HomeMy WebLinkAbout1963-04-02; City Council; Minutesb I I S 1 I L 4 i CITY CF CA.RLSBAD i Minutes of: CITY CCUNCIL (Regular Meeting) i : Date of Meeting: April 2, 186 2 I I i Time of Meeting: 7:OO P. X. a ;"""""""""-" Place of Meeting: """"""""""-"""""""""""--"""~~" Council Chambers 8 s I *%. 'x,"., ', '\ '\ \., ', x ', '.,'x, N a me '8 *'$, *., b$A of '*as*, ' \* Member *$3@.*xp% \*- 'X '\ '.,'*., '\, '.,'.\ 53 \ ' 'x \,g ',L 4 \ +#,$A ."""""""""'"1-" !l*.l ' I * i 1 "I ! XILL CALL was answered by Councilmen Guevara, 4 i Bierce, McPherson and Neiswender. Councilman ilughes! : was present at 7:14 P. M. Also present were City Manag<r ;:'I: I Slater and City A.ttorney Wilson. i ! ALLEGIANCE to the Flag was given. I !:::I i INVCCATlON was offered by City Attorney Viilson. ! APFdGVAL @F MINUTES: 1:::; ;:::I ;::;: 'fp; I I ii:;: I '::I #I I t ::::I ;:::: I :::a: I ::,;: II I 8 :;::: :I::; I (a) Minutes of the regular meeting of March 15, I Guevara ; :xi xi : I i McPherson : ; !x! i I I i Neiswender! i ;x! i i CGSiZESPGNDENGE: * I i::;: t I 1 I I t 8 I 8 f I ? la**; I I * I 3963, were approved as submitted. ! Bierce :x: :x; : I I I I I ;:;:I t I . I!!&! I I (a) City of Del Mar - re: Besolution #240 Tidelands oil i : ro alties, Letter dated March 28, 1963, from the City of i i & transmitting a copy of their Aesolution No, 240, i : supporting Senator John Nlurdy, should he author a bill ; i to ask for tideland oil royalties to be divided among all i : coastal cities which maintain beach frontage, for use in ; i cleaning, maintaining and policing said beaches. I i It was the concensus of the Council that a like resolution i : be adopted. 1 ; The following resolution was presented : Ztesolution No. 889. A BESCLUTIGN OF TdE CITY i L OF ' CITY GF CAi3LSBAD SUPPGitTWG : i !%%h?JAN'DHc"IL EYBLTIES BILL ViHfC9 WGULDI Guevara i DIVIDE AMONG ALL ZGASTAL CITIES FCd USE fN ;. { Eierce : MAWTA.XPIINC BEACHES, was adopted by title only and ; McPherson i further reading waived, i, Neiswender t I t $ t t I I 1 t t I i I I + I I 1 I I I I (b) City of San Marcos - re: Letter of appreciation, i Letter dated March 18, 1963, from the Mayor of the City i : o€ San Marcos, extending their appreciation to the Carlsbad I City Council concerning the placement of a San Marcos ! : sign in Carlsbad. e I * I t t p;:i :*I:; ;:::; 4:;; :::I8 :;I:: :;:'I :I ;:! ::::I ;I::: 1'4' 14:;: ::,;: : I.; 1 ; ; In( I;*:: ;;:: .:b::\ *:!SI I I r I * I I I I I I .I I I ! 1;; ;'I 1:' I:: ix:x; xi :x: ; :xi : !x; 'I I!! :ii; 1;11 p:t :::': *:'I :::: i::: tt:: l!!I i By motion of the Council the letter was ordered filed, and i Guevara : i ;x i I-;* I a courtesy letter sent to the City of San Marcos from the i Bierce ;x; :x: I' ; Mayor. : McPherson i : :x: I I I i Meiswender : I ix 1; !x i 6 ! ,!,I i (c) James Bawkins - re: Claim for personal injury. : Letter dated March 18, 1983, from James liawkins, in- I :i;: :I i forming the City of damages received by Ella Hawkins i ; from a fall on City property, and submitting a claim in ; ::;: I the amount of $554.50. : ;*I: I 4 :::: 1:;; ::;I I (!'I , , i I i By motion of the Council the claim was denied and referreg Guevara ; i x! X: ;;:: : to the @ity*s insurance carrier. : Bierce :xi ;x: I 6 I i McPherson: ; I x: * I : Neiswenderi : :xi 4 I *:.I I I i (dl Mrs. May ltoss - re: itequest to construct new home : : in R-P 2 one. Letter dated March 13, 1963, from Mrs. i i May Ross, requesting permission to build a house on i i property located at 540 Chestnut Avenue. It is her under-; ; standing 'that due to existing laws she could not be per- : i mitted to build on this lot unless a variance were granted i : or some type of conditional use permit. i The Council was informed this lot is 25 x 100 and is ! located in an R-P Zone. Also it is a corner lot. I 6 I * i I * * I I S I I & I 8 I 1 I I 1 I * t I ! ! :;i: :;I: i::; $81 ti; ::;I :::: :::; ::;; !::I )'I1 1'4: ;::; :::: ;::: 1::: ii:: !