HomeMy WebLinkAbout1962-06-19; City Council; MinutesI I , \ . 8.. I I 8, 8%, '.8 *8 '\ 8. { CITY OF CA3LSBAD 4 I 'x, '8 ' '\ '88'88 10 0 : Minutes of: CITY COUNCIL (Regular meeting) i Date of Meeting: Juhe 19, 1962 : Time of Meeting: 7:OO P.M. : of \?$@&+>,%$ 1 I :;*;; : Neiswender . Cm. Neiswender was Mayor Pro Tempore + l1 t ;::a: i Councilmen McPherson and Guevara absent. Also present : 11:; : were City Manager Pro Tempore and City Attorney Hayes, r :a : ALLEGIANCE to the Flag was given. I ::;:: I I I*;:; : INVOCATIBIJ was offered by Mayor Pro Tempore Meismnder. I : APPROVAL OF MINUTES: I I 8.8 '8,"., ''8 ',,'%, 8' '8& ' '8 '\*A i Name '~.,$,&', 8,. : I- - P-hGpl, -Q g- -?k S.-k&- - - &!!Q€.i-& - n!@bS-X$ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - + - - - - - - - - - - - " - * " - - - - - - - - - - -. ;::;: I * I ::p: I I :;;:i ::::; I I ::I:: t I ::;i: I I I :::I, ::II; I (a) Minutes of the regular meeting of June 6, 1962, i Bierce , :x: :x: i I I i I Hughes : !+x: I I I I I i:;:; I1 I (b) Minutes of the regular adjourned meeting of : Bierce ti :xi : 1 I i I Hughes : :xix: ; t i I y; : I I I 1 :::;: i::;: p;i; I I 1::;: I I I I :':I; :!I:: i:':: ;:::I ;:$: I :::4 t 8sl;l I I I I ;:::: I I ::::: : Member ,o~,o~.p&\\03 B i ROLL CALL was aitswered by eounc i hen Bierce, Hughes and ! /ii: ::; Ill I I I I I I I I I I:':# : were approved as presented. : Neiswender i ; :xi t I I I : June 7, 1962, were approved as presented. i Neiswender ; : :x; : I,,:, I 1 I I i CORRESPONDENCE : I (a) R. W. Grosse, Chairman, North Count$,-Y.M.C.A. i I:;:: I Aquatic Park Development committee - re: Leasing of cer- i ;:'I: i tain areas of the middle lagoon waters. Letter dated t I ::::: : June 11, 1962, from Russell N. Grosse, Chairman, North I I County Y.M.C.A. Aquatic Park Development Committee, re- : 01;:: : questing the City to give consideration to the possibi- i :::;; 1 lity of leasing certain areas of the water in the middle : : lagoon to the North County Y.M.C.A. I ;I4 8 : The City Attorney informed the Council she had been con- { i tacted regarding this matter. In view of the fact the : t:::t : City now hes a lease from the San Diego Gas & Electric i ;::;i i Co., which includes the middle lagoon, it was her geeling: a:::; : that if the Council wished to lease the area, the City i ::::; i should enter into a sub-lease with the North County ; + I ;!*I1 : Y.M.C.A. of the area designated on the plat attached to i ; the letter, : By motion of the Council the City Attorney was instructed: Biercd I :x:x; ; i to prepare a sub-lease between the City and the North i Neiswender ! i jx: I : County Y.M.C.A. for the area designated on the plat sub- : Hughes ": :x: : : mitted, I I I:':: I I :(::I I I I::#: I (b) California Society for the Sons of the American! :'::: ;: ::: iii:; ;:!!: ::;:: ;:::: I I ::::: I I i 1 :;::; 1 (c) City of Del Mar - re: Request for Council to i :;;:: :;;i: i:g 1::; I:::: I * I ::::; 11 1 I t ::p: ::I:; I I 4 b i:::: I I I I 1:;:: I 1 ::I:; e I ;,;ll I I I I 1:;:: t I 1 I ::::: I I I :::I: I:;, I i Revolution - re: Proclamation urging the:flying of the i I American Flag and ringing of church bells on the 4th of : : July. Letter dated June 6, 1962, requesttng the Mayor to: i issue a proclamation urging the flying of our flag on the; i::;: 1111 : Fourth of July; and the ringing of church bells for five I 8:;:: I minutes, from twelve to twelve five on that day. I I ii::: i With the consent of the Council, the Mayor issued a pro- : : clamation urging the flying of our flag on the Fourth of I I:':; i July, and the ringing of church bells for five minutes, ; ;I::, l;ll; : from twelve to twelve five on that day. ;: #I 6 1 1 I I :*I I I i proclaim the period June 29, 1962, to July 8, 1962, San : f Diego County Fair Week. Letter dated June 8, 1952, from i i the City of Del Mar, California, requesting the City of : ::I i Carlsbad to proclaim June 29, 1962, to July 8, 1962, as i 11::: : i5San Diego County Fair Week". l:ll; i With the consent of the Council, the Mayor proclaimed the: i::;: : period of June 29, 1962, to July 8, 1962, as 5an Diego i I County Fair Weekss. I I ::i:; I sl;l; I I 1 l I I ;,,:I I!