HomeMy WebLinkAbout1965-04-06; City Council; Minutes; t, -5, x, -.. : Minutes of: CITY CGUNCIL (Regular Meeting) I '\ '\ '. !Date of Meeting: April 6, 1965 \\ '\ i Name \, ': : Time of Meeting: 7: 00 I?. M. ; of '3 :Place ~"""~"~""~-.""""--"""""-""."~-"""""--"--"-"-"-"";-""*~--"-~- of Meeting: Council Chambers : Member i ROLL CP LL was answered by Councilmen Atkinson, Dunne :Po M. Councilman Jardine was absent. Also present were: !City Manager Mamaux, City Attorney Kilscn and City :Clerk Adarns, :Mayor Neiswender recognized Mayor Bucher and the City : !Clerk from the City of San Marcos, and stated he had 2.5- I :tended their city's rr,eeting last week acd had invited them i !to attend this meeting. I I : INVCCATION was offered by Father O'Dwyer of St. I 8 : Patricks Church. !AILLEGLA.NCE to the Flag was lead by Mayor Bucher of th4 :City of San Marcos, I I :Mayor Bucber extended his appreciation and thanks to tMayoYa Neiswender for the invitation to attend &e Council i :meeting. I 1 I I :Atkinson :(a) Minutes of the regular meeting of March 16, 2965, werkDunne :approved as submitted. INeiswende: I I I I ' * :CITY CF CARLSBAD I ', 8, '\ '* ', 8 '\ t I 1 0 @nd Meiswender, Councilman aughes was present at ?:05 i I f I 4 4 I 1 v # I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I ~APPWGVAL OF MINUTES: I I I !Hughes I I :CGL~~~ESPCN~)EMCE: ." I I I I I I 8 :The Council. acknowledged receipt of a letter addressed to 1 :Frank C, Rice, City Treasurer, from the Bank of Americ4 :concerning an increase in interest earned oa inactive ;monies on deposit with the Bank of America from 3 3/4% i :Councilman Atkhson presented a letter addressed to May& !to the Mayor, City Council and to the City Manager and : :staff for the accomplishments of the past year witnout ad- i jditional tax increase. !Mayor Neiswender presented a proposed letter addressed I :to Mrs. F. V. Ramsay, 2460 Clive Dr., extending apprec- ; jiation from the Council and the citizens of Carlsbad for I :her services, and those of her husband, for the keeping of ; jdainfall Fiecords daily in this area for over 35 years. !The Council unanimously approved sending the letter to i :Mrs. Ramsay. I I :to 4 118%. 1 I t $ I !Neiswender from Don Dunham, expressing his appreciatio4 I I I I I I I I 6 I I 8 I I t t I I a I :O&hL CCMMUNICATICNS: :There were no oral communications. I- I I + I :PUBLIC S;-f%.Ai%INGS: . 1 I * I 8 I I I I t I . I 1 L !(a) Improvement of Chinquapin Avenue - 191 1 Act Proceed-! jings, on Resolution of IntentioET#nT.-A,D.965. I I I I I !The Mayor announced tile hour of 7: 36 P. M, had arrived, i jand this was the time and place fixed by this Council for ; ;hearing objections or protests on the proposed work, or i :the extent of the assessment district, or on the proposed : !grades under the resolution of Intention glllij, providing i !for the improvement of Chinquapin Ave. from Garfield St. : :to the A. T, &So F. Sailroad right-of-way. I I 0 I 4 I I & I 1 I I I I I I I 1 f 1 I I I I 8 1 I I I t I a ; t 6 1 * i ', -\ '\ -\, I I I I i I '.8 y.., ' I -2- 'N, '. ' 1 i Name 'N, 8: * ; of '$ I I I 8 ', ' 9 ;""""""""""""""""""""""""-"""""-""""""""'""""""" : Member i The Clerk presented the affidavits of publication; mailing i land posting. The Council approved the affidavits and 1 I I f I I I I I I 1 0 i ordered them filed. I i The clerk presented the following letters of protest: t 1 I I ? I !Letter dated January 26, 1965, from Mrs. Edna Spitz, : :Wichita, Kansas, stating she owned property located at i j4WS Garfield Street, and that she objected to sidewalks : :being installed as it would necessitate removing trees and i !shrubs that she ha.s planted. I I I I i Letter dated March 15, 1965, from Lee G. and Emma