HomeMy WebLinkAbout1963-05-07; City Council; Minutes4 I : " b, " \, .\ ts ' '* ' 'i . '* '., '.,'*, % '\ b' 'b "' I 7i i CITY CF CA&tSEA.D ; Minutes of: CITY CC~CIL (*gular meeting) i ', 8, 'x, '\, 'i,'8* 3 Date of Meeting: May 7, 196% ! ~a me '*x '+\ ''8 "$ ; Time of Meeting: 7:OO P. M. ; , of '+j&&' '., x*., 8.L '0 ' 9' +',$ :""~"""""""""""""""""""""""~""-*."""""""""""~"~~"""""~~"~" : Place of,.Meeting: Council Chambers : Member ' &@,+G$ ::::; i RCLL CALL was answered by Councilmen,McPherson, : I4)(1 i:;:: : Bierce, Guevara and Neiswender. Councilman Hughes i I:::' i was absent. Also present were City Clerk Price, City i i,:1 i:;;; ! Manager Slater and City Attorney Viilson. ::':; :::;I : ALLEGIANCE to the Flag was given. ;:;:: I- I :;':: 1:::: : INVGCA-TIGN was offered by Councilman Neiswender, i I ;:i;; ;:;:: ;::I:: * (a) Minutes of the regular meeting of April 16, 1964 McPherson : ;x I XI ; 1 : Guevara : : :xi : 4 I Neiswender: : :x: i 1 61;; * (b) Minutes of the Special Meeting of April 26r2 2963; McPherson I ix !x; ; I I i Cruevara : i !x: i I I' : Neiswender: : ;xi : :::;: $1;: i (a) H. W. Kirby - re: I& ater drainage problem. Letter * i ;::;: ;:::: ; ZateG April 27, 1$63, from H. W. Kirby, 3570 D onna Dr. i ::I:; i concerning a water drainage problem on his property: : I:;:; : The water drains on his property from the commercial ; ::::; : flower grower, Mr. Eionda's property. Mr. Kirby request- +:: : ed the City Council to do all in their power to resolve this i ' ;:1:1 t*; i problem as soon as possible. ;:::: i The City Attorney informed the Council this involves the ! ;a::; ; The City Manager was instructed to inform Mr. Kirby i :I::; I 919.1 I 1 I I I 8 t I I I t l*+ I I I I I I 1 I I I I $ *If 1 : .APP&GVA.L OF MINUTES: til<; i were approved as submitted. i Bierce kj ;x: I 4 I t I I ;:,I& :. were approved as submitted. : Bierce t: ;xi ; t I I I : CC&ZRESPCNDENCE: I a ,i:*i: I ;I I I I C I' ('4' t I I I I * ;:::: If'l' 1::'t ; two property owners and is a civil matter. ::::: Q1Il I1 ;f i of the City Attorney's decision. ;41t: /4; i [b) Earl H. Thompson - re: Acquisition of land from i ;:i:; : Dr. Balmateer. Letter dated April 29, 1963, from b%rl i ::' i f-r. Thompson, Attorney at Law, advising that his firm i I;;$ I represents Dr. &oy'Y. Palmateer, in connection with the ; *:I:: ;#::I ! Palmateer, approximately 38 feet by 150 feet of the south; :!;:: I west corner of the proposed extension of Tamarack Ave, : ::;:: i Dr. Palmateer has aukbrized him Po offer the said parcel: ;4,II )*fa ; of land to the City of Carlsbad for the sum of $$,?Oif, a33. i ::::I ,a;:; i a grant deed to the City. ;:,:I ; :,; * : 1;':: i Cmn, McPherson stated he felt this should be turned back i ;:::I I to the City Attorney for investigation. I ;;:" , 1:: i Cmn. Eierce stated at one time Dr. Palmateer offered to i :::I: ; give the City this property, providing the City would bend i 1:::: ;a*:; I:::: : shouid start over again with Dr. Palmateer, I;;*1 I ::::: i City Attorney investigate this matter further and see if i ;*1;4 ::::I : something can be worked out satisfactory so that the '::;I :I:;; I ;:i ::p: /;:; ::I:; I I i~uevara : 4 :x ; ; t :NeiswenderI : F: : I t * I b b I 4 1 I I:!;: ::I:; I I * 6' I '1 e l ; acquisition of a portion of the property owned by Dr. ;;::; i Upon payment of said sum, Dr. Palmateer wi 11 execute : ::;:: I I I 1 I I I b c I $::: i a little in their policy. It was his opinion that negotiations: 11 : By COIXU~O~ consent of tie Council it was agreed that the i :;::; 8: i property will be of€ered to the City free of charge. :I::: i (c) Jose .it. Gonzaie - re: Personal injury claim, ;;::, 4 I 4 I I 4 I I I + t I I I I ; Notice of Claim for personal injuries sustained by Juan P. i b :I:#: I;*i i Qonzalez was received, the claim being made by Jose R. i ::::e : Gonzalez in the amount of $5, OW. i By motion ,of the Council the claim was denied and- refer- ! McPherson : !x :x : : i red to the City% insurance carrier. : 3ierce +:' 3: ; i:c:' ::::: ;:;:; t 1 * I I I I I I L t *I 1 I i 4 I I I I I I I I I I I t I t I I 1 4% 8 I I 1 I I I 4 I b + t I I I I I f I L I I I f I 1 I I I I I l a I 9 t I I I I I I I b I I I 1 I 1 I 1 I b I I I 1 8 I I 4 I 3 I ; I L I t F I I * I I I I I I I I k I t t I I 4 '* I I I I 1 I 1 I 1 I I I 1 I I I I 4 4 I .I I 1 I I t I I I I I I I I I I f I I I I $ t I s i 4 I I L I i 1 1 t 8 * t I I I I I 1 I I I I I I t f 1 1 I f 1 $ 4 \,I' \ b' I I I 1 1 ', \.,''. '% " ?%, i Name '\,'\$$, '*L,'yh, ; 'of . Y?-$, ', ep, :. Member $'@&?~s: 1 ;;:;; (d) F. %. Lilley - re: dequest €or Council support in i :'I:: If opposition to SB I184 . Letter dated April 26, '1963, fromi +;p; Pranklin VV. Lilley, City Manager of Oceanside, attachin i i; (I1 1.: a resolution of the Oceanside City Council opposing SB 11 4, : I,! i i which Bill prohibits public operated transit systems from: ; I I ;.I chartering buses. The City Council of Cceanside request: ;:::: ed the City of Carlsbad to oppose this 3ill on the basis : : +: :.: ; I*' ; ;.; i that ft would take away from a municipality its right of ! ;;::: home rule and local autonomy. 