HomeMy WebLinkAbout1963-02-05; City Council; Minutest I' l 8, 'b ', X% .* ', 1 , ' % " 7 i CITY CF Cki&SBAD t \, 'x * '. '8,'b8 t \ ''8 '8 \ * 19 '4- 0 \;P;,Jq+ : Minutes of: City Council (&gular 1V;e.eting) , I 8. '\ 8, ', *, '% : Date of Meeting: February 5, 1962 : Name ' 8\, '\.&, '\, 8d i Time of Meeting: . ?:a0 P, M. : Qf .&@, "4h ' Place of Meeting: Council Chambers : Member .@$.PO ,d. ;,"~",,"~""""" """""~"""""""rr"""""""""""""~""".""""-"."~--~-"-~ ! * :::?: i ~GLL CALL was answered by Councilmen Guevara, ! Bierce, McPherson, Meiswender and i3ughes. Also I i present were City Clerk Price, City Manager Slater and { : City Attorney Betts. t I t 'ALLEGIANCE to the Flag was given. I S * I I I. L 1 t I I I ! ;*:;; l:*al i:;:: ;I::! ;!:'I ::/1 ;:: :;;:; :a::: *: $1 !It!l I I I s * t t * 1 L I I I I I I ZNVCsCATIGN was offered by Mr. Melton. N?F&LVAL CF MINUTES: * I t 1 ::::: :::;; I 1 :::;; 1:::: -a I 1 I I:::; I fa) The minutes of the regular meeting of January 15; Guevara ;a ; :x{ xi ; 1963, and the adjourned.regular meeting of ,January 21, . i Bierce ;;:;;x 1963, were approved a6 submitted. ; McPfieraoni : i 4 : ! Neiswender:x i I x: i I t a i Hughes i ; ' ;$ I I ':I I { CCrt22ESFCNE)ENCE a I :;I:: 4 ;f:tl I 1:;:: (a) J. 31i, Taber - re: Letter of appreciation €or I :;*:* ::;:: i street li ht' Letter dated January 15, 83, from Josep3i i:;;; *: : dtating. us appreciation for Ze instatlation ; i of a street light at the corner of Adams and Basswood. i ;;!:I *It;: I :::I: i The Council ordered the letter filed. I * I I:*:' 4 t I 4 4 ' t a I ::::: SI!!! : 4 : Council policy of residency requirement, Letter dated : ; Sanuary 39, 1963, from Jerry bdwards, an employee i : of the City of Carlsbad, requesting a variance .from the ; i Council policy dated November 1, 1960, requiring hiat i i all City employees reside in the City of Carisbad. The : ; request was made in accordance with the doctor's recorn-i i mendation. S I (b) Jerry Edwards - re: dequest to deviate from '[ 1 s ! i A letter addressed "To whom it may concern'' was pre- 1 ; sented €ram A. J. Freiburger, M. D. , stating that Mr. i ; Edward's wife and 2 children suffer'from persistent I i severe allergies of the nose and throat, and these i symptoms are aggravated if not caused by the close : proximity of their home to the ocean. He. advised that : i the family move inland several mites to avoid the'coastaf : : weather and atmosphere. 4 1 1 I I I I 1. 4 I 1 ! The City Manager informed the Council this had been i discussed with the Fire Chief, and the Chief informed hi4 : this would create a problem due to the fact in case of an ; i emergency the off-duty fireman are called in for duty. ; : Mr. Edwards has a fine record and they domot wish to i I lose him, however, it is the recommendation of the Fire : : Chief and himself that this variance from the Cuuncilss i i policy not be allowed as Mr, Edwards is contemplating : ; moving to the west side of Vista. 1. i Mr. Edwards. was present and the Mayor asked him if he i ; nad tried locating on the east side of Carlsbad sa as to i i retain his residency in the City, . I 'f I Mr. Edwards stated this would eniail selling his house i ; and moving, and then if this did not work out he would i ; have'to move agaitl. I : After further consideration by the Council it was suggest- i i ed to Mr. Edwards that he explore all the avenues of : moving back over the ridge in the City of Cwlsbad, and I I t B I I 8- I I I I L I r I I * I I i then report back to the Council his intentions.. I * f & 4 I t (c) C. R, Kelly - re: Hafl-Canncm water agreement. i i Letter datea Jartuary 23, 1303, from Garroii E. .Keliy ; ; stating that irraccordance with a certain agreement made ; : between W, D. Cannon and Ellen X.. Hall dated October : i 11, 1953, which agreement' has been assumed by the City. i I : < I I ! t 1 ! I I $ 1i;ni 8 (+) :;*:: :::' ::::I 1,;: ::;4, :;*:; :;;II ::: ::;:: ::;*: ;;I" '1: I,,;, 1iiii i::;; :li:: ;;a'* 4; ::::; :"al ;:::: :;I:: ::I(; ' I:* 1:::: :::I, ::;:: ;;::: &'I I;# ::;I: :*;:; :::I: :**4: '::;I i:::; ;I,', '::t* ij::: 1:: p::; :li:: "1:; :;;:; ::::I ::::: i;:;! 1' l*4:a 4::: i:::: :{;:! :I;:' ::::: ;11;: #';I: ::t:: ::::I ::l;i i!::: ll:;! :sa *';:4 i:::: I$;: :::I: ::$: :::I: Itfl .:t!1 t I r 71 : "" 4 I " t. ' \' 8, '\ ? I \ L -2 - I '> i Name 1 ! Member :""""""""""""""~"""~""""""""""""""""""~";""~""~ 3 # I I : of 4 I I i He would like to be furnished with a record of water wag4 : by the City .and see that adequate meters are placed on ; i the wells for future computaticms. 