HomeMy WebLinkAbout1963-10-01; City Council; Minutes+ .< 1 D l -88 '8 '8 .8\ '*8 8l ; GZ1T ur CAKLYW I CITY COUNCIL (Regular. meeting): : Minutes of: i Date of Meeting: Ocfmber 1, 1963 I 888 *\ 8\8 '\8 88588 i N a me '8, "@8 '\8 d \$iA i Time of lvleeting: 7:OO P.M. '* \08\ ' \%8, i Place of Meeting: Council Chambers : of *\p&+,+8#* : Member $@,*g 4 ............................................................................... I # t ::::i :ROLL CALL was answered by Councilmen McPherson, : ;:I;; i Bierce, Guevara and Neiswender. Councilman Hugh& 44;; ::;:: {was present at 7 :17 P,M. Also present were City i ::::; i Manager Slater , City Attorney Wilson and City I I;::; I I:::; i Clerk Adams. I I 1::'l 4 i:;:: I I 10 1:;:: IALILEGIANCE to the Flag was given, :(I:: I ;:::I !INVOCATION was offered by Lowell Rathbun. I ;:;:I I ::::I I :i;:: i CORPcESPONDENCE : I I 1 :::I: I I * !::I: i (a) Petition €or stop siqn at Garfield Avenue and *p:: ::I,; ::a !Acacia Street. A petition signed by approximatel$ '1 I t:4 :50 property owners was presented, requesting that: +:: :,*I' ia stop sign be installed at the intersection of i I:'@; 1I::l ;ell' !Garfield Street and Acacia Avenue. (a*&; '\\ 8'\8888 '8, ",\'\ 1 6 9 t I I I I I + I I I I (#*I I l I a I I * I I I. ;:ls, I I I ::#I :: !The City Manager recommended that this matter be ! ;::: I I :::I {referred to the staff for study and recomendatio?, :;El ! !&I: 'tl I* l :By comon consent the matter was referred to the i 3.'raf€ic Safety Committee for study and report, ! * I I I ;*ti ())I 1:;: I :#a !!::! I t I I(b) F.A. Norman - re: Hardins Street Improvemen$. !Letter dated September 26, 1963, from Mrs. Fred AS! porman, stating approximately one year ago a peti-i !tion was submitted to the City requesting that : parding Street be paved under the Improvement Act i bf 1911, As there has been no sign of activity on! khis project for some time, it is requested that i befinite and continuing action be taken by the ! bounci1 to insure that the paving of Harding Streek $.s scheduled and completed in the immediate futurei j (Refer to Insert*** on Page 10) * * ;(c) Wayne Carroll - re: Audit of City Records. ! A letter was presented from Mr, Wayne Carroll, of i !Eager and Carroll, the firm who made the audit of I ithe City and Water Department this year, stating I jthey would like to' do the audit for the City de- i :partments and the Water Department for the fiscal ; lyear 196.3-1964 at a price of $2,400.00, An agree; bent was enclosed, and if the Council was desiroud :of their firm doing the audit for the coming year,: Ithey requested that the agreement be executed and i jreturned to their office, I t I I s b is1 I' I;;* ii:: i:;: @I 1::: i::: ::il :ill i::: :::; ('1 ::;; i::: ;:i: $1: ;::: ;I:: ;::: ;::: ;;at $1: :I ;; 1 8 *d: ;::: :ti: !;I: p;t ,I': ;:;: 11;: ;: ;;:: ;: :::; i:; ,!!I :The City Manager pointed out the reason for this i : request was to enable them to make periodic auditb : throughout the year, f * 8 I 8 I ! i;:l 0l8 i:;; ;::; ;::; I;;@ !*I! i By motion of the Council, the Mayor was authorize! McPhersoni ix!x; i to execute the document on behalf of the City of i Bierce i : !x: i Carlsbad. l1 1 : Guevara ; I ;x: -. I I I i Neiswendet5 :xi t i Hughes \ \ :xi ::I: :::: :::; :;a: ;::: I !MR. GEORGE HENRY, 5080 Carlsbad Boulevard, stated! :a:: !at the last meeting of the Council a letter was i iread directed to the Council regarding sewers €or i ithe Tsrramar area, The Larger owners of property: I;;* jin the area have been contacted. In accordance i \with a letter received from Mr. Zitlau of the San: I::: :Diego Gas & Electric Company, wherein he indicated ;!:I :I:: :they would be willing to go along a fair basis. i 1.. ; ; : :Mr, Ecke and Mr, Cannon are agreeable, I :;a: t 4 !::: 8' * 3 I * * I I !a:; i::: 1 J I I \ .,I -\ \' I t I 8\, '.,'.., 8.' '+, 1'7 0 I -2- I I '\, ', ',, 'x '8,'t8 I ; of ‘fro,%, '. .%', I '+?@,9J\$+ :~"""""""""""""-~"""""""""~"""""""""""""~~"""""""""""-~". : t4srnber % bo..