HomeMy WebLinkAbout1962-07-03; City Council; Minutes* i CITY OF CA&L,SBAD i Minutes of: CITY COUNCIL (Regular, Meeting) : Date of Meeting: July 3, 1962 i Time of Meeting: 7:OO P, M. i. pl?~~-!-pf,_~~_""" Council - - - - - - --- Chambers - - - - .. - - - - - - - - - - "_ - - -e_ - - - - - -"" -. I ! &OLL CALL was answered by Councilmen Guevara, i Bierce, Hughes, and Mayor Pro Tempore Neiswender. : Also present were City Manager Pro Tempore Scholink i and City Attorney Hayes, Mayor McPherson absent. ! b i -1, .*, '\8 -*, -88 't I I * 8 8' 908 :' 4 '8, ', 8, '\ '\,'\, ; kame '*, '$$, '\, I '8\,'8'\'8',' '8, ' ',,$, 8. : of *%%\,&,;38, b '% '"""""""""""""f-". i Member 8*@$,$-p@s I ;,1,4 a I k 4:;: I ::p: I I ;:::: 8 4 ::I t I ii::: I L allA; I l::!l i i ALLEGIANCE to the Flag was given. I ;:"I I ::: I I I :::;I I :;It; : INVOCATION was offered by Councilman Guevara. I :;::I ! I !I:!: I I i APPSOVAL OF MINUTES: I I I , (a) The minutes of the regular meeting of June 19, I 1962, were approved as presented. I I I I I * I CUdRESPONDENCE 6 I 4 I (a) O'Melveny & Myers - re: Guestionaire as to bond issues fail. Letter dated June 25, 1962, from elveny & Myers, Attorneys' at Law, enclosing a : questionaire, stating this questionaire was being sent to i all the cities in Southern California, that submitted bond : issues in 1960-1961 and 1962. They requested that each I city fill out the questionaire as to why bond issues fail. : By common consent of the Council the questionaire was i referred to the staff for answering. I I I 1 I 1 1 I I I I I I I I t I e * I 1 I 4 I I D l I I I 8 I I I t I I I I 8 I I I 1 I I I I 1 a I I I I 4 1 Guevara i Bierce !% Neiswender: Hughes ! 4 I t * I I I s I 8 , k I I I I I I I I t I k I : I I I e 4i;r :::I ;;I1 11:: X:' :;1:x : :x: ; ; :x; ; :x;x; i :;:: 8l;l ::a: **:; 1::: :'I, ii:: ;I:: :i:: SI;@ :::i :::: ::*I 81;: ;;:e a* ¶$;: ;::: I* I 11 81 1 I I I I (b) County Department of Public Works - re: Pro- I j posed participation of Buena Sanitation District in the I I i vista - Carlsbad sewerage project. Letter uated June 14,: i 1962, from the Uepartment of Public Works was presented, ; concerning the proposed participation of the Buena Sani- { : tation District in the Vista - Carlsbad sewerage project. : i A map of the transmission line was enclosed for the : Council's review. They pointed out if the Euena Sanita- ! i tion District were included in the over-all plan it would : I be a savings to Carlsbad of approximately $48, 300. They! : requested comments from the City regarding the proposal{ i of the Buena Sanitation District becoming a party to the : : Basic Agreement. It will be their intention to recornmend: i that Buena become a party to the agreement after Buena ; : holds a successful bond election. I I ! The City Attorney informed the Council the County is very: i anxious to receive a verbal comment from the Council at I 1 this time in order for them to proceed with their report, ; : By common consent it was agreed that the Council go on I i record as favorably approving in essence the Buena Sad- i I taion District becoming a third party to the Agreement, ; i but as to legal details, they would have to be worked out i : later. I I i ment of Anti-Utter laws. Letter dated June 24, 1962 1 i Trom the Parks and Hecreation Commission was preiented, ; wherein they requested that patrolling of the routes to the i : dump within the city limits be directed toward the enforce* i ment of the anti-litter laws. It was their feering that i : trash loads being hauled to the dump by individuals are ; i not being secured properly. They also requested the I I i Council to provide a back stop and softball diamond placed: ; in Holiday Park, and that signs be posted prohibiting the i i batting of hardballs, golf balls , etc, in the Park. I I : The Ma or requested the matter of litter be turned over i i to the dty Manager; that the newspapers be contacted to ; ; support the anti-litter laws; and that the Police Departmerit i be instructed to patrol the routes to the dump more dili- : : gently, and that warnings be given when necessary. I I 1 I I I I I 1 I I I b I I (c) Parks and Recreation Commission - re: Enf orcet t I I I 4 9 i 1 I s I I k I I I I I 1 .VI-, ::a:: ;:::; ::ii: ::iri :; I, lt!;l I!:;; ::i:;r :;:::I ::;::I ::;::I :::::1 :;;I:; ;'I:;; ;::;a; ;:'*;I ;:!::: ;::;:/ ':;:;I I;/,' 1 1::: ;: 11; :I 4;:; :::I:; ;:ll:l ';VI i::::: ::!;)i :a I"::; 1% ::::;, ::::;: ;::;I: ;::::: ::!::I 81 "'I;: :::;I* 1;'ls; ;-I: ;:; :::;:; ;::::; ;i;:i: :I1 11::: ::;I:* ::;:;; ::::,: ;I#::; l;;lll :::;:' 1:;1:: I:;::: :::;:; ;::::; ;::;:: :::::: *:I1D1 ;:;I:? :l!;l! I* 'I 1'1 't +*l;l: l*8;l; I I * 1 I 'i(.I. !%#!I! I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I 8 1 I 1 I I I -2 - I ' :""""""""-"""""""""""--"""""""""""""""""~~ t I I I I I : As to providing a back stop and softball diamond at I Holiday Park, the Council requested this matter referred i i back to the Parks and Recreation Commission for specifi6 : information as to location, size of facilities, cost of con- I : struction and source of financing. t ! Council's decision to prohibit water skiijag in middle I I i lagoon. Letter dated June 22, 1962, from Verne Kahler, ! : statmg his appreciation of the Council*s decision to keep I i water skiing from the middle lagoon. 1 * i The Council ordered the letter filed. b I I I * I t I (d) Verne Kahler - re: Letter of appreciation of i t I I I I I I I I I I I I (e) City of Oceanside - re: San Diego Unified Port ! : District Act. Letter dated June 22, 1962, from the City i i of Oceanside, in which they enclosed a copy of a resolu- : : tion adopted by the City Council of Oceanside, opposing i i the San Diego Unified Port District Act, as it is their : ; feeling there are inequities in the Act. I : The Mayor stated he was familiar with this Port Act and i I there are certainly inequities in the Act as proposed. 