*1! 11 .. b' .. I t $ t s I * ., ,* . \. I 8, 8%,8t8 '\, '8 " I I 1 I \ '88888 1 1 'u, ',,'8,, 8,,",'8% 5 I$: 8 i ~a me *t8 '+$& \, ''%A I : of =*.$\, '* x$2 '.*+&,++ i ""*""" "I- """"""""""" * """"""_" "" *"" """..""" .,; """""""-2?"J4 "-,"" ::;i; I I ::1 ;;;:: I ;;::: I ; 'I::; !::*I I ::::: I -2 - ", '8 'S ', 8 I l Member *.e$? 'd8 1 I 81 4 i After consideration by the Council it was their feeling i ::;I, : that this. is a. hardship case and consideration should be ; :I;;: i given by the Planning Commission for a variance. I cmn. Hughes. was present at 7: 14 P. M. i By motion of the Council it was agreed that a memorandu4 Guevara ; i 4 x! i i be sent to the Planning Commission, stating they wished : Bierce !x ; :xi i : to go on record as favoring this variance due to hardship, i McPherson; i 1 x: : i and'that the property owner apply for a variance to allow : Neiswenderi : : xi ; ; this construction. i dughes ; i i I* I ;x I I;':; ! (e) Lara P. Good - re: Public %elfare. Letter dated i :I::: I March'f2, 1963, from the Association of former Grand : ;x:; ; Jurors of San Diego County, in which they attached a copy! ;::;I :::I: i of the Human Events publication entitled 'Welfare aeform: ;;::: ; is Overdue". They requested the publication read and i #* t, i studied in order that perhaps the waste and abuse in 1 a:::; I :;::: : Public Welfare can be corrected, 'as those who are trying i i;::: i to administer welfare on a sound basis need moral supporfi. ,@I:@ 1 I b ;!:I: f ;:: I By common consent the Council requested the letter I $ 8 ,,::: : answered -and filed. t I 1:;:: t 1 1:;:: i (f) Carlsbad National Litae League - re: acquest far i ;tl:t ;::I: i Gity asqistance in Little League Program. Letter dated i :::;I ; March 22, ,2963, from the Carlsbad National Little Leagu4 ::::; i requesting the City's aid in furnishing a field employee i :::it : for the months of May, Junk and July. I .; * ' 1 I ;I::! * I :;::; i The City Manager informed the Council at the last meetin4 ,: I 11 #4::t i the. Pony League requested the City's participation in i ;::;: ! field maintenance. Last year the City provided a ground : '::;: lllt: i keeper at approximately $215.00 per month. The City i :::;: : Manager. recommended that this service be provided agaiq ::@Il !'I i this year for both leagues. : By motion of the Council it was agreed that the City par- { Guevara ; i xi x; i 4 : ticipate in the maintenance of the Little League and Pony ; Eierce p; :x; : : League fields during the period of May through July. i McPherson ; : :x: i I I I I I t I f I 1' 4 #I* . 