~\p'..c ;: /;:I :+i I I 2:;; +.I 1 I I *a!;; 4::;: 1 !:::; 1 * '8 b I ,. I I i N a me '\, ''%,,'x, 8%A I ifillre Hsnry further stated he has talked with 90% of :@I :::;; jthe property owners and thev want installation of: ::: :dry sewers. They wo!lld like to expedite this prci ! ject at a reasotlable cost and as soon as possible! i:::: ii-kwever, there zre certzin clarifications needed E :i;;: ibefore they proceed further e iCouncilman Rughes was present at-7:17 P.M. I::;: !Councilman Neiswender asked Mr. Henry if he would i ::;:; !like the Terramar Committee to meet with the Engii *ai;; ineer to iron out the various problems. :The Mayor stated if the comnittee wished to meet i IIIII jwi.431 the staff at the City Eal.?., he was sure it : i.I i I j 1 coald 'be arranged. I I 'I:$ 1 ii: ;I 1- 181 I p1:; I#* : PUBLIC HEARDTG : 1'1:1 I I I;;@; I :;':' ! (a) Proposed street vacation of a portion of Pio [ ;I;1; I ::::; iPico. Drive between Elm Avenue and Oak Avenue, I :::; ! I!!* 1 I :I I I I I I I I ::':I t ::{I: ::4: 1 I I !;I ;;::i I I * I I 1 I I I 4 I i I I I I I I !The Clerk certified as to proper notice and pub- i Ilication having been given. I :The Council was informed that no written protests! :had been received up to the hour of 7r30 P.M, !A hap of the area was presented for the Council's f I review. :The Mayor announced the Council would hear from i jthe applicant and any other. persons who wished to i lspeak in favor of the proposed street vacation, i !There were no persons present desiring to speak. i !The Mayor announced the Council would now hear frdm jall persons wishing to speak in opposition to the: !proposed street vacation. I ! I I I I I * 1 I I I I I I I I f I I I I I I I I I I 6 1 I I I 8 t I * I -. *I :I!: ::I: I::: ;::; 4:; ;::I ;:I: ,a:: ;::: I!!; :: :' ::I* 1: ::;; :::; :;:; :IIl : : ; :' ::;: ;:I: $1: :;;: I@ ;;;: 4:: :#;I $1: Ill :'(I 8: 1111 l!!l :There were no persons wishing to speak in opposi- I . 1;*1 11:n !ai! i tion * I I I I I 1 I . :The public hearing was declared closed at 7:35 Ped. I 1 I I ;@I; ;;:I :;#I 1: !;!: 1:;: !I*! :The Council was informed the purpose of the pro- i :posed street vacation was to re-align the street. i :The first step would be to vacate this portion, i ::;; !and then in turn the property owners would dedi- i Icate 11' for street purposes, which will give bacq ;::: !to 'the City a certain amount of the proposed vacaj i;;: 1:;; ::;; ::;; i::: ;::: :!!e I ted property. I :;*I a (:!I $ a t I ;:ii ;After further: discussion, the following resolutioi :was presented for the Council's consideration: l a b l a 1 ii;: ;:I, :; :I:: '*!I I B I I 1- iResoLution No, 942 , A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY 1:;: I :;:: IING VACATION OF A PORTION OF PI0 PIC0 DRNE AND : McPherson i i i $ :ORDERZNG CLERK TO RZCORB A CERTLFIED COPY HEREOF i Bierce : : xpc~ :IN THE OFFICE OF TILE COWNTY RECORDER OF SAN DfEGO i Guevara : : ;xi :COUNTY; was adopted by title only and further $eiswender :xi :x! :reading waived, i Hughes i i !xi iCouNCIL OF Tm CITY OF CmLSBm, C&IFOMIA, omB4- ;:;I ;*a 1 I I 1 1 I 4 I 1:;b I I :;;: * :;:: ! ! !??! 1 B I I -8 \ , -, -, * I I \\'\\ , \ 8 I -3- I I I I \ ', '\8 '\ 88,88, 173 I t i Name \\ '8%8 .x:$&. I I fi$-+$&$$& ;,,""""",,,""""""~~~"""""~""""""""""""""""*~"""""""""~~~","- I Member ,~\O.P$\,G I i::;: 11 t '<' 8 'x -8 8, 'x ', 8, s ' I I 8 of 88$80'8 ' i ENGINEERING t I ! I!!@! I I I I (a) Acceptance of street dedication of pourtion i i of Pi0 Pic0 Drive and Elm Avenue. A grant deed i ;has been received fron Ralph H, and Marjorie A. 1 JShick and C. J, Heltibridle, wherein they are :granting 11' of right-of-way for street purposes i ion Pi0 Pic0 Drive and Elm Avenue, It will be !necessary for the Council to accept this dedica- ! I tion. I I 4 I I I I 1 list; :(:;I *:;I; ;st;* 4:;; :::I* 44; ;I::; ;:::I ;::;I ::!:I I!'