HomeMy WebLinkAbout1963-09-03; City Council; MinutesI I I i *\. \\ -' ' \ \ ' '' 8' . i CITY OF CARLSBAD : Minutes of: CITY COUNCIL (Regular meeting) I '., ', ', ', \ ' : Date of Meeting: September 3, 1963 : Name '.,'*$$$. ' ; Time of Meeting: 7:OO P. I!& ! of '$04?&, ',L.O,+ '*. 'f% : I :It: ; ROLL CALL was answered by Councilmen McPherson, : I:'I 11:; : Bierce, Guevara, Neiswender and Hughes. Also present i ::ii i xere City Manager Slater, City Attorney Wilson and City i ::It : Clerk Adams. I ;;:: :I:! i ALLEGIANCE to the flag was given. ::;I I ::;: I '*I; : INVOCATION was offered by City Clerk Adams. I i::: I *:'I * I ;::: : APPRGVAL OF MINUTES I I :;:: I * I::: a*:; i were approved as presented. i Bierce l I l :xy * : Guevara : ; ;x: 11:: I I " '.,"" \\ '\ '\ 'c ', *, .', '*,',, 1: '\ '8%. I ~"~~-~~~-~~-~~~~~~"-~-~~~~~€-~~-~~~~~ """"""""""""" -:"""-""""~~~~-i- : Member \@'@.,$%+ S" I I b 11 I I 1 I * I I I I I I I (a) Minutes of the regular meeting of August 20, 196&,McPherson; i I4 t * i Hughes i ; i x: I I Guevara i i i xi t ; Neiswender; ; : : I I : Hughes : : i xi I :::a I 1": I I I :I;: i::: I * I I i Neiswende4 xi : 4 I I t 1 (b) Minutes of the Special meeting held August 28, i McPherson: :x; xi i 1963, were approved as presented. i Bierce :x: :x I I i CORRESPONDENCE: i (a) San Diego. Highway Development Assn. - re: Requesti ;::i ; for City Council resolution urging early completion of I * ;;'I Letter dated August 23, 196 *I:; 3, from San : ;::: : Diego Hig way Development Association, Inc. , requesthi ;::; i the City Council to adopt a resolution calling for the earl-: ;::; : iest possible construction and completion of U. S. Highwas :i:: I:: i 101. It was their opinion that U. S. 101 has become a i I!:: : top priority need due to the imreasingly heavy use, and : ::;: i because of the continued appalling accident and death rate i :;I: : along this route from San Diego to San Ciemente. I I After consideration by the Council, the following resolu- i ;;:: I tion was presented I I ="€? :;:: ;::: I ;4:: 1 ;::: I I b ;;:: I I ! e!'* i Resolution No. ' 936, A RESOLUTION OF ' THE CITY I UNCXL OF Tm CITY OF CARLSBAD CALLING i FOR THl3 EARLIEST POSSIBLE CONSTRUCTIUN OF : U,S. HIGHWAY 101, FEDERBL AID INTlERSTATE 5, i LEGISLATIVE ,~OUTE 2, %AN DIEGO FSEEWAY", : was adopted by title only and further reading waived. i ORAL COMMUNICATIONS: * I I i There were no oral communications. i ENGINEERING: I I I t I I 1 I a I I I * a I 1 ;I McPherson i i Bierce ;xi Guevara i ; Neiswender: I Hughes : :x .' b :: :' :x: ; XI i x; ; x: :;Xi .. I tii' 8 i:;: I I 0;: ::;: t :I;: I I 8 !!I! ? I ;::: 1;;s t I !*I! I (a) Resolution No. 933, stating the intention of the City i : Council to vacate a portion of Pi0 Pic0 Drive. At the i r previous meeting of the Council the City Attorney was in- I 0)l ; structed to prepare a resolution stating the intention of ; ::;: i the City Council to vacate a portion of Pi0 Pic0 Drive. i ;.#I; 11 !a?! i:;i :;'4 ;:;: :* I f::: ! i. The following resolution was presented for the Councilss i i::: i consideration: *;;1 * 9,;: i Resolution No. 933. A HESGLUTION OF T€iE CITY i McPherson! !xi& i $&m~t%kQ~OUNCILgS INTENTION TO VACATE A ; Guevara : ; :xi ; POKTZON OF PI0 PIC0 DRIVE, was adopted by title : Neiswenderi i ; x; i only and further reading waived. i Hughes : ; if f 1 :::I -. I ii;: T TJHE CITY OF CARLSBAD, DECLARING 1 Bierce !x: !xi I B . i PARKS AND RECREATION: I : l*!l i :;;: 9 :;:: I : (a) Appointmea of three members to Parks and Recrea- I I tion Commission, With the unanimous consent of the Coutt- : cil the Mayor appointed Albert J. OfMillian, Robert s ! I t I f B s * ::I: I::: @;:I ::;: ::*: i;:: .s!! I + ', ' .\ ', ', -8, I I ', " I -2 - I I 8 r a I , '8 ."'. . ' ~"".,~.,J 5 3 I i ! Name of '8, '9'0 $6., 8 . ", '$3, ,,&,@,a %' i Member %p.@ B O :&$* ~~"""""""""""""~,"~""""~""~"~"""-""----**"-~--"'~----------"----- ""'1"- I I t i::;i ! Darling and 3, E. Jardine, LII, to the Parks and Recre'a- I 1:::: i tion Commission for a four year term, terminating ::;I, $ iiiii i August, 1857. I I III,' I b ::;I: i NEW BUSINESS: I I ::;i: I I I ii::: ;::': ; additional Highway Users Taxes and Fees, pursuant to 1 :::I: I I I ,' '"* \+ '+ \ ' I I I 1 I t I i (a) RR~ ::,;I ::: i Chapter 11852 Statutes of 1963. This item is in connection; :;::; i with the Collier-Unruh Local Transportation Development: ;;::: 'I:1: : Act, to provide funds ($0.0104) under the Motor Vehicle i ::::: : Fuel Licehse Tax Law for apportionment among counties : :;4:; i and cities for use exclusively €or county road and city 3 :::;; i street purposes. In order for the city to participate the : ;::;I ; city must adopt a resolution to accept the imposition of I :!I;: i additional highway users taxes and fees. It is estimated i i period, These funds must be matched by the city in order! : for it to be utilized. 60% of the monies can be used for ; I local streets and 40% can be used for new streets. a r$: i The following resolution was presented for the Councilfs I :::I{ ::::a : consideration: I I Resolution No. 934. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY t OF TKE CITY OF CARLSBAD ACCEPTING i McPherson, ; :xi ; I THE IMPOSITION OF ADDITIONAL HIGHWAY USERS : Bierce : hix: : 'i TAXES AND FEES PURSUANT TO CKAPTEB 1852, i Guevara : 41 : :xi i : STATUTES OF 1963, was adopted by title only and furthef Neiswender !x i ;x: i ! reading waived. i Hughes ; ' ;xi ; ;: ,I:': i (b) Kesolution No. 935, appoint representatives to serve i 1:;:: I on the Transportation Policy Coordinating Committee an&: I:::: ; Transportation Technical Coordinating Committee. Th ;:::I e: f;4: i Federal Highway Act of 1962 requires that by 1965, every i ::i:: ; urban area of over 50,000 population must be engaged in ; :'I:' ::: i a comprehensive, continuing transportation planning pro- : It;! ; cess with formal written agreement among the jurisdictio6 ;::;: i involved. Unless the requirements of the law are met by ; ,*::: ;: ,I*:' : such urban areas, Federal highway funds will be withheld.: i;;:: I 4; i There has been in existence for eight years, an organiza- i !I: I i:::; i tion known as the transportation Technical Coordinating i ::I:; : Committee. It is the recommendation d this committee : i!;!: i that a transportation Policy Coordinating Committee be i ::i:i : established, with the membership consisting of a member : I' 1:;:: I of the County Board of Supervisors, and one mayor, ; ;.I : 1 ; councilman, or manager from each of the County's I :;;q ; thirteen incorporated cities. ::::I I I :;;:: t :I;:; t The City Manager informed the Council a meeting was held 'L:; i in July including the various cities, and it was unanimous-: !;I:; :d:; ; ly agreed that all of the cities should adopt a resolution i ::::I i appointing L-epresentatives to serve on the committees. ; :::;I ! Pome Of the cities have appointed members of the Council i I:'*; ;l:'l i and other cities have appointed their planner. I * ::;:; I I I b:::: f :;;:; i The city Attorney stated the City Engineer is interested in: ::;i; I forming a group from the North County area. I i:::; I $ ;;;:: I to the City Attorney to see if a North County group can be i ;:;:I i::;; : organized in order that- Etrc city CQdd istill qualify under ; I this proposal. I ;::;1 ;' i (c) First reading of Ordinance No. 9151, amen& i meeting, in' accordade with the recommendation of the ; ;:::i :::I: : Planning Commission, the City Attorney was instructed to: ::;I; i prepare an ordinance creating an R-3L Zone. I I :;;:; :','I I * f;':: f B I ::i:; ;If', I I 8 ::::; I * *;::a ! ! !I*?: 'I ;I:': ;:;:: ; the city will receive $17,400 for the first six months I 'I :::i: ::I,; :I::; I L I :;;:: I t t :;:;; i:;:: ;:4: I I I I I I 8 L 1 I I 1 t * * 1 # i Cmn. Neiswender suggested that the matter be turned eve: i:;:: faid b a I"b; ;;::I : Ordinance No. 9060 b adding zone R-3L. -Arne "4 ast , pt : ; -! I I * I b I I I I I I I I i ;"-"""""""""""""-"" ! i The following ordinance i by the 'Couricil: I I 1 I i t I -3- I I I I I I 4 """"""""""""""""""""-~- I I was presented for a first readin4 I b I . '\ ' -8 ', '\ '8 '8 \\ 8, ,, 8, % 'h, ","\, 1 5 4 8, '\8'88 '\, '*, ', N8 \' b *' Na me '* '\% '8,' \%, of 8*.$&+, X5.P .,&.@\a. /t";t' Member \% @.*$?'$ iii:: :#;I( 11 ;:,;I ' "4 """""""""""f-- '1111 I(I*j I!!I, i Ordinance No. 9151. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY I McPherson: :xi 4 j : OF CARLSBAD AMENDING CITY OF CARLSBAD i Eierce :x: : 11: ~ i OitDINANCE NO, 9060 BY ADDING THERETO ARTICLE Guevara l : I4 : 6.5 ESTABLISHING AN R-3L ZONE, was given a first i Neiswende+ : i X I reading by title only and further reading waived. t Eughes I ! &!!I I"I( :I I : ; il :: I i Cleaning up beach areas. Cmn. Neiswender requested i : that a staff study be made of ways to eliminate a tin-can ; I beach. The area in question is between the two inlets. ! I : 8 ,;*I :::: ;;:: :;:a ;I:! .!It i Cmn. McPherson stated we already have an ordinance i i prohibiting camping ou the beach. I 1 i Cmn. Bierce stated he agreed in essence with Cmn. ; Neiswender; however, until such time as the city has a : i lease on the property he did not feel that the city could do: : more than they are already doing. I After further discussion Mayor Guevara asked that a stud# ; be made to see if some solution could be arrived at. The; i Mayor also requested that additional trash containers be i : placed in the area and that pick-ups be made more often. ; I ! I I I 8 a I I I t ;;*I ;a:: ;::; ;::I .*I! 'ti; :::; ii:l :;:i i:!! I!!@ ,;;I :;;: :;I: ;::: ,I:: i::: I!!# i Maps for Council Chamber. Cmn. McPherson suggested i ; that the maps or maps that are located in the Council I i Chambers be placed in back of the Council table in order ; : that the audience can see the items being presented. I I I I I ! *.I1 I!! I;'* ;;:: i::: .!:: i!! I "1 ;;:; I League of California Cities convention - Planning commii- i sioners. Cmn. Bierce stated that most of our sister : .ities send most of the Planning Commissioners to the : i T&eague of California Cities convention. It was his feeling : that some of the Commissioners should attend from this i I city. I I I ! i';i ;:,I I*;: ::;: ;;la i;:: :!II :: I*@; :!:: I I 9 :::; i The City Manager stated he felt it was unfortunate that : I ';I : the League has not seen fit to set up an orientation pro- i :.; : : i gram such as they have for newly elected councilmen. ; !:': i Mr. Mefton, City Planner, stated this matter was dis- : : cussed at the last Planning Commission meeting and it i i was felt that if the Secretary and the Chairman could I : attendit would be beneficial. i Cmn. Bierce moved that the Secretary and the Chairman i McPhersoni I : !> : of the Planning Commission be authorized to attend the ; Bierce , :xi @ i League of California Cities Convention, and that this be i Guevara ; ; : :> ; established as a standard policy for each year. : Neiswender! : ; i: i The motion died for lack of a majority. i Santa Fe Depot Committee. Cmn. Bierce reported that i : the first meeting of the depot restoration committee i would be held tomorrow night at 7: 30 P. M. ! I !I:! :::: I I t 14:; :::; i::: 1::; ::;; I I ::;I :::: '91 I '*)I I 8 s I i Hughes ; ixi x: * :;I: I b :::: * ;::: :a:: ;::; 8 ::i; I I ;: a::: I I I I I I n i Harrison Street. I I I I : ;:;I :::; :!!I i Cmn. Neiswender inquired as to the status of Harrison i :;:; i Street. He noted that the trees had just been trimmed : .!::: 1 and none had been r.emoved. 4 . :I:: *!!I (88 D 1 I I I : The City Engineer stated it is their intention that 22' of i I roadway be used. The City has 40* of right-of-way l e l I I I I I * I I I I 4 I t I I ! I * 4 t I ! I I" ;::: 1::: :;;: i::: ;::: ;:;: :::: 1';: I* ;;:: ;::; :i:: t*': !I!! 4 4 I I I I "8 " .' ' '8\ ' '8, ' '*8 I -4- I L ', '8,8*, '% 8 i"" "" "-----"--""""- """"_ - """""""""""""""""" 1 """""""_ 20-2 ".",". I t '*, 8'\'8' 8 ',,8,,l 5 5 ? i Na me ''8' '\% '888 '&. ,?,, I I t 8 \ '., '8, 8 ' : Member 8<h 'e,$@$ t ! of Y$*o.. .?&$$J', Q'\ '?48 8 C:!t! 1 I I i however, due to the utility poles it will not allow a 40t i : roadway. The utility poles are approximately 12' to 15' : i from center line, They are usually placed in the right- i ; of way. t : Cmn. McPherson stated he could not agree that the trees ! i should be removed. These people have taken care of the+ : trees for several years. I ? I I t I a I I ! I : The City Engineer pointed out the most difficult problem : i is as you widen this street you will have difficulty at the : i southerly end. It will almost necessitate a retaining wall; I due to the cut. ! I I I * I i Cmn. McPherson suggested that this matter be deferred i i until the next meeting in order that all the Councilmen i : can review and study this matter. i Office of City Clerk and City Treasurer. Cmn. Bierce : i stated the matter of combining the officsof the City ClerG : and the City Treasurer was discussed some time ago. : : I ? * * b ? * * I + I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I i; *- I,;: ::;: ;Ill sf;: :::; **:I I:': ;SI; I:*l Il:I :::: ::I: I::: #I!# '1 ;I:!: ;:i:: ;:I:: ;;I:: 4, ::;:: :ti;: 4;:: :* I :::;I :;*I; :;ill )I)( i:;;; 4::; ::I:; :;::; 11 !ll!l i By motion of the Council it was agreed that the office of i McPhersoni I i 4 i : City Clerk and City Treasurer be combined, that the ; Bierce :xi I x; 1 i salary be fixed at $600.00 per month, and that this pro- i Guevara : 8 ; X 1 I position be placed on the ballot at the next regular general Neiswendeq ;x : 4 i : election. i Hughes : : i X I t ! I*,!' *c~'I I I i Along the same line Cmn. Bierce suggested that the 4 4 i' matter be placed on the ballot -"Shall the office of Ciq I ; Clerk and City Treasurer be elective or appointive? I Cmn. Bierce stated his reason for making this suggestion! i was that these offices do require certain qualifications. : * ? I t I I ? I : By common consent it was agreed that this item not be I ! placed on the ballot. ! I t I * I i CITY ATTORNEY'S REPORT ! * ? I I I I Addendum to lease - re: Fox. The addendum to the lea& i between the City and John Fox has been dictated. * : Kelly and Hicks water suit. The City Attorney stated he i i will be going to court some time this week on this matter.; I I 8 ? 8 * ? $ * : Also a letter was sent to Carrol Kelly's attorney for a ' i i meeting, and we are awaiting an answer. I I I I ! ! .I :::i !!:; ;I!: ;::; 'I C!!t 1.1) iil: 8 I:' I" !I,! ;I;; ;:,* 4:;: i::! I:!* :::: 4' +::: ;;:: ?" !;I; *a!' *ii: :::: ::;; 'I !I!! -. ip: :;:: I::: b?:: I San Luis Rey water rights. On the American Title Corn- i i pany problem, this matter was turned over to Jennings, : ; Engstrand and Henrickson, We have sent additional lettees i to the attorneys and it seems to be rolling now. In re- : : gards to Sprouf Homes, this is somewhat along the same i I line. He talked with Mr. Opiat, representing Sproul 1 I : Homes, and asked that they pay our costs to have Jenningg, 1 Engstrand and Hendrickson advise us on the matter. Mr. : : Opiat stated they would be willing to do this. I i CITY MANAGER'S REPORT I * I I 4 e I I B I Request to maintain a private Pistol Range - Arthur E. i i Wbllrich. Letter dated August 30, 1963, from Arthur E. i : wollrich, requesting permission to maintain a private : i Pistol Range on property located at 4150 Skyline Road, : : Carlsbad, was presented. A plan of the proposed structute i was enclosed. The structure would be totally enclosed. i : Attached were'letters from the Chief of Police and Allan ; i B. Davis, Rangemaster of the San Diego Police Range, : ; approving the plan. Mr. Wollrich further stated the # I planned use of the range includes personal target practice! I I t I 8 1 I I I I i'li ;::: ;::* 1::; :::; ii;; ::i; i::: ti:: :I:: ;::; ;::: ;::; *;;t 04: !I*! ;:;; :;:; :*:; :::; ;::; ;::; :;;: *a;; 1:;; ::;: :::: ::;: i:;: !;;I b::: a!!* , * !i:! I 8 *,,* \ 8' I * I 8, \.,'., \ \ ' 8*' I I s 8 '., '.\., 8 '., k '+, ' 15E t i Name 8b,'t&, ' 't, 'q$. ; of '.so.$!+, ', Q. I I I -5 - '\, \, 8 ', ' 'b I t : Member $??$P\.P$)\~ ',L 4 8 934 9 <rp :"""""""""""""""""""""""""""-"""""""""";""""""""" "" ". * * ::!*: 1 t I i and the continuation of a research project in which he firsf; : became interested while attending the University of Cali- : i fornia at Los Angeles several years ago. If permission I : is granted it is assured that this privilege will be respect: i ed. No commercial or public use is intended or desired. ; * I 'Gj! :!:;I It::: 1(1 :;I:: *I:;: i:::: :a 1:::: I:!I! I By motion of the Council it was agreed that Mr. Wollrich i McPherson: ; i x: ; i be granted permission to construct a private Pistol Range! Bierce !x I I It! i : and that he be given permission to discharge firearms : Guevara : ; I xi ; i within this. building. i Neiswender: i XIX: j ! I :I!!; li"i 8 I I ; Hughes : : :xi 1 I I Transfer of contingency funds. The City Manager reques4- i ed permission to transfer $3,000 from the Contingency : : Fund to Professional Services for the Engineering Depart; i ment. These funds would be used when the city has out- i : side help for projects. 8 ! I I ::i:: ;;I;* ;;,:I @I)'& ::::: :a::: : i : :.; *:.!I 8 I :~;:i I By motion of the Council the City Manager was authorized: McPherson i $ !xi I i to transfer $3,000 from the Contingency Fund to Profes- i Bierce : jxixi i i sional Services under Engineering, : Guevara i i :x; ; t t I i Neiswender! ; !xi ! t * : Hughes i i ' ;x: I t * I!(! i Selection of members to Agency for annexations and I incor orations. Under this new law creating this agency, i I a : "-7 t e ayors o the various- cities in the County will appoint! f two members to serve, and the Board of Supervisors-will i i appoint two members. These four members will elect : : one layman as the fifth member, There seems to be sornd i confusion over the bill. The bill states this selection is i : to be accomplished within 60 days. Within this 60 day * i period no action can be taken by the local legislatures, Ai i the City Manager's meeting this matter was discussed. : : Until such time as the fifth member is selected, this corn< : mission will have no authority. It is felt thi s bill will be : i contested in court. Originally the Governor wished to havb i this set up by appointment of the State. I 1 I ! 8 I Mayor Guevara stated it was his feeling this is a very un- i ; fortunate law. This is taking away home rule. t I 1 8 I 1" 4:::: ;l8li I;;:' 11 i::;; h::; !I::! ::;I Itl: ::;I i;:: :: ::!:I ;::I: ::;:I ::::: ,;::I :::,a :; 4:;: :a ,Is: :!!4! :i;*i ::I iit'I ;I::: s!!:! i Street si ns. The signs have arrived. There are 210 ne4 i signs, an approximately one-half the poles will have to : :a I be replaced or removed. The reason they have not been i i installed is due to the back-log in work. 8 I :!!I 'I:;, 4;;:; ---" ::::I 1:;:: I :Is; I :.Proclamation - Public Works Week. The Mayor proclaim; i ed the week of September 8th through September 14th, 1969, : as "Public Works Week". I * I 8 I 1,;: ;::* :::: ;!!; e": !*I! 8 i Council pictures, The City Manager requested that the i ;;*i :I:# I ;:;: i Council members be present at 6:45 P. M. at the next 8 ; regular meeting in order that pictures can be taken of the I 1:;: i Council. I i:::; ::::; I '::;I i RATIFICATIOM OF BILLS AND PAYROLL I :::*I ;**;I I D;:I\ i Ratification of the bills was given for the general expensed :;':; ; of the City in the amount of $18,931.18 and for the Water' i McPherson i \ :x: ~ ::I i Department in the amount of $24,849.25, for the period ; Bierce : ' :xi ~ ; August 20, 1963 to September 3, 1963, as certified by the i Guevara ; i ;x: ~ i Director of Finance and approved by the Auditing Commit4 Neiswender :x : ;xi : tee. i Hughes : jx':x: i Ratification of, *e payroll was given for the second half i McPherson i i !xi i of August, 1963, in the amount of $17,646.18, as certi- : Bierce : : ;x; i fied by the Director of Finance and approved by the Audit; Guevara i i i xi : ing Committee. : Neiswenderi : x:x; I I ($1 1 1 I I I I I '* 1 l e :::I I I I i Hughes F i !xi * 8 !:;I I 1 8 84;: J I * :::: ;: I 8 * 1::: I I * b D * I 4 I I I * * I I I- I I I * I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I * I * I I I I I I I I I I I I I I * I t I I $ $ I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I \I I I 1 k I t I I I I i I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I i I I I I I I I I I I I I I * b I * I b I I t I I I I I I I I 4 I I I * I I 1 I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I a I I t I I I I I I S I 9 t I I """""""""""*""""""""""" ADJOURNMENT By proper rnbtion the meeting was Respectfully submitted, City Crerk ' -6 - ."""""""""""- adjourned at 8:25 I 6 $ t I I I * , I i 4 I I I i I I I 1 I ."""". I P. Mi 1 I I I 4 I I * 4 I I I I I I e I B I I I * b * I I b I I I b I I I I I I I * I I I I I I I $ I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I b i 1 8 b I I I # * I t I I I 8 J. I I I I * * I t I * 4 I I 1 8 I I 4 I I 1 t * I * I 8 I I I a I t s I I I I I I I I I I 8 I I * I * * I I I * t 4 * I 1 I # e l * 4 ", \\ -8 ',, ", .\8 *' 8 8,'8,, '. 'S8'*,l 5 7 8' "':;. " '\ ' of \,5\08, 'b, q$', \?&@\4\.t* ;I ;:::; riiii #I,;; ::;;I :;'I; :;::I ::i:; iiiii ::::I ;' #I;:: ;!I;( I;::: ;:;;; ;::e; ;:;:I ;:I: ::,a; 'I 4;:; ;:!;~ :I:: I i is :i ::;; I!:: I;;: ;::I ::I: I;;! :::; ::;a :'I: ;::; :I;: Il;: ::;* i:;; :ii: ;*I; :it: :*:; ;::: ::i: ::I 16;; ::;: :: *ii ::I: ::;I i;;; :; :* I;!! "' ', ' ', * I2 * \ 8' Na me 'b8 ,$, '8 '?& Member $$3&? 4 '1: I"""""""" """-. iipi ;I1 '811 :I*: iifi :;'I )#II :*'I i::; 4:; :::: :::: :ii: i::; :::: ii:: ::;t 1:: :;;: i:;i ;: ,I:: ;::: 1:;: ::;: :::: *:;: ;:*e ::I: :::i i::; 1::; :;'I 11;; :*4; ;:#I 8:; :;;I lis: I,:: ;*I* k4:: I+# !8i!