HomeMy WebLinkAbout1963-08-06; City Council; Minutesf t 1 b8 s, .. 8 '
I i CITY OF CARLSBAD i Minutes of: CITY COUNCIL (Regular meeting) i : Date of Meeting; August 6, 1963 i Time of Meeting: ?:a0 P. M, '++3-8 '.\ .& ' Place of Meeting: Council Chambers
i ROLL CALL was answered by Councilmen McPherson, i i Bierce, Guevara, Neiswender and Hughes. Also present i :::;I : were City Manager Slater and City Attorney Wilson.
: ALLEGIANCE to the Flag was given.
: INVOCATION was offered by Councilman Neiswender. i :Iili
1 (a) Minutes of the regular meeting of July 16, 1963, i McPhersoni ixi 5 ; ! were approved as submitted. ! Bierce ;xi :x; i
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I i Abandonment of annexation proceedings. The following i : resolution was presented for the Councii's consideration: I
i Resolution No. 929. A RESGLUTION OF THE CITY i McPherson; ; :x; i i CGUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, ABANDON- : Bierce :x; i x: ; : ING "SOUTH CARLSBAD ANNEXATION 1.3", was ! Guevara i i Is I I adopted by title only and further reading waived. ; Neiswenderl :x: xi ;
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I t { Hughes 1 : :xl I itI;;
I I $9 '::!; I (a) John Fox - re: Request for extension of boundaries : I::#:
::I:' i on property leased from city. Letter dated July 24, 19833 8:" : from John Fox, owner of Fox's Snug Harbor, requesting ; ;;I::
,I:.*: i an extension of the easterly boundary line of the presently: ::::: 'I
: leased water body. This extension would extend up to : i the San Diego Gas & Electric Co. 's property. His reason: I::;:
;::I: : for requesting this extension would be to accommodate ; i foot traffic. I :::;:
I 4 I iy;:
I;!!; i By common consent the matter was referred to the city ! 'st,; i staff for report. 4 i:: #I 0::;
I I ;: 'I i fb) Mayor Charles C. Dail - re: Citizens Committee fori *;!;: :;:;; ; inter"cFacia1 problems. Letter dated July 23, 1963, I :;*I: i -uevara, from Mayor Dail of San I i1:;I
: Diego, stating that the San Diego Metropolitan Area must I ::I:;
i face up to inter-racial problems that tend to create dis- : !I:::
a:;:: : unity. Only by a creation of a County-wide Citizens Com4 :::;: i rnittee, composed of representatives from dl1 essential ; !I::: : civic organizations, can a study of the facts and recom- i i::;: 1 mendation of adjustments and corrections be made. In ; iy: : order to form a Citizens Committee, this criteria will be i i explained and discussed at a public meeting in the Balboa : : Park Conference Building, beginning at 7: 30 P. M, on i i Wednesday, August 7, 1963, Mayor Dail requested that : { the Mayor attend this meeting, or a representative from i ; the city. ls #I
i Mayor Guevara stated he had copies of this letter made ! :L,* i and sent to all the Councilmen. As far as he was concern; ; ed we have no problems here in Carlsbad and until such i i time as we do, he could see no reason for becoming 8 ; ; part of this committee.
! The Mayor further stated if there were any of the Council) *(I i men who wished to attend this meeting, they were certaint : ly we1com.e to.
i As there were no comments from the Councilmen, the i :::I: i Mayor requested that a letter be sent to Mayor Dail, I 6 ;i::: : thanking him for the invitation.
i (c) Kamar Construction Co. - re: Alignment of Elm Avei : Letter dated July 31, 1933, stating their firm is in the ; ;::;:
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:""""-""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""~~""""""""""*"~""~ *. a I I i process of completing the final subdivision maps for the :: : Falcon Hills subdivision located at Basswood and Canyon : i Streets. A proposed extension of Elm Ave. passes I I : through a portion of their property. As this street has i i been designated as a major street, its exact alignment, : : grade and width have not been officially determined. The! i decision on these items could have a radical affect on the i
I design of their subdivision, and until such determinations: i are made it is impossible for them to complete their i I engineering and maps. They requested that the Council ; i take immediate steps to ascertain the status and require-: ; ments for Elm Ave. in order to permit them to proceed ; i with their project.
i The Engineer informed the Council this matter was re- I i ferred to their department for a precise plan; however, : : due to the workload, they have been unable to work on the!
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: project. I I
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:::!I r: i Cmn. Bierce stated Mr. Kalicka was indirectly request- i i:;i: : ing that outside help be employed to do the work if the i *:;a:
)I**I i city is unable to work on the project. 'I,;,
i After further discussion, by motion of the Council it was i McPhersonI : ! 4 : : agreed that outside help be employed to proceed with the ; Bierce :xi i X i I alignment of Elm Avenue. : Guevara : : i 4 i
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I I I i Neiswended i ; X: ;
I I I Hughes ; I x: * : I
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t I : (dl M. L. Marquez - re: Claim for damages. Letter i i dated August 2, 1963, from M. L. Marquez, stating thei* I house is located at 371 Oak Ave., and it was necessary : : for them to rent a snaJse and then call in a plumber due to! i a stoppage in the sewer line. 1% was discovered that the : : trouble was in the city's sewer line. The Building In- 1 I spector was called and he is aware of the situation. At- : : tached to the letter were bills totaling $22.00, which they: i asked that the city pay. I I
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!l,!l i By motion of the Council the claim was denied and the ! McPhersoni i ; 4 i : matter referred to the city's insurance carrier. i Bierce :xi : X ;
I I : Guevara : : i 4 :
I ! Neiswende; !x: Z i t I I 8 I i OiGAL COM~&UNICATICNS:
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i Hughes i i i 4 ;
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i MR. GEORGE HENRY, 5080 Carlsbad Blvd., stated he t I was appearing as a private citizen, and also representing! ; a committee that has been formed in the Terramar area : I in regards to sewers. The property owners in the Terra; ; mar area desire to have sewer laterals installed now, i i then when the main trunk line is completed they will be : ; ready to connect. There are several problems to be I i worked out. The city departments have given them ex- ! : cellent cooperation. However, they would like to request! i that a committee be appointed by the Mayor to work with : : this committee. * I
! The Mayor appointed Cmn. Neiswender and himself as a i i Committee to work with the committee in Terramar.
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I I : * ! i (a) Street improvements for Chinquapin Ave. - 1911 Act : I Proceedin s. The City Engineer reparted that tke tabula: -"&%l ; tron s ows t at 53.6% written protests hac! been received.:
I I I i The City Attorney stated that if any persons who had en- ; : terred a protest wished to withdraw their protest at this i i time they could do so. I J 8 I $ I ? I I
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I t ;::i: i As there were no persons present desiring to withdraw : :a::: : their protest, the City Attorney announced the proceeding l';l* ;: i was abandoned. I /:::
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I I **I: i (b) South Carlsbad Annexation 1.3. This proceeding ,I i::::
84;:; : was abandoned under Hesolution No. 929 listed above. ; :;,;: * ::::; : (c) Reclassification of certain property located on the I ;I:::
: SoutEest corner of Chestnut Ave. and Monroe St. from i ::ii; ;: i Zone 43-1 to Zone R-3. Applicant: Henry Hildabolt. t :;:;: 1 The Mayor announced this was the time and the place i :;:::
; fixed by the Council for hearing objections or protests on: ::i:: ii::; 8s : the proposed reclassification. I I i The Clerk certified as to proper notice having been given: *::It
I * ;;I;' I pi:: i The Clerk reported that the following correspondence ha& 1:
I I :fi*l;
I :i::: i Letter dated August 20, 1963, from L. and Mary Cassa&, iiii: I 2020 Chestnut Ave., stating they strongly protested the ; ;I::: : proposed multiple dwelling program as the location is in i :::;:
(I*'I ::4: i The Mayor asked if there were any persons present wish-! ;I::; : ing to speak in favor of this reclassification. It
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I I ,:*:; I MR. OAKLEY S. PARKER, 2928 Cliff Dr. t Newpart I 'ail: i Beach, stated he represented Mr. and Mrs. Hildaboit. : :: i:iii : They propose to build three and four family units, with a4 I::,: i owner in each unit. The owners apartment would have : :,I::
i three bedrooms and two baths; they would all have privat4 it!!:
i patios and deck, laundry areas and court yard. I * I:;:!
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t ::::: i Mr. Oakley presented a drawing of the proposed units. i :I IiIi
L ::I i The Council inquired as to whether or not there would be : :::,e
: any units facing on Chestnut Ave., and they were informe3 ;:;I:
1:;:: i there would not. I a';::
I iit:; i MRS. IRENE SCHIMMELPFENMNG, stated Mr. Englanier, :I:@l ::::: : Mr. Ritz and herself were all in favor of this proposal. ; i:;:: i She came all the way down from Bremerton, Washington, i /I;: I to see what was proposed, and she is very much in favor ; ::::I
: of this type of construction. I :::;I
I :::::
I :::;I i The Mayor announced the Council would now hear from i 1::;; i all those wishing to speak in opposition to the proposed : 1::i: : reclassif ication. I I :::a:
i MRS. KATBRYN G. IEINUM, 3820 Monroe St., present-: ti::: l';:; i ed a petition containing approximately 150 signatures, ; :: 4; : protesting the proposed 33-3 zoning, as they felt it would I i:::: i depreciate their poperties, and that this would not be : ::i::
: the best use of the land zoning-wise or for the improve- i !I;::
i ment or protection of their neighborhood. 6 4:
1 s ;:I:: $4:; i Mrs. Einum also presented a written statement setting : 1::::
: forth reasons why this reclassification should be denied, i :4!; i as follows: (1) This intersection is the entrance to all : :;,:I ::::I ; the homes in the Highlands, Monroe, upper Chestnut, i i;;;l i Park Dr., etc., also there are two schools in the area, : ::::; ': : which, if additional units were permitted would cause a : :I::: i greater hazard to trdfic safety; (2) This is near an intei- ::I:; ; section, and this would cause additional treffic coming : ::;:; i out onto an already busy street; (3) They did not feel thid ::;:;
: would be the best use of the land, as most all the lots arc$ :-:; :::*, i 1 / 2 acre lots, and to have 60 units on approximately 2 1/ 2 1:;:: : acres does not seem reasonable; and (4) There are alre@y I:::*
i many one-bedrcorn apartments for rent dOwntoWn, there-: i&i:
; fore, these additional apartaents are not needed. Until i ;::I:
1:;:; i such time 2s there is cogtr.;ll.ed 8-3 zoning, this request: :;l:I
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i a single family residential area, I I :I;;;
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i MRS. GEORGE WADE, 4050 Sunnyhill Dr., stated they i :::;: p:;; I had their home up for sale, but due to the fact they could i ;::;I ; not find another area as desirable as the one where they ; a::*: i are presently living, they have decided not to sell their I I 81,:: I$'
::;I: : home. $ 1:;::
6 '14; i Eeveral members of the audience stood, indicating their i ;ii:;
i protest of the reclassification. t I ;;I" ;;':' 1)'
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i The proponents were asked if they wished to 'peak again* i ::!!:
I . b i As the proponents did not wish to speak, the Mayor de- i ; clared the hearing closed at 7:48 P. M.
: .The Planning Technician presented a map of the area, i i which designated the property owners who were in favor i I of the reclassification.
: Cmn. Bierce stated he has never believed in overruling i i the Planning Commission's decision. They have spent I i considerable more time on this matter than the Council. :
i Cmn. Neiswender stated his only concern was the best ! : use of the land.
: Cmn. McPherson stated he felt with this many property i I owners opposing this reclassification, the Council should : : consider their desire.
; Cmn. Bierce pointed out there is an R-3 zone very near i i this location. This type of development near schools I I is normal, and in his opinion the proposed development ; ; is very beautiful.
i Cmn. Hughes stated he would have to go along with Cmn. i
I Bierce's thinking. Some of the property owners who i signed the petition do not live anywhere near this area. I
i After further consideration, the following resolution was i i presented
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I : The motion died for lack of a majority. 1 I I I I I I I 1 I
i (a.1 pdemorandum from Planning Commission - re: 1niti-J i ation or" new zoning district. Memorandum dated August i; i m-kt the Planrung Technician, stating that the i Planning Commission appointed a special committee to i .: fwmulate a multiple-residential zoning district which 1 i would be compatible to the residential sections of Carlsb& I A draft was reviewed by the Planning Commission at thei; ; regular meeting held July 23, 1963, and the staff was in- i i structed to introduce the proposed R-3L district to the ;
* Council for the establishment of a new zone. !
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b i By common consent it was agreed that this matter be : tabled at the present time in order that more study could ! I be given to the subject.
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I I I I I I i (b) Appointment to Planning Commission. The, Mayor i : requested this item deferred until the next meeting. b I I I 1
I i (b) Appointment to Planning Commission. The, Mayor i : requested this item deferred until the next meeting. b I I I 1 I t 8 I I I 6 I
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I I i (a) Report on request by Art Morgan for Twin Inn's sign i : site at Knowles Ave. The City Engineer reported the ; i site proposed for a sign site would be on street right-of- i : way 40' in width terminating at the west line of U. S, 101 ; i Freeway.. Without a title report it is not certain whether I : this street right-of-way is dedicated or simply a road ; i easement, however, in either case the use would be limit: : ed to public street purposes. Also the area lies within : I the R-1 Zone and signs such as the one contemplated are i : prohibited by ordinance. The Engineer suggested that a : I leased site on private property be selected, and then the i : matter of zoning wouid be the only apparent obstacle. I I
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::!!I I I 1 : The Council requested the information submitted by the : i City Engineer related to Mr. Morgan. I I
I I i (b) Offer by Doane Harrison to dedicate Park Dr. street i :ji:;
11:;; I widening at Shelter Cove. Mr. and Mrs. Harrison have : ;I /::I
: offered to dedicate the extra width for the widening of the i 'I:;;
i easterly half of Park Drive contiguous to Shelter Cove : ::::I : subdivision. They also are removing the roadway excava: :::;:
:::I: i tion to the o€€icial grade at their own expense. In return t !:I:: : the city is to prepare plat and legal description of the strGet 1,::: { dedication, the engineering for the street design, and pay I ;:I:; :;::; : for a 12' road-oil mix surfacing in the street dedication. : :I;'*
I I 1:::: i By motion of the Council the offer made by mane Harrisoh McPherson : : l x: ; 1';::
I for street right-of-way purposes on Park Drive was ac- : Bierce l i iX{XI , , ; i cepted, i Guevara ; ; :x: i * : Neiswender:~: ! x! : I
I I;;li 1
I I I i Hughes ; ; ,x: ;
I I !11!1 I:', i (c) Supplemental license by A. T. & S. F. Railroad Co. i I for storm drainage Channel from Oak Ave. to Agua #
road Co. has been received, for the : i Section of the drainage channel that was enclosed and the I i reinforced concrete pipe that extends 600' south of Tama-: : rack Ave. and 200' north of Tamarack Ave. It is neces- i i sary that the Mayor be authorized to execute this document.
A supplemental license from the I D i *
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t 4 t ::i:i i By motion of the Council it was agreed that the city enter i McPherson I : ixi ! : into an agreement with the A. T. & S. F. Railroad Co., ana Bierce F i ;x! ; i that the Mayor be authorized to execute the agreement on i Guevara ; : :x; I : behalf of the City of Carlsbad. ; Neiswenderj I !xi ;
I I 'I:!:
I I : Hughes ; !x: x: :
I ! (d) Assignment of contract between Carlsbad Mutual Watep
; Co. me A. T. & S. F. %ifroad CO. This contract is a9 i assignment of all the remaining agreements between the : : A. T. & S. F. Railroad Co. and the Carlsbad Mutual Wate4
t ;;i:i ::::; :I:
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'I:'; !##!I i CO. to the City of Carlsbad.
i BY motion of the Council authorization was given for the i McPherson ; : :xi : : Mayor to execute the Contract between the A. T. & S. F. I Bierce 7 I ;x: i i Railroad Co. and the City of Carlsbad, on behalf of the : Guevara ; : :xi : : City of Carlsbad. i Neiswender: jxixi i
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I I : Hughes i i ;x; i
I * I i (e) Street vacation and dedication request at southeast i i corner of Elm Ave. and Mo Hco Dr. (Heltilsridel and I I e property owners have offered to dedicate i : ldn :: Pic0 Dr. and 2' in Elm Ave. , within the : i limits of their property, provided that the city vacate a i : triangular shaped portion of Pi0 Pic0 Dr. Also that the ; i city abandon a 10' drainage easement running from Elm i : Ave. to their southerly property line. I I
i The Engineering Department recommended the abandon - i i ment of the 10' easement, as the city has no further need :
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1.. I I I : for it. They also recommended the acceptance of the ! I dedication and the vacation of the triangular portion of i : Pi0 Pic0 Drive. I I 1 The property owners propose to put in full street improv4- ; ments in those portions of Pi0 Pic0 Dr. and Elm Ave. to I : be dedicated, in accordance with city specifications. I
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!I:!: I 1 By motion of the Council the City Attorney was instructedi McPhersoni : I 9 : ; to proceed with street vacation proceedings and abandon- i Bierce 4 , Ix:i i i rnent of easement. : Guevara : : i xf ;
1 : Neiswended X: : 4 :
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I i (f) Estimate of cost of relocating city Water Shop buildin& ::;:; : At a previous meeting the staff was instructed to make a i ;:,:I i report on the cost of relocating the city's Water Shop : : building.
: The City Engineer reported to the Council that the total i i estimated replacement cost of relocating the building in f ,I,:,
i the yard area at the south end of State St, would be i $1 3,940.00. The salvage value of existing facilities for ! 1:;:; : relocation would be very low. Upon completion, the I I ::;': ;ll:l
i present building could be offered for sale with removal : 1;::: i stipulated. This method would probably be most desirablb !::I: : physically and economically fcr the city. '
i Cmn. Neiswender stated he felt the Engineer hit the key : i word. A new building is necessary and should be located ! *;@I:
I within the city, There is money available in the Water i :;ii: I Department funds he is sure.
i Cmn. McPherson stated he would rather see the city use : ::I::
:1::1 : the property than have the property stand vacant. J I ;i:::
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I I : Cmn. Bierce stated he never likes to see money spent i i unless it is necessary. Until such time as we can get a : : leasehold on the property to the east and include this I i property, he would be in favor of using the building as is.!
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a!!*! i Cmn. Hughes stated he would go along with Cmn. Neis- i ;ii;: I wender's recommendation. If this property were vacant ; :;,I:
: it could be used for parking purposes for the library. a ;;:::
I I 1:; I ::::J
I I I!!#! ! The City Manager informed the Council he could not state! i 2s to the availability of funds in the Water Department, : ; but he would have the information for the next meeting. I
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I!!,! ! Mayor Guevara requested that the City Manager have thisi i information available for the next meeting, I I I I I I
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I (a) Chan ing name of Canon Street to Canyon Street. The i : City ttorney informed the Council a resolution had been i ;ll~l *I;#
::;s: i prepared changing the name of Canon Street to Canyon ; i;;:; ; Street, as follows: l 1:; s ::*I I: I8 ;I'
! Resolution No. 927. A FtESOLUTION OF THE CITY i McPherson; I+ 2 i i COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFGRd,, Bierce !x: ; $ ; i CHANGING THE NANIE OF CANON STREET TO ; Guevara ; I I 2 1 ; CANYON STREET, was adopted by title only and further : Neiswenderf ! ; f 1 i reading waived. i Hughes i i i i 1
i (b) Petition - re: Request for znnexation of certain un- i ::::;
: inhabited territory - "Proposed East Carlsbad Annexa- : I;;#;
:I*', I tion 22: ;:;:I ::::I 81 : of the property owners requesting annexation of certain I l;;l; 1 uninhabited territory desiring to be annexed to the City ; iiiil ; of Carlsbad. I ::;:
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I I ::!!: b I : Letter dated July 30, 1963, from the County Boundary : i Commission, was presented, stating that at a regular i : meeting held on July 29, 1963, the County Boundary Corn: i mission approved, as definite and certain, the boundary ; 1 description of the proposed "East Carlsbad Annexation i : No. 2.3" to the City of Carlsbad. b b
I The following resolution was presented for the Councills i I consideration: 1 a
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I!!': I i pi: i Resolution No. 928. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY i 4:::
: CARLSBAD OF UNINHABITED TERLWTORY DESCNB : Bierce :x; : 4 i i ED HEREIN AND DESIGNATED "EAST CARLSBAD i Guevara : ; i 16 ; : ANNEXATION 2. 3" was adopted by title only and further ; Neiswender: : ; xi ; i reading waived. i Hughes ; :xi 3 i
I I (I. I I i (c) Approval of Chamber of Commerce Agreement. The i : Council was informed by the City Attorney the agreement ; I between the City and the Chamber of Commerce for the I : fiscal year 1963-64, has been prepared and a copy was I i sent to each of the members of the Council for their re- ; i view. If the agreement meets with the approval of the i ; Council, authorization is needed for the Mayor's signature. I I
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::;a, :::i: ::; ::ti' 8: .!!: 1 1 I.-.- ! By motion of the Council the agreement between the City ! McPhersonI ; : xi ; I:;*;
i and the Chamber of Commerce was approved, and the I Bierce ; jxlx: i . ; Mayor authorized to execute the agreement on behalf of ; Guevara : ; i x: : i the City of Carlsbad. i Neiswenderi xi ! x: :
I I I ; Hughes : j ;xi i I !4*.1 I b : Widening of Harrison Street. Cmn. Neiswender recom- ; i mended that Harrison street be widened to its proper I I : width. There are trees on both sides of the street that ; ! are in the city's right-of-way. If this can only be done by: : bulldozer and graded to its proper width it would be i sufficient.
i The Engineering Department stated this would entail re- i i moving some avocado trees, which are in the city's right-! : of-way. The city owns a 40' right-of-way. * b
b 1 I b I I * k
I b I I : By common consent it was agreed that Harrison Street i i be cleared and graded to its proper width.
t Cit purchase of dhitey's Landing. Cmn. Hughes stated i
i ing the property known as Whitey*s Landing. This matter: ; was previously discussed, but he feels very strongly that i : the city shouM acquire property along the lagoon. Mr. ; i Glissman purchased the additional land that was being ! : leased by him.
! *Cmn, Bierceinaired as to the possibility of revenue Bonds.
: The City Manager stated a revenue bond passage takes a : ; simple majority. The bond buyers want to know the past i ; history of revenue before purchasing such bonds.
i Cmn. Hughes requested that he and another member of i : the Council be appointed to work with the City Attorney on:
1 I I I I I 7+" ; e would like to discuss the possibility of the city purchast
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* I i Mayor Guevara stat ch in favor of the pur- : ; chase of this property as it could be used €or a recreation! i a1 area. I I t I i The Mayor appointed Councilmen Hughes and Bierce, Citi ; Manager Slater, City Attorney Wilson and City Engineer I : itathbun as a committee to study this matter. i b 1 I I I I I
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i Crosswalk at Tamarack Ave. and Carisbad Blvd. Mayor i
i at this intersection to warn vehicles of the crosswalk. i
/ Patrolman Whipple was present and stated he did not feel : ; a yellow light would do any good. He has checked this : i intersection and the Police Department has issued 15 I : citations for jay-walkers. I a::;*
: After further discussion the Mayor requested the City : I 11;
I Engineer to try and come up with a recommendation for i ; this intersection. I *I*
: Intersection of Valley Street and Buena Vista Ave, This ; :'I:* ! intersection is very bad due to a tree. The Mayor re- i ,;;1: i quested this intersection checked also.
i Discussion was given as to whether yellow Yield signs i ::iii : help, and the City Engineer stated he felt there were * llle*
::'I: i several locations in the cith these signs would be feasible1 ;*I:*
i Complaints to be kept confidential. Mayor Guevara stated i ;:::a
I1ll; : he felt that if a person calls in on a complaint, the name : ;::a ;:;:I i of the person calling should be kept confidential. He I :;i;i
: requested the polic Department be notified, and also that! :!::; ; No Parking" violations be enforced. I I 1 i:ii:
! Street signs. Cmn. Neiswender inquired as to when the i Iiiii
: new street signs would be posted. Cmn. Neiswender was ; ;::'I
::I:; i informed the signs have been ordered and should be here i (I::; i any time.
4 I # $18 4 I I ;::;I ; OLD BUSINESS: t I :;'I: * *:i:: i (a) Appointment of committee fo,r organization and re- J i;::: : furbishing Santa Fe Depot Building. At the pen- I I ;I::! 1 .meeting the Mayor requested each member of the Councilj ;::;I ;::;I : to ask those organizations in the city who were interested: 9';;; i in the Santa Depot building to select one member to be 1 ;:
: appointed to a committee. 1
1 I t ;:::
; Cmn. Bierce stated in going over the list every organiza.5 :;;:
; tion has a different meeting place except three, He sug- I ::;:
: gested that the Rotary Club, Chamber of Commerce and : I!:!
:I:: i the Business and Professional Women be contacted, and i $:: : that one member from the Council be appointed to this : I:; i committee. Also that an outside member be appointed w& ii;;
! is familiar with financial problems. Crnn. Bierce sug- i i::; ;::: : gested that Mr. Dick Etahe, who is manager of the First ; :::e Ib; i National Bank of Oceanside, but resides in Carlsbad, be i ::;: : appointed as the outside member. I ::;:
I I :;*I I I *)I1 i It was agreed that the committee be limited to five mern- I ::ii i bers at this time, and perhaps in the future seven mem- i :::;
: bers. I i::;
I I 1 ;:::
; Cmn. Bierce agreed to represent the City Council on the i i Committee. By common cons t of the Council Mr. Dick: :I;:
: LZahe was appointed to the committee and the other organ-: I*;;
{ izations contacted. * * '81; i CITY ATTORNEY'S iwPORT I I :::;
i Bond attorneys. The City Attorney informed the Council i ;::;
; he contacted two of the top bond attorneys in the State. i #;;4
i He received a statement from the firm in San Francisco I
;I:: i in the amount of $7,500,00, who would be willing to handlg 1:::
; the bond proceedings €or the new library. O'Melveny & ; ;::;
: Myers submitted a statement in the amount of $12,500. : :::;
i They would require a test case on the necessity of a 1 :::;
; library. * I * :;I; :;::
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I I :;*I; : Cmn. Hughes inquired as to the feasibility of incorporat-: ::;I:
I ing bonds for a City Hall in the proceedings. I I l:l :;I"
I 1 ::!!:
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: Member 8$f@..$\d\,t$.
I I i After further discussion it was agreed that no contract i : be entered into until such time as a bond buyer had been i i obtained. l I *
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&I!!: I 8 4 1i;*1 i Tidelands Bill. The Tidelands Billkas signed by the : : Governor. 1 !;::I t 8 a!!:
;:I:' ;;::;
I i rlk properz. The various machineries of the Health :
8 epartment ave been gone through, and proceedings will! i probably be filed sometime this week. I I
aa;mi :;'" :::;: ,:I
:I:;: , *Il)8 , ::!I: i I I The City Attorney stated there are four trials Coming up i : soon. These are old trials, I I
4 I I I I : Palmateer property. The application for a variance has : i been filed with the planning Department on the Palmateeri : property. I I
I Cmn. Neiswender stated he would like to compliment the i : Chamber of Commerce for the excellent folder they have : i compiled on the City of Carlsbad,
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I I li;li i CITY MANAGER'S REPORT: * I :::;:
I I :;'e; I I I ;;:'I i Clean-up month and trash pick-up. The City Manager : :;*I;
: reported there were between 36 and 40 cubic yards of tradh ;;:'I l:a i picked up by McDougal's Sanitation Co. Next year they i :111:
&;:a1 : are in hopes of having more publicity on this project. I I
'11, 4:;;
I 8
I I !l.!4 I : Refund of portion of fee for zone change. Mr. Parker I i filed an application and paid the required fee for a zone i : change. However, Mr. Parker withdrew his application ; i and would like a refund of his fee. The newspaper had i : already set the type so the city was billed for the charge. : i It is felt that $25.00 would pay the city's expenses. I I
i By common consent it was agreed that Mr. Parker be i : refunded $25.00.
* I I 1 I 1 701 application. A hearing will be held on August 23, l06$, ; by the State Planning Commission, and the city's 701 ap- ; i plication will be considered at that time.
I Lease of city property. An out-of-town real estate agenf : has a client that is interested in leasing the city's property i located at Madison and Elm Ave. Also a local realtor : : has a client that is interested in leasing the property. Thby i would like a meeting set up to discuss their propositions. i
i The Mayor appointed Councilmen Bierce and Neiswender i : to meet with the realtors.
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I i :ii: i Letters of condolence. The Council requested that letter4 l';l
; of condolence be sent to the families of Kay Kalicka and i : Leonard Rounds.
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!I.! I i Ratification of the bills for the general expenses of the ! ; city was given in the amount of $93,398.31, and for the i McPhersoni i i x; i Water Department in the amount of $16,883.35, for the : Bierce : ; :xi : period July 16, 1963 to August 6, 1963, as certified by i Guevara ; ; i x: : the Director of Finance and approved by the Auditing : Neiswender;~: ; x: i Committee. i Hughes ; :xi":
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