1 t i By consent of the Council the City Attorney was instructed i to prepare a resolution for the next Council meeting in i I opposition to the San Diego Unified Fort District Act. I I i O&AL COMMUNICATXONS: i WILLIAM J. LA &OCHE, stated he would like to add i i emphasis to enforcing the anti-litter laws. He lives on i ; Chestnut A.venue, which is one of the routes to the dump, : I and the trash that falls from the vehicles is very bad, ; i and hopes something can be done. I I i PUBLIC HEA3ING: I I I * I I * 1 I 1 I I 1 I I 1 1 $ t I t * I I I I I I I I I D I I $ ? 8 I (a) Proposed Annexation of East Carlsbad No. 2.2. : ! The Mayor announced this was the time and place set for i I the public hearing on the proposed annexation of certain : : properties known as "East Carlsbad Annexation No. 2.2".! : The Mayor inquired as to whether the required public i i notice had been given. The Clerk certified that proper I : notice had been given to each property owner of record ! i and that the Affidavit of Publication had been received : : from the Carlsbad Journal as to the publication of the I i Resolution of Intention. I t i A mag of the proposed area to be annexed was presented i ! for the Councilfs review. I ! The Mayor requested that all written correspondence that I i had been received be read. 1 I 1 Letters of protest from the following persons and firms i I were presented: I I i William E. Sommer ; Higgs, Fletcher 81 d Mack I I I Attorneys at Law ; 2250 Third Avenue I I I San Diego 12, Cd ifornia i Mrs. Ida Dawson : Rancho Agua Bedionda Y Los Monos I i Vista, C-4, California 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I + D ? I I I I I I I I t * I I 1 I I * I I I 1 a 8 1 I D l * I I I l 2 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I '\ ,, -x \,,',, - '8 '8 '' 8 .' \ 88s 88888*8g 0 9 8 '8 ', '8 '8 \ 8 \', \\ Na me' '8, '8$&, 888:9A , Qf ',%$, '. 9. %p '8L.o\4\+,++ i:+ ;:I 1 ;:::: :::i: I' I:;!! I:::: ::::: ip;; I: :$: :::i: ;::I: :;i:: I:::: ::I:: 1::: ::::: i:::: I* ::1:t ::I:: ;:*a1 1::: i:::s ;el:; 11 :*I 4::; ;;*:a ;::I: 11:*: ;:::: 1:::: ::'I; i::;: ;;;;; 11::: :;;;I 1:;:: :::i: ::::I :ti:: :I:;: ;:I+; ;;p; /;;: :;I i:* :ii iii;; ::;I: i;:!: :ti!: t' ;:::i 11 I;!:; i::;: :!!:! :::I: 1:;:: :I;:; ;: 1::: ::::: ;:::: ip;: 11 1::; :::;I :;;:; 1":: I::;: :::;I i::;: iii:; 1:::; ;::;.I I: ;!:a1 :I::: ::::: i:;:: :i::: I 1:: ::::: ;:::I :;;;: i:;:: I:':; ::;:I &I,;: !:;I; I:':; ::i:: :!':! Member ~$$@,~~p,c .--"-""""""""""- :81'1 884 !* fI 11; 1') '1 *,:I :*I 8 :**I $1111 @1t11 I'@l; I I,'I I I I I I '8, '\, \, -8 . -\ \' ' I I I '\, " '\ ', ** '-. I1 1 I i -3- t '\ \+, '.\'\\ '\ I I ' '*@' '\, ''$3, ,--"""""""""""""""""""~""""""""""""""""-.~:"*""""""""""~"~ : Member '$3@,+$\$ I I * I ; i Name of 'b\'$,o\, \.L 0 +' \,o. '\ a' ??$\ #& \ * I ;;!I: i T. Bruce Smith : Attorney for the Carlsbad Municipal Water District I 1 : 2965 Roosevelt i Carlsbad, California I I i The City Attorney announced the above mentioned letters i i of protest were in connection with the property known as : : the "Dawson property". I I I 1 I I I b I I I I t I I I :;i:i ;I#:: ;::a: ,'I:; 1:;:: :::I: i:::: 81 ;::#I ::,:1 8::: i:::: I(' !!!I! I * t I I" : Letters of protest continued I /;:: ;:1:1 ::::: ! ! : Beachlake Company i by Edward Y. H. Leong and Albert Zaiser I 1001 North Pacific Street I Oceanside, California I I i Albert M. Hudson, protesting on behalf of the ; Tootsie "K" Ranch i (No address on letter) I I I I I I I I I I t t s I I I I I I I I I i{Iil ;I:#: a::!: :;'I1 :;:'I 1;: j::;: *!!I! ;;PI; ll:;l :::;: ::;:: ::!I: II() c I I I I 1 ;;;:; ! Further correspondence received as follows: I ::ii: I t :!!I! I I Letter dated May 22, 1962 from the Carlsbad Municipal i : Water District, stating their only concern about the prop': i erty owned by the District, namely "Squires Dam': was i : the zoning for this area. I r Letter dated June 15, 1962, from Robert L. Clark, statik i they were pleased to receive notice their 265 acres of i ; property southeast of Carlsbad was being annexed to the ; I city, as it was their feeling that the additional burden of i ; taxes would be offset many times over by the increase in : i land value contributed by the addition of city services to I ; the property. I ! The Mayor announced that due to the fact the City of i Carlsbad was the applicant in this matter, the Council i : would now hear from those persons desiring to speak in ; i opposition to this annexation. He urged that testimony i : already introduced not be repeated. * i WILLIAM E, SOMMER, of the firm of Hicks, Fletcher i i and Mack, Attorneys at Law, stated he was representing I : Mrs. Ida Dawson. Mrs. Dawson's ranch has always been: I one entity. Under this proposed annexation one-eighth of i ; her property would be brought into the City of Carlsbad. : I This would make it very diffucult in the event of a sale of i : her property. Also, this annexation could mean double ; i taxation for Mrs. Dawson as her entire parcel of land is I i within the Buena Colorado Water District (plat of the area: i was presented for the Councilfs review). This could re- i : sult in Mrs. Dawson being taxed by the San Diego County : i Water Authority, even though her property is outside the i : Carlsbad Municipal Water District. This property has ; i always been tied in with the Vista area. It is presently \ i within the Palomar College District and the Vista Unified : : School District. There are no access roads to the west i I into Carlsbad, and no utilities to connect the ranch with i ; Carlsbad. I I I I I I I I I 3 I 1 I 1 I I I I I I ii::: :;::: ::::; ;:::: 1:::: *li !l:!l ;;1;1 ::iii i:::: :;:::' ::::; :;::; ;1:;t ::::i ;:::I r:!lf ;p;; ::I:! :;:I; I:::: 1:;:: I:::; 8:':: !!::I ;;;i: :i:t: :;::: :I::: I(::: :::i; :::I; ::::I i:::: ::::: 1:;:: ::;:: :;;:; ::4* lt:*: I;*:' 1 I:, ::: ::;:; ::;I: i:::: I:;,: ::I:; ill;l :::I: 1:1 !I.!I I I The only interest the City of Carlsbad has in using Mrs. i I Dawsods property is to assist them in the annexation of : : their property. The terraine of this property is such that! I it would be almost impossible to subdivide any of this ! : property. (Photographs of some of the terraines were : i presented). I i Mr. Sommer read quotations from Sundayls Blade-Tribun+ : newspaper made by the Chief of Police and the Fire Chief : i wherein they stated the City was incapable of serving this : ; proposed annexation area as far as police and fire pro- i : tection. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I .I 'li;l I:::: :::;: ; ;<.!; ;dl;) 11 1;' ;I::: ::I:: 1:;:: 1;i:: ;Up I:,;: :;a :I::: ::;:; 1:;:: :*I;+ ::::; $::*I :'::; :L:: *i8f, !11!* I I I .'' 't, '\\ -\, ", " I I I 8 I '*, '\ ' '\,'+J a 1 1 I I ',, '.,"\, '\ 8, *\ L I I Name \, '<%\'\,'x?& l"""~~""~"""""""""""""""~"""""""""""""""~~"""""""""""~"" i Member \a@.$-p,d -4- I 1 I : of '*$.'\0', .?!%\4\,#* X\, '$$, I : I I :!@;! I : Mr. Somrner further stated he had made a rough compu- i i tation of the taxes that Mrs. Dawson would have to pay ; : based on $1.34 per $100.00 assessed valuation, which : I would be approximately $260,00 per year, and she would i I be receiving no benefits for this taxation. The Attorney : I for the Carlsbad Municipal Water District has stated i I they could not serve this property as it is out of their : : district. There are certain moral and legal responsibifi-i i ties the City has to its property owners4 and if they cannot ; provide these services, then they are gbing out of their i : area. 1 i In closing Mr. Sommer requested the City not to include i : any portion of Mrs. Dawson's property in this annexation.! i ME. ALBERT UISER, 636 BID oks Street, stated he did: i not have too much objection to the annexation of his propet- : ty, however, if they exclude the Dawson property he * i could see no reason for including his property. i MB. LEWIS, Via Lido Norde, Newport Beach, California; i informed the Council he owned certain properties being ; ; considered in the annexation and he was also representing: : Lido Land Co. The City has indicated they wish a 400' : i strip along his property. The previous speaker has state$ : his feelings, 2nd in his opinion this plan was five years : J too soon. I I i MRS. CATARINI, B. 0. Box 587, Carlsbad, stated they i i are opposing having any part of their ranch included in : : this annexation. She did not think it would include too i i much of her property but opposed having any portion of : ; her pro2erty annexed to the City of Carlsbad. I i WYMOND JAUREGTJI, P. 0. Box 323, Carlsbad, stated i i he was opposed to this annexation. flis property is a i ; portion of Lot I%t'* I : MRS. MARTHA KELLY PILSBURY, 4429 Ohio Street, i i San Diego, stated she and her parents own the James : : Kelly ranch, and they oppose this annexation for the same! I reason the other parties are opposing it. It is rugged : : terraine. I ; As there were no other persons desiring to speak in op- 1 i position, the Mayor declared the Public Hearing closed i ; at 8:20 P. M. I i The City Attorney requested a ten minute recess in order I I for the Engineer to compute the percentage of protests. i I The Mayor declared a short recess at 8:25 P. M. The i : meeting reconvened at 8: 35 P. M. I I :r Former Mayor La Roche asked to be heard. The Chair ! : recognized Mr. La rtoche. I I i WILLIAM J, LA ROCHE, stated as a citizen of CarZsbadl i he would like to say that we have the usual confusion with i : the press. There is irresponsible reporting from time to: i time. What the Chief of Police and Fire Chief say, or i : whatever they may be misquoted as saying, the fact still : i remains that if there is an annexation and the Chief of ; i Police and Fire Chief are directed to give service to that I i area, the people will get service or there wiil be some i i changes made he is sure. He asked that the Council not : ; use this as a reason for not annexing this property. The i : City of Carlsbad is going to grow regardless of what the 4 i public may think. He would like to feel these two gentlmei : were misquoted, as the City of Carlsbad is perfectly I I i capable of taking care of its obligations. 1 I b I I I 8 I 1 # k I I I I t I I * I 1 I I * I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I C I 1 I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I 1 L #;;I; i:::: I:*:; 'I::; !::;I a;;': i:;:: 1,;:: ::;:: :::;I $1 ::::I ;:::I :::I: 1:::: ::;:: :I*:; :I!;: $1 ;:;i: l?!l! 1;;l; ;ll;l ::i:; ::I:: 1::;; :#I II:d 1;l ,.a! :i;:i 1;:1; i:: :I ::;:: I;:!! :::;: iii:; :::I: ;:;:: ::':: ;:::: ;:::I ;:;:: 1'4; 1:::; ';:I1 :;I:: ::I:: :a::; If ;:a:: ;:,;: :* ($1 ;:I:: .I::: il:i; ::;:; ::I:' $1:: ;::I: ;:;:: ;:::: :I::: :::I: :::I: ;I::: II(l1 I!!:! IlI ;;;:; I::': ;It'# 1'::: ;:/9 1:;:; ::;I, :;::: ::;:: !;/t *:,:: ;;I :#;I' ;: 1: 1:;i: ::::: ;I:;: ::I ::::I ':;I: :@I:; :;::; i:::: ;::;: ;::I: :::1: :::;I ;;::: :'i:: :; /::! ;:::: ;;;;; ::::; :;i:; ;ltll 111*1 *I:# :14;1 !!;!I I I I '\ '-X 8' ~ I I \\ ", ',' '\ ",". I I I I I I I '\\ \\ ',\\. '\ \',1" 6 I -5- 1 8 i Name ',$.c& ', $>, I I i of '$$&&;?q+ ;""""""""""""-^~"""""""""""""""~"""""""""-~~"----"----------"--~--; f Member ,o\,o..pC?