*; ;:;;: 1:: !!!I! I I "1; 1 ;::;; I I I Neiswender!xi 84 :x: I i By notion of the Council, the deed was accepted i KcPherson I ; !xi ; i and the City Clerk was instructed to record the i Bierce i IxIxi i i same. IGuevara : ; !x! i : (b) Petition for 1911 Act Street Improvement - I I:::: :Hemlock Avenue. The City Engineer informed the i i Council a petition had been received signed by . { ::p; ! 74,95% of the property owners for the improvement: @:I;l i of Hemlock Street, combination curb and gutter, i !:::; i concrete driveway approaches, asphaltic concrete i 11:;~ i pavement with base and seal coato The property i ;:la jowners do not want sidewalks. I 1::; I ! :!It SI I I I : Hughes : ; ;xi : ::I:; ;::;: ::::I 1':: I I iiii :' I I :The City Engineer recommended that the sidewalks i !be eliminated and that combination curb and guttei :be installed. ! I I I . .I ;;I: :;:: i::: 1::: :!:: i i It was the feeling of the Council that if the pro: jperty owners did not want sidewalks they should i i be eliminated. : I I I ii11 :::: :;I: :;I: i::: #I I!!l I I ;ii: 1 The foLlowing resolutions were presented for con-! 1: !It! I* : sideration: I ! I I I I I I i:,l I:; :;:: !It! i Resolution No, 943, A RESOLUTIOPJ OF THE CITY COUN{ ::;i i CIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD DECLARING FfNDING THAT I OWNERS OF MORE THAN 60% IN AREA OF THE PROPERTY ' : :ill :::I :::i {SUBJECT TO ASSESSMENT IN PROPOSED ASSESSMENT ~1s-i I;:; i TRICT NO. 1-1963 HAVE SIGNED PETITION FOR IMPROVE; 1::: :;;I iIi: $:4 ::i: :MENTSt FINDING THAT THE PETITION FOR PROPOSED i if:: i ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO, 1-1963 €iAS BEEN FILED WIT& i THE CLERK OF TflE CITY OF CARLSBAD, AND FINDING i i THAT SAID PETITXON CONTAINS A WAIVER OF INVESTI- IMcPherson : :x!xi IGATXON PROCEEDINGS REQUIRED BY DIVISION 4 OF THE iBierce :x! :x: i STREETS AND EIIGHWAY CODE OF THE STATE OF CALIF- :Guevara i I :x: IORNIA, was adopted by title only and further :Neiswenderi ! :xi :reading waived. i Hughes : ' :x: :Resolution No, 944. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY iMcPherson I IxIxi iCOUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, APPOINTING ENGI-iBierce b: 'xi iNEER AND FIXING COMPENSATION, was adopted by titi+ Guevara : ; !x: !only and further reading waived. INeiswenderi I ;xi :I I *I I I $ * $1: I ;::: I;' I I I : Hughes ; : ix! I' I I ;::; ! ! .!I. : Resolution No, 945 o A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY IMcPherson i {x!xi i COUNCIL OF. THE CITY ,OF CARLSBAD APPOINTING PERSON i Bierce Ti :xi i TO PREPARE ALL PROCEEDINGS, was adopted by. title IGuevara ; : !xi !only and further reading waived, iNeiswenderi i !x; I 8 ;Hughes I I I 1 I i : !xi IS 1::: I I I 6 I t I 1 1 I i I I I I ;i;: I 1;;1 1 i.: ; : I I 1:;: I I :;;I 1 1 I ::;: !SI! * I t I I t I 1 * I -' ' .- x, \,,'x, '\ '. 'X 4 '\ ', t.1 a? \\, ',,'8,, \, X\ , d )*d -4- ', ,', \ '' I I i Name '. '\@ '8,"?$$A I I : of '.&$ '. '\?&@,$, $$.* ~""___~"""""_*""""""~""""""""_""""-""""-"""".;"""""""-:~~~"-*"-~ : Member ,&.e',&$ i Resolution No. 946, A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY IMcPherson l :xixi : i COUNCIL OF THE'CITY OF CARLSBAD DIRECTING PRE- iRierce xi !x! i i PARATION OF PLANS AND SPEXIFICATION ANE) DESIG- iGuevara : .I !x: i i NATING ENGINEER TO PREP= PLANS, was adopted byiNeiswenderi i !xi i : title only and further reading waived, .: Eughes : : !Xi i ; PARKS AND BCREATION: I I ll:*: I ! !*I!l I I ;:::I b I I b I 1 I I :;;:; I I:::# I1 I i (a) Request to change official street tree for : 1- Pine Avenue. Letter dated September 20, 1963, i from the Secretary of the Parks and Recreation ; Commission, stating that at the August meeting : of the Commission, a motion was passed asking i that the official street tree for Pine Avenue I west of Washington Street be changed .from Hesper I Palm to Guadalupe Palm. The reason for the re- i quest was the unavailability of the Hesper Palm. q I ;I#'@ I I 1:;:: I 1 ji:;: ,:I :in:; # 8 ;:::; ::::; I t ;:::I * ;::I: * 1 ;:::: I I ::;;: * I I I I I1;l: 1 t * I :;::: ;:::I I