HomeMy WebLinkAbout1963-02-19; City Council; Minutesb I I 1 ', \, ., % ' . * , , \\ ', ', '\ I '., ', ', '\ ', '% i CITY CF CA.&LSEAD i Minutes of: City Council (degular Meeting) : Date of Meeting: February 16, 1963 I Name 's '+& 8 i Time of Meeting: ?:GO B. M. : of ' Place of Meetin2 Council Chambers :"""""""""" """"""""""""""""""""""""""i"""""""" : Member $3@&? #.-; ",", "*. a : ZtCLL CALL was answered by Councilmen Guevara, I Biercg McPherson, Neiswender and Hughes. Also presen) ::;I: i were City Clerk Price, City Manager Sfater and City I I I;;:: : Attorney Betts. i ALLEGIANCE to the lag was given. ! INVCCATION was offered by City Manager John §later. i I I 4 I ', 'x ', '.:*="., 2 9 =*&&. '* x.%\ $&%.+,~+,, I ::p: I ::p: * :' ::; I I * ;;;:: I &;4# 8 !;!:: * 1 ::*:: ;;::: I s pi:: ', ', ', '. '&, I I I *I I I .t I I!!:! I I I I I I I I I 1 ! APP&GVAL C,F MINUTES: I I a ;x:: ;:,:I I 1 I!!,! (a) The minutes of the regular meeting of February i Guevara 1 I !X; ; 5, 1963, were approved as submitted. : Bierce 5r i :xi : : McPherson i ! :x: i : Neiswenderf iqxf ; 1i.1- I s I * i CCX3ESPCNDENCE: ! i Hughes i i !xi i I I s 1 1,::; :id; 4 I It;' II,!: 1 I I I * (a) K. E. Ebright - re: &quest for extension of 3 i time on inal map for Shelter Cove subdivision. ; dk6~uary 8, 1S63, from~Rrates Cove, Inc, 1 i requesting a one-year extension of time on their tentative : : map for the Shelter Cove subdivision. t :i;li ;;,:I 1:;: ::I;; p::1 ;:::; ii[Ii *:14; a i 1.; : ; ; i By motion of the Council Pirates' Cove, Inc. were granted Guevara I i :x: i i a one-year extension of time on their tentative map for : Bierce F i :xi ! : Shelter Cove Subdivision, i McPherson ; I :x: ! t : Neiswender: ! !x: : I * I I i iiughes i jxjx: : I ;I#:! (b) I% oman's Club of Carlsbad - re: Letter of I ::t I-;; i A predation. Letter dated February 363, from the : 1;;: I:::: : &iiiZ%WCliib of Carlsbad, thanking tzdancil for their i ~::~l i action in reducing the Sewer Inclusion fee on their new : I:;:: ;;4; : building. 1 I :;::; I :;i:: i By cornmOn consent the Letter was ordered filed. I ::;:: :;I:: 1 1 I $ I I I I I ! * ?l!!i t 1 I (c) Otto 8. Eandemer - re: Sanitation Service. i Letter dated b'ebruary 11, 1963, from Otto 5. Eandkmer, : Attorney at Law, stating his clients, doing business as i California Sanitation Service, have requested that an in- : quiry be directed to the City Council regarding garbage i pickup in Carfsbad. His clients are desirous of having : an opportunity to participate in said business. Three i alternatives were listed as to price and service extended, t t I I I I 1 I 4 I I I I I 4 I I I I I i I 1 i The City Manager informed the Council that McDougal' s : : Sanitation is'presently servicing the city under a Public i i Convenience and Necessity permit, and they take care of I t their own billing and collections. I I' 1 4 b I:::! ;:::; I:::; !;I:; ;:I:; :::;: "t l::1, *::;I I I :::I , I @I8:: 84 !I:!: I t After further discussion it was the concensus of the 3 Council tbt as long as the applicant is not competing wi*i : the present rate, and the service is satisfactory, I i McDougal Sanitation continue to service the City. I I I I * I I I I I :I~:I ,:*I1 :a:*: ;::I: l::l; :::;: ::p; ::::; *I.'! ::::I :'::I :iiir I::* Ip:: (8' ;!!a i Cmn. Neiswender suggested that the City Manager informi :iv* ,:a : the applicant the Council has taken due notice of their : , ;8l; ,:*I i offer submitted. I l:!r * I ;t:1 f ;::I 1 I I * I (dl hainbor Municipal Rater District - re: Notice : : i l?sm$%,T63 of hearin on water availability charge. A notice dated i , to the LandowneFs-within Improvementi i District No. 1, fiainbow Municipal Water District, of a : : hearing to be held on February 18, 1963, in Fallbrook, i : ha9 been received. i The City Manager informed the Council this matter was : ; investigated as to the City's interest, and he was informed i the city owns approximately 10 acres just. below the t ! I 1. I I. I B" ;:i: :x: I;;: :;I ll;: 4*; I 1: :::a 11: !*I! ;ti; ;;- !:;I :::: 1:' t 4 * I ;';I ! *!I: I I I ;:I* I c ::;: r * I 8,s. "., I 1 I t I I ', 'I.,, ", ",,*,8 1 I ,', 'x, " '+,'*, 3 0 ? 1 3 " 8 '* ',, S.') -2 -. i Na me '8, "@, ', I' ',b 4 9' +'+ ', I : Member \$f@.$~p\d I I "hb' I I I f of '.