4 4 ,flit I :p:; Cmn. Neiswender pointed out this Council previously weni i:::: on record as opposing this Bill. t :I:;{ ' 1.: 1 I I I:;!: The Council requested the City Manager to sa inform the i ;;;:; City of Oceanside. I I ::+ 4 ::::a (e) "Viiornan's Club of Cartsbad - re: Aequest for posting 1 :::I: of barricades. Letter dated April 22, 1863, from the c ::':; i:::: -an's Clcb of Carlsbad, requesting that the City post I 1:::; barracades by the ditch on either side of the temporary : ;:::* :,::I approaches to- their property on Monroe Street, so that I ;:::i those entering and leaving will be warned. It was their ; l'(1, mderstanding that the street would be rehabilitated by I ::li: ;:I * the time their. building was completed, however, as of ; (:I:: this date no work has commenced. * :I::, 'I I f i I; ;': I )If The City Engineer stated he answered this letter and 1 I ;::I: informed the Romanis Club that plans are being prepared I 1';:; ::l:l for the construction of Monroe Street. However, it is { :iiii the responsibility of the owner to take care of their own ; !:;at driveway approaches. * 1:;:: f I :';:; 6 ;;;;; The Council requested the letter filed. f a :*'I: ':::: t ::;I, (f) E.. 13. Thompson - re: i.equest f0.r vacation of a I t ;61;8 portion of Jefferson Street. Letter dated April 23, 1965, i ::::: from Earl H. Thompson, enclosing a Petition for Vaca- : :t1:; :::;, tion of Street, i, e., all of 3oad Survey No. 135 lying @ I y mithin Tracts I, 2 and 3 of Laguna Mesa Tract in the City! 1: $1 It 1 of Carlsbad. According to the petition submitted four : property owners whose property abut this road were * making the request,. It was pointed out this road was i closed to vehicular traffic in June 28, 1948. By motion of the Council it was agreed that the matter be 1 !I;:{ 'I referred to the Engineering Department for their study an? McPhersori : :x; : recommendation, and in making their recommendation ; Bierce : \xixi ; they keep in mind the retention of it road easement €or : Guevara i t :x; i sign maintenance purposes. i Neiswender:~; i xi ; I ;#I 4 (g) E. H. Marshrey - re: Letter of appreciation. Letter I ;:'ti ,I::: dated .April 22, 196 3, from &H-e3ding I :x:: appreciation for the splendid cooperation by. the Police ; 4::: Department and the efficient manner in which they functio4. ;i::: :I::: During the week of April 15th-19th his residence at 5330 ; ;:::a Los aobles suffered damage in the form of eight broken i i::;: windows, and it is most reassuring to him as a weekend ; :::;: 'It resident, to know thzt his property is under 'such fine i Y'lf: ::it: protection. I I ;; 1:p: The City Manager was instructed to inform the Police ; ;I;*: Department,of this letter. ::::I 4 L I:':: :I::, .. &J. *' C. ..X FENNEL ?;.re;.;:,;tequest for release of pipe i 1:::: line easement. Letter dated.4 yil 17, 1963, from Claud i ,;tlll ;:;:: J; FeaneL, r"e.questing..zn '&&irp,. gwment of easement,.fQr a . : 1;::: pipeline. . ft is his unders.tanding thjs pipe line has long : ::::: since bee"n"8biindoned as far as use by the City of Carlsbad, :!:;: I t ::i+ The Engineering Department-recjiiested this matter be i !::;I referred to them for investigation. I ;;:'I t ,:f I I ;:::: I I :;::: I ::I:! '%, '\ 'x, " ',, '.,"* 72 -2 - I %'* \\ %, '\ '\ '\ k, ', '% NO - .p ',4$p """"""""~~"~~"--""""~""""~"""""~""""""~""""*~""""~"""~" ""_*" ;; 1 t I I I I 4 ]I * ::::, I:; i:;ii I I ;::;: 8 $4 :I * I ;::;I * s 0 11 t I ft (t" t I .. I I I' I 8, '\ " \\ 'x -, I I t I \ 8' t -3- I I t I I I I ', ","4 \\ '\ ', I '\, '\ 'x, " ' ' 72 I : Name 8x,'$+ \ '8. '\\&j, ** .I ; of \$?& '\ '3;. I I f$@,.>,.$* :""""""""""""""""""""""""~"""~"~""""""""~;""""-""""""""" : Member ,oo'~.;<nxp%,d ,\ \\ ,, ' 8x ". I I ''1;; ::pa i By motion of the Coutlcil the matter was referred to the i McPhersoni :.x: g I : staff for study and recommendation, and a report made : Bierce :x; I d ; i to the Council at the next regular meeting. i Guevara i i I $ i : GiEAL CGMNIUNI@ATf@NS ! " : Ma. MATTIIEVL JA.i.dVIZ, 1175 Hoover-.Street, inquired i :::'I i as to what had been done concerning the property at the i :;:I: : corner of Madison and Grand Avenue. : The City Manager informed the Council this matter was i :'I11 i referred to the former City Attorney, and the Building i :t::: i Betts. I ;::;I #::I: :'I:: ::I:; ;:a /::: : the policy. ii:i; I 111;: t I : Neiswender: ix I+ : ;::;; : PUBLIC HEAdING: :::I, I:!:: 1:::; i (a) Reclassification of certain property from Zone d-~ i !:I:: 'I : 10,030 to Zone A-1, located on the northerly side of i Basswood Ave., between Canon Street and Donna Drive; ; I:':: : Applicant - Maureen McInerny Rorick. a :I;:! i to the property owners and as to publication of notice. : ::;:; :L:; ; I. Resolution No. 293 of the Planning Commission was read i ,iiii: til ;:;:: t wherein they recommended reclassification of certain i *:;:: i areas as outlined by lot number in said resolution, from i :::I: 1 zone 8-A-10,OOO to zone R-1-10,000, R-1-9000 and ::::: ::I:, ;-* t ; ; f A memorandum from the Secretary of the Planning Corn- + i ::::; ;::;I i mission was presented for the Council, dated May 6, 1963, ::;I: I;;!: 1 stating that at the regular meeting of the Planning Corn- : :; i mission held April 23, 1963, there were twenty-four lettebs I ii: i of protest read. The names and addresses of all the pro-: :!::: :I::: : testants were read. The chief objections were (1) the i ::::I i homes immediately surrounding the area are custon built : ;:::I : homes, and a tract development would devaluate their i I;:,: ;11:* i property; (2) a tract development would result in the re- : l;;ll ::I:: ; rnoval of a great majority of the trees; (3) some of the i ::I:; i purchasers bought their homes on the premise that this : II1:I :'I ,*: : area was zoned 10,000 sq. feet and would remain so; and : :i*:: i (4) property suitable for higher type usage should be pre- : ;l;fil 1 served. I:;:* 1; ;:::I 181 '; I The Clerk also informed the Council that letters of protesf: $::4 ,;*I* ; persons: :::I: i Diane D. Cockran, 3170 Falcon Place 1 ; Marjorie Montague Davis, 41 3 S. McCadden Place, L. A. i :I:::; i Carl 3. Bernhart, P. C. Box 22, Carlsbad * 1 I I I I ; Neiswenderf ; ; + : i;:;; ;PI? 1::: !:I:: 8:;:; :::a, 41 ::;I: I I I I I * * 6 I I I I 8 I I ::;:: r Inspector obtained information on this property fur Mrs. : ;:::; I The Cauncii requested this