I I:!!: I I 11i.1 I I ::I:; i By motion of the Council, the request of the iMcPherson i : k! : : Parks and Recreation Commission was granted. IBierce :xi ?E; 3 I I I iGuevara i ; b: i I 1 iNeiswender: I 3; I I :Hughes i !x& I I I I NEW BUSINESS: * I I:::; I ;::'I 6 I I:':: i (a) Proclamation for October 7th to llth, 1963, I I:;:; : as PTA menibersl~ip enrollment week, The Mayor : 1:;:: : proclaimed the week of October 7th to llth, 1963; ::;:; :;;:; i as PTA Membership Enrollment Week. 1 :;I:; I I I 1 i:::: I 1;::: I A short recess was called at 7t40 P,M. The I I:::: I meeting reconvened at 7 :56 P.M. ;:!I: I I ;:::: ;:::: i (b) Warninq siqns at the intersection of Tamaradk I;;:; 1 Avenue and Carlsbad Boulevard, Councilman Neis- : *11:: i:::; : wender stated he would like to go on record as I ;::*I i favoring the installation of a flashing warning i ::]:I I;:: i sign at the intersection of Tamarack Avenue and I :;I*: i;::; i Carlsbad Boulevard ., * I , ::I * I :::a: ;:::I i By motion of the Council, the Council went on /I;: bMcPherson 8 : : ;xi i record as favoring the installation of a warning bierce :a 1 :xixi : i sign at the intersection of Tamarack Avenue and kuevara : ; :xi i : Carlsbad Boulevard and that it be installed this heimender ;x! {xi : ! month. Bughes I 3 :xi i : I !:!!: I I t I I I I I I I * 6 I 41 I I I 44 I I b i Councilman McPherson stated this is only one i intersection in the City, and he could not see i i why this particular street is more important than: : a dozen other streets. I * : OLD BUSINESS: i (a) Report from Marquardt-Tanner Company on I Vallev Street Sewers. Mr. Dean Marquardt was i i present and informed the Council his firm 'has i i been working on a 1911 Act sewer district, Of : i the 33 parcels involved, there are 18 agreeable. i : They have not heard from some of the out-of-town i I property owners. Also, some of the residents I have requested street improvements. A petition i i is being circulated for sewers and also for I 8 I I I I I I I 8 1 I I I I t I 1 I I I I I I ! '~i:: :::;; !::;I q : ' I ; I :-i ; ; ::a:: :I::, 4:;; :' 1:::; :;::; i;!:; $4' ;:I:/ ;:I:; ;:;:; ::;:I ::,:I ;;::; I! i 1,: ; 1 ;;:a; ij*'l ;:I 01 4 J'::; *.@:I i street improvements. 0 I * I I I I 9:;: 1:; I ::i: I I ::;: t I I I I $1: 1;:l : I !I"! I I I I I e I. . \\. I I I '\, \\\ '\, ', '\ *, t I , 8, '% \, 8, ',I 7 ' '., *,,'., '\, \\, 8, G I -5- \, '\ 8 '\ '8 '\ 4 I I I I i N a me 8%. \PA, 8,. \@A, I ; of '2 Vc,4\ '\ -?p8 I 8.4. o'Q \d \ ,a\ 'p\ :"""""""-""""""-"""""----------""""~"""""""""l~"""""""""""~~~, : Member @e,$& I I .. b I i This proceeding seemed to be starting slowly but ! I i month they should have a map and report ready to t i i is now progressing rapidly, Within the next I present to the Council, I I I I I I 1 .I I i (b) Second readinq of Ordinance No. 3064, amend4 I i ins Ordinance No. 3062 reqardinq the licensins of: ! : bicycles. i The following ordinance was presented for a I I second reading by the Council: I I b 1 I I I I I I I I I I I : Ordinance No. 3064. AN ORD3NANCE OF THE CITY OF i McPherson i I i CARLSBAD AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 3062 hiEGARDING i Bierce i : TNE LICENSING OF BICYCLES, was given a second : Guevara i : reading by title only and adopted. i Neiswender! :' I CITY ATTORNEY'S REPORT: 1, I Hughes : I I ? e I # I I * I I 1 I i Sewer Refund - Osburn, The City Attorney informep t I : the Council the Code provides that when a party I I i installs a sewer. trunk line that will benefit : I : otller property owners, a reinibursement agreement i I I ! can be entered into, The Building Inspector, ,I I prior to his employment with the City, installed i I I i a sm&r frr1m.k line. However, there was never an i I i agreement for reimbursement entered into, $ :Mar. Osburn was present and stated most of the pro#- I I i perty owners contributed towards the sewer line. i I i not contribute, The owners of one of these par- i b i cels now wants to connect to