4 ii;:; b I :;;:: 4 :::;I 'I # : Neiswenderi i :xi ; -.I I i Hughes ; I !x: ,I ! ,(g) A. 0. Kelly and Kay Kalicka - re: Bffer to dedicate i ::i:; :;I:+ . i land for .street purposes. Letter-dated February.8, 19624 :;i:: :. signed by Altan .e. Kelly and Kay Kalicka for Carlsbad ; :::i: i Bay Properties, Ltd. stating they are owners of Lot I, i ::;I! : 3ancho Agua Hedionda on which *.ere is a 60 foot ease- ; I::: i ment, and offer to the City of Carlsbad said 60 foot ease- i ;::: a::: I ment, plus one foot on both sides, for dedication to be ; :::I ; used for public use as a secondary street. The referred i :;;: :II: i easement runs generally easterly and northerly from its ; iiri ; intersection with the southern terminus of Park Drive i '11 i to a point in El Camino Beal. ::I* I I ;*;1 1:;: : The Council was informed that one of the owners of the i :::I :::; i easement was not willing to sign.the offer of dedication. [ ;::; I t #;;I 1 The City Engineer stated the City does not have a precise i :;:: .: alignment for the extension of Park Drive, and before any: l(*I ;*:a i action is taken by the Council he felt this should be done. i 1;': 14:; I. i ,: : f G :; i By motion of the Council the matter was referred to the i Guevara : X: i%i :;I .I staff for further study, and a report to be made back to ; Bierce ; ; :xi ; the Council at the next regular meeting. i McPherson I i :x; I. 'I I I I I I I I b t ' 1 4 ; : Neiswenderi- :xixI I b i * Hughes ! : :x: I ;: I '1 ;; + 4 :;#I I $1, I: ;;'I ,e:; I * 4 ;:;: 8 $ I :;I: I ! 'I:: !I** I i (h) Traffic Safety Council. - re: acquest for funds in : 1963-64 budget, Letter dated March 18, 1963, from the : i 'san Uego County Traffic Safety Council, requesting that i 1 * I t 1 '\ \-, '- t I ', '\, ', '\ ', '\ I t '8, ', '8' , 8' * , ',', * ' ' f + \.+'$p ', '$!!\, 8 8' I I I I -3- I '\ '\ , '., '+, 55 I I i N a me ', \!&, ", '*'pe. I i of *.?&a,;.,;$@ i """"-""""""""" C"" """"_ *" """" I- """ "") """""-;"""""""""":.~~~". :;:$ {:I:: I :;;:: I I:::: a: I' :I;;: I I:;;: ::;;t ::p: 4 I I ::::; :;;t* I Member .$'@ J- 6.4 1 I :;' I i the City of Carlsbad include in its budget for the fiscal i 'J I year 1963-64 an allocation of $50.00 to the. San Diego i 1:;a' : County Traffic Safety Council. ; The Council was informed that $50.00 is the amount that I i has been allocated in the past few years. I a* 1 I I $81; i Cmn. Eierce excused himself from the Council Chambers! ; for a few minutes. I b ::;:; I By motion of the Council it was agreed that $50.00 be i Guevara : : ;x: ; i allocated in the 1963-64 budget for the Traffic Safety i McPherson i I :XI 1: I i Council. : Neiswender: : x; 1:; x: : I i Sughes :x: :x: ; t I::;, i Cmn. Bierce retu ed to the Council Chambers. a :;'I; * 'I:;; i I :::;I :;;I: i (i) Louis Goodin - re: 3equest to waive required im- i ;:;:: : rovernents on panhandle lot split. Letter dated March I?; (I1 i $963, from Lorig and Olga Goodin, .. 3815 Alder Street, ; I;::: el::! i stating the Planning Commission granted a variance to : :: : allow a lot split. According to-the lot split ordinance the$ I#;;: i are required to install street improvements. They re- ; ::!:I '; quested that the curb and gutter requirement be waived at i 1;::: ; this time, and at a future date when the other property : It::: I 1:::: : willing to participate at that time, . I 1 :p:: I ::;:; :::;i :;;a, i::!; ii::: : be installed at this time. There is cold plant-mixed paving *I :;::; ii::: :I::; ;:::: 1 4 I I I t I I f I I I 1 14 . ; owners participate in these improvements they would be i ;::;; :l@4; i A report from the Engineering Department was presented i ::I:: : in which they recommended that the sewers be waived at I I:;:; I this time as they are not available in that area; individual i : water services to each lot should be provided; sidewalk ; i improvement requirement loa waived as they are not re- i (I* ; quired in "Estate" type residential areas; curbs and gutteqs *l:*l i are necessary for