HomeMy WebLinkAbout1963-01-15; City Council; MinutesI* *.' I I y,:, \* \\ \\'\, i CITY CF CAA&LSBP~D I I , ', '\ *' ', '' I Minutes of: City Council (degular Meeting) 6 's, \."\, \ *, 8' \\ '. 9 i Date of Meeting: January 15, 1963 [ ~a me "\, '+, '% '86, : Time of Meeting: 7:00 P. M. : of ! Place of Meeting: Council Chambers : Member $%@.,pg\, 1""""""""""- """"""""""""--""--"~"---"-----"-~"-*-"-----~--' i PtOLL CALL was answered by Councilmen Guevara, 't:*l : McPherson and Neiswender. Can. Bierce was absent. i i Cmn. Zughes was present at 7:04 P. M. Also present i ;:: ;* ;1 ; were City Clerk Price, City Manager3later and City ; 1.; 4: 1 i Attorney Betts. * s .i+ '\' '?& '+Qh &e+ 4 I ii:;; i;::: 8;;' :;!a: i :I':; I * 1 1 I I 1 ;:;:i 1 t .; q i AELEGMNCE to the Flag was @veri. I I i:::: I ZNVGCATfON was offered by City Manager John Slater. i pii; 'I 4 ' 1 1 I;;:; I r I:@:: I * I I;i:; 1 (a) Minutes of the regular meeting of January 2,1963i G,uevara : ix i xi : ;&I:; : were approved as submitted. : McPherson i ; :x: : I I i Neiswencierx i :x: i I I ;:::1 'I i ~mn. Zughes was present at 7:04 P. M. I t 1 r ;e!:; i COi~RESmNDmCE: . . I 'f :*I;: : 1 I a I :::I: I I :if:; * i::;; :::,I e::;: 1:;:: I I 4 I::J: I APPL'EBVF-L OF MINUTES: 1 I L I I I *;st: * I {a) F., J. Fox d re: &quest to lease portion of :;,::: ! Hedionda Lagoon. Letter dated December 31, I "1:; i p. J. &ox, owner and operator of Fox's Snug Warbor, i requesting permission to lease a certain specific area of i ; the lagoon for the purpose of establishing berthing facili- ; $::: : ties supplementing the marina known as Fox's Snug HarboP, :I:,: I 4215 Harrison St. The requested lease area lies south i :.I ::: : of the owners property, 392 feet in width and 600 feet, in : :: 11 i length. The only permanent structure built in the leased i '8,: i area would be the pier heads. I I !::'* :' 1:: : Mr. Fox was present and stated they do not. have sufficien$ 1::;; i space to launch boats. A great many people want to store ; : I.: ' : i their boats by the year. I I I+* i By motion of the Council it was agreed that this matter be i Guevara ;X! :x i i ,111: : referred to the City staff for study, and that a report be : McPherson I : !x I : i made back to the Council at a future date, ! Neiswender i {x !x ; t i Cmn. Neiswender requested that he be informed as to whed i the meeting of the staff would be held, as he would like to i : be present when the matter is discussed. t ::::: i reductiqn in. sewer inclusion fee. Letter dated. December i 127, 1962, -,from the 'womanls Club of Carlsbad, requesting: ;;+; i a reduction in the Capital contrihz tion fee for the sewer i ::;I: ;,I*, f on their property located at 3320 Monroe Street. ! The City Engineer informed the Council the I? oman's Club i ,;p i own a parcel of land with a 110' frontage on Monroe St. i ; They own exactly one acre of land. The portion of the i 1:::: I ordinance relating to capital improvement charges was I :;I1* :::q i on an acreage charge - 4 units to an acre at $50.00 per I : unit. i Mrs. Kay Christiaasen, Chairman of the Building Corn- { i mittee for the Roman's Club, stated their frontage would I ::::: : only allow two units facing on Monroe, This lot is deep. : i They have less than one acre as fax as usage, Approxi- I :*k I:::, : mately 2f3 ,of