tjhe sewer, I I I r I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I f I I I I I I I I I I I t I I ; Howcyer, there were. two property owners who did i I I ! i:;ii ''1:: ::;;I :::;: ::::: ;::;: ;::;: ;::I: 1:::: ::;:: !:$; i:::: ;:::: 1:::; 1:::: t11:4 1- 1 !The City Attorney stated Mr. Osbusn feels he is i t I entitled to a refund, as he had to pay for these i :parcels at the time the trunk line was installed.: t ;I;; s::1 j::: ; ix: : x: :x: i i :x: i ; :' :xi i !x;%: : ': I::l ::I: :;:: :::; ;1:1 ;::i ;::; ;::; *::I !::I :::: $:@I :I:; 4:;1 ti:! :;I: :;:: ;I:; ;::; ;::; ;::; :p; i:;; 81 ;11-1 ,st;l :::;; ::I:: :;I:; :!::I I (-1.1 t I * # 1:;:: :councilman McPherson stated all the peoperty t ::a:: I :a::: I I I I :J:' I Owners contributed and Mr. Osburn had the line i .:::;I i installed D I ;I:*: ,.I!: 1 I I iMre Osburn stated that Mr, McPherson only paid i I : for 60 ' and he owned 137' e I I I # I I i :The Mayor requested that this matter be deferred i :until the next meeting in order that more infor- i Irnation could be presented. b * I b v I I / I !Hicks - Kelly water suit. He met with Mr. Graham Eelly, I !attorney for Hicks and Kelly, and a meeting will"!' :be set up to see if a settlement can be reached. ! 1 i 1 * iDoq Ordinance, At the next meeting of the Council I !he would like to present an amsndment to the Dog i !Ordinance, as the County has amended their ordi- I inance and the City adopts their ordinance by ! * I I I reference. I I ! :Capital Contribution Charqe for Terramar resident6. I I I I t :The City Attorney stated he %zas instructed'.. to pr$- I irecommendation as .to clarification of the ordi- I i !pare an amendment to the ordinance, or make a 1 inance concerning the Terramar area, He did not : I I I ! I ! i:li; :;::; ;@:'I ;:::: ;:;:: I;':; ::I:: ::::; :;I:f ::;:; :;::: :;::: 'I:#: ::;:; :;::; "a * : ; ::;:: :::;; :;::I :I:;: ::::I :::;: ::;:: *I::! ;: ;:;:: ;i;;* 1 I' !!;;I ::::: i:::: 1:;:: :*:I: 1'::: ;;a1' 1' I:;:, ,I::: 'b ' 11 1: !a:!* 1 I ', *, *, s ' . I -5- a, , % '\ 's '\ 8 I I 4 I I I I I I s * ', *, '. '+,'\. '' ', '8 ', ', '. f ';t 4 ', 8, ', ' ' I I i Na me 8. 's$b8 "8 '8% I : of 'q$$q8 '\, .$& ~"""- """"- ----"-"-""- """"~""""""""""""~ ]"_Y!fib!! ""_ >?:g:.c:f-& i fed the ordinance needed to be amended but I I::': I I I;':; I ::;:: :.I ;:; I:':; i Councilman Neiswender moved that the Capital Con-! :!:;I ;;:;i 'I::; i districts being formed. I :::;, I I I ::;I: '*@@8s9!\* '6 I b ! COult? take .care- of this matter by motion, I I I I I I i tribution Charge be waived in regards to any new; I ! !*#!I f Councilman Bierce stated he did not feel. that a=$ I i action should'be taken at this time until a meet< i ing has been held with the Terramar Committee. i I * I 1 ;*1;c ;::': I:;:: :;;:; ;::a: :.It;& ,!*!I I I I j::;: i Mr. Henry, one of the residents o€ Terramar, ::::: I stated he felt this matter should be clarified i 1 /;:: I' I:;:: i prior to any decision being made by the Terramar i :I;:; 1: 'I ;;::I ':i ;:::: ;::I: ::;:; ::;:: i explain the mechanics of the Capital Contributio; I:::: I*;:; : Charge, ;:la# 0::; ::I:: : Councilman: Bierce stated the question seems to i ;:: i be treated as far as the present Capital Contri- i ii;:; i bution Charge is concerned. 1 APter considerable discussion it was the general i i:1:: :I::, : being made for the use of the present plant, andi ':;I; : new districts that will be formed will not enjoy i I;;:: i have to' pay the $50.00 contribution. charge pre- i 1:;:: i people, I : It was agreed that discussion be given this ! matter at this time. I I 8 I I I * ;!:;I ;:::: I ? I I I I 6 I 1 I i Councilman Bierce requested the City Manager to I * I:::: I 4 ::;:: i be how shall areas that have never been sewered I: ::;::. I I * ;:;:: ;:: I ii;:; : feeling of the Council that if this .charge is' i ;:::: 1;::; I the use of the present .plant, they should not ; I:::; i:::: i sently being imposed on those properties not i :#I:; 1'; I within the sewer district. ;:,I: ;::;: ;::': I:':; : By motion of the Council, the City Attorney was i :::I 1;: ;:: ': *I::: ! sewer disposal facilities shall not be charged ; ;i::i i the $50 -00 Capital Contribution Charge, and that kcpherson i i j, I ; i up to the time the new sewer facilities are corn- !Bier== !x: k i i i facilities that they be charged the $50 -00 in- INeiswender i i * i i : clusion fee, !Hughes : ' $; ; : The City Manager 'stated it is contemplated that i J a charge imposed for the operation and maintenanie '11'1 i of the plant. ! CITY MANAGER * S REPORT: a I I * I I I I 1: I $ I I I I i I I 1 . .. i instructed to amend the ordinance to provide thag ;I1 : any district which in no way uses the present I ;: 4:: I pleted, anyone who connects and uses the present iGuevara I I' ; @: i I I ;: I I I 1;::: 8 :;:'I .# :*;:a : when the new p,lant is in operation there may be : I:,': ::;:; ::;::r :pi:: I I I !!::;; ;e:::: ::::;I I.. ;: 1::::; ;I:::: ;::;:; ;::;:; ;::;:; :::;:; ;::e:: 1;: I !::!I! 'I I I ? I I I I I I I : San Luis Rev Water Riqhts. A letter has been re< I ;;* i;ii I Homes, Inc., concerning the specific well sites ; ::':I: i in the Mission Valley, requesting an expression : ;::::; i negotiate this matter. 4 I ;::;:; I. I :::;:; I"*': { well sites and easementso I;;:" i ceived from Norman Berk, representing SprouL i :::::I I from the Council as to their willingness to I I I I I I : The City Attorney also received a Letter- from i i Paul I), Engstrand, Jr,, wherein he recommended i O(1' i that the City definitely consider designating : ;::::: ! I I t I Hughes ; i Ii i :::I: 1 Corps of Army Enqineers, The City Manager informe3 :;::; i the Council he attended a meeting held in Ocean- i ' '- :I;:; ::I;* i side conducted by the Corps of Amy Engineers, i ;:::: i which was for the purpose of considering a re- . : ;::;: I::': i quest by the City of Oceanside eo have the Corps i I:;:: : maintain their harbor navigational facilities. ' i ::a:: t:ll I 1 I f I t I I I I t I i:::: ;:;:; ::::: 5.: ; : ; I I I ::;:: 1. ::::: t .I I b I * a '1 !!I!* b I : '\8.". I \, ', '8, ', '\ '8 I I ! Name' 'b ''& '8,:@& I I ; of "4.$0" " 8 : Member .e8&.$&$ ; """""""""""""""""""" - -"""""" - "" """"""""; ""_ - """"_ ~?-~ "" 1"- i box for the City of Carlsbad. The City Manager : I;::: I I I $ I I I * I 8, '8 ' '*, ",".8~ 'fl 5 -8- I '8 ''8"'r ', ', ,\ 8" ',d@ 98 '?$' 'I :It i It was stated in the report that this was in no i ii;:; i way detrimental to the' proposed small craft har- i :I::: 1:;:: : was advised that the Corps would be happy to wora ;I#'I ;:;I: 1 with the City of Carlsbad when they were ready ; 181:B l;;l: ;. €or a small craft harbor development, :I*:; I $ ::ii: :'a*: i muisition of land for Las FLores Drive School i :I 1::;: i District. Letter from Secretary of the Carlsbad i 1:::: i Union School District Governing Board, dated i I:;:: :l,1l : September .lI, 1963, was presented, stating they : 1:;:: ::;:: i wished to indicate their willingness to enter I :;l:I ; into negotiations for deeding to the City that i ;I:1: 1:;:; I portion of land that is required for the extensih ::::: ::::: ! of Las Flores Drive, in turn for which the City i p;:: I would assume the complete responsibility for the I I:#:' :I:*: i improvements of such street, including either a$ I:*:; ;l:tl i overpass or underpass to the school site under i 1:;:: I Las Flores Drive, and the moving and replacing i ::i:i 1. 4 i of all school district €ences that must be moved ; :I;:; ;:/I : as a result of the extension of this street. ::::; I I I :::i: 11: :!;Il i Councilman McPherson stated he could not see why i ;llll 1 this particular area must.have an underpass, iiiii ::::: I I:;!: i Councilman Neimender requested this matter be i i:::: : tabled until the next meeting, :;;:: :;;:: l ::::I : Some of the members of the Council expressed ;:;:i :their desire to attend the next meeting of the i 1:::: i Governing Board of the school district. I :';:: : Lease 4 ;L:: ::::: i S&ka of City Property. The Council was informed i ::;:; i Councilman Neiswender, Councilman Bierce and the : 1::; : City Manager m t with Mr. Geyer, local realtor, i ip:: %e se ::;;: i concerning the & of City property, located on i !::I: :Elm Avenue between Roosevelt Street and Madison i 1:;:: ;;l'a i Street. He stated his client would need at least: ;:: :: *I I a 54 year lease, 1 I:!:* ;I#': i Also an offer has been received from Mr, Val Le- i ;I,:: ibedeff. He has proposed that he exchange his : *:$; P':: :owned property located between Roosevelt Street i ::::; :I,:* i net cash, and that the existing metal building i :;ii: :would be removed at his expense. The present i ;;;I' #;I:: i rent free until such time as a new facility can ; i:::: ::e*; 1' I 4 I I I I I I : I I I I I I I I I I I I * l e 1 I 11 ;,I I * t ;: I b 4 * t 4 I ;:!I: r:::: i and Madison Street on Elm Avenue, plus $30,000,00~ ti::; i library building would be retained as a library i ::::: I After discussibn by the Council,. by motion of the: I McPherson ::::; i ; :x,: ; :next regular meeting, I' * I :xixi i I:!:! !Mr. William Cannon was present and suggested that; t I ,.: I ;:;st !:;;: I: :the property be appraised in order that other pert ;#I i sons may s&mit a proposition, I I-:;, ;::;I I ; ; I ; .... ::;:; i:::: ;:::a ;:e;: ;:::I I. e:;:: I property located on Tyler Street for the City- i i:;:: I I 1 I I I I be constructed, ;:I1 1::i ! Council, the City Manager was instructed to send i Bierce :xi ix: i i a letter to Nr. Lebedeff requesting that he sub- IGuevara i i !$ I I mit a written proposal. to the Council. for their i Ne.iswenderi, : :xi : : Hughes I I I I :I t t * I t I I I I * * t 4 I I i I I I 8 e l I I I I I I I 1 ! I I :!I!* . 1 * 4 I 4 * t : I * * * * * * t - 9- I I I I b t I I I :-"""""-"""""""""~"""""""""""""""""""""~~~ I i Councilman Neiswender iquired as to wheaeu the; ! Elm Avenue property had been appraised, and the i i city Manager stated he has not had a formal * i sal was made of the Lebedeff property in the ; : amount of $40,000.00, 4 i appraisal made of the property. A local apprai-i 1 * I s I ', x8 .8 i 8 ' '\ \\ 8, '\8 y', of '.+&'\ p& 'I8 ', ", 'x '888*, 1 7 7 8' \, ', 't., ' '8 '8 '8 N a me '\8 '\%,, ' '8, 8q.$3. Member 8$)@,$8oQ """""""-r"""-~"- '.b\989'-$'t\\/tl I* a ::::: :I*:; ::::I 1!!11 l'*I; 1 :p:; :I;:: ;L:; ::#!a I" I!!: -ll;l * * ::::: ;::;: 1;;:: i By common consent, the City Manager was instruc-: !:I;: i ted to have an appraisal made of the Elm Avenue i ;I::: i property and the Lebedeff property by a local i :::I: i appraiser and an outside appraiser, :*I!# 8 I I I 4 I:;': 0 : Increase in water rates, As indicated some time: 4 ::::: ::::: * I I : ago, the County Water Authorities, will be ;:::: *I:& i raising water rates, In addition to this, the i ;alll ::;I: **I:* i Carlsbad Municipal Water District is also going i ;::I: i to raise their rates, The City Manager informed i 1:;:: i the Council he sent a letter to the C,M,W,D, re-i !::;e 14 i questing this matter continued until their next i :::;: : the proposed increase. !*$!I ::::: ::;:: i meeting as the City had had very short notice of: a::': * Y I I I:"' ,a::: *;:I ; override per acre foot. This will be increased i Iii:* ;It;: i increase there will be increases in some of thei! ;::;: ;::;: ;::;I ;:::I ;:'a; I;!:: :*;:; ,*:!I #;:q ! rates, but due to the fact they wished to extend i ::::; i:;:: e:::: *::;I iiI:I i the water district this afternoon, He has alwayi 1:::: ::;:; ::;:: ::;:;I ::;:;I 1 * I ; At the present time, the City is paying $8.00 ! ::I;! i to $loaOO per acre foot, In addition to this I ;I::, ! improvement districts. i Mr. Jack Kubota, stated he was representing the i : CWD, and their meeting did not adjourn until i '*:I: i 5:30 P.M. , however he would like to relate their I ;: i action today, He has been advised by their Coun: ;:a i sel that they do not have to withhold action on : 41 ::::: i their resolution concerning the increase