%@ '. *A ',p ! ,-""""""-"""""""""""""-""""""~"""""""""""~"""""*""""""~"~ I ::!I! i Bonsall -Bridge. This hearing was held for the purpose .' i of considering the adoption of an ordinance which would i fix and establish a water availability charge. As this .. : .would mean a $30.00 per year charge to the City it was , . i not felt necessary to appear at the hearing. i Ey motion of the Council the notice was, ordered filed.. f ;.. I I I 4 I I f I t '. 4 4. (e) Carlsbad Bardware - re: aefund of business ! license monies. Letter dated February 14, 1963, from ' i 2obert E. Nelson, stating the Carlsbad Hardware Cornpan :'had been sold as of February 1, 1963, Prior to the sale i of the business they renewed their business license for ! the year 1963 in tbe amount of $30.20.. Inasmuch as they i did not want to be delinquent on renewal of the license ; and 'only operated'the business €or one month, they re- i quested a prorata refund. t I * 1 I I I I I 4 t 8 I 4 # 1 b f 1 I i I I I 4 I I I I I t I 1 ti I I I I I I 1 I I 1 I I I k. t:iii :llsa 4::I ;:;I: :;;;; 1:; '11'1 : 1 I p; '::'I .Guevara ; : :xi : Bierce 1 :xjx: : McPherson!, ; :x! ! Neiswenderjx i. :xi ; Hughes i { ;x; : !;#'I ;:;:: 11 ;:: ;.* t::l: *a:; ::: :; ::@SI i:ii: ::I*: , I:;:: :I;:: ::$;I 'I:;: :::e: )I1 1 Y I 1 .4 * ;, The Council was informed their license was based on : .I gross receipts, and that the minimum fee is $10.00. 1 I 1 *i;ti :;':I ::i:: '#;:I ;:.I! * ;;;;; i ley motion of the Council it was agreed that the Carlsbad ! Guevara , i : !xi i i fiardware Go. be refunded $20. GO of the $30.00 fee they i Bierce pi ;x: ; I paid. : McPherson { : :x: : I * I i Neiswendes; i :x: i I : ifughes I t : :%:xi : ! I It!f! i @BAL COMMUNICAITCNS: + ? I I * i Mix. NCAMAN S. PAUL, stated he was past president of i : the Chamber of Commerce in San Marcos. The Chamber i 5 of.Cornmerce has been trying to obtain a permit to erect : ; a sign on 101 Freeway to indicate there is a City of San i i Marcos, The Chamber has been in contact with the §an : i Diegd Gas & Electric GO. to lease property on which tkey I : could place the sign. They wish a directional sign t f 20' x 413' placed at the interchange of.Palomar Boad. The2 : requested permission from the City of Carlsbad to place : i a sign at this point. '. i St was the general feeling of the Council the City of Zarlsbbd i should help the new City. * .I 1 1 1 f i I I t t k i Discussion was given as to a time limitation. BY motion i : of the Council the. City of §an Marcos was granted per- i i mission to erect a directional sign on the San Diego Gas ; ; & Electric Co. property as requested, and that permis- I i sion be granted until such time as the new freeway is corn4 : pleted and the State places a directional sign for San Marc4 1 b I f'. I;':: ;la:f iii:; 1:;:: ::;:; :;;:: i:;:: ::;:: 1:;:; i:;:: ;:::: ::;:: I::!: ::;I: :;I:, :!!:! 9.- 1;;;; ;I,'* (:I:: ;.t:;: $::I: ;i;*i Guevara ; ;. i 4 : Bierce :x: .;x: ; McPhersonI i : $ i Neiswendem: ; i + i Hughes i :xi3 .i )S. :;+:: !l:!l i PUBLIC HEAdINGS: I I 1 I :;::I I 1 ::I:: !#!I: 1 4 I 1 :i*li I (a) 1911 Act Proceedings, Assessment District 4 1;::; : NO. 2 -3 9Bl 9 regarding the spreading of the assessment i 1*1 'f ::4i : for sanrtary sewers and appurtenances in Pi0 Wco ~r., ; :I::; ; %unarack A.Ve., Chinquapin Ave., Adams Si;. * aighland i : i ;.I ; i' nr. , ' and mlic rights -of -way. :;It; ::t:s I I :,:I: i. The Mayor announced -this was the time and place fixed i t:::: : for hearing at1 protests and objections to the assessment i i being placed on the property. i:::: I 1 ;:;:a 4 $4 i Affidavits .of publication, posting and mailing were pre- i ::;:: :I: i sented for the Council's review, * 1 :I1:; :I,:: ', i The Clerk informed the Council that .up to the hour of 7: 30 1 1:::: it:;: ; F, M. there were no written protests received. 8 I I I I - :*I;* 1::t: I I I t I I 4 1:' i I I b :;::I !:;Il I I .I I 8 I $ :::ii I 1 p:; ! I ! .#:!I * * I 1 t I I ', ' *\ \ ' *. I L I r I ',, '\, '\, ", ''a '8 I I \, ', 8 'x '\,'*, I -3- 1 I\ ''), 'u, '+, 31 I e I N a me '%* '\%, '8'. '?a,, I I i of fd%, 48,4?@+ I ::I;: 1:::: i:::; I l 1; 1 :I f I ::;;: ! 1 I :L:: l:,!l l '*$\U', < :.."""""""""""""""""""""~""""""""""""""";"""""""""""-~"" f Me rn ber x@@,$-O t,o8- i The. Mayor asked if there were any persons present who [ i wished to speak. in opposition to the assessment being : @::#I .: placed on their property. There were no persons present! ;;I:: ~1:~: i who *ished to speak in opposition. * I ;I,*, I :I; I The Nlayor declared the hearing closed at 7: 35 P. NI. l a I I * I i The Engineer presented the assessment roll and assess- ; : ment diagram €or the Councii's review, and certified that 1 i all praperty included in the district would benefit. I I : I I :i ;: iii la':: ;::;# ;::;: !:::: : The following resolution was presented for the Gouncilts i i consideration: 4 4 1 I I ! *11;1 :::a: '1':: :::;, :!!