#,* t * a I I I I .8"\ 8'. 1 I ; . % '. I I '*, '-s,'=, 8',)b,'.b 1 fj 1 * 1 -\, '\ ', . b ' 4 -2- I b8 '\ ', 'x, 'b,", 1 : ~a me '8, '+& 'X, '?+, t I I of && ' ,e, I '$Ms. a\,+* :""""""-"""""~"""""""""""""""""""""""""~""""~"~"""""- : Member -$$Qf,$y;2' :::i; I ::;i: I I 1 (dl Robert L. Watson - re : Hazardous condition in : i drainage ditch at Birch and Synnyhill Streets, Letter i I" :sf ; dated June 0, 1962, from 2, L. Watson, stating he repre- i ;:::1 I;t:: : sented property owners in the immediate area of the inter? ::I:! i section of Sunnyhill and Birch Streets, and wished to I I ''1:; : point out a condition and extreme hazard that exists, i namely, the erosion that is taking place from the in- I I ;::*I t; : creased rainfall in the last year. There now exists a i (1111 i ditch approximately 20 feet in depth. The Assistant Engij ::a:: : neer stated he had inspected this area and this ditch is ; i on private property. This is a natural drainage channel i : and is a dangerous area, however, the City does not have ; i an easement. The ditch is approximately 15 feet deep. I i There are other similar areas like thxs in the City that ; i are also on private property. i The Mayor requested the City Attorney to check into this i : matter and ascertain whether or not the City could force ; : the property owners to correct this dangerous situation, i 4::: i Ocean Avenue. Letter dated June 13, 1962, from Southern : i::!: : Counties Gas Company, regarding the proposed vacation of i :::;: I the dead-end portion of Ocean Avenue. They stated a 12$> : l;*l: I high pressure gas main is maintained by the Southern :'* i Counties Gas Company which supplies gas to San Diego, the: :I,:; : coastal cities and the steam plant of the Encino Plant, i ;!::; i which is located on the Santa Fe Railroad right-of-way. ; :SI:' i The dead-end portion of Gcean Avenue, which ends at the i :ii:: i railroad right-of-way, is the only access they have to : ::;i; i maintain or repair the line. This abandonment would de- i :III ;:'I: I prive them of the sole access to the site where the pipe-: ;:ii: : line is lccatcd, making maintenance difficult or impossi- i ;::I: i ble, If this vacation is effected, they would have to : : seek easements. : The City Attorney stated this matter is being set for i 1::;: i hearing, and this letter strould be made part of the hear- : ;:::I i ing at the time the hearing is held. l;*l: : The Mayor requested the City Attorney to investigate this i :;;I; I ::: b ::::; ;(::: I I I' :;: I;::! ;I*;: ;:::: I * ::i:; *,:a '11: ,I:; :I::( ;::I: I I ::$: * (e) Southern Counties Gas Co. - re: Vacation of i 11 ::i:i I t * I I !I;:: ::/a I 1s t t 1 I I 'I:;; I 1:;:: ::::i ;:::: I I ;pi; 1 I I:!:: I i ;l:ll I ::::: :::(: t :;)': 1 6 8;':: :;::: t ($3 State Water Rights Board - re: Notice of appli-: ;:1;1 :I: it::' :/::: * :llal I I I I e i matter Purther, ; cation to appropriate water. Notice of application to i ; appropriate water has been received from the State Water 5 ,I:', I Rights Board. It is proposed that the water to be appro- t ;:::: : priated would come from Indian Flats Springs Tributary to i 1:::: :;I:@ i unnamed stream thence San Luis Rey River. Anyone desirin4 ;I::: : to protest such pernit shall file a written protest with ; I:,, ::;:: I ::::: I i:: 8; I I-:: ;:::: 4:::: I 8 I:;:: I (g) County Boundary Comission - re: Annexatibn to,! ::I:; 1;::: I ::p: I if: :: I I 1 ;:: ;.: I I :!!:! I 1 I :;;:: i 5 1 I I:::: #I I I I *:!.:I I I * I ::::; I I I i:: SI I l a;':& @ I I 1. 