HomeMy WebLinkAbout1965-03-02; City Council; Minutes? I ; 'X \ '* '\ T I '., '\, '*, '\ :Minutes of: CITY CCUMCIL (Segular Meeting) i ;Date of Meeting: March 2, 1965 '\ 8, ' i Name '*, 't :Time of Meeting: 7: OC F. Me : of '3 !Place of Meeting: Council Chambers \' I Member I ,""""""""""""---"""~""".~"""""~""*"~""""""""""""""" :ROLL CALL was answered by Councilmen Atkinson, Dunne ! jNeiswender, Jardine and Hughes. Also present were City i :Manager Mamaux, City Attorney %4lson and City Clerk ; SAdams. ~IMVOCATIUN was offered by Rev. Zirnmerman of the ! Carlsbad Gospel Tabernacle. :ALLEGIANCE to the Flag was given. I : :CITY OF CA~LSBAD I '\ '\ '8 , 8, * I a I I I 8 8 I t + 4 I I 1 I I I t I I I iAFPaGVAL OF MINUTES: I I I I I , I :(a) Minutes of the regular meeting of February 16, 1965 :'Atkinson :were approved as presented. iDunne I lNeiswender I I I ;Jardine ! :Hughes I . I :Recognition of Danny Ongais. Mayor Neiswender gave a : :brief resume of Danny Ongais's background as a drag race& land announced that Danny had set a new world's record in i :drag racing at top speed of 206.88 E, T, 7:50. I I :The Mayor presented Danny with a key to the City of Carlsi {bad in recognition of his achievement. I I ! I k I I CORR RESPONDENCE: I I I t I I I :Beappointment of Planning Commissioners. Letter dated i !February 24765, from J.-J. Sutherland, Chairman of : :the Planning Commission, recommending that Dr. Palma- i ker, Mr. McComas and Mr. Freistadt be reappointed to ; ithe Pianning Commission, as all three have been most dilii ;gent, and to the best of their efforts have atternped to sew& :the City. ! !By motion of the Council Dr. Plamateer, Mr. McGomas &Atkinson :and Mr. Freistadt, were appointed to the Planning Cornmi<- Dunne :sion for a four year term, commencing April, 1965 and 8$kiswender jending April, 1969. 'Jardine I I I I I + I bughes I * I 1 :Future and projected use of Euena Vista Lagoon. Letter i ;dated February 24, 1965, from J. J. Sutherland, Chairman: :of the Planning Commission, stating the future and project-: ied use of the Buena Vista Lagoon is of considerable interes? :to the Planning Commission, They feel quite strongly that : ithe Lagoon should be maintained, that it is a natural asset i :for this area, and that Cceanside and Carlsbad jointly !should take some action. Further, the Planning Comnmis- :: :$ion recommends that Dr. Falmateer and Mr. Lamb be : !appointed to work with the other members appointed by the i IMayor. . 1 b Cmn. Dunne stated it was his understanding that the City : !Managers from both cities were meeting to discuss this i !matter. t I IThe City Manager informed the Council originally I=ceansi+ Bppointed the Chairman of the Flanning Commission, the ; :Planning Director and the City Manager to study this area. : by motion of the Council it was agreed that a committee ktkinson :comparable to Oceanside be appointed to meet and discuss bunne $he Lagoon. Neiswender I Fughes t I k I I b I I 8 0 I I k jTardine I 4 I I I k I t ! * * $ I I ! 2 * ' \* I i "S, ">,'., '8, I -2- I '., '. ' I I Name s, d I : of '5 i Member .I :"""""""~"""""""~"""""--"""""""""""""""""""""~""-, ICmn. Sughes suggested that Cmn. Dunne, the City Manageb land Dr. Palmateer be appointed to the Committee. I I ! :By common consent the Mayor appointed Cmn. Dunne, the i !City Manager and Dr. Palmateer as the committee to stud$ !the Buena Vista Lagoon. .