\r i:' 1:; *I' 41:: i The City Attorney announced there were 17.12 percent i ;:::I : of the values of written protests received by owners of I i privately owned territory proposed to be annexed. There; ;:I:! /::; I:**, : were no protests received from publicly owned property. : :;:I' #*:;I 1 The Council also heard oral protests from 5.41 percent ; I of the values of the privately owned property, however, i :::,I :: ::;;: i these are not legal protests. I I I I:::: i After discussion among the Council members, the City : (11#1 : Attorney presented the following resolution for the I I :;'I: i Council's consideration: I t :I::; I:'## !l:!l \ '\ ', '8, '\, '8 \*\ 'A& '8 y@. I I I I 18 B I I I iiii: 8: I 1 I I I solution No. 831. A BESOLUTION OF THE CITY i WCIL OF THE CITY OF CALZLSBAD DECLARmG I i THAT PROTESTS NOT WE BY OWNEM OF ONE- : : HALF OF THE VALUE OF PaIVATELY OWNED TEB- I I RITOHY AND PUBLICLY OWNED TERiZITORY PUL.2- : : SUANT TO GOVEWiMENT CODE SECTION 35313.2, i i was read in full ,and adopted. I The City Attorney stated the Council has the authority I ! after the adoption of the above resolution finding there is i ; no majority protest to make some changes in the bound- : : ariks; however, they cannot increase the area to be an- i ! nexed, and they cannot dimish the area by more than five : i percent. i As the Council did not indicate they wished any changes, I : the following ordinance was presented for a first reading: : I I I 1 1 s I I I I I 4 I I I. I :1;;1 ;::;i ::ils I:':: i;::: I:: ,!I 1;;;: i:::: ::iii :I;:, ;:,I: 1:::; ::::i ::i:: I' I:;:# :I,:: I::': .. 1:::; ;*ti: ::::: ::::t 1*#:1 :I 11 :tt:t l;!l: t : Ordinance No. 1077. AN OiDI NPXCE OF THE CITY : i OF CARLSBAD APPHGVIHG THE ANNEXATION OF i : CEHTAIN UNINELABITED TEiCi3,ITOXY, DESIGNATED : Guevara :x! :xi i i "EAST CABLSBAD ANNEXATION NO. 2.2" TO THE i Bierce : :xixi ; I CITY OF CAIELSBAD, was given a first reading by the : Neiswender! I :x: i ; Cowxil. i Hughes i : Ixf i :ii:: :t::: :;::; I 1 I !l*!l I I ; Cmn. Bierce stated he would like the Planning Commissih : to commence a study of this annexed area for over -dl i I zoning. BY common consent the City Manager was requeqt- i ed to forward a memorandum to the Planning Commission! : requesting the Commission to proceed with the study of : i this area as to over-all zoning. I i The City Attorney stated she felt the Council should assurb : the property owners that as soon as this annexation is : i effective services will be provided and that there will not i : be any double taxation. # i The Council concurred with the City Attorney and advised i i the property owners services would be provided and that : : there would not be any double taxation. I I ENGINEERLNG: I 9 I I I I I 1 1 I 1 I I I 8 I I I I 1 I (a) 1911 Act Proceedings - Assessment District No. : i 2-1961, sewers in Pi0 Pic0 Dr. , Adams Street, Tamarack : Avenue, Chinquapin Avenue, Highland Drive and easementis. I 1 i The Council was informed the Zngineering Department ha$ ! completed the plane and specifications for the above-name@ i assessment district, and before further work can be corn-! : menced, the adoption of the fallowing reaohtivnc is noad- : I ed at this time: I I I t I :;i:; I:::; t::b :I::: 0;:: ;::;; 1:::; i:::; :ii:: ;::a p1;: ;::I: ::;:: I:':; ::::; 'I::: iii:; ::I:; l4;i :::Il #I l1 ii::: 4:: :l#'l (11, !l&!J ;I~:I 1::;: ::;I, ::I:; ::I:; !*I!% ;:''I ::I:; :ti ':; 9:::: :::I: 1:;:: :'a:; I: I? t :11:1 :;\ i Resolution No. 808. A BESOLUTION OF THE CITY I : "rO-lFITY OF CXRLSBAD, APPROVING : ; PLAT OF ASSESSMENT DISTEUCT, DETERMINING THff: :I1 i NATURE# LOCATION AND EXTENT OF THE PRO- ; Guevara : !XIXI ; I POSED IMPROVEMENT, ANT) APPROVING PLANS ANI% Bierce k I ;x: ! : SPECIFICATICNS, was adopted by title only and further i Neiswender i : :x! : i ~ea.ding waived, i 3whes ; : :x: i I t 1;;l Iii '; I:::' 1'4; 1:::: 1; I I 3 I ::a I*!%! ;: & I I * I I 1 8i:;i I !:::I 1 I I 1 '\ \-, . - - I I '' 8, '8 +\ ' " \\\ ".\.,, \ 1 B; -6- I I '\ '. '. '\ '\ 'b. I I I I - 1 I. '. -\ .d\ -x. '.A I I l 1.0.112 . I I I :""""""""""""-""""""""""""""""""""""""-~"""-""- 1 ciemoer 1 t Name. . - 'x$.., '\\ '.?j : of 'x+%, '\ X&\ ! a*. "L ". '+-+9',&+$ I ,""" "9p+'f;2< "" *I. , I I I I I I I I 4 I i Resolution No. 809. A &ESOLUTION OF THE CITY : I OUNCIL OF ''I333 CITY. OF CARLSBAD, CALIFOR&, i DECLARTNG ITS INTENTION TO ORDER THE CON- i I I i APPURTENANCES AND APPWRTElNANT WOM IN : I I i THAN LOCAL OR ORDINARY PUBLIC BUVEFIT; DES! & I I CRIBING THE ISISTliICT TO BE BENEFITED BY SALD I I WOBK AND To BE ASSESSED TO PAY THE COST i I I I AND EXPENSE THERE..F; DETELEMINING TXAT I I BONDS SHALL BE ISSUED TO REPSESENT ASSESS- i I I : MENTS TO BE LEVIED; AND FIXING THE TIME ANi 1 i PLACE FQR HEARING PROTESTS AND OBJECTIONS i I t : TC SAD WORM OR THE EXTENT OF THE DISTiUCT: Guevara i i TO BE ASSESSED, OR BGTH, AND GIVING NOTICE I Bierce I THEREOF, was adopted by title only and further reading! Neiswenderi f waived. i TrIughes : : STRUCTION OF CERTAIN SANITAitY SEW-EEtS AND : t ; SAID CITY; DECLARING THE WORK TO BE OF MORE 4 L I 9 I I I I I I I 8 I Ix I 1 I i Resohtion NO. 810. A WESOLUTION CF THE CITY i I I I ' ccUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD DETERMN- : Guevara i I ING THE GEPJERAL PREVAILING RATE e)F PER DIEM Bierce & : WAGES, was adopted by title only and further reading : seiswenderi i waived. I t i I Hughes : 1-1- 1::: i::; ::SI 1::: ;;:: :a:: :;;; 1I I,:! :;*I :;:: :;:; :I:: :;:; ;::; :I:; I:* 11;: ::I: ix:x; ; : :xi : I ,x: i : ;x: : :::: ;:I: 11:: jx:x: ; ; ;x; ; : ;x: : : ;xi i IIIl 81 11 kt .I I I I :ii:i I (b) Basswood Avenue street dedication. The Council I :;::: i street grade, and now she would like to dedicate the I ::::: i property and improvements to the City for street purposed. :::e: i was informed that Mrs. Alice M. Cooper had curb, side- i i::ii ; walks and gutter constructed on her property at the propel: :L:: I I:l:# # I !l,!l I "1 I::;; i The City Attorney presented the following resolution for i :i::; i the Council' s consideration: 3 !:!I: 1 * ;,::t I I L I ;I;:; 1 Resolution No. 832 A rlESOLUTION OF THE CITY i Guevara : ixix: ; i -= CITY OF CARLSBAD ACCEPTING : Eierce 9: :xi : i STREET 3IGfPT-OF-WAY AND IMPROVEMENTS, was i Neiswender: i !x: i : adopted by title only and further reading waived. : Hughes : ; :x! ; I !1..I I t # 1 !:I:: ::::; : The Mayor requested a letter of appreciation sent to Mrs. : 1:::: i Cooper on behalf of the Council and the citizens of Carlsbe. iiii; :*::I : has requested the City to plant street trees on Basswood : :I::! i Avenue as two of the trees were removed at the time the i :p:: : By common consent the staff was instructed to provide i lll:; i street trees on Basswood Avenue in accordance with Mrs. ; ;:::; I:!