1 I I the State Water Rights Board within 40 days BfcJune13,1942. It 11 I ::::: I I i The City Attorney stated the City should ascertain whether! ;::I: : the water would be taken from the water shed of the San ! I' 1:;:: i Luis Rey River, and if so, the City should protest. I ~ll;l i ?he City Attorney was instructed to pursue this matter, I ;:::: ! and if it is found that the water would be diverted from : 1'1 i ghe water shed of the San Luis Rey, that a protest be i 11111 i entered on behalf of the City of Carlsbad. I I ::::: I I * I I I I tl It i the City of Oceanside. Letter dated June 12, 1962, from J : the Cou-oundary Comission, notifying the City of i Carlsbad the intention of the City of Oceanside to annex i ,;::: : certain properties. A plat of the area was enclosed. I 1 i:i:e 11 : By comn consent, the notice was ordered filed. e l I I I I ! &,!I! + I' . ,.. I I ', ",,"' \, '\ '., I I '\, . ' ':,'*,,',,-Joi , , \ ', '*"', * i N a me ', '?&, '. '?& '.$$),, '', 'P& I .?2-+?. .p,&\/t' :""""""""-"""""""""-"""""""""-""""""""""~"""""""""""- : Member $ @&$ b I I I 4 1 I 'b, '\,"8, ', I I ::;; : There were no oral comunications. I q f I I iiii I (a) Appointments to Library Board of Trustees. I ::;: 4;; I I i:/ 11: & -3- t I : of I b i OR&, COMMUNICATIOHS: 3" * I I 1 I I::: 1 ;;I1 I ;::I I I I 1: I I I ; LIBWRY: I1 If I I I I 1 Letter dated June lS, 1962 from the Carlsbad Board of { ;' I:; I : Library Trustees, stating the terms of office of Trustee? ::i: i Mrs. Dsvid Dunne and Mrs. Robert Strause expire on Ju.ly ; $1: : 1, 1962, and the Board wishes to recornend for the Coun- i :; i cil's consideration the qppointment of Mrs. EdwardMcCann; st;' ::I: : and Mrs. Gustav Ihmptner to fill these vacancies. They I !;:; i are very capable persons and are well informed on the prq- .I;; i ; gress of the City Library. I ::$I : With the consent of the Council the Nayor appointed Nrs. i 11;; :::: I Edward McCann and Mrs. Gustav Kamptner to the Board of ; t:;: : Cibrary Trustees for a three year term;, expiring July 1; :,I 1:::; 1 I I I i 1965. I 8 '4 ::;:: 01 k I I ::::: I t !;;I; I I I I ::':: 1 ::I I <a> Appeal of the decision of the Planninp; Comi- ! :::I: :;':: :;::: I b I PUBLIC HEARING: 11 I ! ssion denying a request for variance for reduction in i 1 frontage from GO feet to 50 feet - Harry F. Kefley. I $ :a::; I Letter dated May 23, 1962, from Harry F. Kelfey and La I ;: !!; i Verne R. Kefley, was presented, stating they wished to : !:I;: I appeal the decision of the Planning Commission made on i 1::11 i Hay 22, 1962, in denying their application for reduction! ::Itl hl;; I in lot frontage from sixty feet to fifty feet. I I :I::: l;~al i Notice of Public Hearing was read. Certification was i ::::: :Ill: i given as to proper notice having been given to the ad- : :I::; : joining property owners, I I ::::; I I I I I I,; I I i:, i The application €or the variance was also reviewed for i :;;tl 1.4.:: : the Council. I :;I:: t I ; .I. s ' I * I '* ,: : 1 I i Resolution No. 247 of the Planning Commission was read ! l 811 ;;;:! i wherein they denied the variance. I I !:q I I I' i The Hayor declared the public bearing open and stated thi :I::/ : Council would hear from the appellant or his representa-I !:PI I;*!' i tive. 1 I :I-! i MR. HARRY F. KELLEY, stated he did not think the Plann- : :*I 8: 1:s:; : ing Commission took into consideration the conditions i i:p: i that exist at this time. He built a garage some eight of I '1; : ten years ago and extended it 10' east of the existing ! ;:::I '; :.;I I garage. Since that time the Planning Ordinance went int; :-I, @::*I : effect. He is requesting that &he City grant a variance! :;;:; i for reduction of frontage from 50' to 50' or allow a ; :;;I; : frontage of 60t extending back 35' and then 50' to the I ::::: i rear lot Line (panhandle lot). I ::I I 4 # I:::: i The Mayor announced the Council would hear from any per-: ,::a: : sons desirEng to speak in opposition to the granting of i "1:: :::I, i this appeal. There were no persons desiring to speak. : ::::: I I t I i:::: i The Ymyor declared the hearing closed at 7:45 P.M. I f ;::it I t :I:;; * 1 ;::'I i Discussion was given as to whether or not the Phning : 164: ;; i.1 I Comission had considered a panhandle lot. The City i 1:;:i ; Attorney referred to the minutes of the Planning Commi- : Ill ":: : ssion dated Kk~y 22, 1962, in which Nr. Kelley had sub- i I:*;: ; mitted a letter dated by 9, 1952,.;. offering an alternate: i:: ;: i plan of 60' frontage on Chestnut Avenue and than at a { /I:; : point 35' in depth on the west lot line cuttinaback 10': ::::I ; giving the balance of the lot a 50' width. However, it i +:*I: I 4 :::/ ;I I :::I: I I I ,:4:; I I :;::I 1; I I I ;a % t I I I ::!!I 1 I 8 * :I, !:I I 11 11 I I I ii;;: I ;:::: 11 .