matter pursued further. :L:; i requested the Council io give consideration to adopting ; ::::: I I I 1 I t 1 f + 1 L I Policy statement - re: Public hearings. Cmn. Bierce i 1::s: I presented a policy statement regarding public hearings ; ::::: i before the Council and the Planning Commission, and I ;:::: t I I 1 I ::I:* i After due consideration by the Council, by motion of the i McPhersonl I I :xi i Council it was agreed that the policy as presented be : Bierce !xi i x! ; ; adopted, i Guevara : 1 : x i I I 1 I I I 8 1 1 I r' ,:'I $1 i t 1:;: I I I s $ : .The Clerk certified as to proper notice having been given i I ii::; :x;; I I t t I I I 1 i I%-1 -7xlO. 8 I I I I I 4 I. I were received prior to ?:SO P. M. from the €allowing ;:::: iiiii , I t I I I I I I :::l;j i::;:; : David and Phy1lis.J. Freistadt, 5325 Seacrest Dr. I :i:::; :I;;;; ;:;:;: :::::i :::':I ::::;1 11' 1 + 4 I i i A letter of protest was received after the hour of 7:30 P. @. I 1;::;; l1 1 I I I I I i from Gregory W, Losa and Katherine J. Eosa. 8 I I * I I I - I ! -l,!ll I 1 I l 1 I I I 4 * t' '\ 8i *' ' ' . 1 1 e I ~ *, ',, *%\ y*, F 3 I i N a me *%-, '8%. sN8 'qJ, 4 i .$&+,;, $+ 4 :::;j i The Mayor announced the Council would hear from the i ;I 1::;; i applicant or his representative at this time. I1 I ; Maureen dorick, and the plan as presented by the Planning i;::: i Commission they feltwas a sound plan. Also they felt 1 ; : 1.; 41 I ; it was just for the surrounding property owners. Whatev4r :::I: 1:::: 1:::: * I::;* #I ! wishing to speak in opposition, and requested that each ; -; I ; I( l 1:: ::'?: 1:;:: : The following persons appeared before the Council and i I ;::I: 14;:; ;;,;I ;:::: :i::: ; Et.. Col. T. E. Metzger, USMC, 3590 didgecrest I I ;:@Il 1 ::i ;;::I f J. E.. Jardine, 3301 Belle Lane I :::*: I :;;I: )I,@* :;I:: :&:': i Mrs. Douglas Hasselo, 3482 Donna Drive $4: :;:;; ;*:*I i The Mayor declared the public hearing closed at 8:25 P. M. I 1:::: ;::;: :::;: 1 :::I: i was pointed out that it would not be legal to zone the area i 1(1 1:::; i Mr. Melton, Planning Technician, presented a map that i # ::::; 'x, \, 8 ', '8 '8 ' hd I '8 '8,". '3, "\", -4 .. . \' I ; of 'S.0' \ ;"""""."""~"""~"""""""*~"-"~""-~"-"~"""""""~~~~~""""""""~-~"~~:- i Member Q.(^o.,$d-@ I I I I 1 4 I 4 I :I#:: ;:::: ;::I: ,:I:: I i Mb. DAVID &GltICK, stated he- was representing 4 i the Council and the community decide would be satisfactorfy ::;I: ; to them; ;ttli i The Mayor announced the Council would hear from those I l:;ll : person lirriit their speaking to three minutes. i spoke in opposition to the proposed reclassification: : I i Georg Geiger, 3199 Donna Drive i Shaler Ladd, 1810 Oak Avenue I Carl Bernhardt, P. 6. Box 22 i Don Moss, $214) Belle Lane : Mr. David Freistadt, 3525 Seacrest Drive I + I 1 I I I I I 4 & I 1 : I I I 8 J I 1 I 1 I I I I I f I &'I 8 I : I i Discussion was given among the Council memhers. ft i ;::;: i as recommended by the Planning Commission, due to the ; i:;:: ; fact the zoning had been recommended by rekrence to I ?:;:I :Il*: i lot number, and the proposed tentative map was not con- ; 1:::; : sidered at the hearing before the Planning Commission. i ii:!: 1i;a: i he had prepared that covered the approximate area as : ::::: : that proposed by the Planning Commission, however, the i ;::;: i lot numbers were omitted. i After further discussion, by motion of the Council &sohi McPherson I ; ;x: I : tion.No. 898 was denied, as this resolution had been pre- i Bierce z: !x; i i pared in accordance with the recommendations of the : Cuevara I : :x; t : Planning Commission. i Neiswender: !x !x: i J by motion of the Council it was agreed in regard to the i I entitled "Rorick Reclassification", dated 4-9-63, aeceipt : :I::! ; No, 391 3, that the area shown in yellow be rezoned 8-10 : ;:::t : and that the remaining area be rezoned R-1-7500; that i McPherson i jxIxi 1 i metes and bounds descriptions of these rezoned areas be : Bierce 9 i :xi ; : drafted, and that the matter be referred to the Planning i Guevara ; ; :x: i i Commission for report back to the Council. : Neiswenderj : !xi ; i A short recess was called at 9:OO. The meeting recon- i I vened at 9: 15 P. M. ;::Il ::;:; ; Mayor Guevara stated he would like to take this opportun- j ;I8l:. i ity to thank all the persons who had anything to do with : $4: (lII+ I excep~onally. well this year. i FLAmmG: I i (a) &solution No. 291 of the Planning Commission -, re: ! Il 1' ; Findings and report .for tentative map of Ocean View i Subdivision. I I I !;;!: 1 ::: ;: $1:: 1::; 1 I I 181 b I 6 *I*:; : After further consideration by the Council of the Map, i i+; tt i requested rezone as indicated on map marked Exhibit "A": ;I 5;:;: ; which map is on file in.the office of the Planning Secretar$, ::::: ii::: i 10,000, that the area shown in orange be rezoned &-l-SOOb, :;;:: I I I :iiii ii::; 11; I I ::;:I I I I I : the Spring Holiday event, as he felt it had been handled i t:i:: ;;;:a *I):: :;; 1.: #:::I I ::;:: ::;:; !:pi t14: $:', ;:::: 11;; :;;I1 I 1 1 1 I l I I I I I t :::I: I 1 I 1 I I I I I 1 I t * * 1 I f * 1 ! !*I!* I I 1 I I I I I I I' 1 \, '\ .\' '\ '\ :\, i I 1 I ', '\, 8, \\,'\, '\ \\ *'\ ' " 14 1 I i F\I a me ',, '\%\ \\\ \\?bp6s* 4 $ ; *f *$&e;.,'. '*\ 1 i Member \,$$4,4J,;?$& ,o .,o.,c'\p\d -5- .