( I :Employment of City Planner. Letter dated February 24, i 8m63;TjE;orn J. 3. Sutherland, Chairman of the Planning Corn: :mission, appealing to the Council to exert their best effort$ !in the employment of a city Planner. ! iCmn. Hughes stated he felt this was a staff matter and he i !was sure the City Manager was doing his utmost to find a : :qualified person to fill this position. :Request for permission to hold Carnival. Letter dated i imamm5, from the Carlsbanunior Chamber of : :Commerce requesting permission to invite the SJM Fiesta i :Shows to appear in Carlsbad July 15th through 18th, 1965. ; :The site picked for the carnival is Pi0 Pic0 and Tamarack.! :Permission has been granted by the owners. The Junior : :Chamber intends to establish a community development i !fund. The funds placed in this fund will be used for the : !promotion and construction of a swimming pool in the city. i ;Since the profits from the show are to be used for a charit-t :able cause, they also requested that the business license i !fee be waived, : !The City Manager stated this matter has been checked withj jthe Chief of Police and he finds no objections. t t ;By motion of the Council permission was granted to the !Atkinson :Junior Chamber of Commerce to hold the Carnival, and iDunne jthe business license fee waived. fNeisw ender I t 1 I 8 ,, I I I t ", '8,". I t I 0 I 1 I I * I I I I I I I I I I I I I 4 I * I t * :Jardine t :Hughes a I I !Letter of appreciation. Letter from David Hayes extend- i JingFiisappreciatioxthe Fire Department for the assist- : ;ance rendered to his fiance during an illness while they I :were traveling through Carlsbad. I I !Letter of resi nation - City Treasurer. Mayor Neiswendek !me "75 ha received a letter from Wesley F. Greek, CiQj 9 I t t Treasurer, regarding possible resignation as City Treasuq- I :ei*. s a I ! I iCmn. Hughes stated he would like to have time to discuss I ithis matter with Mr. Greek and requested that this meet- ; :ing be adjourned until Monday, March 8, 1965 at 6: 30 P. Mi I ! I I IORAL CGMMUNICATICNS: - _L 8 I I I 4 i I I I ;There were no oral communications. I i !ENGINEERING: ! - 1 I I 4 t I t I :(a) Im rovement of Chinquapin Ave. , from Garfield St. to i ibis trlct # 1 - 1 965 * 1% Pct ProceedingxAFlat of the pro-! !posed assessment district was presented. !A. T. "-E-- S. F. itallroa-ht-of-way. Propo~~ssessrnenff 1 * 8 I I ! iThe Engineering Department informed the Council that ovei :609% of the property Owners had signed a petition for street! !improvements, including sewzrs. Approximately 1 If2 1 !years ago a proposed assessment district was formed but ; ;failed as some of the property Owners wanted to wait until i isewers were available. t I I ! : I I I t I I s I 1 ; '\, " .\' '. ' I I \' '\ ' '\ * I I 1 I '\ *.,'-., ' I I " '. \ I \- I I t -3- I .! a 1 Member ~""""""""""~"-""-""""-~""""""""*"""---"----"-~"----"~"---' i After consideration by the Council, the following resolu- ! i tions were presented: i Resolution No. 1104. RESCLUTICN CF THE CITY : i FINDING THAT OWNERS OF MCRE THAN 60% IN ABEA 1 i C-F THE PfiOPERTY SUBJECT Td) ASSESSMENT IN Pi3Q4 : POSED ASSESSMENT DISTXCT NO. 1-1965 IW.VE SIGN- { !ED PETITION FOR IMPWOVEN"1ENTS; FINDING THAT : i THE PETITION FOR PWPOSED ASSESSMENT DISTL3ICTI :NG. 1-1965 HAS BEEN FILED %ITH THE CLERK CF THE I CITY CF CARLSBAD; A.ND FINDING THAT SAID PETITIB#VAtkinson ; CONTA.MS A %AIVER OF 1NVES"IGA.TION PL~CCEED- :Dunne I INGS REGUIRED BY DIVISION 4 OF Ti-LE STLZEETS AND iNeiswender : +EUGZtVAY CODE CF THE STATE OF CALIFOiWN, was : Jardine i adopted by title only and further reading waived. i Hughes i Zesolution No. 