proper drainage, therefore, they shoufq ;,,'I ::::: i existing on the cul-de-sac, and the CiQ .forces will place i : cold plant-mixed paving from the existing paving to the ; i gutter line when completed. I ::::; :: Mr. @oodin was present and stated there are four other i I';*, i property owners on the cul-de-sac, and one existing housd i at the present time. If they are required to put in curb i :;::i i and gutter they wifl be the only property having curb and ; :ii:; : gutter on the cul-de-sac. b ? ::::; * I :;;:+ : The City Engineer. pointed out the City has an ordinauce i :,:I: 1:;:: i now that requires improvements at the time of the lot spli!, '4':; : except in unusual cases. i:::: * :::I: 4 I::;, i After further discussion, by motion of the Council it was i Guevara i i i i xi : agreed that the recommendations of the City Engineer be : Bierce ; I :x; : ! accepted, and that the request made by Mr. and Mrs. i McPherson I ;xixi i i Goodin be denied. i Neiswender jx I :x: : I I i Hughes : ' : !xi i The City Manager asked what procedure the Council wish& * 1:;:: . ; I :"I ; i to follow when certain improvements are waived, wherein! ::a:: I:, : the property owners agree to participate at some future : ;I:(: i date. I:::: I 81 1 $ I i!::; i By motion of the Council it was agreed that in the event i Guevara ; I :x: : :;::: i a waiver is granted €or street improvements, that a ; Bierce ! ;x:xj ; : written agreement be entered into between the city and i WcPherson i . ; .:x; i : the property owners wherein the property owners agree : Neiswender :x i :xi : I to participate at a future date. i Hughes : fl ;x: ; I 1 :L:; i 0B.A.L CCMMUNZCATIGNS: I I ::I:: I b ;#I:: i M~Z, B?~K DE VORE,. representative of the san Diego i ;:::: ';:*I 1 Gas & Electric Co., stated that as of yesterday they :4,'1 * I-:; ;::;: I 4 f I :::;; :::I, I I I I ;: ;;:;! I I 1 # I I a I ::: t I b 18 1 I t * I I I * s 1.8, I I I I I 4 I ', *, .\ " '\ -. * I ( I I I '\, '. '\, 'b '8 '\, 5 h' I -4- 8, \, '\ 8, y., 5E * i N a me '8, \+ \\, '\;bS, I I '*$&?&, \', '%;., I :;:,: :: I ; subdivision. The agreement has been executed by the i ::::: ::p: 4 :::I: I lii:i * I j;::: I I /;:: 9 ;: 1:;: I I I '. ', '' '\ 8 ' I I Of ',&8o\+'+'%, ~""""""""""""""""""-"~"""""""~"~~"""*"~"~"~~~"~"~"~""~~" : Member \%@,+Q$ ""-.$"- I ;;;It i completed negotiations with the subdivider of Shelter Cod ::::I : corporation and the company. The agreement provides i 1:::: 3 for the approval by the City. A copy has been given to ; I the City Attorney for his approval and review. i FUBLJC HEAIRING I I ' I I I i I The Mayor announced this was the time and place fixed i : by the Council to hear all objections to the above matter. : ! Certification was given as to proper notice having been i i published. 1 I I I I I '8:;: ::I:: ;:I:: S1I p::; ;::'I I;':: ' :$I ;: 1::: ::p: ::!I: 1 11 I$; :;'Ii 01 :;::: al.!: :ti:; ::,:I ::::: 11 ;!!!a *: ! There were no written protests filed. I I I ;ii;; I I ::::' I !Il!: i ; Resolution No. 287 of the Planning Conbnission was re- i I 'viewed, wherein they recommended that the Master Streei : Plan be amended to include the extension of Park Drive. ; i The Mayor asked if there were any persons present who i : wished to speak in opposition of this amendment. t + k I I 4 # I 4 -, : :.; 1; ::;:: :::I: !;;I* 1:: :! 1 I! :::I: ;:':+ :it:: I:': !*1!4 I As there were no persons desiring to speak, the Mayor i : declared the hearing closed at 7: 38 P. M, I I ! I I ! !-I ! ::j:; ;:::I i:::: 11 : The following resolution was presented for the Council's i i consideration: L 4 b I I I 1. /:;; ;::id ::I:! *I !ll!l i Resolution No. 887, A RESOLUTION OF TBE CITY. i Guevara ; ix:xi i 1 ECUKCIL CF = CITY OF CARLSBAD,' ANNCUNCINd Bierce :x; $8 : xl ; i FINDINGS AND DECISICN 5tELATTBTG 332 Ti333 PAC- ; McPherson; I !xi i : PGSED AMESDMENT TC TEE MASTE3 STXEEET PLA4,Neiswenderi ; ;x! ! was adopted by title only and further reading waived, i Hughes ; i :xi ' i The following ordinance was presented for a first reading:I I Brdinance No. 9145. AN ChDINANCE CF TEiE CITY i Guevara ; ixix: 11*: i "M"As"TE:g%&7I' PLAN, was given a first reading by i McPherson; ; :x: i title only and further reading waived, : Neiswenderi ; ;XI I !::! ;It- 1 I I ::i: I $1; I 1 :::' I A& AMENIZING THE CABLSBAD CITY : Bierce 9 i :xi I I i Hughes : : :x: I t 1 ! Cmn. Bierce requested that the center line of the road i I be established. 1 I I * 4 I i The Ehgineering Department stated they would be happy td : flag the area if the Council wished to make an on-sight : i inspection. I I i PLANNING: I I 9 I I t * 4 I 1 i I I r f I I I I : (a) Memorandum from Planning Commission - re: I Tentaik-e map of Ccean View Estates subdivision - re: i -sgand egrees. Memorandum from the Carlsbad : Planning Commission dated March 29, 1963, stating that i ! a motion was passed at their regular meeting of March 26j ! 1963, that the Secretary be directed to refer the matter ; i of the tentative map of Ocean View Estates subdivision to i I the City Council with reference to ingress and egress for : : their consideration and guidance. 1 i I ! I I I t I I I I * 1 I I I I I 1 I ! ::;; i:;! ;::; @I !*I! ;di 4:: :::: ;::: ;:I1 ;::; ;;:I ;; 8 :: ::i: i::: I::; :::I ::;: ;I;: :::: 8;: ::I: :;a: I::: 1::: i::: :::: ;* :I * I!:: '? :'*& klI i ! I I I -8" "' . I \, ',\",, '** '8 '* I I \t , L, '8,8b, ' r I I ', '8,8*', ', '\ '\ 4 -5 - i Na m.e' '8 '8%. ' 8, ',+ t t * $k\ I 8 i Of +b.O\4\'/t'+' 'Y?" ($3, ' .*' : Member *f&'\(np\.&?% :""~""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""-~~"""~ """""-"""- I i;h; j By motion of the Council it was agreed this matter be i Guevara ; :x: xi : ll:tl ; referred to the staff and the City Attorney for their reco4-Bierce I (x! {xi i i mendation and findings, and a report be made back to the ; McPhersoni : ;x; i. ; Council at a later date. i Neiswender: i :xi ; t : Hughes i I ;x; i ! I I I t I U ,\ '\' I I I i (b) and (c). The City Xanager informed the Council there i ; have been several letters received in opposition to a pro- ; i posed street being constructed t hrough Lot 59 of Seacrest: : Estates for ingress and egress to the above proposed I i subdivision. ! The Council requested the letters filed until the subdivfsi& j map is ready for consideration. * I I i I I I a *i;ii ;I, :;;:: ::::: iii:: ;SI;: l:;8: '1; !*.!I ;:"I 1,::: :;;:: ::4: !l!!l * I I ' 1'1 i. (d) Appointment to Planning Commission. The Mayor i i informed the Council Mr. Davis, whose term has expired,! *,:I ; was contacted and he is willing to accept another four year: i term. vdlth the consent of the Council Mr. Pearce Davis i ::::: : was appointed to another four year term on the Planning ; ::;:: I Commission, said term expiring April, 1967. I i:;:: I !!.!: ::;;: I:::: ::p: ". . x::: I + b f 1 The &unci1 requested a letter sent to Mr. Davis informi* ; him of his reappointment. I I 8 1 ! PA&KS AM3 RECdZATIGW .I 4 I t 4 ; I I * 1 (a) Memorandum - re: Additional trees to Master Street ! : Tree