- I I I I # I I.!!! I l e l I I t t -4- t I of q-Jyp, . I 8 I : Member '& *$'@,$$?$% ,o, 4' '7-8 ;"*"""""-~"""""""-": """_ - """"""""""""""""" : """""""",""" -T-: i wqs the feeling of the majority of the Cdmissianers that i ; +i: i I I I ;*I:( : it should be a straight 60' lot, a:!!; 1 1 '\ \, .\ '8 ', '\ I 6 ', 8, '* *, ', '\ I I ", '8,'*\ '\, 'X,'', 10 1 '\\ ', 'x, '\\ ""*, : N a me '., '%$&,, x. %& ! \&'?A' '. \A, 1 I I I ! The City Attorney asked Hr. Relley how many lot sptits he i i had received on this property previously, and Mr. Kelley f i informed the Council he had four previously. I : Cmn. Bierce'stated he did not agree with the decision of i i the Planning Cbmission. This property containe 35,000 i t square feet. There are many 50' lots in the City. A pan-; i handle type of lot is allowed in other citiesi He would : i agree to, either a 50' lot straight back or a panhandle lot 1 ; with a 60' frontage. I I i The Mayor asked the engineer what the frontage requirement i i was on Chestnut Avenue, and he was informed by the Assist-; ! ant Enkineer a 60' lot was required, with 7500 square feet; I I I I I I * I I I I ~l;~l *il:l :fill( 1;;t; Id) I ; *I I I:: 1:;:; : : : :.1 I I;&;; 11:;; Ila;! :::I :::;I ;I::' 'I::; ::::; ::!!I :b1'1 :;i:; :;!;I ::I;I ;;::; ;I I;$ t I : After further discussion by the Council, by motion of the : ; Council it was agreed that the appeal for a variance to, : ;*tll : allow a lot split with a 50' frontage be denied, and that i i::,: ll;: i the matter be referred back to the Planning Conmission for: If1 l*l;' : reconsideration, with the recommendation that considera- i i tion be given to allowing a lot split with a 60' frontage : Bierce : to a depth of 3S', then jogging 10' to the east and thence! Neiswender ; I : x: : i south to the rear lot line. : Hughes I ; x! x; i :;::I 1:::: :::;: 1:; 8: i x: ; XI : 1; I' 6 I I 1 !:!!: i PLANHING: I t 8 I 1 1 I I (a) filernorandurn from Planning Commission - re: Sub- i I division grading plans. Memorandum dated June 13, 1862, I i from the Planning Commission was read, wherein they stated: : it had been brought to their attention that inequities to i i property adjacent to subdivisions have occurred as the..re-: : sult of cutting and filling within the subdivision site. i i In view of the fact that it is not.required, nor economi- : i ca11y prectical, no grading plan accompanies tentative I I subdivision maps- They requested the Council to give con-: I sideration to the effect of the grading plan on properties i : adjacent to subdivision sites when the final subdivision : I map is presented to the City Council for approval. I I i The City Attorney informed the Council if they wished to i : make this a requirement of the subdivider, an'amendment i i would have to be made to the subdivision ordinance. I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I ! I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 a * .