HomeMy WebLinkAbout1962-07-17; City Council; Minutes* 1 8 I' , 8, '\ ' ' .\ I I I I \" : CITY OF CAi3.LSBAD I Minutes of: CITY CGUNCIL (Regular meeting) i '\\'\,'. ', ','. : Date of Meeting: July 27, 1962 ; Name \ \?& \\ '3. : of i Time of Meeting: 7:OO P. NI. '$His\ +,&@ : I"""""""""" Place of Meetins: """~"""""~"""--""~"""""""-"---"-~~"""-"--"----:"~-"~-~~ Council Chambers : Member $$f"o..pO~< '\, ',, *, ',, '\\*'\ b ,' ,*' Pa '.$.\08, 'b 'Q. I. I ::I!: ;' ; &QLL CALL was answered by Councilmen Guevara, I ;::I: i Eierce, McPherson, Neiswender. Councilman Hughes I : ,:::a i was present at E20 P. M. Also present were City Managek ii;ii :I::: ! Slater and City Attorney Betts. b I -;; I I t I :::If I I ;::;: ; ALLEGIPXCE to the Flag was given. I :::I: :::i: t;'t; ; INVOCATION was offered by Mayor McPherson. I p::; I * I $?:I i APP80VAL OF MINUTES: i * ; ;'I I : SI':; 8 8 1 I 'I::: ;#'I* i were approved as corrected. : Bierce L; :xi ; i McPherson i i ;x; : i (b) Minutes of the special meeting of July 12, 1962, 1 Guevara I ; :xi i i were approved as presented. : Bierce k; ;x: : \, ,', \ \' 8 8. I t I I 1 1 I I I I I 8 f I I I (a) Minutes of the regular meeting of July 3, 1962, i Guevara I + !x; : I ; Neiswender: : :x: i I *I ::$: I ! McPherson i ; txj : I I i Meiswender: ixix: i I I p:: i CORi3ESPONDENCE: ::; 3 I t 1 ;:::: (a) CarLsbad Boat and Ski Club - re: dezoning of { ,;I:: ;::;: : property adjacent to hgua Hedionda Lagoon, to permit : i sale of intoxicatingbeverages. Letter dated June 30, 1964, t:;:: ;*t:: : from the Carlsbad Boat and Ski Club, stating their object-: 1:' pi:: i tion to the proposed rezoning of property adjacent to the i *Is': ::;:: ; lagoon for the purpose of allowing sale of intoxicating : i beverages. i:::: ::::; I :I::; I The City Manager pointed out to the Council it was their : :;::; #::'I i decision not to allow intoxicating beverages as a permitted: ; use in the B-T Zoning. "I:: I I I :'::: ::I f :;::* i By common consent the letter was ordered filed. I 1,;: :::I# I I ;I,:: I (b) International Conference of Building Officials - i :;I:! *I :a;:: ;;;'t Letter dated July 6, 1962, from the Internation: @If :; : a copy of a letter transmitted to Governor Brown. They ; ::::: i -=quested the Councilrs support in their program- to develop ::::; ;::#I I uniformity in the building laws in the State of California. : 1:::: : In their letter to Governor Brown they asked his support i ;#I;; ::::I : to a program whereby *ate Agencies through the State ; $::: i Building Standards Commission will adopt the Uniform : I( :; ' i i.: i Building Code by reference and without amendment. They i 4 '18 a::;!; ifarther recommended that State Agencies should present I :;I ! their collective revisions for consideration by the Inter- ; ;4:::: :!:::I jnationaf I Conference of Buil&ng Officials. I ;;;;I; 11 8 +::: ;1:1 i The City Attorney recommended this matter tabled for i :December of this year, at which time further study will ; ::;:,; ::a::: i be given the item. tl;l 4 f I I :;Jl: :::::I i By common consent the item was tabled until December i :;4:: I I ;;;:I' I I ;I;t:: ;I::!: nor F, Worley, 4277 Sunnyhifl Drive, in which she i :ii::: ::;:I: :;IC; I I ,I:::+ f I 1":;; ;::;I; I i 1 I I I I k I 6 I I $1 I % 8 i 1) I I 1 # I I I I + * I I I i re: Letter to Governor Brown concerning Uniform Buildll : i 7mence of Building Officials, in which they attached I i:::; I I I I I I :of this year. I ::I,:: '+ 1 8 (e) Elinor F. Worley - re: Claim for darnage caused i ;;;::: I sewer stoppage. Letter dated July 5,forn I jsubmitted a claim for damage to her Guest House, caused : :by the City's sewer line backing up into her property. :By motion of the Council the claim was denied and the IGuevara F i :x: i : jmatter referred to the City's insurance carrier. i Bierce ; ix:xi : : I 5' I f 1 I i McPherson: ; :x; ; 8: i t i Neiswender : : :x; I 1 I I :;!I:: ::':': :::::; :::;:; e I I I I t 1 f I 1 I 4 t I * 1 I !I!!:' I 1 I I I I I 1 '\ *' .\\ '\ '\ .8\ 1 ',8 '\ 8' 8, '\ ' I -2- I 8, '\ x\ '\ * ' I : of I : Member $'@.*%dG :"""""""""""""""""""""""""~"""""""""~""~~"~""--""""-~"--~"- I ;;:I; I (dl Division of Highways - re: Scenic Highways. 