&: 1. : Resolution No. 876. A ;EE§CLUTICN OF TSE CITY ; -ti;;; GI?' -CITY OF CA3LSBAD CVERrZULING i Guevara !x; i xi ; :;'I; i ALL PIXTESTS CN THE ASSESSMENT, CGNFI3MING i Bierce 1 ixi3 i i THE ASSESSMENT AMJS CCNFIiWINC THE Rl3GULA.R-: McPhersoni ; ;x; i ; ITY CF PRCCEEDINGS, Assessment District No. 2-1961!, Neiswende$ ; : x ; i was adopted by title only and further reading waived. : Hughes I 1 :x! : 1 ! :!I:: I : PLrnNrnG: a .. f 1 8 ;*:;a I ;::;: l!!l: I I (a) Memorandum from the Planning Commission re: ; Panhandle lot policies. Memorandum dated February 14, i ! stating that at their regular meeting held February 13, i I 1863, the policy regarding "Panhandle" lots was reviewed : and it was recommended that Lie existing policy be reviseb i to expand the present policy for not one lot but two lots on: : the end of a "pnhandle", provided extensive study is madi i of the entire block and that certain recommendations be ; : met, I I ; The present policy was reviewed, and it was pointed out I i that under the present policy the panhandle can only servei : two lots. Under the proposed policy it will allow two I i splits to be served by one panhandle. * ! I I I I 963, frornfhe Planning Commission was presented, I I I I t I I I I ;:;;i ::I:: ::::; :::SI I:':: :&::I I:'#; I:!:: i:::: I I :.; ::;I ::I:; :I:;: ::l:I ::::i ;i::: 'i!!: :: i:::: :::;I ,,:11 'I: l!!l: I I i Cmn.. Neiswender stated he could see no reason for settin$ ; up another policy. It was his feeling that each lot split ; i involving a panhandle should be handled individually. I I i Jack kubota, licensed Zngineer, stated this could present! ; a problem as far as street improvements and assessment+, i however, he felt this was a good plan. I I i Crnn. Bierce stated the sewer policy would no doubt have i : to be changed accordingly. I * I I I t I I I 8 I;;'; i:;:: ;:*:: ;:I;: 1:::: t ;* *!SI? I:::: :::;: ::::: '.I,& l:?I: 'ai:! :::;I : ; f -4. ; :$: !*l,l I ;'I i: i After further consideration, by motion of the Council it i Guevara : i xi X, ; i was agreed that the policy submitted by the Planning Corn: Bierce :xi ; q i ! mission regarding panhandle lots be adopted as a Council : McPherson: : : xl ; i policy. : Neiswendee : ! ixi I i Hughes : *? : i 6 ; I I i EMGrnEERING I I t I I ! * I (a) Tamarack Ave. Street Opening - Highland Drive to i ; Park Drive, deport on street. dedications. Mr. Thomtoq, i Assistant Engineer, informed the Council five of the * I : property owners have indicated their willingness to sign I i the agreement and dedicate the necessary land for the ex-: ; tension of Tamarack Avenue. The sixth property owner I i is Dr. Palmateer, who is requesting a variance on three : : lots due to this street opening. This matter was brought i i before the Council once before. He does not want to im- : : prove-the propeaty at this time, therefore, would not I i want to deposit funds for street improvements, which he : 1 ! a would be required to do under the present lot split ordi- i i;;i; ;;::: r!!1! I;;*; ill'l ;::/ :I ;:#I; 1;::; ::':I ;&:I! ;::VI I:':; :I;; I1 :::; ;::; l::l :::i It:l Ill) iii: !$I! #I I i name. I $ t 4 4 I ill; I * I I * 1 I;:* t t ::;: t I I::: :; II 1 1: ? t it:: I b t I t 1 '\ \ ., I I * b*' \ '\\ \'8 I s, \, '\ 't8 '+. I I 'I '\ '8 ', '\,'*, -., '8 .'\, 8, % 32 i ~a me *., 8<% '*.)&. ! ! 1 Member *@@.,pW "$!!+' +,+q& :~~"""""""""""""""~""""""""""~"-""-""""""~;"""""~"""-"-"~-~. t I ;:::; ;*#I; : The City Attorney pointed out there is a section in the i :::;; i Lot Split Ordinance that under extra ordinary circumstanbes ;:::i #1 : it does allow the City to grant an exception as to the im- ; 1:::; i provement costs until such time as the owner does actual! ::,:I : 1Y improve the praperty. It is her feeling the dedication ; ::p: : * ;.4 ; i of this land for street purposes would be an extra ordina& ;!;:I I exception and the Council could wave the improvements : ::I *I :;i i until such time as the owner actually makes the lot split. i ::f : I%xwver., the City cannot grant the variance at this time,: :;I:: *I: ;.I 4 *:I, 11; l ! After further consideration by the Council, by -mof5on of i Guevara i I ; 4 : : ;'; 14 1 the Council it was agreed that the City Council waive the i Bierce :x: i x: ! : improvement costs on the lot split requirements until : NlcPherson: ; ; xi : i such time as the owner is ready.to make the improvements Neiswendgr .i $ q ' : : on his property, : Hughes : ; *x: : 8 ::,:: :a: 1 .(b) Water system rehabilitation. The Engineering i ;;:'I i Department has been working.on plans and specifications i lll:; ;:::; : for rehabilitation of certain water lines within the city, ; I ;.; 11 i and are now ready.to calf for bids. They would like 1 :'a I I; ! authorization from the City Council to call for bids. 4 I iiii.; * ;:::r i ~y motion of the council ~e city Engineer was given . i Guevara !x I i x! : 1;':: ; authorization to call for bids on the rehabilitation of the i Bierce :;:x: : water system. : McPherson j : i x! : I I i Neiswender: : :x; i t I t ::::I I (c) Improvement plans for Shelter Cove subdivision. I h';: I A meeting was held with the developers of Shelter Cove i ::;:: i::4 i subdivision concerning street alignments, water and sewetf ;r:i: : improvements and drainage. They are requesting approv: ;:::: i a1 of certain modifications in their requirements. I :::;i 8 f 4::; i Street Improvements on Adarns. St. and Park Drive, The i :; 8 i e-: i developers are requesting that the improvements in 1 I Y:l*; ; :, ;.I I. Adams Street within the limits of the subdivision be waive# ' ;: :'I : in exchange for the realignment of the southerly end of ; ll:$ a:::; t Fark Dr., and the engineering plan change costs. I * iiii; i By motion of the Council it was agreed that the City waive: Guevara ; : :I;;; : the improvements in Adarns St. in exchange €or the re- '; Bierce 1:': kt;:; i alignment of the southerly end of Park Dr. and the Engin-: McPherson I : t : * i eering plan change costs. ; Neiswenderi ! i ! i I ;I181 I The City Attorney ruled that the motion passed, as only i $;':; i the votes cast are counted. I 1 t;;:: i Also it is the feeling of the. City Engineer that the deveiop! I I' ;:: I( ; ers be required to install a standard AC berm in Adams ;, i : i.; : i St, in lieu' of the improvements waived. t i:,:: i After further discuss$on, by motion of the Cuuncil it was i G.uevaPa 4 i i i 4 : agreed that the after thought of the Engineer's request ; Bierce +: !x: 8 i for subject berm on Adams Street be deleted from the re- i McBherson ; i !#d i quirements. ; Neiswenderi ; : !xi I I I ':I I I::*: i Sewers. Since it is felt that it will necessitate a higher i :::;I I capacity sewer line in a portion of Park Drive and all of : : Cove Dr., the.developers are requesting that the City i ::::; i participate in the difference of cost between an 8" sewer : ;:;;I' ; line and a 12" sewer line in a portion of Park Dr. and all i i;:v I 1; i of Cove Dr. The Engineering Department recommended ; 1'4;; ::pt ; that the City participate in this difference in cost. 1 * ;I::' I ~fmotion of the Council it was agreed. that the City parti-! Guevara 1 i :Xi i i cipate in the cost between an 8" sewer line and a 12' : Bierce )It ,x: : i Sewer line in a portion of Park Dr. and all of Cove Dr. ! McPherson ? i !X: : 1 * I b -4- : of *s\o'\ 8 '%\ I 1 I I 1 I I $ I 1 4 1 et. + t t I I i Hughes i !x: I* x: ; 4 f * * 6 I# I + 1 i Hughes : !xi : ; p::: 'I :;:I: t I I 4 I 1 1 t ;:::: *I' t I : Hughes : i x:xl : :::I: * :I, I I I I:; 1;; I 4 I Neiswenderf t :xi z f I I f I t ; Hughes : :x i xi ! I I :;;;: I I I 1s::: ::!r:' a 4 * I I ', \, i '\ ' .' I I , t ' I I I I 'x, ",''\, '\ y., '\ ' b 33 f ,: \, +, "\ ",", I I ! Na me \\\ '*$\ 'b, '\+\ ; of '.+'$+, ', \P.!\ "?&, 9" &, i """""""""""""" * """"C"""" "" ""C" """" """ """:"- "_" - -"" - -,"" :.f """ * :pi: 11' I I -5- I : Member $'$$ L'\g i$$ 1 I I $1'8 i Water. The City Engineer has indicated that due to the i ::;a: I grade of the street it will be necessary to install a new ; ::::: ;f,'l : 12" water line in Park Dr. The Assistant Engineer reco&- ;:::: { mended that the City participate in the difference of cost i ;:$: : between a. 6" line and a f2" water line. I ! By motion of the Council it was agreed that the subdivider: %uevara i i i xi i i only be obligated far the cost of a 6" water line in Park I Bierce : Drive. : McPherson: : ;xi : I f I ; I,::; ;;.; i: :x I i x: ; I i Neiswenderi : i x: i t 1 : aughes : Ix; x! : :::;i f I i Neiswender): i !x: I 1 I : aughes : :x: xi : 1:;:: ;:**I :*I:; * I participate 50% in the cost of a 60'' and 66" storm drain it$ ;:i:; ::::: i is a connection point for some 4.00 acre drainage basin. : ii::: 'I 1;::; ; and the City pay 100% of the cost of the interim connectio4 :; !I: i from the existing concrete culvert headwalf to the new : ;; I:::: I ::::: 1::; i have already been committed and the effect of what the ; ::::: e: :I1 I;;:' : some of the Commitments for the proje.cts were in the ; $4 I future and were not for immediate expenditure this fiscal i :;I:: i;:;: 61 :&I 1: I !;::# J:il ):4:: ;:::: fa f I 1 I I 01 : Also by motion of the Council it was agreed that the : Cuevara i : :x: i i additional engineering plan costs for the realignment of J Bierce :x i ; x: ; : the water line be borne by the City. : McPherson: : i xi : t 1 I :I, i Storm drain. The developers are requesting that the City! : Park Dr. and easement. They also request that the City : i pay for 28' of .60" RCP in Park Drive, due to the fact this i f:::: : The Assistant City Engineer recommended that the devel - I p::; I opers be requested to participate 50% in the 28' of 3ZP : I:::: ; junction structure at Park Drive and Adams St. ::I+ ! The City Manager summarized the amount of funds that i *,:I* : above commitments would have upon the remaining balancb ;I$: i of funds available this fiscal year. It was pointed out that: ::I *:'I ; year. : The developers were present and agreed to participate in { i the 28 feet of &CP. i cipate 50% in the cost of the drainage system in Park Dr. : Bierce ; and easement for 60 and 66 inch storm drain easement i McPherson : ; :xi ; i from the junction box structure at Adams St. and Park Dr: Neiswender i : :x; I ; I to the headwall outfall structure at the channel i Hughes : ;x;xi I i City participation in street improvement for Park Dr. i :::I: i in the improvements of the additional design improvement i i for Park Drive as a secondary ktreet. a ;*Il* ,:;I: 4 ::::: i By motion of the Council it was agreed that the City par- i Guevara 1 I :x I i : ticipate in the cost of the improvement for the additional : 3ierce I ; IX': ; i width of Fark Drive as a secondary street. : McPherson i i :x: I 'I#@: 4 t 1 s I * I I I I I I i By motion of the Council it was agreed that the City parti-! * Guevara + ;::I, l ; i ;xi :x: 81 i : I D I L: :I,:: 1 ! The developers are requesting that the City participate : 111* a\J iiii: * : : I * 1 I i Neiswender !x: :x ; ; I I i aughes ; ;+x; : :;;:I DI;!! I I t i:, I (a) Crdinance No. 3063, regarding speed limits, I ::I:; ::::: nager reported on a traffic survey made by i :I::; !!:!; : City Attorney was instructed to prepare an ordinance in ; ;l:ll ::;:: ::::: t:::: I ,I 1 I I I * * I 1 I i NE& EUSLNESS t t rking and stop signs. At the previous meeting : :.;::: : the Automobile Club of Southern California, and the recow*- @#I; { mendations made by the Traffic Safety Committee. The i :::;; i accordance with the recommendations of the Traffic Safets ::::: i Committee. I 1:::: ! The $City A.ttorney presented the fol-lowing ordinance for th& :'I:; 1:s i ordinance: 8 I I I Council's consideration and informed the Council this woulp 111:3 :It : have to be read in full as it was prepared as an~emergency: !;I1: :1 I I 4 I I I :::;: ;:::: 4:;: :!!:! I I I I ! I I f 4 I I I 1 I * I I * I' , 8, ', .8 '\ '\ .* I I \, ', '8, ', '\ '\ \,;, ',,'"'A , \\ ', 3 4 '?$g!&&,fyp i """""- "-"""""" * """" f """""" "I" ~ "" "- """ "" ""-; """ * "" ""29:&?:.?-9 4' I ;r:i: NO. '.3063. AN C~DINANCE OF rm CITY i ;::I: v:;:: ::i:i 1:;: e ii::i *' , \,'\ 8 ' ' t -6 - 4 : I of I : * 1 ¶--I-* I. I i Name \b%,&q%.' i Member sI3dU3 AMENDING ORDINANCE N4;, 3027 A.Nd ;:I:' i 5060, itEGARDING SPEED LIMITS UPON CAdLSBAD i i BCULEVAA3D; SECT'ICN 2 CF GADINANCE NO, 3041 : i CAALSBAD BCULEVABD; OitDINANCE NG. 3005 I i AMENDED BY ADDING SECTION 62(a), 3ESTi31i"TING i ::::e i PAdKING ON HIGHLF.ND D&IVE BETK EEM ARLAND : Guevara : x: i 4 -! : 3OAD AND KitEST AVENUE; AND SECTIGN- 84(n) I Bierce i i i ~f i i OF OWINANCE NC. 3032, RECUIiiING TIUFE'IC TC. : McPherson: ; ; y : ; STCP AT A.. T. & S. F. IQGKT-OF-NAY, nEEPEALED, J Neiswendei !X: 1( i I was read in full. and adopted. : Hughes i : : 4 : i Curfew. Cmn. Guevara stated he has noticed children i ! Mayor McPherson stated perhaps the City Manager could i i instruct .the Folice Department to patrol the streets more: i Smoking by children under age. Cmn. Guevara stated i 1:; i he has also noticed children under age smoking. Se felt : :;i;; : this could be controlled by not allowing vending machines i 3 in places where children frequent. He suggested that the ; :::;: ::;;: : machines be placed inside establishments where the ownek "1,; I could have better control of the machines. I iii:: ii; 81 { Ordinance for Parks and Aecreation Commission. Cmn. I ;:r:; ; Neiswender requested the City Manager andthe city 1 :x:: I Attorney work with the Parks and Recreation Commissiotj 1 ::::; ; on the preparation of their ordinance. They have asked ; ;: l;!:i i for legal assisunce on this matter. I :p:: ;#:;I l;*l; : Cmn. Neiswender stated he would also like to have the i :;!I: i Parks and Recreation Commission review the proposed : ;I:#; : plot plan of the library site. I i Gceanside's proposed sewer plant. Cmn. Bierce inform-! :::I: f plant off Vista Way near EL Camino deal, such as the : i one the City of Carlsbad is going to abandon. Some of the! ;:::; : property owners are objecting to this plant. He would J I:::: i like this Council to go on record as offering the Cityts : 4i;: I facilities to the City of Cceanside at such time as the I ;f :: ll:;i i facilities are available. This could be done on a meter ; ; basis. This would help the City of Oceanside and also I 1:::: i help in the cost of the maintenance of the plant, This : :::;: :':I: : would certainly be more economical for the taxpayers of i iiiii J Oceanside. I :p:: ;*;'I 1;::: i Cmn. Hughes stated along this same line he would like i :*I;; i to have a committee meet with the City of Qceanside to ; ;::;I ; discuss mutual problems of both cities. I :::I: 1;::; i;::; i With the consent of the Council the Mayor instructed the i 1:;:; -1;; i City Manager to send a letter to the City of Gceanside : ::::I : offering the city's sew.er facilities to them when they are I iIi:l i available. I ;tt:1 I I I ::::i i The Mayor also stated he felt the present committee, coni :i::; ;:::; : sisting d Cmn. Bierce and Cmn. Hughes and €he staff, I i should meet with the City of Oceanside to'discuss mutual ; ; problems. 1 I;::: 11::: : GLD BUSINESS :I::: t I :::;: It I I I :!:;: I (a) kteport on request of F. J. Fox to sublease t t !::I: ;::I: ::;:: ; that at nu time shall'any person extend a pier, etc. , beyo$d I;':' ::::; it::; I I * ::;:I I' ,:::, i kEEPEALED AND 'ANGLE -PA&WG PdCaIBITED CN . i :::::, :: + 'I I :ii:i ::;:; ; under 38 years of age on the streets after 1O:OO P. M. i ::I:: I 4 t :$: ::::i ::::I :';I: : thoroughly. $ I ;: ,:::: I I I ::;:: i;;:: L I I 8 I I: 4 It ,'*a1 I I I I I I 1::;: I :::I' I ed the Council the Ciw of Gceanside is proposing a sewer: I* i:::: I : I I I i:;:: 11;: :::,, r"; I I t I e I 1 I I I D I:!:: :* I I I t I I I I I ,f,fS tion of A.gua,EPedionda Lagoon. A staff meeting was : 4::: r. Fox and the lease 6etween the City and the i :*'I I San Diego Gas & Electric Co, was reviewed, which states: I I I I I I l I I I 4 I ! I !I!!: t .f I I a -7- S 'x,, '\, '\, *, '\ '\ t '\ \, -, \ ' ' 1 '\ )L\ \c ', ', '\ \ \' I 1 8 8' 32 I I ', 8, '\, ', ', '\ t I I I I I I Name '*.&,, ', ''''$& 'e+d ; -of 4 : FI e m ber '%% O *+ '.&?&p ,pQ \,6 :; 1;::: ::II : i-; 8 ' :""""""~""""""""""""""""~"~~""""-"""~"""-"""""--"*~"""----,"- I I I ;';:: ::;:I ;:I:; 'I::: ,,a:: I ::*;I I I ;pll I i 150'. Mr. Fox requested a 600' extension, however, he i i is agreeable to the 150'. As to the cost of the lease, Cmng : Neiswender suggested that the"City contact other areas ; i as to their rates. A lease would have to be entered into i : between the City, the San Diego -Gas & Electric Co. and ; i Mr. Fox. Mr. Fox would like to have this tease on the I :I: : same time basis as the master lease. I By motion of the Council it was agreed that Mr. Fox be I Guevara ; { i xi : i granted a Lease, that the City Attorney be instwcted to I Bierce i : ;x; : ; prepare a lease, and that financial arrangements be as- ; McPherson ; i i xi i i certained at a later date. i Neiswenderf x: : x: I :*I:' 1 I :d:: I: t : Hughes ;I4 l :x;xi ; I :;:I' t (b) Progress report on 201 Freeway Agreement. a l ::;I1 1:; i The City Xrn! :;I" : the State Division of Mghways was unable to attend the ; ;:::; i meeting this evening. He indicated by telephone that his i I:::; 0; : department wouid be willing to send a fetter to the City t ::::: i stating that at some future date when traffic warrants it- i ::;:; : the State would construct the off-ramps at Cannon Etoad. ; ::I:: i This also would be indicated on the map which would be I ;: d:: ;.; 111 t I: I part of the freeway agreement. 