1105. RESZLUTIION OF THX CITY :W"TY GF CARLSBAD 3EOUESTING :Atkinson ~OPINICN OF HEALTH OFFICE&, AND DECLASING TaE iDunne ;NECESSITY OF INSTALLATIGN OF SANITARY SEWEAS !Neiswendez ifor proposed Assessment District No. 1-1965, was adoptedJardine i by title only and further reading waived. i Hughes : Resolution No. 1106. RESOLUTION OF THE3 CITY :Atkinson i PEMGN TO PREPAi3E ALL IESMICEEDINGS €or Proposed iNeiswender :Assessment District No. 1-1965, was adopted by title on1y:Jardine i and further reading waived. I Hughes i Resolution No. 1107. i3ESOLUTIGN OF THE CITY CCUN- ;Atkinson INEER'AND FIXING COMFEMSATION for .@oposed AssessiNeiswender lmenlt District No. 1-1965, was adopted by title only and :Jardine !further reading waived. jxughes !Resolution No. 1108. &EESOLUTICN OF THE CITY CCUN-i :CIL ,OF Tm- GAZLSBAD DIRECTING PREPAaA4Atkinson !TION CF PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND DESIGNAT- :Dunne :ING ENGINEER TO PMCPARE PLANS for Proposed Asses+-Neiswende: iment; District No. 1-1065, was adopted by title only and :Jardine :further reading waived. !Hughes !Resolution No. 1109. ZESOLUTION CF THE CITY OF : !@A RLSBAD A-XNG PLAN§ AND SPECIFICATENS htkinson :FC& CEXTAIN STREET IMPRIVEMENTS AND APPRGV- ?mne $NG ,ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NAP for Proposed Assess- Peiswender :merit District No. 1-1965, was adopted by title only and pardine burther reading waived. 'fiughes i Name '\,'%< I I of '4 I + 0 I f 1 I I I I !- "GITY OF CP-RLSBAD D.ECWLZINC ! I I I I t 1 1 8 I * I :"E *. CITY OF CARLSBAD APPCINTING :Dunne I I I I F TI-PG CITY GF CULSBAD, APFOINTING ENGI- lDunne 8 I I t I I I I I I I :Hesolution NO. 11 IO. RESCLUTICN OF THE CITY ~cmv-i :CLAjEMG ITS INTENTIGM TO GRDEit CEaTAIN STBEET i PFmmF CAELLSBAD, CALIFGi3NLcb, DE- i1MPRCVEMENTS AND APPUitTENANCES AND APPUR- i :TO EIE OF MCRE TdPAN LGCAL CR ORDINAGY PUBLIC ; ;BY S.AD WQ3.K AND TC BE ASSESSED TO PAY TI333 CCS$ a I :TENANT WORK IN SAID CITY; DECLARING TZE WCLW ! BENEFIT: DESCDING nm DISTRICT TO BE BEINIFITE~ *AND EXPENSE THERECF; DETERMINING TY'rnT BCNDS : PHALL BE ISSUED TC REPRESFNT ASSESSCNTS TO BE: SEV1:ED; AND FIXING THE TIME AND PLACE PGR HEAKC $NG PROTESTS AND OBJECTICNS TO SAID WC&K C.3 TH€$Aainson EXTENT OF TdE DISTRICT TC BE ASSESSED, 08 BCTH,D'unne 0 GIVING NOTICE THEIZECF for Proposed Assessment Dis--Neiswender kict No. 1-1965, was adopted by titlg only and further read-Jardine $ng waived. bughes I I I * I I I I t I I I r t 8 I 6 I f * 1 I * I I t * I ',: \. I I 4 I , \\ " ' ., , ', '. 1 L I ';, 'f-, ' 1 b I 1 -4- ', '. '. : i Name '.,'d * : of '* : Resolution NO. 1 I 1 I. ~ESGLUTION OF THE CITY jmJm'TY GF CARLSBAD, CAEIFCLWLA, ! : DETERMINING THE GENEAAL PREVAILING RATE FGR i Atkinson I LEGAL HBLIDAY AND OVEATIME WC3K IN TIS3 CITY ! Dunne ; OF CAdLSBAD, FOR CERTAIN CiIAFTS 08 TYPES CF i Neiswende~ i WORKMEN, for Assessment District No. 1-3965, was : Jardine i adopted by title only and further reading waived. ! Hughes i (b) Re uest for extetlsion of time it? filing final ma for i : mEatter was continued from the prevlous meeting in ; i order that the owners of the property could be notified i : to abate the property of weeds and trash. f I : The City Manager informed the Council the weeds and trash i have been cleared from the property. 1 The Engineering Department recommended that a one yea6 I extension be granted for the filing of the final map, with : ; the'provision that the subdivider be required to install I i underground utilities and ornamental street lights in the ; : subdivision. I i By motion of the Council a one year extension of time was I Atkinson i granted Jay Lear, Inc. for filing the final map on Monroe : Dunne : Park subdivision, with the provision that underground utilf Neiswende~ ! ities and ornamental street lights be installed. ; Jardine i (e) Improvement of Jefferson Street, Grand Ave., Home i i Str&mperand Laguna Drive - m-FrF- i : lngs - Proposed Assessmeni Distzct AD 2-1965. The : I" ; 'Engineering Department presented a tentative boundary 1 i map of the proposed improvement of Jefferson Street and ; ; side streets. Mr. Thornton stated there were no signa- I : tures of approval. for the improvements in the most north-; i erly block of Jefferson Street; however, the State Division! i of iiighways will redesign the overpass and it was felt this: ; block should be included. They are in hopes the design i i of the Freeway will be resolved before the design of Jef- ; ; ferson Street is completed. At the time of the hearing on i i the Resolution of Intention, the Council at that time can ret : duce the boundaries if they so choose. a i By including the northerly block of Jefferson Street there i i are 62.2% of the property owners in favor of the improve-: : ments. I ! t""'~""""""""""""""~"""""""""-""~""~*""""~~"""~"""" : Member ' I 1 0 I I 1 i Monroe -" ark Subdivision - Jay Eearj Inc. yy?5iE&K i 8 4 b I * t # 1 k * t I .I 8 I I i Hughes I I - I I t I I I I I I I I t ! Mayor Neiswender stated he would like to compliment the ! I party who bore the petition. i Mr. Thornton informed the Council General Rogers bore i I the petition. 4 I : General Rogers was present and stated he had excellent i i help in obtaining the signatures. I a i The following resolution was presented: i Resolution No. 11 13. RES@LUTION OF THE' ':1ITY :cmL OF TmTY CF CARLSBAD 52ECU2.-2J.?JG i FINDING THAT OWNEBS 6F NiCItE Til[AiT 60% IN AAEA i : OF 'I'HE PROPERTY SUBJECT TO ASS&SSMENT IN I i PHCPOSED ASSESSMENT EISTRICT NC. 2-1955 EAVE I : SIGNED PETITION F@A IMP&QVEMENTS; F~BTDn\aC& THA* i THE; PETITION FQ8, PROPCSED ASSESSMZNT DISTRICT; ! NO, 2-1965, HAS BEEN FILED, V, ITH THE CLELZK OI? i i THE CITY OF CARLSEAD; PANE .FINDING TfEA-T SAD * I 1 I I I V I I $ I * I I I I l k I I I I I f a a I ! * I * 1 I 4 I t I t ! I ! ! * I I ', \ -. " '. * I x ,' 5 l e I l t I *' . '\ " '\ t I ', 8' '%, a '*, '\ ', * -5- i Name '*,'*$ t I : of '* I : Member '' ~"""""""""""""""""""""-""""""""-""--"-.."*~~,*~,~~~~~~*,~~ f PETITION CONTAINS A WiAIVER OB INVESTIGATIGN ; Atkinson i PHBCEEDINGS RECUISED BY DIVISION 4 OF TEE t Dunne : CALIFGRNIA, A, D. 2-1965, was adopted by title only and: Jardine i further reading waived. : Hughes 1 I ! Mr. Thornton stated the property owners have requested i ! the sidewalks installed contiguous to the curbs. The City i : has been receiving requests in other areas of the City i i for this type of sidewalk, The City of San Diego is now : i allowing this type of sidewalk in subdivisions. Mr. Thorn! : ton suggested this matter to be studied by the Planning ; i Commission. i By motion of the Council it was agreed that the matter of I Atkinson : cont igmw curb and sidewalk be referred to the Planning i Dunne i Cornmission for study. : Neiswender I 1 I 0 i STiZEETS A.ND HIGHWAY CGDE @F TPIE STATE GF ; Neiswendel I I * I $ 6 I I I I i Jardine 1 I i Hughes I I I i (dl Acceptance of water easement, Lot 5, Chestnut Eeight4 : Subdivision, Map #5328. A grant of easement has been : i received frdm Marvin S. and Idella 3, Etumphreys for i : division. It will be necessary for the Council to accept i i the easement. I I I By motion of the Council the Grant of Easement from Mar; Atkinson i vin S, and Idella R, Xumphreys to the City of Garlsbad i Dunne i was accepted on behalf of the City and the City Clerk ordeheiswender : ed to record same. c. i Jardine 1 water purposes in connection with Chestnut Heights Sub- I 4 I I I I I I i Zughes I t I i (e) itequest for waiver of street improvements in connec- i : tion with lot split - H. Von Packard, Letter dated February ; 26, 1965, from TI. Von Eackard, was presented, stating f j : the Planning Commission approved a lot split on property ; i owned by him which is located on Basswood Avenue. ;fie i : requested a waiver of street improvements, and that he : i would agree to join in and cooperate fully with any pro- i ; posed improvements, improvement district, or other I i proceedings hereinafter instituted, ! 1 The Engineering Department informed the Council they i : could see no justification for waiver of street improve- . . : i ments. This property is located east of McKinley on Base ! wood, and the property owner at the corner of Basswood ; i and Adams Street improved his property at the time of i : dividing the property, which started the improvement of ; i Basswood Avenue, I i By motion of the Council the request for waiver of street !Atkinson I improvements was denied, : Dunne t : Jardine I * t t s 1 t I I I I 8 I 8 I I I I i Neiswender I i Hughes I (f) Request for waiver of street improvement in connection: I with lot split - Mrs. Alma 3aym The EngineeL-ing De! I on their property. When Tamarack was recer.L*.-,- opened i ; this gave the Haylings additional street frontagc which ; i allowed them two additional lots. They were required to i :pay for the improvement on Tamarack A.venue, and under ; i the provisions of the Lot Split Crdinance they are require4 :to improve their frontage on Park Drive. 8 t t f I I partment reported the Baylings have applied for a lot split; 0 * I I I I ! I 8 8 t I I I I I t ! $ I I e * I I I I ! 8 I I I f I '\ \\ .t8 '\ ' * I \ '\ '., ', I 8\8 '. 8, t -6- I s8 'b ', I I i Name '8,'d 4 : of '$ I : Member I '8 ' ' 8 8 . 0 ).r..rr,r.rr"r.r"r"""~""""""""""""""""~""""~~"""-"""-- i By letter dated February 26, 1965, from Mrs. AlmaXay- i i lings, the Haylings are requesting a waiver of street im- I ; provements on Fark Drive in conjunction with the lot split.! i Mr. Thornton, Assistant Engineer, stated the Engineerin2 i Department feels there is no justification for waiver of the : improvements. I i Mas. ALMA dAYLINGS, 4025 Park Drive, stated that i i when they applied for a lot split they did not know they ; : would be required to improve their property on Bark Dr. i i This would mean 78' of improvement. The iplprovement : ! of Tamarack Ave. will cost approximately $1109.00. The! i City has a 1' barrier in front of this property until such i : time as they pay for the improvemehts. I 8 i The City Attorney stated the Engineering Department wants ; the assuraace that when the street is improved that the : I Haylings would be willing to put in the improvements. Th; i Haylings can post bond or have a trust fund set up at the I ! bank. I 8 i Cmn. Atkinson stated he did not see how the Council could! i approve a waiver of street improvements. Perhaps tile i i mechEaasLcscould be worked out some way. I I i By motion of the Council the request for waiver of street i Atkinson ; improvements by Mrs. Alma Haylings for their property i Dunne J located on Park Drive was denied. : Neiswender I I * I I I I I I t 8 I 8 I I I I I I I I i Jardine I I : Hughes I I I I t 1 I I i (g) Request for waiver of street improvements - John I Frazee. Letter dated February 26, 1965, from Uonald : I -y, Licensed Surveyor, requesting that street im- ! i northwesterly side of the "Gld Dump Road" owned by John i : Frazee. 8 8 I The Engineering Department pointed out the location of th4 i property and recommended that the street improvements i i be waived subject to a future street improvement agree- ; i ment being entered into, due to the fact they are not cer- i i tain of the future alignment of the road now in existence, ; i nor o€ the grade to be established. i By motion of the Council the request for waiver of street I Atkinson i improvements was granted, subject to John Frazee enter-: Dunne ; ing into a future street improvement agreement with the i Neiswender i City. : Jardine - ! grovements be waived for a division of land located on the i I ? 8 I * I 8 1 I I 8 I i Hughes ! I i PLANNING: I I t I I I (a) aeport fsom Planning Commission - re: Re uest for I : -on No. m Zone =to Lone C-M and M. I 8 :"Memorandum dated b'ebruary 21, 1965, from Planning : I Commission, was presented stating the Planning Sommis { i sion voted two to two, with one abstention, on the motion i : to report that it was the opinion of the Planning Comrnis- ; I sion that their original action in the matter was correct. : i Cmn. Dunne stated there has been considerabl.2 corresponb : dence on this matter, and duz to the fact tnere will be a : : report from the citizen's committee on industrial zcning, I : he felt the matter should be deferred until the report has ; I been received. i reclassification of property known as "South 2- arlsmn-: 1 I I 0 8 ; 8 a I * I I 8 ! I I ! t I ! ! I I ', \\ ., \, , t I 8, \, '\ '\ I I I '\, '+ I I ', , ' I -7- \ " t i Name 'b,'? + : of '3 I I 8 I I 1 I I : Member :"""""""""""""""""""""""-""""""""""""""~""~""""- d 0 ! Cmn. Jardine stated h2 had discussed this matter with i i the Chairman of the Planning Commission and he aatici- i I pates the report will be completed by their next meeting. i : By motion of the Council it was agreed that this matter be: Atkinson i de.ferrcdunti1 the next regular meeting of the Council a- f Dunne : waiting the report from the Planning Commission. : Neiswende i NEx& BUSINESS: 4 I I t I I t i Jardine t (a) dequest for business license to operate a Merchant 1 I- I : I Hughes I I i Fatrol Agency. Letter dsdFebruary23, 1965, from i I Tony Telebar, 1835 Forest Ave., requesting a business : i license to operate a Merchant Patrol Agency within the i ! City of Carlsbad. At the present time he is owner and ; I operator of the Tri-City Detective Agency in the city. i The City Manager informed the Council this request has i : been checked by the Police Department, and they have no : I objections to the operation. i By motion of the Council the reqlJest for a business i Atkinson i license to operate a Merchant Patrol Agency was granted : Dunne I to Tony Telebar. i Neiswende. I I 1 I I I I I t I I I 8 I I I I I i Jardine I I i Hughes I I I ! (b) First reading of Crdinance #6038, making unlawful the: : nc-amf this would prohibit ; i charitable institutes and the Girl Scouts, etc., from soli- i : citing. I 8 I The City Attorney stated the ordinance as proposed would ! i prohibit anyone from entering upon private property. I Cmn. Dunne stated he felt there should be a provision in .! I the ordinance to allow solicitation by service groups and : I charitable institutions. i By common consent it was agreed that the City Attorney i i redo the ordinance to provide for solicitation by service : ; groups and charitable institutions. i (c) First reading of Ordinance #6039, amending Section i I 52 of Crdinance #60G5, regarding Wheel Tax, The City : i Attorney informed the Council subsections (a) and (b) 1 : was prohibited. ! 1 The following ordinance was presented for a first reading.: i Ordinance No. 6039. AN CZDINANCE OF THE CITY CF i Atkinson i -BAD AMENDING SECTIGN 52 OF Ok%DINANCE NO.: Dunne : 6005 RECAi3DING WHEEL TAX, was given a first reading Neiswende i by title only and further reading waived. : Jardine I (d) Proclamation - re: National Business PI omenls Week'f. i Tne Mayor proclaimed the week of March 7th thru March i I 13th as "National Business Ujoomen's Keek". 1 I : OLD BUSINESS: i entry onto private property without request. In reviewing I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t 1 I I I I I : Were no longer necessary since door-to-door soliciting ; I I 1 I I I I I I I i Hughes I 0 * I1 I I I I I I I 1 0 1 I I I t t (a) Pump site for Terramar Sewers, The Council was in-' ; formed a tentative agreemeat has been reached with San 8 - ! 1 Diego Gas & Electric Co. for a pump site. The plans will! ; have to be changed, and there are two other easements i : that will have to be acquired. The plans should be ready : i for the next meeting of the Council. 1 I I 8 I ! t ? . 1 I + I I' , \, .h '\ ' 1 \ '\ '8. I I I '\8 '\ 8\ '\ 1 1 I I I I * -8- .- I \" I '8, ", 1 i Name x, Y : of '3 .( t :""""""-"""""""""""~"-""""""""""-"-""""""!""""""" : Member 0 i North Carlsbad Water System. Cmn. Dunne inquired as i : to the water system in North Carlsbad. I I - t I I I : The City Manager informed the Council the Attorney for 1 i the CMGD and the City Attorney had met to discuss this i i matter. A petition is being circulated in North Carlsbad ; i to have Colorado River ;hater brought into that area. i Previously the residents in PJorth Carlsbad voted against ! i having Colorado River water brought into their area. Thei : City feels the property owners in that area should take ; i some initiative to have a new system constructed or re- i I habilitated. I I : Portable Traffic si n. Cmn. Dunne suggested that if it is i I that signs be posted as to the proper method of turning. ; i CITY ATT0K.NEY'S REPGRT: i The City Attorney reported that Ilydro Construction Co. I : has run into difficulty as to muddy soil condition around i i the lagoon. The staff is working with Hydro and a recorn-f ! mendation will be submitted to the Council. ! I 1 I I I I i the-intentionm & e city to keep the portable traffic sign I I I 1 b I # 6 1 - t I I I I I I Las Flores.,extension. Dr. Fairshifd has given two deeds! i to the city for his portion of the right-of-way. I I I Friends of the Library. Some time ago the City Attorney! : was requesteddT& Friends of the Library in forming i a nonprofit corporation. This has been accomplished and F i they are now a nonprofit corporation. 1 I I * I I I I I I ! i CITY MANA.GEXS SEPS~ZT: " I I I I 1 I I I i El Camino 3eal Sewer Project. Rids were received for : : theEl Caminiedlwer Project, and Don dubbard was I i the low bidder in the amount of $28,469. 