* I I I I I 4 I I I The Assistant Engineer stated at the present time we do rei quire the subdivider to submit a grading plan; however, on: a lot sale subdivision we do not. Vhen the owner of a lot; requests a building permit we require a grading plan: on i that lot. It was agreed that this matter be referred to the Engineer+ ing Department and the City Attorney for study, and the i City Attorney instructed to draft an. ordi-name requiring : subdividers to submit grading plans when required, to be ! submitted at the next regular meting of the Council, I 1 8 I * I I I I I I I I ENGINEERING : I (a) Engineering Management, Inc. - re: Southern : Pacific Pige Lines, Inc., Application for Franchise. Let 0,: ter dated June 14, 1962, from Engineering Management, inc,; stating they were serving as agents for Southern Pacific i Pipe Lines, Inc. They propose to construct, operate and : maintain a comn carrier petroleum products pipeline from! Norwalk, California to San Diegc, California. On April : 10, 1952,they requesreclanencroachment permit from the I City in a letter directed to the City Engineer. Since : that tinre their representetivrsmet with the City Engineer i and the City Attorney, and they were informed the City : vi11 require a franchise. They requested the Council's i early consideration on this matter- ! ;:;;I :;::: pi:: i:::: I: ::;I: $0 I:::, 1'':; :::;: ;:it: I*s:* :::I: ;:':a 1:'; :;I:, ::i;i ::p: :;::/ :;-I 14:; ;:::; ::I:: ;:;;I ;:'If ::I:; 1:::; !#:!I 'ti'# :)I:¶ 1111: 1:::: 1:;:: :I ::;:; ::':I ::::I ::::; :!::I ;:::: ::::; :;::I ;:;:i 18 4;:; ::I1* ::;i: ip:: !::'I ::,:I 4::: :;1:; ::;:: i:: I: $1:: 1:;:: ::::: :I::: 41;1 :lll; *::#I ;I141 ltl;# :I:;: :I::: I *I, 11; 14; 11 I I I' I I ',, '8, ',, ', ', '\ I I , , ',"."':'.;I 0 4 I -S- '\\'\, '\ '- ' I I i Name ', *$&, '> t "&, 1 I ; *f *+&., '\\ ':*., :""""""-"""""""""""""-"""""""""""""""""-~""~""~""""""" : Member $$Qi',$-p~\< I :;:I, 1:: 1 I ::::: ::::; 4::: 1:::: ;;:SI I I :t!:: ' \\. I \.\\" I I I \, '\ ' I I \,L4 <9%,$* 7"; 'I $he City Attorney informed the Council it will be necessary [ :to advertise for bids on the franchise. &. Eugene Freeland, Attorney at Law, vas present and stated :::I; ;he represented Southern Pacific Pipe Lines, Inc., There has i !been a merger of plans between the Southern Pacific Pipe ; ip:; :Lines, Inc, and the Santa Fe Railway Coo Under the merged I ::;;: :plans, they still contezplate placing the line along El 1. :I 'I icamino Real. Mr. Freeland further stated he has a number 04 :;::: ;forms for a franchise and would be happy to work with Mrs. ; :Hayes on this matter. :By common consent, the City Attorney was instructed to ad- i i:::: ivertise for bids on the franchise and to prepare a draft of ; :::q !the franchise to adequately protect the City for the presen< li::: :ad E ut ure .; 1 i:: I I I I ;:ii: I :::,; ';; I I ,e::; I (b) 1911 Act Proceeding c. Assessment District No. 2- : I l:;l ::: * I ;;,': I I :ii /:I ;I 1::: I I ii::i I , :I::; I 8::fl I ::;:: I I :;,** I I 1:: .I (a) First reading of Ordinance No. 3055, restricting ! ):::I $1 ;:::i I 1 :I:;: ;: I!!: t I I I I I I 1 I I ;;::: $::: :1961, Pi0 Pico, Adams, Tamarack and Chinquapin. :The City Attorney advised the Council this matter would hav4 :i;;: !to be deferred until the nexp meeting as there were only i tI /;;; :three Councilmen present, and the Resolution of Intention : irequires a four-f ifths vote, :NEW BUSINESS : I 4 I I 8 8 :the use of power boats in the middle lagoon. Upon request ; ::i;; !of contiguous property owners, the City Attorney was ins- i jtructed to redraft this ordinance for the Council's consid- ; I::;: {eration. It was suggested that- a correction be .rrade on lin( 18;;; i23 to include tenants. The following ordinance was presen- ; Iiiri ited: I 1 i;::: :Ordinance No. 3058. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF CAXLSBAI) i :RESTRICTING TEE USE OF POVER BOATS ON THE AGUA REDIONDA : Bierce v: ;xi ; :LAGOON BETWEEN TP! A.T , & S , F, 2AZLiiAY TRESTLE ANI THE , : Meiswender ! i :x; : :STATE OF CALIFORMLA 101 FREEWAY, was given a first reading : Hughes I :qxj i :by the Council, as corrected. I :111: I 1 1 :::,: I (b) Proposed amendment to Ordinance No. 3025, estab- i ::;1: ;+: I ;:a/ a>;:i ::::; :p:; :::1: :I,:; 6 :::tl l I I a ::$: * jlishing regulations for the use of aquatic areas. :Mayor Neiswender stated in accordance with the ordinance, i4 1: $1 ia skier is down, the observer must raise his arm to notify ; :;;:I !it is very difficult to see an arm, and