# #,:I: I 1 I I i The Assistant Engineer informed the Council Mrs. Coope$ ::::: : improvements were constructed. I ;;I:: t 1 I I:;:: ;::I: i Cooper's request. ::::: I I I I I I I I : PLANNING: 1 I I I ( a) Memorandum from Planning Commission - re: i Zone Change on request of Francis J. Fox. Memorandm : dated June 28, 1962, stating the matter ofthe application f of Francis J. Fox for rezoning of certain property from i ;2-1 to C-2 was reconsidered, and it was the unanimous I decisiou of the Planning Commission that they concurred i in the findings of bh City Council that the zone change : should be R-T. I * I ii'li IIIII I * * 1:;:: I !l*!l I I I ~ I t I I I I I I S * I I I I I ;:I:: 1:::: # (I( ::::: '::*I ::;:: ::;:; ;*Ill :i;:; I# :::;I 1: :111: :;::: I "1:; i The city Attorney informed the Council the next step in i : the Proceedings would be for the Council to adopt a reso1u-l ::::I :;'I: I tion Stating their findings in this matter as to the c-2 z0n-i ::::: i ing. The following resolution watl yrt~~ntp? far the I ::ii: ; Council*s review: $ tlIII I::!! :;;I; I ::;:: ::::I' -1;: ::I:; I) 1:;:: ::::I ::I:: ::::i :;;I; ::I $1 !I::: :*i'~ t ! I 1 i itesolution No. 825. A 3.ESOLUTION OF THE CITY i :"F" CITY OF CA8tSEA.D ANNOUNCING : IFINDINGS AND DECISION rtEGAi3DING CHANGE OF I I I I I f I I I I t I 1 I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I '\, '\,"\ '8, '., ", I '\ ' '\ '\ '\ '\ 11 4 I I I 8 '. '. \ ,. I I 8 -, \ -, 1 -7- ', ' '\ ' '. I I I N a me ',, '\$, '*','\$& & I .$%&, '\\ +& f I ; ; Member Of '?Lo,p,lr$p. \@.@.&)\,d :""""""""""""""""""""-~""""""""-""""""""~""""""""" """" I 'I1 'I 1 !#l!l I i ZONE CLASSIFICATION OF CEdTAIN DESIGNATED I Guevara : :xi i i ;'I" : A-1 to ZONE C-2, was adopted by title only and'further i Neiswender: ; i & i 1 reading waived. : Hughes : ; : f i I P~OPELZTY XN THE CITY OF CA~ZLSBAD FBOM ZONE Eierce !x! : 4 : b I !I,. ! The City Attorney pointed out that due to the fact the i findings of the Planning Commission concurred with the i t findings of the City Council as to kt-T zoning, an ordi- : i nance has been prepared for the Council's consideration, I I as follows: I ! ! I I I I 4 :;;;: ::::: :::I1 11 :;I" I,':: ;::;; :$: ;11;4 1!I1! f Ordinance No. 9129. AN OgDINANCE; OF THE CITY ! ::: :: i OF CARLSBAD'AMENDING OIZDINANCE NO. 9060, l'oI : Guevara i I x: x: 1 ; CHANGING CE~ZTAIN DESIGNATED PRQPE~ZTY FROM i Bierce !x; j x: i i ZONE 8-1 TO ZONE R-T, IN THE Wi'Y OF CASLS- i Neiswender; i :xi 1 I BAD, was given it first reading by title only. ; Hughes i ; ;xi ; -1 1; 1 I I I (b) Memorandum from Planning Commission re: I I i Zoning and developing of north shore of Agua Hedionda i : La oon. Memorandum dated June 28, 1962, from the : I &g Commission stating by a unanimous vote' it was i : decided a committee be set up to vigorously study the 1 i zoning and development of the north shore of the Agua i I Hedionda Lagoon with the idea of developing a precise : : plan. Also it is envisaged that this study will be princi- : : pally concerned *ith property on the north shore of appro$- : imately 150' northerly of the San Diego Gas & Electric Coj i property line. I I J Mayor Neiswender recommended a memorandum sent to ! ; the Planning Commission requesting they proceed as t i rapidly as possible with their study of the development of ! : the north shore of the Agua Sedionda Lagoon. I I Ziesolution of Intention of City Council relative to amend- : : Ing permitted uses under' R-T Zoning. Memorandum I i dated June 29, 1962, from the Planning Commission : stating a public hearing was held on Resolution No. 827 ! I of the City Council, relative to amending permitted uses ! i under the R-T Zoning, and after fully hearing the problem& i involved in amending the R-T Zone to permit the sale of i i liquor and to operate restaurants in the 8-T Zone, it was i i unanimously decided that such an amendment would be i i unwise and was therefore denied. I I t It was pointed out that due to the fact the City Council i i initiated this proposed amendment, it places the Council i i in the position as an applicant and therefore the Council ; ; may appeal to itself the decision of the Planning Commis -I i sion. 1 I i Cmn. Bierce stated he originally requested this amend- i i ment, and after hearing the comments made at the Plan- i i ning Commission hearing he would like to go on record i ! as not favoring this amendment. 4 : A letter dated June '13, 1962, addressed to the Council i i from Leobert E. and Virginia Tiegen, 1340 Oak Avenue, I : was presented, stating they agreed with Cmn. Guevara ; i in protesting the change of zoning that would permit I I : alcoholic beverages to he sald on the lagoon recreational i ; areas. L 1 i By common consent it was agreed that the Council concur t i with the fifidings of .the Planning Commission in this matt-. I s I 1 I I I + 1 I I I I (c) Memorandum from Planning Commission re: I I I I I I 3 I I I f I I 4 1 1 I I I I I t I I 1 (d) Memorandum from Planning Commission re: I 962, from the 1 Appeal of decisiol : and La Verne R. Kelley, Memorandum dated June 28, - " " .. .~ . - d -1 I n of Planning Cornmission bv Harrv -??- Planning Commission, stating the appli- I I I I I t I f I I ? I I 1 I I I I I t . I I I I I 9 I I I :;,'I I:I, ;I,:, ;I*;; 1:: i:: :: 3 1:: :: i:: 11:; 1:;:: 1:;:: :;4: ::I:: :II:1 :::I: ;:111 I:;! :::I, :;ll; ::;I: i:::: 'I :::st 1::;; I.. I' 11 I, I I4,:I I1 I:::; :I,:: ::: ;;I!; I;!;; :ii;i !:':: 0:;; 1:*14 ::::I i:::: ;; I::: ;I 1::: ;;it: ;; ;:::I ;:v; (I::: ::I:, ::::: ::::I l;;l; It,?: i:;:: I;::' ;::I: ::::: 0;:; ;:,:I 1:::; i:::; 1;' I 1;; :I::; :::a, :ii;i h:!: .I 4; :I, f;: & 4:: I:: :a1:4 I Ill iri:; :: 1::l: ;1;;1 #II:I 'I:;; ::/, ::::I :::;I ::I:: l:;ll ;:; ::!I: 1;s i::,; ;: i;;4 ;:::: 1: I I l'!a: l 8,-\' \ \' < I I I ', '8,"\ '8,'8\:\8 11 5 s I I I I $ I e 8\8 '. '8. =\ '8 8, ', '8 '\ x, ' '\ -8 - i N a me 'S '\%, ', '%8 1 '\$'\o' '8 'f%, % I ; Of ~~+$.&\,@ ;""""~"""""~"""""~"""""""""""""""""--"-""-~"---"-----"----"------- i Member ,d.,~.pe L ::!I* *I I I I I I cation of Harry F: and La Verne R. Kelley for a variant$ ; was reconsidered, and after due consideration, by a vote ; i of 4 to 2, the Planning Commission concurred with the I ; findings of the City Council that the frontage of 60' to a : r depth of 35', then a 10' easterly jog in the westerly propet- : ty line, and extending to the rear property line with a : I width of 50f, be approved, subject to the monumentation i : as required by the City Engineer. I i been prepared in accordance with the findings of the City i : Council and the Planning Commission. The following : i resolution was presented €or the Council's consideration: I b I I I I I ; The City Attorney informed the Council a resolution had 1 : b I I li*:i ;4#: 4:;; ::a s::: ::;:: *a;;; :11:1 :I::: i:::: *41; :i$: ::::: ai;:; x::: ::;I tl ::p: i::;: ;:::I I:!#: I i Resolution No. 829. A RESOLUTION QF THE CITY i : COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF URLSBAD, GRANTING : :;::I : CRIBED AS A PORTION OF THUM LANDS, TLUCT ; Guevara ; i ; 1 : ll:*l i 240, MAP 1681 IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, SUB4- i Bierce :x; i X i I JECT TO CONDITIONS, was adopted by title only and ; Neiswenderf : : 4 : I further reading waived. i Hughes ; ixix: i 1i;s li::: 1: i THE APPEAL FOR A VAALANCZ ON PROPERTY DES: i:::: I 8 i NEW BUSINESS: 1 I I t 4 I I I S 4 I I (a) Approval of Motorola Maintenance Agreement. i i The Council was informed a Maintenance Agreement had : i been received from the Motorola Company, which in- I i cludes maintenance service for one year on the radio ; i equipment of the Police and Fire equipment. It will be i I necessary for the Council to approve the agreement and i ; authorize the execution of the agreement. 1 I I I S I s,.v i:::: I:, ::: !l,!l :li:~ ;; 11-: :$I ::/I ::I:: ;:I:: !::I: 1::1 ::4: ::;:: ,,:'I ::;:: l,!l ;I;'* ! By motion of the Council the agreement was approved i Guevara ;xi i 4 i i and the City Manager Pro Tempore authorized to execute i Bierce ' :x:i 1 ; the agreement on behalf of the City of Carlsbad. ; Neiswende; I i x( ; I 9 I I Hughes I I : 2 i ;I::; I (b) First reading of Ordinance No. 3059, regarding i ::;:I : use of €la1 ; $1:: i the Mayor requested the City Attorney to draft an ordinan$e ::::I 1:;1; : regarding the use of flags being used in place of the ob- ; ;:;:; i server using his arm when a skier is down. The followin& ;:::I 81 ;::'I : ordinance was presented, and due to the fact it was an : ;:::: i urgency ordinance the City Attorney read the ordinance in! *p:: : full: I ::::: $ I I I +:; .I!!t I L t I I I 1 : Cmn. Bierce stated he received a call from Mrs. Jay : I Hoffman, who is a rabid skier, and she stated all of the : i operators of the boats have to go by the Coast Guard ruled. ; It is her feeling that the time taken to use a flag could wel) I be used to pick up the skier. All the boats are watching ; ; as they know their skier may well be the next to fail. Cmh. i Bierce further stated he was passing this information on ; : for what it might be worth in the Counciits consideration I i of the proposed ordinance. I I I I '~i:; i:::; ::::I i:::: ,:,,I 1:1 ::p; ::::I ;:::: ::::; I!',; ;!l;l I(*:( !l:!l I I I :ti:; i Ordinance No. 3059. AM OFLDZNANCE OF THE CITY : I:::: : OF C2UXLSBA.D AMENDING THE FI~ST PARAGRAPH I Guevara I :XI 2 i i OF SECTION 6 OF ORDINANCE NO. 3025 OF THE : Bierce : : ;x; : ; CITY OF CARLSBAD ~ZEGARDING USE OF FLAGS i Neiswederjx! :x: i i WHEN SKIER DOWN, was adopted after being read in i Hughes : : : x! i : full. I I ::::: # I:!!: I:' ;&:I (c) First reading of Ordinance No. 91 31 , regardin I ::I:: : iscusszon was given as to requiring subdividers to submit ::,:; ::; ; grading plans when required. The matter was referred t4 p::; i the City hkgineer and City Attorney for study, and the : I City Attorney instructed to prepare an ordinance in accora- I:;*: fl:;l : ance with their findings. The following ordinance was : 4; i presented for the Council's consideration: I (11.1 i Tading-plans. At the regular meeting ofxsng, -Ig& :::a: :;4: 11 :!;;I I I I :Ill: #:;I1 I I ::*:: I :;::: I I :$;: I I ::!,: I t c 1 I I I 1 1 I I I I * I I '\ ", '' '\, '8, -'', I 1 [ I -9 - 1 '\ \, '\\ , \ , I I \ Nane '\, '.$. '*,\\?. I I '$s&, \>, %;\, I i of 'QL\\o. T\,$$\ I : Member 8%$?$l$-p% I ;"""~""~""""""-~~""""""~""""""""""""~"""""-~--------------------------- I ;;:;: 1 I Ordinance No. 9131. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY t ! OF CARLSBAD, AMENDING OItDINANCE NO. 9050 OF! Guevara ; 1 !X: ; I#*#: i THE CITY OF CARLSBAD BY ADDWG SECTION ! Eierce ti :xi t ; 402(2) (d) REGARDING GRADING PLANS, was given a i Neiswender! I !xi I i first reading by title only and further reading waived. 