the property will be used for parking. I 111:: I 1;;1; I I ::;:; ! The City Engineer further stated this formula: is difficult I :it:: 1 to make. There could be a case where there would only i #I*:* ;be a single residence in which case they would only pay : :;::I i $50.00. I Cmn. Hughes suggested that due to the fact Us lot would ! I:,:: :I ::ii: 1 I * ;!':I 1 I:::: 1 I i i >L; 1 t I I I I I : Hughes : I :x: ; !::I; 1.: : : ; f t I ii: 8 * ,:; 1 (b) Noomants Club of Carlsbad - re: Request for :;::; ::ti; I * 1:;:: I e I:*:: :t:+ ;:I;! I I I :hi; I * t I :reviewed for the Council. The $200,00 charge was based ; ::;:: ;;I t i.::;: 1 I ;i:': I I I*;:: .: pl;! I I 1 ;:::I IO' I '8y' :;::; 1 I I I:::: +:; i only allow two residents in its present status, they be ; ::;I: .* 6 I \::I: I L I ;:::: ! :I::! I I 1 I I I ,;:I: t t 1 81 r I : 'b, ', .', '% 'b, '*, I -2 - I * \\ ' I %, ', '\, '1 \. 8 ' ,, *, * ', '\ *. f 1 I I I ,, k, '\ '* ',*", 1 g I i Of '0' ',c\$\;',?t'+ 4 ,%, t b ! Name %%,x\%, <+ @' '\ .:%k, r ~"""""""~""-"""""""""""~""""~~""""~"""."""~"~""""""~~~~~~"~" : Member f&@.~~p4 I 1 i required to pay $10.0.00. i After further discussion, by motion of -the Council it was i Guevara ; i ;xi ; qgreed that the Woman's Club pay a capital contribution ; McPherson: ; i x! i char.ge in the amount of $100.00. ! Nciswender; :x: x; I ::a1 i OlttAL C=aMMUNICP"I'IONS: I f ; :': I I 11;; I ::;; i There were no oraf communications, I 8 ::;;: I I ::;:: I PLANNING: I 1 ::pi I ::;:; I r !::I' I extension. to connect with Karbor Drive. Mr. Melton, t 4:;; : Planning Technician, stated a committee of the Planning i ::::; i Commission was. formed to study the development of the I ' ::I:; ,I ; Agua Hedionda Lagoon area. It was their opinion that : ::Il ::I i prior to any development there were several factors that : :'::I 1:;:: : should be developed prior to any development on the lagoo& ;: *I i The area in question is bounded. by the railroad tracts, i ;: I: : U. S. 101 Freeway, Chinquapin and .the north shore of the ; i center lagoon. 1 i::; I * :;*I t ;::: .;::a f l* t t I 1 f 0 t i Hugties % i :XI I I I I * I I I I I I (a) Acquisition of right-of-wayfor Jefferson Street i {!,,I )I1 I:( 1- ;:I ::::~ I :I:: I ;::' i It was their feeling that proper traffic circulation be I :;a: t I 4 I 4 1 :iil I I :*;*l ::;:; ;I:;: ;:;I1 ,;I:: :;I:' !Ji; I fl:ii i The Engineer was questiodas to their work load, and i i:: *I ; established and that four property owners in the area have! 11:;. i offered to dedicate lands for the necessary right-of-way. i 'I:;; : This would be an extension of Jefferson Street into the : riiii I area for traffic circulation. i Due to the fact the rnoritorium has expired as far as the i : Council assigning new projects to the mgineering Cepart-: i ment, the Planning Commission wishes the Council to i i instruct .the Engineering Departmeat to precise plan the : il:;; I above described area. I 8 11 i$:i : after further discussion as to whether this project should i Guevara i i :xi i I$11 I be given any priority, by motion of the Council it was : McPherson : I :xi ~ i agreed that this project be placed in their regular work i Neiswender !x :: :x; ~ : program, ; Bughes : ; xixi I ::::; i ENGXNEESING: :::SI * ;~l;~ ! 8 I ;:::I I (a) Application for three inch water service - I I 1411 I:'*: an Soft %iter Service Co. Letter dated December 4i 'I:;: from Culligan Soft Water Service, requesting a I I 1:::: i three inch water service, as they have found it necessary i a:::: ; to use new regenerating processes, which require a I i::!: 'la '1; I larger volume of water in a shorter period of time. I I ;;*:I I I I :I::; I The Council was informed that whenever there is a 4 1 :ip: ::;I: ; request for a Line in excess of two inches, it must be pre-I :::a: ; sented to the Council for their approval, .I I :;::; I ::::: i Cmn. Neiswender and Bughes informed the Council they i ;Ill1 '::i; : were familiar with this matter. I a i;;:; D 8 :a+:: ! By motion of the Council it was agreed that Culligan Soft I Cuevara i : i xi : I Vt ater Service be granted permission to install a 3" water i McPherson 1 i i x: I i service, ; Neiswender:x: ;xi ; I (1'1 1 I 11; : Mr. rtataun, Ci€y &bgineer> informed the Council this ; :#I i matter was discussed at' the last meeting, and was con- i ;:I$ I tinued to this meeting in order for the Epoh Investment ; I;':; 18 I Club to have time to wee what could be worked out. Xfe i ;1:*1 : called Mr. Earl Thompson, attorney for @oh, last 1:::: & ::;:: i Friday, and Mr, Thompson stated he would try and set i :;:\: ; up a meeting. Mr. Thompson was again contacted this i 1 ,118 ;st1; t I ,1111 I lS I ;:::: I I I :fit: ::'D: I 1 I I I I@ ' I l ed I I I I I I I '11 I 1 * I I I D~*I~ 8 I I i Hughes i jx:x: I I (b) Drainage easement - re: Epoh Investment Club. t I!::: I:;::: I 8 1 I I 1 I ;ii:: I 1 I I ! .r,!r * I ', \.\ 8 \' I I , ' x, \, ', t8 t I - 3- I I b ',. \'' I I , \\ '\ 3 ' ' I I '\ \, '\, '*, '+, 13. I 3 i Name '\ '%\ '.,a\ . .cw, '!.,'88&, i *f .$St. '* '$+\ I .??$@&,,;*\ :~""""""""""""""""~""""""""""""""""-""."~""~""""~~"~ : Member ' ,o\g.,pp.lo: ""7"- I I I I ?*..I I I I" : morning and he stated he was still trying. to set up a 8 ; ; :.. : ;.I I : i I meeting. '::I1 I I :.; ; i :. : 1 I' ! Mr, 8,athbun further stated if theimprovement. is not made a;::! i soon there will be damage, to property, including the 3Epoh: :;;:: :;;:: : property. Should we have a flood it w&fd be necessary t< ' :;;:; I open up the pipe, and this would cause erosion. 8 ii:ii I 11:*1 i The City Attorney .stated she called Mr. Thompson this i :;::; w+8 : morning and he informed her. he woufd call back. .As he i 1::: i did not call back she had a resolution prepared authoriz- : y1: I111 : ing condemnation o€ the necessary pmperty. :::;: I 9 * :::;: I I :;**a : Mr. Earl Thompson, Attorney for Epoh property owners, i ,,;I* !:I:: i was present and informed the Council there were many i /:.I: : facts brought to ttre attention of the Council at the last : ii::i I Council meeting. The owners have-employed an engineer,: : ; ('1 , .I;;;; : He tried to set up a meeting, however, the .engineer ,was i I not ready to present any facts 'as of this date, He asked : i I :.; : : that the Council please consider some of the facts facing. .i ;:::; i his clients. ,He requested this matter continued until the 1 !::I: i next meeting in order that he could have qualified persons! :;;a: I;I ; appear before. the Council and inform the ,Council as ,to : i:: :; : how this problem can be reduced. This situation was ;:;:: I 41:: i already created and they cannot go back, so this problem i :;ata : must be worked out. : ; i.; i I I I I:::; I ::: :: Cmn. Hughes asked if proper notices had been sent out? i :{:I: 'k : I ::;;: t The City Clerk informed the Council the City is required i ;::*i 1:::: i to notify all unsubdivided property, and we attempt to i 141:: i notify the adjacent owners on subdivided property, however, (41 :I,:: : this property was not notified. I I ;::;: I *:!I! I * * I I 1 I I b 4 * I. I F' : I t;bl; 11 I 1 I : i The City Atturney stated it was very difficult to .check 1 i the ownership on this property. They have not filed 4 : ! partnership papers. In checking with the title company i i title was taken in the name of Epoh Investment Club, + I t and the names of the partnership were not of record. Tw$ i of the owners have signed a trust deed. The property J ; owners were notified at the time Mr. Thornton. met with i i them, and they were requested to hire their own engineer.: f Mrs. Betts recommended that the Council adopt the reso-! i lution authorizing condemnation. proceedings. In the a : meantime perhaps the owners would be willing to waive I i any damage 'costs in the event it rains until this matter i. : is worked out. i I I I b .. i i :. Mr. Thornpaon stated his clients would not waive any 1 damage cdsts in the event of rain. The situation was i already created. His clients are not subdividers and do i ; not wish to subdivide. * ! The City Attorney informed the Council this property is i i subdivided .according to Map No, 21 25 filed in the office : : of the County Recorder of San Diego County. 1 * I 4 I 4 I t I a 1 I 0 ! The City Engineer poi&& out again the plan designed by i i the City is only a sugge&ed land use study, There are : : other ways in which this street could be handled. The i i topography of the area has dictated the focation of the ; : drainage, sewer main and street. As far as the location i i of the street in,the subdivision, they provided access to . : : the Epoh property, Projection of a street wod d be nee- i i esssrry before this property could be developed for. I : residential purposes.' The City participated in the storm i ! drain project €or the subdivision as this drain will serve : : approximately 400 zicres, and wouid no doubt contribute : ! towards the Epoh property at such time as it is developed.: i Cmn. Hughes asked if the property owners were told the { : I I I 8 I ... <.- I I I I 8 I * i I. :ii:; 1:::: :I;:: ::;:; ::p; :.; ; : ; ";:; ::*I& 1::;: 11 I;::: ,a::: ;f::; ;::si I:':: !!::I I i:! ;: Id:; 1;;l; ;bI'l 1:;:: ;"i; ::*1, a:::: i:::, ::p: ::i:: ir: :: :',I9 J I $. :'I tj*1; '1 .t'!; '11' ;:::: : al.:i ;::I, ti;:: ;;; *-I $:l.l ::::: I:;,' :*,;: ;x;: 1::;: :::;: ::: :*I I: ,*I:: t'l; ::::: i:::, iy:: $1 ::i +*a:; ;I I: i; I ; ,I I ;: :* s . #-I I I I I ,: i i ,: i I k !::!* I' .I I I' . .\., I I ', '8, '\, '8 ', I t I I I I I I '\ h \ \\ '\ '. I y*, '\ ', 8, *\ p 2 I # i ~a me '\%, *>$, ' '%, x& i , ; of '%*, ' '?+, ' *o ,a\,+ ++a . I-lc8llUGI '08$%$%? "4 I -4.- I \ ', '8, ', '\ '6 :""""".""""""""~"-~"""""""""""""""""""""~."~""*""""."~""""~"~ .. I : M*mkar ': I I <:!I: I City would participate in the cost of the pipe at such time i i as the Epoh property is developed, would this solve their i : problem? * i I * 4 I I&' ; ;.: : : .: : .: : ; I 14; 1:*1, ,!!I! :I::, t ; Thompson stated this is only-one of their problems that { i must be solved. I I 1 I I #'a*- 'I:&: I:III ;tt:l 4b 4;;; I i The City Attorney stated this Council could not bind moth& ; Council, I I : Cmn.. Neiswender suggested this .matter be continued i until Monday evening in order to give the property owners i i a chance to submit their facts. L 1 4 I I I I I t 1 I :*i;; ::,:I I ;'; i: i:::: ;: i.:: 41:: :::;: !:::I lll I * L! +! I : By common consent .it was agreed that an adjourned meet-! 8- 1;;;: i ing be held on Monday, January 21, i963, and that this I :+::i $Il1 : matter be continued until that time, 'If I I :.: 1 I * I ;I::; ! The Mayor addressed Mr. Thompson and informed him ! 1l;;l ::::: i that the Council members are willing to sacrifice their I :::t: : time by having this matter continued until that date, and ; :it:; i if the owners do not have their facts to present at that i :1:;1 ;{!;/ : time the Council will take action. I 1 iI8*l I I ,I'1; P :x:; i A short recess was called at 8: 30 P, M. The meeting ! . '::;I : reconvened at 8: 49 P. M. ::*I; I I I i$i~ * I , ! 1.: I * I t' i The Mayor announced .that he had just received word fromi i the Blade-Tribune reporter that the Vista Incorporation ; : was going 3 to 1 .in favor of incorporation. 1 I I I iii:: i1 I :;;: I::@: ::;i ::!I I ! NEW BUSINESS: * I t I ;I;1 1::: t 4 :;;i I (a) Proclamation - Y. M, C.A. Vi eek, January 20-27, i i::; i 1963. %it5 the consent of the 'Council the Mayor proclaim? ;::I ! -e week of January 20th to January 27th, 1963, as ; : i.: t 1: I Y. M. C. A, Week in the City of Carfsbad, and urged all : I ;.:; :' citizens to join with him in paying honor and respect to i :;@I 1 .I : ; :*[I I the Young Men's Christian Association. 8 .; 3 ' : I I I!! I I I I ; " I * 1 t I (b) The Mayor announced that he had a press release I : to make. ' A committee was appointed by him to study ,: i further development of the Agua 3edionda Lagoon as a : : recreational facility. This group met with officials of the i i San Diego Gas & Electric Co, to discuss this matter. I : Several reputable eagineering firms have been suggested t i by the Army Corps of Engineers, to .conduct the engineer-: i ing and technical phase of the subject. The San Diego Gas! ; & Electric Companyts management have agreed to the : i City conducting an engineering study, and have expressed i ; their willingness to cooperate in every way possible to : I assist the City's Engineers in the planning through consuli : tation and review of all proposals, Their only stipulation I i was that any further development of the lagoon should be : : compatible with the present and future operating require- i i ments of the Encina-power plant. 1 4 4 # t I .. .; ; ; ;. :ai: :::: # 1;;: .I 1;b: ;;:: :*:: 1::: *t:; *a4 :*I' ,**1 ::la ii,:: '* ::;: :I;: ::;: :::* ;'I: ,;It :I:: 1:1* :*:: ;::; a:!! (I+( : Mayor McPherson requested the City Manager to contact ; : the engineering firms suggested for information as to 1 i an engineering study of the lagoon. t I' ,I I * 'ii: :.: ; ; ::;t :;:: ::!: $ i Traffic surve Cmn. Hughes inquired as to the traffic :: I ;.: I : survey ma e y the Automobile Club, The City Manager : i :.: : i informed the Council a repwt has been received from She. i : Automobile Club, and he is setting up a meeting with the ; 1'1: i Chief of Police, City Engineer and.Mr. KoXtnow from the ; : Automobile' Club, and a report viril1:be made to the council^ i for their action. t 4 ti'' 8 'I ;:;: ;::I :::e t1;: ;:I: I * :::I 1 1'8: B 1841 ! r!!r r Inquiry was made as to wheaer any citations were being i : issued for speeding on Carlsbad Blvd. .The City Manager ; I I 1 1 4 1 I 1 I :;x: ;;I; :;:: :;;I :::: :::: 1: !*rl I I I I I < I -. I I 1 I I * 9 '\ \, -8 ', '% *\ I I '\\ \\ ',, ', 8 'I 8 -6 - ,, . , X' 6 i Na me ', .'x$- \*\ '*+\ I L**$\ " yp, I i of ,ode';, ;?& * ,, 8, \ ', 'b,"\8 1 . x, '*' '\ '\ b, 14 I I :-."""""""""""""""""""*""""""""""""""""-~"""""""" * Member $'@,p@$ ! :-y""f I t : Telegraph Company. The City A.ttorney stated she did i i not fee1 it was ne.cessary to'have a representative from i : I the. City present at 'this hearing. I I i Shelter Cove subdivision. Mr. Jack Kubota, Engineer i I ?or Shelter Cove, requested permission from the City i 1 to construct septic tank and cesspool on an interim basis : ; for this subdivision, It was her opinion that it would be i i satisfactory at such time as the plans and specifications : : were approved by the Engineering Department, and i approval is given by the V. ater Pollution Control Board. i : The subdivider is willing to reimburse the City far the i i maintenance and operation costs. I I ! I t 1 I I I I I I :ii:i I. .: ; ; : ::;;: ::;I: ::!:: 'II(1 1;;vi ::$: ::;;; ::;:: ;e,:: *)I :::I; ::(I: +:: :;'4: ;:;'I G:;; ,:;I: !bl!I I i Mr. Jack Kubota was present and stated he wanted to I i make certain the council approves this informal plan. I I. ! * 1 i The City Attorney stated the Council can give their i tentative approval at this time and the final approval will i ; be subject to the plans and specifications, and the approvj i a1 of the Vt ater Pollution Board. t I i Lease for lagoon property, The City Attorney 'informed i I We Council that all of the legal descriptions have been i ; lease between the City and the property owners. I I b 8 I I I f : received from Mr. Ecke so that she can now prepare a ; ! I I I ; CITY MAMAGEit'S rtEFXX3,T: ! I I I 1 k i The Council was informed the reporters for both the local: I newspapers have stated they would be more than willing i : to publicize any safety program proposed by the City. I f i deport on Glissman property. A meeting was held with I I !is of the staff, and they wout! : like to study the financial phase further before making a ; i report to the council. ! Mr. Glissman was present and stated he did not wish to i I press the- City on their decision, however, he wished to : : be relieved of this business as soon as possible. Be I I recommended that the City not operate this business, but i : that it be privately operated. Also he is willing to sell i I this property to the City at their own terms. If there is : I any doubt as to what this property .will bring in, he sugr i i gested that the City run an ad in the- Los Angetes or San : : Diego papers for leasing the property. I 6 I A' conference will be held in San Diego, March 21, 1963, : ; in connection with the Planning Advisory Committee. Thd : City Manager requested that if any of the members would I i like to attend, or if they wished a representative of the i ; City to attend, to please inform him prior to that date. ; I I' * k I I 6 I s 1 1 t. 6 L ! ;::i: *ll;l :::I: :.I 1; I I:!*! fi;l; :;a:; ::f ::::: ::::; ::::I I:!*: I..I; ::I:; ::;;I ::I:; ;::'I 1;;:; :;$I' bl!!I i:ii' 1;:l !II! I I ; Mr. Melton, Planning Techniciaq, informed the Council; i : he had been directed by the Planning Commission to : attend this meeting. : mOusincs; and Home Finance applications. A. call was i received regarding the City's applicatibns, and they are :: ! now processing OUT applications and requested further ; ; budgets. They indicated the water reservoir application i i looked very good. 1 L 1 4 b I I I b b I 1 * I 1 ! :'I; I::I a::! it:: :I:: ;ii; ;::I 1::: ::I: :::: 4:; ::;I :;:: 1::; ;a; :::; i::i i::: ;:!; 'I€; 1:'s :::I 1:: ill: ;x: ; : : .;. 8::; :::: :::: '1;; i::: :;:: 'I !*I i::; ;::I **I: $;;I !SI! i:i: i1 I 'Vi' ::I; ::;I .: t ; : :::: :::: ;::; :84: *!?I I 1 l;;l i dATIFICA'%LON OF BILLS AND PAY&OLL2: s i Ratification ef the bills was given for the general expenseti : of the City in the amount of $16,831..28, and for the t i::: : ttater Department in the amount of $830.88, for the I Guevara : !xi 5 i period January 2, 1963 to January 15, 1963, as certified i McPhersoni i : X: : by the Di-rector of Finance and approved by the .Auditing ; Neiswender: %: I X ; Committee. 'k : Sughes i : ;x! 1 *:!I I i I :::: :::: :;;: I 4 I;;< :41: * 1 l:!l t I 8 I ! ! I' .!;: ~- I D l I I 1 I I I I -7 - I I I I I :""""""""""""""""""""~"-.""""""""-".""""" i itatifhation of the payroll was given:for.the first ha^ ; of January, 1963, in.the amount of $,17,789.84, its i certified by the Director of. Finance and approved by the ; Auditing Committee. . . ! I i ADJOUANMZMT: I By motion of the Council the meeting was adjourned to i Monday, January 21, -1963, at 7: 00 P. M. I I I I 1 L I i The meeting was declared adjourned at 940 P. M, I # * I I I Respectfully submitted, I I I ! I I I t t 1 I I : I I I I 9 I b I I 1 I 4 I I I I ! I I 4 I I * b I 1 I I I t I I I 4. f 1 I I 4 I I t I I I I I 1 I I I I I I s I i I I I 3 I I I t I t I 4 e 4 t I I I ? I i I I I I I I * I I t I 9 I I 1 * I 1 I I I I t I 4 I I I I I I I I t # I I ! : '8, '8 '\, '\ '\ *\, I I ', '\\ '\ y'8 ' i N a me =, '\$\ '\ '*&< : Member ,$'@.*.O--$? .?&% +,& \ * 1, .. --e -" - - - "" .. - - 1 - 2":". * I:::: i Guevara : I xi 4 i i .McPhersoni i I d i i Neiswende? : ; 4 ; i Hughes :xi i 3 i + t '\ %8,'>, ', '~"8 15 '. , ', ', " '\ : of '.$'s8 "8 '%,, I '1 4 I * ;I:*: 1:;:: 1 ::I1* 4; .! Guevara ; 1 I 9 i i McPfiersonI : : 4 I ; Meiswender, 2 1 X: i i Hughes i !+ 4 i I ;*I:& l a;; 1.: 'f I ;i;:: I I :;':: t I ::I:; I ;,,,I * 1 4:::: I i :,: : : 4 t,: 8 I 1 1 I :a:;, I 1;'b: I 1 I:( 1:; I t ti:;: I t :;;:I * ;:::I 1 I ;:pi 5 I :l;l; t I :!;;; I :I* I & I ::':I :#I ;:I;! * 1 ::::r * I *q;: I 1 Ii$ I ;:I, t I ;::: ; ; : .; I ::'I '1;: :it: 1 I :;:: 9 ; : i.1 I ::I; I * ::I, :I I i::; ::j: :::: I I :I:: I ::I: I 1 :ti: t * ;::; I 8 ;i:: I I :::: 1::: I I :;i: ¶ I i:;: :;;: I ; 8:;: t I :::: 4 I i::i I I :::: I 1 ;;I' ;f I I ::I: I 1 ::;, :';: * : ,.: 1. :a11 1 I :::: I ,a ::i: 1 :. I ; ; ; I' I I I;*: J b :a:: '4 I I :;I; I :t:: I I :::I * 1 I:;; * ::I: I I :;:' I 1: I 1:' I I I I ~JI;; 81 I I I I I * I*) I 8 I 1 I I:# I I ***I I l((4 b I ;::: 4 k ;::; I I I I I 'I t : :" I :sa: I "I I I '1 I b 1 1 :;'* I r 1s .I * I 1 I* I & I 1. 1 It 1 I $:' .tt!