1 I i The City Attorney reviewed the agreement for the Councig, i and informed the Council there were several questionable.: I statements in the agreement, and the City has been t I t trying to work out a compromise t-ather than taking the ! i matter to Court. A. compromise was submitted.by .Mr. , i i Kelly that he be paid a flat fee of $2,000 per year. Ner : , ; interpretation of the agreement is that Mr. Kelly bs the t : right to irrkgate 15 acres of land from the City!s wells, . : .. i but it does not provide that this water is to be fu,rnished i i free of charge. The City's only requirement to furnish. : ; water free of charge is for domestic purposes and the i i watering of stock. The City is to pay Mr. Kelly at the : : rate of $7.00 per acre foot for each acre foot of water i . i pumped and taken from his 15 acres for the preceding i : months, or if no water is taken the City pays Mr. Kelly ; i $50.00 per month. According to the agreement the City : : is to maintain a meter upon the wells, how.ever, there i i has been no meter for some.time, and payments to Mr. i I Kelly have been based on a calculation according tu I i electricity used. For the past 12 months the City has I : paid the $54.00 minimum. Before the compromise of i 5 $2,000 can be considered it will be necessary to ascertailf ; whether or not the City could use 287 acre feet of water. ! i me are now awaiting a salinity and usage report from i I Mr. Tucker. There is also 8 question as to whether the ; i water is worth saving. At the time Boyle Engineering i : made a report an the water system it was their feeling ; i that the City should either make use of the water or I I i relinquish it. If the Colorado aver suit goes against this: i State, there may be a time that any water will be accept- i i able. In her opinion this water could be used to water ; 1 crops, and it would be much cheaper than Colorado ltiveri : water. I : Cmn. Neiswender asked if any lateral water agreement 1 i between the cities aloug the coast had ever been consider: :. ed. The City Attorney stated she had no knowledge of : i any such agreement. 1 I After further consideration, it was agreed that this matte$ I be referred back to tire staff for further study and a I I : report made back to the Council at a future date, :. GAUL CCMMUNICATICNS: ! Mi%, HENdY PXLLIPS, North Carlsbad, stated he was i i speaking for approximately 75% of the property owners i : in North Carlsbad. They are requesting that the City of ; J Carlsbad continue fire protection service until such time I : as a fire district can be formed for that area. They 1 6 I have been working with the Board of Supervisors on this i I matter and were informed that if they could receive 51% : I of the property owners' signatures on a petition that they I : would be able to form a fire district in that area. a t i Can. Neiswender stated he and Mayor McPherson spent : ; considerable time discussing this matter with Mr. Cravezjs, i Supervisor Cozens assistant, this morning. The City : ; had a verbal agreement with the property owners. to serve! I that area, and they were to pay $1.50 per month for this : ; service; however, the City has not been receiving this i i payment from alf the property owners. It was suggested ; : during the conversation that perhaps a joint agreement i i could be worked out during the interim between the City : ; of Carfsbad, the City of Gceanside and the County, where! i by if Cceanside responded they would be paid by the c 1 : County or if Carlsbad responded they would be paid by the! i County. t I 4 I I 1 I * I 1 I I I t 1 I k I I I & 4 I I I 8 ' I I I & 1 L I I I t 1 I I I 1 t b% ', -\ ' <, ', ', '. -, \; ',\ '+, x\ 20 '*, 'x$* ', <<$$ '+$', '1, 86, '*$%\q',.t"* .$$@,+.Q.& ;;:si :':!: I:,,, !{!;: ;l:c ;::I: :;;;: :I::: ::;I@ ;t :::I; I:::: ::::; 81;; ::I:: :;;:;. : ; ; 1'; :;I:! ::i:{ !!':: ;: t I:: 1;:: i::ii ;: ii:ii 1 1.: : : I;:;: :ti:: I( ;;!;I :::i: I!:'; 1 ':I l()t) pi': 11;1; ,:I :!I;' $" ::;::. ,:a'' a,;:: ::;;: !:::I "1,; ;:::i :I!:; i;':: $1:' :e :qi; I:,:: :::a: I:;:: ;;I1' 1::: iiiii iil:i i:::: ;:h: ::::: ::!;: :'::: :::I: ;*::, ::'I: :;'I; ::ii; :;I 1,::; :I::; :i;q i:::; ::;:I ;:I:: ::)I: ;::$ ;;;i: I* : : i,: i :::!I I::;: ;p:: :I;;* :+::i :!X:: :;it; :;::: :;::: ::I:: +:: ,:i:; ', 8, 's, '\;'< """"""-T"" (88 ' 11.: b I:', '*I' #4f:8 :' 1::;: 1:: 11 1 ':,I, '1: ;Il:l !kI!S 1- l \, ', '8 I\ -8 ' ,t I 't ', '8, ', '\,'\. I '.8 '\ \ I 1 I , \\' s I I "8 '8,'*, 2; I i Name ',,'$& ' '8$ I i & * -3- \, '\ ", 8, t ; of ' ',Ob\*\ +%\, '\, ' '$!. 'J ' f Member 3,&&,VJ\+q# ,o ',o \.P$? \&' ;~"""""""""~"""""""""~""""~""""~""""""~."--;---"-~----*---""--"----' I I I I::;: { Cmn, Bierce stated he felt this was a fair request. He : $1:: i could see no objection if there was a flat rate charged i *:::: 8 ;:p: : 'in the event of a fire. I 1 1:;;: I I I ;I,:; i Mr. Phillips further stated they were only asking for a I ;::'I I '1::: +:4 SI : on this matter, and he did not feel another 90 days ex- i :':I! I tension would do any harm. I ': I I * :;!;! I I :;'I: i Cmn. Guevara asked if Gceanside is willing to cooperate i :;::: : in this agreement. I ":;; * I i::;, 1 ::I:, t I :;:*: : The Council was informed that Mr. Cravens was to con- i i tact the City of Gceanside today and also the County and : p::: *:I,, 1:t l report back to this City some time this evening. + I :I::: t I I t :I:(: ;;I:: : The question was raised as to how the ow-ners in North i a;::! i charge. I I :::;I ; agreed that a 90 day extension be granted for fire service i i to the North Carlsbad area and if a district were formed 1 : prior to that time service would be disaontinued; that i Guevara b ; :x: : )ll'I i the $1.50 per month service charge continue to be billed : Bierce ':x; \x: i ; on the water bills; and that if a fire appears sirnultaneousli MS'herson i I : Xi i i in the City of Carlsbad and North Carlsbad, North ; Neiswender; 8 :x: ; I Carlsbad would be secondary to a response. ; Hughes It I :x; x! : i Nk. Craven appeared before the Council later in the i contacted and they were not receptive to serving North : : Carlsbad. This matter was checked out with the County i : told to have an attorney draw up a petition for signatures. i :)I8* : they can avoid an election. I * 4'::: ! Mr. Craven further stated if they are successful in form- :: I PLANNING: i temporary arrangement. 8 I' 11 t I ':;#I i Cmn. iJughes stated we do know the County is working i ::: t I 1 11 t i Carlsbad intended to pay for the service on a flat rate : ::::: 4'1 I l a 1:;;: :'I I I After further discussion by motion of the Council it was i ;:I:: 1:::: i:;:: 1'1 I I I I ::;I: ;9 t*1 I t:;:: : meeting and informed the Council that Cceanside had been! ::I:: pi:: :#I:: :::;I i Counselfs office, and Mrs. Bertics was contacted and : 4,:: ::;;: i If they receive 51% of the property owners signatures, : $i:i 1 ::I:: icri i ing a district they will no doubt contract tne service out. 3 :!:I: I t 8 :$ii I I:;:! : t 8 :L:; I (a) Memorandum from Planning Commission re: 4 ;:!;I ;:::I i mission was presented, as the Council had deferred this i l+i: I I 10 ;;;:: ,:E:: ::::; I work load, by consent of the Council it was agreed this ; I:*:: :I, t ::#:I i Location fur branch &%re Station in Terramar area. Memi ;: ::: jorandum dzted December 27, 1963, concerning the locatiorl , ;I+ ;?I :of a branch Fire Station in Terramar area, was presented.! ;::,I; . !A committee was appointed by the Planning Commission, : +:: ,I::; :consisting of John Paher, Chester C. Nard and the t $3 !Planning Technician. After making extensive ELX-~Q studies: I::,: :::e: :a report was made to the Planning Commission at their i ::::: :December 26th meeting. The Planning .Cornmission I 1 "8:: :unanimously approved the report of the Committee recorn: I:::; :mending .the location of a branch fire station at. the inter- : iii;: :section of Carlsbad Boulevard and Terramar Drive. They I :;I;: ifurther recommended that the Council enter into negotia- f :xi; Itions with the San Diego Gas and Electric Go. for the I i;p: 1:;:: .jestablishment of an appropriate sub-fire station at the i :a::; I I t I 4':: I 1 t i:::: I @::'I I 1 ::I:: :!::I I 3 t, i I : Precise plans for Harrison and Locust streets. Mernor- i ::I:: i andum dated November 30, 2962, from the Planning Corn-: :I::: ; matter until the first meeting in February, 1963. 1 1 iii:! i After questioning"the Engineering Department as to their i :item be referred to the 'Engineering Department and t I :iii: i placed in the normat. course of work. + :*;;: (b) Memorandum from Planning Commission - re: i 4'Ii: I@ 1; I f * ;:I I & * I 8 I 1 4 ! I 1 $ .,1-8*' 'I 1 % ', '8 ', '* '% I ', '* '.8 ', %, '\ 1 I I' I -4- f : of ,' \\,, &\, ', 8k8,y., 22 I i N a me \< '\%8 '*,,'% q$9.+,&&, ~"~""-""".~""--"".""--.-"'-"--""""""""""""""""~~"""""""~"~~""~""~ : Member ;o~,+p~~, I , - '. I 1 '.,+,os, , X9.k I :b 1.1 -1 I I3y.motion of the Council it was agreed that this matter ! Guevara ; ; Iy i i be carried forward in order for- the Parks and decreation 1 Bierce i :x; x: ; ; Commission to have legal Counsel-. prior to an ordinance i McPhersoni i i x; i i being submitted to the Council for their approval. : Neiswenderi x: ; x: : i TMFFIC SAFETY CCMMITTEE 1 * :::I: i 'I, (a) Report on ~iiiighland Drive parkine At a previous! ::;:: ;:;:: I. meeting &e Traffic Safety Committee recommended that : : "NO Parking Signs" be installed on the east side of mgh- i I land Drive between Arland ad. and Forest Ave. At that l .: time the- Council r.equeeted that all of the property owners: ::::; i in that area be contacted as to their feelings on this matter. ::I!; ': :;::: i The Council was informed all of the property owners had i i been contacted and they do not object to the signs being ; ::::; : posted. I ;::I1 4; 1. I I I i!!:; I 13 :.I i By ,motion of the Council. the City Attorney was instructed i 'GuevaPa ;x i i x: i I to amend the ordinance prohibiting parking on the -st : Bierce :. ; :xi ; ; side.of Xighland Dr;'%etween Arland AW. and Forest Ave. i McPherson i i : x: ; I I ; Neiswenderi :xi x: : :::I: I 1 I i Hughes ' ; : :x: I I I -;;I 11 ::I:: I i:;:: ;:;:: ::::: ;:I:., 1'::: I I I I 4 1 '? I I .. ". : Hughes i i !x; 'f ; ' !. - I I 4 $ (b) Traffic Survey report - Carlsbad Blvd. a Elm Av~., I Chestrmt'Ave., and stop,signs: The City Manager in- : : fi survey had been completed i i by the Southern; California Automobile Club, and a meet- t : -ing was held with. Mr. Koltnow o€ the Automobile Club and! I the Traffic Safety Committee. A memorandum was sent tb ; ,the Council members as to their. findings. 6. ,* I I * i Cmn. Neisvirender stated in reviewing-the recommenda- i ; tions und.er Item- I, subsection (b) relative to 'speed !imits : : on Carlsbad Blvd. s wherein. they recommended a 45 M.,P. i i a. speed, LimZt be posted from a point 400 feet north of : : Tierra del Ora to Chiaquapin Ave, s he would like do recor$- i mend that the '45- M.: P.. X, sign be posted from a point 400 : i feet north of Tierra del Ora to a point 100' south of the i. I bridge. * .., . I I i b I $ * * 1 'I 8 * I I b I t * * c I 1 S I i:: i' * :+: ::I:: :it:: 11 :;*:: a;:!: i:::; ::::: 8:::; :e::: i.: ; : ; 1;;:: !;41 /:I: 1'::; ::(:I :::I: ;;::; ;:;:: ":!: :: Il:lb ::,:I :I::: ;: 1:. i;! t!::: *a; l:**l '#:'I I 4 '\, \, .\ ', '\ '8 I -E - 1 \, '\ 8, \ .. 8 * ; of :""""""""""""""""""~"""""""""""-"""""""~"~"""""""""""". ! I :::;: I *I I I 4 8, ', '\, '\ '\ " i I \, 'x, ', '\, '8,", I \ ' \\' 24 I I / Name '.,'\@\ '\,"&\ ?,+% .0&9. '\, kt+' \ : Member \,&Y&,$.%q& ,O~~,.P~~,O' i I I i It was agreed by the Council this change would be pre- I i ferrable. I i Tie City Manager informed the Council that if they agreed ! with having the stop signs removed at the railroad cross- : i ings at Grand Ave., Elm Live. and Tamarack Ave., the I : Public Utilities Commission would have to be contacted. : 1 f I I I ! 1~ii1 i:::: ;!;I: ::!!* :; ;!I:; ;'I ::I:* :I::' :::;: :;$: 1: t I 8 i:i i After further consideration, by motion of the Council it : ; was agreed that the Council accept the recommendations I Guevara ;xi i d i : of the Traffic Safety Committee with the exception of the : Bierce ; :x: xi : i suggested change, and that the City Attorney be instructed McPherson: ; i xi i I to prepare an emergency ordinance to effectuate the : Neiswenderi : :x: i : recommendations. i Hughes i ; 88 ;xi ; I 1: :;;:I I 4 ! I!!,! ! The City Manager informed the Council as soon as the I i Council adopts the ordinance a copy will be sent to the i : Municipal Court. I I I I i NEW BUSINESS: ! I * I I I ! (a) Proclamation - National Yeart Month. Viith the i consent of the Council the Mayor proclaimed the month of i I February, 1963, as National Beart Month. I I ! (b) Proclamation .. National Beauty Salon Week. By i common consent of the Council the Mayor proclaimed the i : week of February as National Beauty Salon Week : I in Carlsbad. I I i (c) Proclamation - National Brotherhood %eek. With the i 'r consent of the Council the Mayor proclaimed the week of f ; February as National Brotherhood Vg eek. I I I 1 1 I I I 1 I I - I I I I I ! :;:I; ::,,I I:$ ::::: ITIl; !::!I liIll ;;I' 1:: iz;: I!!,! ,.;I. I: 1: :I;/ 4,:: 1:::: :::I, '1 !ll!l I::;; ::::: ;:::: I;':: :;::; !*;!I -&,-I :I::' ;#'I: I:':$ :;:;: ::::: :!::, i (d) Ordinance No. 3062, .requiring the licensing of 1 I I :;I:: i bicycles, At the previous meeting the City Manager in- : i formed the Council as a precaution against accidents r caused by bicycle riders, he felt bicycles should be ; licensed. The following ordinance was presented and read 1;: i in full due to the fact it was being presented as an erner - : : gency ordinance: I ;:;;: I I kl;l; i Ordinance No. 3062. AN GBDINANCE OF TXE CITY O$' Guevara F i :xi i i CARLSEAR dEGUIdING THE LICENSING OF EI@YCLES,Bierce ; : :x; 1 : was adopted. i McPherson : i i x: i .a~ ;I:': I::: I I ::,:: I I I::;; 1 ::;I ::I:: p:;: $1;; I ; Neiswenderf ; x: xi i a I I I 1 I I i Hughes I 1 I ! (e) Resolution No. 875, determining that certain City I i property is not required for City purposes. The City : : Attorney informed the Council at a previous meeting it wah i the decision of the Council to lease the property owned i i by the City located at the cOrner of Madison and Elm Ave. ; i for business purposes, and that the City call for bids. i Before the City can call for bids, it will be necessary to i i adopt a resolution determining that the property is not I : presently required for City purposes. The following I i resolution was presented for the Council's consideration: i 1 ! I I t ; : :x: ; :I $t*:: 1:::: ::p: :::;: :::I: :;I:: !:::I !Il I:::, iiiii 1: i:::: ::::I i;::: I ::: 1st I!!:! tte; 1 .. ; itesolution No. 875. A 3ESCLUTIGN CF Ti3E CITY i Guevara I l :x: i I;;#; : COUNCIL OF THE CI'I'Y GF CAWLSBAD, DETERMIN- ; Bierce 5r i :xi : ! ING TZAT CErtTA.IEJ CITY FACPER'TY IS NCT PhES- : McPherson I i :x: : i ENTLY REQUISED FCI, CITY PUitPOSES, was adopted I Neiswenderi : ;x: i ; by title only and further reading waived. i Hughes ; jx:xi i 1 Tlie City Attorney pointed out this property could be lease! 'Ii'Q ;;l'a I up to 50 years, and she wdd now prepare the bids. I I:::: I I ;I::: :I : OLD BUSINESS: ! I '~i'i I I I ::;:: I *lt:l I :;!I; I I I I : (a) Proposed Freeway agreement for South Carlsbad i portion of 101 Freeway. The City Manager informed the : I~iii I :::,: 11 :;I I 1;: I I I ;:i:: I 1 ;!/I I:* I 1 ::!I! I* 8 I I I t I I ; \\ -, ' -, \ ' I 81 I I 8 4 r \\ 8.). '.8 "\"\ I 1 -7 - 1 \' ,\* 25 f ',"$ '\ ', '. I i Name , .$%\ ', 'ab I t '\,+&\, 8, '%;,, I ' Of \,L\o\j\$t\b 0 4. 1 : Member \@@,+@$ i:::; I 1 ??I 1 ::;:a I I ;;:I: I ', 8 '\, ', \\ '8 :"""""""""""-"""""-""""""""""""""-"""""""""""~"~""""-~"--- '1I;I I Council this matter had been discussed previously when I $;:; : Mr. Dekema appeared before the Council. At that time : "1:: i the Council indicated they wanted an interchange at ! Palomar Etoad and off-ramps at Cannon Soad. I I ::':: I I I I I *!I i Mr. Dekema was present and presented Plan rrA.'r and ! i Plan "B" for the Council!s consideration. Plan "A" in- i : dicates an over-pass at Falomar Aoad, and would do ; i away with the grade crossing on Palomar Soad by an I over-pass. This would mean there could be no off ramps : ; at Cannon Road, as State funds precludes the use of State i : funds for off-ramps within 2 miles. Plan "€3" shows off- : i ramps at Cannon 3oad but no interchange at falomar itoa4. ! Cmn. Bierce stated in his opinion Plan "A" was certainly i i preferrable to Plan "€3". I i The City Engineer stated his reason for recommending i : off-ramps at Cannon Zoad was due to the fact that Tamargck i Ave. is IX) longer a major street. It is approximately ; : three miles from Elm Avenue to Cannon 3oad. The inter: I change at Cannon aoad would only involve northerly off- : ! ramps. If there is no interchange at Cannon Road it will i i necessitate the City constructing a road southerly and I : parallel with the Freeway in order to have access to the ; I east azd around the lagoon area. i The City Attorney stated she concurred with the City : Ehgineer that the City should insist on the ramps at i Cannon Road. The property owners are willing to dedicatk : sufficient right-of-way for Cannon doad. Also she felt ; i the Council should insist on railroad spurs. I I I I I I I I I I I * I 1 I I I I 1 1 I I I I I 1 I I I t ::i:: :+; :::I: ;:::: 4::; i:;:: :II:; 11;f: ::::; I'It& :i::: ::;;: +;; I:: iy:: :II:: I:# i:::: ::;:: ~!:~I ;;l!t :;I:! ;;PI {:::; 4; ::::: ;L'l ::'I; @;;I ;' 1 tItl **I ;::;: :::;: ;;::; l;~o; ii;;; 1;; $8 iii;; :: :; i Cmn. Neiswender stated he felt every effort should be i i made to insist on off and on ramps at Cannon Zoad. ! 1 a- /;;; ::;:I !!a:' I I * I j'l I Mr. Dekema further stated at a future date when the i traffic pattern warrants it, it is possible to have an off- i ::I4 1 ramp at Cannon Road. I I Mr. Dekema was asked if this could be made part of the i : agreement. Mr. Dekema stated it could not, however, I i his department wuld be willing to submit a letter to this : ::;I ; effect. I i After further discussion, by motion of the Council it was i Guevara p ; !xi i agreed this matter be carried over until the next meeting. i Bierce I : :x: I 1;::: I ;;;!! i:;; I 1:;: ::;i ::;: ::;; :;;: I I :;I: I ;;:: I i McPherson : ; ;x! I I : Neiswender! :x:x: I 1 : ! Hughes : r!. : !x\ I I I I I I sat I s : Glissrnan property. Cmn. Neiswender informed the i members of the Council the committee appointed by the i ; Mayor to investigate the possibility of the city purchasing : i the Clissman property have made a thorough investigationi i and it is their recommendation that the city not undertake : ; the purchase of the Glssman property. i Cmn. Bierce stated he had previously gone on record as i : favoring the purchase of this property, however, after : i further investigation, it is his opinion it would not be : feasible for the city to purchase the property. I , I I I t I % t I I 1 I 1 I I 1-11 :::; :::: ,:'I I:lI ;::: :a:: !::! I1(I @e ;ti; ::I; l:;l :::' :;I; :::: ;:;i GI iiii I,! I By motion of the Council the Council accepted the recom- i Guevara 8 : ixl i mendation of the committee as submitted. i Bierce 'b b ; ;Ax: I : McPherson i : !xi I I Neiswender : ! !x: I I : Xughes ::;;a l I I 1:fI : By motion of the Council it was also agreed that all of : i:;I :: I $1; I 18 ,a:; I 1:;l * :::: 3 I I t 8 I I I I I I I I 1 1 I I l,'b I I 1s;; I ::!I I I ! ? 1- ,!i! . ? : "8 -x \\ -8, ', t b 4 t I 'v *\\ ", ', ', '. .t 1 \ s ' 2.5 28 - '%, '., %.8 '\ 8, '\ I I i N 1 me x, 'k~, $8. '*e* t 9 : of "$%x, '$L&/\,$?.p '* 38 1 I Member '$$@8+80$ I 1 ::;;: I ,x: x! i f I i McPhersoni i i x: ; I t i Beiswended : ;xi ! t i Hughes k\ :xi i I $ ;::;: i Mr. Glissman stated he would be happy to reimburse the i 4;;: I city for the cost of placing the ads in the two newspapers ; !:::I i for the leasing of his property. ;:'I: 1;::; l''I; I Mr. Glissman was present and informed the Council they i :!;;; i have a request from. the Cobra Club to hold a race on I 1 ";:; :* ; April 7, 1963. * L ::;:I I .$;ii I I I ', \ 8 \" I ';,~",,,,"",""~""""""""""~"""~"""""""""""""-"-~"""~-""-"--"--."-~--- I I .(*:I i the applications for leasing the property received by the i Guevara : : : x: i : city be submitted to Mr. 'Glissman. : Bierce ;;a I * I I ' I t I I I t I I :;;;; 1 By motion of the Council the Cdbra Club was granted per - i Guevara ; !x I XI { 'I mission to hold a race on April 7, 1963; as requested. : Bierce !xi :x: : I I I i McPherson: ; {x! i I : Neiswenderi : :x: i i t i Ztughes : : i x! ; I L I:,., I I i Mr. Marvin Carroll addressed the Council and stated if ai t previous request has not been made by the Carlsbad Boat i i and Ski Club, he would like to make a request on their t i behalf for a meet in July, 1963, at the time of the City's i : anniversary celebration. 1 I ; The City Manager requested that these requests be made i I in writing. I I I 1 I I t 1 I I I I * l a I i cIry ATTU~EY'S REPCX~T: w i E oh pro The complaint has been fiied for the coni : emnabon proceedings. An appraisal was made by Max : i Whitman of Oceanside. The appraisal for the easement t$ : be taken was $100.00, and the appraisal for the working ' ; / easement was $4.95. In order to get the order of posses-; i sion the money had to be deposited with tne Court. The : : construction work has been commenced. I I i Schuyler propertx. An amended complaint has been filed i i on the Schuyler property. This was necessary as it was i : necessary to acquire additional property. t I ! Acquisition of Tide Lands. The City Attorney informed i 1 the Council the City of Cceanside is requesting acquisitiot$ i of the tide' lands: Mrs. Betts asked if the Council wished : I to have a bill drafted to acquire the tide lands in Carlsbad; i By common consent the City Attorney was instructed to i ! draft a bill for the acquisition of the tide lands in Carlsbad. t I 6 I I I * I I I I t';:' 2:;: i::;; :I::; :$: :I,,# ti:, i: :;tll 1,!11 :::*I :;I:; (:::I ;;:;: :::;: -1 i :!!I :;ii :ti; i:!: 1';; ;Lt ;::: ;::I 1'8: i::; ;::: $1: ;::; :::; ::i: :I:: 4:: i::: :::: ;;at s:; 1::; :::; ::!I !;I! fit 1 Lo 1::s b: I B ! Shelter Cove subdivision. Mrs. Betts stated she received! ; a telephone call from one of the officials of the San Ciego I i Gas & Electric Co. regarding the article printed in the : : newspaper coucerning the Shelter Cove subdivision ad. i i The subdivision map has not been recorded as yet. The ; : City is still Working on the plans&s to how the sewer will. i i be handled. The ,final map hadben submitted for final. i ; approval; no improvement agreement has been executed. i i Three property owuers have indicated they hold easemen? : over the property, and the city has requested a title re- ; i port on this matter. The San Diego Gas & Electric Co. : : hap requested a' permit for entrance on to the lagoon. t i Monies have not been deposited forthe estimated cost of 1 : the improvements. Lots are being sold under a prelimin-! i ary permit. The. article in the newspaper was false as to i : all utilities being furnished. Eowever, the City did notify: I the Real Estate Commission of these facts, 8 s I I 'I ; R. L. Watson pro rty. Mr. Watson owns property that i ; 1s landlocked. ' &as owned this property for approxima+- 1 I I I t * 9 -. I I I I I 4 1 I t ! i::t '36: :{:: :;:: ; .: : ; ::t; :;:I -1 I 11 f:ll ::;: I: i:;i 'I b;;l :;:: :Is: :I:: ';I9 :;:; :::: !;'* 1 :: I;;* :::: :::: *I !a*! ;I;' ;::! :;SI 8: 1::: :; ;; i;;; *ai 181' l:;l :!I; \ -, * I i I '\- ', '%, I I ! 1 -\ ' %' * '. I I \ 4 -6 - I I Name '% I I b : of I : Member ;"""~""""""""""""""""""~"""""--""-*""---""--~"-"-"----- i ly five years. He has attempted to purchase property ad-! i joining his property which would eventually front on Donna: : Dr. extension. In the meantime he purchased Lot 59 of i i Seacrest Estates, which would give him access to his i ; property. Eventually when Donna Drive is extended this 1 i would give better circulation Through the property. The : ; legal question is whether the restrictions of Seacrest :. : Estates will allow Lot 5s as a street. He is willing to fild i restrictions on this property. Usually the Courts will i i uphold the city's decision when the city can prove that it I ; benefits traffic circubtion. 6 I i Executive session. The City Attorney requested an execu: I tive session to discuss a personnel matter. i The Mayor declared an executive session at 10:41 P, M. : : The Council adjourned to the City Manager's office. i The regular meeting reconvened at 11:20 P. M. i The City Attorney announced the Council discussed pendink I litigation and also she had submitted her resignation as i : City Attorney, effective as of March I, 1963. 1 I i The Council wished Mrs. Eetts their best for the future i ! and commended her on a job well done. 1 I J I I ¶ I I I I I I I I I .I I I I I I I a t I * I I I t I t I I 1 : CITY MANAGEfifs 3EPCXET: 1 I I I i County Health Services. A letter from the Assistant Chiei : Administrative Officer was presented, concerning the. i I supplemental agreement to the basic health agreement f ; between the City and the County, setting forth the new i i rates for performing Laboratory tests. They requested ; : to know whether the City agreed with the new rates and i i if it is the intention of the City to continue or terminate ; ! the supplemental agreement, The City Manager stated i i the city has not used this service for several years and i ! recommended that the supplemental agreement be dis- I I i continued. By common cansent of the Council it was agretd : that the County Administrative Cffice be contacted stating ; i the City's wishes to discontinue the service. i Cff -site improvements on Tamarack Avenue reimburse- i : ment Agreement - re: Carlsbad Union School District. ; i The City requested the Carlsbad School District to reim- i ; burse the city for off-site improvements at such time as : i bonds are sold for the Junior High School. A copy of a i : letter from the County Counsel's office was received I stating that in tneir opinion it is doubfful that such an agrek- : ment would be legal, Mr. Miller, Superintendent of the : i school district, stated he felt that at a future date when i : the bonds are sold they wili appropriate funds for this ; ! improvement. Tne City does have a letter on file wherein! i the Roard agreed to participate in this improvement. i Matcking funds for sirens and bell and li ht s stem. The i ; City- applied for matching funas- "--P e '~11x8 TESnse, i i and we received a letter in which they have granted match; ; ing funds for the sirens and bell and light system. I : Cne of the members of the Council inquired ,as to whether i i or not lights could be installed ,at the,:railroad .crossings i ! at Grand Avenue and %Im Avenue. .- ! ! The City Manager informed $he Council 'he'woutd contact i i the Santa Fe Railroad Go. .and see if It would be possible i : to have lights inatalled. ' I 1 I I I b I * I * I I I .I " f t I ., . I. .;.. 't t I 1 I I ...,.. .% , I i .. , . ... . .. ! i California Boating Council - re: Proposed Bill SB-5. A. i i notice was' received from the California .Boating Council , i I I .. I .. , . '* 4 I .I & I J 1 1 * 4 I .. I I 1 I -*& ', -. '\ '\ '8 , b, 8. ',,'*, '.$, '., '.9\ 'y@&, ' ," \ .$$& S.L. 4 1;. .k'# $9@,$80 4 !:'I I'il :'I' 1::: :::: ::*I :I:: :I:: ::ii ::I1 :;:: i:i\ ::;; iIi: :::I ::i: *' . ' ',,'., 25 .- - "" - - "Y'" ': "I ''ii iii; I li:; :: ti;; :' I( ,"I 11:: 1;'l :::I i::; :::i i::; :$ :::: ;::i ;::s 11 ::;: 1:;: li': :::I I' ;:!: f::: ,I 4;; I :::i 1::: ;I;: :::: ::I; :::i ;;;: $1; !!\{ ::;I ji:' 14: :I:: ;::: ;::: :::: It:! $1: ;;*I ,:@I it:; :::,. : ; 1;: !I:: 9 ; .-{ . ! !:;I ,:I1 l*l; :b:: 4't: : 1 "4 *;st 11:s 1' I VI 1)* ?I ;::: iiii :: 1 i ; :::I I::; ::'I :;i: i ;.:: 1 ; 1.: ::p :'t: *;'I :a:: l;;l ::;: ::I1 :;at ::;* ::;: It t 1: ::!I fat! 6 I L' . I I I I -10- I -,.,-- I ,' '\ ' ', 8. '8 I ', '8, '<, ', ',,'\, I I I , \', \ 8' 5 .. r) \ \' LO I '8 '. \. 'x 8 '. ,..- I I I i ; N a me x,, '*$\ ".,'-&. I I ; of '+%\, ~\$+'9)\? ' '@ @* I i Member ,o-,o..PP ,d ~""""""~"""""""~""""~"~~"""."~""--"--------""----",--------"-------------~-" I I :'SI; l:!@l I t I regarding a hearing that will be held on February 14, 196 $, I on a proposed bill SB-5, which would require cities to I ::::I : contribute 15% of the total construction costs for any new : ::I:: I harbor funds. It is recommended that this bill be opposecf : as it would be detrimental to small cities. I I *1:1 8fg:: I I I ::I:: ! The Council agreed this bill should be opposed, and requebt- :,;I1 :;I:! i ed that a letter be sent to the Chairman of the committee, i :;::; : Senator Farr, opposing this bill. I ;:::; 'I::; :::!I 1;;si !::;I 41 16 ;:i:: I I I I ! Legislative bills. The City Manager informed the Council ! i the city receives notice from the League of California i : Cities of certain bills being presented, and prior to this : i date he and the City Attorney have studied these bills, an4 I if there is not a Council meeting prior to the time of a : i committee hearing, a letter was sent to the various com- i ; mittees opposing or approving the bill. I I : The Council agreed this method should continue. I ! f I I I 1 I 1 1 1 : Easement for Holiday Manor. A public right-of-way I 1 i easement has been received from Pacific Vista Estates, i "I ::::I :::;: *I 11;:: ::i:; ::I:: 4:::; ::::: ::::I :::;: 11 :I::: ;!:;I 11; I!!,! 1.;;; 4IlI I:::: I!!@? i Incorporated, to the City for Holiday Manor subdivision. : 1 The City Engineer requested the Council to accept the i ; easement on behalf of the City and order the same record4 ::I i ed. i By motion of the Council the easement was accepted by th4 Guevara ; ;x !x: ; ; Council on behalf of the City of Carlsbad, and the City i Bierce j, I :xi ; i Clerk instructed to prepare a Certificate of Acceptance ; McPherson I ; {x! I I and record the same simultaneously. : Neiswender! i :x: 1 1 t 1';t1 I hATIMCATI0N OF BILLS AND FAYiWLL: ;I1 i Aatification of the bills was given far the general expense4 11:1: : of the City in the amount of $687,903.90 and for the Water: Guevara : :x:xi : i Department in the amount of $6,673. l?, for the period i Bierce $: ;xi ; : January 15, 1963 to February 5, 1963, as certified by the: McPherson i : :x: : i Director of Finance and approved by the Auditing Commit{ Neiswender: I ix i i : tee. : Hughes ' I :. :x: 1 ! Aatification of the payroll was given for the second half i Guevara : p :x: 1 i of January, 1963, in the amount of $17,904.35, as certi- I Bierce : : :xi i : fied by the Director of Finance and approved by the : McPherson i : :x: j 1 Auditing Committee. I Neiswender : i !x ; i -v ;ix:i I:::: f ;I:;; I I :q:; I ;;I:: ?;#;I I I I 1 i Hughes ; 1 1x: i I t ;: t 411 pi:: & 1 I I 4 I ;i:ii I I 11 i:::: 1 I I : aughes p( I :x; I I !It? L : ADJGUitNMENT: I I I I I I I I I By proper motion the meeting was adjourned at 11:40 P. Mi I I I , ;I*; 1:;) :::i i::; 'i:; 11, I 4 ;i;; I Sespectfully submitted, I 1;'s 1 it:*; I 1 I I 6 I 1 I :I:: 8 :;l;l I I ;;;'I I I I:( f I * I I I I ::;I I I :::: I I :::; t t i::' I 1 I t I . I 1;:: b I I , I I I f I I I I I t t. I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I :;ii I I i::: I I :::i I r :::: I I i;:: I I ;*:: ,111 I I ;::: I I :::: I I::! I ! I I I I I:;! ::;; 1 1 :;:I I 1 I I I I::; I I I :!I, I I I i:;: I 8 8 111* I 1 I*;: I f I I I ,!I: