HomeMy WebLinkAbout1965-01-05; City Council; Minutes"1 . * Y, "..I."-,..- : ,dintltcs of: : gate of i.ieeting: I Tine of $4~2 ti i73: .. i.,P,la~-~_-?f._~~~.~~~~~-~ CITY Ci;ziiCIL ( '. I, 8, -\, ' ;leg!flar weting) '\, '\ 8, January 5, 1955 ; Name '\,',$ 7:OG P.:.l. : Qf ',*': : Member x' tg """~""""""""~---""--"~""""""~~"""""".". Counci 1 Chambers 0 e l I I ! I I I 1 I I I I I I i I I I I I I I I t I I ! I I I t 8 I ; I I 3 I I I t $ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 4 I I I I I t & I * I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I $ I I I , I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I ! I I I $ I I t $ 1 I I I I # I I i I 8 I I . I I I t I * I I I I I I I 1 I I I I l a I I I I * 4 I 1 * 1 I I i I I I I I I I I 2 I I KILL CALL was answcd by Counci hen ?,tkimn, i DLtnile, rdeisw2nder, Jardi ne and iiugiles. Also i presertt were City ;,lana~er iamaux 9 City i?,ttorney ; .jil son and City Clerk Adam. * l a 6 1 IJJCBTICI$! idar; cffsred by $lay3r iieiswqvjer- i ! AtLEGIAiKE 'to the Fl ag N~S gi ven. APPROVAL OF i?li<ifTES : I I I I b I I I L (a) ;.li nutes of the rcgul ar ri;lezting of D2cernser I ?,tki nscn 15, 1964, !;!ere approvgd as correct;?d. : &me i f.jzj swendel : 3arc';i ne i Hugties I CijRRE$P:]i.jait{CE " I I 1 I ! (a) iceenan Pipe auld supp1,y f:ornpmy - ye: use i of foreign manufactored material. The Council 1 acknoxledged receipt of a letter addressed to : Sr. Piiamaux from Keenan Pipe 8 Supply Conpany, i dated !4oarentier 24, 1964 3 in which they requested: approval of Eternit asbestos cement pipe, and i stated reasons for acceptance of Eternit in many! other c i tics in Southern California. Attached ; was a sample test certificate. I I I 1 The City ::1anager informed tiie Council re7resent-I atives Prom the Keenan Pipe and Supply Company ; wwe present in the event the Council wished to i ask any questions. I I b1ayor iiei swender informed the representatives i they could speak under oral commuilications, I I I I I ORAL Co):i;iuf< I Cfl\Tfgi;'S : 2.92. i.1EBB HILGA3Rk23, stated he was a representa Live from Keenan Pipe & Supply Company and they were seeking approval of the use of Eternit asbestos cerrrent pips in the City of Carlsbad, Yr. ;.iildabranii informed the Council the Company dloes a great deal of testing in Santa Ans9 and inquired as to !/rhzther the City's Engineering i)spartm$nt hiid made a study of the tests. I a 4 I : -.a I 1 8 I I I I 8 I 1 I I * I I I 4 8 I Mayor k.letswen:ier stated the Council members hac! i received a copy of the Engineering 3epartment's : report. I?r. !.!ildabrand presented additional documents i concerill'ng their product and asked fP they couirj': ! The Xayor informed i4r. Hildabrand that a copy i of the Engineer's report wculd be made avaiiiable! to him. I I ~mn. Jardine stated unless etle tests cot.;~~r!x tts i the requirements of the "American !,Iatcr i,!orks i Association" standard specifications, Pamphlet : C 400-647, and the requi renlents of "A~II~~YiC~~7 Society for Testing and Xateriafs", D 12G3-63T3 : he did not feel there was anythi :ts f~?Lher to i discuss. Cmn. Dunne asked if the Enginzsr-:nk; 3euarimnnt I had had a chance to stcily the ne;,.! dceL1::ants I I presented by the company this et/eninc . I I I I r have a cgpy of the Engineer's report. I 1 I 8 I I I f I t i I I I I 1 I 3 . I .,'t' I I I \x I I \, '\ \\ 'q ! -2- : r.4 5 n* 'x, '-$x I I '\ "r'q I I cf . *" t <,& I : Pkrnbar -$ : """- "-., ~ "....""" ~ _...."""-"."" """""_"""""""""""- 6 "_.."""""". I Mr. GJayne ti1 1 informed the Counci 1 the Engineer; : in9 Department had not had an opportunity to i check the new docunlents. i The ilayor requested this matter deferred until i ; from tile Engineering Department, I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I l I I I 1 I e I 1 I I the next regular metino for a further reDort ! I , I I I I I . t c I i ERGIEEERIItG: ! ~ " I I I I I I I I 6 I I I I I I I I 1 I (a) Hemlock kve. Street Inprovenent - 1911 Act i I Proceedings, A.D. 1-1963. The assessment and : i diagram \*;ere presented for the Council's review.! ; I I L I I Cmn. Hughes stated ise had received a call con- i i cerning one of the property owner's driveway. I I i 3r. Thornton stated 3r. Angelo has not taken ; care of his on-site probletil, and they feel the i i matter can be resolved. Also 3r. Angelo can : mal<@ a written protest at the tine of the hearinb i on the assessment. i Cmn. Dunne asked what percentage of the property: ! o~ners approved of this improvement? I I i C~mn. f)unne was i nformeci there were 66+% who ap- i : proved, and there were less than 1% registered : i protests at the time of the hearing on the Rcso-i I lution of Intention. I I ' The fsllotiing resolution ms presented: ! i gesofution $0. 1083. k RESOlUTIOi< OF THE CITY :Atkinson : COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CRRLSBL!D, DIRECTING : 3;dnne i 8OTICE OF FILIIdG 3F RSSSSSbiEI-IT rlbil) OF THE TIME : i,ieiswender ; ARD PLACE GF HEARING, A.3. 1-1963, was adopted :Jardine i by title only and furtkei- reading waived. I Hughes I I I I I I I 1 I t a I * I I I 8 I 1 I I * I 6 1 I I I t V 1 ""- I I I (5) Harding Street Improvement - 1911 ~ct Pro- f : I " ceedings, A.D. 2-1362. The Assessment and dia- ; ; grain were pressnted for the Council's review. I I I I I i Rfter consideration by the Counci I tt~~ -~ollot:ing: i rcsolutian was presented: a I I I 1 1 : I- Resolution ?io. 1089. A RESOLUTIOZ OF THE CITY !Atkinson ! COUiifCIE OF THE CITY OF CARLSSAD, DIRECTING ! ?urine i IJOTICE OF FILIG OF WSSESSI:EH Am DF THE FIYE I rieiswender : NW PLACE OF HEARIEIG, A.D, 2-1352, tsas adopted $Jardine ; by title only and further reading waived. !Hughes I The Enviqeering Department reported there are i sevep": I!IG~-!: petitions for 197 1 P,cL proceedings I i rezd;;~ to i,lt! circul ateci. I I i Clnra. Atk: r?son asked if a property owner had a : ; particular tree they elishe8 to savep couIci the I i improvement be installed around tine tree. i i4r. Thornton informed the Cou~cil the property i : ovJner may make a request by attaci~ing 221 adden- i I dun zo the petitiGn; ho;;rever, IT it 4s Gilt 3n : the traireled roadway then i t becomes a. pi ohle:~* i I I $ I B I I I I I I I I i 3 I I I I I I I I 1 * : (c) ,qupproval of fjy,al map of i:~, i. .-:? ;:-; i 1 ijt3i.L i 0 ___" " . -.- - " LU.. . / & The final map for Unit #3 of Falccn itZi1 i I sut~di vi si OY! yjas presented e L 1 ! I a ! The Epngineeri nq 2ep3.t't.t-~'!ect. :.:e i jitc:;.' G~J 1 +,< : tenia: .. I 1 I I I I I I + 1 I 4 I I I I I I - 3 ,_. " I I I 1 I I I"""""-------." "" ~ "_""^ ~ ,_""""""" - .."" "" ".." " * I -\, ', -* ', 1 '\ '\ '\\ ! t<ar;ie ', '.$A, : of L$@ I Member \$ I \,& oii -..""-. """""""I, 1 I i tive map of the entire Fal~oii Hill subdivision i i crty Council. This map represents the third I I : unit of the subdivision. There ~$11 be consider+ i able cut and fill along Donna Orive. Th2 surface ; waters from the subdivision will drain into the i I streets. I I ; Aayor Heiswender inquired as to uhether or not I i uti1 ities for the next unit? I i The Assist,int Engineer pointed out the tentative! i map was approved prior to the underground utili-: : ty ordinau?ce being adopted. I I 't iJr. ~erry Rombotis informed the Council 'they i i have requested the San Diego Gas & Electric: Co. : : to submit a cost estimate to them for under- I i ground utilities for the next unit, however, ; there are poies for utilities surrounding tile I ; area. ; was approved by the Planning Comnission ad the I : 0 I I I I. I I : consideration had been given to underground ! I I I I I P I I I I I I I I I ! I 1 I 1 I I 1 I I # I I I t I I 1 I I I I I I I t i I I I I I I t I I I I 1 4 I I 1 I I I 1 : I I I 1 I I I I I I I 1 + & I i is'lr. Ernest Adler, stated he wished to ask the I : Council to postpone any action on Fafcen Hill : I 1 i Unit #3, as they own a roadway easeinent running i i through this portion of the subdivision. It is : 4 I ! I have to approve the map. They have a meeting ; q I scheduled with the subdivider for tomorrow, I I I I I I I I his understanding the owners sf the easenent i I I I I I 9 I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 4 1 I 8 I I I 1 I t I I 1 L I I I l 8 # I , 1 I I 4 -1 I I I I I I I I I I I I $ I I I The City Attorney informed the Council that if I the map mots all the requirements of the En- gineering gcpartnent the Council need not be coni cerneu" with the easement, as this r.Jould be a civil matter. !4r. Adler further statea Mr. Fortunati informed ! him the title company would not give title until: Re approved the map. There are several matters : they wish to discuss at tomorrow's meeting, and i he felt a postpsnement would be beneficial to : a1 1 concerned. i I b I I:iy. Jerry Rombotis informed the Souncil the s I 8 I can file the nap as it is; Rcw'JCver, the title ; company prefers that the easement be quitclaimed: After further consideration, by motion of the ihtkinson i Council the final map of Falcon Hi1 1 Uni t 83 was: Dunne approved. I tiei swenderi : Jardine : i ij:ugiles 8 I f I # 1 t I I I I I I t I e t I I I 1 I I I * I I I I I I 4 : 1 I 4 1 I I * I I I b I traveleci roadway is not within the easecsent. Met I , I I * I t I 8 1 I 9 1 1 b I I """" I I I I I I I I i\sE!d 8'3% IPiESS : ! i (a) Resolution #logo, aut;?orizing execution and: ; performance by City of agreenent with Susenburys: i The City Attorney informed the Council this \ matter is in conncction with the extension of : 1 Las Flores, and concerns an agrement between I : the City and the Dusenburys. The deed has been f : deed will be executed by the City to Dusenburys i ! for a portion of the Patsko propzri;\:, L : The following resol Gtion was prc~ci~tecl: I I I t I f I t t I I I I I $ 4 I I i executed by the flusenburys t3 ti^ City, and a ! * I 9 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I 6 . 0 I I I l a ' , I I I I I I $ I I I 1 s t I I I 6 I I I I I ! 8 I $ I I I 8 'x. .'X -' ' 'I I ". ** J ', '. '\\ 1 i Name '\ '%! I ; of '\$( I '\I d :""""""-"""""""""""""-"-"""~"""""""""""""~"""""""~. ; Member q r I 1 i i HesoluTion No. 1090. A RESOLUTION OF TiiE CITY : Atkinson i EXECUTJQh! AMD PERFXMANCE OF AGREEi\lENT, was : Rei swende i adopted by title only and fcrther reading waive4,Jardine ! t COUlidClL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AUTI102IZIMG i Ounne e I I I I * 1 Uughes I i (b) Resolution H1037, entering into agreement i i wjth Carlsbad Union School District regarding : : extension of Las Flores. This matter is also I i in connection with the extension of Las Flores : i and concerns an agreement betvieen the City and i I the Carlsbad Union School District. I I f he fo~ lowing resolution was presented for the I : Council's consideration: 8 I I I I I I I I I Xesofution bio. 1091. A RESOtUTfON OF THE CITY i Atkinson i COUECIL OF THE CITY OF CPIRLS3AD EMTERIMC IiiTQ : Dunne i AGKEENEP4T !d;IZTH CARLSBAD UI$ION SCHOOL DISTRICT i ?!ciswendel ; REGBRDIPG EXTEPi'SION OF LAS FLORES DZIVE, was i Jardine i adopted by title only and further reading waived.iiughes 1 (c) First reading O? Ordinance #Q04'1 regarding f t encroachment upon public rights-of-way. At the j i previous meeting of the City Council the City : : Attorney :.las instructed to draft an ordinance in! i accordance with the recommendations of the staff: : and the comrni ttee appointed by the Xayor. I I : The following ordinance was presented for a i first reading: 1 I I I I J b 1 9 + t I I 1 k i Ordinance i40. 