* .' . '\ '\ '\ *, ,', \ 8' ;""""""""""--"~""""""""""~""""""-""""""""~~~"~"""""""-"""" I I I '11 XI*!l .I I i LZesolution No. 291 of the Planning Commission was re- i ! viewed, wherein they disapproved the tentative map of i : Gcean View Subdivision. I I : Memorandum from the Planning Secretary, dated May 3, i i 1963, was presented, stating their reasons for disapprov: : ing the map were as follows:, (1) There is no access to i i the proposed subdivision; (2) Access to the subdivision by; i extending Donna Drive is not the Cityts responsibility; i ; (3) To enter the proposed subdivision area through Lot 59: i would be nullifying deed restrictions and covenants on that i property; and (4) It is the redponsibility of a subdivider to: t provide access to landlocked subdivision. I I i Letter dated April 7, 1963, from Mr. and Mrs. Paul i ; aalker, 3700 sitest Xaven Drive, opposing the extension : I of Seacrest Drive for an access street. 8 1 1 I I I 1 I I I I I 1 .. I 6 i It was pointed out that access to a subdivision is a neces-! : sity and a requirement. The subdivider would have to : i have access to the subdivision prior to the final map being t approved. If Donna Drive were connected then the sub- ; i divider would have access. I i The City Engineer gave his report on the tentative map, j i stating the map complied with all the requirements except: i as to access being provided. He recommended that the i : subdivider acquire fee title to the proposed extension of ; i Donna Dr. and the proposed extension of Ccean View Dr. I : connecting with the proposed extension of Donna Dr. > 1 i off-site of the proposed subdivision as shown on the map, i : at his sole cost. I I I I t I I t I ! 1:;:: i:r:; 'e1 lib 1'4; 4:;, t:; !i ::::; t:;:c ::::I I: ::;I1 :;;:: I:;:: ;::': ::;:: ;::I: *:';I :::I: :I It $I:* 141 3" l;l;i :.:I: 4::: lc3;l ::p: :;!I: I;;;; ;;+st ll;l: 11 1.; I t:p: I::;: ::;;: ;;: pf ::j!i 11 iiiii I:::: ;;ti& I) ;I::: :;::; ::I;: :;:*: !i:;: 8l;'a ;*l:s !*I$: 11*1) I I ;I I I I :vi;; 1 After further consideration by the Council, the following i a:::, i resolution was presented: I ; Sesolution NO. 903. A BESGLUTICN OF T9E CITY i $:'ti : TZE TENTATIVE NfiP CF CCEAN VIEW SUBDIVISIONi McPhersonl :xi xi : 11 2; i SUEJECT TO ACCESS EZItJG CBTAINED AS SSCWN i Bierce !x: :x: : ; GN TEE MAP, was adopted by title only and further ; Guevara : ; !xi : i reading waived. : Neiswender! I !x: : !p;i I I 1 I \@I:;; I :!:;I ;l;ll I:;:, 5 i CCUNCIL OF THE ,CITY CF CAZLSBAD, APPKVING : 11 1 1 , I i EMGXNEEZING: : 1 I I I I 11;;; ::p: I I ::::; I i (a) Approval of pipe license with A. T. & S. F. Railway - j : Tamarack Ave. crossing. h new pipe line for the re- I i habilitation of the water system is being installed in : Tamarack Avenue and will cross the railroad track. The i i A. T. & S. F. Bailway CO. require a license from the city! : when a pipe line is relocated. The license agreement has: i been received and needs to have the Mayor's signature. i s I I f I I :1;;: ;;::I ;:\;; ;;;It I! t;4; ::::: :ti:: ::;:; '11 :,I I;!!: It I i By motion of the Council the Mayor was authorized to i McPherson ; I f x' I l*;;' i execute the document on behalf of the City of Carlsbad, ; Bierce i and the Clerk instructed to attest the signature. I Guevara ; Neiswenderjxi :x: l %!: ::i:i ; jx:x; : I I I * ; I ;xi ; I I !I 1: I (b) Acceptance of 63' roadway easement from Pacific J ; Vista Estates, Inc. to the Zity. The Walings properties i ! in Lot 8 of Bella Vista Tract, held rights of a 60' road : 1- ~ - ~ .. I easement over the norther€y-60' of suvbject property. I 1 i Pacific Vista Estates, Inc, , acquired the rights of the 6W ! ; road easement when they purchased tie .Holiday Manor i i property. Pacific Vista Zstates, Inc. is willing to grant i ; these rights to the City, and it will be necessary for the ; i Ccuncil to accept this grant of easement. I I I ;;;;; ;l,tl 1:::: :lL;l :;'I: 1: ;;;$ Iti:l ::;I: ;t,:l l;ll; :;;:; ;!;#I 1:;:; :!!;: I By motion of the Council the 60' road easement was ac- i McPherson I ; ;x: : *;;I' ; cepted from Pacific Vista Estates, Inc., and the Clerk i Bierce F i :x: 1: I : instructed to record same. ; Guevara : ; :xi. i I I 1,;at I!$;: I i t : Neiswender! i x:x; ; I I :I,'; I I ! I 8 \\ .. *, \, .' .',. . -. ; 1 I I I # 1 l I I e x, \\ '\ \ \ 8, 7' I -6 - I I 8, " ', \8 '\ " t : N a me \, '$A \, 'Z+ I ',,f,t$38 '8 '9, I : of ',f&$J, +,$y+ t ! Member \$b'Q.+\g< :"""""""~"""""""""""""".."-"""~"""""""~""""~""""""""-""-"-- i (e) Purchase of Tractor-loader - Water Department. I I 'It: I ::;: ; Monies were allocated 1n the budget €or the purchase of i :;I: i a Tractor-loader for the Vdater Department. They asked ; :*'I 11 I for bids, and Palomar Tractor Co. was the low bidder i 1;*1 :::: i in the amount of $4, 215.00. I I ::;; I :::! '\ ',, ', '\\'\, 8. '\ '- '\ 8, \,. '\ I f I ;It; 'I b 11 1 t I i By motion of the Coutlcil the bid of Palomar Tractor Co. I McPherson i i ;x; kll$ ; in the amount of $4,215. OG was accepted by the Council. ; Bierce I :x;x: .I e I I I I Guevara ; ; :xi I I ; Neiswender:x: :xi '4 ! I s t!!l i (d) Approval of plans and specifications Uriit No. 1 - i JointTewerage project. i The plans for Unit No, 1 of the Joint Sewerage project weee i presented for the Council's review. I 1 i Subsequent to the Councilfs discussion, the following resot. i lution was presented: I I I i3esolution No. 900.. A SESCLUTION OF THE CITY i APFi3GVING COIkTUCT DGCUMENTS AND PLANS i I AND SPECIFICATIGNS FCd CONS'I'LIUCTICN OF A.N : I OUTFALL SETViiEEt, METE3 STATION AND PUMP STA: I + 8 I I I I I I I I I I , t I I I I I 5 1 " I CCUBSCIL CF rxE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFCRNIA~ :jiI I()l I8 :::* :;:I ::i: ,I:: ;. 8 1 1 ;:I' 1::; ::;I :la: :::: :::; 1::: :::: 11;; :I;; :::: ::;: .I ('61 t* : TEN FCX THE Vk3TPA SANTAT1E.N DISTRICT AND i McPherson j i :x: I' i TEIE CITY OF CAWLSBAD JGINT SEWEiWGE SYSTEM i Bierce 1 :x ;x: : UNIT 1 (W. C; 2785), was adopted by title only and furthe! Guevara : i :XI i reading waived. 1 Neiswenderi ; ;x; ! 