1 Hughes : :x:x: t I I :;#I; I 1 14!!1 I ::::I "I 11 1 i Requirements for commercial and industrial construction.; i an ordinance for the Councilfs consideration, requiring i : that plans for all commercial and industrial construction : i in excess of $100,000 be presented to the Planning Corn- i i mission and City Council for approval priok. to a building : ; permit being issued, and that the construction be enclosedj :(: I I I I i ; Speed limit on Carlsbad Blvd. Mayor Neiswender request! i ed that an ordinance be prepared by the- City Attorney, : : changing the speed limit on Carlsbad Bivd., south of, the i : Sequoia Avenue to Terramar Drive from 45 M. P. H. to ; i 35 M. P. H., in order to maintain a constant speed rather I i than a flexible speed, and to increase the safety factor of t i those who are utilizing the facilities on the beach in that i : area, f Study of four-way stop .sign at intersection. of Tamarack i i Avenue and Carlsbad Blvd. By consent of the Council I I f the Traffic Safety Committee was instructed to make a : : study as to the feasibility of a four-way stop sign at the i i intersection of Tamarholt Avenue and Carlsbad Blvd. and ; : a report be made at the next regular meeting. of the City i I Council. I I I I 1 I I I I :vi:; r:;:; 41;; ::; 11 I:;#1 !::;: l::hl 1:;;; ;::;I 1:; I:: ;I I 14 1 I i Placement of signs on bridge prohibiting skiers from usin4 : middle la oon. Cmn. Guevara asked when the signs i ed on the bridge, giving notice to skiers that i ; water skiing is not permitted in the middle lagoon. He ; i has noticed that boats and skiers are still using the middl? : lagoon. I I I ! The City Attorney informed the Council the second readini i will be given Ordinance No. 3058, restricting the use of i I power boats in the middle lagoon, this evening, and it wilg ; become effective 31 days from and after this date; howevet, i the signs could be installed now as a warning. I 9 I I 1 I I It;', I SI' s:'ll 11'1 :;I:' ;:t: 4:; I;:: ;4:: :::: 1;ta :;ll ::;: :a:; I:, :::i t:;; ::I; :::; I::: ;::: ;::I 81 II $1 I+ I( I,? I t : Business License ordinance. Crnn. Bierce stated it was i ! the intention of the last Council to have a study made of ! i the present business license ordinance, as it bas felt ; there were a number of discrepancies in the ordinance, i i and the city would benefit by bringing the fees in line with : t current times. He felt recommendations should be -made i ! by the various departments of the city. I I 1 I I I I I ' i: :;;I :I:: ::;; :::i :::I ;::: ::;: :l@; '::; 1;:1 ::I: :;*I :a:: I;'# :::I ;*I: 11 II :I:: 11 !&I! 'ID1 -. :;#I :::; ;ii; ::I: I::# iiii I::: ;::: $1 11 I;!! 1 The Mayor requested the City Clerk to commence work ; :Ill : on this ordinance as soon as possible, in order to have i ;;at 11 I the changes made effective prior to January 1, 1963, I I ;::; * :::: ai;: i Clean-up of sewer lant site. Mayor Neiswender requested t m 2iZZiii-e sewer plant site be clganed i I Up immediately, as it gave a very bad impression to I : motorists entering Carlsbad. : Weed abatement. Mayor Neiswender inquired as to what i i is being done in regards to the weeds. It was pointed out : i in previous years the program was performed in accord- i 1 ance with the City ordinance on weed abatement. This ; ; method entails a great deal of time, paper work, public I i hearings, etc. This year the former Council agreed to t : having a letter sent to those property owners who had not I i cleaned their property. The staff has been working on : : this project'for several weeks. It is a tremendous jab i I checking all these properties as to ownership. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 4 I I I I I I I I 1 I I I t I 8 i;:i ;::: I!;; :I la:; ;::I I;:! i:,! 1::: :Ill ;::I 1;t: :I:: l;ll :a:: 4::; :;*I 1;;: ;&I: ;:a 1:; I::: 1::: ::SI 11;; i::: :::: ;:&I *!#I 11 I I \\ 8\ " 8\ " " * I 1 I -18- 3 1 r I I ', '%\'\\, ",,'',;\\, 1 ]t ' I i N a me '%\ 'x$% '\ \, '\b $$,, I I : Of '?b.o'p$+ ; Mayor Neiswender stated he thought there should be a ; i:::; $1 i better solution to this situation. By consent of the Count$ I) 1:::; I I '\' % \\' '\ '\ '\ ' \ ' 1 I I '$%&\ \, ~%8, i Member \%$$$\p,< ;llsl ~~"""""""""""-""""""""""""~"""""~"""~~~""""~"""-""---"-- -------. I I 1;::; : the Mayor appointed Cmn. Bierce, Cmn. Guevara, the ; :&I I City Manager and the City Attorney as a committee to : 1:::: ::;I: : study this matter and present a concrete solution for wee! ;::I: i abatement in the city. I I 1'::: 1 I I ::,:I I ;I:': I Real Estate sign ordinance. Cmn. Hughes stated he and i ::I:; l'l;l i Cmn. Guevara were appointed as a committee to study I : the real estate sign ordinance and they woulu like to I ;i:;; I ::::: I recommend that the present real estate sign ordinance ! ::iii ; be repealed, and that a new ordinance be drafted to allow : ;I, i one sign being placed on property, said sign having the i :;;;: !I : dimensions of 2' x 3'. 1 I :::ti ll;*8 I I I :I::; ; Discussion was given as to requiring out-of-town remdtoei i'rq i to obtain a business license. It was agreed this should i l;14s I be included in the new business license ordinance. 1 I i;::: l;;l; I I ~'1:; : It was agreed by the Council that Cmn. Guevara and Cmn.: i:;:: I::;, i Hughes work with the City Attorney in preparing a new i : real estate sign ordinance and that the present ordinance : :;;I' :*I:; i be repealed. 1 1 ;::I, 4 1 I ;::!; I I :::I, i OLD BUSINESS: I ;L;! It I ;x:; 1 (a) Second reading of Ordinance No. 3058, restrictin& :!x;; I I I i:;;: i mmsfl;F&& AGUA HEDIoNDA LAGOON BETWEE$ i:::; t-l; J STATE OF CALIFMNIA 101 FREEWAY, was given a i Bierce : ;xi3 i ;iii: I standing there is a vacancy on the sewer committee, and 3 1:::: I I 1 I I I I I I I 1 I I I : the use of power boats- in middle lagoon. The following t :,,I1 1:::; i ordinance was presented for a second reading: I i Ordinance No. 3058. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY i ;i :!;;; ': i OF CA L~ESTWCTING THE USE OF POWER ' : THE A,T, & S. F. RAILWAY TRESTLE AND THE: : Guevara : : i q : i second reading by title only and further reading waived, : Neiswendeli, x: : 3 i : and was adopted. i Hughes : : : X: ; I '::I1 i Sewer committee, Cmn. Hughes stated it is his under- I :'I:; :It : he would like to be appointed to this committee to fill ; I;!;: i the vacancy of Mrs. Jane C. Sonneman. By consent of : :::I: ::a:: : the Council Cmn. Hughes was appointed to the sewer comi i mittee to fill the vacancy created by Mrs. Jane C. Sonne+an. ::;:: :&::I I I I ::'I' I Cmn. Guevara stated he would like to compliment Mr. i i Scholink for his work as City Manager Pro Tempore. I I iiii; 'I I L :::I: ;;I:' I Mr. Scholink stated without the help of all the department$ I he would not have been able to operate as successfully. i /::: 1:;;: : They all came through when needed. I $11; I ;:::I I 1 (IIll i CITY ATTCXZNZY'S REPORT: I 1 ;::I: ::::a I I I I ;:a:: : City vs. Wight Case. The City Attorney stated she was : /::; I going to hi, bernate as she expects to file the brief in the i !I::: lt'l; : case of City vs. Wight within the next two weeks. I I i:::: I t lt::c i CITY MANAGER'S REPORT: I ::;I: l I:: ;; I ,;::: :::I, i The City Council was informed a letter was received fro+ ":I 41 : Rabuco Corporation, regarding off-site drainage in the ; !:/: ;:::: ,II;l i Lebarr Estates Unit #2. They stated the drainage struc- : I ture, due to consideration of a possible street extension 3 :::;: ;::I: I of Highland Drive, required considerable more elaborate : ;;I:' : and costly structure. This structure serves to drain a i l:::: h:;; I previously constructed 22 homes, and it is unfortunate : : that deposits were not demanded from the developer of : i:::: I the original subdivision. It is their feeling that excessive: ::::: ::::I ; burden has been placed on them as developers. They re- ; ::::: : quested that the City participate in tixis project. The esti; ::::: I I I i:':: I 1 I ,I::: I I I ;::a: * 1 I 1:::: I I $4!l I k I 8 1:::: 11; I 18 1 I I I I'1 t 1 e 1 k lI*lf I 1 *I 1 I I I ::!:! I \ -7 t 1 I 'i, '\\-'\ \' '\ ', > I I I I I I I I I I -11- I "\ \,,'\\, '%, ' ','\', Ill f i Na me '\, '\$& \,, %\ ; *f \.+$+, ' '!?X \$k .o ;> ;?$$ I :"""""""""""-""""~""~""""""""""""-""-""""~~""--"--""---------,--- i Member \$$$f%F$? \d i mated cost of the structure is $7,594.09. PA formula i ;I I:;!: : should participate in an amount of $2, 787.87. ::::; ', 5 8 ', '\ '. I & I I ;::;: ;:::: :ill1 Ill i The Assistant Engineer stated the city is going to be faced ::::: : with more and more of this type of request. This is I i:;:; i strictly a policy matter. He felt the developer has a : I ::::: : valid request, however, he did not go along especially i $f:: i with the formula. It was his recommendation that a corn! ;::i; $::: 1 mittee be appointed consisting of the staff and members ; :;::: 1 of the Council to make a study of this area. The drain- i i::': : age structure that we are requiring of this developer is { ,;I" ::I:: ::: i an interim structure and is not the ultimate plan for that i : area. I I I:':: I I ;:I I After further discussion it was the concensus of the Caun&il ii I( ;:::; i that an over-all plan should be established for drainage. i 8::: I :: , 1:: i The Mayor requested the letter from Rabuco Corp. be i $:;I ;::I: I answered, and that they be advised that a survey of the : r;':: 11 i area will be made and as soon as a report is submitted i i:':: : their firm will be advised. 1:;:: 1 I;&:; J of th:e limited funds available in the contingency fund for i i:::; ;::e, I ;'::! I11l1 ; Carlsbad Theater, and he knows where the city can pur- : ;; ll!;: ; was set forth in the letter, and their feeling was the city ; :*rlt 1 I 1 I I I 1 I 1;; I I I I 1 I I I I I : The City Manager Pro Tempore made a parting remark : I :I::: :::I: ! non-budgeted and emergency items for the current year. : 1:::; i Cmn. Bierce stated he has talked with Mr. Dunham of thi i chase used theater seats for use in the Council Chambers: ::i:: i The City Manager was instructed to investigate this I I '::'I i Chambers. OII; I RATIFICATION OF BILLS AND PAYROLL: I I :::;: ; at approximately $8.00 per seat. lit I I I I 1:::: 1 ::::: : matter prior to purchasing any seats for the Council I i:::; I 8 $1;: I I ;:::: (fl'* I I I 1:;:: ::::a i Katification of the bills was given for the general expense4 :I;;: $1 6 I t I I 11' I I b i of the city in the amount of $6,598. 37, and for the Water i Guevara ; I x! $ / : Department $37, 351.94, for the period June 19, 1962 to ; Bierce :x: ;2d ; i Juq 3, 1962, as certified by the Director of Finance and i Neiswendeq I i 4 i : approved by the Auditing Committee. ; 13ughes I ; I IC, : /p: ! Ratification of the payroll was given for the second half I Guevara I ;x; x! : : by the Director of Finance and approved by the Auditing ; Neiswende4 i : xi ! i Committee. i 8ughes ;xi i x: i i ADJQURNMENT ::b: I ::;:: ;tl:l I I I ::;:: ::,:a i Respectfully submitted, I I i:i:i I I :,; : : I I I ,If ::;:: ;; 11 I I I ;I ii: 1 I l:iI: SI :;::: I I :I:#: I;s:1 I I I ;I:*: 1 I ;:::: I I I :I::: I I I ;:::I 1 I I :::;: I I I ;:::: I I I ;::;: I::*: I I I ::;:; I I ;Ill1 I;*:' I I 1 :;:It I I :;+ I $ I 1 \::i: It !;:I: I I I 1 ;:::I i of June, 1962, in the amount of $14,760.88, as certified i Bierce ::;q I I I I I ::;i: * 8 I :::I, ,t*;t i By proper motion the meeting was adjourned at 9:55 P. M.: 1:;:; I I I I I I I I I I I II(* I I I I 1 I 1 I I I I I I 8 * I 1 k I I IiIt) I I I I t IfiII 1 I I I I I I 4 I I I I 1 I I