8041. 42 OI?DIkiiaKCā‚¬ OF THE CITY O;.! Atkinson I CARLSBAD XEGARDIblG ENC30ACill~'tEf~TS UPOG PI1StIC ! Dunne i RIGHTS GF \JAY, was given a first reading by .E.Jci swendev i title only and further reading vaived. I (2) Resolution R1692, regarding placement of i 1 I stop signs where Tamrack hve, intersects Gar- ; ! field Street. The City Manager requested this i i item taken off the agenda. 4 ! I : Jardine I t I i Hughes I I I 1 * I I J 1 I : Recognition of Christmas display by Fire Depart-: I- I ment employees. Cmn. iiughes stated in past : i years the Fire Department Emn,foyees Iiave only i i received recognition. This year he felt that : : extra recognition should be given, i.e. perhaps I i a certificate would be appropriate. I I i Th2 City hnager informed the Council this dis- : : play is probably the least expensive public re- I i latio:.ss program in which the city participates. i : He estirwted that approximately 20,000 persons : i v-iewed the display. i dayor ideisktender requested the Council members i ; ne-u"i Counci 1 meeting. b i I I 0 I I 1 I I I I 1 i to give this matter consideration prior to the ! I ! 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I l e * I I * I i OLD BUSILIESS: I I I 1 4 I 1 a l I 1 1 I I I 1 1 b B t 8 I 1 I I I I i 4 I I I I I I I 1 101 Freeway (Slaughter Alley). Cm?:. Di;;;ne stated a letter was written to the State !!i$hw2~\ Commission regarding "Slaughter Alley"* It is i his understanding the tiighlclay Ps.Lr.~l <s gcing to: reduce tilei r staff. a I 1 I Crnn. Hugiles stated ti32t-e will :72 a r2duction of i nine men in the Highway Patro! for this apea. The 101 project was only in9,s;rdt:d to SE a one i I I I I l e I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I - ... I I q .- I ,- ,' ! t i Name '.,,> !""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""-"""""""~-""""""". r I -5- ', '\ '8, e l : of t ; Member .e; \: I ! I I i year project. The additional patrolmen did not i : reduce the amount of deaths this past year. I I i Cmn. 3unne stated he has made at least four tripk ; through this area recently, and he has not seen ,: i one Highway Patrolman. It is his feeling that : : a reduced speed limit would help the situation. i I I I I ? I I i ;.layor pjeiswender requested a follow-up letter i ! written to the State Highway Commission for his I : signature, and request that an answer be sent i i to the City of Carlsbad. i Resolution No, 1093, urging the development of : ! a county-wide master plan for park and beach I I : reso ution for the Council's consideration: I I I I 1 t I I I +"- ur oses. Cmn. Atkinson presented the following! I I I I I t I I I I I 8 4 I I I I I I I I I $ I I I I I i I I I I 1 I I I I + I I ! t I $ I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I 1 I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I .e I I I I 8 I I I I I I I I I t I I 1 I I I Resolution ?.lo. 1093. A RZSOLGTIOM OF THE CITY i COUi3CIL i?F THE CITY OF CARLSBAS URGING THE SAP1 i BIEGO COUNTY 8OARD OF SUPERVISORS TO PROCEED : Atkinson PLAN AND PLEDGE COOPERATIOM If4 THE DEVELOPMENT : Eieiswende f)F SAI?E, was adopted by title only and further i Jardine reading wai ved. I Hughes Library application. The City $?anager reported: the application eras completed ar~d filed prior