A. : : Boyd, San Gabriel, Czlifornia, stating they were absolute: i ly opposed to squanderinq taxpayers money in this fashion.: I The Mayor inquired as to whether any persons, or their ! !representatives, who have filed written protests desire to I ;be heard in support of the written protest? I Ma. PFAU, 4'308 Garfield St., stated he was the tenant in i :the house owned by Mrs. Spitz. This street is lined witn ; i trees and if sidewalks are installed it will necessitate re- I :moving all the trees. Xe inquired as to whether or not ; i sidewalks had to be installed? i The Engineering Department reported the petition that was: jcirculated included the installation of sidewalks, and over : : 66% of the property owners in the proposed district signed 1 i The Mayor informed Mr. Ffau a plat of the assessment i :district woulld be presented after the hearing was closed. i :As there were no other persons desiring to speak, tile I I Mayor announced the Council would hear any oral protests i ;or objections concerning the work, extent of assessment i I district or grades. I I j There were no persons desiring to speak and the Mayor 1 :declared the hearing closed at 7:43 P. M. I 1 i Crnn. Hughes inquired as to what could be done in regards I i to the Spitz property. i The Assistant Engineer presented a plan of the improve- i : ments and irdormed the Council the Spitz property lies on 4 :the southeast corner of Chiquapin Ave. and Garfield St. ; I ! ! There is an existing curb return at tne corner of Garfield ; i and Chinquapin. This petition called for sidewalks to be i : imtalled in Garfield St. within the limits of the existing ; I curb return. Two pine trees and three palm trees will i :have to be removed. These were probably planted by the : !property owners, however, they become the property of i ithe City if planted within the public right of way. In the ; i pas t we have allowed the property owners to remove the i I trees at their expense prior to the awarding of the contract :providing the Parks and Zecreation Commission approve i i the removal,, The City has asked for a 13 sq. ft, dedicah : ; tion at the return; however, if Mrs. Spitz objects to the i jdedication the improvement will be constructed within the : : public right of way. !After further consideration it was the feellcg of the Council t 1 I I t I I 1 I # I 1 t e * I 1 I I I the petition. 1. I I I I I 4 * I I 1 I I # I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I t t the removal of the trees should be referred to the Parks ! 0 !and Recreation Commission and the property owner noti- 1 i fied. I I 1 I 1 I I 4 I ? 1 I I f I I t 1 I I I I I I I 1 I 1 I I I I I * I I -*, '\ ' '. I 8 , ', '*, 8, I 's, '\\ ', I -3- I i Name '8 '*i :--""""""""""""""""""-""""""""""""""""""~""""**""*. : Member ' I I I I * b I : of 'q I I '\ \ ', 331e following resolutions were presented: I 1 I I I I I 0 : CLesolution No. 1125. A 3E'SC:LUTION OF THE CITY : Atkinson !MAKING FINDINGS AND CVE&3ULING P.&GTESTS AND ;Neiswender IGBJFCTIONS, assessment Gistrict T:a. 1-1965, was adopt+Hughes i ed by title only and further reading waived. I / desolution No. 1133. A- dESCLUTITiN OF TBE CITY i CCNSTIZUCTION OF CE&TA.EY STdE.ET PMPaZGVEMENTS: :AND GRDE8iNG POSTING AED FWBEICAT.l@PJ CF NO- !Atkinson i TICEiS INVITING SEALED Pi3GPOSALS 0,- BICS, Assess-:Eunne :rnent District No. 1-1965, was adopted Iny title only and jNeiswender i further reading waived. : Bughes i Resolution NO. 11 34. A AESGLUTION GF THE CITY :mUNCIL QF TamITY CF CARLSEA.D, IXi32ECTING i i TdAT CErZTAIN STdEET W2RK BE DONE UNDEii Ti32 :Atkinson : DIAECTION AND TO TdE SATISFACTIGN CF T3E ENGI- iDunne !NEE& CF WGitK, Assessment District No. 1-1965, was :Neiswender I adopted by title only and further reading waived, i Hughes : (b) Request for reclassification of property located on the i i easwysideomarding St., between Palm and Magnolia i I A.venues, from Zone d-2 to 2 one R- 3. Asplicant: L- : :A. Dindinger, et af.