HomeMy WebLinkAbout1965-01-19; City Council; MinutesI I \,.. .- i CITY OF CARLSBAD I '*, '8,''' '** : Minutes of : CI TY CGUNCI L ( Regular Meeting) i ', 8 '\ i Date of Meeting: January 19, 1965 1 ', '\ ' ; Name \%,**4 : Time of Meeting: 7: Si3 P. M, ; of *$ i Place of Meeting: Council Chambers + : Member - I~"""""""""""""""~"""""-"""""-""""-"""""~~~""""""" i 3CLL CALL was answered by Councilmen Atkinson, : Dunne, Neiswender, and Hughes. Cmn. Jardine was pre- i i sent at 7:04 P. M. Also present were City Manager Ma- i ; maux, City Attorney 'Vvilson and City Clerk Adams. I I I \ : INVCCATI ON was offered by aev. Roy Brokenshire. I 4 ! I I , \., '* ', ' I I I 0 I I ! * : ALLE,GIANCE to the Flag was given. I I : Cmn. Jardine was present at 7: 154 P. M. I I I t I I I I * 8 t ! I APPRCVAL OF MINUTES: 4 * 4 I I "_. " ! ! ( a) Minutes of the regular meeting of January 5, 1965, :.Atkinson ; were approved as submitted. i Dunne L : Neiswende: I t I I $ I 9 I I i Jardine : Hughes ! I : CCRRES?GNDENCE: 1 "" ! I 1 I I I i (a) Friends of the Library - re: Annual Book Fair. I ThewManager j5irFsXedKrTrorn iZalph E. Wort$ i ing, Book Fair Chairman, requesting confirmation for usq : of Holiday park on Sunday, May 23, 1965, by the 4 I i Carlsbad Friends of the Library to hold their annual Book \ ; Fair. I * i (b) Federal Bureau of Investigation - re: Cooperation of ! 8 persGlinolice Eepartment. Mayor Neiswender i stated he would like to acknowledge receipt of a letter j i from E, C, William, Special Agent of the Federal Bureau I : of Investigation in San Diego, addressed to Mr. Mamaux : i concerning the fine cooperation their office has had from : i the personnel of the Carlsbad Police Department during : i the past year. Also the exemplary interest Chief Palkow- i i ski has shown in training and advancement of law enforce-: ; ment as a profession, and that he has recognized the in- i i creased challenge to law enforcement. * I i The Mayor stated he would like to extend the Council's ap4 ; preciation and felt the city is very fortunate in having sucG i a qualified staff. i MA. RALPH WALTCN, stated he was representing the i : County Council of Boy Scouts and asked the cooperation of i i the Council in three coming events. ; There are 200 scouts in this area. Febiwary 7th through i i the 15th has been designated as Boy Scout Week. A samplk ! proclamation has been given to the Secretary and they i i would appreciate having the Council act on this proclama- : : tion at the February 2nd meeting of the Council. Gn Mon-i I day afternuon, February 8th, it is requested that the Boy i : Scouts be allowed to take over City Hall, ar,d Mr. 'J; alton i i suggested the Mayor, City Council, City Manager, Police i : Chief and Fire Chief host the boys for lunch that day. I I ! Two years ago the Scouts cleaned up the roadway along th< i beach area. This year, on February 13, 1965, they pro- i : pose to clean up the roadway along El Carnino Seal from ; i Vista Way to Palomar Airport 3oad. The Fire Chief has i : offered to feed the boys if the Council will provide the : i food, i. e. beans, hot dogs and punch. Also they need I : large paper sacks and gunny sacks for the trash. The : i area will be patrolled by the Police Department, 2nd they i ; will need two trucks to take the trash to the dump. This ; i can be set up at the next Council meeting. I I I 4 t -* I 1- b I I * I I I t * I I I I * t a I ? I I * ! ! I I I I I I I I I 9 I I I t I * I I I I I 1 I\ *' ', '*8 '\ I x, '\ ' '. I ', % ', -2- I I I '\ \\,'., . " 1 I I i Name '8, *! 1 ; of \$ 7. I 4 I ~"""""~"""""""""""""~"""""~~""""~"""""""";-"""-""-~ : Member : Cn February 11, 1965, the Silver Beaver award dinner : i will be held at Camp Gel Mar. This will be a pot luck i i dinner and a fee of $1. 25 will be charged, An invitation : ! is su4endsd tb all the members of the Council €or this ; I i event. Mr. Vialton asked that he be notified as to how i : many will attend. t i Mayor Neiswender thanked Mr, Kalton and informed him i 0 1 I 4 f 4 ! the Council would provide the food for the Boy Scouts on i ! February 1 Pth. I I ! I I i ENGINEERING: ! I I I * a I i (a) Report on %.orei n manufactured asbestos-cement i water pipe - Keenan ipnpxyTo. Mr. Wayne Lill i : reported the Engineering Department had reviewed the ; i additional material submitted by Keenan Pipe & Supply Coi : and they have not changed their opinion. They are of the : i opinion that the use of this material for the City of Carls-j : bad would complicate the material inventory and that it : i would not be to the best interest of the city. i By motion of the Council it was agreed that the use of i Atkinson i foreign material not be allowed-for the City of Carlsbad. ! Dunne 8 I q -.-" -5" I I * I I I I 1 I I i Neisw end€ I , 1 Jardine I 1 i Hughes 4 I I I 6 : (b) Approval of final map of Solly Brae Subdivision. The i i finzi-map was presemme Engineering Department : ; reported the final map complies with the tentative map as i i approved by the Flanning Commission and the City Counci) : They have allowed the subdivider to extend the burm out : i to the right-of-way line to the narrow roadway width. Thi$ i would give the city 20' of roadway for an interim period : ; until such time as additional rights of way are acquired. i ! It was also pointed out these lots were allowed without : i sewers due to the fact there is no sewer system on El Ca: : mino Real. The subdivider has provided a sewer ease- ; / mant from El Camino Zeal to Holly Brae Lane for future i i use. i By motion of the Council the final map of Holly Brae Sub - : Atkinson 1 division was approved in accordance with the recommen- ! Dunne i &tion of the Engineering Department. ; Meiswench I i Jardine I 8 + $ I I I I 1 I I 1 I : Hughes 1 1 I (c) Report on Buena Vista S2wers - 1911 Act Proceedings i : A.D. 3-1964. Mr. Thornton from the Engineering Depart: i rnent reported approximately one year ago in the vicinity i : of Valley, Buena Vista and Oak a petition for sewers was ; i circulated. At the time the property owners contacted : : the city they requested a private engineexts do the engi- i i mering. The firm of Tanner, Marqcardt, P2dvin and : : Associates have handled the petition, and th2 diesign and i i engineering on this project. The petition c~Xed Tor sani- i : tary sewers only. However, due to the dra-in.?ge i2 this ; i area it was decided that a tunnel liner be constructed to i : provide for storm drain and sewer facilitios. The cost : i of this construction would he $80, OOG. If tine ciiijr were to: i per front foot for the property owners. vvithmt city par- i : ticipation it would run ayproximztely $1.5.03 >G?T frollt : i foot. If a tunnel liner is not pro~.ded it ~ov.~.d 1:e XCCS- I : sary to construct a pump station mrl force rm7in s:fstejx : i for the sewera-ge, and without city p?.?.x*ticipstioii it Worrld i : run approximately $10. CO per fmnt Eoet for the property : i owners. Under our present allocation for storm drains i : it would be several years before the city could ficance : t participate its share wo~;ld be $43,000, nuking it Qi), 00 i 0 1 I t I I 6 1 t I I I I I I I ', 8 '\ ', ' I I * I ,' \ 8, '\ ', I I '\\ ', '' ' I -3- . '8 '\ I ', 8 ', I i ~a me 8b, '4 I ; of '4 I I I : Member :"""""""~""""""""""""-"""""""""""""""""-~"""""""~ :$43,000. We have been budgeting $15,000 per year for i : miscellaneous storm drain facilities. f i Under the contract that Tanner, Marquardt, Melvin and i i Associates have, they have the right to proceed through : : the protest hearing. If the project dies they will not be { i compensated. I ! Cmn. Dunne inquired as to this area draining into the Agud ; Hedionda Lagoon. I : Mr. Thornton informed the Council there is a definite i i break between Basswood and Oak Avenue. This area .. : : drains to Buena Vista and Valley. k ; Cmn. Jardine stated he felt the only logical way to handle i i this matter would be to