HomeMy WebLinkAbout1963-04-26; City Council; Minutes8 I* I ',<", '\ ', " *', . ,'. i CITY OF CALELSBAD ; Minutes of: CITY CCUNCU, (Smcial meeting) I \\ '\ ' ', 'I '* 5 t " b, ', '\ : Date of Meeting: . April 26, 1963 i Name *' 't& '\,'?a i Time of Meeting: 7iOQ l?. M. i of '@& a,,..;. i Place of hdketing: Council Chambers 1 Member $j$?,-$L@$? i iGLL CALL was answered by Councilmen McPherson, i :ii;i I Bierce, Guevara, Neiswender and Hughes. Also present i i were City Manager Slater and City Attorney Wilson, i Mayor Guevara announced that this Special Meeting was i ;:![; 1 and the Atchison, Topeka & Smta Fe milroad right of wax. ::::: 1:;:: ;I:#: i started in August of 1962. A petition was received con- i ::;:: I ',, +, '(8, ', 6: *""r"""rr"~r"""""""~~""""""~"""""..*"""""""~~""""""""""~"~~". t ;a41@ ::it: :::;: 19 p;: I 1:::; ; called for the purpose of expediting 1911 Act Proceedings i :; i for a portlion of Chinquapin Avenue between Garfield Street +:: $1:: ; The City Engineer informed the Council this project was i ;'*:I : taining 5.2% of the property owners signatures. Due to thq ;:a:: i fact the petition did not contain over 60% signatures this : ;:+ i proposed improvement will have to be done under the im- : ;If 4: ;::;: ; provement Act of MLl and tbe Special Assessment Investi[ ::;:; : gation, Limitation and Majority Protest Act of 1931. t :;I:: I :;::: I The plans and specifications have been completed. The i :$:i *1:*1 : plans were presented for the Council's review: :It i The City Attorney informed the Council that three resolu-i ;:;:: I" I tions had been prepared for the proceedings. I /4; :::I& I ;::!; i The following resolutions were presented for the Council'$ I(' 4:;:; i approval: ;:;is 9 PI ; ' I Ili i aesolution No. 893. A. BESCLUTICN CF THE CITY I ;'; : i ; @IL OF THR CITY CF C&USEAD, ADCpTmG i :;:ii I PUT DEFINING BOUNDAiLIES OF ASSESSMENT i McPherson i : !x: $#I ; i DfSTZLICT, AM) AfMZPTING PLANS AND SPECIFICA- ; Bierce &XI :xi : : TIONS FCH XMPdOVEMENTS IN CHINCWAPIN AVENUl$,Guevara i i :x: i i Assessment Iiistrict No. 1-1962, was adopted by title : Neiswenderl i x:xj ; : only and further reading waived. i Bughes ; 1 Ix: i 4- A3ESGLUTICIN OF THE CITY i ;:I I : PdELI~I~~~~~~Edl~~~~~~ GF LEGISLATIVZ i McPherson i : :x! J i BODY UNDEiE "SPECIAL ASSESSMENT INVESTIGA- : Bierce ki ;x: ; : TECN, LIWIITATXCN AND P/LAJC&ITY P~CBTEST ACT cemevara i i :XI i i 1931", for Assessment District No. 1-1962, was adopted : Neiswenderi :x:%: ; : by title only and further reading waived. i Hughes ; : :x: : ;;;:: : i3esolution NO. 885. A dESCLUTIC4N GF TdE CITY I ,a:::: i.: * : 1 i COUNCIL OF Ti33 CITY GF CALCLSBAD, DETEriMIN- : t:;::l : ING IN1TIA.L VIEW CF LEGISLATIVE EGDY TKAT i McPherson : :xixi i I I TdE PitGVBIONS OF DIVISION 4 OF THE STitEETS i Bierce )s i !x: i i i Assessment District No. 1-1962, was adopted by title i Neiswenderf I ;x: i i : only and further reading .waived, ; Hughes .( ; :xi : I ::b:; I ADJCUKNMENT: a I :::::; I By proper motion the meeting was adjourned at 4: 41 P. M, ! i Sespectfully submitted, e I I I b I t I $ 1< I I ? I I 4 I t a I :::ii ;:: I: s t t I t 4 r I ; 8 : i3esolution No. 894. I :!::: G:I.TY GF CAitLSBAD, GIVING :: :ii F * ; COUNZ L 1::; I I I t : AND. MIGHWAYS CBDE KILL NOT BE VIGLATED, : Guevara : ; ;xi ; 1 I I 8 * 1 :k:;l{ t 8 I 6 :::: I:!:;; 8 t :::;;I 'I ;;'Ill ::ii:: I I + t iii:l/ ;ilia; ;;:::a I I ;:::i: ;!!;;: ;it;:: ::::i: ;*t::; ;:it:* :::;q I t ;::;:: ;::;:; ::I::; :I::;: I ;: ,l;:': I I !' !:I::# a!:!; I * + 4 4 I 8 t I I I I I a a 8 I 4 k I t 1 # I I I L I I t I*;:': I t I I f & I f * I I 1 I :::i:: 4 :ii::: I 1 :::ii: 8 I I I I I 1 I I I I t * t t :::I;: I * .I .. ,