to: December 31 s 7964. A letter as sent to the I Stat? Librarian by the City of San Diego, conceh- ing a cooperative systen. It will be necessary : for the City of San Diego to apply for a Federal; grant for the cooperative systen by January 15, ; 1965. ! Cmn. Hughes stated the application was in order : and there was very little doubt the city wou~d i be passed over. The City ifanager pointed out the only drawback i is requesting the City of San Diego to act so : rapidly on a cooperative system. - Chamber of Commerce. Yayor 3eis\Jender informed i the Council he met twice with members of the I 1 Chamber of Commerce. ah Councilman d\.tkinson : was present. 11; was the general feeling of tho+ present the tos Aingeles Tims program nas a good; program, however, the major concerns who would ! benefit should lave been contactzd earlier in e the year. AISO it :.rou~c~ be putting a17 thz eggs: it should be programmeti for next year. I I The Chamber is approaching the smmer program, i and the Xayor stated he would 1 ike the Chamber : to know the Council will assist them. I I WITH THE DEVELOPMENT 3F A COUMTY-\!IDE li4ASTER i Dunne I I b * I I I I I I I I 8 in one basket. The Mayor further stated he felt: 1 6 I I I CITY ATTORNEY'S REPOPIT: I I I I I Las Florcs extension. Acquisition of a17 the ; properties for the extension of Las Flores 3rive: looks favorable except for one. I I i I I F4adison Street. Acquisition of all the ease- ments for street purposes on !:adison Street t I I I ! looks favorable except for o3e property owner. i 1 1 Mayor )\lei swender stated he has 7':1fornati on that i thk City Attorney has Scei; cfearrigg up i;; j the : old matters e I I I I I l 8 r . \.. ?' 0 I -$- I 8.- \\ ', ' I I \, ', '8, I 4 I I I t I i Na me 't8,3 * : of :""-""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""-~"""""""- : Member * I I I I : Cmn. Jardine inforrned the Council he was in re- ! i ceipt of a communication from Nr. Bruce Grown, i : Pic0 Rivera, California, requesting information : i on tile city's incorporation. I I ! Cmn. Jardine requested this comnunication to be : i turned over to the City ivlanager for answering, I i Cmn. aunne inquired of the City 3;lanager as to i : when the computer would be in operation, I I I I ! I I I I I 1 I 1 : The City ESanager informed the Council they are ! i in hopes of doing the JanEary billing on the new! : machine. 1 I I I I * I i PAYNE8T OF %ILLS AND RATIFICATIOFl OF PA'r"2QLL: I I I I I I 1 i Authorization was given for the payment of the : : bills for the General Expenses of the city Sn thi i mount of $159,722.46, and for the Yzter Depart-:Atkinson ; ment in the amount of $55,004.97, Cor the period:Dunne I December 15, 1964 to January 5, 1965, as certi- j Neiswender ! fied by the Acting Director of Finance and ap- :Jardine I proved by the Auditing Committee. :Hughes i Ratification of the payroll v,as given for the !Atkinson : second half of December, 1964, in tho mount' of ;Dunne i $20,246.16, as certified by the Acting Director I ;Keiswender I of Fl'nance and approved by the Auditing Cornmi t- : Jardi ne i ADJOURP$iENT: : BY proper motion the meeting ljias adjourned at i i 3:08 P.H. I I t I : tee. i Hughes 1 I 1 I I I I I I I I I l I 8 a I I I I I I I t 8 I I I I 8 I I i Respectfully submitted, 1 I I I i y/ Y q2&49@?9 i : i4A&Eyt AbALtS I I I I 1 1 I i City klerk 1 I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I 8 8 I I I I I I I I I t I I 1 I I I I 1 I I I I I t I I I I I I 1 I f I I 8 I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I 8 I 1 I 1 I I I I i I I I 8 I I I I I * I $ I I 1 ! * I I I I I I I 0 I I I I I I I I I I I 4 1 I 1 I I I I 1 t I t I I I I I t I I I I I I t I I I I