approve the Engineer's report and I I proceed with the protest hearing. I i Cmn. Atkinson asked it the sewers were taken care of nowi ; could the storm drain be handled by a pump station at a i i later date. I 'I Cmn. Atkinson was informed that storm drain pump sta- ! : tions do not operate satisfactorily due to the fact they are i I not operated often enough. I i Inquiry was made as to whether the city has participated ! : in the past for storm drains. I i Mr. Thornton pointed out in the past the city has been ab14 i to bear the cost of the storm drains, however, in looking I : over the petitions that are presently being circulated, in ; i one petition alone the storm drain will cost $16,000. I i After further consideration, by motion of the Council it i Atkinson ; was agreed that the city proceed with the improvement dis; Dunne e 4 t * I I L 1 I I * t I I I I I I s 8 4 I I I 9 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I i trict and call for a public hearing. : Neiswende: t i Jardine I I : Hughes . I L ! t I i NEW BUSINESS: e- l 8 k I I I i (a) Acceptance of deed from Elwood Trask, et ux - re: i : Sewer interceptor line. The City Attorney informed the ; i Council this deed concerns the city's interceptor line along i the Agua Hedionda Lagoon. It will be necessary for the : ; Council to accept the deed and request the City Clerk to i i record the same. I i By motion of the Council the Deed was accepted and the i Atkinson ; City Clerk instructed to record the same. i Dunne I : Neiswende; I I -;j;a#">. ep , - gL.wJ , : i (b! Acceptance of deed from Harry Krepps, ei xc - r"?: I * ; Drainage easement. This matter concerns a rlrairlsge i easemenirvorm drain that runs along ti;e A. T. & i : S. F. tracks. It will be necessary for the Ceuncil to ac- i i cept the Grant of Easement and order the mrx~ :t*ecorded. : i By motion of the Council :he Grant of Easenxnf, wa3 ac- I Atkbson i cepted and the City Clerk instructed tc; record f;k same. i Dume k I t I I I I I I i Jardine I t """_.,_"__ - I I I I I 0 I I I : PJeisw ende: I f J?-T.din.e k I 1 I I I I I I I I 1 T7. : ri;lg5es t r I * I I e I I I I I 9 * a I I I I r I I I ! -4- I I ! I I I I t I 1 I I I 1 I"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" I I I I I r I I I ! -4- I I ! I I I I t I 1 I I I 1 I"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" I i (c) Fimtst reading of Grclinmee No. 6037, mending b&~-i ! ance No. 6015, mohibiting alcoholic beverages within ! i cardrooms. The City Manager informed the Council the i : Chief of Police has resuested this amendment to the Card? .- A u Q \\ , .' s ' \ " ' '\ ', ' '\ ', t, '. ', ', '1, ',, N a me '8%. '+ of '3 Member ."""""". i room Ordinance. The-owner of the cardroom has been i ; contracted and he has no objection to the ordinance. 1 i The following ordinance was presented for a first reading:! i Ordinance No. 6037. AN O8DINANCE OF TiZE CITY OF i Atkinson i mRLSl3A.D ADDING SECTICN 20 TC 03DINANCE; NO. i Dunne ; 6C15, PROEQIBITING ALCGHCLIC BEVEBAGES WI'I'HIN : Neiswende: I I I 1 I I I I I GABbiiOOMS, was given a first reading by title only and I Jardine ; further reading waived. ; Hughes 4 I 1 P : (d) Zesolution No. 1094, requesting Federal action and : i funds for animal-proof fence along International Border. i : The Council was informed the Board of Supervisors on ' : i January 5, 1965, adopted a resolution requesting Federal i : action and funds providing for the erection of an animal- : i proof fence in San Diego County along the International i : Border between Mexico and the United States to quell the ; i rabies epidemic. The Board furthet directed that the i i City Council's in San Diego County be requested to adopt : i a similar resolution in order that the several cities be i i joined with the County in the presentation of this request : : to the Federal authorities. I i The following resolution was presented for the Council's i i consideration: I I i Besolution No. 1094. A il,ZSCiLUTfON C:F TXE CITY t CGUNCIL OF .THE CITY GF CA.ATSBAD RECUESTING ! i FEBEXAL ACTION AND FUNDS PRBVIDING FG3 THE : : ERECTION OF AN ANIMAL- PR6OF FENCE IN SAN i Atkinson i DIEGG CCUNTY ALONG THE. 1NTERNATIC.NAL BCRDER i Dunne ! BETVvEEN MEXI@@: AND THE UNITED STATES TC : Neiswende: i QUELL THE rZABIES EPIDEMIC was adopted by title only! Jardine : and further reading waived. ; Hughes ! Mayor's Prayer Breakfast. Mayor Neiswender reported he: i attended the Mayor's Prayer Breakfast on Saturday. I : There.were between 250 and 300 persons present. Lt. ,: i Col. Silverton from Washington 0. C. was the speaker. i : This is going to be an annual affair, and he felt the people: i responsible for this affair should be commended. I i I I 8 t * 4 I t I 4 I t I t I ! I ! I i OLD BUSINESS: I- t I I * I ! i (a) Second reading of Ordinance No. 8041, regarding en- i i croachments upon public rights of way. The following or- ; ! dinance was presented for a second reading: t I I : Atkinson I Grdinrznce No. 8041. AN CZDINANCE CF 'STB CITY OF ! Dunr)e i C&XLSBAD REGARDING ENCROACHMENTS UPGN ; FT;ri.-:'c.~ee?nde~ ; PUBLIC rZlGHTS CF %YAY, was given a second reading by i Jardine i title only and further reading waived. : E3"les - I I I ! I (b) Policy regarding necessary street widths. The City i : Manager informed the Council-a proposed resolution, re- : " i cornm'knded by the Planning Commission, concerning the i i city's policy regarding necessary street widths and street: ; improvements was submitted to the Council several weeks: I ago. The Mayor appointed himself and Cmn. Dmne to : ; study this matter, and it was requesteri that this matter b$ : deferred until the January 19th meeting of the Couacil, ; : Cmn. Dunne stated a policy on street widths and improve-! i ments has been held in abeyance for several years. Pro- i : perty owners should aedicate property for the ult-irnzte : ! street width, especially in commercial areas. If :ae city i 0 1 ! ! t I I I I I l % \.\ bb 1 'b, '\ '\ '\ I I \, '\ '\ '3 I -5- 1 \" I I I bb' . '. '. I '\ .\ ' I I i Name \, %! 1 ! *4 {-!& I I t Member ' ~""""""""""""-"""""""""""""~"~""""""-"""-~"""""""- i continues to allow these businesses to build on the preseni : street widths the city could find itself in a bind. Cmn. i i Dunne suggested that perhaps this could be restricted to : ; commercial, industrial, professional and multiple zoning i i for the present time. a I i I I 8 I i Mayor Neiswender requested Cmn. Dunne to explore this i : matter further, and if necessary include some of the t I i Planning Commission members and the staff. Also a i : draft of a proposed ordinance might be in order, I I : By common consent it was agreed this matter be held in : i abeyance pending a further report from Crnn. Dunne. i Sewer connections. Mayor Neiswender inquired as to the i I number of sewer lines in front of homes that have no 4 & : sewer connections. In some cases the city has invested i ! money from the Sewer Revolving Fund and the lines are : : not being used. I i Library application. Cmn. Jardine inquired as to whethe< i any word had been received concerning the City of San : : Diego applying for a Federal Grant as of January 15, L965t ! The City Manager informed the Council he had received : i no information. The City Librarian of San Diego is on I ; the State Library Board. If the City makes an inquiry ; i they will only state the application is being evaluated. i Lights for subdivisions. Cmr. Atkinson inquired as to the: : procedure for lights in subdivisions, i. e. VVoodland Heights : Cmn. Atkinson was informed Boodland Heights was not I i required to have lights. . This subdivision was approved i i prior to this requirement. Under our present ordinance : ; the subdivider is required to deposit monies with the city i i in an amount equal to 18 months energy. I I : Cmn. Atkinson stated the intersection at the entrance to : ; floodland Heights is very dark and should have lights. 8 1 ! The City Manager informed the Council the San Diego Gas: : lighting for the entire city ever since he has been City ; i Manager. I I i Mr. DeVore from the San Diego Gas & Electric Co. was : : present and Mayor Neiswender asked if he could check i i this matter out. i Terramar sewers. Cmn. Jardine asked when it was anti-: : cipated work- start on the Terramar sewers. I I i The Engineering Department informed the Council they : i are in hopes of having the plans for the next meeting of i : the Counci.1. If the plans are accepted construction could : i start in April. I 1 I I 8 I I I I I I I 1 I t I I t I I I b 4 I I I I I t I I 4 t I I * I 1 I.. I I 1 I i & Electric Co. have promised to make a report on street i I I t * I I I I I t I I 1- I I I I I I I I * I I 0 i Joint resolution bet ween Sceanside and Carlsbad - re: i : Euena Vista Lagoon. Cmn. Atkinson inquired as to the ; : bad concerning the Buena Vista Lagoon. ! i status of the joint resolution between Oceanside and Carl& 1 I t i City Manager was requested to investigate and report bacg ; to the City Council. I I I I ! ! Mutual Fire Fighting Assistance Agreement between Vista! i and Carlsbx A Mutual Fire Fighting Assistance Agree- : : ment between the City of Vista and ihe City of G-rlsbad i .__.." I I I I I I I I I I I I I 8 I I I a I I' l . 8. .t '\ I '\ \ ' , ' '' I '. 8 '\ t I 8 I 4 -6- I <, '. ' -<' " '\ * i Name '-,'x! 1 : of 'fi : Member :"""-"""T"""""""""""""-"""""~"""""""""""~""""""" i has been received from Vista. The City of Vista has exe! i nzeded authorizing execution of the document by the City : : of Carlsbad. I : The following resolution was presented: : Sesolution No. 1095. RESGLUTIBN OF THE CITY i CGUNCIL CF TIE CITY OF CAaLSBAD AUTHCRIZING : Atkinson ; TkE' EXECUTION @F A MUTUAL FIRE FIGHTING AS- i Dunne i SISTA-NCE AGREEMENT BETPiEEN THE CITY CF ! Neiswendc : CARLSBAD AND THE CITY OF VISTA was adopted by i Jardine i title only and further reading waived. : Hughes I Electric Easement Agreement - San Diego Gas & Electri9 : Co. This agreement concerns the installation of cable ; i z related facilities by San Diego Gas & Electric Co. in i i the duct system to be installed by the City in connection : ; with the sewer pump station located adjacent to U, S. High: i way 101 westerly of "FOX'S Snug Harbor". A resolution ! ; has been prepared authorizing the execution of this agreei : ment. I I i The following resolution was presented: : Resolution NO. 1096. A dESCLUTION OF THE CITY i FCXIWIL O-ITY OF CABLSBAD AUTHC~FttIZING i I EXECUTION OF ELECTKIC EASEMENT AGREEMENT : Atkinson ; DATED JANUAaY 20, 1965, KITH SAN DIECO GAS & i Dunne i ELECTNG COMPANY, AND DInZECTING CITY CLERK i Neiswende : TO RECCsZD, was adopted by title only and further read- i Jardine I ing waived. : Hughes $ I \I 8 0 f cuted the document and the adoption of a resolution is ! I I I I I t I I 4 f I I B I I I I 8 I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 4 I I I I 1 I I t I I 1 $ t I I i I I I t I Admittance of San Marcos County Vvater District to Joint : Sewer System. The City Manager reported that San Mar?: cos County Water District has adopted a resolution re- I questing that it be permitted to become a party to the I Basic Agreement between Vista, Carlsbad and Buena, A ! San Marcos, and Mr. Wayne Lill, Cmn. LPunne and him- i self attended. Mr. Mamaux asked that an indication be ': given by the Council as to the admittance of San Marcos 3 to the Joint Sewer Agreement. I 8 meeting was held in Vista to discuss the admittance of I I I I I i Cmn. Dunne informed the Council it is proposed that San : I Marcos become a party to the Basic Agreement and be re: i quired to pay its proportionate share of the treatment : i plant and outfall presently under construction and the ; necessary additions. If the capacity of the treatment t I : plant were increased and San Marcos obtains a capacity i i within the enlarged plant it is proposed that the parties : : would own and have the right to use the capacity of the i i treatment plant as follows: I * I b * I R I I i Carlsbad - 33.5% i Vista - 39.5% Buena - 9.2% San Marcos -I ?,8Sj, I t I I I * t i Based on this ownership San Marcos would pay to Vista, i i Carlsbad and Buena the sum of $226,800.00, to be held : : by Vista in trust. I I i As to the ocean outfall it is proposed that San Marcos pay i ; to Vista and Carlsbad for the right to use the ocean out- : : fall the sum of $9,140.00 per year for a period of 39 yeark i In consideration of this sum San Marcos would have the i ; right to 16. 770 capacity of the outfall. At any time San : I Marcos would have the right to pay to Carlsbad and Vista i : the sum of $292,250. OG less the total amount of any an- : i nual payments made prior. Monies paid by San Marcos i I would be divided among Carlsbad and Vista., ! I ¶ * 0 I I t I I 8 * I I I 0 I I I : ! ! I t 1 -7- 4 '\\' 6 . ', ", .'=, i Name '-,'\I I I I 8' \. I ', ., '. I '8 \\ < ; of '5 \" ! : Member : Temporarily San Marcos proposes to use some of the ac-i i cess capacity in the outfall sewer of Buena Sanitation Dis j i trict. Any additions or improvements to the treatment : i plant will come out of the $226,800.00 held in trust. I""~"""~i,~"""""""""""""""~~""""""""""-"""~"-------"-"- 1 I 1 t I I i Cmn. Dunne further stated it was the concern of Vista J f and Carlsbad that they retain the voting control. 8 I : The City Manager informed the Council that if San Marcoi ; is admitted the city would be getting additional capacity i f without charge, and it would increase our service area, i 1 ! : After further consideration, by motion of ^he Council it ! Atkinson i was agreed that San Marcos County hater District be ad- i Dunne : mitt& and become a party to the Basic Agreement of the i Beiswend6 I I : Hughes * 1 8 I 1 ; Joint Sewer Project, i Jardine I I * I : Engineering report for Water Department. The City Man..: i ager informed the Council some time ago the Council . . i i agreed to having a study made of the hater Department. i i A proposal has been submitted by Nape Lill and Jack ; i Kubota, An additional report will be made by a financial i f consultant as to the water rate structure, etc., which : i phase will probably run $3,900.130. I I i Cmn. Dunne inquired as to whether this report was just i : for the city or does this take in future expansion. * I : Cmn. Dunne was informed this report included future ex- : 1 pansion. I i By motion of the Council it was agreed that the project as i Atkinson I I I I I I I I I I * I I I I t I outlined by the report submitted be approved. I I Neiswende 1 : Jardine I t i Zughes ; Dunne I I : I 8 ! I i CITY MANAGER'S XE'PCRT: t 4 I I 1 I * i The City Manager stated he had nothing further to report.: I 1 I ; CITY ATTOitNEY'S REPORT: : I 1 I I I I I i The City Attorney reported that all of the easements for i i street purposes had been acquired for Madison Street ex- i : cept one, and he proposes to condemn by use, Also that : i he is in hopes this will not cost the city anything. I 1 I I I i FAYNIENT CF BILLS AND AATIFICATIGM OF PAYRGLL~ Ir Authorization was given for the payment of bills for the I I I I I : general expenses of the city in the amount of $211,116. 32 i Atkinson i and for the Nater Department in the amount of $3,435.21 I Dunne : for the period January 5, 1965 to January 19, 1965, as : Neiswende i certified by the Finance Department and approved by the i Jardine i Auditing Committee, ; Hughes ; Ratification of the payroll was given for the firxst half of : Atkinson i January, 1965, in the amount of $17,944.56, as certified i Dunne : by the Finance Department and approved by the Auditing : Neiswende: ! Committee. i Jardine I : Hughes I I $ I 1 I I e- I 0 i ADJCURNMFCNT: : By proper motion the meeting was adjourned at 8: 35 P. M.: I ! I i Respectfully submitted, I I [ W#&qd&,,f ,F ,$/&+&&/ ; Mb!i3GAYdET E, ADAMS * t I I I 1 ! I I t ; City Cl'erk I !