e::: I# 1:::: :;1:1 ;;::i ii::; Ill ; ; :x: ; ;x: ;xi : ; ; ;x; i I : ;xi ; :: ; ;x:x: : :;:I' :::+I 1: i+:: :::':: I' 11' I. Ill $1' :I111 ::: 1: @I,;, ::p: ::I 1::: ::i;i ;;'x I :"I :x: ; 1:; : ; :x: ; : :x:x; ; : : !xi ; $1 1:::: i;$* I 1:: ;::I: ;ii:; :I,:: fi::*l :;;:: ::::: ::::I $1 I :'a 4: :I::, ;:::: 1:;:: I* :I $1 (Ill1 is;: ': ;: 1::: ::;:: ;:;:I lal;: '::;: i::;: ::::i ::::I :*I *I *)(.I I I I I I I I : '\ ', '*, \, 8, 8, '\\ ', ', \ ' 8 I I '\, '*, '', '8 8 ' I I 8 i N a me '8 '$& '\8, ,$, I ; of '.$\O~ I I '?&% .9".t\$p .-v, I I :::;: t :to negotiate a lease with the San Diego Gzs fi Electric Co. : Bzerce ;x: :x; : I i Neisvender : ; !xi i I : Hughes i Ix :x ; : I::;, ::;I: ::::: I:':: l;:18 1:; I-;: ::i;i I I 1 :L:; It1 : 8:':; I :::;; I I:::; I :::;I I I I ;:'I: I*;:; ::::I :x:; I I I IIgI; I f;:al :;::: ::;: :will be filed forthwith. 1 :;4 I I :I:: I :;I: I I 88 I ;::: I ::i: !The City Manager informed the Council the next meeting sf 1 :::: :the San Diego County Planning Congress will be held on I I ::I: jJune 14, 1952, at 7:OO P.M. at the Rancho Presidio in I I :I:: hission Valley.. -8 I;#: t I I ::ii !;:I :Division af Beaches and Parks. A letter was presented fromi I 1: Ithe Division of Beaches and Parks, dated May 28, 1952, in I ;::; :answer to a letter sent by the City requesting the rerur- : :::: :ii: :nishing and repainting of the guard rails along Carlsbad i 'I iDoulevard, They indicated this letter was being forwarded : ;; : I. :to the cognizant department for further action. :;:: 1 I I::; I :::: :Interchange at Terramar Drive. Discussion was had with i ;::; iKr. Deltema of the State Divisi.on of Highways concerning an I ;::: l;;l iinterchange at Terramar Drive. Mr. Dekerna indicated there i :lI: !would probably be no problem in a half interehange at this : l:ll \point. There will be an interchange at Palornar Road. Mr. i i:ii :Dekerna pointed out there is a study being made to delete i ;::: !some of the off-ramps presently existing on the present : 4:: :!I ;freeway within the City linits. !The City Manager informed the Council he plans to take his i :::I :vacation starting June 19, 1962, for a period of three week;. :ill *he Director of Finance will act as City Manager pro tern. i !The Mayor in5orWd 'the Council he is planning on taking a i Ii*l !vacation starting June 11, 1962, and he will be absent fromi ;three to four weeks . iADJOUZh'MENT : iBy proper motion, the meeting was adjourned at 11:20 PAL : !Respectfully submitted, \*' $ I ', '8 '\ \\' 8, ',,'\, 99 I I * ' '.$& ;""""""~"""~"""""""~""""""""""""""~"-."""-;"""""""""""-~"- : Member $%$.~$?~\o. jBy.motion of the Council, the City Attorney was instructed i Guevara i I :xi : ; for :the beach area. : NcPherson ; ! :x: : I I I I I :Proposed sewer plant location'. A meetigg was held with the: ;::;I :County officials concerning the condemnation proceedings. I !The County pointed out there will be a bond election held : I:::: ;in Vista in August, 1952. The County is very grateful to i I::I: !the City of Carlsbad for proceeding with this condemnation : :suit. The City Attorney requested the Vista Sanitation i !District pay for the court costs and the Appraiser's fee. : :::I: :The County stated they would make a request to the Board i !of Supervisor's, sitting as the Board for the Vista Sani- : ;::I1 :tation District, and she will be notified as to their actio& :High fuel pipe line on El Camino Real. A meeting will be i jheld on June 8, 1962, with Oceanside, Carlsbad and the :County of San Diego concerning this matter. !Freeway Agreement - Vista ?jay and El Camino Real. After i idiscussions with the State Division of Highways representa-i l1 I, ltives on the proposed agreement, it was agreed that the : i agreement be redrafted. 01 !Night property condemnation suit. The City Attorney stated: :the transcript has been received from the court and a brief i :#I I I I I I :hi; t I I *I 8' I I I i c ITY IWAGER Q s REPO~T : I I * 14 I 11 I I I I 4 J :;:: I I 111: I ;::: I ;::: ;I:: ;::: :;:: I :I:: I 1:;l I I I 1 I 1 :::; 4 iI:i I I I :;:: I 1;:: I I I :;;: I I i:i; :;:: I I ::I: :*:: I 1 I ;:'I I ,I :' I:!: I I I 1 I a I,O I ;I:: ;I:* 1:IJ 1 :;I: I .; 1; I I I 1;t: I D I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I z.q+ I :;:: :MARGARqY E. ADA35 I I :;:a I' !Deputy City Clerk ! I I I I