1 I ':; :; i Cmn. Bierce stated the map should indicate railroad I t ::::I & ::;I: i crossings and the diamond at Cannon *%ad. - I Iaii I ii::; t*+ :,,I1 I I ::::: i Freeway agreement. Mrs. Eetts stated she felt very i ;:iii ; strongly that the City should insist on the diamond at I !::'I i Cannon &oad and that there should be a full interchange at: ;:::: I Palomar hoad. She met with the members of the San Die@ 4:::; I;':; ; Gas & Electric Co. and they feel there should be an inter-! I*::; i change at Cannon &ad. There has been property dedicat4' i;$; a:;#* : ed to the City for this interchange. If ;this property is : #::I: I not used it might revert back to the original owners. Mrs! ; Betts urged that the City negotiate immediately for the ; I dedication of Cannon Soad. If the City had the dedicated ! : right-of-way they could justify the request for the inter- i i change at Cannon noad. i The San Diego Gas & Electric Go. have filed a request . i ; with the A.. T. & S. F. for a railroad spur. : Changing name of Terramar Dr. to Cannon ,Wad. At a i i previous meeting discussion was given as to having Tera- k 11 ; mar Dr. changed to Cannon mad. A resolution has been i i prepared. The following resolution was presented for the ; i Councilt s consideration: I i Resolution No. 877. A BESCLUTICN OF TI33 CITY ' ! Guevara k i :xi : : ZVNCIL OF T7nC1TY CF CASLSBAD, CHANGING I Bierce : ; !xi i i THE NAME OF TEMAMAit DRIVE TU CANNCN iC"ADi McPherson i : :x: : : was read in full and adopted. ; Neiswender ; ixix i i :: EPCH property condemnation suit. An answer to the Cityis : complaint has been filed by the defendants. They indicated I the damages to them at $10,000. i San Luis 3ey Water 3ights. From time to time the City i i will be asked what the water rights in the San Luis 3ey : ; Valley are valued at. The City A-ttorney stated she . i rendered an opinion on this matter at the time she became! ; City Attorney. ff our rights are removed the value of the I ; agricultural land goes up. She felt that in the interest of ; i the taxpayers of Carlsbad if any of the rights are relinquisp- : ed the City should be entitled to the full value of the land. : i As long as the City holds these rights this land is only i : good for agricultural land. 4 4 ;:* t t S ;It1* I f t I I 'I r I:;I I 1 I ::; I ; I I I I I I CITY ATTOANEY'S REPCRE 11 I :::I: :;;I: ;i::; ;;:;; I I I :::I: I:::: ::::: $ ;:: :I t /t:: ;:;:I I::;: :;::I ;:::: :;::: 4 :x:: 14 I 11 '+ t 8 4 I !I;;: I I 1 I' 8 '61 Ill * t f f : Hughes : ; :x: : t ::I 118 1 ::;:: ::::I t ;4:: I I I iii:! 1:;;: ;:* ,I:;: + t ;;;i: '4 11 1: I 1'1 I ;t '1 I (IS,l :*I * ::::: :I::: ::iii ii::: I I 1 :;: 1 I :;;:; . :I:$: /I:; l a 1:::: I !lh!l I I 4 %, , ., , . . :' * \' 4 s, '\\ '\ \ \\ '\ I 4 I t b I I ', '\ :'\, ',,, y\, 36 I i N a me ",, '%@ '\, ''a I .$S, '* +,, I I : of +-p~.;.,&.. I"-"-""""""-""---"-""-"---"-"""""~"~~""""""""""~""~""""""~ : Member *%~,$+?~,d, "","" .. -8 - . I '\ , ' ',', - " 8 , *' I I I ;::I: i Farbor Develoghent. The City Aeorney stated the City i : ihould look towards a harbor district and work with the : I San Diego Gas zihd Electric Co. on this matter. : 4 t 1 I I 1:::: ;!:$ :::;: :::9: ;8+ l.!l t * :I,;: : Tidelands bill. A bill will-be introduced within the next i i couple of weeks fo,r the tidelands. 4 :el;@ 1:;t: 8 * I ;:::i i Substitution of attorneys. Substitution of attorneys will I iy:: : 'be 'executed for the pending law suits of the city. 1 ::::: ::I I 1 :;!i! li;l- I I I 6 i i : Mrs. Beth informed the Council she would be willing I i to assist the City in any matters in the future. I I I I 'I i'll; :::;I 1::;: ::I:: !!I&! t;;4; i Cmn. Guevara requested that a Aesolution of Appreciatioj ::I:: i ciation and gratitude. . I : be prepared for Mrs. Betts sta€ing the Council's appre- ; ::'I: 14 t I iri$ :;::; I a i CITY MPINAGE&tS LZEPC.dE 1 .' I I I :I;;; 4 I ,::;I I 61 l,?l! I I I (a) 'Channelization of Chestnut Ave. and El Camino i : Real intersection. A letter has been received from the ; i County Surveyor and doad Commissioner, in answer to i ; a request made by this city concerning channelization ; i and pavement markings at the intersection of El Camino i : Seal with Chestnut Ave. They enclosed a general sketch ; i indicating right-of-way ,boundaries, and an itemized cost : : estimate showing the total cost of the project and the 4 i breakdown cost to the City, which is in the amount of i ; $400. The City Manager informed the Council authoriza- ; i tion is.needed for this expenditure. I I I I I I l;*l; 41::: :::;I I:::: ::::: :;::; I:::; ::;:: 1;::: ;i::: ;:: :i::: :::I: !I!:: r::~: :;I:# b' i By motion of the Council authorization was given for the i Guevara i i :xi ; i expenditure of funds in the amount of $400.00 for the i Bierce . ; ; !x! I 11;Ii : project. .. ; McPherson i : :x; : 4 I i Neiswenderk i !xi i 4 4 I Hughes i ixix; i I I ! ! !