32. The Engineerti : ing Department have checked the bid and recommend that : i the contract be awarded to Don Bubbard. I I I I I t I 1 By motion of the Council it was agreed that the contract in: Atkinson : the amount of $28,469.32 be awarded to Don 3ubbard. i Dunne I : Neisw ender I I I 1 I i Jardine I I j iIughes t i 8- Proclamation - "Tree Ranting Month". The City Manager: : presented a letter from the President of the Carlsbad I i Chamber of Commerce, inviting the Council to participate! : in Arbor Day activities by proclaiming the month of Marcti i as "Tree Planting Month". 1 I i Viith the consent of the Council the Mayor proclaimed the i : month of March as "Tree Planting Month". 1 I I itequest for use of Trailer House - CMWD. The Carlsbadi i Municipal Vkater Districthasrequested permission for : ; of a trailer house on the District's property at Squires i i Aeservoir due to the necessity to provide facilities for a ; i caretaker-overseer to protect the major supply of public i I water. 1 I i The City Manager recommended that the request be grant; : ed, subject to the application being renewed annually. I I : Atkinson i By7motion of the Council permission was granted to the i Dunne i: Carlsbad Municipal &later District for use of the trailer ; Neiswender : house located at Squires deservoir, subject to the appli- i Jardine i cation being renewed annually. i rfughes ! ? I I I I I t I i the installation, use and occupancy, by District personnel; I I I I I 0 I I I I I I 1 * I 8' I , \'\\\' 1 I ',, ", " ' I I , \ ', \. I I N' '\ ' I -9- \, \. 'b, ! : Name '., '4 I t ! o( '4 : Member !"""~""~"""""""""""""""""""~""""---"""""--~""""""". I 1 I 1 I I I i Second amendment to Joint Sewer Agreement. The City : I Manager presented a cy of the Second Amendment to I ! the Basic Agreement between Vista Sanitation District and: : the City of Carlsbad for the Joint Sewer Project, and in- ; i formed the Council this would increase Carlsbad's servic$ i area. 4 I i A map of the area was presented for the Councilts review.! 1 aesolution #1114 was presented, approving and accepting i i the Second Amendment to Basic Agreement. ! Cmn. Hughes moved that Aesolution #1114 be adopted. i i The motion was seconded by Cmn. Atkinson. I I 0 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 Cmn, Dunne requested this matter deferred for two weeks; : in order that the Council could study the agreement I i further. I Cmn. aughes and Cmn. Atkinson withdrew their motion. ! ! PAYMENT @F BILLS AND dATIFICATIGN OF PAYRCLEi i Authorization was given for the payment of the bills for i i the general expenses of the city in the amount of ; Atkinson I $31,831.10, and for the K;aater Department in the amount : Dunne : of $3,410.44, for the period February 16. 1965, to Mar& Neiswende i 2, 1965, as certified by the Finance Department and ap- i Jardine : proved by the Auditing Committee. ; Mughes : itatification of the payroll was given for the second half i Atkinson i of February, 1965, in the amount of $19,602.95, as i Dunne i certified by the Finance Department and approved by the I Neiswende I ; aughes 1 I I I D I I I I I D l I I 4 I I ! Auditing Committee. f Jardine I I 1 ! i ADJCUXNMENT: " I I I I I I I I i By proper motion the meeting was adjourned at 8:45 P, M.: : to Monday, March 8, 1965, at 6: 30 P. M. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I i Respectfully submitted, I I t [ q3 /k,Cd-f /4&m ...u ! lVl: i3;'AitET E. ADAMS i City Clerk 1 I t I I I I 1 ! I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I D l I I a D l I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I * I I I I I t 0 t I I ! I I I I t I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I ! I I 6