he would like to : :propose that the observer be required to hold up a red flag; !as it would be easier to identify. They do this in other ; :areas . :After discussion by the Council, by motion of the Council, i I:: :: ithe City Attorney was instructed to amend Ordinance No; 3024, 1:::: :requiring boats pulling skiers to use a red flag in lieu of i Bierce :;I:* 8 I :x: ; Ian arm to give notice of a skier down, and that the ordin- : Neiswender P : ;xi i :ante be submitted as an urgency ordinance. : Hughes I :xjx: I I I :I I i ,:;:I ;OLD BUSINESS : :The following ordinances were given a second reading by i ;tl;I ;:;I: :title only: t I I ::,:a :a: ::/I !Ordinance Nd. 3054. AN 9.X31NtWCE CF TIIE CITY OF CAZZSBM) i Bierce 1;::: !x: ;x: ; '?ELATING TC! MASSAGE PAXLOXS, was adopted. :I \ Neiswender ; : $2~; : : Hughes I fi I ; :x: ) I I I ::::; :!;:I I 1 I :xi I I I :;::I 1 b ::,;: I I :other boats that a skier is down. However, he has noticed 1 4:; ! 1 I I :+; I& I I 01 I 1 I I I iJ:i I 4 I 1:::: I I I I" 1 :Ordinance No. 3055. AN ORDINANCE OF TEE CITY OF CARLSBAD : :'::; :PROHIBITING THE ADVERTISING OR ENGAGING IN THE PRACTICE OF i Bierce !FORTUEJE-TELLING, SEERSHIP, ASTRCLOGY, PALNISTRY AND SDlILAR ; Ne iswender \x i i xi ; :FCRMS OF CHAIte,CTEB READING, ARTS OR PRACTICES, was adopted. ) Hughes ; IxIx: 1 1 'I *& * #*!I! I I I I 1 '\ x, '\, '\ ', .\ 4 -6- I '\,+ \CY, .*\ * \ \' I I I I 1 I I I I 8\,\'$, '\ '\ '\ I x, '\ ' ' . \, 'JO5 \\ '\ '\\ '., '\\ 8, I i Na me '. '\$& ',, '3% I I I of .?&&,>, ;%+ I ;"""~""~"""""""""""""""-"-""""""~"""-"-"""~"~""""-""""~""" 1 Member $j'@.pkp.,d !Ordinance No, 3056. AH ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF CA3LSBAD : 'tl;: ;AM3AQING 032 I IUNCE NO. 3005 OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD BY i Bierce :xi !x: i :ADDING SECTION 42 (c) 2XATIHG TC PARKING ON OCEAN STREET : Neiswender i : ;xi f :FiiOpil PACIFIC AVENUE TC NGUNTAIN VIEW DRIVE, was adopted. i Hughes o f xixi ; :Ordinance No. 3057. AN OXDIXANCE OF THE CITY OF CP-RLSBAD, i ~ANENDIHG OIUIINANCE MC. 3032, SECTICN 83.1 BY ADDING SUB- f Bierce I :xixi i SZCTTON (v) , REQUIRXNG TRAFFIC TO STOP ON BBECH AVENUE AT I Neiswender ; ; ; x! I iROOSEVELT STREET, was adopted. f Hughes i xi :x; ; :Ordinance No. 8036. AH ORDINANCE OF TEE CITY OF CARLSBAD i Bierce :ZSTABLISHING REGULATIONS WITH RESPECT TO ENCLOSU3E OF i Neiswender ; xi !xi I iSWWXNG POOLS, was adopted, : Hughes i ; :x1 : {Ordinance No. 9128. AN O?&INMCE OF TlB CITY OF CARLSSAD I i:;;: :Ai%;NDING OADINANCE NO. 9060, CHANGING CEXTAIN DESIGNATED i Bierce :xi ;xi i iPRCPERTY FRCM ZOPE R-1 TO ZCNE W?, IN THE CITY OF CARLSBADI Neiswender : : I x; i :was adopted , : Bughes i :xlx: ; :Ord inance No. 9130 . AN ORDINAP?CE OF TIE CITY GF CARLSBAD { t }Ib !MENDING ORDINAh'CE NO. 9060, Cl"4GZNG CERTAIH DESIGNATED i Bierce :PRGPEEITY IN THE CITY CF CARLSBAD FRCM ZQNES R-A AND R-3 TO ; Neiswender i ; ;xi : jZOh7E X-'I, was adopted. I Hughes ;x: ;x: I ! ::p: I I :I I 9 ::;II att;; i::3 11 I I I $1; I:::: ; :.*x; I I f:;!: I * I 4 I :I::: ;::I /4;: ; ; XJ x; i 1 I:,# Il.'! I I !CITY ATTCRNEY~S REPCBT: I I I I I I I @.-I- ,::I: 1::!: I,,;, :Meeting with Library Board of Trustees - re: Library Site. i :The City Attorney informed the Council a meting was held : :with the Library Board of Trustees, the City Yinager, City I :Attorney, Cmn. Eierce and Cmn. Guevara to discuss the libraj :ry site. As she had to leave early in the meeting, she I :asked if Mr. Bierce would give the report. iCm. Bierce stated there was considerable discussion given i jas to the Elm Street property and the Pia Pico property, I I :and many factors were brought out. One of the Board mem- i ibers was very concerned about sufficient parking spaces if : ithe library were to be located on the Elm street site, :Their mai:n concern about the Pi0 Pic0 location is the fact i !that sometime in the future Pi0 Pic0 will be widened. It i :was the concensus that the architect for the Library build-: :ing