**!I i Acquisition of land for Las Flores extension. An appraisal i was made on the Patske, Duzenberry and Sparks property: i An offer was made to Mr. Patske, in accordance with the i i Council's instructions, and he has accepted the offer. ~ ; : At this time authorization is needed from the Council to i I negotiate for the Duzenberry and Sparks property. 1 1 8 1 $::I ,I ;::I: 1:::; 'I::: ::,:, ,a:; ::::I ;;:I; :;;:: t,!', i By motion-of the Council the City Manager was authorized: Guevara : ; ;x: 3 : to negotiate with the property owners for the purchase of i Bierce $I ;x: : i their property, : McPherson i : :xi ; I I i Neiswender: : :x: i i : Hughes 1 :X :X! : I I :' 1 1:::: i Cmn. Neiswender stated he would like to extend his * 4 ;*:;I : personal thanks to the Boy Scouts for cleaning up Carlsbad 9::1: ;;;:I i Boulevard. 4 I ;:::I *: I :::I: I iLATIFICATION CF BILLS AND PAYizOLL: I l#s( I ;I::: i iiatification of the bills was given for the general expensei 8 *:::I 1.1 : : of the City in the amount of $52,118.16, and for the Water! Guevara : ; :x; i ! Department in the amount of $10,018.97, for the period : Bierce hi :x! : : February 5, 1963 to February 19,. 1963, as certified by i McPherson i i !x: { i the Director of Finance and approved by the Auditing Corn+ Neiswenderi : x:xj ; : mittee. i Hughes : i !x: i t ;;I:$ 'IOi ! Ratification of the payroll was given for the first half of i Guevara ; ; !x: I i February, 1963, in the amount of $17,841.02, as certifieq Bierce l I 1 :x:x; : : by the Director of Finance and approved by the Auditing ; McPherson ; : :x: i I Committee. : Neiswenderi : ;x! : +i;:i I I II 8 I 4 I I :*8:l I 1 t I I i Hughes :x; :x' : 1 4 I 4,;:: I I ;; :.i; b 1 4 i:: 5: I I :::;: * ::::: I :::I: I I 1:::; I I :;:;; I I I t * 4 1 4 I I 1 I i I , ,ti:, I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1- I I I I I s I s t I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I 4 I I I I I t I t t 1 I I I I I I I I 8 I 6 I I I * t I I I I I I 1 I I I I t I I t 1 I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I 1 I i I I 1 I I 6 I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I # t I I I b I I $ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 9 I I I 1 * 4 I I I t * 1 4 I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I 1 4 1 I I * 4 I a """""""""""*""""-~""" ADJCURNMEMT: By proper motion the meeting 10:26 F. M. LCespectfuUy submitted, 7fl?-d E&d MAdG&RET g. A Deputf City Clerk ~ ~" -"" WaS -9 - """""" declared """"""^ adjourned I I I I I I # I I I I I I 1 ""1" I I l I I a t at i * t I I I I I $ t I I I I I I I I I # s I I I 8 I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I + I I I I I I I t 4 I I t I 9 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 8 I I I b I I I I I I I I I 1 1 I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I * I I I I t I I 1 I I 1 I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I 1 I I 9 I I I 4 I t I t t f # 1 l a t I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I 1 t I I $ I I & t 1 I 1 I I I + 1 * I *8 . -, . \ \ ', *, ', '\ .'8 '8, ', ' ',, ',8:,8 3 7 '\ '.,'.., '\ ', \ 8 \, '< 'X8 ' of '$$$,, 8x '%;8, ,?A '@ \ ;, ++.+ ::;:: ;:::: I'd; :::;: ::::: ;p: :;::: ;:;:: ;I!'; I:':: ;;;:; ,14:t I :.: I ; ::::; ::'Q ::(I: ::::I ::::: ::;I; :::I: ;!;:a SI ::;:: :::i: :ii:i ;:::i :::!; ill :I; :::I, :; :!;:; Ill ::;:I /I:: 1;;l; I ; 1.: I ll;l: :I 1;i:i $;l:l' ;(:I: :!:;I 1:; ;:::: :: 1::;: a*::; ;I:;l :::;i ; : :.; 1 e,;:: l:f 8 ;::+ 1;:;: !::I: ;:I:, 1'::; 1;11; :I::: :;::I I4::: ::I;' :;,I; ::;I; :I::; ::::: +'I ;:iii ::::; i: ::i:; :;;It t: :#I;; 1:;:; I:::; ::;I, ::;:: ::$: I:# ,I;:: ;:::: 4:;; :::;: ::::: :; ;li:: 1;;:: i;;!: I;:::: ;*I 1::; 4;lIl; :::::i ;t,::; ;:;#:I 4;:::; i::::; 1:t:;; :;;:I' I' Name '8 '8s *,'%?& Member 8% @,$&p \Q', ~""----"~~-""~"""" ;ll'l '11 1l;l: 11111 ;I It 11 'I :t,Il 1tl;Y #I4 !ll!l'