1 I I \\ ',, ', ',,"\'\\ 121 I I i N a me '\ '%& '\, '?$&,, 'y& 8?&, \O', <\,$?+ \ I I :I::; ;:I:; I x\ \* . x\ I I I I 1. I 1 : Letter dated June 15, 1962, from 6. jkkema, .'District i It* ;:::: ! Engineer of the Division of Highways, stating at the re- I 1:;:: i quest of the 1961 Legislature a preliminary plan for scenit I:;:: : highways was developed by the Inter-agency Coordinating : iii:i i Committee for Scenic EIighwaxs of the State. A copy of ; ::i:: : the reprt was attached. A Work Shop" meeting is beink ::;:: i planned in order to determine the acceptability to the : :;:;; : various localities of the routes shown in the report. The ; :I::: i meeting will be held in San Diego at the Puppet Theater in: : Balboa Park on Tuesday, September 18, 1962, beginning ; ;1::: i at 10: 00 a. m. They requested the Council 40 send one or i ::::I :I:#: : more representatives to the meeting: I I ::;I; I:I 1 I 11:; i The Mayor asked that the City Engineer attad this meeti$. :::;; ::::I . i The City Attorney stated she would also like to attend this ; I:::: : meeting. By common consent it was agreed that the City ; ;::I: I Ehgineer and the City Attorney attend this meeting. 1 1:::: I I I::!: I I l;lt: *I:;; /;;; !;;:l 11 'I 11 ;::I: 1: t I I I I I (e) Los Amigos Ciub of Carlsbad - re: Requesting i ;)I ::I:# : permission - to hold street dance, se*Ling up of booths and : I:*; i to sell 1LIexican foods. Letter datea July 13, 1962, from i i:::: : the Fresident of the Los Amigos Club of Carlsbad, request- i ing permission from the Council to use Pine Avenue from i iii:: j EIarding Street to the alley at the Union Church. The pur-: Id:/ i pse for the use of the street is for 2 street dance and the i a:;ll i setting up of booths to sell Mexican food. The Health I I , I:: i Depar'tment has approved the type of booths and also they i :::;: ; have checked with the Chief of Police and he has no ob- i ;::;: I::*: i jection if approved by the Council. I :it:; I By motion of the Council it was agreed that the Los Amigog Guevara ; :x I xi ; i C3.ub of Carlsbad be granted permission to use the street : Bierce :x; :x: i : for their celebration on September 15, 1962. i McPherson: ; :x: ; I J : Neiswenderj : ;xi i I i ;: 11 8 lt:*l I OaAL COMMUNICATIONS: a I ;:':I I 4 1 ::::I I There were no oral communications from those present { lli:l ;;:I! i in the audience, I ;:::; i I ::I:' : The Mayor read a card of thanks and appreciation from i *;y ::;I, i Mathew Jarvie for their thoughtfulness at the time of his I :;;:I : bereavement. f : @It:; t I I ;;::I i Crn~. Neiowender announced that Mrs. Mary Lee Ton, : l:ii~ ; n member of the Carlsbad Toastmistress Club won the I i::: I international award in San Antonio, Texas. Mrs. Ton : 1:;; ; Lives in Oceanside but is a member of the Carlshad i 1::: i Toastmistress Club. b ::;; 1 I !p' I 1: i Councilrnan Hughes was present at 7:20 P. M. I :::; I I 18'1 I :::I i PUBLIC BEARING: 1 :;;: I 1 ::;I 4 $8 I I (a) Reclassification of certain property on the south ! i:;: ; side of Adms Street between Sighland Driw and Park I 1 I;:: I Drive, from Zone 3-1 to Zgne R-T; Appiicmt: A. El. I I i:;: : Gfissman. I I :::; I ;::I 1 I I;#: : The Mayor announced this was the time and place set for i ::;\ i hearing all protests and objections to the reclassification i :;#I :,:: i of certain property on the south side of Adams Street I:;& ; between Highland Drive and Park Drive, from Zone B-1 i ::I: 1 l ;'I I to Zone 13-T. I :;I: : The Clerk presented the Notice of .Searing and Affidavit : l:;; I of Publication. I 4;; ,:SI i Resolution No. 253 of the Planning Commission was read ; it:; : wherein they denied the reclassification of said property : i from Zone B-1 To Zone C-2, but recommended reclasai- i ;; I 1 I I I 1 :I::; ::: I I $ I I 1 I 'I 1'11 t I I I I I 1 I 4 1 1 I B I I i::: I :::: I I :::I ::i: ::I: ;::: I - -.1 I $11 !;;I a I J 1 I i I * I ! . .,.a I! c 9 I , ', \, .8 % ' . I I % 8' I I '\, \,,'\, '\ '\ '\ I I I I I *, \, 8,' '\,'\*'\\ 12 j I I ; i Name of \\, %\+' .$&, 0'. x\, '?aA - 3- 1 I I '\ ' ' ', '\ '8, \' ', '\ 4 I I ,?>"Po., >, "+\ I : Member \%@!sf'&$ :""""""""""""""""-"""""""""""""""""""""~~""""""""":""~~". I I ;:I .I I 1 :;::: i fication of the property from Zone 2,-1 to Zom a-T. I lid ::;:: I I ;!;:I i Th.e Clerk advised the Council them were no written * 1:: I I I ::':: I::; I 1 ::::; ::!$! I 1 I I I I i protests received up to the hour of 7; 30 P. M. :iI 1 i The Mayor then asked if there were any persons present ! ::::: : who wished to speak in opposition to the reclassification. i ::::I i There were no persons present who wished to speak in f :; ; opposition to the reclassification. I ::i;i : The Mayor asked if there were any persons present who i J wished to speak in favor of the rec1assifica.t-h. There ; ::it 1:: : were no persons present who wished to speak in favor of i :I,;: i the reclassification. I I i The Mayor declared the public hea::.ing cl(x5cd at 7:41 P. Mi ::::I i After discussion by the Council, t5e f+~Uo:d;:..i.r,g resolution ! : was presented for the Councilss re-Saw: : Xesolution No. 833. 4- RESOLUT32i.T OF TXE CITY i #::I: i COUlVC3.3, OF TaE CITY OF CAL;I,SBRD ANNOUNCING : ::$: : FINDTXGS AND DECISION REGAS13%J@ CHANGE OF 't Guevara g I :xi i : PSOPEBTY IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD FROM ZONE! McPherson ; 'I ; !xi ; i R-1 TO ZONE It-T, was adopted by title only and further: Neiswender : i :x; : : reading waived. i aughes t :' :xjx: i ;ll'l : The following ordinance was presented for a first reading i ;I::: i by the Council: 1 I ::I 4 :ii I 4 I ;:::; i Ordinance No. 9132. AN OEiDINANCE OF THE CITY 04 4:;: ::;:, : CAKLtSBAD AMENDING ORDINANCE NO, 9060, mNG-: Guevara 'I : ; :xi i I ING CE~TAIN DESIGNATED Ei%OBERTY F~OM ZONE I Bierce j, i :X: ; i R-1 TO .ZONE it-T, IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, wag McPherson i ; !xi ; : given a first reading by title only and further reading waivkNeiswender: jx!x; i i ed. ; Hughes i : ;x: ; i PLANNING: 1 I I I I I t 1 ::;I: ;;;:I l;l1: ::I:: I I I I ::;;i ::::: I I I :*I:: ::::I :!::I I I I :;:'I I*(I 4; i:::: t I f i ZONE CLASSIFICATION OF CERTAIN DESIGNATED : Bierce t : :x: i * 1 I 4 I I 1 I 1 ::ii; I I I I i:::; I (a) Memorandum from the Planning Cornmission re: :: '+: : Jefferson Street Improvement District. Memorandum ; i fromJuIy 11, 1962, stating ::;i: i at the regular meeting of the Planning Commission held oq ;; I:::: : July 10, 1962, a motion was unanimously passed recom- : /::: i mezrding to the Council, that due to changing circumstance$ ::::t ::::; ; snd conditions, that consideration be given to the reacti- i 114 I vation of the Jefferson Street Improvement District. ;:;:: I I I 1:;;: 1 Cmn. Bierce stated he has had an opportunity to talk with i It' : some of the property owners dong Jefferson Street who i ;;:;: i were opposed to the improvement district at the time it : : was presented, however, he feels that many of the proper{ ::ii: : now. I 'l(tl 8 I' I :' 1; *::;I + I iiii' ;:::: :i::i i ty owners would be willing to have the street improved ; :;::; I 1 l I ;I::: t The City Engineer was asked what it would entail to re- i :@I :I; :;;:: I 1 4 1 ;;Ill *'I :;:;: i The Assistant Engineer informed the Council that from ! i:::: :i;:: :+I:: ;:;:; t I Guevara ; i xlxi I i After further discussion, by motion of the Council it was i Bierce i i ;x: : I I : Hughes : : ;x: : 1 I I I :;;': I i activate this project. The City Engineer stated he did not i ,&+:I : feel it would be too difficult to bring this project up to date;'. 1:::; If1 i This street is one of the city's main thoroughfares. 1 I ::;:; : Laguna Drive north to Las Flores on the westerly side the: :::I: i improvement plans on file show that the existing curb ; ::$: i lying 20 feet westerly of the center line is to remain in I i place. The design calls for a 48 foot roadway. This is i i a substandard roadway width for a secondary street. I ::::: 1 i agreed that the City Engineer be instructed to reactivate : McPherson : ; :X: i ; the Jefferson Street Improvement District. i Neiswer,derjx! :x! : I I ;!'!;! I I !I .) I I I I I I I I ', b8 *< 8, 8, .. 1 I \,, \\ 'x, '\ '\ ", 1 -4 - I '., '8, 'x, '\ '\\'\\ t I I N a me x., '+$$, '.,, '3' I I : of '*&?+\ , Y% .p \\ '\ ', '."\,'. I I 12 f 1 :""""""-""""""""""~"""""""~"""~~~*"""""""~~"""""""""~"""~~~ : Member '+*& ,O.+P$?' * (b) Memorandum from.the Plannin Commission re: i :::', i U. S: lpl Freeway south of CarIs5%R&iEZts to the I 1:::: : Batlqrutos Lagoon, Memorandum dated July' 11, 196 1;::: 2, : I from the Planning Commission statL:g it was their con- ; i::;; 1:::: IS I clusion that the development plans for the new U. S. 101 i p::; 1' i Freeway south of the Carlsbad City limits and to the I ;::;: i Bztiquitos Lapon are of direct concern to the City of i :i::; ; Carlsbad. By motion unanimously passed, it was recorn? ::;:: i mended tnat the Council ask the Division of Eighways to ; :Ic:I :::I: ; include representatives of the City of Carlsbad in their : ;:::: : planning and development of this new freeway with parti- i ;:::: i cular emphasis on off and on ramps and access roads. i ;:;i: 8 I ;:/: I /I:; i BY consent of ae Council the city 3Eanagw was instructeq ;:lll 1 to write to the State Division of Highways aird request ; o!;; : that representatives from the City of Ca.r?.sbad be indude$ :::a: 1:::: i in their planning for U. S. 101 Freeway south of CarLsbad; ::I:: : City limits to the Batiquitos Lagoon. I i:::: 1 I I I :::I 1::; i ENGXNEEPJNG: :;'I: * I *I:;: I i ;SI I I ;:;:I (2) Authorization by Counkii 5: -:? County to petition : ip:; 11 i the Ue S.-Army Engineers to conur-:.;:-- .F.i.iX-?control studies: : 'J7h.e Council was informed a fetter has been received fro* i:f ,I::: i the San Diego County Department of Public Works, in ; ::::i ; which they enclosed copies of a resolution and a proposed: :::I: I:I;l i Flood Plain Areas table. They asked that the Council : ::::: : review the table and resolution, and if they approved that i :: 'I i the Council adopt the attached resolution, authorizing the: 1J;; ::::; : Board of Supervisors of San Diego County to petition the i :Ill i Corps of Engineers, U. S. Army, to make a study of Flooti I::*: :I::* : Plain Information studies. ::/: I I ;i::: i The follav ing resolution was presented for the Council's i ;;;:: i consideration: ::::: I ;;:$ I : e:::, I Eesolution No. 834. A RESOLUTION OF THE CiTY ' ::;I: :(I:: i THE BOARD OF SUBERViSORS 'Iyf PETITION THE : Bierce : : ;x! : : U.S. ARMY ENGINEERS' CC3FS TO MAKE A STUDY i McPhersod i i 5 i I OF FLOOD PLAIN INFORMATION STUDIES, was : Neiswendetx! ; x; : i adopted by title only and further reading waived. i Hughes : i :x: ; 1 I :::I: i TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMITTEE: I *I I I :$: I I :::I: I (a) Report on study of four-way stop at intersection i ;I::# ;; 1: i of Tamarack Avenue and Carlsbad Blvd. A memorandum I +:; i from the Traffic Safety Committee was presented. After: i:l;l ; 8 study of the traffic problem at this intersection, it was i ;:::I i their feeling that vehicular and pedestrian traffic safety : :4:i : can be greatly improved by correcting existing signs, : ::::; 4;:1 i markings, and sight distances. It was their recornmendab i::;: : tion that the existing traffic regulations be improved by, : ;::I: i (1) Proper stop signs and pavement markings be provided ;;i:: : for Tamarack Ave. and the beach parking area ramp. E4- :';:;I It 1;;::: i isting stop sign on Tamarack be moved west and the streyt ! marked with a stop bar for improved sight distance; (2) ; :::::: i That the embankment in the street right-of-way at the : :::::: ::::I: *I I southeasterly portion of the intersection be removed to i :*l:l; ; provide better sight distance; and (3) That pedestrian f :::I;I ; crossing markings be stenciled on Carlsbad Blvd. each i ;:;::1 iI:I: i way from the intersection to alert vehicular traffic. I i:::;: i In addition, if it becomes necessary to provide periodic i ::;::I ;:;I;: i traffic control during peak periods of use of beach facili- ; n:::;: ; ties, this could be done by placing a portable signal in : i::::: I. the intersection. I ;:;::: I f :;;I;! : Discussion was given as to the purchasing of a portable i :411 ;:.::I 8:; i signal. The City Manager stated he would inquire as to : : the cost of a portable signal and report back to the Councjl. :::::I ;:;*:I :41;*; : 1 ;::;:' l!!l!: I * I :*st ;I 11 b I I I' I I I 1 I1 I I I . . -i.-,- .-. _- I * I I I I I :- CITY OF CARLSBAD AUTHOHIZIN4 Guevara : {xi X ; I I 4 i I l:*l 0'1' t I I I I :::a ls/:: I * f I I ( I I 1 + I 1 \,,a \ .. 1 t I I ', '\,8'\, 8, 8 ' I i Na me ',, '\?&, '., '38, I i Member *$'@.$\@,d ~""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""-"""""""~"""""""""~"""" I :::i! I. I , '8 I I '? ', 8 8 \ '*,", 124 I I i Of ' \.$-$!+' \?&.0\+,&$ ' '?& 8 ; . \\ \'\ , k' e -5- I I I \X . ', '. ', '\, '8 ', I I I I 1 \,,a \ .. 1 t I I ', '\,8'\, 8, 8 ' I i Na me ',, '\?&, '., '38, I i Member *$'@.$\@,d ~""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""-"""""""~"""""""""~"""" I :::i! I. I , '8 I I '? ', 8 8 \ '*,", 124 I I i Of ' \.$-$!+' \?&.0\+,&$ ' '?& 8 ; . \\ \'\ , k' e -5- I I I \X . ', '. ', '\, '8 ', I I I i The City Engineer Informed the Council the portable i I signal would be used as the last alternative. A definite : l:ll: i marking plan is being worked on €or Carlsbad Blvd. The I "II: ; rest of the work as recommended could be completed : I within a week. ::::; ;"I' ll@I( 1 ::{:: i:::: 1::;: ! ;!;;! I I I I i NEW BUSINESS: 1 I I 8 i;::: I I ::;:: . $!.I! I I I (a) Discussion of time table of construction on new I : 101 Freeway to the south. Mr. Dekema, Engineer for ; i the State Division of iaghways was present and presented! i plans of the proposed new 101 Freeway south of-the city i ; limits of Carlsbad. Maps of the proposed freeway were i i presented for the Councilts review. I ! Mr. Dekema stated they are in hopes of having the entire i : freeway completed by 1967. i Discussion was given as to off-ramps at Cannon Road and: ; Palomar Soad. Mr. Dekema stated the Federal Govern- ; i ment requires that off-ramps be pk..-ed. approximately tw<s : miles apart. He pointed out that C.- .xx~.T:. Scad is not a ; i dedicated street, therefore, it WC-L;~:;. !-!2 impossible to havfe ; an off -ramp at this point. The City and the County have ; i requested that an off-ramp be placed at Palomar Road. i I The plans contemplate an off-ramp at Poinsetta Road. ; i The State is in hopes of having Carlsbad re1-inquish some i : of their off-ramps. The City of Oceanside has indicated : i they would be willing to close some of their off-ramps. i I 1 I I I * I I I I I I I !::;: ,*lIj #::'I ::::; ::::I :;I:: :4:: .SI. i;;:: #I!': :;;:I 11 i::l: ;! I:::, !!I,! ;;'I; :;::I {:VI Ill 1';:: ;L:l :::,: Ill ;: ::;;; :;::: i:::; ;:::: ;:;:; ;L:1 I::!; pa;1 111 *!!I: i The City Attorney recommended that €he City negotiate i ::::I ; with Mr. Cannon and Mr. Ecke for the dedication of I ;I::; i Cannon aoad. By cornmon consent of the Council the at$ 8 :;, ;: i Attorney was instructed to negotiate with Mr. Ecke and : 1;;: '11: i Mr. Cannon for the dedication of Cannon Road, b i::; 4 1 ; i.1 t *.*I; 1 J ! I i Mr. Dekema informed the Council even if the City were i : to go ahead and improve Cannon bad, he is not sure the : i State would approve an off-ramp at this point due to the i i off-ramp at Poinsetta Road. They might approve a half i : interchange at this point. I f ! :;;I ::;I :a;: ;; $1: :' ;::: 'I '.I I; I!!l I I I ii:' : In closing Mr. Dekema asked that the Council give con- i ;: I: 4 i sideration to these off-ramps and he would be happy to i i::: I meet with the Council at a later date. I 6 :x; Ill: ! I I !ll! ; Cmn. Neiswender stated he would like to compliment the I i City Manager Pro Tempore and any other personnel who i ! assisted in cleaning up the sewer plant site. I I I I :;;; ::I: :::: iiii :,!a i OLD BUSINESS: * Ii.1 t ! 4 I lii; I! & I 1 (a) Second reacting of Ordinance No. 9129, changing : ;;I; 11:; ! certain designated property from Zone R-1 to Zone R-T. i ; :.1 k i (Francis J. Fox). The foll0win.g ordinance was presented: :;:: : for a second reading by the Council: ::i: i Ordinance No, 9129. AN OSDINANCE OF THE CITY i Guevara i i i 2 i OF CARLSMAD AMENDING OBDINANCE NO. 9060, : Bierce :xi :x:, : CHANGING CERTAIN DESIGNATED PROPEdTY F3OM i McPherson: 1 i X: i ZONE R-1 TO ZONE R-T, IN TEE CITY OF CARLS- : Neiswender! !xi xi : BAD was given a second reading by title only and adopted: Eughes ; : cx: I J 1 1 1::: ,::: * I :::; I. I I B t (b) Second reading of Ordinance No. 91 31, amend i Ordinance No. 9060 by adding Section 402 (2) (d) rsar ; a secon reading by the Council: i ,EL"- radin plans. The following ordinance was presenrnoot I I I I , I I i::: i;:: ls:: ;;'e 1:: "I !#I, 1;11 *,!I I I I I i I I I 1;;; I I ;I:: I :::; ;I !It! I. ' I e Il I I t :::: I ; i ; ;. I I I :;:: I * 4 I I I I .. I 1 I' , 8. .\ '. ' x8 . I I I I I I I 4 ", -\, '\ .', -\8 '\ I \, \' 8 \ ' 125 I , ', '\, '\ '\ '8 I I -6- I ", '\ '\ \ \ ' \ t' I I i N a me '.,,'+?$,, ', \, 'd \$A, 1 1 i of ~,c$~>,>,++ .V,' I 1 Member '@@,$xO',d :""-"""""-"""-"""""""""""""""""""""~"""""""""~"""""~"."~"- ;::;: ~ . - - - - . - * I I I I i Ordinance No. 9131. AN UitDINANCE OF THE CITY : Guevara ; ixIx: I ;1i;s I THE CITY OF CAdLSBAD BY ADDING SECTION 402 I McPherson i : :x: i i (2)(d), REGAiUXNG GRADING PLANS, was given a : Neiswender: 2 :xi : \ second reading by title only and adopted. i Hughes ; &I ; !x: I (c) Second reading of Ordinance No, 107'7, approving! ;:::I ;::;: i the annexation of "East Carlsbad Annexation No. 2.2". I I ;::': : ing by the Council: 4 I ::: "I:; I ;: : Ordinance No. 1077. AN B.d.DINANCE OF THE CITY : 21;: P&OVD<G THE ANNEXATION OF i Guevara ; :xixi ; ;*I:; i CEBTAIN UNINiLABITED TE~RITOL~Y, DESIGNATED : Bierce k: :x; ; i "EAST CAi3LSBAD ANNEXATION NO. 2.2" TO THE i McPherson: 11 ; !xi ; : CITY OF CA&LSBA..D, was given a second reading by I Neiswender I : :x; : i title only and adopted. i Hughes : i !xi i 1 t OF CAi&SBAD, AMENDING OiZDINANCE NO. 9060 OF! Bierce 11 1 4 ;xi I I I I :;I:: i The following ordinance was presented for a second read- i It;:* I i I !::IC :rw I I 1 I I &*I I 1II.I I I I I I 1 (d) Placement of sips on Highway brid e. The " i Council was informed the San Diego Gar; 6; E ectric Co, i ; have posted signs on the Freeway bx-?i3gs?. ,:rohibiting I i power boats from using the midd1.- : ?,LC., ..?,= I I 1 I I I I I I I t (e) deport on clean-up of sewe? plant. As previouslyi * (f) Weed abatement notices. The notices have been i : mentioned by Cmn. Neiswender, the City crews have i i cleaned up the sewer plant site. I I t I I 1 I I I I : sent to the property owners, and we have been receiving ; i good cooperation. I I i Drainage report. Cmn. Hughes inquired as to what grogr$ss : %as been made on the drainage report. 1 I : The Assistant Engineer stated no work had been done on i i this project as yet, as it was his understanding the Counci$ I wished a report made on the drainage for the entire city. ; : Improvement of State Street. Cmn. aughes stated in his i :.opinion he felt something should be done to State Street i : immediately. I I : The Assistant Engineer informed the Council it would be : i impossible to improve State Street until the drainage I i problem is solved. I Cmn. Hughes asked if this portion of the drainage survey : : could be made now. I I After considrable discussion it was agreed that the i Engineering Department make a report back to the Council : as to improving State Street on an interim basis. 1 I i The City Engineer informed the Council a petition has bee4 I prepared for the improvement of I-farding Street, however; : no one has come in to take the petition out for circulation. i i Also a petition was prepared for the improvement of Buen9 ; Vista &venue and was taken out for circulation, but the I i department has had no report on the progress, I I i Cmn. Bierce and Cmn. Hughes stated they would be happy: ; to take any of the petitions out that were prepared and i i contact some of the property owners to have tbe petitions : : circulated. I i Cmn. Neiswender pointed out that Shore Drive is in very i : bad shape and inquired if this street could be resurfaced, : ; The Engineer informed the Council there are many street4 I in the City that need rehabilitation. A water main will have : to be repiaced in Shore Drive, and they would like to have I : this pipe laid prior to any improvement being made in this: I 4 I I I I I I I 4 I I I I I I I I I s I I t I I I I t I 1 I I I I I I* I I P I I I 1 I I I I I 1 i I I I I ! 1:;;; :I::: I'll :i::: *:;I: ::I:' ::::I "I:; ::!;I i:::: ,::I: ,I,;? :::I: :I' 1:: ::: ::::I ::;:; ::I 'I ;:/I ;:: :xi; :::I: iii:; ::i;; ;; :*I:: ::I:; :::I, :::ii ;i:s1 l;::: ;:i:i ::I l:J:: ;:::: :':\:': :!if: :;:I; 'I :t; :I/I 1:; :;:;I ;a:*: ::'I: ::: ::;:; i:::: $:;'I :::;: :$:i :a::: i;::: I'i i:! 41::: 4::;; :::*I ::I:( I( 1:;:: ::;:: ::;:; ::::I 11 ::: :::I; ::;I: i::;: '11:l Ill: 1 1:: I:::' 'Ill1 t*#:I ;h;: 88 01 'i 4::j ,I,:, I!!&! I I I I 4 I I t 1 '\ \., \'- . '' I I I I I 1 8'' ",,'x,, '\,'\\:\\, 1 2 6 I -7- 1 i Na me ',, 'f&, '\ %, I I ; of .$&I$+, '\,'?+., b I ',b.68g'4$4+ ~"""""~"~"~;~"-""""~"""""""""~~~""""-"--"----""~""--------~-------------- i Member %'$3\~\(?~,0 "1:: I street. According to the schedule this pipe will be laid i :Ill I::,: I i:::: l a::,: :::I, $1; ::p: '.\', ','.\\\', I ', '\ ', ** ', '. 1 I I I '11.1 I : before the first of the year. t I I I I ::;:; ::':I : Cmn. Neiswender asked if there has been a list prepared I i as to the streets that need rehabil'itation, Cmn. Bierce ; : stated in line with Cmn. Neiswender's thinking, he would I ! like to request that a priorty list of projects in the Engin-: I::;: i eering Department be prepared. If some of the projects i i:::: I::,: : can be farmed out, that a list also be made of these items: :;;:: i CITY ATTORNEX'S REPOS.2': ;It;) I:;(: I ::I:; i Speed limit on Carlsbad Boulevard. At the previous meet; 11:11 "1:: i %g the City Attorney was instructed to prepare an ordi- i ::;:I : nance regulating the speed limit on Carlsbad Boulevard. : ::,;: ::::I i The following ordinance was presented for a first reading: ::;:i : by the Councik 4 ::::: 11 I :I::; l840 It ! Ordinance No.. 3060. AN O&DINmCE OF- THE CITY 1 Guevara i !x: 4 : i OF CARLSBAD AMENDING OfttDINANCE NO. 3027, i Bierce ; ; :x; i I SECTION 2, REGAiZDING SPEED LIMT5 UPON : McPhersoni : : x: I i C!A.RLSBAD BOULEVARD, was given a i:ir:st reading by i Neiswenderix i I xi I : the Council. : Hughes : ! ;x: i i Cmn. Guevara inquired as to the speed linnit in the area : ;SI;! $1 ! of the Army and Navy Academy.' The City Attorney point-: ;:::: l;lt* i ed out there is a State law that regulates the speed limit i :$: ! in school areas, I 1 i:::: I The City Manager was instructed to request the Police I 11'(1 ; Department to enforce this ordinance, and that 25 M. P. H.! i speed limit signs be posted along the school area. I i Real Estate Signs. At the previous meeting of the Council: :;;:I : the City Attorney was instructed to prepare an ordinance, : :I;:: ;'I:; i amending the present real estate sign ordinance as to I ;:;I1 1') I placement of signs on property. The following ordinance : :it:; ' :&I i was presented for a first reading by the Council: I I :I::: I ::::: i Ordinance No. 8037. AN OLZDINANCE OF THE CVTY i Guevara i Ixix: ! III:: : OF CA~ZLSBAD AMENDING SECTION 1 OF OXIINANCI~ Bierce :x: :xi : i NO. 8035 REGA.8DING REAL ESTATE SIGNS, was give4 McPherson I : !x! i i a first reading by the Council. : Neiswender: : !x: i 1 I : Hughes i i ;xi ; i Opposition to San Diego Unified Port District Act. At the i 11::: ;I::: : regular meeting of July 17, 1962, the City Attorney was 1 li;b: ::':: \ requested to prepare a resolution for the Council's I I i:;:; i consideration in opposition to the San Oiego Unified Port i 1:;:: i District Act, due to inequities in the Act. The following ; ::l:! l;:1: i resolution was presented for the Councills review; I I :*;:: 1 I ;L1l 1:;:: olution No, 835. A ilESOLUTICSN OF THE CITY i Guevara k I ;xi i UNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD IN OPPOSI- : Bierce : ; :xi : ! TION TO THE SAN DIEGO UNIFIED P03T DISTAICT i McPherson i : :x: i ; ACT, was adopted. : Neiswender i !x :x i : 'I ; ; :x: i i State Water 3ights Board - re; Notice of application to i !;:I: ;;* : appropriate water. At the meeting of June 19, 1962, the : ::,:I ::::; i City Attorney was instructed to pursue this matter, and if i Iil : id was found that the water would be diverted from the : "1:; 1;::: 1 water shed of the San Luis Key, that a protest be entered i It';: ;VI: ; on behalf of the City of Carlsbad. The City Attorney re- ; 4:: i ported she had checked out the tributory and this would no4 :::I, ;l'll t affect the San Luis iZey E ater shed. I ::::: t I :::I, 4; 1 Lease of beach property from San Diego Gas 8; Electric cd. ~l,:, :;:r: i The City Attorney informed the Council she has been ~l,:, 2::: : negotiating with the San Diego Gas &. Electric Co. as to ! :I,,# : the terms of a lease between the Gas Company and the \ ;:::: * I :i::: I 'I:I: 1 I I:::; ! ,!I:> I,,;, I I 8 ,:it: 1 I I I I I 1 I I I I:::: 3 I I I I ;;:;! I$i ::I!: I I I 1;;:: $1 t I I 1 8 I I 1 I 1 I 8 I I : Hughes I :'I 1 I I I I' . I I I I I c 4 , .\\. ..- I I I 1 , '\ "\ '\ " % I I I 3 '\ ', '\ ',, '\\", ' 127 I I '\, ', 8 ' I 1 -8- \\ ',,'X. +"\\ f i N a me ',, %'& ',"?% t : of .$+& '\ '$x, - I \,$p4,&,;%j ;~""""""""""""""-~"""""""~""~"-"""""~"""""~"~"""""""""-~,-". ; Member .o~~~.e~p~,o~ I I 04' ! I :!!a! I 1 i City for the property located between the two jetties. The! I the lease of the lagoon. At such time as the City wanted 1 ; to construct any p rmanent structure, the Gas Company I i would be willing to negotiate a long tsrm lease. i Appraisal of tidal lands to the south. The City Attorney i I Znformed the Council she would be r'n Sacramento on 1 * : Friday of this week. She would like to have an appraisal I I of the tidal lands to the south as required by law for annex1 : ation. If the Council would like, she would check with ; i Mr. De Turk when she is in Sacramento this Friday to : ; see if the Division of Beaches and Parks was still willing i i to have the La Costa Downs State Beach Park annexed. . i I By common consent it was agreed that the City Attorney i : check into this matter. ! Cmn. Bierce inquired as to the status of the Wight con- i i demnatjon suit. The City Attorney inforrcd the Council i : she would have the brief filed prior to JUT:;. 28, 1962, I I : terms of the lease would be the same as those given in ; I I 1 I I I I I I I 4 I * 1 t I I I I 1 I t I * I I i CITY NL4NAGEEt'S REPORT: I # I ; The Council was informed the San Diego Gas & Electric : i Co. have a flat building they would be willing to use for i : the painting of a sign to identify the City of Carlsbad. I ! I I I : Sur Ius funds. The Council was advised the Auditors are I : as if there wil be an additional $20,000 surplus funds. It { 1 is recommended that an additional $10,000 be p,ut in the i i Contingency Fund. It was agreed by the Council that t I ; $10,000 be placed in the Contingency Fund for the 1962-63: ; budget. * $ I+ ;no\Fj. in t e mal stages of closing the audit, and it appears : I I I I i RATIFICATICN OF BILLS AND PAYitOLL: I I I ! I"l; ::;':: :i::; 'It I :it:: :;::; ::::I :::I: ::::: ;;:;i I:::; 1:::; ::::I :::I: ;:;:: ::::: i:::: ,::;I ::;:: :::a; @I !lI!l i;::: i:::: , I:* 1;: 1 ':!!I ::;I: 4:':: :;:'I ::::; 1:1 ::!!: .I I -* ,;I:: ::;;; :;:I: :::;I ::;I: ::;i: ::SI: it !I!!# :;;;; ;:::: I:!:; !:I:: 1:::: ::::I ::;il ::i:: ii;:; :;,:I ::PI '1; ,!I:! I LZatification of the payment of bills was given for the I ; general expenses of the City in the amount of $20,105.31 i Guevara ! i !x i ; i and for the Water Department in the amount of $47,524.421 Bierce :x; \x; i ; for the period July 3, 1962 to July 17, 1962, as certified ; McPherson : ; pi ; i by the Director of Finance and approved by the Auditing : Neiswender i ; 'x : i : Committee. i Hughes : !x$ : !I:!: ;::i: .I 4; ? I 11 i Ratification of the payroll was given for the first half of ! Guevara +I : 9 i i i July, 1962, in the amount of $16,600.97, as certified by ; Bierce ; : k; I i the Director of Finance and approved by the Auditing Comj McPherson i : F I i i mittee. i Neiswender ; !x F : j 1 I : Iiughes !x: p; I 'I *I I I s II!II i Cmn. Neiswender requested the Mayor to call an executivi ; session to discuss personnel. I I I I I , :i;;j 1:: :;I:! 11 I,!*' ::re I! i The Mayor declared a 10 minute recess, and stated after I I the recess the Council would go into an executive session : :::; : and would adjourn to the office of the City Manager. I ;;a1 * ::i: ! The Council adjourned 'to the Council Chambers at 9:40 P. $4. t;tI :::: I I i:ii : The regular meeting reconvened at 10:55 P. M. I 4:: I it:; :iii 0)s II'I I t I t I I I I I I B i The Mayor announced the City Council in executive sessiod : discussed personnel matters. No personnel changes are : i Contemplated at this time. I I 1 I I i ADJOUfiNNLENT: By proper motion the meeting was ad- ! j journed at 10:5'/ P. M. I I I I :;:: l;'I I I'I :!:; ii:: .!4 :iii :::I :::i ;!!I I Aespectfully submi~sd, I RET E, A AMS, neprtv City Clerk iZ&?&.cr qw I I I I I I SI I iii: 1 I iii; * :;I; I :;as I I 1::; I I.!#