list and subs~tution of Commission member. I : Memorandum dated March 22, 1963, from the Secretary ; i of the Parks and decreation Commission, stating that at ! i their February meeting a motion was passed asking that ; : the Council approve their recommendation of'the official i i street tree for the following streets: James Drive, I I ; Jeannie Place, Gloria Lane and Tamarack Ave. east of i i Sighland Dr. to be planted with Sweet Gum (Liquidambar : ; Stryaciflua), Also Tristania Conferta for Roodland Way. i I 4 4 I I : Also due to business commitments, Commisisioner Art i Brown of Terramar has been unable to attend meetings i regularly. Because of the family interest in parks and ; recreation, Mrs. Brown is willing to have her name sub- : mitted to the City Council for consideration to represent f the Terramar area. The Commission requested that the : appointment of Mr. Brown be terminated and that Mrs. ! Brown be appointed to fill the balance of the unexpired I t I * 1 I I I 4 1 I 4 * I I I # * ! I I i :.( i:;:: $1:; #::I4 !I.!l $t;:i :I:;: "II; ::!!I ::i:: ;:;:i 1;;: ::I:: 11::: ::;I: :It;; 1:: 'I ::::: ;;a:: I i:: ::::I ;;,I; 1:::: :I;:: !t,!l i::;; "I :f:;: ;:::: :::;, ;11;* I:;(; '::I: ::;i; pi:: :L:; ,!I1 - I I ;;;La : term. ;I,:: t ! *!Iz! i By motion of the Council it was agreed that the trees as i Guevara i i ixi : : recommended by the Parks and fiecreation Commission l Bierce &: !x: ! I be added to the Master Street Tree list. ; McPherson I : ;xi : -1 I I i Neiswender: i :x: : I I I I i ilughe6 : i ;xi i ;rt I ! til!: 8 i Appointment to Parks and itecreation Commission. With : : the consent of the Council the Mayor appointed Mrs. Alice! i Brown to the Parks and Wecreation Commission to fill : : the unexpired term of Mr. Art Brown, I : The Council requested a letter of appreciation sent to ; i Mr. Brown, and that Mrs. Brown be notified of her appoi4t- i ment to the Commission. I ; (b) Memorandum - re: Letter of opposition to setback i i varignce for Ptrates Cove. The Council requested this I i matter referred to the Pranuing Commission. I I I I I 1 # I I 1 4 b I I I 1 I i ENGINEEZNG: 6 I I I I I I : (a) Approval of final map - Glenview Estates Subdivision.: i The final map was presented for the Council's review. I I I I I I I 8 I s 1 I I I ! $1;; ;:::I Ii ::::I $:;J I::;/ ::'I, !Sj!, '";I i::: ;::I ;:;:I I!#;' ;;:: :::; :::: ;::; :ii: iii: :::i :;;I i;:i 4::: l1 ::;: :I:: ' 88 :!I: I I I I , *' ', ',,",, &Si 'b, 't 1 I '. b ', 8, '. 8 % ', 'x, , . I -6-. t I t * 5f 4 i R a me 'L,, ',%, '8. \? '\, S'' , \, ', ' ' 8 ' ', '\ I I I ; of *$\O' .C+--,.p' ', $. '/* 4 I !I..l : Member ,o~+p-O~d \.$, &Np ~""""""""""""""""""""-"""""~~"""""".""""~;""""""""""*~"~"~ I ! The Engineering Department submitted their report, cer4- i fying their approval of the final map. I I i The City Manager informed the Council he had submitted ! i a memorandum to the Engineering Department stating that : no final maps were to be submitted to the City Council ; i until all the requirements had been met by the subdivider,! : ' including the improvement agreement. 'It is his understand- ! ing that all the requirements have been met. I I I I t 1 I 1 ;;I ;:I /*:: I::': 1:;:: ::::: ;;I;: 1;::; :::I; Ill ::::; :I::, {i;:: :x#:; 'I,': &:!!I -. nt-11 i By motion of the Council the find map of Glenview Estateb Guevara :x! i 9 i i subdivision was approved, and the City Clerk directed to : Bierce : ix:4 : I execute the final map on behalf of the City of Carlsbad. i McPhersoni ; i f I 4 ; Neiswende$ i : 4 ; i Hughes i. i ! & i I ;:::: i (b) Approval of final map - Shelter Cove subdivision. Tht$ ;:::: : Council was informed this matter would have to be defer- i ;::I: i red to a later date as the subdivider had not met all the i : requirements. 8 :;;o i (c) Orainage easement for Lebarr Estates #2 subdivision; ::::; : The Council was informed this matter had been taken card :!:;I i of, .by the staff. . . I @I:*; i NEW BUSINESS , I ;i;;: I ! + .! D! 4 I ? 8 :i,:: ::* : ; ; i.; ::::; t I :I::' p;:: I I I I 6 1- I 1 i (a) sesolution No. 888, supporting location of Water i : Pollution &search facilities. At the previous meeting ; i a request was made by the Board of Supervisors for the i : City to adopt a resolution supporting positive action at : I the earliest possible time by the State Legislature for the: ; location in San Diego of an environmental laboratory undeg i the Mealth, Education and Tielfare Federal Water Follu- i ; tion Program, At that time the Council requested a 1 i resolution prepared. * 1 * 5 I I I 1;;l; ;:I:: ; i ;.:-; :'I :;I" 4:; I:::; ::ii: ;;::: 'I:;; ::;:: ;!!:! 11 I:::; ;;::: i The following resolution was presented for consideration: i i Resolution No. 888. A SZSCLUTIGN OF THE CITY i Guevara ! :xi x! ; i cfUNCIL CF TmZITy OF CAIZLSBAD, SUPPQ.BT- ; Bierce !x! ;x; ; 1 IMG LCCRTION GF WATEX PCLLUTIGN 3ESEAZtCEI i McPherson: ; !x: ; : FACILITIES IN TiiE CGUNTY CF SAN DIW0, was ! Neiswenderi : :xi : i adopted by title only, and further reading waived. i Hughes i i ixi : 4 l!!l! *I ::::; I I I ;: 11; I;:{ # 1 I b I Mayor's Committee. I ! * 4 I I r ! The Mayor announced that the Mayor*$ Committee has be& i functioning very faithfully, ad most people have not been I : aware of the work being done by this committee. Consider- : able discussion and thought has been given to a feasibility : ; study being made of the Agua Hedionda Lagoon for a srnalc i craft boat harbor. Several engineering firms were inter-: ; viewed, and it is the recommendation of the committee ; I that the firm of Daniel, Mann, Johnson and Mendenlzall be! ; employed to make this study. 4 I : By common consent it was agreed by the Council that the ! i recommendation &the committee be accepted and that th4 : firm o€ Daniel, Mann, Johnson and Mendenhall be employ-! i ed to make a feasiblity study of the Agua Hedionda Lagoon! : for a small craft boat harbor. I 1 i Cmn. Eierce, one of the members of the Mayor's Cornmi& : tee, requested that a letter be sent to the San Diego Gas i i & Electric Co. informing them that the firm of Daniel, : : Mann, Johnson and Mendenhall has been employed, and ret : quest that a meeting be held jointly with mqmbers of their: i company, the engineering firm and the Mayor:s committeri. I I * 8 * I * 1.9 ::':i I::l ::;I' ;I#;: ;:::1 ;:::1 II'I' I+*:' '::'I II1.j 'I6;, ii"' ;: !:;I 1;': 4s:; :x: ; I, " $4 :::; ;::; };;I :;a: 1,;: I::; :::; :::a :::; ;::; ;::I 1::; :;a1 :I;: 4:: 11 181: IlI* :!tk i Cmn. Bierce suggested that the Mayor1s Committee be i ;:;i ; made a permanent committee. It was agreed that a xllayo$s ;::: ::I: ! ! .::I* I I I I I :I!; ,!*: I .I I ; '. ', ", ', '. .', .r t i *-,, '., ', \', *\8 ', 1 & : 1 I ., *, '\, ', '.*"\ 60 * -8- ', 8, ', '. ', 6 I i Name ', 'X!& ", ''9 I I '.$74k ", q;., I I : of '?>$iJ'.9\rt\&, i. Member x@@.&?@ ;"""~""".""""""