4 b;.l 11 t i LIE3AfZY: I !' I I 4 I ! i (a) Report from Chairman of Library Building Committeei I Letter dated April 29, 1963, from Arthur VI. Spivey, * t : Chairman of the Library Zuilding Committee, stating Mr. i i Melvin, the architect, presented his schematic drawings I I of the proposed new library building, and the committee ; { unanimously accepted the drawings as presented. The I : committee voted to recommend to the City Council that i i the architect continue with detailed drawings, specifica- i I tiona and cost studies; that the building contain approxi- : i rnate'ly 16, 086 sq. ft. and cost not more than $323, 000. I ; It further recommended that architect's fees, furnishings : i and equipment, landscaping and building of parking areas i : make the total cost not to exceed $400, GOO, and that funds I i for this project be provided within the library budget. I + I I I iii: ,;'I :;:I :::; :::: :;#I #I ::;: !I I:,; :::: i:;: ::;: ;::; ;#I: :;;I :;I: ::i: I;;; ::;; ;:;I &St !! t+ 111 !It! ! Letter dated May 3, 1963 from Dr. Merkle, one of the i i members of the Library Board of Trustees, stated the I i Board has previously concurred with the findings and I I : recommendations of the Library Building Committee, and i i it is their hope that the Council will concur with the find- : : ings and recommendations of the Committee. t I i Cmn. Neiswender stated the plans as presented were well i i received. It was his feeling the design as presented is I : something the people of Carlsbad can be proud of. I 1 : I b i I 1 i;:i ;::I $4 :::I ;;:I Ill1 11 183; :I;: 4: :*I 1;:: ;;;; ;;I6 :::; :f:: ::;: 14 I1lf : By motion of the Council it was agreed that the architect i McPherson ; : !xi i continue with the detailed drawings and Specifications and 1 Eierce b i :x: I the cost study of the project. ; Guevara i ; ixl ! I rl:! 'I)' I I : Neiswender; i x:x: 1 NEVi BUSINESS: I 1 I ;;:I t :::I b I I 1 t ( a) Acceptance of easements - Joint sewerage project. i i Letter dated April 29, 1963, from the Department of ; Special District Services, was received, wherein they i i enclosed easements from Lawrence i4. Felt and Carolyn : ! Felt, and Aobert L. Earrows and Lorraine Barrows, I I i in connection with the Joint Sewerage project. They re- i t I I t I j I 4 I I I I I I I I 1;;; II'I 1;;l ::;i :lkl :::: :::; 1:II :e:: 11)1 ;::I 4;; :::: #:I: #,!I r .C-. t 1 '\\'\\'f I I I X8 '\ 8, \ \ ' \ \' I I I x, '., '\ '\,'\,'\\ I I I ,' 76 I I -7 - 8, '\ ', '%,'"''8 I i N a me '\, \x$, \, ''at I + : of 'y&&\, '8, '?;,, \?$P&.$\+ + i"""" """""""""""""" * """""" * """"""""_ .I -"""; """"""" 20 "-" "" ',O..PP '4 I I *'I;' ::::I :: quested the City of Carlsbad to accept these easements. i :::I ; 1': It:$ i By motion of the Council the. easements &om the Felts i McPherson i : ;xi : and the Barrows, were accepted on behalf of the City of i 3ierce 3: ;xi i Carisbad. : Guevara : ! :x; ' \\ I i i Member t I b I I I i I Neiswenderj :xixi I,. 1 (b) Supplement to agreement betweeti,Vista, Sanitation i 1 District, Engineering Science, Inc. and the City of 1 I i Carlsbad. The Council was informed a Supplement to f i the original agreement betweeti the above named parties : : has been received. In the original agreement it referred i i to the County Public Rorks Department. The name of : : this &pal-tment has been changed to Special District 1 I I Services Depaktment. Tiis supplemental agreement is 1 ; for the purpose of substituting the name of Special District i Services Department. I I I :;:: '1 I: :;si 11;; *I,; ::;; I;:: ::;; '11: ::;I &I(, :;dl ;:I: ::;; .. 411 11 If ll!l I I 11;; : By motion of the Council the supplement to the original i McPherson i ; :x: ; agreement between Vista Sanitation District, Fngineering i Eierce z: !xi i i Science, Inc. and the City of Carlsbad was approved. : Guevara I SI t :x; 1 1 Il!4i It1 I I I i Neiswender! ixixl i ! t #I i (c) iiesolution No. 896 - re: 701 program. In connection: i with tne planning and feasibility study for the small craft : : harbor, a resolution has been prepared requesting plannink i assistance under the 761 program. I i The following resolution was presented for the Council's i i consideration: 1 I I I I I 9 I 1 I ! O-I, ::I:; ;;;:; :I:: 4:; XI It8;' )(II i!!t :;SI :::; ' :: -11 :& : desolution No. 896. A iCESC-EUTION CF THE CITY I ; 8 I.; i COUNCIL OF TFIE CITY CF CAALSBAD, AEOUESTIDG: ;::; 4:: i PLANNING ASSISTANCE UNDEd CiiAPTEA 1641, I ;;:I ; STA.TUTES CIF 1959 CF THE STATE CF CALIFCdNIA; ! McPherson. 1 i $xi ;I :I i AND AUTHGdIZING TZE NiAYCd TG EXECUTE ALL : Bierce k' ;x: f NEZESSAHY DCCUMENTS, was adopted by title only and i Guevara ; ; !x: 1: I i further reading waived. : Neiswender i : :xi ! I ,::I I I i (dl itesolution No. 897 - re: Small Craft Harbor Loan 1 : Application. In order to obtain a loan from the Small r i Craft Xarbors of the State of California, for the purpose : ! of preparing plans for a small craft harbor, prior to an i I application being submitted, it will be necessary for the : : Council to adopt a resolution authorizing the City Manager! i to make application to request such a loan. I I I t 1 I 1 :ij; 41; ::*I :I:: 4:; :!:I ::;: ::;I :* ;:i; c; ('1: I!!* i The following resolution was presented: 1 t ::I: I t :(:I i desolution No. 827. A iCZSOLUTICN OF THE CITY I I $1: "I : CCUNCIL OF THE CITY CF CAALSBAD, i3ECUESTINGj :;I1 I::: i A LOAN F&GM THE SMALL CISAFT 3Ai%ECn&S OF THE i:;;. I STATE GI? CALfFOdNIA, FCiZ THE PULePGSE OF I :::: ,"t *I15 I:' i OVEX THE SUBJECT P&CPERTY, AND CEdTIFYING i McPherson ; ix:xi )*I1 : T3A.T SECTICNS 6499.6 AND 5828 OF THE PUBLIC ; Bierce ;x: ;x; i hESOUdCES CODE SAVE BEEN CCMPEIED ViaITH, : Guevara ; i ;x: i was adopted by title only and further reading waived. i Neiswender! ; :xi I ! l!!l 4 .'I I I i PiIEPA+UNG PLANS FCd A SMALL CaFT MBBO&, ! i CEBTIFYING TrfE CITY'S INTESEST IN CGNTiEL I ;I1 1: I : Proposed ordinance €or cigarette vending machines. i Mayor Guevara proposed an ordinance for cigarette vend- i i ing machines, which it would make it unlawful for any one : ; to have a cigarette vending machine on a. premise that i i was not supervised at all times. 1 i The Mayor stated cigarettes are too accessible for young ! i people, and if some type of ordinance were adopted where i : there would be control over these machines, he would 1 1 I f 1 6 1 I I I"' ;::: ::p +: ll:: l:ll II:; ::I: ;I:: ;::: $11 ;; 1)O !Ill : certainly be in favor of it. I ;SI: I I :Ill I I l(lI I ! I# :!I; 1 I 8 I I 1::: I t I :::: ; I I ;;+I I I I l;:1 1 I I I t i I \,\'\\\. \\ I \, '\ '\ '\ \ ', I '\ \ * ' ', t , .., \' '\ ', \ 7 t I Na me x*,, '++ \\,\'&\ \&&, '\ Y-4 I i Member \$&J,+& %BQ,$-p< I I -8 - I I : of :"""""""~"""~""""""""""""""""""""""""""~;~""""""""~~"""- I ', 'x,'',, '8, ',, '\ ! I ::!; t I i Ctnn. McPherson stated he did not smoke, but he did not i I feel it could be enforced. ! Cmn. Neiswender stated he agreed in principle, 'but felt ! i it would be imposdible to enforce. He sbggested that eaclj i member of the Council try and come up with some ideas: ; i along this line. i Committees. The Mayor informed the Council he had i I made some changes as to members of some of the com- : : mittees. ! 1 I I I 1 I I 4 I I I 1 I b I I;;: 1;:: ::;i :;'I :::: :;I; i::: I;': I;:! ::;; I:;: i::: 4;; ::!! 11 ,:It I i Mayor's Committee: The members would remain the sa4e. :ti; :'I1 i Library Committee: Councilmen Neiswender and Bierce. : 1':; ;: : Li&iSon Committee: Councilmen McPherson and Guevara.i 1::: ; Chamber of Commerce Committee: Councilman Neiswender. ::I1 I;:: I Auditing Committee: Councilman Hughes, payroll 1 I i:ii I Councilman Neiswender, bills. I I;;# ! L 3 I I !It! I I 1 i Mayor Guevara further stated it is his feeling there shoul! f be a Mayor's Youth Committee. This would include youthl; I from the ages of 13 to 19. Tony Hardwick expressed his : : willingness to serve on this committee. He would also I i like to appoint John Slater and Cmn. Neiswender. t & I I I i GLD BUSINESS: i (a) Freeway agreement - El Camino &ea1 and Vista T,Gay, i : The City received a Freeway Agreement concerning the i I interchange at Vista Way and Zl Camino deal approximat+- ! ly three years ago; however, the plan as presented at that; I time was not acceptable to the City. They have recently i i presented plans that are now acceptable by the staff. I i The plans were presented for the Council*s review. Afte; ; discussion by the Council the following resolution was I : presented for the Council's consideration: 1 f iiesolution No. 901. A RESCLUTICIN CF THE CITY ! THE MAYOiZ TC EXECUTE Fi3EEUAY AGgEEMENT ; I I I I I I I I I I I I 3 I 4 I I I I i COUNCIL OF THE CITY CF CAdLSBAD AUTHGi3IZINq 'a;; 1:' ;:'I ::;: i::: ;::; i::: it,, Ill ::;': i::; i::: 1:;: i::: I::: 1:11 ::I; I: i;;i I!'# '11 11 11: ;:;i iiii 'I ::i: :it: !I:! ;i:i t:;: :;I* I: ;:*! : BETWEEN TSE STATE CF CALIFOS,NIA, IN THE i McPherson; ; ixi i VACINITY CF STATE SIGN &CUTE 78 AND EL i Bierce h! !x: : CAMINO 8EAL (3oad XI-SD-196-Cbd), was adopted by ; Guevara ; ; :xi i title only and further reading waived. 1 Neiswender! ixly I :::I *i I I I \ (b) Second reading of Crdinance No. 9146, amending i Crdinance No. 9068, by changing the wording and allowin 0 I I ii5 A i was presented for a second reading by the Council: Y I 4 1 , ! lii'l :::; i;:: 1;:: ,;I1 !!&I i Crdinance No. 9146. AN Gi3,DINAKCE CF THE CITY i ; CF CARLSBAD AMENDING C:&DINANCE NC. 9960 EY i i ADDING TG AND DELETING CEdTAW WO&DS IN : SUBSECTICN (2) AND (3) GF SECTION 900, Ai3'I'ICLE : 1,;' :*I: : 9, TC ALLOR 8ESTAUiUU-TTS IN MOTEL$ AND I;;# I McPherson: ; j i i "CN SALE" LIGVCUa ESTAE.EISHMENTS IN E-I@TELS : Bierce i ixix: [ AND MCTELS IN TEE CITY CF CASLSBAD, was given! Guevara : : ax: : a second reading by title only and adopted. i Neiswenderixi ! x{ t ! !!I* :;I3 1;:: * i;:; t $I b I \ (c) aesolution No. 899, extending appreciation to Far1 H.: i McPherson as Mayor. At the previous meeting the City : : Attorney was instructed to prepare a resolution of appre- i I ciation to Earl K. McPherson as Mayor of the City of t ; Carlsbad. The following -resolution was presented for i i the Councilrs action: t 4 4 I I I I I I 1 I I : I I I I 1 I I I I I I I 1 I I t I I I I I I I I I I , i;3 1,s: 11;; :::: i::: ;::a t:': :;:: :I:; !I 1;;1 ill; I;fI :a:: $'l r::: i::: 1::: ::i: :ll; 1:11 I.!l I l I' , %, .. 5, '8 '\ I -9- I I + I 1 I I I I %, \' 8 \' t I , k '. '\ ',), 7 [ '\8 y,, '*,, '\ '8 t : N.arne \,,4& I $ : of ' 8?i-.o.+*,p ??& '?* =, '\& *.88+$, '\ .PA, ! Member %'~,pph,c ;~"""""""""""""-"""""""""~""""""""""*""""~""""""""-- "",". I I :I;;: : Resolution No. 899, A 3ESCLUTICN C.F THE CITY I ::;:: I UNGIL GB' THE: CITY CF CArlLSBAD, EXTENDWG I I) ! P!PPrtECIATICN TG EA= He MC PSESCN FQi3 :::I: : McPherson: : : I : i SE&VICZS RBNDEi2ED AS ZVLAYCR OF THEE CITY GF .-i Bierce !xi ;x: i ; CARESBAD, was adopted by title only and further reading: Guevara : : :x! ! i waived. i Neiswender I i xjx: i I I ;;;:: Ill ! CITY ATTQiXNEY'S SEPG8T: i San Luis Aey Nater Aights. Two gentlemen from the Firsf ; American Title' Insurance & Trust Company in Santa Ana, i :;ii; i called regarding the City's water rights in the San. Luis I !;'I' I i;: i dey Valley. Their problem is that they issued a policy : '::$ l of title insurance on land in the San Luis &ey Valley, and i It :I;'; i they failed to list our primary water rights. As a result I I;:; ::;:~ I thereof, the title company paid off its insured and ended : :; I ti: i up as owner of the parcel. They would like the City to I ;:I#: : have possible drill sites specified on the land so that the ; :ii:: i rest of the property could be developed in someway, ''1); :::; I I :'#I i The City Attorney recommended this matter referred to i :!I: : Mr. Paul Engstrand, Attorney at Law, who handled the ; :;:: :qi i San Luis itey Water suit, for his opinion, The title ! company is willing to pay Mr. Engstrand's fee for this i ;:I' :i i opinion. I ;::: * I 1::; I By common consent it was agreed this matter be referred! :*I1 1:;; : to Mr. Paul Engstrand for an opinion. k ::;; I :::; i Agreement .. Librascope Division - General Precision, In&. :';: si*, i Librascope is requesting a license from the City to enable! ii:: : them to make tests in the Calaveras Lake. They have : ;::; I prepared a license agreement between the City and Libra-! 1::: 1 scope, which has been checked as to form and content. : i::: I I :I!: i The question was asked if these tests would contaminate ! $1: ;::I : the water. t ::I; 5 ::ii i The City Engineer stated he discussed this with members i :;;I i of the firm, and he did not feel there would be any probfeas !;4 :;:: : as far as the water is concerned. b I i': 1 :; I 1 4:; i Ey motion of the Council the Mayor was authorized to i McPherson i i xixi i execute the agreement between the City and Librascope I Bierce b i :x: : on behalf of the City of Carlsbad. ; Guevara : ; :xi I I : Neiswender! : ; 1 I M&. KAY KALICKA was present and stated he would like i ii:; i to bring to the Council's attention that the drain installed i : by the subdivider in Lebarr Unit #2 was eroding lands : :::; i owned by his company. Before this subdivision is finaled i i;q : out he requested the City to take this matter under con- : i sideration. I 9 :+:I ;;'a I * I $2 i The City Engineer informed the Council they are aware i 11:: :i:: i of this. The plans did call for a different construction : i::: : than was constructed. They intend to correct this matter.! It:; a k I ;::; I (:'I i Cmn. Neiswender asked if the City errored, The City i :::; i Engineer stated the City did error at the time of inspectio;. :I 1;:: I I :I !I I I 6; i Mr. Malicka further stated approximately two years ago ! t::; : they entered into an agreement with the sc'nool district : ;:'& 1:: i concerning improvements for Tamarack Manor subdivisio? :I ll:: : and also for Holiday Manor subdivision. A letter is on ; ;::; I file wherein the school district agreed to enter into an : ;::: ,'e: ; agreement to pay their share of the improvements at such: ;::I i time as the Junior, 3igh School is constructed. It is now t 1;;; ; his understanding that the County Counsel's office has I ::;: ::;e I ruled the school dist,rict cannot enter into such an agree- : :::: : ment. The.ir company has between 5 and '7 thousand dollalf,s i::: I:* I I :&I: I I ,:I1 1 I I 1 'tI(1 1 4 I I I b I i;:;: I '1:;l ;;SI; It 1 I I I I 1' I 1 $1 1 I I 4 S I 11 *!*I I ' I I I I I 1 t I $1 :I:; :;:I I I 1 11' I .. I I ! pi I I . *,!I I * I I I I I t 1 I I I I I I I- I : I ! I \\\.\\" . \' I I 6 ', '\ ', 8, ', '\ i .', '\\'.\\ '\ '\\'\\ ?? - 10- I '\\, '\, '\ '8, '\ '\\ i Na me \, x+, '\,\x?~g\ '$3 ,O', ', Y% ! of ,?&,+ >q I I ii:: $ :::: : Member $j\~,.pO~ .e\ &\P' .-""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""-~"""""""""""-~- invested in this project that is the schdol1 s share. 1 I 11 ! ,!a1 b I I i The City Attorney stated he has been dawn to the County I : Counsel's office. They want one of theip agencies to ask i i for assistance;. Mr. Clarke was surprised that these : : improvements were put in without an agreemeni being I I entered into. i Cmn. Bierce informed the ~ouncil Mrsi Betts was in- : structed to prepare an agreement back in November, 1961; I I 1 I I I I I ;;#I :Ill '$1 I '1,: :la4 #'Si l;*l It :ii: I;:: :::; ::I: i::: 11 I:'* I,!l I 1 1i;t 1 The City Attorney was instrkcted to investigate this matte$ *#I: I further. The Gity Engineer requested Tamarack extensio$ :::: I also be included. 1 I i;;; t el!! ::;; 1 I 1 : CITY MP-NAGEL%tS SEPCZtP. 1 I I I I I I I I Waje:r pollution control board. The City of Carlsbad I I i received 28.78 points out of 30 points. This will be re- i : ported to the State Water Pollution Control Board in 1 I i connection with the 660 grant application. i Fire protection for North Carlsbad. The City Manager i f reviewed the past action by the Coum il concerning the : \ fire protection for North Carlsbad. Their 90 day extensiob i was up May 6, 1963, at midnight. Mr. Craven was called! : today and he indicated that nothing had taken place as yet. ; : Me also stated he was going to contact someone in the i i area, however, no word has been received at yet. I I It was the feeling of the Council members that before i i this service is cut off the property owners should be : notified. i By motion of the Council it was agreed that the fire pro- i i tection for North Carlsbad cease as of the date of notice. I t Determination of charges for a 6 inch water meter. Theri ; is no rate set up for a 6'' meter. The property known as ; i "The Village" has a 6" meter. This size meter makes a i ; demand on the system. I I 1 l I I I I e I s I I 1 I 8 I I I 1 i I 1 1 I I I ;;I' 1: :::! i Cmn. McPherson requested this matter referred to the I i staff for a set charge on all type meters, and that it be : : compatible with other cities. I I 11 7' :::: :;:: :I;: I:;: 11 il:t 11 ::4# (I:! :::: I::: Iii: ::I; :I It:: :::; 1:;s ::;: :::I I::: ;;It ;::: (11; 1:11 ;;:: :dl* :I:: ::i: i::: !;:; 1p: ::': t:I 4:; :::I l;n $1 *I at I 11 1 I I 1 Freeway Agreement - 161 Freeway - south end of City. : t A new map was presented for the Council's review, which i i indicated off-ramps at Cannon Rd; at such time as Cannon: : Xoad is improved and dedicated to the City of Carlsbad. ; I 1 I b '1;; lit i:: 1:: ::: ::; :I, 1:; I:; I:: ::: ::: .I* ! Cmn. Bierce informed the Council that as of this afterno04 i the property owners concerned have offered to deed their i : property €or the necessary right of way for Cannon-%ad : i east to the Freeway. Mr. Gwens from the San Diego Gas i : 8t Electric Co. informed him they are negotiating with : I Mr. Ecke to exchange property concerning lands east of i if: i the Freeway. I 1:' # I !I: ::i ::: ::: ::: ::; i:: 4 1 ::: I(( I I ! The following resolution was presented for the Council*s ; \ consideration: a I t t I t ;:i I:: ::I ::1 I. ; &esolution No. 902; A AESGEUTICN CF THE CITY i CCUNCIL CF THE CITY CF CAhLSBAD AUTWCXZING! ; TBE MAYC.3 TG EXECUTE FBEET&AY AGi3EEMENT i ; BETWEEN ,THE STAT% CF CALIFCTLNLA ANT) TkIE I CITY CCVERING U, S. 181 BETWEEN TEE SOUTH I McPhersoni : :I ! CITY LIMITS AND 0.3 MILE NGRTZ GF ZA.NNCM *i Bierce ' jx:r i. ROAD (Koad XI-SD-2-Cbd. 1 was adopted by title only and i Guevara : ; :I : further reading waived. ; NeiswenderIx: I* :> 1 I 91; i:: 1:: ::; I ::: ::: 'I 8 I I t I I : I I f:; I ::: 4 I ::; t ::; I I 1 I !lI c .. 1 x 1 I b *8 '8, \,\ *,, '\, I -1I- * I I I * I I I I 8, '\ , b', 8 88 I . ' ' '\ '\,'\, 80 4 i N a rn e '\\ '\a, '\,, '%>8 1 1 i of .?~~8s\,J2j.-. I I j;;:: /;!! ;: I:; ih:: 11,:; :;;I: i:4: $ I *::I ::I:: !:::I I 8 :.; ; ; I I * I i:::l ::;I; I I I ::::I i:::; I I Guevara ; : : ;x I I : I Neiswende? : ; :x t I ;SI: 18 * 1 ;::: $ I l;:4 '*, "8,"%, 't, ',,',, I 1 'y$:08, \ ' Member '9@8*$?'& '1,'l ~"""~""~"~;"""""-""~~~"""~"""""""""""".~""""~~"~"""""-"""------ I Cit Audit. The City has been accepting proposals for i i t e ~Ity udit for the year 1962-63. The local CPA did : i not wish to present a proposal. Peat, Marwick, Mitchell! : 8~ CO., who have been doing the Audit for the past years i i and,a firm from Pasadena have submitted proposals. 'The I Pasadena firm submitted a proposal in the amount of i $2400.00 and :Peat, Marwick, Ntchell & Co. submitted i : a proposal in the amount of $2860. .i Cmn. Neiswender recommended the City accept the low i s't; : bid. Cmn, McPherson stated he- would prefer to use a ; ii::; : local concern, i By.motion of the Council it was agreed that the bid of i McPherson; !x: x I t Peat, Marwick; Mitchell & Co. be accepted. ; Bierce !x: I 1 ~ I 4 "1;y7pT1;4 8 I*1 I I I '11 I I I I I *(8 i The motion died for lack of a majority. The Council re- i ;::: I quested th,is matter deferred until Cmn. Hughes was ; present. ; Batske property.. An appraisal was made of the Patske ! I;;@ !. property in3he amount of $25,116. An offer of $25,300 i ! was made to Mr. Patske and he accepted the offer. :::I Ill; i By motion of the Council the City Manager was instructed! McPhersoni : ; 4 ::;' ; to open an escrow on behalf of the City of Carlsbad for i Bierce f :x+ 'I : the purchase of the Patske property. : Guevara : : : 4 * ;. 4 I Neiswended x: $1 i 5 :;:: :;I: : for the purchase of the Dusenbury property. I t ii;: 4 a 11;: f Cmn. Bierce inquired as to when the City was contemplatf :::I i ing installing the voting machine for the Council chambers,. ::;i 1 r i;:: I The City Manager stated he would have the Building In- i ii'i : spector check with the building officials in La Mesa I i:$ i concerning their machine. ::;: I t ;:,a i Assembly Bills 2353 and 2409. The League of California i I::; 1::: i Cities recommend that the.cities go on record.as opposingj ::it : these two bills. A3 2353 concerns the dissolution of I i:;; i County Sater Districts when they become entirely include! 1:;; : within the corporate limits of the City. AB 2409 provides; : ;.; 1 :lt; ;:a1 I for 'the procedure for the re-formation of a county water i ;: : district following a merger of such district with a muni- : ::;I i cipal corporation by operation of law. I I :i;i # I e :;;; i The City Manager recommended these bills be opposed. i :'I: I#:; 'I By motion of the Council it was agreed that the Council i McPherson : !X! X! : go on record as opposing AB 2353 and AB 2409. ; Bierce ;x: :x: 4 & I ., I I I!::. I ** :;;; I I I :::: I 1 I f 4 I i The Council was informed that negotiations are under way: ? I I I P I** I i I I I ::;I I I $1, I I s I Guevara : i !xi I I i Neiswender! i :XI I 1 I I 8'1: ;: I I ii;: i RATIFICATION OF EXLLS P,MR PAYi%EGLL: 1 4 ::;: i Aatification was given for the bills for the general expens4s I'lt ; of the city in the amount of $15,599. 39, and for the Water: McPherson : : :Xi :::I i Department in the amount of $7.334.62, for.the period i Bierce : ixix: : April 16, 1963 to May 7, 1963, as certified by the Direct-: Guevara i : #x: I or of Finance and approved by the Auditing Committee. i Neiswenderlxi !X! I Aatification of the payroll was given for the second half i McPherson : I XiX! : Qf April, 1963, in the amount of $17, 796.93, as certified : Bierce F i :Xi I by the Director of Finance and approved by the Auditing { Guevara : ; !x: ! Committee. ; I Neiswender; : ;xi 8 881 t I I 4 ::;: I * b c 1::: I I I 1 I::; I I 8 I :::; I I 1 I :::; I I :; 1 I I I 11 :!!I ,* 1 1 1. 1 I I I I I I I I -12- I I I I I (""""""""""~""~"""""~"""""-"~""""""""""""- I I i ADJCUI3NMENT: I I i BY proper motion the meeting was declared adjourned at : 11:21 P. M, 1 I I I I i Respectfuily submitted, I I I I I I I I I 1 I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I L I I I I I I t 1 I I I I I 1 I I I I f' I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I 9 I t I I I 1 I I 1 I t , I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I * I I I I 9 I I I I I I I 1 I 1 I I I I I I I I t I I I t I I I I t I I I I I I I I I , I I I I I I I 1 I I I 6 I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I' l \\ ', -*, '\\ 'X, .,, I \, '\ ', \ b ' i N a me ',, '\$$, ',, 'a', I I '\, ",,'8, '*, ","\ 8: I I \\ '\ \ '\ '3, '\ '\ ; of Y& g&, '\ '?$. 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