=e Clerk presented the Affidavit of I iEEtzandxified that all the property owners with-: : in the area had received proper notice. i The Mayor requested the Clerk to read all protests and obi i jections that had been received up to the hour of 7: 33 P. M.: i The Clerk announced that no written protests had been re- ! : ceived. I : The Mayor announced the Council would hear any oral pro: i tests or objections concerning the proposed reclassifica- : : tion. i There being no other persons present desiriag to be heard; i the Mayor declared the Public dearing closed. 1 I $XXERXTTFTZCI TY OF CA ALSE~AQ, CAEIFCM,UIA, IDunne I I I I I 1 I :c&TJTElITF Ti- CITY CF CARLSBAD, ORDE.&IPTG Ti.&! I I I 3 I t I I I I_ "- I I 1 8 & I I I 1 l I a I 8 I I * f 1 I I i A map of the area was presented for the Council's consid- i i eration. I :After discussion by the Council the following resolution ! i was presented: 1 ! itesolution No. 1126. A dES@LU'ITON OF TBE CITY : m--- ~it%~~ITY 8F CAi3LSBA.D ANNOUNCING : I FINDINGS AND DECISICN i3EGARD1NG @61i?NGE GF ZONgAtkinson i CLASSIFICATION OF CEi2TP.IN DFSIGNATED 3PRCTZERTY:Dunne ;IN THE CITY OF CAitLSBAD FiWM ZCNE ;X-2 TG 2-ONE jNeiswender i d-3, was adopted by title onlyand further reading waived. :8ughes i The following ordinance was presented €or a first reading; I !Ordinance No. 9176. F!N C3DINANCE CF TEE CITY GF ! :TX.'iimE7fTDING C3DINANCE NG. 906;, @HANG- i jfMG CERTAI[N DESIGNATEG PItOPFiZTY F3CM %GNE :Atkinson : 32-2 TC ZONE: d-3 IN TEE CITY OF CA,ZLSEA.C, was i Dunne !given a first reading by title only and further readiag :Neiswender :waived. :Hughes ! I I I I I I t 1 1 3 1 I I I $ I I I t I a I I I I 1 t I I I 8 # * I I I I I t I 1 * * I I I ! I 1 I I 8 t I t I I I t I t e l : I I I I I I I ! I -4- : '*.,:,;;. . '\. I I 8t "\ ', I \' ' 'x i Name '8, t' ; of '3 I :"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""~~"""""~""""""" : Member i EWGINEE aNG: i (a) Offer of easements for sewage facilities by San Diego i I Gas & Electric Co. Two easements have been received ; : from the San Diego Gas & Electric Co. , on2 in connection i i with the sewer pump station and the other for the sewer ; : line extension. i Ey mtion of the Council the easements were accepted and! Atkinson i the Mayor authorized to execute the documents on behalf ; l3unn.e : of the City of Carlsbad. i Neiswende I : Hughes ! I (b) Cffer of street dedication by 5. &I, Baumgartner, Inc. ! : The Council was informed this s2me parcel was previousli I dedicated to the city for street purposes by the former : I owner and it will now be necessary for the Council to ac- i ! cept this easement from the present owner. i By motion of the Council the street dedication from 12. M. : Atkinson : Baumgartner, Inc. was accepted and the Clerk ordered tu I Dunne i record the same; : Neiswende. I t - I f l I"-- e I I 1 I I I t 4 I I I D I I I I I I I I i 3ughes I I I j (c) Award of contract for cqnstruction of Water Departme4 : Building, B-ere received on March 22, 1965 for the i i proposed Water Department Building. The low bid of I I : $12,297. OG was submitted by Dunphy Construction Co. I There was only one bid received. The Engineering Deparf- ; ment recommended that the contract be awarded to Dun- 1 i phy Construction Company. They reported the work can : ; commence within two weeks after award of contract and i i should be completed in thirty (33) days, t I ! i By motion of the Council the contract was awarded to Dun-! Atkinson I phy Construction Company in the amount of $12,297.00. i Dunne I i Neiswende: I I * * I I i 3ughes I I 9 I : (dl Final map for Bonita Valley Subdivision. The final map! i for Bonita Valley Subdivision was presiEifETfor the Coun- i i cil's review. The Engineering Department reported the ; ; map conformed with all the conditions under C,rdinance No: I 9650. This will be one of the first subdivisions with undeq- : ground utilities and street lights. This area is in the pro4 i posed sewer district. The developer has made the proper: : deposit of monies for the assessment. If the 1911 Act : I Proceedings fail, then the alternative will be to run a I I : shallow line in Valley Street to the existing sewer system i ! at Valley Place. The developer cannot elect to use the I : alternative method without first obtaining permission frod i the E;ngineering Department. ! i By motion of the *Council the Final Map of Bonita Valley ! Atkinson : Subdivision was approved. : Dunne 1 I I ! i Meiswende: I I I : Hughes * I I (e) Elm Avenue extension - Precise Plan. The Engineering: i Department presented a proposed Precise plan for the : : extension of Elm Avenue, and stated the plan includes the i i extension of Elm Avenue from Pi0 Pic0 Drive to El Ca- : z mino Real. They have tried to minimize the intersections; : and the plan lends itself for a diamond intersection at El : : Camino i3eal. I I I Cmn. Dunne stated due to the fact this extension of Elm I i Avenue effects him personnally he would have to abstain j : from discussion and voting. 8 e l I I 8 I 4 ! I * I I I I I 1 I I I I I 6 I I I I Id I 1 I I I I -\ -, ' '.,'\., '\ ' 1 I I '\ ' ' '. '. ', I I I I -5- -. ' i Name '%,'\! I i 4f '3 4 :""""""""""--"""""~"-"""""""""""~""""""""'""""""" : Member i By motion of the Council the Proposed Precise 1PJ.an for i A.tkinson I the extension of Elm Avenue was approved and referred to: Dunne 0 i the Planning Commission for a hearing on the matter. i Neiswende * I : Hughes i I I : (f) Improvement of Stratford Lane - A, D. 1-1964, 191 1 : i Act Proceedings. A map showing the proposed district i i was presented for the Council's review. This is the first ! ; street opening handled under the 1911 Act Proceedings, i f and it is felt that if this one is successful o~crs will 201- I ! : low. I : The following resolutions were presented : Fiesolution No. 1127. PA dES8LUTIGN OF T3E CITY i Atkinson i COUNCIL CF TNE CITY CF CAWLSBAD, &E3CINDING : Dunne : ctESCLUTION NO. 1100,CF T"EE CITY OF CABLSBAD, i Neiswende I AND APPCINTING PEdSGN TO P3EFAi3E ALL PROCE:E?-Hughes : INGS, proposed Assessment District No. 1-1964, was ; i adopted by title only and further reading waived. I I i Resolution NO. 1128. ~WSCLUTION CF T;-K; CITY COUN! i CLA~~ING ITS INTENTION TC QRDE~ CE~TAIN STWET! i TENANT VVOL~K IN SAID CITY; DECLARING rm WCRK ; f TO BEl OF MORE TBAN LOCAL Od ORDIN.&.dY PUBLIC ; t BENEFIT; DESCXBINC TZF DISTRICT TO BE BE"E,FIT~ I I I I b 8 1 I I I I I I I I : CKXZTXE CITY OF CA.RLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, DE;- i i IIviPRCVE MENTS AND APPURTENANCES AND A.PPUL3- : i ED BY SA.ILZ %CdK AND TO BE ASSESSED TC FAY TEE? : i COST AND EXPENSE TXEi3ECF; DETERMINING TITAT : i EGNDS SiIALL BE ISSUED TG AEPhESENT ASSESSMEN$S : TC BE LEVIED; AND FIXING TiE TIME AND PLACE ; i FC8 'TIHEAdING P32TESTS AND CBJECTIOMS K SAID ! ; WGRK Gd THE EXTENT CF Ti- DISTRICT TG BE AS- i Atkinson i SESSED, C:f BCTH, AND GIVING NOTICE TXERECF, i Dunne i Assessment District No. 1-1964, was adopted by title ; Neiswende: i only and further reading waived. : Hughes I (g) Improvement of Acacia Ave. - Proposed Assessment i ; District 3-1965, 1911 Act Proceedings. The Engineering : i Department reported a petition haszn filed by the pro- I i perty owners, requesting that certain street improvement i work be done in Acacia Avenue, from Garfield Street to ! : the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe sailway Co. right of ; I tion verifies that owners of 73. 76% in the area. I I : The following resolutions were presented for the Council'; i consideration: I I ! &solution No. 1129. iZESG'LUTIGN OF Tal3 ZITY CC,UNi i TaAT 0ViiNE.RS OF MCSE TSAN 60% IN AiXA CF THE i : P:38PERTY SUBJECT T@ ASSESSMENT IN 1F;i;CIFCSE.D : I ASSESSMENT DISTrtICT NC. 3-1965 HAVE SIGNED PETIf : TIBN Fa& 11MP;tGVEAB NTS; FINDING TI-IA'T TZE PETf-: i TION FOR PrtBPGSED ASSESSMENT DIST3,ICT NC, 3- i i 1965 INS BEEN FILED V..;ITH TaE CLErZK C.F Ti! CITY: ; OF CARLSBA.D; AND FINDING THAT SAlD PETITIQN I i CCNTP-INS A EAIVER GF INVESTIGATION $..3CZEED- ; Atkinson : INGS REGUI3E.D BY DIVIS1C:N 4 OF THE STdEETS AND i Dunne : i3fG.dWAY CODE OF TSE STA.TE1 OF CALIFORNU-, was : Neiswende: I 1 I I i way. Examination of the signatures affixed on said peti- ! I I I I I I I I I IE CF THE CITY CF GAdLSEAD DECLAI~IMG FINDING i 1 adopted by title only and further reading waived. r Hughes I I I I I I I Resolution No. 11 30, A i%ZSCLUTION OF Ti33 CITY i TZUNCIL OF TEE CITY OF CAIUSBAD APPCINTING ! Atkinson I PEdSCN TO PREPA3E ALL PROCEEDINGS, proposed I Dunne i Assessment District No. 3-1965, was adopted by title : Neiswende t only and further reading waived. i aughes 0 I I 9 I I I I I I I 1 e 8 I I I I I I I I ! I I I I 4 '\ - .\ '\ ' ". '\, '88,'8, '8* I ! * . '. i .- I 8 '\ ' I \\ \ ' 1 - g - I Name *\,'+ I : of '3 .! ;""""""~"""""""""""""""""""~""-""""~"""""~~""""""-~ : Member i 3esolution No. 11 31. A EESCLUTICN CF T3E CITY : -?THE; CITY CF CARLSBAD DI&ECTIN@ P.&& ; PALXATION OF PLANS AND SPEiCIFIC.ATI0NS AND DE- i A.tkinson : SIGNATING ENGINEER TC; PREPARE PLANS, proposed ! Dunne i Assessment District No. 3-1965, was adopted by title onli Neiswende : and further reading waived. i Hughes : Ftesolution No. 11 32, A. i3E;SGLUTION OF THE CITY 8 : CGUMCIE @F THE CITY OF CAdLSBAD APPGINTIPaC i : PE3,SC.N TO ACT AS ENGINEER @F 'iy@I;s2K, DESIGNAT- : I SIBLE FUd P~~EPALUTION CF THE ENGIPTEEELIMG DCCf I * I I I I 0 1 I I I I i ING ENGINEEd OF ilYf38K AS THE PEdSCN 3,ESPCN- I i UMENTS, ASSESSMENT DIAGRAMS, ASSESSMENT IIQLG i AND WARRANT; DESIGNATING THE EMGI.NEE& CF i WCdK TO SUFE'dVISE: ALL %CRK; APPOINTING ENGI- i i NEEA CF VdGCRK AS TSE SUPERINTENDENT CF ' Atkinson : STREETS AND FIXING COMPENSATION FC~ SEHICES,I Dunne I proposed Assessment District No. 3-1965, was adopted : Neiswende : by title only and further reading waived. i Hughes I ! t : NEU; BUSINESS: - I ! I I I I (a) Joint Polwers Agreement - Transportation coordinatio; i Mayor Neiswender stated it was his understanding the Cit$ : of Carlsbad. is the oniy city in the County that is not a ; I member of the Joint Powers Agreement for transporta- i : tion coordination, and he felt the City of Carlsbad should : i become a member to the agreement. i After consideration by the Council, by motion of the Counf Atkinson i cil tile agreement was approved and the Mayor was auth- : Dunne : orized to execute the agreement on behalf of the City of i Neiswende I Carlsbad. : Hughes i (b) Proclamation - proclaiming May 1, 1965 as "Law Day i : USA-. the consent of the Council the Mayor proclai4- i ed May 1, 1.965 as "Law Day USA" in the City of Carlsbad: 8 i I I I a I I I I I I I i GLD BU SIrwss: I 0 I I I I - I + i (a) Second reading of Crdinance #9175, changing certain : : des-property from Lone it-2.-f to Zone C-M an fI ; I hng ordinance was presented for a seconddrez-; : ing: I I Ordinance No. 9175. AM CiiDINANCE CF Ti33 CITY OF i i CALZLSEAD AMENDING CIZDINAMCIE NC, 9G6C, C3ANG- i Atkinson : IN@ CERTAIN DESIGNATED PEtGPERTY F-KM ZCNE i Dunne i R-1 TO ZONE C-M AND "MI', was given a second read- : Neiswende : ing by title only and adopted. i Hughes : (b) Second reading of Crdinance #6038, making unlawful i i the entry onto private property, without request, for the i : purpose of selling, etc. The following ordinance was pre- ; I sented for a second reading by the Council: f I Ordinance No. 6038, AN GSDINANCE NLAKING UNLAVii FUbAtkinson i REQUEST, FG3 TEE FWIZPCSE GF SELLING, ETC, was: Neiswende I given a second reading by title only and adopted. * ! Hughes .I I I I I 8 ? I I I I 1 I I I I I EE E,NTBY ONTG PiiIVATE PaCIPERTY, VWTHCUT : Dunne I I ; CITY ATTORNEY'S 3EPBRT: I t 8 I I I I I i Claim for damages - Estelle C. Gerow. A claim has been: : received in the amount of $3,500.00 by Mrs. Gerow, for ; i damage to her property caused by the construction of the : : Agua Medionda interceptor line. The City Attorney re- i i commended that the City Council deny the claim and refer I : the matter to the City's insurance carrier, and that a cop3 I of the claim be sent to the contractor. 0 I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I 1 ! I .- I I I ! ! I' , \' B I I \\ '+, \\, ! 't, '*, '. 1 '\ \ '< I t I -7- i Na me \=\'\' 8 ; of '$ i By motion of the Council the claim submitted by Estelle ; Atkinson :""~"""""""""-""""""""""""""""""~""~"-"""~""""""" i C. Gerow in the amount of $3,509.03 was denied, and the i Dunne i matter referred to the City's insurance carrier 2nd Hydro: Neiswendc : Construction eo. : Hughes i Claim for Damages - Mrs. Esther Gakley. A claim has i I been filed by Mrs. Esther Cakley inmount of $20.00; i for damage to her car when it hit a hole in Monroe St. ! i during the construction of a sewer lateral. The City At- : : torney recommended that the claim be denied and referre4 i to the City's insurance carrier. 4 I : By motion of the Council the claim submitted by Mrs. : Esther Bakley in the amount of $20.00 was denied, and the Dunne I matter referred to the City's insurance carrier, : Neisw end€ t : Member 0 I I I I I t I 8 4 t : Atkinson I I i Hughes I I I I I : Terramar sewer district - easement,The City Attorney i i reported theneeds a small pxion of right of way i : from one of the property owners in the Terramar Sewer i i District, and it does not look as if negotiations will be : i successful. He recommended that a resolution be adopted i ; authorizing condemnation of the property, and in the ! meantime negotiations will continue. i The following resolution was presented: i Sesolution No. 11 35. A 3Z;SCLUTION OF TEE CITY i AND DIAECTING CONDEMNATION OF PUEZX UTIL1.N: Dunne I ing waived. : Hughes I I I I I I I I I I I t t + I I 8 I I I I IL OF- CITY CF CAZLSBAD AUT~~-P@I&IZING { Atkinson I EASEVBNT, was adopted by title only and further read- ! Neiswendc f ! I 1 CITY MA.NAGER'S RE@Zi%T: I t I I 1 I I I At the previous meeting of the Council Martin and Vina : : S. Hankins requested a waiver of street improvements in i i connection ,with a lot split and the matter was referred to : : the staff. However, a letter has been received from I I i Martin and Vina S. Hankins, dated March 23, 1965, re- ; ; questing the matter deferred for the present time. I I i Proclamation - "Boys" Club 5; eek". The City Manager i i informed tine Council a letter has been received from Mr. I : Donald a. klolly, President of the Board of Directors of ; i the Boys' Club, requesting the City Council to proclaim : i the week of April 4 to A.pril 11, 1965 as Boys' Club T; eek i : in the City of Carlsbad. I I : ! ; With the consent of the Council the Mayor proclaimed tne i i week of April 4 to April 11, 1965 as "Boys' Club 5 eak" ; : in the City of Carlsbad. : Request to operate Security Patrol - L. C. Settle. A re- I i quest has been received from L. C. Settle, requesting : ; permission to operate a Security Patrol in tine City of i i CarIsbad. This matter was referred to the Chief of Police : and he has no objections. i By motion of the Ccuncil permission was granted to L. C. i Atkinson i Settle to operate a Security Patrol in the City of Carlsbad: Dunne I I I I I 8 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I i Neiswende I ; Hughes I I I I ! e 1 * I 4 I ! ! I I I I I I I I I 8 I I I I I I 1 I b I t I I I I 8 I I I I ,* I ', \ ', 8\ \, I 3 \'\ I I * I ', ',. 't. '8, I 4 8" I I \'\ I I X\ , '\ \ ' '< I -8- i Name '\,''$ 8 : of '3 I I I I I :""""""""""--"""""""""""""""""""""""-.""-~""""""". : Member I 4 8" I I \'\ I I X\ , '\ \ ' '< I -8- i Name '\,''$ 8 : of '3 I I I I I :""""""""""--"""""""""""""""""""""""-.""-~""""""". : Member i sequest for exteasion of time for tentative map 2 E! ~h- i ; mino Mesa Subdxision. Mr. Jerry L; Qorhbotis, Presi- i : ??$t of Pacific Vista Fstates, Inc. has requested a one : i year extension on the tentative map of El Camino Mesa i i Subdivision. The staff recommends that a one year ex- ' ; tension be granted, with the provision that underground ; I ! ; utilities and ornamental street lights be installed. t I ! By motion of the Council a one year extension was grantei Atkinson i for the Tentative map of El Camino Mesa Subdivision, i Dunne i with the provision that underground utilities and street : Neiswende: ; lights be installed. i Hughes i dequest to reroute water pipeline - Marjorie Ai. Sanford. i I By letter dated, Marjorie iz. Sanford, has I : requested the City to participate in the cost of rerouting a; I 18" pipeline that runs almost diagonally across her entire i : parcel of land, located approximately at aighland Dr. and: i Forest Ave., as the City will not allow her to build within! ; 2"' of the total length of the pipe, which would make sub- : I division virtually impossible. I I I 8 " 0 I I I * * I I 1 I i Mr, Johnston of the Viater Department informed the Gounj : cil they had made a study of this problem. ,Tlnis line is ; i part of the main transmission line from San Luis &ey to i : deservoir $2. The City's past policy has been that the ; i property owner bear the cost of relocating a pipeline 100%; : The life expectancy of this line is from IC to 22 years. I I I There is a 2G' easement for this line, and the estimated i : cost toremove the line would be $8,854.06. The property! i owner is requesting tne City to share the cost of relocat-; : ing the line. I I : By motion o:f the Council the request for City participation: Atkinson i in the cost of relocating the pipeline was denied. i Dunne I I I I I I : Neiswender 4 I I f i l9lughes 8 & I i PAYMENT CF BILLS AND L~P-TIFICATION CF PAYAOLL:; i Authorization was given for the payment of bills for the : I I I t ; general expenses in the amount of $10,960.53 and for the : ! Eater Department in the amount of $12,876.40, for the i Atkinson I period March 16, 1965 to April 6, 1965, as certified by : Dunne : the Finance Department and approved by the Auditing ComiNeiswender i mittee. : Hughes i datification of the payroll was given for the last half of !Atkinson : March, 1965$, in the amount of $18,914.70, as certified : Dunne i by the Finance Department and approved by the auditing \ Neisw ender : Committee. : i3ughes I I 1 I I I I a : ADJCURNMENT: - I I I I ! I : By proper motion the meeting was adjourned at 8: 15 P. M, \ : dtespectfully submitted, I I I I I t I I I I I 9 L I i 'rnC,L&$ &,<,& F, L&L/L& /= : MAL3@A;2ET E. ADAMS i City Clerk I I I t t * I I I I 3 1 ! I + I I I * ! 0 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I t I # t e ! I I * I I I I 8 I * I 4 I !