~"-""""""""""~"""~"-""""-""-~"---"-"--""--:-~--~-~~ I !i:ii i Assembly Bill No. 641; Apprbxiinatkfy one year ago the! ::::; )'I I i council. went on record as oppoBiag any legiblation con- ; :; i cerning life-estate tax exemption homes. There is one in! I':!; i Carlsbad. The only revenue received fbm this organizaj ii:;: as:;: i tion is sales tax. Tis bill would give each person in the ; :::;: ! home a $1,000 tax exemption. The City Manager recom- i ::;;; :I;I: i mended that he be authorized to send a letter to the corn- : ::I:: : mittee in support of this bill. t I ::::e * I ;:#:I i By motion of the Council the City Manager was instructed! Guevara : ! i x: ; 'I::: i to write to the committee stating the Council's support ; Bierce :I : of this bill. I : ;x! : i McPhersoni : i x: \ I : Neiswender: ix;xi : 4 i Hughes x! I xi 1 i!!:; 4 I '1 I f a I I I *I I 9 I Assembly Bills 1349, 1795 and 96. At the last City Man- i : agers meeting discussion was given to a bill being intro- ; tla:; i duced before the Assembly, which would increase the i :iii: : compensation of Municipal Court employees in San Diego : ::'I: ;I:;( i County, except the City of Gceanside, who have not sub- i :::;: : mitted a bill as yet. This pay increase would amount to : ::p: i 25% - 15% increase. A check would be made as to wketheb ;I? 1 ; Oceanside ismabmitting a bill. The City Manager recom-: i mended that the Council go on record as opposing these i i:;': t bills, including Oceanside if they submit a biff. I 8 i The following resolution was presented. for consideration: {. ;tltL i Besolution No. 891. A RESGLUTXGN GF THE CITY i !:;I: i ASSEMBLY BILLS 1'349, 1795, 96, PRIbvfDING FGA i Bierce i ix;x; : : REVISED SALAdY AND STAFFING PdOVISIONS Kit i McPherson i i !x: i .i MUNICIPAL COURTS8 was adopted by title only and i Neiswender !x ; ;xi : i further reading waived. i Hughes * ;: ' ;x1 j ! Freeway agreement. A call was received from Mr. Deke+a,. :;*:: ! in which'he stated the State will conBtruct the ramps at ; 1:::: i Cannon Eoad at such time as Cannon Road is an improved r ::ii: : arterial from the Freeway east to El Camino Real, and : :::I: i that this would be made a part of the agreement. I I 1 ? :::I; i Cmn. Bierce suggested that no action be taken on this i 9::; : matter until such time as this proposal is received in I $*I 1 L 11;:: i writing. I el.,:; I b I ::;Ia I I I ::':; I W"I'1FICATICN OF BILLS AND PAYLIGLL: I hi;; I ;*I I I 1;::; i Ratification of the bills was given for the general expenses! Guevara : : ;x i 1 :14*1 I in the amount of $16,128.18 and for the Water Department! Bierce $ i :xi ~ : in the amount of $6,715.23, for the -period March 19, 1963McPherson : i p: ! i to April 2, 1963, as certified by the Director of Finance : Neiswender i ; ;x i ~ i and approved by the Auditing Corqmittee, : Sughes 1 :& i Ratification of the payroll was given for the second half of i Guevara iikqi : i March, 1963, in the amount of $17,677.09, as certified i Bierce : $qx; i : by the Director of Finance and approved by the Auditing : McPherson i : $ i i r Committee. iNeiswender : : ]x: 4 I * :b::l ; ADJGURNMENT: : By proper motion the meeting was adjourned at 9:22 P, M. : :*I:: dl1* 1:::: :;;:; l*1l t I b :::I: k - CITY GF CAZGSBAD CPPGSING : Guevara I : ;x! i ;::;: I 8 I ;::;I 1::;: s * I I I :iiii I 1 :'*:; 4::; 1 ; s .* I I t::: I I 1 : Hughes ix; b I Ti * 1 I I I b :;ii: iliil I * *I I t I I :;;: 1 t ::;: 4 I ;I:; 1 t 1 :I!: I I $ + I:*: a I 'Itl I 4 v ::;* I I i 4 I :::I I s I I I::: I L I i: I I :: "I a I I I i ;;:* * f t ; &t?SpeCtfulby Sllbdtted, I I t('4 :Deputy City Clerk I I I ;:I ;::: I t t b 11$ ! I. !#I!