in watei 1:::: : courtesy to all their customers, their meeting i :ii:: I was adjourned to October 8, 1963, as their Presij ;I,:: I dent will be unable to attend their next regular i ::::: i scheduled meeting. I I:::; i Mr. Max Ehald stated he attended the meeting of i ;I*': : been for Carlsbad and the agencies concerned, i '*I'1 : After attending this meeting he felt it was time i i::::! ! that we should sit down and evaluate what is besq *;;I;: i for this community. This involves water and ; sewers. I * 4 * * I 'I 8 + * 6 * I * I b t 8 I I Iiiiii i Councilman Bierce stated he was a member of the i I ;;{;;: :ii;:i i::::: :::I:: 1:;:;: i the proposition was presented to the voters to i ;::::: e;;:;: : presented in a slanted.manner, *~I:l; :::::; ;::::: :i:::: ' ;l*;lf I Sewer Committee and they had many meetings with i *'I ; the CWD, It was the Committee's feeling that i ''Itt : they came up with a really fine of fer to the I s:;:;: ! CMWD, They sat down with a group of intelligent! I:;::! i men and thoroughly discussed this matter and it : i:;::: i 'was felt everything had been worked out, However,: ;::::: : the "East", and it is his feeling that it was J i::':: i RATIFICATION OF BILLS AND PAYROLL: I I * * s I * t 8 * t I I * * * 8"#*# IO*# i Ratification of the bills was given for the gen- i 1 McPherson I ;::;i; ; :xi i i [ $61,816.15 and for the Water Department in the i Guevara : ; :x; *: ; l : era1 expenses of the City in the amount of i Bierce i i !x{ i : ; amount of $16,257.63, for the period of Septembe4 Neiswende&cj {x; i i i 17, 1963 to October I, 1963, 3s certified by the! Eughes i !&xi ; I * I VI 1 b I ? ? I -lo- I I I I I I I I I I I I + I. I I 4 I I ;"""""~"""""-""""""-""""""""""""""""""~"-;- 1 i Director of Finance and approved by the Auditing: I I I I : Committee, I I L : 8 I ; Ratification of the payroll was given €or the i I i Finance and approved by the Auditing Committee. i I i second half of September, 1963, in the amount of I i $18,215.17, as certified by the Director of I I I * I I I I I L I I : L I . I ADJOURNMENT: I I ! I i By proper motion, the meeting was adjourned at 'i I i 9:45 P.M. I I I 1 I I I I 1 I I t I I I I I I I i Respectfully submitted, I I I 4 1 I ' I I I I I I & E d/ d&/w5 p i MAkGAaT E. ADMS,' City Clerk I 8 t i ..i ! I I I I I * I I I I I I t a I I I I I i INSERT*** (From Page I) -- I : !Fhe City Engineer informed the Council this has i I : been a big project €or their office. There has i i been considerable ackivity on this project in i i their office and they are in hopes of having th? i plans ready for approval within the next month, ; I 8 I I I I I I I I L I I I t I I I I I I I I * I I I t I I I I I I t I I I I I I t I I I I I I t I I I I I I t 1 I I I I I I I * I I 1 I L I The City Manager was Mrs e Norman o .. instructed to so inform I L I I I # 1 4. : I I I 6 I I I * I I I I I * t i I I I I t I I I * I I I I I I I I 4 6 I I I I I * 1 6 I I I I I I I * i I I I I t I I I I 1 I I I * I 1 I I * 8 l I I I I I I I I I I L I I I I I a I I t ! I * 4 I t I I t I I I 1 I * e I 1 I I I I I I I a %, \' 8 %' \\, ",, '\, '. '8 , , \ y\, p 7 I \ '\ '\ " , \, \\ \\ 8, \ '\ '\ '\ Na me *, \&\ '%,:;+d of '.&& \OL"' ' %, $2, iii!; 04 I::!: i:: SI ," Member - - - - - - - - - - - -:!?-Q:.fy'd *,&@,9>.+ * ; ; 4 7"; :;,:I I* McPherson ! i :xi i 1:I Bierce i I :xi i Guevara ; 1:' : !X: i Neiswendet i &X: ; Hughes :x; i~i ; ::I:; &I ;#:;I ;:::: 4:;: :: I iii i!;;; ::::: ::::: liiii ::::I ::::I :i::i 11:*1 ;:::: ;:::; 18 'I;:; ::;:; i:::; :Iiir ::;:: ::;I; ::;;: ;!:;: 'I:;: :::;: i::;: 1;;1; t;;:: I:::: ;:I:: ;:;:;~ ;;i;ir 1; :;;::I ;;Of; 1:;;: ;::s'l ;:;:;: :::::; ;::::; $8 # : i i.: #I 1 i:;::: I@ ;::*:I 11 ;::::I ;:;:;: ;:':;: ai:;;: :/t*: i::::: ;:I:!: :i:::: 11 91::;; :;I I 8:'; ;::;:: '::I:: :;t:a9 :I:;:; 1;;::: I@* i;;::; 'I:;:: :::I+ ;::;:: 11 #;::I; I) ::;i:; i::::; *I ;:'I** ;:::I: 1;;;;: :;I*'; :::;:: :::::; :;:::; +:!; 18*11 I* a ;l;g*t *~I:l; '*I::: :41 * 114, :::::; *b ,!::I: ;I I:*