survey the Pi0 Pic0 property as to raving the existing i !structure on the property to allow a proper setback for the : :library building. The committee indicated to the Board i :they would give them every consideration as to the property: :on Pi0 Pico. iCm. Bierce stated he would like this Council to go on !record as favoring the Elm street property for competitive i I I I I I I I I I & I 1 I I I I I I :bidding. !By motion of the Council it was agreed that the Elm Street :property be opened for competitive bidding. I 1 I I I :Appointment to State Comittee. The Council was informed ithat Nrs. Hayes has been selected as a member of the State !and Cities Municipal Comittee. :CITY PhUAGEX'S 3ZPORT: I..". -. .UY_ 1 I 1 I I I I I i Bierce : Ne i swender i Hughes I I I I 1 1 I I I I I 1 I + I ! I ;The City of Del Mar has requested that the City of Carlsbad i :exchange their host meeting of the League of California i Xities from August to ?eptember, as they would like to host: :their meeting t?t the Bel Per Race Track during the racing i !season. By comon consent it was agreed that the City of ; :Del Mar. be notif ied'the City of Carlsbad would be happy to I '1 :~i;t :::a: 1:::: pi:' ':::I I: :::I: ::;:I :;::: :::I: I) ::; ;:1:4 -1 - 1: i;::: ;:;:: :+; :i::: :;I:: ;I::; 4:;l ::::: ::::t :;:;: 2::: :::I: il*ll !tl!t ;*I;; ::::I ;::I: II;:: ;I::: !Il!l ;ll;l :i::i :I;:: :x; ;x: I i : :xi I a :+x; i :I *::I: ;;I* 1;: :;:I' IIiii :a,:: ?:!I: :I ,I::; -'i :::!I ;;::: "Il I:::; :::I, I:;:: ::'I' :I It ::: ::!I: I};; I*(( !exchange the date. I I , 1:: ;;;'. I 1.: ; ; ; I I I '@;la I I 1 ift:: * I 18' ,,I:: I I t :::,: t I I 1;;:; I I 1 I I I I i :11:1 ! t I ', *\ .\ \' '\ -* 1 I '\ *\ '\ \ ' ' I I \\ , '\ '\\'\,'\\ I -7.. \\\'" I I 1 I I \'\ \, '\ \\ '\ '\ \\ 9OI I I i N a me '%, '?!$,, ". '"J, I : of 'So>$$, , '\ \f, \-p I i Member \,b\O\g',+'$ \%@.'&?\$ !Letter dated May 22, 1962 from the Carlsbad Municipal Water i ;'I 01: !District regarding the proposed annexation of Squares Dam ; It;!; I roperty to the City of Carlsbad was presented. The Dis- i :;::: :;I;* &ict is concerned with the zoning of this area and the lan! ::i;: :uses that will be .permitted. I I ;I;1: ::::* I I ,$I:: :The District requested that the matter be fully studied and i l';l: ;:,:I ithe information forwarded to their offi.ce. I I $;:I: 4 I I :a':; ;:;:I !The Council was informed that when the property is annexed i ;I::' :to the City of Carlsbad it would automatically become R-1 'I ; i:::: :Zone, and r9ould have to be rezoned for any other permitted I 4:; 1:::; :uses . I i:::: I $"I :The City Manager recomended this matter referred to the i ;:i:: (1I:I :staff for study. I I ;:I:: I I ;::I: icooperat ive Personnel Services contract renewal , Letter fro& 8;;:; ::pi $:.e Cooperative Personnel Services of the California State i ii::: :Personnel Board has been received, in which they enclosed ; i;::: !two copies of the contract for continuance of their examin- i 1;:: Iing services for the City during 1962-63, I I ::;:i ' Zhe Council was informed the City entered into a contract : lI:I4 bending upon the services rendered. I I;::: By comn consent it was agreed that the City Manager Pro ; :;:;; $empore be authorized to execute the contract on behalf of i !the City of Carlsbad. i budit of City Records and Water Department. The City Mana- t he authorized to Audit the City Records and the Water Depart: I I 7" :"""""""""""-""-""""""""""""""""""""""""";"""~"""""""" b :'If I I I 4 1 I I 'It I I p;:: I :;;:: 81 !for the 1961-62 year. There is a nominal fee charged, de- i ::I:# I I I :I:;: 1::;: ::::i I I. +:: I* :::;; 1:::: :::,, bent . By comn consent it v7as agreed that the firm of Pe& 11 parwick, Mitchell & Co. be authorized to conduct the yearly I ;:i:; I ':::I I I:;:: I ;:::: Engineering Department Budget. The Council was informed i ;::I: 4:::; :;;:: Capital Cut1ay:for the Engineering Department. Thegsare : ;:':I by; however, this will mean an additional $600.00 that will: ;;;:: :;;;! ::;:I I I I I:':: ;:i:: 4;;;; ''1:: l::l t I :;I;; 1 ;;::I I I ::::: I ;2;; ::a:: +round most of the property owners do not object but feel i ;I::, I I :;;:: t I I 11::: I I ::I:: 1 I I ::;:: I ii::; I I I t :I::; t I I ::!I, 1:::: I 1 111 I I I 1 I I b ger requested that the firm of Peat, Marwick, Mitchell & Co.: i;;:: SI $l@l; hudit for the City. I I I khat through inadvertency, a survey wagon was omitted under i billing to forego some of the other itsms under Capital 0ut-i ii;:: :I: have to be added to their budget. By motion of the Counci 1 i Pt was agreed that the Engineering Department's budget be 1 pdjusted by the addition of $400.00 for the purchase of a IBierce !Xi :x: I burvey wagon, and that sone of the other items listed under : Neiswender ; : x:xi : bapital Outlay now be deleted. i Hughes ; : :x1 : beague of California Cities Conference. The annual confer- J hnce will be held in Los Angeles this year from October 21st: bo October 24th. The City Manager stressed that reservation+ ::::I ?e made we i 1 in advance . The Mayor requested a data sheet of the conference be pre- i ;:::I '8; pared and sent to each member of the Council, heal Estate Sipns. Cmn. Hughes stated this ordinance has i ;p:: 1'1 Freated quite a hardship on home owners, i,e. service per- I ::I:: sonnel who have had to move from the area. In checking I 1:::: phey would be penalized if they could not depend on the real: :::;: *I $state agents. Also, the Realtors are being harmed. * 1 :tlrs ::::: fmn. Bierce informed the Council the Realty Board approped i ::::: this ordinance at the time it was presented. I !:::I I I The Mayor requested this matter deferred until the next reg-! :!!;; $ar meeting. I I I I I I I I I I I I;#:: I I I I I I ! ! I I I I I I I 8 I I 88 \. x8. I I I I I x, 'x:\,, '\, '*,", \\\ ..'PO, \,& '\ 'x&,, I 1 ; N a me '\., >$", \\\ \$, 8 I : of 3p@\ a,>;? :""I""""""""""~""""""~"""~"~"""~""""""~"""""""""""""""~~ ;.. I ::;i : RATIFI~ATION OF, BILLS AND PAYROLL :. I :I*l I ;::I ;:#I :::I \, '\\'\\ '\ '8 " -8- I f \\ , k '8 '\ '\ : Member ''%@.$LO' b 1. . I I I I ! Ratification of the payment of bills ~7as given for the gen; I I:/! i the period of June 6, 1962 to June 19, 1962, as ,certified i Bierce t1: ;x: :x; i Commi t tee. ;: I I I 1 :xjx: i Ratification of the payroll was given for the first half 06 :;{I ;;I: i ADJCIURNNZNT : I I::; :!:I I I I :I:: i era1 expenses of the City in the amount of $97,825.76, and : ;;;; : for the Water DeFartment in the amount of $2,371.65, for i ;::I ; by the Director of Finance and approved by the Auditing ; Neiswender ! s !x: '11: t June, 1462, irt the amount of $14,764.29, as certified by i Bierce I :x I x; i the Director of Finance and approved by the Auditing i Ne iswender i i i x; : Committee. t Hughes :x: :x: i Hughes I I I I I I 1 I I I 4:s: ; By proper motion, the meeting was adjourned at 8:45 P.E. : ;I:: : Respectfully submitted, I I I I :if; I:;: &Z F @&d I I I 1 I I I l I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I 1 v?T :;:: ;:!: it;: ;alf 1:;: t;1I :I:: i Deputy City Clerk :I:: I :;:I I I ::;I 11 :'I: I ;;:I I I IS It:: ::I: I I I 1:;: ::i: I:" I I ;:/ ;: 1::: I::: I t I I ;::; I I I:;; ,;:I 1 I I I ::;I ;; I (1:; ::;: If :;:i I I I::; 4::: :::I I11: ;;;I 13: ::;I :;': ::jr ::i: :;I: :::I, ::;:~ ;:;l; t;;l! 1 :I ::a:; ,;::1 :::;j :;::; ::I:; ::::; ::;;I I I ::::, ::::: I I I ;(I :::;; I I I I ;;::; ! EIARG&ET E. ADAMS I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 f; I 1: I I I 1 I I I I I $ I I I I I I 1 I I 1111 I I I 1 I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I $ I 1 I I I I I I I ? I I I I I I I I I I 8 I I I 1 1 I I I I I I 1 1 I I I f I 1 I I I i I I I I I 1 I I 1 I It;: iii: I I It;; i::: I # I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I 1 I 1 I I 1 I I 1 I I I I t I 1 I 17 I 'I 1 I I I ;;;:I I I ::: !;;I' :' I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I :; I I I I ;:I:: i:: I I I 1 I I I )#I( I I I I I I I I l:l I 1 :::I: